Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis...

Evolution Review: 3.4.1 1. What is a fossil? 2. How does it provide evidence for evolution? 3. What is comparative anatomy? 4. How does it provide evidence for evolution? 5. What is biochemical evidence? 6. How does it provide evidence for evolution? 7. What did Miller/Urey do? 8. How did this show that life could be created from the materials present on early earth? 9. What is the endosymbiotic theory? 10. How does it show the evolution of eukaryotic cells? 11. What is the difference between abiogenesis and biogenesis?

Transcript of Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis...

Page 1: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

Evolution Review: 3.4.1

1. What is a fossil?

2. How does it provide evidence for evolution?

3. What is comparative anatomy?

4. How does it provide evidence for evolution?

5. What is biochemical evidence?

6. How does it provide evidence for evolution?

7. What did Miller/Urey do?

8. How did this show that life could be created from the materials present on early earth?

9. What is the endosymbiotic theory?

10. How does it show the evolution of eukaryotic cells?

11. What is the difference between abiogenesis and biogenesis?

12. How do Lamarck and Darwin’s ideas compare?

Page 2: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

Evolution Review: 3.4.1

MUST ANNOTATE QUESTIONS TO GET CREDIT!1. Fossil records indicate that species changes generally

A. stop when a species forms.B. speed up with stable conditions.C. take place over many generations.D. are independent of the environment

2. Which statement best explains why evolution is classified as a theory?

A. It is a set of hypotheses supported by scientific findings.B. It has been proved by valid scientific experiments.C. It explains observations more simply than other available models.D. It is accepted by a majority of scientists working in relevant fields.

3. The endosymbiotic theory of eukaryote evolution states that organelles in eukaryotic cells are derived from bacteria. Which statement is the strongest evidence in support of the endosymbiotic theory of eukaryote evolution?

A. Eukaryote organelles contain DNA similar to bacterial DNA.B. Eukaryote organelles stop functioning outside of a plant cell.C. Eukaryote organelles are similar in size and shape to bacteria.D. Eukaryote organelles can reproduce through sexual reproduction.

4. The fossil record provides evidence of change and common ancestries in organisms. The diagram is a portion of the fossil record that shows the common ancestry of certain organisms.

A. Crocodiles appear in the fossil record before turtles. C. Birds and crocodiles devloped seperately from turtles.B. Turtoles are a common ancestor of snakes and lizards. D. Turtles and birds are the most closely related.

Page 3: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

Evolution Review: 3.4.2

1. Who came up with the theory of natural selection?

2. What is natural selection?

3. What determines whether traits are selected for or against in a population?

4. Why is variation needed in a population for natural selection to occur?

5. In a forest there are two types of squirrels: brown and white. The brown squirrels are starting to increase and the white squirrels are starting to decline.

a. What variation is present?

b. Which variation is favorable?

c. How will the population change over time?

6. Create your own natural selection scenario below.

Organism chosen:

Variations present:


Favorable Variation:

How will the population change over time?

Page 4: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

Evolution Review: 3.4.2

MUST ANNOTATE QUESTIONS TO GET CREDIT!1. In which situation is speciation most likely to occur?

A. A large number of the population is exposed to a viral infection.B. A few members of the population develop mutations in somatic cells.C. A large number of the population migrates over a great distance.D.

A few members of the population are isolated from the others.

2. Which is most likely responsible for the chinch bugs’ ability to survive repeated exposure to insecticides?

A. species diversityB. genetic diversityC. ecosystem diversityD. population diversity

3. Which best explains why antibiotics lose their effectiveness over a period of years?

A. Antibiotics break down very quickly when digested in the body.B. Antibiotics can kill bacteria only within the first few hours of illness.C. Antibiotics are effective at first but become weak before killing off harmful bacteria.D. Antibiotics are effective at killing some bacteria, but the stronger bacteria survive and reproduce.

4. Albinism is a condition in which organisms have little to no skin pigmentation. As a result, their skin color is white or whitish. The lizard on the left has normal pigmentation, while the lizard on the right is an albino and lacks skin pigmentation.

Which statement best explains the significance of the albino condition in lizards?

A. They tend to reproduce at higher rates than normal lizards.B. They are rarely attacked because they are generally well camouflaged.C. The lizards tend to live longer because their skin is not affected by the Sun.D. The lizards rarely reproduce because they are more susceptible to predators.

Page 5: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

Evolution Review: 3.5.1

1. What is classification?

2. What are the seven layers of classification?

3. Which layer is the most general?

4. Which level is the most specific?

5. What is binomial nomenclature?

6. What two classification layers are used to name organisms?

7. What is the difference between a common name and a scientific name?

8. Which two species are more closely related and WHY?

Ursus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo

9. If organisms share the same Order, what else do they share?

10. If organisms share the same Genus, what else do they share?

Page 6: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

Evolution Review: 3.5.1

MUST ANNOTATE QUESTIONS TO GET CREDIT!1. What is the most specific layer of classification?A. GenusB. SpeciesC. OrderD. Kingdom

2. How is today’s classification system different from the past?A. Today we classify all organisms into two kingdoms: plants or animals.B. Today we classify organisms by their common names only.C. Today there is less technology available and we only use structures to classify organisms.D. Today there is more technology available and we can structures and DNA to classify organisms.

3. An organism that is eukaryotic and autotrophic would belong to which kingdom?A. AnimalB. PlantC. FungiD. Bacteria

4. Which two organisms are the most closely related?A. Organisms that share the same order.B. Organisms that share the same kingdom.C. Organisms that share the same genus.D. Organisms that share the same phylum.

5. Use the information in the table to answer the question that follows.

Scientific Classification

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Chordata

Class Reptillia

Order Testudines

Family Emydidae

Genus Terrapine

Species Carolina

What is the correct scientific name for the organism classified above? A. Reptilia testudinesB. Chordata reptilia

Page 7: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

C. Emydidae terrapineD. Terrapine carolina

Evolution Review: 3.5.2

1. What is a cladogram/phylogenic tree?

2. What is a dichotomous key?

3. Classify the following organisms:

4. Which species are more closely related?

Page 8: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

5. Which species are least related?

Evolution Review: 3.5.2

MUST ANNOTATE QUESTIONS TO GET CREDIT!1. Why do scientists classify organisms?

A. To compare organisms to the past and present.B. To debate where organisms belong.C. To show that not all organisms are the same.D. To be able to group organisms and determine if they are similar evolutionarily.

2. A scientist sees the organism shown below in an aquarium and uses a key to help classify the species.

Based on the key above, what species did the scientist observe?

A. spotted moray eelB. spotted eagle rayC. glassy sweeper

Page 9: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

D. glasseye snapper

3. A student found a small unfamiliar animal. It had small ears and its tail had hair on it. The tail was 19 mm long. Use the following key to identify the animal.

What is the animal?

A. deer mouseB. prairie voleC. white-footed mouse

Page 10: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

D. woodland vole

4. Which organisms are most closely related?

A. Owl and Eagle

B. Hare and Squirrel

C. Eagle and Fox

D. Bear and Squirrel

Evolution Review: 3.4.3

1. What is a disease?

2. What are examples of diseases?

3. What is natural selection?

4. How does a disease affect a population?

5. How does disease affect natural selection?

Page 11: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

6. What are antibiotics used for?

7. Why are pesticides used?

8. How do antibiotics develop resistance?

9. How do insects develop resistance?

10. How is resistance and example of natural selection?

Evolution Review: 3.4.3


1. Some antibiotics used to treat infections in humans are also used to treat chickens, but some groups oppose this practice. The overuse of the antibiotics will most likely influence the natural selection of which type of organisms?

A. chickens that naturally make the antibioticsB. microbes that are resistant to the antibioticsC. microbes that are susceptible to the antibioticsD. chickens that are resistant to infection

2. Why do you have to get vaccinated for the flu every year?A. The flu virus evolves slowly.B. The flu virus evolves quickly.C. The flu virus never evolves.D. Doctors want to make more money.

3. Which of the following best explains how disease affects natural selection?A. It causes organisms to have more mutations leading to more variation increasing the rate of natural selection in a population.

Page 12: Weeblyncladifferentiate.weebly.com/.../evolutionremediation.docx · Web viewUrsus arctos and Felis catus or Panthera tigris and Panthera leo 9. If organisms share the same Order,

B. It causes organisms to have less mutations leading to less variation and decreasing the rate of natural selection.C. Regardless of variation, disease can affect multiple individuals causing a widespread decrease in population.D. Disease will only affect individuals less fit for that environment and aid in natural selection.

4. A farmer sprayed his orange trees with a pesticide to eliminate the insects damaging the trees. At first, he noticed the pesticide was very effective and eliminated most of the insects. He produced lots of oranges and made money. However, he noticed that after a few months, the pesticide was no longer working. Why is this?

A. It gave insects time to adapt and become resistant to the pesticides.B. Insects learned to fly away from the trees when the farmer was spraying the pesticides.C. Different insects started coming to the trees and the pesticides did not work on them as well

as the other insects.D. Some insects were naturally resistant to the pesticide, where able to survive, reproduce and

pass on their genes leading to a larger resistant population of insects.