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Committee: Security Council Agenda: Addressing the Rohingya Persecution and the Burma Crisis 1. Introduction After Aung San Suu kyi, the human right activist and the leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) was rewarded with the nobel peace prize in 1991 for protesting against the Burmese militia regime with no violence, the world was impressed by the political strides Burma had made towards a democratic, people- ruled nation. The National League for Democracy rose to power in the 2015 election, marking the termination of a military- controlled administration. However, the international monitoring agencies and the human right activists have discovered that behind the facade of democratic reforms and elections lurked the persecution on the Rohingya muslim people presiding in Burma. They were denied any rudimentary support, international aid, and fundamental rights they deserved as humans. For instance, when a huge group of Rohingya people migrated from Burma to Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Thailand and Bangladesh, a huge portion of them were abandoned at sea either by the brokers or the human traffickers. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reported that 100 people died on their journey to Indonesia, 200 to Malaysia, and 10 to Thailand. Yet, no state took responsibility for such refugee crises. To make matters worse, even the nobel peace prize laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi neglected the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya people.

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Committee: Security Council

Agenda: Addressing the Rohingya Persecution and the Burma Crisis

1. Introduction

After Aung San Suu kyi, the human right activist and the leader of the National League for

Democracy (NLD) was rewarded with the nobel peace prize in 1991 for protesting against the

Burmese militia regime with no violence, the world was impressed by the political strides Burma

had made towards a democratic, people-ruled nation. The National League for Democracy rose

to power in the 2015 election, marking the termination of a military-controlled administration.

However, the international monitoring agencies and the human right activists have discovered

that behind the facade of democratic reforms and elections lurked the persecution on the Ro-

hingya muslim people presiding in Burma. They were denied any rudimentary support, interna-

tional aid, and fundamental rights they deserved as humans. For instance, when a huge group of

Rohingya people migrated from Burma to Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Thailand

and Bangladesh, a huge portion of them were abandoned at sea either by the brokers or the hu-

man traffickers. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reported that 100 people

died on their journey to Indonesia, 200 to Malaysia, and 10 to Thailand. Yet, no state took re-

sponsibility for such refugee crises. To make matters worse, even the nobel peace prize laureate,

Aung San Suu Kyi neglected the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya people.

The persecution was not just a mere oppression, but a massive bloodshed that killed the civilians

barbarically, and barred the humanitarian workers from contacting with the Rohingya people.

Even those who survived the massacre by chance either starved to death or were shot dead in the

process of illegally escaping the country. The Rohingya people desperately asked for adjacent

countries including Bangladesh, an Islam based nation, to offer refuge and assistance. Yet they

ironically refused any literal support, sending them back from their borders to the conflict re-

gions. Facing such dilemma, the Rohingya people are lethargically waiting for the international

community to intervene the situation and provide solutions to bring an end to this genocide. Al-

though the international community started to define the Rohingya persecution as ‘crime against

humanity’, they have just initiated the investigation, and the world is considering the Burma Cri-

sis less significant or urgent than other major disputes in Middle East or conflict areas.

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2. Definition of Key Terms

Rohingya People

The Rohingya people are the Muslims presiding in the Rakhine State (also known as Arakan),

Burma. While there are controversies among historians as to whether the Rohingyas are indige-

nous to the Rakhine state or not, the Burmese government have officially proclaimed that the Ro-

hingyas are mostly illegal emigrants who transmigrated to Burma after the Bangladesh liberation

war in 1971. Nonetheless, the Rohingyas are known to have settled in Rakhine State since the

15th century. The historical context as to when the Rohingyas started to reside in Burma has a

huge significance in resolving the Burma Crisis as the justification for the Burmese government

to exile the Rohingyas is the very logic that the Rohingyas are illegal immigrants. The majority

of the historians claim that the Rohingyas are the mixture of the natives of the Rakhine State and

the farm laborers who were forced to migrate from Bengal to Arakan by the British after the An-

glo-Burmese War. After the British annexed the Arakan and forcefully populated the region, the

Muslim population of the region started to increase over time.

In 1942, the Japanese imperial army invaded Burma. The British Army that used to take control

of Burma retreated eventually, and midst the power vacuum, a conflict sparked between the

Rakhine, a Buddhist ethnic group and the Rohingyas. Amid the communal violence and the eth-

nic polarization that incurred uncountable deaths among the Rohingyas, the Japanese persecuted

the Rohingyas, causing 500,00 Rohingyas to flee from Arakan to Bangladesh. Although Burma

gained its independence in 1948 and its colonial period ended, the country again descended into

chaos, with the mujahideen forming insurgencies to merge the region to Pakistan, the Rakhine

Buddhists carrying out the Arakanese Independence Movement. On 2 March 1962, the military

commander, Ne Win seized power through a coup d’etat and became the Prime Minister of the

country. In the 20th year of his ruling, 1982, Ne Win enacted the Burmese nationality law that

denied Rohingya people nationality and citizenship. As a consequence, the Rohingyas were left

stateless and powerless.

3. Background Information

While the military junta took control of Burma, it attempted to bolster its ruling by invoking

Burmese nationalism and Buddhism to coalesce people to one and conform with its ruling. In

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such process, the minorities including the Rohingyas, who were potential impediments for pro-

voking nationalism and Buddhism, were excluded from the society and harshly persecuted by the

militia regime. The Burmese regime provoked riots and protests among the Buddhist monks

against the Rohingyas, trying to intensify conflicts and unite the mainstream Buddhists against

the ethnic minorities.

Due to such policies aforementioned, the hatred among Buddhists towards the Rohingya Mus-

lims amplified more and more. Particularly, the Buddhist Rakhines were intimidated that the

Rakhine State where they considered as their ancestral state would soon be dominated by the Ro-

hingya Muslims and they would degenerated into socially disenfranchised minorities. The rage

among the Buddhist Rakhines were intensified when the Rakhine women were raped and mur-

dered by the Rohingyas. In response, the Rakhines murdered ten Rohingya Muslims, aggravating

the sectarian conflicts among the country. In 2012, the conflict reached its climax as a series of

riots broke out in the Rakhine State between the Rohingya Muslims and the ethnic Rakhines. The

whole villages were brutally destroyed, leaving 78 people dead, 87 severely injured, and 140,000

displaced. Later on, the International State Crime Initiative found out that the Rakhines were ac-

tively encouraged by the Burmese military to attack the Rohingyas and defend their religion and

race. Further on, the Rakhines were reportedly provided with weapons to fight the Rohingyas.

However, the Burmese government denied all types of accusations and suspicions that the 2012

pogrom was deliberately organized by the government. The Burmese government, in response to

the 2012 massacre, implemented curfews and deployed troops. The army, nonetheless was ac-

cused by the human right activists and the non governmental organizations for only apprehend-

ing the Rohingya Muslims, and not the Rakhines. The human rights organizations also con-

demned the government for neglecting heinous crimes towards the Rohingyas and failing to up-

hold justice and retribution.

From March 2013, the riots took place in various cities across the central and eastern Burma. The

violence was more incited as the 969 Movement, a Buddhist nationalist movement started to gain

power and popularity. Although the leader of the movement, Sayadaw U Wirathu denied that his

movement did not provoke violence against Muslims, most of the media depicted the 969 Move-

ment as an anti-islam movement that galvanized islamophobia across the nation and called for

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active violence against the Rohingyas. In fact, most of the speeches made by Wirathu placed fo-

cus on retaliation against the Muslims, provoking violence among the people, though Wirathu

himself might not have been directly involved in violent riots. In July of 2014, the conflict was

once more deteriorated by a Facebook post of a Buddhist women being raped by a Muslim man.

With great furiosity, a group of 300 people attacked the Muslim shops, vehicles, and residential

areas. As a result, one Buddhist and one Muslim were killed and approximately a dozen people

got injured.

On June 2016, a furious mob of Buddhists ravaged a mosque located in Bago Region. The anti-

sentiment between the Buddhists and the Muslims amplified rampage and violence that targeted

the innocent civilians, either killing them or displacing them. Since then, another mosque in cen-

tral Burma was again demolished. Nevertheless, the Burmese military forces, together with the

radical Buddhists began cracking down on the Rohingya Muslims. The justification for the

crackdown was to secure safety of the region and prevent attacks on police camps by insurgents

although there were no evidence that the Rohingya Muslims were related with the insurgents at

all. The police forces also breached laws and violated human rights in the process of cracking

down on the Rohingyas. Such actions even included extrajudicial murders and rapes. Since the

2016 massacre, the international community started to acknowledge how severe the situation was

in Burma and began condemning the militia regime for actively committing crimes against the

Rohingyas and Aung San Suu Kyi for condoning the violence.

The Rohingyas are fleeing from the Arakan to adjacent countries, including Bangladesh, a coun-

try comparatively amicable to Muslims than other nations. However, even those in the IDP

camps of Bangladesh are not receiving adequate treatments as the Bangladeshi government is ne-

glecting human right abuses inside the camp and refusing to provide further support. Not only

Bangladesh, but a majority of Southeast Asian countries are unwilling to accommodate huge

number of refugees. Those who seek for asylum in Southeast Asian countries are often exposed

to hideous crimes such as human trafficking. Some are turned down in the borderlines and force-

fully returned back to the Rakhine state. For instance, on February 2009, a group of refugees

were captured by the Thai military and were abandoned at open sea. The Thailand’s prime minis-

ter Abhisit Vejjajiva also conceded that the Rohingyas were towed out to the sea by the military.

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4. Past Actions of the United Nations, the International Community, and the Non-Govern-

mental Organizations

The United Nations human rights arm defined human right persecutions against the Rohingya

Muslims as active violations of international laws and crimes against humanity. The report re-

leased by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) confirmed that

the atrocities taking place in Burma in forms of mass genocide, gang-rape, human trafficking,

and other human right violations are never condonable. This report, through testimonies col-

lected from victims of persecutions, reaffirmed that such oppressions were deliberately led by the

regime and repeatedly committed towards the Rohingyas. Adding on, the United Nations decided

to launch more investigations into allegations that the Burmese military is raping, torturing, and

murdering the Rohingya minorities. The United Nations Human Rights Council passed the reso-

lution of sending a group of inspection panels to make clear what is exactly happening in the sta-

tus quo without a vote. The UN reaffirmed its stance that it will fulfill its duty to bring an imme-

diate end to any practices of human right violation.

The non governmental organizations such as the Amnesty International, the Human Rights

Watch are delivering food and other necessities for the Rohingyas in Burma. However, the

Burmese government is barring the aid workers from delivering such necessities to the Rohingya

people. Although its government recently granted the World Food Programme (WFP) the permis-

sion to provide aids for vulnerable, delicate people, but not only is the aid insufficient, a large

majority of villagers are not even given the opportunity to receive any assistance as the govern-

ment prohibited the NGOs from entering the country. As a consequence, the majority of the non

governmental organizations are demanding the government to assure the deliverance of humani-

tarian aids and to stop its policies of prohibiting the aid works from keeping in touch with the im-

poverished Rohingya people.

5. Major Countries Involved


While many political science experts view the Rohingya persecution as a consequence of intense

ethnical conflicts between the Buddhists and the Muslims of the country, the Rohingya persecu-

tion is a much more complex issue than a mere ethnic clash. The Rakhine buddhists belong to the

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branch of Buddhism called the Theravada. The Theravada Buddhists, in accordance to their reli-

giously sacred text, are obliged to place more value in Buddhist lives than non-Buddhist lives.

While practicing their religion, they would live in a monastery and would rely upon the military

for food and other necessities. This tradition formed a deep, profound link between the military

and the Theravada Buddhists. Thus, when the Theravada Buddhist, Wirathu initiated his 969

Movement to protest the Muslims in Burma, the military advocated the movement and helped

grow the anti-sentiment against the Muslims. By doing so, the military gained popularity from

the mainstream Buddhists, being called the protector of Buddhism.

United States

The United States, in response to the Burma massacre, is calling on the Burmese military to im-

mediately end the persecution. In May 2014, the House of Representatives passed Resolution

418 that calls for an immediate termination of all types of oppression and human right abuses of

the Rohingyas. In addition, the United States human right groups such as the U.S. Campaign for

Burma, Burma Task Force USA, etc are cooperating with the US government to bring an end to

such suppressions. The US government and the investors are also providing financial aids to the

Rohingyas. However, the US corporations are criticized for making partnerships with Burmese

corporations known to be deeply related with the military. For instance, the US Campaign for

Burma discovered that the majority of the US corporations were making intact relationships with

the Myanmar Oil & Gas Enterprise, though it is run by the military and is deeply rooted in the

Rohingya persecution.


Most of the Rohingya muslims who survived the persecution are fleeing to Bangladesh. How-

ever, Bangladesh is receiving criticism from the international community after it turned away the

Rohingyas back to Burma. The International Amnesty reported that the Bangladeshi police forces

detained the Rohingyas in a prison and returned them back to Burma. The Amnesty added that

such action of the Bangladeshi guards were in discordance with the international law that bans

the return of refugees to a region in severe conflict or danger. The Bangladeshi government re-

cently called upon Burma to stop its military operation that force the Rohingyas to flee the na-

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tion. It also asked Burma to strengthen its border security and stop the influx of refugees to

Bangladesh from Rakhine State.


Although the Thailand government promised to offer humanitarian aids for the Rohingya

refugees, its treatments towards the Rohingyas are as inhumane and horrendous as the mistreat-

ments of Burma. For instance, the Thai government was assailed repeatedly for towing out over-

boarded boats of refugees to the open sea. Several ship eventually subsided leaving a bhg portion

of the Rohingya refugees dead. Adding on, in May 2015, it was revealed that scores of bodies

buried deep, identified as the ones of the Rohingya refugees, were discovered. After investiga-

tion, the refugees were found out to be the victims of human trafficking. The Thailand govern-

ment was often condemned by the international community for poorly treating refugees and ex-

posing them to human trafficking or other heinous crimes.


Malaysia, as an Islam oriented nation, has been actively criticizing the Burma, naming the Ro-

hingya persecution ‘ethnic cleansing’ and ‘mass genocide’. The Malaysian Prime Minister Najib

Razak, hismelf led a rally against the persecution of the Rohingya people, sending a strong mes-

sage to Burma that “enough is enough.” He also called for the Asian neighbours and the inter-

national community to cooperate together to bring an end to such violence. In the rally also

joined the Rohingya refugees. Nevertheless, the Malaysian government is getting criticized for

disobeying the principle of non-interference by Asean members in each other’s politics. Other

critics argued that Najib is leading the protest to win support from the Muslim Malays for the

general elections. No matter what, Malaysia’s one of the few countries that straightforwardly

criticized the Burmese government and openly endorsed the Rohingyas.

6. Solutions and Possible outcomes

The international community shares the responsibility to protect the Rohingyas from the geno-

cide in the short run, and to get rid of all the factors that engendered the Burmese havoc. The for-

mer United Nations Secretary General Ban reaffirmed the responsibility to protect (R2P) of all

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nation, emphasizing that each state must protect the Rohingyas from genocide and mass atroci-

ties. Although the policymakers of the United Nations are keeping in track of what factors ani-

mated the havoc; from the ethnic tension to the invincible dictatorial regime, and the social anti-

sentiment against the Muslims, the international organizations are failing to address such factors.

First the United Nations or relevant organizations must call upon Aung San Suu Kyi and her po-

litical party, National League for Democracy to act upon such crisis. Although Aung San Suu

Kyi has spent her entire life fighting for democratic freedom, persecuted by the military as well,

ironically, she is condoning all the violence the Rohingyas. As both the military’s Union Solidar-

ity and Development Party and Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) are advocating

the Buddhists and ignoring the Muslims for electoral support, most of the Burmese even do not

recognize that a grand massacre is taking place in their country. Therefore, the international orga-

nization and the individual states including adjacent countries like Bangladesh must not merely

encourage but in fact demand the NLD to speak the truth and call for an end of massacre.

In addition, it is important to provide proper education for the Burmese that perceive Islam as ex-

istential threat. In Burma, a significant portion of people consider Islam dangerous and harmful.

After the Buddhist leaders have led the 969 movement and brainwashed the people that the Islam

is projecting an existential threat to Buddhism, a pervasive narrative was made that Islam poses

great threat to the society. Based on such narrative, the Buddhists and the military could easily

mobilize the people and propagandize them to fight the Rohingyas. Thus, it is very important to

provide apt education for both the old generation and the young generation and prevent people

from wrongfully getting brainwashed. The international community should also encourage the

Burmese media to deal straightforwardly with the Rohingya persecution and correct the miscon-

ceptions that the Burmese have about the Rohingyas.

One of the biggest factors that made the Rohingyas prone to attack was because they were ex-

cluded from the law and denied their rights that ought to have been protected by the constitution.

When the military used to reign the country all by itself, the Rohingyas were not even considered

as the citizens of Burma. After Aung San Suu Kyi and her fellow human right activists succeeded

in bring back democracy to the country, the Rohingyas were again not allowed to vote for the

2015 election. Because the Rohingyas did not have the autonomy to vote or take part in politi-

cians, the government and the politicians did not care about the Rohingyas as they will not affect

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their election results. Thus to make the country more hospitable to the Rohingyas, it is necessary

to grant them the right to vote so that they can vote for the politicians who are willing to accept

the Rohingyas as part of the society. The world leaders must coalesce to pressure the NLD and

the USDP to set new laws that grant the Rohingyas the political rights and freedom.

The developed countries together with the United Nations must provide financial aids immedi-

ately to the impoverished Rohingyas. When providing aids in Burma, the governments or the

corporations must make sure that the aids are completely delivered to the Rohingyas and not ex-

ploited by the government or the radical Buddhists. The United Nations can also work with the

ASEAN to enhance the refugee camp conditions for the Rohingyas and pressure the Burmese

regime to guarantee the least human rights for all Rohingyas and restrain radical Buddhists from

propagandizing the people to hate the Muslims.

7. Conclusion

Although it took a period of time for the international community to act in response to the

Burmese persecution, the United Nations and the relevant organizations are now gradually taking

measures to send inspection panels to Burma and investigate the Burmese massacre thoroughly

and comprehensively. The world leaders including former President Obama and the Secretary of

State, John Kerry have classified the Rohingya persecution as a mass genocide and a crime

against humanity and the non governmental organizations are actively taking part in providing fi-

nancial aid to the Rohingyas. One of the biggest obstacles that impede the resolution of the

Burma crisis is the Burmese military regime that catalyzes ethnic conflicts among the country

and prohibits aid workers from approaching the Rohingyas. Therefore, the international commu-

nity should pressure the Burmese military to stop its endorsement of radical Buddhists and grant

the Rohingyas political rights to participate in the election. It is also important for Aung San Suu

Kyi and her National League for Democracy to represent all the various factions that constitute

the population of Myanmar, and thus shed light on the unlawful persecutions that have been

plaguing this sect by the military. Although the Rohingyas are now one of the most disenfran-

chised, persecuted minorities, through the concerted efforts of the international community, we

will be able to make progress and enhance the conditions for the Rohingyas.

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