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Terms Richard Awkwright (1732-92) Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) Chartism Combination Acts Corn Laws cotton gin Factory Act, 1833 flying shuttle James Hargreaves (d. 1778) John Kay (1704-64) Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729) Robert Owen (1771-1858) Poor Law, 1834 spinning jenny utopian socialism water frame James Watt (1736-1819) enclosure cottage industry putting-out system metallurgy improvements railroad improvements urbanization Zollverein protectionism Ten Hours Act (1847) Mines Act (1842) Public Health Act (1848) Crystal Palace Exhibition, 1851 Friedrich Engels (1820-95) Cond. of Work. Classes in Eng. (1845) Congress of Vienna (1814-15) Alexander I (1777-1825) Talleyrand (1754-1838) Klemens von Metternich (1773- 1859) Holy Alliance Quadruple Alliance Concert of Europe domesticity Liberalism John Stuart Mill (1806-73) Reform Act of 1832 Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-72) Goerg Friedrich List (1789-1846) Ludwig von Beethoven (1770-1827) Romanticism Victor Hugo (Hunchback, Les Mis) Conservatism Carlsbad Decrees (1819) socialism Henri de Saint-Simon (1760-1825) Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809-65) Charles Fourier (1772-1837) July Revolution (1830) Charles X (1824-30) Louis Phillipe (1830-48) Belgian independence strikes Second Republic (1848-50) Paris Commune Louis Kossuth (1802-94) Frankfurt Parliament Queen Victoria (1837-1901) Georg Wm. Friedrich Hegel (1770- 1831) William Wordsworth (1770-1850) Johann Goethe (1749-1832) Liberty Leading the People (1831) Greek independence proletariat Flora Tristan (1801-44) "banquet" campaign Napoloen III Peterloo Massacre (1819)

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TermsRichard Awkwright (1732-92)Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)ChartismCombination ActsCorn Lawscotton ginFactory Act, 1833flying shuttleJames Hargreaves (d. 1778)John Kay (1704-64)Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729)Robert Owen (1771-1858)Poor Law, 1834spinning jennyutopian socialismwater frameJames Watt (1736-1819)enclosurecottage industryputting-out systemmetallurgy improvementsrailroad improvementsurbanizationZollvereinprotectionismTen Hours Act (1847)Mines Act (1842)Public Health Act (1848)Crystal Palace Exhibition, 1851Friedrich Engels (1820-95)Cond. of Work. Classes in Eng. (1845)Congress of Vienna (1814-15)Alexander I (1777-1825)Talleyrand (1754-1838)Klemens von Metternich (1773-1859)Holy AllianceQuadruple AllianceConcert of EuropedomesticityLiberalismJohn Stuart Mill (1806-73)Reform Act of 1832Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-72)Goerg Friedrich List (1789-1846)Ludwig von Beethoven (1770-1827)RomanticismVictor Hugo (Hunchback, Les Mis)ConservatismCarlsbad Decrees (1819)socialism

Henri de Saint-Simon (1760-1825)Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809-65)Charles Fourier (1772-1837)July Revolution (1830)Charles X (1824-30)Louis Phillipe (1830-48)Belgian independencestrikesSecond Republic (1848-50)Paris CommuneLouis Kossuth (1802-94)Frankfurt ParliamentQueen Victoria (1837-1901)Georg Wm. Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)William Wordsworth (1770-1850)Johann Goethe (1749-1832)Liberty Leading the People (1831)Greek independenceproletariatFlora Tristan (1801-44)"banquet" campaignNapoloen IIIPeterloo Massacre (1819)

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AP Euro Unit 8 Study Guide Industrial Society

Unit Outline

Industrial Revolutionfocus on: process, why Britain first, how other nations differ, incremental/uneven technology increase, impact on society and instit., govt. roleAgricultural Revolution

traditional farming techniquesMalthus and population pressuresrural life and household manufacturenew techniques--enclosure, fertilizer, new crops, specialization

Great Britainadvantages

resources--wood, coal, ore, riversisland locationbanking and financial backingspirit of innovation, wealthy open to profitflexible pol. system w/middle-class repres.

developmentscoal--Newcomen engineiron/steel--steam engine, smelting, puddlingtextile--jenny, mule, water frame

putting-out systemrise of factories

railroadsusesfinanced by private indiv.impact for mass transport

methods of organizationentrepreneurs--Wedgwood, Owenfactory system

costs/benefitsurbanization and its problemsimpact on trad. methods/relationships in workplacework conditionsfamily lifegeneral prosperity, cheaper/better goods

political responsesgovt. actions--infrastructure (sewage), Factory Act of 1833Chartism--worker democracyutilitarianismutopian socialism

The ContinentFrance--evol. development

smallholder trad. from rev.moderate pop. growth--continue trad. agri. methodsregional unevenness until RRsprotective tariffs

Germany--govt. promotion of industryZollverein and unityserfdom in eastRRs

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Elsewhere--weak central govt., few natural resources, feudalism, isolation, little capital and wasted on boondogglesReaction, Romanticism, and Revolutionmotif: significant social/econ. (indust.) and intell. (ideologies) changes lead to stress on a reconstructed European order following Fr. Rev/Nap. WarsCongress of Vienna

principles: legitimacy, balance of power, orderMetternich (main figure), Castlereagh, Talleyrand, Alex. I prevent further Fr. expansion--Neth., Aust. in Italy, German Conf.100 Days--little desire to punish France--restore Louis XVIIIPolish-Saxon questionHoly Alliance and Concert of Europe (ensure stability/avoid rev.)

Social Changesurban growth and its problemsgovt. role in economy and poverty "question"--Factory Act 1833, life

more concern for limiting family sizedomesticity--middle-class value of home as refuge/women

New IdeologiesLiberalism--apostles--A. Smith, J.S. Mill, Bentham, Locke; individualism and

limited government; laissez-faire and property; middle classnationalism--inspired by Fr. Rev. and frustrated by Vienna;romantic--

Garibaldi, Mazzini (Carbonari); F. List--Prussian econ. nationalismRomanticism--more of a feeling than a philosophy; emotions, spirit, essence;

heroic individual (Nap., Beethoven); art (Gothic revival/emotion, dark), lit. (medieval themes--Hugo), poetry (spontaneity--Wordsworth)

Conservatism--tradition, organic, change through adaptation; Metternich and Burke; trad. instit.--throne, altar, estate; suppress nationalism/Liberalism--Carlsbad Decrees (1819)

socialism--utopian and Marxist; condemn course of indust.--utopian commune; St-Simon (group/prod. labor), Proudhon (anti-prop.), Fourier (organ.)Revolution

France 1830Charles X--restore abs. monarchy and role of Churchbourg. revolt--Louis Phillipe (Orleans) in 3 days

Greek independence (Brit. support--Philhellenism)Belgian indep., failed Polish bidDecembrist Revolt (1825)--Nich. II a reactionaryBritish reform

Reform Bill of 1832--mod. extension of suffrageChartism--workers democ.--universal manhood suffrage, fades post-

1848new policestrikes and Luddism (NOTE: varying responses to indust.)

1848causes: subsistence crisis, slow change, bourg. hopesreform banquets in Paris--ouster of L-P, bourg., nat'l workshops, class

war (Commune and peasants), military govt., Nap. III (coup in 1850)attempt at Liberal German govt. (Frankfurt Parl.)Hungarians temp. gain indep., Pan-Slavism, Italian effortsChartism in G.B.Habsburgs w/Russ. help regain control

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Lessons: division between workers/middle-class, organization, realism, end of Concert of Europe

Possible Multiple-Choice Questions1. "Society is like a plant; it cannot be made and remade by proclamations on pieces of paper. We should not tear down that which has usefully served its purpose for so long. Individual man is foolish but the species is wise." Who would be most likely to make this statement?

a. Brothers Grimmb. Giuseppe Mazzinic. Edmund Burked. John Stuart Mille. Charles Fourier

2. English economic expansion was threatened in the eighteenth century by a rapidly diminishing supply of:

a. peatb. woodc. coald. oile. water power

3. Which of the following would be considered the most radical response to the Industrial Revolution?

a. laissez-faireb. trade unionismc. Chartismd. Factory Actse. Marxism

4. A key difference in the industrialization of the European continent compared to that of Great Britain in the nineteenth century was:

a. the importance of technological innovationb. the lack of population growthc. the slow pace of growth d. the decisive role played by government e. the near-absence of corresponding social problems

5. What economic institution played a major role in the first half of the nineteenth century in laying the groundwork for future German political unity.

a. trade unionsb. Zollvereinc. the German Confederationd. the Burschenschaftene. The Rhineland Industrial Union

6. Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill both wrote:a. critiques of the French Revolutionb. tracts on liberty and the rights of women

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c. Utopian novelsd. polemics against alcohol consumptione. satires of George III of England

7. The best explanation for the emergence of professional police forces in the nineteenth century is:

a. a humanitarian impulse to provide for the security of urban workersb. a need to find jobs for unemployed coal minersc. a fear by the middle classes of proletarian upheavald. a desire by states to subvert revolutionary violence through spiese. new employment opportunities for nobles who had lost their titles

8. The graph above depicts the lengths, from longest to shortest, of the railway systems of:

a. the United Kingdom, the Italian states, Franceb. the United Kingdom, the German states, Francec. the German states, the United Kingdom, the Italian statesd. France, the German states, the Italian statese. France, the United Kingdom, the German states

9. Which set of technological developments were the focus of the First Industrial Revolution?

a. textiles and banksb. railroads, steel, and mineral powerc. cottage industry, water power, and coald. iron, dyes, and chemicalse. steam engine, textiles, and chemicals

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10. Disturbances in Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy between 1830 and 1832 can best be explained as manifestations of:

a. religious revivalism in the face of materialism and secularismb. a communist offensive against the capitalistsc. a crusade by romantic intellectuals to overthrow classicismd. student campaigns for access to higher education and the professionse. liberal and nationalist dissatisfaction with the Restoration

political order

11. Which of the following is true of the Romantic movement in early nineteenth-century Europe?

a. It opposed emotional exuberance and excess.b. It shunned the study and writing of historyc. It was, in part, a reaction to the classicism of an earlier period.d. Among the arts, its influence was felt almost exclusively in music.e. It emphasized adherence to universally accepted standards in the arts.

12. Which of the following facilitated the counter-revolutionary triumph within the Hapsburg Empire in 1849?

a. The adoption of a new constitution that provided for regional autonomy.b. The loyalty of the Slavs and the Germans to the monarchy.c. The neutrality of Serbia.d. The military intervention of the Ottoman Empire.e. The lack of cooperation among nationalities in the Hapsburg


13. The Second French Republic was founded in 1848 but was gone by 1852. What explains its short life?

a. a major economic depression that led to urban riotsb. the weak rule of President Louis Napoleonc. an invasion by Prussian troops d. a coup d'etat by radicals who preached the ideals of "'93"e. ideological divisions within the nation and a fear of renewed


14. The Industrial Revolution was responsible for all of the following developments in Great Britain EXCEPT:

a. an increase in the mobility of the work forceb. the improvement of the transportation networkc. increased emigration to the coloniesd. an increase in annual national incomee. an increase in the number of small landowners

15. Which of the following early nineteenth-century political figures was most closely identified with the concept of "the concert of Europe"?

a. Castlereaghb. Napoleon Ic. Talleyrandd. Alexander Ie. Metternich

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16. A factor accelerating the British government's repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 was the:

a. South Sea Bubble scandalb. American Revolutionc. Irish potato famined. development of relatively inexpensive ocean transporte. worldwide mechanization of grain farming

17. "In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonism, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all." These words express the ideas of:

a. Alexis de Tocquevilleb. John Lockec. Jean-Jacques Rousseaud. Edmund Burkee. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

18. A major result of the revolutions of 1848 was:a. the creation of a group of independent yet cooperative nation-statesb. the fulfillment of worker goals of socialismc. a turn toward conservative nation-buildingd. a validation of the Romantic outlooke. the establishment of a constitution for Russia

19. Prince Klemens von Metternich used the German Confederation to:a. oppose liberalism and nationalism in Central Europeb. encourage the penetration of France into the German statesc. prevent British military domination of the European continentd. aid the spread of radicalism in the German statese. make Prussia the dominant power among the German states

20. What distinguishes Marxian socialism from utopian socialism?a. the advocacy of violent revolutionb. opposition to capitalist competitionc. the influence of French revolutionary principlesd. the belief in women's equalitye. the need for class consciousness

21. Which of the following was a major social effect of the early Industrial Revolution?

a. New rhythms of work and leisureb. Increase of the average age of first marriagec. Rapid improvement in workers' wagesd. Decline in children's employment opportunitiese. Extensive government efforts to provide public housing

22. He is generally considered to have revolutionized classical music and begun the Romantic movement in music.

a. Beethovenb. Mozartc. Berliozd. Chopin

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e. Haydn

23. Which of the following sets of ideas is most closely associated with Liberalism in the mid nineteenth century?

a. free trade, universal male suffrage, and rule by the bourgeoisieb. equality of property, republican government, limited suffragec. laissez faire, limited suffrage, religious tolerationd. limited suffrage, opposition to organized religion, equality of propertye. state churches, rule by bourgeoisie, limited suffrage

24. Important prerequisites for Great Britain's industrialization in the mid-eighteenth century included which of the following?

a. innovations in agricultural techniques and increases in food production

b. dramatic improvements in workers' housing in the citiesc. a rapid increase in the amount of gold imported from New World coloniesd. rapid growth of a national system of rail transporte. strong monarchical leadership and a centralized government bureaucracy

25. Which of the following European countries experienced the greatest degree of political instability in the nineteenth century?

a. Austriab. Francec. Netherlandsd. Prussiae. Russia

26. All of the following occurred as a result of the settlements reached at the Congress of Vienna (1814-15) EXCEPT:

a. A balance of power was established.b. Belgium was united with the Netherlands under the House of Orange.c. The neutrality of Switzerland was recognized.d. Italy was unified under Sardinian leadership.e. A personal union between Sweden and Norway was created.

27. In the mid-nineteenth century, industrial growth in Western Europe was significantly stimulated by the:

a. revolutionary movementsb. introduction of assembly-line productionc. investment of United States capitald. expansion of transportation systemse. expansion of labor unions

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30. The nineteenth-century English cartoon above depicts:a. the weakening of Great Britain caused by emigrationb. Charles Dickens' David Copperfieldc. the pollution resulting from industrializationd. British naval lossese. criminals lurking around British waterways

31.”The young workers seemed to be always cheerful and alert, taking pleasure in the light play of their muscles--enjoying the mobility natural to their age. The scene of industry, so far from exciting sad emotion in my mind, was always exhilarating. It was delightful to observe the nimbleness with which they fixed the broken ends. The work of these lively elves in the factory seemed to resemble sport.” The above passage was most likely written by a:

a. factory workerb. factory ownerc. factory inspectord. socialist

e. peasant

32. Which of the following best describes the spirit of the Congress of Vienna? a. grudging acceptance of the terms submitted by the Girondins b. reassertion of royal legitimacy and rejection of republicanism c. concerned only about the preservation of the Holy Roman Empire d. exacting a ferocious vengeance e. acceptance of the British ideal of representative government

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33. ”Generally speaking, there is no one who knows what is for your interest so well as yourself--no one who is disposed with so much ardor and constancy to pursue it.” The author of the above passage would support which of the following?

a. laissez faire b. selection taxation to promote industry

c. navigation actsd. government price supportse. high tariffs

34. Railways made many significant changes in daily life. These included all of the following EXCEPT:

a. standardized times throughout Europeb. suburban developmentc. regular vacationsd. national newspaperse. increased taxation

35. The most important sector of the early industrial revolution was:a. shipbuildingb. textilesc. chemicalsd. railwayse. appliances

36. Which of the following cities was unaffected by the revolutions of 1848?a. Parisb. Londonc. Budapestd. Berline. Rome

37. The artist of the above painting tried to convey what feeling?a. the romantic image of lost religious spiritb. landscape after trench warfarec. intellectual appreciation for architectural design

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d. hope for a glorious futuree. support for Henry VIIIs dissolution of monasteries

38. Nineteenth-century liberalism was most likely to be supported by:a. monarchsb. noblesc. factory workersd. peasantse. middle class

39. The main purpose of Metternich’s Concert of Europe was to:a. support Romantic intellectualsb. prevent British superiorityc. counter Russian influenced. provide stabilitye. dominate Germany

40. In French political history the years 1814, 1830, and 1848 are known, respectively for the:

a. execution of Louis XVI, the restoration of Bourbons, establishment of the Paris Commune

b. restoration of Bourbons, election of Louis Napoleon as president, establishment of Paris Commune

c. July Revolution of Louis-Philippe, restoration of the Bourbons, founding of the Second Republic

d. restoration of Bourbons, July Revolution of Louis-Philippe, founding of the Second Republice. restoration of Bourbons, July Revolution of Louis-Philippe, coronation of Louis Napoleon as emperor

41. Which of the following describes the Carbonari?a. Members of a union of coal minersb. Members of a secret revolutionary societyc. A group of tax collectors on the Rhined. Members of the Italian Communist Partye. A select force of the Turkish cavalry

42. Which of the following statements best describes the writers of the Romantic school?

a. They stressed emotion rather than reason.b. They continued the traditions of the Enlightenment.c. They were advocates of increased political rights for women.d. They modeled their work on the classics of Greece and Rome.e. They based their writing on scientific and mathematical models.

43. “The greatest happiness for the greatest number” was the explicit goal of which of the following movements?

a. Romanticismb. Utilitarianismc. Nationalismd. Anarchisme. Conservatism

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44. The disease most common in industrialized areas of nineteenth-century Europe was:

a. bubonic plagueb. tuberculosisc. smallpoxd. malariae. leprosy

45. Important prerequisites for Great Britain’s industrialization in the mid-eighteenth century included which of the following?

a. Innovations in agricultural techniques and increases in food production

b. Dramatic improvements in workers’ housing in the citiesc. A rapid increase in the amount of goldd. Rapid growth of a national system of rail transporte. Strong monarchical leadership and centralized government bureaucracy

46. Which of the following was a common theme among nineteenth-century utopian socialists?

a. support of organized religionb. rejection of the institution of marriagec. advocacy of economic and social planningd. revolutionary overthrow of the existing ordere. promotion of mass political parties

47. In the Communist Manifesto (1848), Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels asserted that:

a. technology was evil and would bring more suffering than benefits to the working class

b. capitalism was a necessary stage of economic and social development

c. a socialist revolution was most likely to occur in Russiad. the goals of nationalism and socialism were inseparablee. the working class was so oppressed that it was unable to help itself

48. The repeal of the British Corn Laws in 1846 was most strongly opposed by:a. factory ownersb. wage laborersc. wealthy landownersd. religious dissenterse. shopkeepers

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49. The Crystal Palace, shown above, was built in 1851 in London primarily as a:a. private summer residence for the royal familyb. memorial to those who fought in the Crimean Warc. celebration of British technological and industrial dominanced. performance hall for musicals and operae. museum for artifacts from Africa and Asia

50. “These writers extolled, often in an exaggerated form, the expression of human emotion and the search for the realization of one’s own identity.” The writers described above were associated with which of the following?

a. the Renaissanceb. realismc. classical Liberalismd. nationalisme. Romanticism

51. In early modern Europe, which of the following most directly undermined the guild system?

a. Entrepreneurial expansion of manufacturing into the countrysideb. The increased demand for products from the Far East and the New World,

such as spices and silkc. The imposition of high tariffs on imported goodsd. The use of credit in business transactionse. The expansion in the supply of precious metals

52. Prior to the expansion of the factory system during the Industrial Revolution, which of the following contributed to the increase in production of manufactured goods?

a. Importation of silk and cotton cloth from the Far Eastb. Expansion of the guild system in urban areasc. Expansion of cottage industries in the countrysided. Cultivation of formerly fallow landse. The completion of railway systems

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53. Metternich would have been most in sympathy with the political philosophy of:a. John Lockeb. Robert Owenc. Charles Fourierd. Edmund Burkee. Giuseppe Mazzini

54. The 1834 Zollverein (Prussian customs union) was designed to do which of the following?

a. Create a common currencyb. Achieve national unificationc. Promote European colonial expansiond. Create an enlarged trading areae. Slow the construction of railroads

The Game Laws; Or, the sacrifice of the peasant to the hare.

55. Which of the following best summarizes the point of this 1842 cartoon about Great Britain’s game laws?

a. The game laws should be enforced only by the king.b. The punishment for violating the game laws should be enforced more

rigorously.c. The game laws are unjust and reflect outdates social distinctions.d. Enforcement of the game laws protects animals from overhunting.e. Poaching game in violation of the law is wrong.

56. A major goal of the English Chartists in the 1840s was:a. equal distribution of wealthb. protective tariffs for farm productsc. war with Franced. abolition of the monarchye. the vote for all men

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57. The Romantic movement in late-eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century Europe was characterized by:

a. reaction against the principles of the Enlightenmentb. contempt for organized religionc. an interest in science and technologyd. a view of the natural world as a “machine”e. important discoveries of planetary motion

58. The incentive for the development of large factories associated with England’s early Industrial Revolution was primarily connected with which of the following?

a. The establishment of railroadsb. The increasing demand for weaponry due to imperial warfarec. The discovery of new methods of iron productiond. The mechanization of the spinning process in textilese. The expansion of the canal system

59. The Concert of Europe, which existed between the Congress of Vienna and the outbreak of the Crimean War, operated as a:

a. commonwealth system that sought to promote an economic union of European nations

b. supranational institution that governed the continent of Europec. multilateral agency to control territories in the Middle East and Africad. loose forum to achieve consensus among the major powers on

foreign policy questionse. cultural exchange program among Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Britain

60. A major social impact of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain up to 1830 was:

a. the decline of the family as a unit of productionb. the elimination of child laborc. an improvement in sanitation and living conditionsd. the decline in importance of citiese. a recognition by governments of the right of workers to strike

61. A major result of the revolutions of 1848 was:a. the creation of a group of independent yet cooperative nation-statesb. the fulfillment of worker goals of socialismc. a turn toward conservative nation-buildingd. a validation of the Romantic outlooke. the establishment of a constitution for Russia

62. Which of the following statements is true regarding family life in the period 1750-1850 in Western Europe?

a. there was a significant decline in out-of-wedlock births due to Enlightenment reforms

b. the birthrate increased significantly due to government social welfare programs

c. life expectancy declined due to problems associated with industrializationd. there was an increased importance placed on child-rearing among

the upper classes

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e. most nations repealed laws that enforced the legal and economic inferiority of women

63. Which of the following nations experienced a decline in its population in the nineteenth century due to famine, lack of economic development, and massive emigration?

a. Russiab. Polandc. Irelandd. Spaine. Sweden

64. The above painting of Napoleon Bonaparte by Jacques Louis David can best be described as an example of which of the following styles:

a. Renaissanceb. Baroquec. Rococod. Romantice. Realist

65. Which of the following is the best characterization of the impact of industrialization on the family in the first half of the nineteenth century?

a. Working-class wives generally became the primary wage-earners.b. Class differences in family structures narrowed.c. For the first time children played a role in household production.d. The sexual division of labor tended to increase.e. Protective legislation improved working conditions for women in the home.

“Sir, living as we do in the densely populated manufacturing districts of Lancashire, and most of us of that class of females who earn their bread either directly or indirectly by factories, we have looked with no little anxiety on your proposed

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Factory Bill. You are doing away with our services in factories altogether. So much the better if you had pointed out any other more eligible and practical employment for the female surplus labor…”

66. The quotation above illustrates what issue created by industrialization in nineteenth-century Great Britain?

a. unhealthy living and working conditionsb. the decline of families as working unitsc. unequal wages for men and womend. the exploitation of child labore. the formation of labor unions

67. The graph above best supports which of the following statements?a. The Industrial Revolution destroyed the standard of living of the working

classes.b. The ideas associated with the Renaissance and the Reformation

encouraged the English to have large families.c. During the eighteenth century, the English population suffered

substantially from periodic famines.d. The English population increased in the seventeenth century despite civil

wars and revolution.e. During the late eighteenth century, the English population grew

faster than it had from 1450 to 1600.

“By the charter granted by our late sovereign the framework knitters are empowered to break and destroy all frames and engines that fabricate articles in a fraudulent and deceitful manner.”

68. The quotation above is a formulation of the ideas of which of the following groups?

a. Benthamitesb. Anarchistsc. Socialistsd. Luddites

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e. Methodists69. Which of the following was the immediate cause of the revolutions that occurred in several major European cities in 1848?

a. Metternich’s flight from Viennab. The worker demonstrations in St. Petersburg against the tsarc. The dissolution of the Prussian assembly by Otto von Bismarckd. Food shortages in Great Britain resulting from the Corn Lawse. The overthrow of Louis-Philippe of France

“The landed interest, the church, the law, the monied interest—all of these have engrossed, as it were, the House of Commons into their own hands, but the interests of industry and trade have scarcely any representatives at all?” --Petition to the English House of Commons, 1816

70. The excerpt above most probably refers to the lack of representation in the House of Commons of which of the following?

a. Womenb. Yeoman farmersc. The working classd. The landed aristocracye. The upper middle class

71. Caspar David Friedrich’s painting The Wanderer Above the Mists shown above does which of the following?

a. Foreshadows the calamities of twentieth-century warfare.b. Portrays intellectual detachment in an era of revolutions.c. Expresses loneliness characteristic of Neoclassical style.d. Pays tribute to a famous explorer.e. Typifies Romantic contemplation of nature.

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AP Euro Unit 8 Study Guide Industrial Society

72. Which of the following statements is true regarding western European family life in the period 1750-1850?

a. There was an increased importance placed on child-rearing among the upper classes.

b. There was a significant decline in out-of-wedlock births due to Enlightenment reforms.

c. Life expectancy declined due to the hazards associated with industrialization.

d. The birth rate increased significantly due to government social welfare programs.

e. Most nations repealed laws that enforced the legal and economic inferiority of women.

73. At the Congress of Vienna, a principle that guided the deliberations of the diplomats was:

a. balance of powerb. utilitarianismc. imperialismd. self-determinatione. liberalism

74. In the first half of the nineteenth century, which of the following was a field of employment that was exclusively male?

a. Agricultureb. Teachingc. The legal professiond. Domestic servicee. Factory work

75. The system of cottage manufacture (or the “putting-out” system) originated, in part, as a way for entrepreneurs to avoid:

a. capitalismb. guild regulationsc. church tithesd. child labor lawse. mercantilistic export restrictions

76. Which of the following was most central to the development of the early Industrial Revolution?

a. The replacement of iron by steelb. The shift from human and animal power to mechanical powerc. The substitution of unionized for independent labord. The decline of individual enterprise in favor of cooperative effortse. The shift from coal to oil-fired forges

77. Which of the following was an important factor leading to the recognition of Greek independence in 1830?

a. Ottoman support of Greek nationalismb. The decline of the Russian Empirec. The Serbian revoltd. Greek dominance of Mediterranean maritime trade

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AP Euro Unit 8 Study Guide Industrial Society

e. European popular opinion inspired by a classical revival

“Up! Up! my Friend and quit your books;Let nature be your teacher.One impulse from a vernal woodMay teach you more of man,Of moral evil and of goodThan all the sages can.Enough of Science and of Art;Come forth, and bring with you a heart.”

78. The poem above reflects which of the following?a. Futurismb. Existentialismc. Romanticismd. Deisme. Pragmatism

79. The French Le Chapelier Law (1791) and the English Combination Acts (1799-1800) did which of the following?

a. Raised customs taxes on importsb. Made workers’ organizations illegalc. Restricted child labord. Provided state health care to railway employeese. Mandated a minimum wage

80. Which of the following escaped the revolutionary outburst of 1848?a. Franceb. Prussiac. Swedend. Romee. Austria

81. The British Great Reform Act of 1832 did which of the following?a. Gave women the right to vote.b. Granted universal male suffrage.c. Limited the power of the monarchy.d. Abolished the right of the House of Lords to veto legislation.e. Increased the voting power of the middle classes.

82. Urban life in the major European cities during the Industrial Revolution was characterized by

a. rapid social mobility among recent migrants from the countrysideb. overcrowded living conditions and unsafe working conditions for

the working poorc. the adoption of laissez-faire attitudes by industrial workersd. government control of major industrial companiese. an increase in the nobility’s power over the urban population

83. One of the first economic unions in modern European history, founded in 1834 by a group of German states, was known as the

a. KulturkampfAP Euro Unit 8 Study Guide: 20

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AP Euro Unit 8 Study Guide Industrial Society

b. League of Augsburgc. Zollvereind. Confederation of the Rhinee. Concert of Europe

84. European liberals in the first half of the nineteenth century typically supported a. women’s suffrageb. accident and unemployment insurancec. the right of workers to unionize and striked. a written constitution and wider suffragee. the establishment of overseas colonies to improve conditions at home

Possible Essay Questions’77: There were a number of factors that delayed the industrialization of eastern Europe. Discuss them and then compare them with the factors that encouraged the earlier industrialization of western Europe.

’79: Discuss the extent to which nineteenth century Romanticism was or was not a conservative cultural and intellectual movement.

’80: Contrast the ways in which European skilled craftsmen of the mid-eighteenth century and European factory workers of the early nineteenth century differed in their work behavior and in their attitudes toward work.’82: Identify and explain the similarities and differences between socialism and liberalism in nineteenth-century Europe.

’83: Identify the social and economic factors in preindustrial England that explain why England was the first country to industrialize.

’89: Between 1750 and 1850 more and more western Europeans were employed in cottage industry and in factory production. Analyze how these two types of employment affected employer-employee relations, working conditions, family relations, and the standard of living during this period.

’90: In February 1848, the middle classes and workers in France joined to overthrow the government of Louis Philippe. By June the two groups were at odds in their political, economic, and social thinking. Analyze what transpired to divide the groups and describe the consequences for French politics.

’91: Between 1815 and 1848 the condition of the laboring classes and the problem of political stability were critical issues in England. Describe and analyze the reforms that social critics and politicians of this period proposed to resolve these problems.

’92: Describe and analyze the issues and ideas in the debate in Europe between 1750 and 1846 over the proper role of government in the economy. Give specific examples.

’93: Describe the ways in which conservative political and social views shaped the peace settlement of the Congress of Vienna. Explain the consequences of the peace settlement for the period 1815 to 1848.

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AP Euro Unit 8 Study Guide Industrial Society

’97: Describe and analyze the economic, cultural, and social changes that led to and sustained Europe’s rapid population growth in the period from 1720 to 1850.

’97: Discuss some of the ways in which Romantic artists, musicians, and writers responded to the political and socioeconomic conditions in the period 1800-1850. Document your response with specific examples from discussions of at least TWO of the three disciplines: visual arts, music, and literature.

’00: Discuss three developments that enabled Great Britain to achieve a dominant economic position between 1700 and 1830.

’02B: Describe and analyze the differences in the ways in which artists and writers portrayed the individual during the Italian Renaissance and the Romantic era of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

‘03B: Compare and contrast political liberalism with political conservatism in the first half of the nineteenth century in Europe.

’03: Analyze three examples of the relationship between Romanticism and nationalism before 1850.

‘04B: Analyze the shifts in the European balance of power in the period between 1763 and 1848.

‘04B: To what extent did Romanticism challenge Enlightenment views of human beings and of the natural world?

‘05B: Compare and contrast Enlightenment and Romantic views of the relationship between God and the individual.

’05: Analyze how economic and social developments affected women in England in the period from 1700 to 1850.

‘06B: Discuss how the two structures shown above reflect the societies and cultures that produced them.

Arch of Triumph, Paris, 1806-1836 Crystal Palace, London, 1850-1851

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AP Euro Unit 8 Study Guide Industrial Society

‘07B: Referring to specific individuals or works, discuss the ways in which TWO of the following expressed the concept of nationalism in the nineteenth century: artists, composers, writers.

‘09B: Analyze artistic and literary responses to industrialization over the course of the nineteenth century.

’11: Compare and contrast Enlightenment and Romantic views of nature, with reference to specific individuals and their works.

‘11B: Analyze the extent to which conservatives in continental Europe were successful in achieving their goals in the years between 1815 and 1851. Draw your examples from at least two states.

’13: Analyze the differences between the political ideals expressed in the visual arts of the Renaissance (fifteenth–sixteenth centuries) and the political ideals expressed in the visual arts of the Neoclassical/Romantic period (eighteenth–nineteenth centuries).

[’81 DBQ: Middle-class and working-class attitudes toward industrialization / ’83 DBQ: Flemings and Walloons in Netherlands/Belgium / ’98 DBQ: Social, economic, and political issues in Germany before revolutions of 1848 / ’02 DBQ: Problems and responses to growth of Manchester / ’12 DBQ: Lives of European workers]

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