Webquest Body Image

Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page ] A Web Quest for 9th Grade Designed by Mrs. Giraldo [email protected] Based on a template from The Web Quest Page Body Image


This webquest on Body image by Cristina Giraldo is designed for 9th grade FCS classroom.

Transcript of Webquest Body Image

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Student Page








[Teacher Page]

A Web Quest for 9th Grade

Designed by

Mrs. [email protected]

Based on a template from The Web Quest Page

Body Image

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Student Page








[Teacher Page]Women and men in the U. S. are under constant pressure to fit into a idea of perfect beauty.

Did you know: -An estimated 10 per cent of female college students suffer from a clinical or sub-clinical (borderline) eating disorder, of which over half suffer from bulimia nervosa. -An estimated 1 in 100 American women binges and purges to lose weight. -Approximately 5 per cent of women and 1 percent of men have anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge eating disorder. -15 per cent of young women have significantly disordered eating attitudes and behavior. -Studies suggest that 5 to 10 percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are males. -An estimated 1 in 3 of all dieters develop compulsive dieting attitudes and behaviors.-In the UK, nearly 2 in every 100 secondary school girls suffer from anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder. -Due to the incidence of co-occurring medical conditions, it is almost impossible to specify the morbidity rates for eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia or binge eating. -However, general estimates suggest that as many as 10-15 per cent of eating disorders are fatal for those affected. -Each day Americans spend an average of $109 million on dieting and diet related products.


A little known fact.

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[Teacher Page]

Wow, you made it through all the statistics and hopefully it opened your eyes to the ugly world of eating disorders and body image. Now, most of you are at the age where most teens suffer from this disease, and it is your job to educate yourselves and maybe even the people around you on this subject. So here is your task:

-Your group will be assigned to research different types of eating disorder and body image issues.-You will come together at the end and put together an article for Seventeen Magazine.-This task is to be taken seriously, because your articles will be sent to the editor of Seventeen Magazine once the project is completed.

Warning…. while working on this project, some of you will see some graphic pictures, so beware of what you find. That is the reality of how some people live their lives, and it is up to you to try and stop it from happening .


The Task

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[Teacher Page] First, assign each member with a number 1-5. This will determine what topic you will be researching. Just click on your topic and the web links, this will take you to your research pages.

Your group will do research on all the different types of eating disorders and body image issues all on the web.

Each member of the group will research their topic for one class period, and you will come together for the second class period and discuss your findings and what your group wants the article to look like. Do you want to make a quiz? Do you want certain pictures? What is your title going to be. Be Creative.

The third and fourth classes will be writing your articles. Each member will use Microsoft Publisher, use the Newsletter template and pick one design that the whole group is going to use.

Write a maximum of two pages and no less than one for each topic. Your article should answer these questions: What is it? Why does this happen? How do you help someone with this? What are the symptoms? What does it do to your body?

The fifth and final meeting will be putting all the articles together and making your summary; this should be done as a group.

Remember to include pictures and sites where all your information was found. Feel free to search for more pictures and websites.

For extra credit, your group can make a quiz that the readers can take on body image and eating disorders.

Group member #1-Anorexia, Web #1, Web #2, web pic , Web pic #2, Group member #2-Bulimia, Web #1, Web pic, Dentist perspective, Web pic #2, Web #2Group member #3-Body Dysmorphic disorder, Web pic, Web #1, Web #2Group member #4-Binge Eating, Web #1, Web #2, Web #3, Web pic, Web pic #1Group member #5-Cumpulsive Overeating, Web #1, Web #2, Web #3.

The Process

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[Teacher Page]Beginning






Article well organized(group)

Article put together quickly and not thought through. Messy.

Almost all of article is organized with pictures and essays. Article very crowded.

Most of article is organized with pictures and essays. Article a little crowded.

All of article is organized with pictures and essays. Good use of space, not too crowded.

Writing Grammar

There are many grammatical errors throughout the article.

There are more than 10 grammatical errors throughout the article.

There are 5 or more grammatical errors throughout the article.

There are only 1-2 grammatical errors throughout the article.

Spelling and proofreading

There are more than 10 spelling mistakes throughout the article.

There are more than 5 spelling mistakes throughout the article.

There are no more than 1-2 spelling mistakes throughout the article.

Article is free of any spelling mistakes.

Summary Summary not thought through, too brief, gives no information from the article.

Summary gives little information from the article, does not come to a conclusion.

Summary gives sufficient information from the article, and has weak conclusion.

Good summary of all information covered in article and has strong conclusion.

Article well organized(Individual)

Didn’t cover questions asked, no pictures or titles, sloppy organization.

Covered some of the questions asked, articles not organized or titled.

Covered most of the questions asked, had some titles, sloppy organization.

Covered all of the questions asked, have all titles and pictures well organized.


Page 6: Webquest Body Image

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[Teacher Page]

Congrats!!! You have finished the web quest on Body Image. I hope now that everyone has acquired certain knowledge of the issues dealing with the body. Now you can leave knowing what anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, compulsive eating, and body Dysmorphic disorder are. These are important issues not just in the United States, but all around the world. These diseases don’t just pick one race or gender, it effects everyone.

Now that you have finished, hopefully Seventeen magazine will take a serious look at your articles and know what a big issue this is for teenagers everywhere. Thank you so much for all your hard work.

-Ms. Giraldo


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[Teacher Page]


Thank you to all the website on their vast knowledge of these body image issues. And also a big thanks to the strong individuals who shared their pictures and their stories with all of us.Include a link back to The Web Quest Page and The Web Quest Slide share Group so that anyone can acquire the latest version of this template and training materials.

Credits & References

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[Student Page]








Teacher Page

A Web Quest for 9th Graders

Designed by

Ms. [email protected]

Based on a template from The WebQuest Page


Teacher Script


Body Image

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Teacher PageThis lesson, I believe should be part of any lesson in junior high or high school. There is still so many cases of eating disorders in the U.S. and there are still people who know nothing about it. That is why I designed this project. I believe that if the students know more about a certain diseases and what it can do to you, they will think twice about it. I want them to get a wake up call and know there are better things out there for your body that starving it.

Some of pictures they see will be a little graphic, but I find that students will not pay attention to something that doesn’t pertain to them unless it gives some shock value. Once you see some of the pictures dealing with anorexia, it will open anyone’s eyes to the painful decay of someone fighting anorexia. I also want them to know how to treat it and what exactly causes these eating disorders. I plan to move onto a nutrition section after this, so the students will have a base knowledge of what can happen to your body if it doesn’t get the certain nutrients it needs.


Teacher Script


Introduction (Teacher)

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[Student Page]








Teacher Page

This lesson is designed for ninth grade Family and Consumer Science and involves some science of the body and human psychology.

Students will need to know basic body functions and behaviors. They will also need to be able to research and apply their finding into a well thought out article designed for other students in their age group.


Teacher Script


Learners (Teacher)

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Teacher Page

Family and Consumer Science students will learn about eating disorders and BDD. They will apply their research into a well thought out article teaching others of what they learned.

Colorado Family and Consumer Science Standards Addressed:

•Examine the effect of self-esteem and self-image on relationships. (N 13.2.3)•Apply guidelines for assessing the nature of issues and situations. (N 13.6.2)•Apply standards when making judgments and taking action. (N 13.6.3)•Determine the roles of decision making and problem solving in reducing and managing conflict. (N 13.4.3)

Family and Consumer Science Standards Addressed:

•Explain physical, emotional, social, psychological, and spiritual components of individual and family wellness. 14.1.1•Analyze the effects of psychological, cultural, and social influences on food choices and other nutrition practices. 14.1.2

•This lesson isn’t just about learning about body image issues, it also makes the students observe and problem solve. They are each making an article and writing about the effects of all of these diseases, they are trying to solve a huge problem in our society today. They are doing their part to make others their age think of their consequences, that is something some teenagers cannot do today.


Teacher Script


Curriculum Standards (Teacher)

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Teacher Page

This lesson is organized in a way that they have the opportunity to work by themselves and with a group. They will research one topic by themselves and teach the rest of their group what they learned. By the end of the Web Quest, they will have written an article teaching another teenager of the dangers of eating disorders. Once this is done, I will send them to the editor of Seventeen Magazine, they might or might not publish their articles, but it gives the students something to work towards, a goal to get published in a magazine.This project will take 4-5 class periods to complete. They have a time-line of where they need to be with their project each day.The only issues for this project is to get carried away on the web. There is so much information out there on these eating disorders, some students might spend too much time researching and not enough time writing. Writing is also a concern on mine, some students can write a lot faster and easier than some, so I worry that half the class will be finished writing while others are struggling. I have to find something else for the faster students to keep them on track and not get bored.This project is designed for teachers with access to a computer lab. A one computer classroom will not suffice for this research project. They will need a computer for their research and their articles since they are using Microsoft publisher. This would also be good for a first year teacher, because there is not a lot of lecture and is student run. The only thing that would be hard is to keep students on track.If I were to use this lesson without computers, it would be the same with a few minor adjustments. Instead of them researching on their own, I will give them packets of their subject and I would have them get together with the other students of the same subject. Then they would have to present in front of the class with their group and every person in the group will have to talk.

ProccessYour group will do research on all the different types of eating disorders and body image issues all on the web.

Each member of the group will research their topic for one class period, and you will come together for the second class period and discuss your findings and what your group wants the article to look like. Do you want to make a quiz? Do you want certain pictures? What is your title going to be. Be Creative.

The third and fourth classes will be writing your articles. Each member will use Microsoft Publisher, use the Newsletter template and pick one design that the whole group is going to use.

Write a maximum on two pages and no less than one for each topic. Your article should answer these questions: What is it? Why does this happen? How do you help someone with this? What are the symptoms? What does it do to your body?

The fifth and final meeting will be putting all the articles together and making your summary; this should be done as a group.

Remember to include pictures and sites where all your information was found. Feel free to search for more pictures and websites.

For extra credit, your group can make a quiz that the readers can take on body image and eating disorders.


Teacher Script


The Process (Teacher)

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[Student Page]








Teacher Page Materials needed:.•E-mail account•Microsoft Publisher

Websites for Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, Conpulsive eating, and Body Dysmorphic Disorder:


One teacher is needed for this project. Aids and parents are welcome to help students organize their articles. Permission slips will be needed because of the graphic nature of some of the pictures.The reason I used so many websites is because I don’t want all the students getting one view of information, I gave them multiple, so maybe they can get more perspective and compare and contrast the different websites. I also included some that have other teenagers stories about battling their disorders. I believe that is something strong for the students to read than just facts. Everyone can spit out facts, but real stories hit your heart, and you tend to remember those than something out of a text book.


Teacher Script


Resources (Teacher)

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Teacher Page

I will be evaluating five areas: Article organization from the individual, Writing and grammar, Spelling and proofreading, Summary, and Overall look and quality of article from the group. Each student and group should score a 4 or a 3 on each area. I decided to grade their individual article also, so to make the grading fair. This will make it easier to grade the individuals who did far more work than some. Each student will get this sheet and they will have their own grade. At the end, you will be able to look at each article and their summaries, and that is where you will find where they used critical ways of thinking and problem solving of what they thought of these issues and how they think it should be solved.


Teacher Script


Evaluation (Teacher)






Article well organized(Group)

Article put together quickly and not thought through. Messy.

Almost all of article is organized with pictures and essays. Article very crowded.

Most of article is organized with pictures and essays. Article a little crowded.

All of article is organized with pictures and essays. Good use of space, not too crowded.

Writing Grammar

There are many grammatical errors throughout the article.

There are more than 10 grammatical errors throughout the article.

There are 5 or more grammatical errors throughout the article.

There are only 1-2 grammatical errors throughout the article.

Spelling and proofreading

There are more than 10 spelling mistakes throughout the article.

There are more than 5 spelling mistakes throughout the article.

There are no more than 1-2 spelling mistakes throughout the article.

Article is free of any spelling mistakes.

Summary Summary not thought through, too brief, gives no information from the article.

Summary gives little information from the article, does not come to a conclusion.

Summary gives sufficient information from the article, and has weak conclusion.

Good summary of all information covered in article and has strong conclusion.

Article well organized(Individual)

Didn’t cover questions asked, no pictures or titles, sloppy organization.

Covered some of the questions asked, articles not organized or titled.

Covered most of the questions asked, had some titles, sloppy organization.

Covered all of the questions asked, have all titles and pictures well organized.

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[Student Page]








Teacher Page

The WebQuest model is best suited for learners who can navigate the Web on their own and can read the kinds of material commonly found on the Web. This lesson is designed to be student led, and individual work. There is not a lot of lecture in this lesson, it gives the student freedom to work on their own and in groups to make one outcome.

Thing to remember:

•Before they start, make sure all of who is participating have turned in permission slips.•Have them all bring up their Web Quests and go through the task and process with them.•Tell them how to bring up their subject and what to look for: Who does it effect? What is it and what are the symptoms? How do you prevent it or treat it? I would write this on the board.•Have them get into their groups for two minutes and have them decide what group member will be doing what issue.•Tell them to keep track of what websites they are getting their information from and what different websites they are using. •Tell them to keep the websites PG! There are a lot of really graphic pictures out there, we don’t want to scare them.•Make sure they know their timelines. Write it on the board, and tell them where they should be at at the end of each period.•When students are done with the computer, make them sit with their groups, there should be no reason to be doing anything else. This project will keep them very busy and they should have very little free time to do anything else.

Good luck!

Process segment


Teacher Script


Teacher Script (Teacher)

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Teacher Page

This lesson is designed to teach students of the importance of taking care of their body and the decisions they have to make to stay healthy. There are many teenagers who suffer from some kind of eating disorder or body image issue, and this lesson is designed to help them understand that this really is a disease that can effect anyone. After completing this project, students will have a greater understanding of diseases that are effecting their age group, and the warning signs to look for.


Teacher Script



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Teacher Page

Thank you to all the informational websites on their vast knowledge of these issues. Also a big thanks to the strong individuals who shared their pictures and stories when facing anorexia and bulimia.


This Web Quest was designed by The WebQuest Page and The WebQuest Slideshare Group so that anyone can acquire the latest version of this template and training materials.


Teacher Script


Credits & References (Teacher)