Web viewIt is first sifted through the intellect and when accepted by the ego gets the stamp “...

download Web viewIt is first sifted through the intellect and when accepted by the ego gets the stamp “ truth ... that the word Aryan ... the invasion..

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Terminatrix Valkyria painting by Vig


I want to add some points that seemed to be overlooked in the latest and very interesting discussion on the Tribune about the Aryan origins , and give a different view of the issue. The discussions about the Aryan origins theme have been going on at the Tribune from the very beginning because they are of fundamental importance to white racial awareness.

Every time historic issues come up I am asking myself the question what good it is to know a lot of facts about our history. Does it really help us to face the present challenges ? Just to absorb knowledge about the Aryan past does not do any good. It is first sifted through the intellect and when accepted by the ego gets the stamp truth and serves as the foundation for other assumptions. This is a dangerous illusion as science has proven . There is no certainty at all.

The essential thing that knowledge can do is preparing you to get into actions that improve your living conditions. When it comes to this there is an emotional component to the said knowledge which has been aroused in us , most of the time unconsciously. The consequence of this is that there is suddenly a huge amount of energy at least potentially available that can make us move.

I see the meaning of our discussion only in this aspect. We have to go deeper than the intellect in us to find out what triggers our feelings, what we get from stories told, what meaning visual symbols have for us etc. To perceive meaning can only be a sort of recognition of something that is already in us, in our deepest unconscious memories, imprinted there by the many past lives we had.

This discussion makes only sense as an emotional comfort , as a motivation to give the white race a renewed impetus to again become master over life on this planet. To feel that daring actions and taking risks are the essence of life

Fact is that we as white Europeans are now confronted with the self destructive qualities of the civilisation that we have been creating. So what is in store for us if we just go for victory and dont renew ourselves spiritually?

The other important note is that the Aryan history is formally not identical with a study of the white race as such. Officially the Aryan origin is a linguistic and cultural issue which is since WW2 loaded with a stigma. It is very relevant to find out to whom you are talking about this.

I have come to the conclusion that race and culture are two intimately connected phenomena that have both a dynamic nature and are slowly changing in time. With this understanding I would give a culture and the spirituality that is at its roots a higher priority than race. Preservation of racial qualities will just serve the stability of the culture that it carries.

Very clear to me is that, what we know today of all the peoples of the past who had an Aryan language and culture, can lead us to qualify them as the torchbearers of humanity , at least according to my standards of quality. Not all races of the earth might agree with this, but most likely all races will have in some or other way been benefitted by the inventiveness of the Aryans in the form of technology..

But let us be honest , there is at the moment also a lot of scum among the white race. To just refer to the white race does not have the cultural connotation with it that the word Aryan does. To support a spiritual renewal for the white race the best would be to use a new terminology that includes both aspects.

Patrick Chouinard has given a great overview in his articles and he certainly has great knowledge. My thoughts about the Aryan issue and the information I gathered in the course of the last years are such that it would be too large for the comment section of an article , therefore I decided to write this article. My objection to Patrick s approach is that links to scientific studies done in the past are not shown. On the other hand it is clear that in this field there are very few certainties so that means that a lot of what we think is just speculation anyway. Guys who are very good at it are for example among others Graham Hancock and Arthur Kemp.

For sure there is very little certainty about the Aryan past . Not the study of history but sciences like geology, anthropology and archaeology and genetic studies have to bring the answers. Even psychology has to be consulted.

I have usually a thorough suspicion about scientists making statements. It is not about scientific procedures, but about the ulterior motives that they have when they declare something from the rooftops. An example is that in the end of the 19th century the so called Aryan Invasion Theory was formulated mainly by the German historians Max Muller and Witzel . This theory says that the Aryan tribes that created the Sanskrit scriptures of the Rigvedas , the Vedas and the Upanishads came from north central Asia or Europe and conquered northern India in two waves first 2500 BC and second in 1800BC, and destroyed the existing Indus Valley culture.

First of all the dating of those scriptures is speculative. Secondly these German historians relied too much on the texts itself because they were excellent philologists, their reasoning was amongst others that only the Aryans had chariots and horses, which they brought to India , and there was no mention of horses and chariots in India in the times before the invasion..

One has to realise that in the end of the 19th century the colonisation of the world by western powers was in full swing and it seemed feasible that they unofficially found something to justify the colonisation of in this case India by insinuating that they had a right to be there because originally they were there and created the culture. Certainly the Rigvedic texts give us a picture of the Aryan culture but not the origin of the Aryans themselves, and the big question mark remains the dating of these crucial texts.

Because of archaeological findings and refined technologies of dating offers a new perspective on this theme, however the fact remains that linguistic studies are the best available means to trace the Aryan origins. Carbon dating was invented by a Dutch scientist shortly after WW2.

Especially the Indian scientists in collaboration with some western scientists recently have done very extensive linguistic studies that prove that the former Aryan Invasion Theory is not credible anymore. In essence it says that the Aryan culture arose in India itself a long time before 2500 BC , most likely out of the Indus Valley culture of which Mohenjodaro and Harappa are major archaeological finds. They concluded that these invasions were the other way round from east to west and from India to Asia and Europe.

Link : Youtube : The Aryan Invasion Theory Part II textual evidence and archaeology

The Aryans entered Central Asia and Iran and later Europe from Northern India out of their homeland Haryana and Punjab close to the Saraswati and the Indus river. India is really the land of the swastika.

You can say of the Indians what you want but they did some decent research. But of course we can also here have reservations about heir ulterior motives . Now India is arising they need a reassurance of their cultural paradigms. The problem remains that the mysterious Indus Valley culture, which really had a high level of sophistication seeing the remains of their cities, has left a written record that we have not deciphered as yet .

The Vedas and other scriptures were orally brought down to us so they could very well have been created during the Indus Valley culture. The Indian historians say that the Indus Valley culture is much, much older than we think, tens of thousands of years. Spectacularly enough recent archaeological discoveries in the Gulf of Khambat in north west India seem to confirm this idea, which shakes up the whole history of humankind.

Link: Youtube: Pre-harappan ancient city found_part 1,2,3,4 and 5

Of course most of us dont want o hear that the brown Indians might be descendants of the Aryans At least in northern India there are a lot of pale or white skinned Indians with a European appearance.. There is absolutely no way to know how the proto Aryans who lived in the Indus Valley culture looked like.

It is like the Greek sculptures of classical times. Until recently nobody was busy with the question of whether the Greeks had blond or black hair or blue or dark eyes. With the refined technology of today one has established the fact that most Greek sculptures were painted with a clear preference for giving people blue or grey eyes and blond or red hair !

Link: Youtube: Greece ancient art wasn t black white , When Science Meets Ancient Art Colors Emerge

Probably this discovery has aroused great protest and indignation in leftist and Jew circles!

Concerning the Gulf of Khambat the following: they discovered on the seafloor about 100 m under water the remains of a whole well designed city of which carbon dating has given a date of at least 9000 years old !!!. This is after the end of the last glacial period . The melting started about 11700 years ago. This could explain the legends of the deluge, and this melting of ice makes it completely convincing that the sea level arose more than 100 m in that time. It all means that we can be quite certain that there has been civilised life, Aryan or not, before this deluge ! This upsets our whole understanding of human history and we are in for surprises. It could give rise to the acceptance of the Atlantis theory.

Also I want to bring to our attention that there have been historians in Russia and in In