wednesday communique



oklahoma, weekly newsletter, indian nations presbytery

Transcript of wednesday communique

Page 1: wednesday communique
QUICK CALENDAR Oct. 6, COM Oct. 9, Stated Meeting, @Edmond, 8:30am Oct. 12, Resourcing Congregations Comm Mtg @OKC (FPC-INP), noon Notice: INP hopes to have the supplemental packet available for download no later than Thursday morning, Oct. 8. Please make sure that your commissioners have the packet material berfore the Presbetery meeting. For questions: you may e-mail Jean at [email protected].
Mission Yearbook Prayer Lord, help us to remember that you have called us to be your faithful servants in all parts of the world. Thank you for filling our hearts with love for others. Amen.
Sep. 30, 2009
Looking Ahead and Making Plans? Make Sure to Include Montreat!
OKLAHOMA SPONSORING COMMITTEE By “just living” we mean two things: embodying God’ call to justice in our daily lives and “living simply so that others may simply live.” - Enough for Everyone
09806 September 21, 2009 Spreading the word Second World Mission Challenge will reach 152 presbyteries BY BETHANY FURKIN PRESBYTERIAN NEWS SERVICE LOUISVILLE — Starting next week, dozens of mission co-workers will visit presbyteries across the country as part of the second World Mission Challenge. From Sept. 25-Oct. 18, 45 mission speakers will visit 152 presbyteries, telling stories of how they’ve seen God at work in the world. The challenge will end with the World Mission Celebration, an educational and networking event Oct. 22-24 in Cincinnati.[Read More]
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09825 September 25, 2009 Mission Challenge ’09 speakers commissioned Mission workers, international peacemakers will visit 152 presbyteries BY JERRY L. VAN MARTER PRESBYTERIAN NEWS SERVICE Guatemala mission worker Dennis Smith (left) and Hunter Farrell, director of Presbyterian World Mission. LOUISVILLE — With hymns, prayers, scripture readings, dessert and exhortations to get plenty of rest, 46 Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission workers from around the world were commissioned for the church’s month-long “Mission Challenge ’09” last night (Sept. 24). Today, they fan out throughout the church, where between now and Oct. 21 they will visit congregations and other groups in 152 of the denomination’s 173 presbyteries, telling their stories of ministry and mission and seeking stronger ties with mission-minded Presbyterians. Russia mission worker Gary Payton (left) and Bill Young, executive director of the Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship. The mission workers will be joined by 11 International Peaceamakers — representatives of PC(USA) partner churches around the globe, who will tell their stories of working for and witnessing for peace in some of the world’s most troubled places. The International Peacemaker program is sponsored by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program. [Read More]
09829 September 28, 2009 Adaptation Hudson: creating change environment challenges pastors, congregations BY Jerry L. Van Marter Presbyterian News Service LOUISVILLE — Most Presbyterian pastors are not adequately equipped to lead their congregations through the changes that are necessary to adapt to 21st century life, the Vocation Committee of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s General Assembly Mission Council (GAMC) was told here Sept. 24. “Most people have a ‘change threshold’ — a point past which they just can’t handle it,” the Rev. Jill Hudson, middle governing bodies coordinator for the council and the Office of the General Assembly, said in a presentation she entitled “Barbecueing the Sacred Cows: creating the change environment.” “So do congregations,” said Hudson, who has worked at all levels of the PC(USA) in the areas of leadership and congregational development, “but most pastors don’t really know where that threshold is or how to identify it.” [Read More]
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09820 September 24, 2009 GA special committee unanimously recommends adoption of Belhar Confession Anti-apartheid creed can lead way to multicultural church, Austin says BY Jerry L. Van Marter Presbytery News Service LOUISVILLE — A special committee authorized by the 218th General Assembly (2008) has announced that it will recommend to next summer’s 219th Assembly that the Belhar Confession be added to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’ Book of Confessions. Amending the Book of Confessions requires a two-thirds vote by two successive General Assemblies plus a two-thirds ratification vote by the denomination’s 173 presbyteries between Assembly ballots. The confession was written in 1982 and adopted in 1986 by the Dutch Reformed Mission Church in response to the apartheid system of racial separation in South Africa. It declared apartheid a sin and the church’s theological justification of it as heresy. [Read More]
09819 September 24, 2009 Big Tent garners high ratings from participants First-ever gathering drew 1,500 and broke even, GAMC is told BY Bill Lancaster Special to Presbytery News Service LOUISVILLE — Organizers of the first-ever Big Tent event this summer in Atlanta told the General Assembly Mission Council meeting here Sept. 22-25 that the gathering exceeded every expectation. The Big Tent brought together 10 Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) ministry conferences in one place June 11-13. It was conceived as a “family gathering” in the off years between General Assemblies to celebrate the church’s ministry and mission without the encumbrance of parliamentary procedure and difficult decision-making that characterizes the Assembly legislative sessions. Curtis Kearns, executive administrator of the GAMC, said conference planners were aware of the risk of staging a major event in a down economy “The launch team thought that holding a denominational gathering in 2009 would be a bold, faithful move by the General Assembly Council [as it was then called]. It represented a statement in the face of the possibility that it would lose money,” Kearns said. [Read More]
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GAMC0936 September 28, 2009 New online training launched for Educator Certification Advisors Contact: Emily Enders Odom, (336) 508-6394 Greensboro, N.C. — Through the strategic acquisition of significant new e-learning software, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Office of Vocation is now able to offer online, interactive training for Educator Certification Advisors, the primary advocates for Christian educators seeking certification in the PC(USA). Effective immediately, nearly 140 Educator Certification Advisors across the PC(USA) — appointed by their presbyteries to serve in a ministry of support, advocacy and leadership with educators who are in the process to be certified — now have the opportunity to be resourced and prepared for their critical role on their own computers and on their own time. The savings to the denominational budget will be significant, as both the travel time and expenses for key Vocation staff and elected committee members will be substantially reduced, allowing more resources and energy to be directed toward other aspects of the certification process. [Read More]
Due to your interest in the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program, and as a part of the Council, we thought that you might be interested in learning about some programs of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) that are related to eco-justice concerns. In April the Environmental Ministries Office re-opened to implement the 1990 General Assembly policy “Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice” and to serve as a resource for presbyteries, congregations, and church members who are interested in care for creation issues. To learn more about the PC(USA)’s programs on environmental issues and ways that you can get involved, please visit the website, subscribe to the e-newsletter, or read the blog. The Presbyterian Washington Office is the public policy information and advocacy office of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Its task is to advocate, and help the church to advocate, the social witness perspectives and policies of the Presbyterian General Assembly. The church has a long history of applying these biblically and theologically-based insights to issues that affect the public — maintaining a public policy ministry in the nation's capital since 1946. This fall, the Washington Office will be engaging in, and inviting Presbyterians to participate in the national debate on climate change legislation. To learn more and to subscribe to the e-newsletter “Witness in Washington Weekly,” visit the Washington Office website. The Enough for Everyone Program calls Presbyterians to live as global disciples by evaluating our lifestyle choices both as individuals and as congregations in order to help create better lives for those living in injustice. Enough for Everyone sponsors programs to help individuals and congregations make these lifestyle changes, such as Just Living, Presbyterian Coffee Project, Electric Stewardship, Sweat-Free T-shirts, Oikocredit, Eco-Palms, and the Global Marketplace. To learn more about Enough for Everyone, go to their website. There you can subscribe to the e-newsletter and link to the Enough for Everyone blog.
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Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) MRTI implements the General Assembly's policies on socially responsible investing (also called faith-based investing) by engaging corporations in which the church owns stock. This is accomplished through correspondence, dialogues, voting shareholder proxies and recommending similar action to others, and occasionally filing shareholder resolutions. To learn more, visit the MRTI website. We hope that these resources are helpful to you in your environmental ministry. The journey to restoring creation inspires us to work in community. Join us! [Read More]
Dear friends, The Center for Lifelong Learning, in conjunction with the Presbytery of St. Andrew, invites you to share this information with clergy and educators in your presbyteries. The Presbytery of St. Andrew welcomes colleagues from neighboring presbyteries to join them at Camp Hopewell for this event. Contact information for the event is included, below. Please contact them directly, as Ann Kelly is coordinating registration for this event. October 19-20 St. Andrew Presbytery Partnership Event Lord and Christ: the Original Politics of Christmas (Lectionary Texts for Advent and Christmas) Stan Saunders, professor of New Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, will lead this event for members of the St. Andrew Presbytery and others interested in digging into the Gospel and some Epistle texts for the coming liturgical seasons. Monday evening will also feature a session on Apocalyptic Ecology: The New Creation and the Redemption of the World. For additional information or to register, contact Ann Kelly at 662 234 2254 x 115 or [email protected]. Program fee for participants outside the presbytery $100 includes housing and meals at Camp Hopewell, Oxford, MS. Many thanks, and have a lovely weekend, Sarah Rev. Sarah F. Erickson Director of Lifelong Learning The Center for Lifelong Learning Columbia Theological Seminary PO Box 520 701 S. Columbia Drive Decatur, GA 30031 404-687-4526 phone 404 687 4591 fax
Here’ a wonderful opportunity to help a stroke victim in need, also to earn some money Might you have a spare room and a big heart to help a kind, high-functioning stroke victim until he can return as soon as possible to his family in Germany? Urgently needed: Temporary, affordable one-room furnished housing with a television for Mr. Haval SABRI, who’ a high-functioning, 54 year old stroke victim. In addition, he would need transportation for food shopping, occasional medical appointments, and if it were possible, one warm meal daily or occasionally. Please contact Christine or Greg. Together in touching lives with the love of Jesus Christ, Christine and Greg Callison U.S. cell phone (until Oct. 27): 513-746-1405 (for Chris) or-1403 (for Greg) E-mail: [email protected]
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Hurricane Ike – The Forgotten Storm Video resources Most people have forgotten about Hurricane Ike. It was that storm that came ashore during the 2008 elections, missed New Orleans and was downgraded to a category 2. For the most part, news coverage and the public moved on to other things. But it is vividly remembered by the people still striving to recover. Hurricane Ike, a storm the size of Texas and the third most destructive hurricane to hit the United States, devastated southeast Texas with a storm surge up to 20 feet. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is appealing for others to remember Hurricane Ike. One year after the storm, less than $300,000 was received to assist families who lost their homes. Those funds have been expended and PDA is over budget as we continue to respond to needs in the region. Needed just as much as funds are volunteers to help with the rebuilding efforts. A five-minute video is available to share with your congregation and encourage them to take part in witnessing to the healing love of Christ by helping families impacted by Hurricane Ike. Order your free copy of the DVD, Hurricane Ike – the Forgotten Storm. [Read More]