Web3evolution 1228454469401752 9

1 © 2007, Organic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Evolution Of Web 3.0 Marta Strickland Nov 1, 2007

Transcript of Web3evolution 1228454469401752 9

  • 1.The Evolution Of Web 3.0 Marta Strickland Nov 1, 2007 2007, Organic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1

2. THE GREAT DEBATE2 3. buzz buzz What is Web 3.0? buzzbuzzbu buzzzz People can not agree upon buzz the namethe definitionthe existenceOnce the point ohs come out, theres no stopping them. What the heck. I say we should start Web 4.0Sonja Hyde-Moyer, SHM ProjectJust as 'dot com' is the term for the first era of the Web, and 'web 2.0' the second, there will be a new term thatbubbles up at the right time to describe the next eraRichard MacManus, ReadWriteWebThe Semantic Web (or Web 3.0) promises to organize the worlds information in a dramatically more logical way thanGoogle can ever achieve with their current engine design.Marc Fawzi, Evolving TrendsWeb 2.0 is a marketing term, and I think you've just invented Web 3.0Eric Schmidt, CEO of GoogleIf Web 2.0 was so hot, how about Web 3.0? This has been a recurrent theme of would-be meme-engineers who wantto position their startup as the next big thing. Tim OReilly, OReilly Radar3 4. HOW THE WEB EVOLVES 4 5. The Theory of Biological Evolution In the beginning the world was full of genetic code this code formed into vessels of information the basic unit of biological information was known as: the gene the gene could store, duplicate, and transmit data with duplication came interpretation and mutation with mutation came specialization genes better suited for certain tasks begun to work together beneficial partnerships led to the first organisms5 6. The Theory of Cultural Evolution On an ongoing basis the world is full of loose ideas ideas that propagate from one mind to another tunes, catch phrases, beliefs, fads, earworms, technology, art, etc. the basic unit of cultural information is known as: the meme groups of memes form together into memeplexes that form the basis of beliefs, social eras, etc. word of mouth, syndication, feedback, and social groups all have a role in the spreading of memes the internet is the great big meme-machine6 7. Survival of the Fittest Only the best make it some memes are a flash in the pan some memes never even get so far as a flash some, however, change the fabric of our internet culture7 8. The Greater Good Tool + Tool = Better Tool Javascript & XML (AJAX) Yahoo! & Flickr Google & YouTubeWho will buy out who? 8 9. HOW DID WE GET TO WEB 3.0 9 10. Web 1.0the web as an information portal information exclusivity, be the first toown the content dividing the world wide web into usabledirectories everyone has their personal own littlecorner in the cyberspace lacks: - context - interaction - scalability 10 11. Web 2.0the web as a platform focus on the power of the community tocreate and validate the power of a seemingly freer form oforganization (tags) setting up hooks for future integration(RSS, API) lacks: - personalization - true portability - interoperability11 12. The Evolution to Web 2.0Web 1.0Web 2.0 the mostly read only web the wildly read-write web 45 million global users (1996) 1 billion+ global users (2006) focused on companies focused on communities home pages blogs owning content sharing content Britannica OnlineWikipedia HTML, portalsXML, RSS web formsweb applications directories (taxonomy) tagging ("folksonomy") Netscape Google pages viewscost per click advertisingword of mouth 12 13. Introducing Web 3.0What could it mean? How will our information be organized? Will we still do the surfing or will the machine surf for us? Will the web look the same for me as it does for everyone else? What technology will become commonplace? Obsolete?13 14. The Semantic Web (The Next Big Thing?)The Semantic Web is a web of data. HTML describes documents, while RDF describes things. Why talk about a page in terms of style and links, when you know a book has chapters and a CD has tracks?CHALLENGES -Human error and system abuse -Selfishness, why take the time to teach the machine how toteach me?OPPORTUNITIES -Those young people love their RSS feeds -Data portability and sharing standards are so 2008 -If we were all so selfish, Web 2.0 would have never worked(etc Wikipedia)BOTTOMLINE (why we should care)Its not just for academics anymore. People will use the tools they findmost useful. Where the people are, advertisers must follow. 14 15. Web 3.0 Meme MapTHE SEMANTIC WEBARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Changing the web into a language that Extracting meaning from the way people can be read and categorized by theinteract with the web system rather than humans PERSONALIZATION MOBILITY Contextualizing the web based on theEverything, everywhere, all the time people using it15 16. THE EVOLUTION OF THE WEB AS WE KNOW IT16 17. ImagineHow will we search in Web 3.0? semantic web makes search engines smarter specialized search will reign bring me everything on ___________ will change to bring me everythingon __________ considering that it is a ___________ the context is me search engines understand who you are, what youve been doing, andwhere youd like to go next contextual advertising becomes more engaging 17 18. USER HISTORYCONTEXTUAL WIDGETSSPECIALIZED SEARCHSEMANTIC WEB SUGGESTED SEARCH18 19. Search 3.0 Who is on the forefront? Google : lot of tools under its belt including universal search, user search history, google base, and google gadgets Twine : Semantic Web, natural language and machine learning to make information and relationships smarter Swicki : community built search portals Powerset : the nuances of natural language19 20. Imagine How will we socialize in Web 3.0? social search results come to replace profile pages semantic web enables digital collections of all things you (photos, videos, blogs, etc.) every interaction you make gets dumped into your digital lifestream, not just what you write, but what you read to what you rate Twitter tweets meet the Facebook news feed online purchase behavior turns users into brand advocates 20 21. DIGITAL LIFESTREAM COLLECTED PROFILEDIGITAL ARTIFACTSSPONSORED CONTENT21 22. Social Networks & Blogging 3.0Who is on the forefront? Wink : people focused search engine that scans social networks, blogs, etc Twitter : the king of the microblog FOAF (friend of a friend) : my life in RDF, platform for sharing information about people and their connections to each other Googles OpenSocial : bringing social networks together via useful applications Facebooks Beacon : turning users into brand advocates22 23. Imagine How will we entertain ourselves in Web 3.0? from anywhere anytime smartphones and alternative computer devices (game consoles, watches, kiosks, tabletops) bring mobile web to the forefront build your own content channels TV goes social, build and send content to your friends recommended media based on your history and preferences advertisers sponsor exclusive content 23 24. 24 25. SPONSORED CONTENT TRADITIONAL CHANNELS RECOMMENDATIONS PERSONALIZATION 25 26. Entertainment 3.0Who is on the forefront? Joost : online distribution of TV shows and video content, set top box set for 2009 Netflix : plans to support PS3 and Xbox as delivery platforms Slingbox : TiVo-type box that allows access of recorded shows from mobile phone iPhone, Android, etc : ongoing fight to develop the most media enabled mobile device (multiplayer gaming, full YouTube)26 27. The Evolution to Web 3.0Web 2.0 Web 3.0 the wildly read-write web the portable personal web focused on communitiesfocused on the individual blogs lifestream sharing content consolidating dynamic content XML, RSSthe semantic web web applicationswidgets, drag & drop mashups tagging ("folksonomy")user behavior (me-onomy) GoogleiGoogle, NetVibes cost per clickuser engagement rich media, viral advertainment 27 28. THANK YOU 2007, Organic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 28