Web viewThe movie and court case revolve around the issue of trichloroethylene, an industrial...


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Page 1: Web viewThe movie and court case revolve around the issue of trichloroethylene, an industrial solvent, ... which would cause our world to change radically

APES Movie Assignment

For this assignment you will choose seven different movies to watch involving environmental issues. Each movie must be from a different category listed below. I have marked which movies are free, and which movies you can find on HULU or NETFLIX. The amazon links are to movies you can rent. I recommend having movie nights with your friends to watch the movies but of course it can be done alone as well. (NOTE: If watching movie as a group the expectation is for everyone to turn in the assignment INDIVIDUALLY with unique flow charts & descriptions) For each movie you need to turn in a page with the following four items:

1. List the movie title and what section it comes from.2. A flow-chart summarizing the movie. This should be detailed and contain at least 7

boxes. See sample below3. Describe in a paragraph how this movie relates to environmental science. 4. Provide 5 APES vocabulary terms with definitions that relate to this movie.

*This will count for a TEST .*Assignment is due on May 24th at the beginning of the period.

Earth Systems & Resources

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Dirt! The Movie (2009) The film explores the relationship between humans and soil, including its necessity for human life and impacts by society.



The Last Mountain (2011) Activists try to prevent Massey Energy from utilizing the environmentally hazardous method of mountaintop removal to extract coal from Coal River Mountain.



DamNation (2014) DamNation is a 2014 advocacy documentary film about the changing attitudes in the United States concerning the large system of dams in that country.



The Living World

The Cove 2009 documentary film directed by Louie Psihoyos which analyzes and questions dolphin hunting practices in Japan.


If a Tree Falls: A Story for the Earth Liberation Front (2011)

Documentarian Marshall Curry investigates the darker side of the fight for our environment in this documentary about the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), a radical group of activists that has gone to extreme lengths to protest against deforestation.


Cane Toads: The Conquest (1988)

Cane Toads: The Conquest is a comic yet provocative account of Australia’s most notorious environmental blunder. It tracks the unstoppable journey of the toad across the continent.



A Fierce Green Fire (2012) The history of the environmental movement's evolution from the


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1960s to the present.

Revolution (2012) Filmmaker Rob Stewart sheds light on important environmental topics and suggests ways that people can work to curtail damage that has been done already.


The Burning Season (2009) A young entrepreneur travels the globe in pursuit of a carbon trading deal that could protect millions of hectares of pristine rainforest, save the orangutan from extinction - and make his fortune.


Wrenched (2016) Wrenched captures the outrage and enduring inspiration of Edward Abbey, one of America’s original irascible defenders of wildlands. Abbey lit the flame of radical environmental activism and gave the movement its soul.


The Ivory Game (2016) Ivory is a prized status symbol for middle-class Chinese, and poachers in pursuit of white gold are slaughtering African elephants in record numbers. Filmmakers went undercover for 16 months, infiltrating and documenting the deep-rooted corruption at the heart of the global ivory trafficking crisis.


More than Honey (2012) Beekeepers, scientists and others discuss the world's declining bee population and what it may mean for modern society.


Virunga (2014) The documentary tells the story of four characters fighting to protect Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, home to the world's last mountain gorillas, against war, poaching, and the threat of oil exploration.


Vanishing of the Bees (2009) The story is centered on the sudden disappearance of honey bees from beehives around the


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world, caused by the poorly understood phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD.

Botany of Desire (2001) Pollan presents case studies that mirror four types of human desires that are reflected in the way that we selectively grow, breed, and genetically engineer our plants.




Don't Panic: End of Poverty (2015)

Looking at the realities of extremely poor people the goal seems impossible. The rains didn’t fall in Malawi this year. The poor farmers Dunstar & Jenet, gather a tiny maize harvest in a small pile on the ground outside their mud hut. But Dunstar & Jenet know exactly what they need to break the vicious circle of poverty. And Hans Rosling shows how billions of people have already managed. This year’s “hunger season” may very well be Dunster’s & Jenet’s last.



Mother: Caring for 7 Billion (2011)

Mother, the film, breaks a 40-year taboo by bringing to light an issue that silently fuels our most pressing environmental, humanitarian and social crises - population growth. In 2011 the world population reached 7 billion, a startling seven-fold increase since the first billion occurred 200 years ago.


Critical Mass (2012) Calhoun experimented with rats to explore changes in behavior as they were provided unlimited food and water, but not space. This launches an exploration of human population growth.


Land and Water Use

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King Corn (2007) Two friends from Boston move to Iowa to grow Corn, the most grown, most subsidized crop in the US, and follow it to food production. Very thought provoking.


Food, Inc. (2008) Authors Eric Schlosser and Michael Pollan offer insight into the food industry in America, including how food is produced.




Blue Gold: World Water Wars (2009)

Examines environmental and political implications of the planet's dwindling water supply, and posits that wars in the future will be fought over water.[4] The film also highlights some success stories of water activists around the world.


Tapped (2009) The high cost—to both the environment and our health—of bottled water is the subject of this documentary that enlists activists, environmentalists, community leaders and others to expose the dark side of the bottled water industry.



The End of the Line (2009) Rupert Murray's acclaimed film looking at the consequences of unchecked, unregulated sea fishing across the globe. It is not a film about what might happen, it is a film about what has happened.


The Slow Poisoning of India It deals with the dangers of excessive use of pesticide in agriculture. India is one of the largest users of pesticide in Asia and also one of the largest manufactures. The toxins have entered into the food chain and into our breakfast, lunch and



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Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)

An investigation into the detrimental impact of animal agriculture on our environment and why environmental organizations are reluctant to discuss it.




A Place at the Table An examination of the issue of hunger in America focuses on the plight of three individuals from different parts of the country who struggle to find adequate nutrition.



Energy Resources & Consumption

Bag it (2011) Jeb Berrier, a regular American man, makes a pledge to stop using plastic bags at the grocery store and has his life completely changed.


Gasland (2010) the film focuses on communities in the United States affected by natural gas drilling and, specifically, a method of horizontal drilling into shale formations known as hydraulic fracturing. The film was a key mobilizer for the anti-fracking movement.



Earth Days (2009) On the one hand, there are the environmentalists and the ecologically minded bills signed into law by several presidents. On the other, there's automobile pollution, endangered and extinct species and reckless farming practices. This wide-ranging documentary looks at both aspects of the American environmental movement -- its triumphs and its failures -- placing interviews with activists and experts alongside footage of disturbing environmental ruins.



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Crude (2009) In this documentary, director Joe Berlinger looks into a major environmental disaster in the Amazon, which involves the oil industry in Ecuador.




Trashed (2013) It follows actor Jeremy Irons as he investigates the global scale and impact of humanity's modern wasteful consumerism and pollution.


Unacceptable Levels (2013) Concerns about his own and his family's health inspire filmmaker Ed Brown to investigate the use of dangerous chemicals and their potential effects on our bodies.



The City Dark (2011) THE CITY DARK is a feature documentary about the loss of night. After moving to NYC from rural Maine, filmmaker Ian Cheney asks a simple question - do we need the stars? - taking him from Brooklyn to Mauna Kea, Paris, and beyond.


A Civil Action (1998) The movie and court case revolve around the issue of trichloroethylene, an industrial solvent, and its contamination of a local aquifer. A lawsuit was filed over industrial operations that appeared to have caused fatal cases of leukemia and cancer, as well as a wide variety of other health problems, among the citizens of the town.



Global Change

Six Degrees That Could Change As the volume of greenhouse FREE

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the World (2008 gases increases yearly, scientists are warning that the global average temperature could increase by as much as 6 degrees Celsius over the next century, which would cause our world to change radically. This documentary joins British author Mark Lynas and climate experts as they take a look at what effect each rise of 1ºC could have on the world.


Racing Extinction (2015) Filmmaker Louie Psihoyos, along with activists, scientists and others, draws attention to mankind's role in a potential loss of at least half of the world's species.


The 11th Hour (2007) Specialists reveal how human actions impact the Earth's ecosystems, and what can be done to reverse or slow the damage before it is too late to save the planet. Narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio.



No Impact Man (2009) This documentary tells the story of author Colin Beavan, who went completely "green," giving up virtually all of the comforts of modern living -- electricity, gas-powered transportation, shipped food and public waste disposal -- in a drastic effort to curb his environmental impact.



The Age of Stupid (2009) The film is a drama-documentary-animation hybrid which stars Pete Postlethwaite as a man living alone in the devastated world of 2055, watching archival footage from the mid-to-late 2000s and asking, "Why didn't we stop climate change when we had the chance?"


Shored Up (2013) The rising sea places towns and cities on the front lines of climate change.


Chasing Ice (2012) Chasing Ice is a 2012 https://www.amazon.com/dp/

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documentary film about the efforts of nature photographer James Balog and his Extreme Ice Survey to publicize the effects of climate change.


The Acid Test (2009) This groundbreaking NRDC documentary explores the startling phenomenon of ocean acidification, which may soon challenge marine life on a scale not seen for tens of millions of years.

