C#4.0 Week 3: WINDOWS PROGRAMMING Chapter 15 in “Beginning Visual C# 2010” ebook Chapter 4 in “”MCTS_Self-Paced_Training_Kit” ebook


Week 3: WINDOWS PROGRAMMING. Chapter 15 in “Beginning Visual C# 2010” ebook Chapter 4 in “”MCTS_Self-Paced_Training_Kit” ebook. 4. GroupBoxes and Panels. Arrange components on a GUI GroupBox es can display a caption Text property determines its caption Panel s can have scrollbar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Week 3: WINDOWS PROGRAMMING

C#4.0Week 3:


Chapter 15 in “Beginning Visual C# 2010” ebook Chapter 4 in “”MCTS_Self-Paced_Training_Kit”



4. GroupBoxes and Panels Arrange components on

a GUI GroupBoxes can display

a caption Text property determines

its caption Panels can have scrollbar

View additional controls inside the Panel

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GroupBoxes and Panels

GroupBox Properties


Common Properties Controls The controls that the GroupBox contains. Text Text displayed on the top portion of the

GroupBox (its caption). Fig. 12.19 GroupBox properties.

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GroupBoxes and Panels

Panel Properties


Common Properties

AutoScroll Whether scrollbars appear when the Panel is too small to hold its controls. Default is false.

BorderStyle Border of the Panel (default None; other options are Fixed3D and FixedSingle).

Controls The controls that the Panel contains. Fig. 12.20 Panel properties.

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GroupBoxes and Panels

Fig. 12.21 Creating a Panel with scrollbars.

Controls inside panel panel

panel scrollbars

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GroupBoxes and Panels

Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming


The FlowLayoutPanel Control The FlowLayoutPanel control is a subclass of

the Panel control Unlike the Panel control, however, the

FlowLayoutPanel dynamically repositions the controls it hosts when it is resized at either design time or run time

Like the Panel control, the FlowLayoutPanel control is scrollable

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The FlowLayoutPanel Control

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Properties Description AutoScroll Whether scrollbars appear when the FlowLayoutPanel

is too small to hold its controls. Default is false. BorderStyle Border of the Panel (default None; other options are

Fixed3D and FixedSingle). FlowDirection Determines the direction of flow in FlowLayoutPanel.

Can be set to LeftToRight, RightToLeft, TopDown, or BottomUp.

WrapContents Determines whether controls will automatically wrap to the next column or row when the FlowLayoutPanel is resized

Controls The controls that the Panel contains.


The SplitContainer Control The SplitContainer control creates a

subsection of the form where Splitter divides SplitContainer into two SplitterPanel controls that function similarly to Panel controls.

The SplitContainer.Dock property is set to Fill by default.

SplitContainer exposes its two child SplitterPanel controls through its Panel1 and Panel2 properties

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The SplitContainer ControlPROPERTY DESCRIPTIONBorderStyle Represents the visual appearance of the TabPage border. It

can be set to None, which indicates no border; FixedSingle, which creates a single-line border; or Fixed3D, which creates a border with a threedimensional appearance.

IsSplitterFixed Determines whether the location of Splitter is fixed and cannot be moved by the user

Orientation Determines whether Splitter is oriented horizontally or vertically in SplitContainer. It can be set to Horizontal or Vertical.

Panel1 Exposes the properties of the SplitContainer control’s Panel1.

Panel2 Exposes the properties of the SplitContainer control’s Panel2

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Dialog Boxes (dlg prefix) Predefined standard dialog boxes for:

File Open and Saving Printing and Previewing Color selection Font selection

Add the Common Dialog control to form Appears in the Component Tray, pane at bottom

of Form Designer where nondisplay controls are shown

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Drag common dialog to form

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Common Dialog Controls OpenFileDialog SaveFileDialog FontDialog ColorDialog PrintDialog PrintPreviewDialog

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Property Font: Gets or sets the selected font.

Property ShowEffects whether the dialog box contains controls that allow the user to specify strikethrough, underline,Color.

Property Color: Gets or sets the selected font color

Method Showdialog():

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ColorDialogProperty Color : get/set color select by the userProperty FullOpen: True/false, whether the controls used to create custom colors are visible when the dialog box is openedMethod Showdialog():Displays a dialog box user interface

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colorDialog1.FullOpen=true;colorDialog1.Color = Color.Red;colorDialog1.ShowDialog();lblDisplay.ForeColor = colorDialog1.Color;

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OpenFileDialog - SaveFileDialog Property FileName: Gets or sets a string containing the

file name selected in the file dialog box. Property Filter which determines the choices that

appear in the "Save as file type" or "Files of type" box in the dialog box.

Property FilterIndex: Gets or sets the index of the filter currently selected in the file dialog box.

Property InitialDirectory: Gets or sets the initial directory displayed by the file dialog box.

Property Title: Gets or sets the file dialog box title. Method Showdialog():

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The Button, CheckBox, andRadioButton Controls Button

Text Click (event)

CheckBox Checked CheckState ThreeState CheckedChanged (Event)

RadioButton Checked CheckedChanged (Event)

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Check boxRadio


The ListBox Control The ListBox control is the simplest of the list-

based controls and serves primarily to display a simple list of items in an easy-to-navigate user interface from which users can select one or more items

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The ListBox and ComboBox Control ListBox tool

lst prefix Simple List Box with/without scroll bars

ComboBox tool cbo prefix List may allow for user to add new items List may "drop down" to display items in

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The ListBox and ComboBox Control

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DropdownCombo Box

SimpleCombo Box

DropdownList Box


The ListBox ControlPROPERTY DESCRIPTIONItems Returns the collection of items contained in this control.MultiColumn Indicates whether this item shows multiple columns of

items or only a single item.SelectedIndex Gets the index of the selected item or, if the

SelectionMode property is set to MultiSimple or MutilExtended, returns the index to any selected item.

SelectedIndices Returns a collection of all selected indexes.SelectedItem Returns the selected itemSelectedItems Returns a collection of all selected items.SelectionMode Determines how many items can be selected in a list


GetSelected returns true if property at given index is selecte

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Common ListBox Methods

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METHOD DESCRIPTIONItems.Add() Add the item into ListBox

Items.RemoveAt(int Index) Removes the Item at the specified index within the collection

Items.Remove(object value)

Removes the specified object from the collections

Items.Clear() Removes all items from the collection

ClearSelected() Clears all selections in the ListBox.

FindString() Finds the first string in the ListBox beginning with a string you specify

GetSelected() Returns a value that indicates whether an item is selected.

SetSelected() Sets or clears the selection of an item.

ToString() Returns the currently selected item.


The ListBox, CheckedListBox, andComboBox Controls

methoda. <MyListBox>.Items.Add(“MyListItem”)

lstMyListBox.Items.Add(“cat”);b. <MyListBox>.Items.RemoveAt(Index)

lstMyListBox.Items.RemoveAt(3);c. <MyListBox>.Items.Remove(String)

lstMyListbox.Item.Remove(“cat”);d. <MyListBox>.Items.Clear()

lstMyListBox.Clear();e. <MyListBox>.SetSelect(index, True/Fale)

lstMyListBox.SetSelect(3,True);e. <MyListBox>.ClearSelect()

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ComboBox Control The ComboBox control is similar to the

ListBox control, but, in addition to allowing the user to select items from a list, it provides a space for a user to type an entry.

Additionally, you can configure the ComboBox to either display a list of options or to provide a drop-down list of options

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ComboBox ControlPROPERTY DESCRIPTIONDropDownHeight Sets the maximum height for the drop-down box.

DropDownStyle Determines the style of the combo box. Can be set to Simple, which is similar to a ListBox; DropDown, which is the default; or DropDownList, which is similar to DropDown but does not allow the user to type a new value.

DropDownWidth Sets the width of the drop-down section of the combobox.


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The CheckedListBox Controls CheckedListBox displays a list of items to

users and allows them to select multiple items by checking boxes that are displayed next to the items.

Any number of items can be checked, but only one item can be selected at a time.

You can retrieve a collection that represents the checked items by accessing the CheckedItems collection

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The CheckedListBox ControlsPROPERTYCheckedIndices Returns a collection that represents all the checked

indexesCheckedItems Returns a collection that exposes all the checked

items in the controlItems Returns the collection of items contained in this control

MultiColumn Indicates whether this control shows multiple columns of items or only a single item

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The DomainUpDown and NumericUpDown Controls DomainUpDown (dud)

Items ReadOnly SelectedIndex SelectedItem Sorted SelectedItemChanged (Event)

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The DomainUpDown and NumericUpDown Controls NumericUpDown (nud)

Increment Maximum Minimum Value ValueChanged Event

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The MonthCalendar andDateTimePicker Controls

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MonthCalendar properties and an event

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DateTimePicker Control The DateTimePicker control enables the user

to set a date, a time, or both in an easy-tounderstand graphical interface similar to a ComboBox control

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DateTimePicker properties and an event

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The Timer, TrackBar, andProgressBar Controls The Timer _ tmr

Enabled Property Interval Property Start() Method Stop() Method Tick Event

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The TrackBar Controls The TrackBar control provides a simple

interface that enables the user to set a value from a predetermined range of values by graphically manipulating a slider with the mouse or keyboard commands.

This enables the user to rapidly set a value from a potentially very large range.

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The TrackBar Controls

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PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONLargeChange The number of positions the slider moves in response to

mouse clicks or the Page Up and Page Down keys.Maximum The maximum value for TrackBar.Minimum The minimum value for TrackBar.SmallChange The number of positions the slider moves in response to

arrow key keystrokes.TickFrequency The number of positions between tick marks on TrackBar.TickStyle Indicates where ticks appear on TrackBar.Value The value returned by TrackBar.


The Timer, TrackBar, andProgressBar Controls ProgressBar (prg)

Maximum Property (100) Minimum Property (0) Value Property (0)

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The TabControl The TabControl control enables you to group

sets of controls in tabs, rather like files in a filing cabinet or dividers in a notebook.

TabControl serves as a host for one or more TabPage controls, which themselves contain controls.

The user can switch between tab pages (and the controls contained therein) by clicking the tabs on TabControl

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The TabControl

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PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONAppearance Determines the visual style of TabControlAlignment Determines whether the tabs appear on the top, bottom,

left, or right of the tab controlMultiline Determines whether more than one row of tabs is

allowed on the tab controlTabPages Represents the collection of TabPage controls hosted by

TabControlAutoScroll Determines whether TabPage will display scroll bars

when controls are hosted outside the visible bounds of the panel

BorderStyle Represents the visual appearance of the TabPage border

Text Represents the text displayed on the tab in the tab control that represents this TabPage


ToolTips We demonstrated tool tipsthe helpful text that

appears when the mouse hovers over an item in a GUI

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Menus (mnu prefix) Menus provide groups of related commands for

Windows applications

separator bars Checked menu item

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Menu Design Standards

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New (Ctrl N) Open (Ctrl O) Close Save As Save (Ctrl S) Print (Ctrl P) Exit

Undo(Ctrl Z) Cut (Ctrl X) Copy(Ctrl C) Paste (Ctrl V) Find (Ctrl F) Replace (Ctrl H)

File Menu Edit Menu


The MenuStrip Control The MenuStrip control is essentially a ToolStrip control

optimized for the display of ToolStripMenu items. The MenuStrip control derives from ToolStrip and can

host all the tool strip items described in the previous lesson. Its primary function, however, is to host ToolStripMenu items.

ToolStripMenuItem controls are the controls that provide the visual representation for items on a menu. They can appear as text, an image, or both and can execute code found in their ToolStripMenuItem

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The MenuStrip ControlPROPERTY DESCRIPTIONAllowMerge Indicates whether this menu strip can be merged with

another tool strip.LayoutStyle Indicates how the controls on the tool strip are laid out

ShowItemToolTips Indicates whether tool tips for individual tool strip items are displayed.

TextDirection Indicates the direction of the text in controls hosted in the tool strip.

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ToolStripMenuItem properties

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PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONAutoSize Determines whether the menu item is automatically sized

to fit the text.Checked Determines whether the menu item appears as selected.

CheckOnClick Determines whether the menu item is automatically selected when clicked

CheckState Returns the CheckState value of the menu item. CheckState can be Checked, Unchecked, or Indeterminate.

DisplayStyle Determines how the tool strip menu item is displayed.

DoubleClickEnabled Determines whether the DoubleClick event fires.

DropDownItems Contains a collection of tool strip items (usually, but notnecessarily, tool strip menu items) that appear in thedrop-down list when this item is chosen.


CREATING MENUS AND MENU ITEMS To create an access shortcut (or keyboard


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CREATING MENUS AND MENU ITEMS To create an access shortcut (or keyboard


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To add other shortcut keys (e.g., <Ctrl>-F9)

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Adding Separator Bars to Menus You can add a separator to any submenu at

design time by choosing Separator from the drop-down box in the menu item design interface.

Using “-”

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MenuStrip and ToolStripMenuItem an event.

Click Generated when an item is clicked or a shortcut key is used. This is the default event when the menu is double clicked in the designer

DropDownOpened Occurs when Dropdown hasoOpened

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Context Menus and the ContextMenuStrip Control All controls that can display a context menu

expose a ContextMenuStrip property that represents the context menu associated with that control

A context menu is invoked when the user right-clicks a control.

You can set this property at design time in the Properties window.

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The StatusBar Control Alignment Property AutoSize Property BorderStyle Property Icon Property Style Property ToolTipText Property

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The ToolBar Control Buttons Property ButtonClick Event ImageList Property SendToBack() Method ShowToolTips Property

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CREATING MDI APPLICATIONS Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Windows

Single Document Interface (SDI) Multiple Document Interface (MDI)

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CREATING MDI APPLICATIONS ActiveMdiChild Property IsMdiContainer Property MdiChildActivate Event MdiChildren Property MdiParent Property LayoutMdi() Method

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Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Windows

ArrangeIcons Cascade

LayoutMdi( MdiLayout.ArrangeIcons); LayoutMdi( MdiLayout.Cascade);

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Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Windows

TileHorizontal TileVertical

LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.TileHorizontal); LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.TileVertical);

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Form Splash

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Form Splash FormBorderStyle = None; StartPosition = CenterToScreen; TopMost = true;

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Form Splashstatic void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles();

Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); frmFlashForm f = new frmFlashForm(); f.ShowDialog(); if (f.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { Application.Run(new frmFormMain()); }}

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Form Splash private void timer1_Tick(object sender,

EventArgs e) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; timer1.Enabled = false; }

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Form About

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Mouse-Event Handling Mouse events can be handled for any control

that derives from class System.Windows.Forms.Control MouseEventArgs (object as arguments ) MouseEventHandler (requires an object )

Class MouseEventArgs contains information related to the mouse event, such as the mouse pointer's x- and y-coordinates, the mouse button pressed (Right, Left or Middle) and the number of times the mouse was clicked

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Mouse events and event arguments

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EX: Using the mouse to draw on a Form.

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EX: Using the mouse to draw on a Form.

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Keyboard - Event Handling Key events occur when keyboard keys are

pressed and released. Such events can be handled for any control

that inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Control

There are three key events KeyPress, KeyUp and KeyDown

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Keyboard - Event Handling The KeyPress event occurs when the user presses a key

that represents an ASCII character The specific key can be determined with property

KeyChar of the event handler's KeyPressEventArgs argument

The KeyPress event does not indicate whether modifier keys (e.g., Shift, Alt and Ctrl) were pressed when a key event occurred

If this information is important, the KeyUp or KeyDown events can be used

The KeyEventArgs argument for each of these events contains information about modifier keys

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Keyboard events and event arguments

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