Weddings in China

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  • 8/8/2019 Weddings in China


    Weddings in China

    How the occasion creates unique Opportunitiesacross a

    wide range of business sectors

    Fall 2008

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    | Copyright 2008 Grail Research, LLC 2

    In 2007, ~ 9.5 MM couples were married in China

    Weddings are highly seasonal with about 25% to 30% taking place duringthe May and October holidays1

    Chinas wedding industry2 reached USD 265 Bn in 2007

    The industry is forecasted to grow at a rate of 10% to 20% in next 3 years

    Increased spending on weddings in China is being driven by economic

    and cultural change

    To capture significant revenue from this large and growing market, firmsare:

    Developing targeted products

    Implementing specialized pricing and promotions Placing products in strategic locations

    Staging events and giveaways to attract attention

    Weddings in China

    Executive Summary

    Note: 1May Holiday is International Labors Day and October Holiday is National Day. 2Includes wedding day expenses (i.e. products and services for weddingceremony) and wedding-related expenses (i.e., house, furnishings, etc.)

    Source: China Wedding Industry Service Association; Statistics Center under China International Wedding Expo Committee; Expert interviews; News release;Grail analysis

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    9.5 MM couples were married in China in 2007

    16% annual growth since 2005

    Spike in 2006 due to Golden Pig Year1 in 2007

    More than USD 265 Bn was spent on wedding and wedding-related items in 2007

    Total wedding expenses have grown at a rate of 31.6% since 2005

    Spend is focused in urban areas (70% of wedding day expenses) Spend on wedding-related items is higher (USD 155 Bn) and growing faster

    (38%) than spend on the actual wedding event (USD 110 Bn, 22%)

    Weddings in China

    Market Facts

    The number of weddings in China and the amount spent surrounding thewedding occasion rose significantly from 2005 to 2007

    Note: 1Golden Pig Year occurs once every 60 years and Chinese believe babies born in this year will have a lucky and wealthy life

    Source: China Wedding Industry Development Report (2006 - 2007), Statistics Center under China International Wedding Expo Committee, March 2006; ChinaWedding Service Market Development Analysis in 2006, Department of Commerce, 2007; Grail analysis

    Total Wedding ExpensesTotal Number of Weddings


    MM USD Bn9.59.5


    2005 2006 2007













    Wedding Day Expenses

    Wedding-Related Expenses

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    Cultural Drivers One-Child Policy Parents can and want to give their child a

    dream wedding

    Parents pay for at least 20% of wedding expenses for almosthalf of all couples

    14% of couples have at least 80% of wedding expensesfunded by parents

    Traditional Living Arrangements Young people live withtheir parents until marriage; a new house (and associatedpurchases) are a significant part of wedding-related expenses

    Generation Characteristics - Todays culture places muchmore emphasis and value on individuality; young people spendmore money on their wedding and household to reflect theirpersonal tastes and sensibilities

    Economic Drivers

    Growing Economy Increase in disposable income and improved economic outlook have ledto newlyweds willingness to invest more than 30% of their savings in their wedding occasion

    Spending Habits Availability and cultural acceptance of debt has led to newlyweds usingcredit cards and bank loans as funding vehicles for their wedding expenses

    Weddings in China

    Key Drivers

    Increase in wedding spending is being driven by cultural realities and economicchanges taking place in China

    Source: China Wedding Industry Development Report (2006 - 2007), Statistics Center under China International Wedding Expo Committee; Chinas NationalStatistics Bureau; Chinas Central Bank; News release

    The majority of

    wedding couples were born

    in 1980s. Most of them are

    the only child in the

    families and thus, their

    parents would spend largeramounts of money on their


    weddings to ensure they

    have a good wedding.

    -Sales Manager forWedding Service Company

    Wedding consumption

    behaviors of the current

    generation are featured with

    impulse, reckless, and eruptive

    consumption. Parents of thenewlyweds are ready to invest

    their lifelong savings as well as

    time and efforts into a great

    wedding for their only child.

    -General Secretary, the Committeeof Wedding Service Industries

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    Staging Events to

    Attract Media Coverage


    Specialized Pricing and


    Weddings in China

    Businesses are Adapting to Take Advantage

    Placing Products



    Targeted Products

    Weddings Create Unique BusinessOpportunities for Product and

    Service Providers






    Automobile Electronics





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    Developing Targeted Products

    Developing products tailoredaround the wedding event


    Engaged couples are an important consumersegment due to their strong purchasing power,and manufacturers/providers compete for theirbusiness by creating products specificallytargeted at the wedding market

    Wedding-related purchases include more than 70categories of products and services

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    Examples of Targeted Products1

    Manufacturers are creating products specifically targeted to the preferences and needs ofnewlywed couple setting up their first home

    - Sales Manager for a Wedding ManagementService Company in Beijing

    People buyJin Liu Fu(a popular Chinese whitewine brand), because they like the name. (Jinmeans gold, Liu wealth and Fu bless)

    There are some newlyweds who applied forbankloans to fund their weddings The newlywedsmindset is very much different as compared ten yearsago as they now embrace credit consumption

    - General Secretary for the Committee of Wedding Service

    Industries under China Association of Social Workers

    Novelty Items

    Galanz, the largest home appliance manufacturer in China,launched its China Red series (all the products are paintedred) to attract the discerning eye of the fashionable youngcouple

    Quanxing, a major Chinese white wine maker, created the520 brand to target wedding banquets ( the pronunciationof 520 is similar to that of I love you in Chinese)

    Candy manufacturers offer packaged candies suggestive ofromance and bliss as the perfect wedding favor

    Financial Services

    Personal bank loans are offered to meet the unique financialneeds of newlyweds

    The Bank of Jiangsu launched a new credit card offering upto CNY 50,000 (~USD 7,000) credit to cover weddingexpenses

    Pricing With Lucky Numbers

    Many vendors (particularly jewelry makers and wine sellers)cater to Chinese tradition, setting the prices of their weddingproducts at lucky numbers. The prices might include the

    number 9 for longevity, 6 for luck, and/or 8 for wealth

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    Implementing Specialized Pricing

    Applying pricing strategies toboost sales


    Newlywed couples purchase a wide range ofproducts and services in a short period of time(normally in 2-3 months)

    This creates an opportunity for product and serviceproviders to bundle their products or services anddevelop special discounts to gain an edge overcompetitors

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    I purchased all the stuff for my new wedding house by

    joining agroup purchase organizationwhere I

    bought everything at one stop at very favorable prices.

    The wedding management service company also

    helped me get everything done in a total package

    Examples of Specialized Pricing2

    Product and service providers use discounts and bundles to capture their share ofnewlywed spending

    - Newlywed from Shanghai

    - Sales Manager for a Well-Known ChineseWhite Wine Distributor

    Sometimes other products likecigarettes and

    wedding candiescould also bebundledwith

    wedding wines.

    Bundling Products

    Fivestar, an electronics chain retailer, held a promotional

    campaign in 2007 targeting newlyweds Bundles of electronics and home appliances were offered

    at a high discount

    Bundles accounted for 70% of revenue during promotion;~ 90% of bundles were purchased by couples setting upnew homes

    In 2007, Jin Liu Fu, a wine provider, collaborated withLaofengxiang Jewelry to bundle wine and jewelry in weddingpackages

    HaoTian Wedding, a wedding planning company in Chengdu,partnered with the provider of Love you for 10,000 years wineto sell the wine as a part of its wedding management services

    Bulk Sales

    Tuangou, the practice of arranging large scale grouppurchases, has migrated to the web and now such sites offerwedding-related products and services

    Newlywed Discount

    In 2006, Nanjing FIAT car company held a sale offeringnewlywed couples a discount of CNY 3,888 (USD 555) on the

    purchase of a new car

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    Placing Products Strategically

    Strategically placing products toreach target buyers


    In the relatively unstructured wedding market, it isdifficult to reach target buyers and stand out fromcompetitors

    Placing products in locations frequented bycouples planning weddings helps providers attractbusiness

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    Getting exposure in the right places can really give businesses an edge over thecompetition

    Examples of Product Placements3

    To seize the chances of contacting consumers, wenormallyexhibitsome bottles of ourweddingwinesin the offices of wedding service providers, orset up aexhibition shelfin the restaurant of fivestar hotels

    Webookedthewedding photography service

    at theWedding Expo There weremore visual

    displaysas references to help us tomake a


    - Newly-Married Professional

    - Sales Manager for a Well-Known ChineseWhite Wine Distributor

    Wedding Venues

    Vendors place advertisements targeting engaged couples at

    certain sites to create touch points with prospective customers: Local Civil Affair Bureaus where couples register for


    Photo studios where wedding photos are taken

    Hotels where wedding ceremonies are held or that arepotential honeymoon destinations

    Wedding Expos

    Each year wedding vendors exhibit at wedding expos and

    attend industry promotion fairs in major Chinese cities (e.g.2007 Chinese International Wedding Expo featured 250+vendors from 30 countries)

    Potential vendors often offer discounts at events to encourageimmediate purchases (e.g. Tourbillon Watch and Jinfo Watchoffered a 30% discount at a 2008 exhibition)

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    Staging Events and Giveaways to Attract Attention

    Creating novel events and giveawaysto fuel brand awareness


    To promote their products and services, vendorslook beyond advertising and product placementto attract attention to their offerings

    Sponsoring weddings and contests can buildreputation and prominently associate a brandwith the wedding occasion

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    Sponsoring weddings and sweepstakes attracts media coverage and helps build brandawareness and association

    4Examples of Events and Giveaways

    Weddingshave taken on other social functions.For example, public relations shows(i.e., avendor holds a wedding for their clients) andsocialnetworking opportunitiesfor thenewlyweds and their parents.

    - Industry Analyst in Chinese Wedding Association

    It is acommon practicefor real estatedevelopersto sponsor wedding-themedmarketing activities.

    Contests and Giveaways

    In 2006, Gu Loulan, a wine manufacturer, offered Chery QQ

    cars for the wedding ceremonies of 6 couples who bought theirwine

    Jinsihou, a major wedding candy maker, offered free weddingdress rental to its customers

    Quanxing, a Chinese white wine maker, gave away aninstruction guide on wedding ceremonies and held publicwedding culture education road shows to build their reputationand boost sales

    - Industry Analyst in China Wedding Association

    Sponsored Weddings

    Traditional Chinese white wine maker, Xifeng, sponsoreda 34 couple wedding event in Baoji city in 2007 to

    promote its specially-designed catering services

    Jiangmen photography studio group, Guangdong Sese,sponsored a package in 2008 that included a collectivewedding ceremony, photography services and ahoneymoon trip

    Id if i U i B i O i i i Chi

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    Identifying Unique Business Opportunities in China

    How can we help your organization?

    Grail Research Firm of Choice for Market Intelligence in China

    Local office in Beijing

    Experienced, talented, multilingual staff

    Extensive primary and secondary research expertise in the regionacross a wide range of industries

    Deep local knowledge (information sources, databases, vendors,industry contacts, etc.) and relationships to access unpublished


    Focused on getting clients the answers they need to makeimportant strategic decisions

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    For More Information Contact:Grail Research([email protected])

    Copyright 2008 by Grail Research, LLC

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