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Chapter 1: An Unexpected Party

1. Describe a hobbit. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. The main character is named __________________ ______________________.

3. His mother’s maiden name was _____________________________.

4. How is his mother’s family different from his father’s family? -______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. The wizard that comes to visit is named ______________________________________.

6. The wizard makes a mark on the door that shows people that the hobbit is a ________________.

7. What are the names of the Dwarves? (Name all 13 of them) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. What instruments do the dwarves play? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Give a summary of the adventure the Dwarves plan to go on ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. There is a ______________________ named ______________________ guarding the treasure.

Constructed Response: If you were the hobbit, would you be willing to go on this journey? Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 2: Roast Mutton

1. The Hobbit was supposed to meet the Dwarves at the __________________ __________________ Inn.

2. What reward will the hobbit receive for going on the journey? ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

3. The group began their journey just before the month of _______________________.

4. When the hobbit goes to investigate the light, he finds three _____________________.

5. Their names are ______________________, ___________________________, and ________________.

6. They were complaining about their dinner of __________________ ____________________.

7. What do the creatures plan on doing with the Dwarves and hobbit? ______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Gandalf tricks the creatures by _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

9. When hit by _________________, the creatures turn into ____________________ and die.

10. In the cave, the company finds ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Constructed Response: How does the author portray the creatures in this section to not be very smart?






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Chapter 3: A Short Rest

1. The group next visits the area known as ____________________________________.

2. This area is home to the ___________________________________.

3. Their chief is named _______________________________________.

4. His house is known as the ______________ _____________________ _____________________.

5. The strange markings on the swords are called ________________________________________.

6. Who is Durin and what is Durin’s Day? _________________________________________________________



7. The markings that can only be seen by the light at night are called _______________ _________________.

8. Gandalf’s sword is called _________________________, Thorin’s is _______________________________.

9. The swords are made by Elves and __________________ whenever an enemy is near.

10. What do the markings on the map tell? _________________________________________________________




Constructed Response: Do they Elves seem like people you would want to be friends with? Why?






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Chapter 4: Over Hill and Under Hill

1. The group decides to spend the night in _______________________________________________________.

2. They are woken by Bilbo screaming to find themselves being captured by ____________________________.

3. The captors ___________________ the ponies.

4. The name Orchrist means ______________ __________________, but the Goblins call it ________________.

5. Glamdring means _______________ __________________, but the Goblins call it ___________________.

6. Who rescues the group from the Goblins?

7. Bilbo gets carried by _____________________.

8. Explain what happens to Bilbo at the end of the chapter. ___________________________________________




Constructed Response: How does the author portray the Goblins to be different from the Elves?












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Chapter 5: Riddles in the Dark

1. Bilbo finds a _____________________ on the floor.

2. Bilbo encounters a creature named _____________________________________.

3. The rules of the riddle game are: If Bilbo wins, then _______________________________________________


But if the creature wins, then __________________________________________________________________


4. To win the riddle game, Bilbo asks the creature ___________________________________________________


5. The creature calls the trinket Bilbo found _______________________________________________________

6. The trinket has the power to make people ______________________________________________________

7. When Bilbo tries to escape, the Goblins see his _____________________________________________.

8. Bilbo lost his _______________________________________ when escaping.

Constructed Response: Gollum is obsessed with his trinket. What do you think he was like before he found the trinket?











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Chapter 6: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire

1. Along the path, Bilbo found ____________ __________________ to eat.

2. The phrase “Out of the frying pan, into the fire” means _____________________________________________



3. The evil wolves are called _________________________________.

4. The company first plans to escape the wolves by __________________________________________________.

5. Bilbo couldn’t execute the plan very well because _________________________________________________


6. Gandalf aimed to drive the wolves away by ______________________________________________________.

7. A(n) ____________________________________ (bird) saved the Company from harm.

8. Explain how the birds and the Goblins feel about one another. _______________________________________




Constructed Response: How does Bilbo’s size prove to be an advantage and a disadvantage during his journey?









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Chapter 7: Queer Lodgings

1. The “somebody” that Gandalf introduces the company to is named ___________________________.

2. He calls the great rock near his house the ____________________________________.

3. He has the power to _______________________________________________________________________.

4. His diet mostly consists of ______________________________________.

5. The animals at his house are different from normal animals because they _______________________________



6. The black stream is enchanted so that if you drink from it, ___________________________________________


7. The company gets warned not to __________________________ the path.

8. The company gets to borrow the ponies as long as they promise _____________________________________


9. They are going into the forest named ____________________________________________.

10. Before going into the forest, ____________________________________ leaves the group.

Constructed Response: The company has already encountered Trolls, Goblins, Wargs, and people who can

change shape. What kind of creatures do you predict the company will encounter in the forest?








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Chapter 8: Flies and Spiders

1. _____________________ fell in the enchanted water.

2. A ____________________________ ran by and knocked him in.

3. When they went to investigate the strange lights, they found ________________________________________


4. The company was then attacked by giant _______________________________.

5. Bilbo named his sword _____________________________________.

6. The company finds that ____________________________ was captured by the Wood Elves.

7. The Wood Elves did not love Dwarves because __________________________________________________


8. The captured Dwarf refused to tell the Wood Elves _______________________________________________


9. ______________________________ are the only things that Wood Elves had no mercy upon.

Constructed Response: Explain how the Wood Elves that we met in this chapter are different from the High Elves,

including Elrond, that we met earlier in the story.










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Chapter 9: Barrels Out of Bond

1. The Elves did not capture Bilbo because _______________________________________________________.

2. The Elves trade their goods with _____________________________________________________________.

3. The body of water those traders reside on is called _______________________________________________.

4. The special wine was meant only for ___________________________, not servants.

5. Bible got the guards keys by ________________________________________________________________.

6. Explain Bilbo’s plan to help everyone escape. _________________________________________________




7. Everyone was packed into a barrel except for _________________________________.

8. Bilbo was “given away” in the village that night because ___________________________________________


9. The Elves thought the barrels sank so much because ______________________________________________


Constructed Response: The Elves seem to be kind, yet firm. What do you think would have happened had the Elves opened the barrels and found the Dwarves trying to escape?









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Chapter 10- A Warm Welcome

1. Bilbo was excited to see ________________________________________________ in the distance.

2. ________________________________ was the first out of the barrel.

3. Fili complained of his barrel smelling like _____________________________________.

4. The townspeople were excited to hear of “the return of the King under the Mountain” because :



5. The leader of the Humans was called ________________________________.

6. What does the Elven-King say about their adventure? ______________________________________________



7. The leader of the Humans was happy to see the company leave because ________________________________


8. ______________________________ was the only one not happy about leaving.

Constructed Response: Bilbo seems to be tiring of his journey. Do you think he would be able to live a happy life if he

went home now? Would he regret not finishing? Explain your answer.









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Chapter 11: On the Doorstep

1. The company comes to the city of ____________________________, which had been charred and ruined.

2. The secret door was on the __________________ side of the mountain.

3. Instead of thinking about the dragon and how to get to it, Bilbo thought about ___________________________


4. The company is about to face the _____________________________ season.

5. They all hoped that ________________________________ would return.

6. A __________________________ (bird) turned out to be very important.

7. It was important because _____________________________________________________________________


8. _________________________ had the key to open the door.

Constructed Response: The Dwarves seem so blinded by the prize ahead of them, they are forgetting important things that will help them get there (such as how to open the door). Write about a time that you were so worried about the end result that you forgot an important part of how to obtain it













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Chapter 12: Inside Information

1. Only _________________________ volunteered to go with Bilbo into the cave.

2. Smaug is __________________________________ in color.

3. Bilbo stole ________________________________ from Smaug’s lair.

4. Give 4 examples of “titles” that Bilbo gave himself when talking to Smaug. _____________________________



5. Smaug knew the Dwarves were near because ____________________________________________________.

6. Bilbo told Smaug that the company did not come for gold, but for ___________________________________.

7. Smaug’s weakness was located _______________________________________________________________.

8. The most important and impressive piece of treasure was ___________________________________________.

9. Smaug set out to destroy Lake Town because _____________________________________________________



Constructed Response: Bilbo says that his decision to go into the lair alone was the bravest thing he had ever done? Do you agree? Is there something else that you think is braver? Explain.










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Chapter 13: Not at Home

1. Another name for the Arkenstone is the __________________ of the _______________________________.

2. _____________________ took the Arkenstone.

3. Thorin gave Bilbo a _________________ of _____________________ made out of a material called


4. Bilbo says he would be willing to trade the goblets for _____________________________________________


5. To march to the southwest corner of the mountain it would take ____________________________________.

6. The company was in the cave for _____________________ (amount of time) since Smaug smashed the door.

7. What is “cram”? ___________________________________________________________________________

8. The company got the cram from _______________________________________________________________.

Constructed Response: Thorin explains that certain birds used to be used as messengers because they are able to communicate with men. How do you think this could be an advantage? How could it be a disadvantage? (Possibly think about the jabberjays in the Hunger Games!)











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Chapter 14: Fire and Water

1. The captain of the Lake People was named ________________________________.

2. He was the rightful Lord of ___________________________________.

3. He used a bow made of _____________________________.

4. How did he find out how to kill the dragon? _____________________________________________________


5. The townspeople respected him more than the Master because _____________________________________



6. The Master said ________________________________________ was to blame.

7. The Lake People called upon ___________________________________________________ for help.

8. It took ________________________________ for help to arrive in Lake Town.

Constructed Response: Explain why no one ever collected the jewels from the body of the dead dragon.












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Chapter 15: The Gathering of the Clouds

1. Since the dwarves couldn’t understand the thrush, the bird goes and gets a _____________________________.

2. It is named ________________________________________.

3. Thorin decides to send a message to __________________________________________.

4. The Worm of Dread is another name for ________________________________________.

5. Thorin will not parley with the Elves because _____________________________________________________


6. Bard requests ___________________ of the treasure as his part.

7. Thorin responds to this request by ______________________________________________________________


8. Bard gets upset and says that all Thorin will be able to eat is ________________________________________.

Constructed Response: Do you think Bard is entitled to a share in the treasure? What about the Elven king? Explain your answer.













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Chapter 16: A Thief in the Night

1. Bilbo exchanged lookout shifts with ____________________________________________________.

2. Dain was on his way to help Thorin and was bringing __________________________ Dwarves.

3. Explain why Bilbo decided to give Bard and the Elvenking the Arkenstone? ____________________________




4. Bilbo was surprised to see _____________________ at the camp.

5. Bilbo decided to go back rather than stay at the camp because ________________________________________



Constructed Response: Predict how you think Thorin will react to Bilbo giving away the Arkenstone.












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Chapter 17: The Clouds Burst

1. What does it mean to be “politer in word than in deed”? ___________________________________________


2. The leader of the Goblins was named ______________________________________.

3. The fight was called the _____________________________________________________________________.

4. The races involved in the fight were the : __________________, _________________________,

____________________, _____________________________, and ______________________________.

5. Bilbo was not safe even with his ring on because __________________________________________________


6. The first to charge was _____________________________________.

7. At the end of the chapter, the _________________________________ came to help.

8. The Elves knew they were coming because ______________________________________________________.

9. At the end of the chapter, Bilbo _______________________________________________________________


Constructed Response: Why did Bilbo choose to take his stand on Ravenhill among the Elves?










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Chapter 18: The Return Journey

1. According to Bilbo, the drawback of invisibility was ______________________________________________.

2. The battle was won because ______________________________ appeared at last to help.

3. The Elvenking put _____________________________ ________________on Thorin’s tomb.

4. ________________________ and __________________________ were also killed in battle.

5. Dain decided to bury ____________________________________________ with Thorin.

6. ____________________________________________ (treasure) was set to the Elvenking.

7. Bilbo took _____________________________________________________ as his treasure.

8. Bilbo gave the Elvenking ____________________________________ as a gift.

9. His reasoning for giving the gift was ___________________________________________________________


10. Bilbo stayed at _________________________________________________________ for the winter.

Constructed Response: Why did Thorin rekindle his friendship with Bilbo before dying?












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Chapter 19: The Last Stage1. On what date did they reach Rivendell? ________________________________________________________

2. Gandalf had left the company earlier in the story because he was busy doing what? ______________________



3. Bilbo got the red handkerchief from _________________________________________.

4. Bilbo returned home on ____________________________________________________ (what day)

5. Bilbo’s belongings were being sold because ______________________________________________________


6. ______________________________________________ had planned to move into Bilbo’s house.

7. Bilbo spent most of his silver and gold on _______________________________________________________.

8. Bilbo thought of naming his memoirs __________________________________________________________.

9. _________________ and __________________________ came to visit Bilbo.

10. What happened to the old Master of Lake Town? __________________________________________________


Constructed Response: Why was Bilbo considered less respectable? How did people treat him after his return?









