Website Optimization for Lawyers

Law | Design | Technology


Website Optimization for Lawyers

Transcript of Website Optimization for Lawyers

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Law | Design | Technology

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ONE400 is a law innovation agency that helps law firms and legal tech startups build products, create inbound marketing channels and acquire clients and users.

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Get the most out of your site

User ExperienceThe overall experience of a person using a website or computer application, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use.

If a website degrades the user experience too much, people will simply stay away.

Social, Links, OtherSocial Media helps you build an audience that you will eventually market to.

Link building is the process of getting recommendations from other site owners.

We’ll discuss other topics such as engineering as marketing.

Content MarketingContent marketing is any marketing that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire and retain customers.

Content is an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with your target customer, before they’ve experienced it firsthand.

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Your User Experience Goals

1. To create an aesthetically pleasing site that is likely to hold the users attention longer and establish a good first impression

2. To help the user find exactly the type of information or service that they are looking for within seconds of arriving to the site

3. To create lead funnel that drives your visitors to your desired business outcome.

User Experience

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Needs improvement...● http://www.chadprattlaw.




User Experience




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User Experience

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Things to keep in mind1. People scan websites, they don’t always read them2. Website visitors want simplicity (less really is more)3. Above the fold should be reserved for capturing attention4. Scrolling is much easier than clicking on pages and waiting for them to load5. Great copy adds to great design6. Know your desired business outcome7. Design for mobile (responsive sites)

User Experience

30% of Site Traffic comes from Mobile/Tablets

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Your Content Marketing Goals

1. Use your content to generate traffic to your website2. Use your content to convey your experience and expertise to

prospects3. Use content to create backlinking opportunities for your site4. Use your content to persuade people who are on the fence

Content Marketing

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Before our Blog

Content Marketing

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After our Blog

Content Marketing

467% Increase!

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Content Marketing

Internet Browsing & Researching

Types of Content


Has no legal issue

Thinks they have an issue

Researching solution providers

Researching their issue

Quizzes, top ten lists, etc.

Reviews, social forums

Guides, infographics

Features, benefits, expertise

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Your Social Media Goals

1. To build an audience of people who are either likely to use your service, or refer you business

2. To have your audience engage (share, like, click through) with your content and posts

3. To become an “influencer” on a particular subject

Social Media

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Social Media

Numbers don’t lie

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1. Be consistent2. Use the right channel for your

audience3. Don’t overshare4. Respond/follow up with

people who engage5. Develop a theme

Social Media

Building Your Audience

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Social Media

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Social Media

Become an Influencer

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Links, Other

Do Links Work?

1 Tweet and Link from Above the Law

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Links, Other

Engineering as Marketing● Create something that would help your clients with their work● Create software that has the potential to generate traffic to your site

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[email protected]

(626) 578-5040
