Webinar #1 M&E for Value Chain Programming at CARE

Market Engagement Webinar Series Monitoring & Evaluation for Value Chain Programming April 11, 2012


This is the presentation from the first monthly webinar on Market Engagement at CARE. It offers an overview of the difference between traditional M&E and M&E for value chain projects and introduces the CARE Guide to M&E for Value Chain Programming.

Transcript of Webinar #1 M&E for Value Chain Programming at CARE

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Market Engagement Webinar Series

Monitoring & Evaluation for

Value Chain Programming

April 11, 2012

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Uh, we already have an M&E approach…

So, why do we need this?

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Let’s take a look at what we’re doing….

Global Enabling Environment

National Enabling Environment

Financial (cross cutting)

Financial (cross cutting)

SprayersExtension agents


SprayersExtension agents


Service Providers• Sprayers• Extension agents• Brokers• Traders• MFIs• Banks• Insurance Co.s• Etc.

Service Providers• Sprayers• Extension agents• Brokers• Traders• MFIs• Banks• Insurance Co.s• Etc.


Input SuppliersInput Suppliers


National RetailersNational Retailers


Global RetailersGlobal



Source: USAID

This is a Value Chain

It is made up of all actors that actually touch a product from production to

final sale

These are VC Service Providers

They help the value chain actors move

product along the chain.

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Let’s take a look at what we’re doing…

Financial (cross cutting)

Financial (cross cutting)

SprayersExtension agents


Extension agentsBrokers


Input Suppliers

Input Suppliers



National Retailers

National Retailers







Local Gov’t









VC Supporters

Nat’l Gov’t

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So, we’ve got a lot of things to keep track of.

Now, let’s also

consider this…

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Let’s look at what we’re doing…

Traditional Econ Dev’t Direct Service Delivery

The New ApproachMarket Facilitation /

VC Approach

Source: Engineers without Borders

Hybrid ApproachService Delivery & Market Linkages

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So, what does this mean?

Value Chain programming…

• Takes a facilitation approach, meaning our interventions will change based on:

• The actions of a wide-range of actors we cannot control• Constantly changing market dynamics we cannot control• Things we learn along the way – what works, what doesn’t

• Accepts that, when we start a project, we do not know much of what we need to in order to succeed

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Whoa! That looks complicated!

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It is. But, that’s why we have new tools.

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So, what does this mean for M&E?

5 Things Every Practitioner Needs to Know about M&E for Value Chain Programming

1. Some things are different – but not everything.

2. Need shorter, faster feedback loops and ability to adapt to changes in strategy.

3. Need to deconstruct walls between front line / field staff and M&E staff.

4. Need to measure the sustainability of change, not only the incidence of change.

5. Need to develop new models for impact evaluation.

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How do we get there?

CARE Guide to M&E for Value Chain Initiatives

• Step-by-Step Guide comprised of 11 modules (~10 pages each)

• Each module includes:• Objective• Overview• Materials required• Step-by-Step guide• Case example• Supporting templates and tools

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How do we get there?

CARE Guide to M&E for Value Chain Initiatives

ModulesM1: M&E System Client Mapping M6: Developing Analysis and

Feedback Loops

M2: Developing, Reviewing & Refining your Causal Model

M7: Conducting a Reality Check

M3: Assess the Initiative’s M&E Resources & Capacity

M8: Integrate Other Design Features into the M&E

M4: Select Performance Indicators M9: Training and Capacity Building

M5: Select Data Collection Tools M10: Reviewing and Refining

M11: Evaluation & Impact Studies

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Here’s an example from Module 1.

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Here’s an example from Module 1.

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Draft Universal Indicators for VC Initiatives

Domain IndicatorsIncreased Scale of Impact

# of poor individuals (those living below PPP $1 / day) that are directly and indirectly impacted by our value chain interventions.

Income poverty reduction

# of CARE IG members that have transitioned from below to above the poverty line (PPP$1 / day or national poverty line).*

Total and % increase in annual income among IG members from productive activity supported by CARE.*


Ratio of total income gains from productive activity supported to total expenditures at project conclusion.*

Sustainability of Market Change

% change in value of transactions between IG members and other market actors at project conclusion. % change in VC actors reporting increased importance of other targeted VC actors to their success.

Women’s Empowerment

% men and women reporting meaningful participation of women in decision-making at the household level in a domain previously reserved for men

% men and women reporting meaningful participation of women in the public sphere

% men and women reporting ability of women to effectively control productive assets

Average number of hours per day spent on house work in relation to the duration of the working day, by sex

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Effective M&E for Value Chain

Initiatives in Practice


Strengthening the Dairy Value Chain ProjectCARE Bangladesh

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Want to Learn More?

Multiple ways to continue the discussion and continue learning:

• Review the CARE Guide to M&E for Value Chain Programming:


• Join a task force to review and refine the universal indicators. Contact [email protected]

• Join the Market Engagement Community of Practice on LinkedIn to engage in the discussion: http://linkd.in/GzCSBa

• Subscribe to our listserv to get weekly updates and stay on top of CARE’s Market Engagement work. Contact: [email protected].