Web viewIn the case of the semiconductor the increase in the number of free electrons more than...


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Page 1: Web viewIn the case of the semiconductor the increase in the number of free electrons more than compensates for the increased lattice vibration

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Charge and CurrentCurrent is defined as rate of flow of charge.

It follows that, if charge Q (in coulombs C) passes some point in a circuit in t seconds, the current I (in amperes A) is given by the equation:

I = Q/t

or: Q = It

N.B. The charge in circuits is usually in the form of electrons - which are negative. (i.e. The charge carriers are negative.) By convention, current flows in the opposite direction to the flow of electrons, as shown below:

VoltageVoltage (or potential difference) is defined as the energy transferred to the components in a circuit per unit charge passing through them.

It follows that:


where V is the voltage (in volts V) between 2 points in a circuit, Q is the charge (in C) passing from one point to the other, and W is the energy (in J) transferred in the process.

It also follows that: 1 V = 1 JC-1

Page 2: Web viewIn the case of the semiconductor the increase in the number of free electrons more than compensates for the increased lattice vibration

ResistanceConsider the circuit below:

The resistance R (in ohms ) of the component between A and B is defined as the voltage V (in V) between A and B divided by the current I (in A) flowing through the component.

i.e. R = V/I REMEMBER!

Ohm's LawSuppose the voltage V across a component is varied and the current I is measured - and graphs of V against I are plotted. Typical results are shown below:

Page 3: Web viewIn the case of the semiconductor the increase in the number of free electrons more than compensates for the increased lattice vibration

A component (or conductor) is said to obey Ohm's Law if the graph is a straight line - like the one above left. In this case I is proportional to V. The conductor is also said to be ohmic.

The resistance (V/I) of an ohmic conductor is constant. The resistance (V/I) of a non-ohmic conductor varies.

Resistors in Series and ParallelResistors in series are illustrated below:

R1 and R2 can be replaced by a single resistor R, where:

R = R1 + R2

If you want to prove the above formula, the starting point is the relationship between the voltages:

   V = V1 + V2

Page 4: Web viewIn the case of the semiconductor the increase in the number of free electrons more than compensates for the increased lattice vibration

The above relationship is a consequence of conservation of energy.

Resistors in parallel are illustrated below:

R1 and R2 can be replaced by a single resistor R, where:

1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2

If you want to prove the above formula, the starting point is the relationship between the currents:

   I = I1 + I2

The above relationship is a consequence of conservation of charge.

Electrical Energy and PowerFrom the definition of voltage (see above):

electrical energy transferred to a component = (voltage across it) x (charge passing through it)

i.e. W = VQ


Charge (Q) = current (I) x time (t)

Therefore, combining the above 2 equations:

Page 5: Web viewIn the case of the semiconductor the increase in the number of free electrons more than compensates for the increased lattice vibration

electrical energy W = VIt REMEMBER!

Power = (energy transferred)/(time taken)

Therefore, from the above equation:

power P = VIt/t


Since V = IR, it follows that: P = I2R

Also, since I = V/R, it follows that: P = V2/R

E.M.F. and Internal ResistanceCells, batteries, mains power supplies, etc all have an e.m.f. and internal resistance.

e.m.f. stands for "electromotive force", but it is really a voltage - the maximum voltage that the battery etc can supply.

Internal resistance r is self-explanatory. It is the resistance inside the battery etc.

Consider the circuit below:

The battery etc is enclosed by a circle. It consists of an e.m.f and an internal resistance r.

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The terminal p.d. V is the voltage across the terminals of the battery etc - which is generally a bit lower than the e.m.f.

The load resistance R is the resistance connected externally across the terminals of the battery etc.

The e.m.f. drives the current I through both the external resistance R and the internal resistance r.

Therefore: = I(R + r) = IR + Ir

But: IR = V = terminal p.d.

Therefore: = V + Ir

Or: V = - Ir

Thus V is always less than unless either I = 0 or r = 0.

i.e. The terminal p.d. is only equal to the e.m.f. if no current is drawn or the internal resistance equals zero.

Maximum Power TheoremConsider this circuit again:

The power P delivered to the load resistance R is given by:

P = VI = I2R

Theory shows that the power delivered is a maximum when the external resistance

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R is equal to the internal resistance r.

i.e. P = max when R = r

The graph below shows how the power peaks when R = r:

Efficiencypercentage efficiency = {useful energy (or power) output}/{total energy (or power) input} x 100%

Suppose we apply the above to a battery connected to a load resistance:

The useful power output = the power delivered to the load = I2R

The total power input = the power delivered to the load + internal resistance = I2(R + r)

Therefore: percentage efficiency = {I2R}/{I2(R + r)} = R/(R + r)

According to the maximum power theorem, maximum power is delivered to the load when R = r.

Efficiency then = r/(r + r) x 100% = 50%

To approach 100% efficiency, R would have to be very large (or r would have to be nearly zero) - but very little power would be delivered in either case.

i.e. In the case of batteries etc, maximum power is not compatible with maximum efficiency.

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Resistance and TemperatureThe resistance of a metal increases as the temperature increases. i.e. Metals are said to have positive temperature coefficients of resistance (PTC).

The resistance of a semiconductor (e.g. a thermistor) decreases as the temperature increases. i.e. Semiconductors are said to have negative temperature coefficients of resistance (NTC).

The diagrams below illustrate the reasons for this difference:



Page 9: Web viewIn the case of the semiconductor the increase in the number of free electrons more than compensates for the increased lattice vibration

In the case of the semiconductor the increase in the number of free electrons more than compensates for the increased lattice vibration - so resistance decreases as temperature increases.

(N.B. The above explanation assumes that the semiconductor is n-type - i.e. that the charge carriers are electrons (negative). Some semicnoductors (p-type) have positive charge carriers (called "holes") - which are, in effect, sites in atoms where electrons are missing.)

Specific Heat CapacityThe specific heat capacity c of a substance is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of it by 1 oC (or by 1 K).

i.e: c = E/m

..... where E is the amount of energy (in J) transferred to the substance, m is its mass (in kg), and is its temperature rise (in oC).

Thus the units of c are Jkg-1oC-1.

Re-arranging the above equation:

E = mc

Continuous Flow Heat TransferConsider the radiator below:

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Suppose that water is pumped through it at a rate of m kgs-1 and that it transfers E J of energy from the hot water to the surroundings in t s. This causes the temperature of the water to fall from 1 at the inlet to 2 at the outlet.

Mass of water flowing through radiator in t s = mt.

Therefore, from the equation in the previous section: E = (mt)c(1 - 2)