Wedding Hire Checklist for Party

Wedding Hire Sydney Checklist for Your Party

Transcript of Wedding Hire Checklist for Party

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Wedding Hire Sydney

Checklist for Your Party

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Looking for a wedding hire Sydney? Good. Nothing beats getting the assistance of experts when it comes to sourcing the equipment for your dream wedding. They have everything you'll need to organise a party and make sure it's enjoyable not just for guests, but also for you and your spouse too. But that will not happen if you forget to hire equipment that are actually crucial for your party. And helpful as they are, equipment providers can only do so much to make sure everything is in the bag. So, how do you make sure you don't forget to rent important stuff? Read this and use this short wedding party hire checklist now.

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Tent. Unless you already have a roofed venue for your party, get this. Otherwise, set up a few party covers. They will serve as shelter in case the skies throw a tantrum on your special day. These are waterproof and are easy to set up. Some companies will even erect these tents or marquees for you, so you can focus on other parts of the party. A typical party cover will be able to shelter 10 people in an area of 3x3m. There are larger tents you can choose from. Ask your wedding hire Sydney about both party and event tents to be sure.

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Flooring and Stage. After the church wedding, you'll need a stage for the party. Carpeting is mostly available so you won't need to step on hard concrete surfaces, in case that's what the venue can provide. You can also notch it a step up by going for wooden flooring. This will need some time so be sure to inform your wedding party hire company in advance. You can also choose artificial grass, which has a nice feel to it. As for stage, a makeshift one will do as long as it is sturdy.

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Table and Chairs. Unless you want a standing ovation all throughout the party, these two items are a necessity. It's important to consider the number of guests because you don't want to have some people standing up because you ran out of chairs. One thing you should also consider is the colour of the furniture. White or black is best so ask your wedding hire Sydney if they have these two options. These colours are neutral and can easily blend with any theme.

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Sound and Lighting. You need professional public address or PA systems. The system should at least include microphones, amplifiers, and speakers. As for the lighting, you will need at least a spotlight for people taking the stage, such as speakers and performers. If you want to take the party to the next level, you might want to get party lights as well. Enquire with your wedding party hire if they have these packages.

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Helpful Gadgets. There are machines that will help make your party more fun and more convenient. So, if you can ask your wedding hire Sydney, ask them about coffee machines, mobile bars, cocktail machines, and choc fountains.

By Party Hire Sydney
