Week 4 FBAP Schedule (ALL Kaplan Complete Issue Spotting Essay Writing)

download Week 4 FBAP Schedule (ALL Kaplan Complete Issue Spotting Essay Writing)

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Transcript of Week 4 FBAP Schedule (ALL Kaplan Complete Issue Spotting Essay Writing)

  • Essays (Florida Essays & Multiple Choice Questions Book)

    Sunday, June 1st

    Read and issue spot the July 1996, Q003 essay (Contracts) and read the sample outline and essay answer. Keep a running list of the issues in

    each topic.

    Monday, June 2nd

    Read and issue spot the July 1995, Q002 essay (Torts) and read the sample outline and essay answer. Keep a running list of the issues in

    each topic.

    Tuesday, June 3rd

    Read and issue spot the July 1995, Q003 essay (Contracts) and read the sample outline and essay answer. Keep a running list of the issues in

    each topic.

    Wednesday, June 4th

    Read and issue spot the February 2000, Q002 essay (Torts) and read the sample outline and essay answer. Keep a running list of the issues in

    each topic.

    Thursday, June 5th None

    Friday, June 6th None

    Saturday, June 7th

    Read and issue spot the February 1997, Q002 essay (FL Con Law) and read the sample outline and essay answer. Keep a running list of the

    issues in each topic.

    Week 4, Beginning June 1st, 2014 NSU-CSP-FBAP Schedule (Kaplan Complete Issue Spotting & Essay Writing Schedule - ALL LOCATIONS)

    *** Follow your online Kaplan schedule and add in the assignments above ***