Web viewApplications are passed onto the Senior Leadership team for a decision on suitability and...

Essex & Thames Primary SCITT Recruitment Policy and Procedures Aims and values: The Essex and Essex and Thames Primary SCITT is committed to ensuring that the recruitment and selection of Trainees is a fair and effective process and that the procedures are rigorous. We will review, monitor and develop recruitment procedures that encourage applications from people regardless of gender, race, colour, ethnic origin, political or religious belief, disability, age or sexual orientation as stated in our Inclusion Policy. In the first instance candidates are selected for interview on the basis of the quality of their written applications. Only candidates with a 2:2 or above will be considered. During the seletion process some preference may be given to applicants with a 2:1 or above. Procedures Stage One (prior to interview) 1

Transcript of Web viewApplications are passed onto the Senior Leadership team for a decision on suitability and...

Page 1: Web viewApplications are passed onto the Senior Leadership team for a decision on suitability and then passed back to the recruitment officer;

Essex & Thames Primary SCITT

Recruitment Policy and Procedures

Aims and values: The Essex and Essex and Thames Primary SCITT is committed to ensuring that the

recruitment and selection of Trainees is a fair and effective process and that the

procedures are rigorous.

We will review, monitor and develop recruitment procedures that encourage

applications from people regardless of gender, race, colour, ethnic origin, political or

religious belief, disability, age or sexual orientation as stated in our Inclusion Policy.

In the first instance candidates are selected for interview on the basis of the quality of

their written applications. Only candidates with a 2:2 or above will be considered.

During the seletion process some preference may be given to applicants with a 2:1 or



Stage One (prior to interview)1. Applications for the course are received from the UCAS application system or via

the SCITT website;

2. The recruitment officer checks each application for completion of details, relevant

qualifications and inclusion of reference;

3. Applicants are contacted if relevant information is not sufficient;

4. Applications are passed onto the Senior Leadership team for a decision on

suitability and then passed back to the recruitment officer;

5. The applicant notified by email and an indication that they are being interviewed

is logged on the system;


Page 2: Web viewApplications are passed onto the Senior Leadership team for a decision on suitability and then passed back to the recruitment officer;

6. An interview date is arranged with senior SCITT management, a headteacher, a

personal tutor and a member of the school staff. The relevant school is advised

of the date so appropriate arrangements to teach and observe classes can be


7. Successful Applicants are notified of interview date via email with a letter of

information. A request is made for the 2nd reference from their nominated referee

to be forwarded to the recruitment officer;

8. An interview spreadsheet of candidates is then created and notification of

attendance is updated when 2nd references are received.

Interview day (Stage Two)

1. The interview day is split into 4 sections Interview, tests, (Maths/English)

class observations and presentations;

2. The applicants are split into two groups with interviews and observations for

one group and test and talks for the other. The two groups swap around for

the afternoon period. Effectively each candidate is seen by two members of

SCITT staff and at least two members of school staff.

3. At the end of the recruitment day the candidates are discussed by all

members of the interview team who considers the results of the tests, talks

and observations from the results form interview. A decision is made as to

which applicants will be offered a position;

4. In some cases applicants may be recalled and observed in school for longer

periods of time.


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Structure of The Day and the purpose of each event

Area Purpose

Formal interviews 1. Communication skills;

2. Commitment to the profession;

3. Knowledge about the role of the teacher;

4. Resilience;

5. Self-awareness;

6. ‘Teach-ability’;

7. Humility;

8. Empathy;

9. Problem-solving ability;

10. Passion for children’s learning.

Classroom Activities 1. Self-awareness;

2. An ability to build positive relationships with children;

3. Initiative;

4. An ability to make simple assessments about children’s


5. A genuine affinity for children.

Presentation 1. Presentation, communication skills & teacher presence;

2. Voice;

3. Awareness of audience;

4. Higher level thinking;

5. An ability to work in collaboration with others;

6. An ability to assimilate other people’s ideas.


Including a piece of

reflective writing

1. Basic numeracy and literacy skills;

2. An ability to perform under pressure;

3. An ability to be reflective and write effectively.


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Forms and Documents

Presentation and voice analysis

Presentation and Discussion AnalysisEach candidate will deliver a pre-planned talk on a subject of their own choice to the

group. Following the talk candidates will be expected to discuss and ask questions.

Interviewers may need to join in to stimulate the flow of discussion.

Candidate’s name:

Area Comments Grade

Subject and

content of


Quality of delivery

of own


Quality of

responses to


Quality of

contribution to

discussion and

questions relating


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to the

presentations of


Overall Grade

Grade 1 to 4 for delivery of own presentations and contributions to discussion etc,

with the presentation being clearly of major importance to the judgement.

Grade 1 – excellent/very good

Grade 2 – good

Grade 3 – satisfactory/sound

Grade 4 – poor/unsatisfactory

A candidate who scores 1 and 2 grades is likely to gain entry but significant numbers

of 3s would make an offer unlikely.


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Voice AssessmentUse list below to characterise the voice you are hearing. Mark adjectives with tick or

a cross-if you are not sure, mark with question mark.

Use list below to characterise the voice you are hearing. Mark adjectives with tick or

a cross-if you are not sure, mark with question mark.

Applicant’s name:

Interview Date:

Assessed by:

Quality x/√ Quality x/√ Quality x/√Booming Strangled Quiet

Breathy Thin Shrill

Dead Throaty Mature

Deep Tired Lively

Flat Unsupported Resonant

Forced Whining Vibrant

Gravelly Weak Clear

Husky Squeaky Expressive

Monotonous Strained Friendly


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Muffled Speedy Interesting

Nervous Nasal

Quavery Slurred

Short definitions of voice qualities for the interviewer:

Voices are notoriously hard to define. Sometimes it is not so much what we hear as

how we feel when we listen to a voice. Read these qualities before you go into the

interview and then try to be aware if any of them make themselves heard or felt while

you are interviewing a candidate.

Breathy- A voice that is whispery and lacks power.

Forced- A voice that makes you feel like you are being talked at instead of to. You

might feel a sense of the voice being pushed out instead of eased out.

High pitched- A voice that seems unusually high considering the age and gender of

the applicant.

Husky/ Rough- A voice whose tone is not clear or smooth; that sounds irregular. A

'smoker's' voice.

Low pitched- A voice that seems unusually low considering the age and gender of

the applicant.

Monotonous- A voice that doesn't use much intonation (change in pitch) or

emphasis (word stress).

Nasal- A voice that is perceived as whiney and high pitched.

Poor Pronunciation/Mumbled- A voice that may be hard to understand because

articulation is under-energised.

Quavery- A voice that doesn't hold a steady pitch, but wobbles between pitches.

Quiet- A voice that is hard to hear

Thin / Weak- A voice that lacks power and feels low in energy.

Shrill- A voice that rises in pitch as it gets louder.

Speedy- A voice that speaks too quickly. Might be hard to understand the first few

words of sentences or the speaker might tend to stumble over their words.

Strangled- A voice that feels and sounds as if it is unable to get out. It could make

you uncomfortable to listen to it.


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Strained- A voice that feels like it is working too hard for the amount of sound

coming out.

Mature- A voice that speaks with authority.

Lively- A voice that has energy.

Resonant- A voice that that feels like it is connected and comes from the body of the

speaker. Deep and rich.

Vibrant- A voice that gives off energy.

Clear- A voice that is easily understood.

Expressive- A voice that lets you know how the speaker is feels about what they are


Friendly- A voice that makes you feel comfortable

Interesting- A voice that makes you want to hear more of what the speaker has to



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Candidate’s Name: Date: Interviewer:

At some point in the interview the applicant’s thinking should be robustly challenged to explore their ability to shift position and assimilate new ideas and concepts. Any rigidity in thinking should be noted.

Area Comments GradeExperiences of work in school/with children.

About the decisions the applicant has made.

Describe how you decided that you that teaching is the career for


Tell us about any experiences of work in school/with children that

helped you to decide.

Why do you want to come here for your PGCE?

Can you think of a time you helped a child to make progress?

Why was it memorable?


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Knowledge about the role of the teacher/ knowledge about current educational issues.

What the applicant understands about teaching and learning and the role of the teacher.

What would you say are the key features of the role of the


What qualities and skills do you think a teacher needs?

What in your opinion constitutes good teaching? Have you

observed any good teaching? What made it effective? How could

you tell it was effective?

What have you learned from your experience in the classroom?

What do you think a working teacher’s week looks like?

What educational issues have interested you in the news

recently, and why?


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Qualities demonstrated/ described that would indicate suitability to teach

About the applicant’s personality and levels of ‘teachability’

Can you tell us about your hobbies and interests and explain

what they say about you?

Describe a situation when have you had to use your initiative.

Why will you be able to handle the pressures? What is it about

you that will enable you to cope with the stress and demands of

this profession?

Why should we take you rather than the other candidates who

have applied?

Quality of spoken English.

Evidence of


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resilience, humility and self-awareness

Preferred Key Stage

Leadership Potential(Y/N)

Any other noteworthy factors

All categories should be scored. 1 is excellent/very good, 2 is good, 3 is

satisfactory/sound, 4 is poor/unsatisfactory


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Student’s name Date

Class teacher Age of children

Did the applicant engage with the children, without prompting?

Grade 1,2,3,4

Works in a calm and purposeful way

Grade 1,2,3,4

Builds successful relationships with pupils

Grade 1,2,3,4

Demonstrates an ability to support children’s learning. What skills did you observe?

Explaining, encouraging, questioning, modelling etc.

Grade 1,2,3,4

When teaching the class did the candidate demonstrate

Teacher presence?

Ability to respond intuitively to children?

Grade 1,2,3,4

Overall grade awarded


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Please circle the correct grade. 1 is excellent/very good, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory/sound, 4 is poor/unsatisfactory.

Final Score Sheets

Area graded Score

The classroom experienceFormal interview grade


Average score for formal interview and classroom experience

Written English


HT final view (Y/N)



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(Marks 10)

1. The meeting was …………………………… .

2. It is important to ………………………… the classes from each other.

3. The writing was ……………………………... correct.

4. The children worked …………………………. .

5. Please …………………………… the receipt of my letter.

6. The school was evaluating the new ………………….. ……. .

7. The ……………………… of the new reading policy was successful.

8. Please state your ………………………… .

9. The targets were ………………….. ……….. .

10. The cook …………………………... to add the salt.

Grade 1 9-10

Grade 2 8

Grade 3 6-7

Grade 4 0-5


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Written Task (20 minutes) This task is to establish your ability to write at length, in a sequential order,

using a full range of punctuation and quality vocabulary. It should be

handwritten and be at least one full page in length.

Brief: Use the prompts below to reflect on your experience in the classroom.

Reflect on your experience in the classroom today.

Please comment on:

How you felt in the classroom, the interaction you had with the pupils and

whether they found your support helpful (how do you know this?). Did the

experience confirm that teaching is the right career for you? Why? How do

you think the teacher perceived your contribution to the learning?


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Test Three – MathsDuration – 30 MinutesAnswer all the sixteen questions on this paper in the spaces provided.

Calculators are not allowed. There is paper for rough working.

1. Add up the numbers 3, 5, 12, 17, and 23

2. Find the next number in this sequence: 16, 25, 36, 49

3. Multiply 37 by 50

4. What is the difference between 93 and 39?

5. Divide 182 by 13

6. Calculate 20% of £8.00

7. How many metres in 10,000mm?

8. 2/5 can be written as a decimal. What is it?

9. 213 minutes – how many minutes short of 4 hours?

10.Find the mean average of 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1, 3

11.The exchange rate is £1 = 1.6 euros

a. How many euros is £20?

b. How many pounds is 24 euros?

12. In a test with 20 questions 2 marks are added for a correct answer and

1 mark subtracted for a wrong answer. What total score is given for 13

correct answers?


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13. Two angles of a triangle are each 40 degrees. What is the other


14.What is the perimeter of a rectangle with edges 7cm and 13cm?

15. The graph shows the attendance figures for Year Six pupils at Morris

Junior School:

Pupil total


a. What was the lowest weekly total?

b. Were the total numbers greater in weeks 1-5 or 6-10?

c. Which two consecutive weeks show the greatest change in pupil



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16. This table shows pupil’s mathematics attainment in Key Stage Two

SATs at Blunkett Junior School over the last four years:

1996 1997 1998 1999

Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls

Level 3

3 2 4 1 5 3 2 4

Level 4

13 10 14 16 13 17 13 12

Level 5

5 5 4 5 3 6 5 4

Level 6

2 2 3 0 4 1 0 2

a. How many girls in total gained Level 6 during the four years?

b. What fraction of boys reached Level 5 in 1997?

c. Looking at the totals for Level 4, did boys do better than girls?

d. What percentage of girls gained Level 5 or above over the four years?


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Grammar and Punctuation Task (10 minutes)

WORD CLASSES (6 Marks)1. Identify one word from the following statement for each word class.

Sarah was happy at the thought of travelling to New York with her team. She quickly packed her large holdall.

● Common noun: …………………

● Collective noun: ………………..

● Proper noun: ……………………

● Adjective: ………………………

● Verb: …………………………..

● Adverb: ………………………

2. Correctly place SIX apostrophes, where needed, in the following sentences. (if you use more than 6, marks will be deducted) (6 Marks)

● Next years summer holiday wont be long enough.

● The childrens work had improved.

● Its name is Puddles.

● Its going to rain.

● Youre going to be meeting your new class today.


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● I havent got my pencil case with me today.

3. Correctly punctuate the following sentences to clarify their meaning.

● Mary asked can i go out to play now (6 marks)● Johns aunty margaret who loves to bake cakes always has flour

in the cupboard. (5 marks)

Grade 1 21-23Grade 2 18-20Grade 3 15-17Grade 4 14 or below


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Grammar and Punctuation Task (10 minutes)

WORD CLASSES (6 Marks)4. Identify one word from the following statement for each word class.

Sarah was happy at the thought of travelling to New York with her team. She quickly packed her large holdall.

● Common noun: …………………

● Collective noun: ………………..

● Proper noun: ……………………

● Adjective: ………………………

● Verb: …………………………..

● Adverb: ………………………

5. Correctly place SIX apostrophes, where needed, in the following sentences. (if you use more than 6, marks will be deducted) (6 Marks)

● Next years summer holiday wont be long enough.

● The childrens work had improved.

● Its name is Puddles.

● Its going to rain.

● Youre going to be meeting your new class today.

● I havent got my pencil case with me today.

6. Correctly punctuate the following sentences to clarify their meaning.

● Mary asked can i go out to play now (6 marks)● Johns aunty margaret who loves to bake cakes always has flour

in the cupboard. (5 marks)

Grade 1 21-23Grade 2 18-20Grade 3 15-17Grade 4 14 or below


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