Web viewle 3 mai 2016. Directeurs et ... The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. A period of silence...

A Province-Wide Simultaneous Mass

Transcript of Web viewle 3 mai 2016. Directeurs et ... The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. A period of silence...

Page 1: Web viewle 3 mai 2016. Directeurs et ... The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. A period of silence is observed after the reading. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19:1

A Province-Wide Simultaneous Mass

Page 2: Web viewle 3 mai 2016. Directeurs et ... The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. A period of silence is observed after the reading. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19:1

May 3, 2016

Dear Director of Education, Chair and fellow Trustees,

As we embark in another faith-filled year, the Catholic Board Council of the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association - l‘Association des élèves conseillers et conseillères de l'Ontario (OSTA-AECO) has collectively decided to move forward in uniting Catholic students in Ontario, through this year’s Catholic Student Youth Day (OCSYD). The Catholic Board Council (CBC) represents students in the Catholic education system through elected Student Trustees in our Catholic boards of education. As a whole, we represent over 600,000 students in Ontario.

Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, called this year to be a Jubilee Year of Mercy. As Catholics, this is an opportunity to grow in our faith and improve our spiritual relationship with Christ. Through this significant event announced by our Apostolic Father, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) has adopted Catholic Education Week’s theme to reflect this Year of Mercy. For this year’s theme, “Opening Doors of Mercy”, we will be led through a unique spiritual journey beginning with a mass on May 3, 2016 in each representative school.

It is crucial as followers of Jesus Christ to nourish our souls through the Holy Mass but also, to “go forth and proclaim the gospel”. For that reason, we have partnered with Development and Peace, the Archdiocese of Toronto and OCSTA to create a Social Justice Activity Package with resources on initiatives for each school to celebrate Catholic Education Week. This is an occasion for students to embrace, discover and venture through a personal spiritual excursion.

We highly recommend to take into consideration the Social Justice Activity Package and to make this year’s Catholic Education Week a memorable year. We are fortunate to be able to express our faith freely and we must continue to be servants like Christ has called us to be. During Catholic Education Week, we encourage you to use the hashtag, #OCSYD16 and/or #JJC2016 with social media so we can showcase the continued success of Catholic Education in Ontario.

With the Grace of God, we will be looking forward to having another successful Catholic Education Week and Youth Day. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Yours in Faith and Education.

Matthew Marin Natasha IaboniPresident [email protected] [email protected]

Ontario Student Trustees’ Association • l ‘Association des élèves conseillers et conseillères de l'OntarioTelephone: (705) 627-6782 – President • @cbc_ontario • http://osta-aeco.org

Page 3: Web viewle 3 mai 2016. Directeurs et ... The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. A period of silence is observed after the reading. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19:1

le 3 mai 2016

Directeurs et directrices de l’éducation, président et élèves conseillers et conseillères,

En ce début d’une nouvelle année remplie de foi, le Catholic Board Council de laOntario Student Trustees’ Association - l’Association des élèves conseillers et conseillères de l'Ontario (OSTA-AECO) a décidé collectivement de passer à l'action pour unir les élèves catholiques en Ontario, dans le cadre de la journée des élèves catholiques (OCSYD) de cette année. Le Catholic Board Council (CBC) représente les élèves dans le système d’éducation catholique, par l'entremise d’élèves conseillers élus dans nos conseils scolaires catholiques. Globalement, nous représentons plus de 600,000  élèves en Ontario.

Notre Saint-Père, le pape François, a annoncé que cette année serait un Jubilé de miséricorde. En tant que catholiques, cela représente une occasion pour nous de grandir dans notre foi et d'améliorer notre relation spirituelle avec Jésus. Dans le cadre de cet événement important annoncé par notre père apostolique, la Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) a adopté pour la semaine de l’éducation catholique un thème qui reflète cette Année de miséricorde. Dans le cadre du thème de cette année, « Ouvrir les portes de la miséricorde », nous ferons un parcours spirituel unique qui commencera par une messe célébrée le 3 mai  2016 dans toutes les écoles.

En tant que disciples du Jésus-Christ, il est essentiel de nourrir notre âme par l'entremise de la sainte messe, et également « d'aller proclamer la bonne nouvelle ». Pour cette raison, nous avons établi des partenariats avec Development and Peace, l'archidiocèse de Toronto et l’OCSTA pour créer une trousse d’activités sur la justice sociale, contenant des ressources relatives aux initiatives permettant à chaque école de célébrer la semaine d’éducation catholique. Il s'agit d’une occasion pour les élèves d'adopter, de découvrir et de faire une excursion spirituelle personnelle.

Nous vous recommandons de prendre en considération la trousse d'activités sur la justice sociale afin de rendre mémorable la semaine d’éducation catholique de cette année. Nous avons la chance de pouvoir exprimer librement notre foi : nous devons continuer à être les serviteurs que Jésus nous a demandés d’être. Pendant la semaine d’éducation catholique, nous vous encourageons à utiliser les mots-clic #OCSYD16 et #JJC2016 dans les médias sociaux afin de mettre en vedette la réussite continue de l’éducation catholique en Ontario.

Grâce à Dieu, nous nous réjouirons à l’idée de la réussite d’une autre semaine d’éducation catholique et d’une autre journée des jeunes. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à prendre contact avec nous.

Sincèrement dans la foi et l’éducation,

Matthew Marin Natasha IaboniPrésidente Vice-pré[email protected] [email protected]

Ontario Student Trustees’ Association • l ‘Association des élèves conseillers et conseillères de l'OntarioTelephone: (705) 627-6782 – President • @cbc_ontario • http://osta-aeco.org

Page 4: Web viewle 3 mai 2016. Directeurs et ... The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. A period of silence is observed after the reading. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19:1

Introductory Rites

Processional Hymn – Given that the mass will be celebrated during Easter Season, the Gathering Hymn should be a festive Easter hymn.

Greeting (including Bishop’s video message)

Penitential Act


Liturgy of the Word

FIRST READING: 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

Christ appeared to James, and then to all the apostles.

A reading from the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians.

I would remind you, brothers and sisters, of the good news that I proclaimed to you, which you in turn received, in which also you stand, through which also you are being saved, if you hold firmly to the message that I proclaimed to you – unless you have come to believe in vain. For I handed on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then Christ appeared to more than five hundred brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to one untimely born, Christ appeared also to me.

The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

A period of silence is observed after the reading.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19:1-2, c-4ab (R.5a)

R. Their message goes out through all the earth. OR Alleluia! (two or three times)

The heavens are telling the glory of God;and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.Day to day pours forth speech,and night to night declares knowledge. R.

Page 5: Web viewle 3 mai 2016. Directeurs et ... The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. A period of silence is observed after the reading. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19:1

There is no speech, nor are there words;their voice is not heard;yet their voice goes out through all the earth,and their words to the end of the world. R.


This verse may accompany the singing of the Alleluia.If the Alleluia is not sung, the acclamation is omitted.I am the way, the truth, and the life, says the Lord;Philip, whoever sees me, sees the Father.

GOSPEL: John 14.6-14

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John.

Jesus said to the disciples, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” Philip said to Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you,I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if you do not, then believe me because of the works themselves. Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.”

The gospel of the Lord. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayers of the Faithful

Priest’s Introduction: Dear brothers and sisters, filled with Paschal joy and confident in the promise of Christ’s faithfulness, let us place our needs before God.

For the church: that it always be a living witness of the goodness of God. United in faith, we pray to the lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

For the freedom to worship God in our Country: that we never take this gift for granted. United in faith, we pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

For those who struggle with mental, physical and emotional pain: that they may find healing and consolation in Christ Jesus. United in faith, we pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

Page 6: Web viewle 3 mai 2016. Directeurs et ... The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. A period of silence is observed after the reading. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19:1

For refugees in Canada: may the Lord bring comfort, acceptance and love as they embark in a new chapter of their lives. United in faith, we pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

For students across the province of Ontario: that our united celebration of Mass this day may strengthen the values and beliefs we share in common with our brothers and sisters. United in faith, we pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

For today’s youth: that we may be guided to learn and grow in our journey of faith. United in faith, we pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

For Catholic education: that it continue to be a faithful and constant reminder of God’s deep love for us. United in faith, we pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

The final intention is to be decided by the schools.

Priest’s Prayer: God, our Father, look upon your people gathered here in the name of Your Crucified and Risen Son. Hear and answer our prayer, so that, strengthened by the Holy Spirit, we may more fervently serve you. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen +

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts

Offertory Hymn: the Offertory procession may express the strength given to us by Christ by singing a hymn, such as, “One Bread, One Body”, “City of God” and “Here I am Lord”.

Eucharistic Prayer: Preface of Easter I-V (pages 534-543 of the Roman Missal)

Holy, Holy. Holy (sung with Mass setting most known by students)

Memorial Acclamation (sung with Mass setting most known by students)

Amen (sung with Mass setting most known by students)

The Communion Rite

Lord’s Prayer Sign

of Peace Breaking

of Bread

Lamb of God (sung with Mass setting most known by students)

Page 7: Web viewle 3 mai 2016. Directeurs et ... The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. A period of silence is observed after the reading. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19:1

Communion Hymn: the Communion Procession may express the strength given to us by Christ, such as “City of God”, “Here I am Lord” and “The Light of Christ”.

Concluding Rites


Closing Hymn: “Sing a New Song” (as chosen by the Catholic Board Council)

After Mass Social Justice Activities (optional) for use by schools for the remainder of the day