Webster City freeman (Webster City, Hamilton County, Iowa ...€¦ · Geo. Bryan will have a neat...

"I " ' ~ 1 ' ' Jfe iinmiiiiiiiiiini** NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES iillll IIH MM* 11111'! >•••' ^ West Fremont. •' Andrew Koestner of Illinois la here looking after his farm and vis- iting his brothers, Henry and John. Mr. and Mrs. Knute Williams, •who have been staying at the John Snell home the past two months left today for Sioux City to make their future home. The house of Mrs. Chester Tay- lor burned to the ground last Friday night. Some furniture was saved. It was partly covered by insurance. Winslow Stark left Saturday to take up his college work in Des Moines. " TC 7 '' Mulberry Center. ... Everybody is planning on seeing " President Taft and eating water , melons Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. .T. A. Berleen visit *ed her father last Tuesday and Wed- nesday. The Leisure Hour club met with Mrs. E. E.Ashpole last Thursday. The box social held at Mulberry last Friday evening was well at- tended and- netted the churoh about fifty dollars. Chris Linden of Hartley is visit Jng at the Geo. Huffman home. z'Jr Howard Sherman of Williams was an over Sunday visitor with his uncle, Ad Sherinan.- .. . ^ f - r Sept. 25. % 'will Cass Center. The L. A. S. will meet next Wed needayv at-the home of Mrs. F. M Bosworth. S. W. Wade of Osage is visiting relatives in this vicinity. \ Ra,lph Jewett, who has been working for W. B. Fielder, returned home Saturday. Mr., and Mrs. Walter Merritt and baby spent Sunday at Frank Boi- worth's, C. A. Smith and family visited Sunday; at the Edward Humble home. The services Sunday were well attended' in spite of the threatening weather. ^. -•> i Sept. 25. Jewell. J: % -rffe Weirham Bros, held a s very successful sale today, this being their forth annual sale. >'-/ The Webster City boosters were In towni this morning advertising Watermelon Day andjhe presence, of President Taft. "v Mrs. Lou Williams' was over from Ellsworth today visiting her sister. The electric .lights are on in full : blast John Glamoni came down from tne northern part of the state for a few days visit with his family. - The Aulger Bro's show are in town today. They have a first class band mod all the appearance of be- ing a first class show. Claud Campbell, editor of the Jewell Record, returned Thursday from a sixteen days vacation in Colo? rado and other western points. Agent Cheever gave his daughter Beulah, a bran new piano for a birthday present this week, and now she is the happiest girl in town. ; Mrs. A. A. Hottle and children of Slater are visiting with her relatives here this week. Sept. 22. Kamrar. o jf&j 0. M. Farr has accepted a position 'with the-^oldest and largest music dealer in Reading, Pa. He will re- pair pianolas and all kinds of self playing instruments and do general tuning. Mr. Farr will not return v. to Kamrar till spring. ' Mrs. H. O. Wells was a Webster City visitor Saturday. Miss Dena Degroot went to Hub- bard Friday to attend the funeral of a friend. K ~ i Mrs. J. H. "fieei and Mrs. E. D. Waterman visited' friends in Web- ster City Saturday. : Mrs. Blackstock visited friends here the latter part of last w6ek while on her way to Des Moines for an over Sunday visit with friends, before going to Chicago. F. M. Bibler was a Webster City caller Monday. ? Miss Carrie Sampson, who Is teaching near Stanhope, spent Sun- day with her parents hene. Mrs. Anderson and daughter of Pleasant Hill spent Thursday at the Rev. Wood home. * Rev. Blackstock arrived in town Monday evening for a short visit while on his way to Chicago to re- sume his school duties the-coming year. * Rose Grove. The farmers' ^elevator 'meeting In the city hall in Williams last Satur- day was a complete success and a resolution was passed to secure Mr. 0f Mason City to give us a > reie on the subject one week 16 Saturday afternoon. Attorney «P»fattice of Webster City was A Subscribed for four shares, and gave us a short entertaining talk after considerable persuasion. Geo. Bryan will have a neat lit- tle cellar put under his house occu- pied by his son, Ernest, and family. Chris Hoversten's large farm house is enclosed and about ready for the plasterers. —Ohas. Coles is boss carpenter on the big Sullivan job. Peter Hill has put concrete floor- ing into his big, new barn, built by Jack Aumiller and gang. Saylor Franklin is doing splen- did work grading roads in Williams township. We are going to Webster City Taft Day to see President Water- melon. Blairsburg, ; Mrs. Bonebright of Webster City visited friends here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McNee visit- ed in LeMars and Sioux City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Webster City spent Friday and Saturday at the Frank H. Shafer home. Mrs. Geo. Cooper visited in Web- ster City last week . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McNee spent Sunday with friends in Aldeto. Mrs. J. W. Sayre and children are visiting her parents in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Horns of Stanwood spent Friday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith and daugh- ter of Sibley, III., came Friday to spend the winter at W. J. Alforl's. A few Blairsburg people attended the show in Webster City Monday •night ,, A. R. Gardiner was a business visitor in Des Moines over Sunday. Miss Delia Shafer entertained a few of -the young people at her home Thursday evening. - . * Personal Briefs 1 mm It b NowTime Yoli Were Interested QB. InTh^lewWlGoodk And we are ready to show them to you. _ Many line* are already in and being sold—others are being marked and placed on sale nearly every day now. We welcome the op- portunity to show you these new goods, even though you do not come to buy. -- * Our Fall 1911 Stock Will Surpass All previous ones, not only as regards extenaivenes of as- sortments but as to the attractiveness of the values offered. The remainder of our Smw»er Goods are now of. ^ v" fered at practically your own price. None car- ^ ried over. You can buy them now for l<»» than f r the cost to the manufacturer to make them. ; EXTRA SPECIAL! PRISE DAY on all SUMMER WAISTS. Come in and see the new prices that will be a revelation to you— 30 CENTS AND UP. J. P. METCALF 4 SON, The Store That Does Things..: —Mrs. M. E. Layne, who has been visiting relatives here since her re turn from Montana a month ago, left last night for Brooklyn, N. Y., where she will reside with a daugh- ter. —Mrs. T. H. Hines and two chil- dren, whd have been spending the. summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Woodruff, left yesterday for Los Angeles, Cal., to reside ? —Rev. and Mrs. John Knox Hail and the former's brother, W. L. Hall, will arrive in the city this ev- ening for a visit with the Dr.. Boy- pen family. Rev. and Mrs. Hall are from Denver, Col., and W. L. Hall is a resident of Minneapolis, where joined-the former, who are mak- ing the trip overland In their c^r. Rev. Hall Is fn ,sld_ schoolmate of Dr. Boysen. ^ —Mrs. F. E. Whitley and sister, Miss Leona Call, left today for Des Moines, where they will attend the regular meeting of the board of the Iowa State Federation of Woman's Clubs. —Miss Gladys Mauch is home from a visit with relatives in Mar- shalltown. —Miss Kate LaValley Is home from a visit with friends in Minne- apolis. —Mrs. John Osterson of Fort Dodge arrived here yesterday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. J. Mc- Call and husband. —Guyon Whitley arrived home today from a visit with friends in Omaha. •*," 1 —Tom B. Keftrne visited friends in Eagle Grove last evening. —Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Rlghter of Kamrar are Webster City visitors today. —Dr. Alex McCracken is home from a few days business visit in Chicago. —Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Waldman returned to their home In Omaha yesterday, after an over Sunday visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Tyler. —Mrs. Alice Allen, who makes her home with ber sister, Mrs. A. H. Gumey, is home from a three months trip to Colorado Springs and other points west. /\ * 2' —Harry Oilman, who has* been spending the past two weeks travel- ing, arrived home last night from the north to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oilman, of Boone street. —Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tungclas and granddaughter, Miss Florence, are off on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Stahl and other friends In Otfceola. —Wyatt Lyon and Homer Butter, who left for Chicago Sunday with a carload of the former's cattle, ar- rived home this morning. . —Mrs. Tlce Strevler and Miss An- na Clary of Blairsburg were visitors here today. —Frank A. Gates of Des M61nes. brother of airs. J. D. Hunter, spent a few hours In town today while on a business trip to Iowa Falls and other points east. —Mrs. Warner, who has been vis- iting here with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Golden and husband, left last even- ing for ber home in Prophetstown, 111. —Mrs. Maude Hurt and sister, Mrs. Wilson Helmick, are spending the day In Fort Dodge. —Mrs. A. R. Gardiner of Blairs- burg visited ... here .today with friends. -x7^,v : ' ^ MTS. W. S. Weston and little son went to Ames yesterday for a short visit. They will also visit ! n "ty? Des Moines a short time. , , V - (From Monday's Dally).~< MT. and Mra. W. J. Ruppel of Fayetteville, Arkansas, arrived In the city . Saturday ,for a few days stay, called by the: serious Illness of Mrs. R's mother,, Mrs. Katherine Closz. Mr. Ruppel and family re- moved to Arkansas some sixteen years ago and thalr-old friends; here will be glad to know they are get- ting along well. —-^Don Haeger and Tony Schlader of Eagle Grove spent. Sunday^ in the city with friends >4^ " * \—Mrs. Millie Near-Bridensteln of Fort Dodge spent Sunday here ,with her mother, Mrs. Kate Near. —Miss Dorothy Pond returned to- day to her home in Dubuque aftor an extended visit here at the home of Miss Hazelle McComb. ^ —Miss Rose Pearson returned to her home in Iowa Falls today after an over Sunday, yislt here with friends. ^ . V; —Mrs. M. J. Dawson and daugh- ter, Miss Mae, of Otho, spent Sunday in the city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Peterson. ; —Theo. Halllgrlm returned Sat u(day to his home in Valparlso, In- diana, after a visit at the J. B. Stark home, near this city. ; —Winslow Stark left Saturday for Des 'Moines to resume his studies at Drake University. —Miss Vinnie Johnson of Eagta Grove spent Sunday in the city at the home of Miss Belle Wyckoff. —Arthur Steffler of Des Moines spent Sunday here with friends. —Mrs. Kate McComb arrived home last evening from a visit with relatives in Blairsburg. .7 ' —Miss Audrey Youkem and Leo Johnson of Eagle Grove visited friends here Saturday. —Miss Anna Boster, who has been visiting for a time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and with other friends, left today for her home in Minneapolis. —Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Emple and little son left Saturday for Des Moines, where they will visit for a week before going to Marsh alltown —Miss Myra Northcraft of Eagle Grove spent Sunday In the city at the home of Miss Eva Thompson. —Mrs. W. C. Moses of LaCross, Wis., arrived here last evening for a visit at the home of her sister. Mrs. A. E. Anderson and family.- —Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Shirk o? Blairsburg are in the city on busi- ness today. —Mrs. Milton J. Mattice left to- day for a visit In Wisconsin and al- so in Chicago. She will be joined in Chicago by her father, D. D. Rus- sell, who is visiting there and will return home with him. —Mrs. Jennie Deady of Orescoe is a guest in the city at the home of Mrs. Margaret D. Kelly. —Miss Bess Sldenstucker of Jewell visited friends here today. —Miss Esther Fiddler of Des Moines arrived bere today for a visit at the home of Miss Hazel Odor. —Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Everit sad daughter, Miss Glee, left today for " V .i . 4V •*>+•• NAME COMMITTEE ON RECEPTION Commercial League Select Gentle- * ^ men who are to Receive ' ^wi^ent Taft."^ :r ^ i; '' /? i - VS'Wt Ig*. -15'fi The board of directors of the commercial league held a meeting last evening in the office of Mayor Sparboe in the city hal'l. Much rou tine business was handled in con' nection with Webster City's big. cel- ebration next Thursday. The com- mittee appointed to meet President Taft was selected. This committee is made up in relation to the official positions the members happen to occupy in relation to the city gov- ernment, etc., rather than to any prominence they may have as citi- zens of Webster City. The- follow- ing were chosen: H. M. Sparboe, ihayor of the city. C. H. Richeson, president of the commercial league. D. C. Chase, senator from this district^ F. J. Lund, representative from this district. Ex-Senator J. L. Kamrar. ; - ^ One representative from each ''f the local newspapers. The mayor will Introduce Presi- dent Taft after the party arrives at the speaker's st^nd In the _ city park. Fifty men will be appointed to police the-streets along the route the presidential party will take In their automobiles. The. corners wll be roped oft at all intersections of streets passed by the presidential party to keep vehicles of all kinds from interfering with the passago of the autos from the Illinois Cen- tral depot to the city park. No vehicles of any kind will be allowed upon the streets through which- the presidential party will pass on their way to the park, where the exercises are to be held. / their home in Pittsburg, Penn., a f ter an extended visit in the -city at the home of Mrs. Laura Bassham.' —Miss Gertie RIsh went to Wool- stock today for a short visit. —Mrs. A. I. Hart went to'lien- wick today on a short business trip. —-Mrs. Chas. Weise is spending the day in Fort Dodge. , ^ |§g Unclaimed Letters. , f Following Is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the Webster C'ty postoffice for the week ending vS. dftrf'S-t Sept. 26, 1911: Baker Bros. Anderson Belt. Miss Grace Clark, Robt. H. Eby. H. N. Hill. Mrs. H. Jamisen. ^53 ^ t Rev. J%*A. Norton. - •* If not called for in two weeks will be sent" to dead letter ofltce. Washington, D. C. R. G. Clark, P. M. After the first of next month, the price of ice to private families will he advanced from 30 cents to 50 cents per hundred, larger consum- ers In proportion. Our present sea- son's supply of ice is exhausted and from this on we are' compelled to buy from outside dealers In order to supply our customers, v ; ^ 26d4fl Zublln ft Garth. The Service We Render /he Well Dressed Hen of This Town is in the ^4 Merchandise We Sell as wtll as The Way We Sell It. You find not only the best Clothes and other things to wear here, but you find a lot of it. Good stuff, .first of all, and plenty to choose from. The great Pall and* Winter stock of KUPPENHEIMER &C10THCFMFT FINE SUITS ANO OVERCOATS are now ready lor you." 7 ^ > You'll be particularly interested in the special showing we make in SUITS ani OVERCOATS from $ 15« 00 TO $25.00. You never saw anything to equal them at the price. Youf HAT Isliere, that is the style and shade that you desiie—STET- SONS and GIMBBLS. VP•>.; Have you seen the NEW SILK NECKWEAR?;. : A large assort*, ment to select from at 25*50-75c. Full line of Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats and Suits. 7 LADIES, MISSES AND CHILOHErS CLOAKS AID FURS. LOUIS FRANK, THE LEADING CLOTHIER. d-Mf ODD FELLOWS IN - WEBSTER CITY TODAY Second Annual District Convention is now in Session in - * This City. The Odd Fellows have the right of way In Webster City today, the occasion being the second annual district convention of that order. Many visitors are present and the members are enjoying themeelves^in real Odd Fellow style. The Wool- stock band arrived here this morn- ing and is enlivening the proceed- ings with music. This afternoon a competitive ex- emplification of the first degree is to be held between the lodges from Ames and Eagle Grove in Elmo lodge hall. This will be followed by awarding of the trophy by the judges, after which a business meet- ing will be held. A band concert and the entertaining of visiting Re- bekabs in the lodge room of Web- ster City lodge in Syndicate block, is also on the program this after- noon. This evening' an Interesting pro- gram of speaking, etc., will be car- 0FFICIA1 CHICAGO MAKER. Open High Low Close Sept. Dec. May. v\'' Sept. Dec. May. .-•Tt- Dec. May. WHEAT. . 94% 95% . 98M, 99% 1.04% 1.05% ^ CORN. . "68% . 68% . 63% 64% .65% 68 OATS. . 42% 47%~ .. 49% 59% 95% 98% 98% 1.04% 1.04% 68% 68% 63% 64 65% 65% 47 ' : 47% 49% 50 Hogs estimated 19,000. Open 5 to 10 lower; close 15 lower. Top $6.90 '' , Cattle 7500. Close slow. & THE I0CAI HARXZT8. Corn fit to If Oats, new and old 40 Hogs «6.00 to ff.Zf Butter ..... 16 to 19 Eggs II, rled out at the armory opera house. This meeting will be open to tha general public and everybody Is in- vited to attend. Grand Master, H. C. Ring, of Cedar Baplda, will make an address and there will be sever- al talks by local speakers. H. A. Mason, painting and paper hinging. Marti* phone .481. d-tt _

Transcript of Webster City freeman (Webster City, Hamilton County, Iowa ...€¦ · Geo. Bryan will have a neat...

"I " ' ~1'' ' Jfe i i n m i i i i i i i i i i n i * *

NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES i i l l l l I I H M M * 11111'! >•••'

^ West Fremont. •' Andrew Koestner of Illinois la here looking after his farm and vis­iting his brothers, Henry and John.

Mr. and Mrs. Knute Williams, •who have been staying at the John Snell home the past two months left today for Sioux City to make their future home.

The house of Mrs. Chester Tay­lor burned to the ground last Friday night. Some furniture was saved. It was partly covered by insurance.

Winslow Stark left Saturday to take up his college work in Des Moines. • "

TC7'' Mulberry Center. . . .

Everybody is planning on seeing " President Taft and eating water , melons Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. .T. A. Berleen visit *ed her father last Tuesday and Wed­nesday.

The Leisure Hour club met with Mrs. E. E.Ashpole last Thursday.

The box social held at Mulberry last Friday evening was well at­tended and- netted the churoh about fifty dollars.

Chris Linden of Hartley is visit Jng at the Geo. Huffman home.

z'Jr Howard Sherman of Williams was an over Sunday visitor with his uncle, Ad Sherinan.- .. . ^ f -

r Sept. 25. % •

'will Cass Center. The L. A. S. will meet next Wed

needayv at-the home of Mrs. F. M Bosworth.

S. W. Wade of Osage is visiting relatives in this vicinity. \ • Ra,lph Jewett, who has been working for W. B. Fielder, returned home Saturday. • Mr., and Mrs. Walter Merritt and baby • spent Sunday at Frank Boi-worth's,

C. A. Smith and family visited Sunday; at the Edward Humble home.

The services Sunday were well attended' in spite of the threatening weather. ^. -•>

i Sept. 25.

Jewell. J: % -rffe Weirham Bros, held as very

successful sale today, this being their forth annual sale.

>'-/ The Webster City boosters were In towni this morning advertising Watermelon Day andjhe presence, of President Taft. "v

Mrs. Lou Williams' was over from Ellsworth today visiting her sister.

The electric .lights are on in full : blast

John Glamoni came down from tne northern part of the state for a few days visit with his family.

- The Aulger Bro's show are in town today. They have a first class band mod all the appearance of be­ing a first class show.

Claud Campbell, editor of the Jewell Record, returned Thursday from a sixteen days vacation in Colo? rado and other western points.

Agent Cheever gave his daughter Beulah, a bran new piano for a birthday present this week, and now she is the happiest girl in town. ;

Mrs. A. A. Hottle and children of Slater are visiting with her relatives here this week.

Sept. 22.

Kamrar. o jf&j 0. M. Farr has accepted a position

'with the-^oldest and largest music dealer in Reading, Pa. He will re­pair pianolas and all kinds of self playing instruments and do general tuning. Mr. Farr will not return

v. to Kamrar till spring. ' Mrs. H. O. Wells was a Webster

City visitor Saturday. Miss Dena Degroot went to Hub­

bard Friday to attend the funeral of a friend. K ~ i

Mrs. J. H. "fieei and Mrs. E. D. Waterman visited' friends in Web­ster City Saturday. : Mrs. Blackstock visited friends here the latter part of last w6ek while on her way to Des Moines for an over Sunday visit with friends, before going to Chicago.

F. M. Bibler was a Webster City caller Monday.

? Miss Carrie Sampson, who Is teaching near Stanhope, spent Sun­day with her parents hene.

Mrs. Anderson and daughter of Pleasant Hill spent Thursday at the Rev. Wood home. *

Rev. Blackstock arrived in town Monday evening for a short visit while on his way to Chicago to re­sume his school duties the-coming year. *

Rose Grove. • The farmers' ^elevator 'meeting In the city hall in Williams last Satur­day was a complete success and a resolution was passed to secure Mr.

0f Mason City to give us a > reie on the subject one week

16 Saturday afternoon. Attorney «P»fattice of Webster City was

A Subscribed for four shares,

and gave us a short entertaining talk after considerable persuasion.

Geo. Bryan will have a neat lit­tle cellar put under his house occu­pied by his son, Ernest, and family.

Chris Hoversten's large farm house is enclosed and about ready for the plasterers.

—Ohas. Coles is boss carpenter on the big Sullivan job.

Peter Hill has put concrete floor­ing into his big, new barn, built by Jack Aumiller and gang.

Saylor Franklin is doing splen­did work grading roads in Williams township.

We are going to Webster City Taft Day to see President Water­melon. • •

Blairsburg, ; Mrs. Bonebright of Webster City

visited friends here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McNee visit­

ed in LeMars and Sioux City last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Webster City spent Friday and Saturday at the Frank H. Shafer home.

Mrs. Geo. Cooper visited in Web­ster City last week .

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McNee spent Sunday with friends in Aldeto.

Mrs. J. W. Sayre and children are visiting her parents in Minnesota.

Mr. and Mrs. Horns of Stanwood spent Friday with friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. Griffith and daugh­ter of Sibley, III., came Friday to spend the winter at W. J. Alforl's.

A few Blairsburg people attended the show in Webster City Monday •night ,,

A. R. Gardiner was a business visitor in Des Moines over Sunday.

Miss Delia Shafer entertained a few of -the young people at her home Thursday evening. - .

* Personal Briefs 1


It b NowTime Yoli Were Interested

QB. InTh^lewWlGoodk

And we are ready to show them to you. _ Many line* are already in and being sold—others are being marked and placed on sale nearly every day now. We welcome the op­portunity to show you these new goods, even though you do not come to buy. -- *

Our Fall 1911 Stock Will Surpass All previous ones, not only as regards extenaivenes of as­sortments but as to the attractiveness of the values offered.

The remainder of our Smw»er Goods are now of. ̂v" fered at practically your own price. None car- ̂

ried over. You can buy them now for l<»» than fr

the cost to the manufacturer to make them. ;

EXTRA SPECIAL! PRISE DAY on all SUMMER WAISTS. Come in and see the new prices that will be a revelation to you—


J. P. METCALF 4 SON, The Store That Does Things..:

—Mrs. M. E. Layne, who has been visiting relatives here since her re turn from Montana a month ago, left last night for Brooklyn, N. Y., where she will reside with a daugh-ter.

—Mrs. T. H. Hines and two chil­dren, whd have been spending the. summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Woodruff, left yesterday for Los Angeles, Cal., to reside ?

—Rev. and Mrs. John Knox Hail and the former's brother, W. L. Hall, will arrive in the city this ev­ening for a visit with the Dr.. Boy-pen family. Rev. and Mrs. Hall are from Denver, Col., and W. L. Hall is a resident of Minneapolis, where h« joined-the former, who are mak­ing the trip overland In their c^r. Rev. Hall Is fn ,sld_ schoolmate of Dr. Boysen. ^

—Mrs. F. E. Whitley and sister, Miss Leona Call, left today for Des Moines, where they will attend the regular meeting of the board of the Iowa State Federation of Woman's Clubs.

—Miss Gladys Mauch is home from a visit with relatives in Mar-shalltown. „ —Miss Kate LaValley Is home from a visit with friends in Minne­apolis.

—Mrs. John Osterson of Fort Dodge arrived here yesterday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. J. Mc-Call and husband.

—Guyon Whitley arrived home today from a visit with friends in Omaha. •*," 1

—Tom B. Keftrne visited friends in Eagle Grove last evening.

—Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Rlghter of Kamrar are Webster City visitors today.

—Dr. Alex McCracken is home from a few days business visit in Chicago.

—Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Waldman returned to their home In Omaha yesterday, after an over Sunday visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Tyler.

—Mrs. Alice Allen, who makes her home with ber sister, Mrs. A. H. Gumey, is home from a three months trip to Colorado Springs and other points west. /\ * 2'

—Harry Oilman, who has* been spending the past two weeks travel­ing, arrived home last night from the north to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oilman, of Boone street.

—Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tungclas and granddaughter, Miss Florence, are off on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Stahl and other friends In Otfceola.

—Wyatt Lyon and Homer Butter, who left for Chicago Sunday with a carload of the former's cattle, ar­rived home this morning. .

—Mrs. Tlce Strevler and Miss An­na Clary of Blairsburg were visitors here today.

—Frank A. Gates of Des M61nes. brother of airs. J. D. Hunter, spent a few hours In town today while on a business trip to Iowa Falls and other points east.

—Mrs. Warner, who has been vis­iting here with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Golden and husband, left last even-

ing for ber home in Prophetstown, 111.

—Mrs. Maude Hurt and sister, Mrs. Wilson Helmick, are spending the day In Fort Dodge.

—Mrs. A. R. Gardiner of Blairs­burg visited ... here .today with friends. -x7^,v: ' ^

—MTS. W. S. Weston and little son went to Ames yesterday for a short visit. They will also visit !n

"ty? • Des Moines a short time.

, , V -

(From Monday's Dally).~< —MT. and Mra. W. J. Ruppel of

Fayetteville, Arkansas, arrived In the city . Saturday ,for a few days stay, called by the: serious Illness of Mrs. R's mother,, Mrs. Katherine Closz. Mr. Ruppel and family re­moved to Arkansas some sixteen years ago and thalr-old friends; here will be glad to know they are get­ting along well.

—-^Don Haeger and Tony Schlader of Eagle Grove spent. Sunday^ in the city with friends >4^ " * \—Mrs. Millie Near-Bridensteln of

Fort Dodge spent Sunday here ,with her mother, Mrs. Kate Near.

—Miss Dorothy Pond returned to­day to her home in Dubuque aftor an extended visit here at the home of Miss Hazelle McComb. ^

—Miss Rose Pearson returned to her home in Iowa Falls today after an over Sunday, yislt here with friends. ^ . V;

—Mrs. M. J. Dawson and daugh­ter, Miss Mae, of Otho, spent Sunday in the city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Peterson. ;

—Theo. Halllgrlm returned Sat u(day to his home in Valparlso, In­diana, after a visit at the J. B. Stark home, near this city. ;

—Winslow Stark left Saturday for Des 'Moines to resume his studies at Drake University.

—Miss Vinnie Johnson of Eagta Grove spent Sunday in the city at the home of Miss Belle Wyckoff.

—Arthur Steffler of Des Moines spent Sunday here with friends.

—Mrs. Kate McComb arrived home last evening from a visit with relatives in Blairsburg. .7 '

—Miss Audrey Youkem and Leo Johnson of Eagle Grove visited friends here Saturday.

—Miss Anna Boster, who has been visiting for a time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and with other friends, left today for her home in Minneapolis.

—Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Emple and little son left Saturday for Des Moines, where they will visit for a week before going to Marsh alltown

—Miss Myra Northcraft of Eagle Grove spent Sunday In the city at the home of Miss Eva Thompson.

—Mrs. W. C. Moses of LaCross, Wis., arrived here last evening for a visit at the home of her sister. Mrs. A. E. Anderson and family.-

—Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Shirk o? Blairsburg are in the city on busi­ness today.

—Mrs. Milton J. Mattice left to­day for a visit In Wisconsin and al­so in Chicago. She will be joined in Chicago by her father, D. D. Rus­sell, who is visiting there and will return home with him.

—Mrs. Jennie Deady of Orescoe is a guest in the city at the home of Mrs. Margaret D. Kelly.

—Miss Bess Sldenstucker of Jewell visited friends here today.

—Miss Esther Fiddler of Des Moines arrived bere today for a visit at the home of Miss Hazel Odor.

—Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Everit sad daughter, Miss Glee, left today for

" • V .i . 4V •*>+••


Commercial League Select Gentle-

* ^ men who are to Receive

' ^wi^ent Taft."^:r ^i;''/?i - VS'Wt Ig*. -15'fi

The board of directors of the commercial league held a meeting last evening in the office of Mayor Sparboe in the city hal'l. Much rou tine business was handled in con' nection with Webster City's big. cel­ebration next Thursday. The com­mittee appointed to meet President Taft was selected. This committee is made up in relation to the official positions the members happen to occupy in relation to the city gov­ernment, etc., rather than to any prominence they may have as citi­zens of Webster City. The- follow­ing were chosen:

H. M. Sparboe, ihayor of the city. C. H. Richeson, president of the

commercial league. D. C. Chase, senator from this

district^ F. J. Lund, representative from

this district. Ex-Senator J. L. Kamrar. ; - ^ One representative from each ''f

the local newspapers. The mayor will Introduce Presi­

dent Taft after the party arrives at the speaker's st^nd In the _ city park.

Fifty men will be appointed to police the-streets along the route the presidential party will take In their automobiles. The. corners wll be roped oft at all intersections of streets passed by the presidential party to keep vehicles of all kinds from interfering with the passago of the autos from the Illinois Cen­tral depot to the city park.

No vehicles of any kind will be allowed upon the streets through which- the presidential party will pass on their way to the park, where the exercises are to be held. /

their home in Pittsburg, Penn., af

ter an extended visit in the -city at the home of Mrs. Laura Bassham.'

—Miss Gertie RIsh went to Wool-stock today for a short visit.

—Mrs. A. I. Hart went to'lien-wick today on a short business trip.

—-Mrs. Chas. Weise is spending the day in Fort Dodge. , ^

|§g Unclaimed Letters. , f

Following Is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the Webster C'ty postoffice for the week ending

vS. dftrf'S-t

Sept. 26, 1911: Baker Bros. Anderson Belt. Miss Grace Clark, Robt. H. Eby. H. N. Hill. Mrs. H. Jamisen. ^53 ^ t

Rev. J%*A. Norton. - • •* If not called for in two weeks

will be sent" to dead letter ofltce. Washington, D. C.

R. G. Clark, P. M.

After the first of next month, the price of ice to private families will he advanced from 30 cents to 50 cents per hundred, larger consum­ers In proportion. Our present sea­son's supply of ice is exhausted and from this on we are' compelled to buy from outside dealers In order to supply our customers, v ; ^

26d4fl • Zublln ft Garth.

The Service We Render /he Well Dressed Hen of This Town is in the


Merchandise We Sell as wtll as

The Way We Sell It. You find not only the best Clothes and other things to wear here, but you find a lot of it. Good stuff, .first of all, and plenty to choose from. The great Pall and* Winter stock of


are now ready lor you." 7 ^ >

You'll be particularly interested in the special showing we make in SUITS ani OVERCOATS from

$ 15« 00 TO $25.00. You never saw anything to equal them at the price.

Youf HAT Isliere, that is the style and shade that you desiie—STET­SONS and GIMBBLS. VP•>.;

Have you seen the NEW SILK NECKWEAR?;. : A large assort*, ment to select from at 25*50-75c.

Full line of Boys' and Children's S u i t s a n d O v e r c o a t s a n d S u i t s . 7




Second Annual District Convention

• is now in Session in

- * This City. •

The Odd Fellows have the right of way In Webster City today, the occasion being the second annual district convention of that order. Many visitors are present and the members are enjoying themeelves^in real Odd Fellow style. The Wool-stock band arrived here this morn­ing and is enlivening the proceed­ings with music.

This afternoon a competitive ex­emplification of the first degree is to be held between the lodges from Ames and Eagle Grove in Elmo lodge hall. This will be followed by awarding of the trophy by the judges, after which a business meet­ing will be held. A band concert and the entertaining of visiting Re-bekabs in the lodge room of Web­ster City lodge in Syndicate block, is also on the program this after­noon.

This evening' an Interesting pro­gram of speaking, etc., will be car-


Open High Low Close

Sept. Dec. May.

v\'' Sept. Dec. May.


Dec. May.

WHEAT. . 94% 95% . 98M, 99% 1.04% 1.05% ^ CORN.

. "68% . 68%

. 63% 64%

. 6 5 % 6 8 OATS.

. 42% 47%~

.. 49% 59%

95% 98% 98%

1.04% 1.04%

68% 68% 63% 64 65% 65%

47 ' : 47% 49% 50

Hogs estimated 19,000. Open 5 to 10 lower; close 15 lower.

Top $6.90 '' , Cattle 7500. Close slow. &

THE I0CAI HARXZT8. Corn fit to If Oats, new and old 40 Hogs «6.00 to ff.Zf Butter ..... 16 to 19 Eggs II,

rled out at the armory opera house. This meeting will be open to tha general public and everybody Is in­vited to attend. Grand Master, H. C. Ring, of Cedar Baplda, will make an address and there will be sever­al talks by local speakers.

H. A. Mason, painting and paper hinging. Marti* phone .481. d-tt _