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D.I.Y Personalized Memory Game By Kelley Bouchard @ Pinvestigation 1) First, gather up family member’s pictures that you will be using for your personalized memory game and save to the computer. You can do an individual on one memory card or a couple if you so choose. For my game I did a combination of individual’s pictures and combos. You can use pictures of aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, grandparents, pets, friends ect. Also if you have not already bought some 8.5 x 11” scrapbook paper, go to hobby lobby or michael’s and get some. Make sure there is only a design on one side of the paper and that it is thin enough to be put in your home printer. 2) Next, type in and choose the “collage” option. Then upload two family member’s pictures you will be using in your personalized memory game 3) Once your pictures are uploaded, click the small gray icon on the far left of the screen (2 nd icon from the top) that contains a rectangle and two squares. From there, choose the “Square Deal” format. As implied, The Square deal format will make your memory cards perfectly square =) Created by Kelley B @ Pinvestigation

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Page 1: … · Web viewOpen a new word document. Set margins to 0.5 on either side. Copy and paste your completed personalized pictures and drag the top

D.I.Y Personalized Memory Game By Kelley Bouchard @ Pinvestigation

1) First, gather up family member’s pictures that you will be using for your personalized memory game and save to the computer. You can do an individual on one memory card or a couple if you so choose. For my game I did a combination of individual’s pictures and combos. You can use pictures of aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, grandparents, pets, friends ect. Also if you have not already bought some 8.5 x 11” scrapbook paper, go to hobby lobby or michael’s and get some. Make sure there is only a design on one side of the paper and that it is thin enough to be put in your home printer.

2) Next, type in and choose the “collage” option. Then upload two family member’s pictures you will be using in your personalized memory game

3) Once your pictures are uploaded, click the small gray icon on the far left of the screen (2nd icon from the top) that contains a rectangle and two squares. From there, choose the “Square Deal” format. As implied, The Square deal format will make your memory cards perfectly square =)

Created by Kelley B @ Pinvestigation

Page 2: … · Web viewOpen a new word document. Set margins to 0.5 on either side. Copy and paste your completed personalized pictures and drag the top

4) Next, click they first gray icon on the far left (the icon with the mountain and sun also known as “The picture gallery icon), and drag one family member’s picture into two of the squares. (Memory is a matching game so you have to make two cards for each family member).

5) Once you have all four squares filled, save the picture to your computer. Then open a new tab, type and choose to EDIT a photo. Select the photo you just saved to your computer and then you can personalize the individuals cards

Created by Kelley B @ Pinvestigation

Page 3: … · Web viewOpen a new word document. Set margins to 0.5 on either side. Copy and paste your completed personalized pictures and drag the top

6) The EDIT mode of picmonkey allows you to apply filters, add text box, drag and drop photo accents and much more, so feel free to play around in this mode. Just remember, you want the pictures on the bottom to mirror those on the top (as pictured above) because the matching memory cards need to look identical =). Once you are done editing the photo, save once more.

7) Repeat steps 1 -6 for the additional family member you want to add to the game8) Open a new word document. Set margins to 0.5 on either side. Copy and paste your

completed personalized pictures and drag the top right edge out to 7.0 inches (this will make each of your memory games cards 3.5 x 3.5 inches! Obviously you can choose to make you playing cards whatever size you desire. Click the “Return” button on your computer so your cursor is below the picture and then click “ Insert page break”. This will ensure only one big picture prints per page.

9) Continue to copy & paste each saved personalized square card on the same word document with a “page break” in between. Don’t forget to save the document now and then =)

Created by Kelley B @ Pinvestigation

Page 4: … · Web viewOpen a new word document. Set margins to 0.5 on either side. Copy and paste your completed personalized pictures and drag the top

10) You are ready to print, but first….you need to figure out which direction to load your printer with the fancy scrap book paper so as not to waste it. I just doodled something on a white piece of printer paper and printed a black and white tester page to see how I needed to load my paper. Your pictures should come out looking like this below (notice where the 44cent sign came out on the paper, if you get it backwords it will ruin your top left memory card).

Created by Kelley B @ Pinvestigation

Page 5: … · Web viewOpen a new word document. Set margins to 0.5 on either side. Copy and paste your completed personalized pictures and drag the top

11) Next, open the “Memory Game Labels” attachment in the Pinvestigation blog post and choose your desired text options for your memory game. Once you have picked out some labels, delete all the other options and copy and paste your desired choice an equal amount to the number of pages that you have created for your memory game (save the document). Also, notice how the label margins begin at 1.0 inches and extend out to 7.5 inches. This is because we are going to be printing the Game Label on the backside of the memory card with the picture (see picture below) …Since most of us (or maybe just me) don’t have a double sided printer, we will be reloading the fancy scrapbook paper that has the printed pictures on it flipped over from the previous way you loaded it in order to get the cute Game Labels to print on the decorated side of the fancy paper

12) Now I might advise doing another tester round if you don’t have any extra paper, but once you have reloaded the memory cards on the scrapbook paper in a manner to which the Game Labels are going to print on the fancy side of the cards (and with the same orientation of the picture on the back side), then click PRINT on your saved Game Label doc… You should get something like this (ps. Don’t start cutting yet! I got a little excited and it is much easier to laminate the cards 4 at a time than individually). Oh and if you want the Game Labels personalized with a name, you can do this in picmonkey!

Created by Kelley B @ Pinvestigation

Page 6: … · Web viewOpen a new word document. Set margins to 0.5 on either side. Copy and paste your completed personalized pictures and drag the top

13) Now, before you start cutting up your matching memory cards like I originally did, you will want to laminate them first in a group. I think the memory cards are easier to laminate in a sheet rather than individually (or at a minimum, cut the extra white space off around the four cards that printed off on one page and laminate that instead of the entire page). You can buy paper to laminate your memory cards at most craft stores and once that process is complete, just cut the cards into nice squares and package as desired

They should end up looking like this>>>

Created by Kelley B @ Pinvestigation

Page 7: … · Web viewOpen a new word document. Set margins to 0.5 on either side. Copy and paste your completed personalized pictures and drag the top

14 ) Packaging the game can be as easy as a ziplock baggy or as elaborate as a customized game box. I chose to buy a box from Hobby Lobby and then I customized the top with the same game label and laminated it =) I also decided to keep the cards together with a clothes pin =)

Check out the pictures of the final product below!

Created by Kelley B @ Pinvestigation

Page 8: … · Web viewOpen a new word document. Set margins to 0.5 on either side. Copy and paste your completed personalized pictures and drag the top

Created by Kelley B @ Pinvestigation

Page 9: … · Web viewOpen a new word document. Set margins to 0.5 on either side. Copy and paste your completed personalized pictures and drag the top

Created by Kelley B @ Pinvestigation