Webinar series 3 conflict+

Welcome to Tools and Techniques for Managing and Resolving Conflict Amanda Murphy Project and Research Specialist, The William D. Ruckelshaus Center Extension Faculty, Washington State University Phone: (206) 219-2409 E-mail:[email protected] www.RuckelshausCenter.wsu.edu


This is the third webinar in a series featuring Amanda Murphy of The William D. Ruckelshaus Center regarding Tools and Techniques for managing and Resolving Conflict

Transcript of Webinar series 3 conflict+

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Welcome toTools and Techniques

for Managing and Resolving Conflict

Amanda MurphyProject and Research Specialist,

The William D. Ruckelshaus CenterExtension Faculty, Washington State University

Phone: (206) 219-2409E-mail:[email protected]

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• Neutral resource for collaborative problem solving

• Expertise that improves the availability and quality of voluntary collaborative approaches.

• Help public, private, tribal, non-profit and other community leaders work together, build consensus and resolve public policy conflicts.• Advance teaching and

research missions of the two universities by bringing real-world policy issues to the academic setting.

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Services• Neutral Forum• Situation Assessment• Facilitation, Mediation, Conflict

Resolution• Project Management, Strategic

Planning• Applied Research • Information Portal• Training• Policy Discussions

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Webinar Series

Session 1: Understanding and Responding to Conflict - July 18, 2012 Session 2: Effective Communication: The basis of conflict resolution - July 25, 2012

Session 3: A Framework for Problem Solving - August 1, 2012

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Where are you located?

What department/area do you work in?

What’s one thing you hope to learn from this session?

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Session 1 Objectives

• Define Conflict

• Introduce Types of Conflict

• Introduce Conflict Styles

• Introduce Skills for Responding to Conflict and De-Escalating Emotions

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What words come to mind when you think of the word “Conflict”?

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What is Conflict?

Definition: A conflict occurs when two or more parties perceive that they have mutually incompatible values, priorities or goals.

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Conflict Characteristics• Normal, inherently neither good nor bad

• Can be stressful and unpleasant

• Is a process, rather than a moment in time

• Rarely just about the content

• Does not have to result in winners and losers

• An opportunity for positive change

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. – Albert Einstein

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Steps to Resolving Conflict

1. Understand the Conflict

2. Create a Positive Atmosphere

3. Develop a Mutual Understanding

4. Problem Solve

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Causes of Conflict

Adapted from:Christopher Moore, The Mediation Process, Third Edition (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass), 2003.

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Approaches to Conflict

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When this style is appropriate:•Issue is trivial•Cooling off period is needed•Timing is wrong

When this style is not appropriate:•Issue is important and conflict will not disappear, but instead continue to get worse

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When this style is appropriate:•Maintaining the relationship more important•Issue is very important to the other person and not to you

When this style is not appropriate:•Issue is important to you•Lead to evading the issue when others are ready to address it

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When this style is appropriate:•A decision needs to be made quickly•Agreed upon that power comes with position of authority•Unpopular decision needs to be madeWhen this style is not appropriate:•Losers are powerless to express themselves•Feelings are sensitive•Decision is not urgent

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When this style is appropriate:•A decision needs to be made sooner rather than later•Both parties are better off than attempting a win/loseWhen this style is not appropriate:•Situation is urgent•Unbalanced power•Many important needs must be met

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When this style is appropriate:•An important decision must be made•Situation is not urgent•Previous resolution attempts have failed

When this style is not appropriate:•The matter is trivial to all involved•Time, commitment and ability are not present

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Which of the styles best describes the way you dealt with conflict?

What were the results of your chosen style?

Is there another style you would prefer to have used?


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Competing•Low relationship•High Issue

•Win/lose power struggle

Avoiding•Low relationship•Low Issue

•Withdraw from the situation

•Maintain neutrality

Collaborating•High relationship•High Issue

•Expand range of possible options•Goal is win/win

Accommodating•High relationship•Low Issue

•Give in to other party•Maintain harmony

Compromising•Relationship undamaged•Goal is to find “middle






COOPERATIVENESSAdapted from Kenneth Thomas & Ralph Kilmann, 1974.

Conflict Approaches

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Responding to Conflict


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Think of a recent conflict. What emotion(s) did you feel?

In what part of your body do you experience these emotions?

What effect do emotions have on the outcome of a conflict?

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Our Brain’s Response to Stress

Fight, Flight or Freeze ?Nature has designed us to react to

'danger signals' faster than conscious thought.

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What Does an Emotional Person Want?

• To Vent• To Be Heard • To Be Understood• To Feel Cared About

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De-Escalating Skills

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• Control Yourself

• Attend

• Acknowledge

• Reflect

• Explore

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Control Yourself

Before you can de-escalate someone else, you must first de-escalate yourself.

•Observe the Situation•Observe Your Own Reaction•Slow and Depend Your Breathing•Relax Your Muscles•Get Space or Assistance

TIP:Simply Admitting to

Yourself That You Are Becoming Emotional Is the Biggest Step to De-

Escalating Yourself.

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• Listen and Wait to Respond

• Let Them Vent

• Don’t Try to Tone Them Down

• Suspend Judgment

• Listen for Content and Feeling

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• Open, Inviting Posture

• Verbal Acknowledgments

• Eye Contact (this is culture specific)

• Relax, Slow Breathing, Decrease Voice Volume

• Empathize and Validate• Apologize As Appropriate• Assure of Your Intent


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• Reflect (What You Heard) Back Content and Feeling• “Let me check with you if I’m following. You

feel (state feeling) because (state content)…

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• Explore and Clarify What You Didn’t Hear

• “I’m not clear on that: can you say more about that?”

• “So the main concern you have is…?• Keep Focused on the Issue

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Summary and Close

Steps to Resolving Conflict:1.Understand the Conflict• Analyze the conflict situation – what is the

cause?• Identify the appropriate conflict resolution

style.2.Create A Positive Atmosphere• CA2RE – neutralize your emotions and the

other person’s emotions

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Next Sessions

Steps to Resolving Conflict:

3. Develop a Mutual Understanding• Using communication skills to gain

information and understanding.

4. Problem Solve• Using the problem solving framework.