· Web viewWhy were people reading a King’s version of the scriptures and calling it “God’s...

WHY I HAVE FAITH Information that took years to research, and even longer to find the faith I have today.

Transcript of  · Web viewWhy were people reading a King’s version of the scriptures and calling it “God’s...

Page 1:  · Web viewWhy were people reading a King’s version of the scriptures and calling it “God’s word”? First off; In 1 Samuel 8 it stipulates that Jehovah warned the Israelites

WHY I HAVE FAITHInformation that took years to research,

and even longer to find the faith I have today. I

was a former atheist who based on an extremely unpleasant childhood, raised myself to believe that there was no God, no higher power. School taught

Page 2:  · Web viewWhy were people reading a King’s version of the scriptures and calling it “God’s word”? First off; In 1 Samuel 8 it stipulates that Jehovah warned the Israelites

the existence of science and evolution as fact and referred biblical stories as non-factual. When I grew into adulthood, I became more curious and began to go to different churches, of different religions, and found that I was even more lost. How to choose the right religion to congregate to, when most if not all religions threatened me “If you’re not baptized as a…………. you will not go to heaven”. I had questions that no priest, minister, nor pastor could answer and would brush off my questions, as silly. Yet by nature I am curious and stubborn, I wasn’t about to give up. I became tired of my selfish ways. Greed, jealousy, deceit, envy ….. Wanting more for me is all I knew, but I wanted to change. So I decided to challenge this so-called higher power and said “God if you’re real, I want to know what love is…….selfless love. You need to introduce me to someone who knows love. You have 30 days.” Yes I had a wonderful loving husband and two boys, unfortunately, I did not know how to appreciate them, because the love I was searching for was one-sided-- “you pleasing me, serving me, if you love me you have to keep me happy”. If I favored someone, they had to know I wanted something in return. It’s like I knew my ego was high, and I wanted it crushed because I was happy but unsatisfied. No joke when I say; In less than 2 weeks I was introduced to a very loving and kind soul who always saw the goodness in others, saw people with compassion because regardless of what others had done to her, she knew how to forgive and put a blind eye to harm. She literally gave more value to other people than she gave herself. Because of her personality, she won my utmost respect. She knew how to properly introduce me to the bible. No threats, no obligation, no conditions, she provided me with a bible and requested that I read it as a book of stories. I read it from cover to cover and found many contradictions. Had more questions than before. These unanswered question drove me to research the bible, its history and its teachings. Why a God so loving destroyed people and Nations? Why were there so many contradictions? Why did Jehovah form Adam after male and female were created? What happened to male and female that God created?Why were people reading a King’s version of the scriptures and calling it “God’s word”?First off; In 1 Samuel 8 it stipulates that Jehovah warned the Israelites that having a King would bring them to their destruction as, a king would convert the free people into slaves. King James took the Geneva bible and revised it into a book that people read today. The original scriptures were written in Pilot Hebrew and Cony Greek. The Bible was translated into Latin which was later translated into English by a seminary professor at the University of Oxford named; John Wycliffe. The Roman Church only had Latin bibles and threatened to execute anyone who read an English one. Yet Wycliffe believed that the people should be allowed to read the Bible in their own language, and in 1380 decided to write a translated version. When Wycliffe passed, one of his followers; John Hus continued with his legacy but unfortunately in 1455 Hus was burned at the stake using Wycliffe’s Bibles as kindling for the fire. Around the 1490’s Thomas Linacre a personal physician to King Henry the 7th, decided to learn Greek. After reading the Gospels in Greek, and comparing it to the Latin translation, he wrote in his journal that the Latin translation was so corrupt that it no longer even preserved the message of the true Gospel. In 1496, John Colet, son of the Mayor of London, was the first to read the New Testament in Greek and translated it into English. Due to his power and connection he was not executed. Others such as William Tyndale, continued to translate the new testament Myles Coverdale and John “Thomas Matthew” Rogers who were followers of Tyndale's work, accelerated the English Bible project and even finished translating the Old Testament. By 1535 the first complete English Bible was printed and was known as the Coverdale Bible. This bible was translated from various sources including Martin Luther’s German translations. In 1537 John Rogers was the first to translate and print the second complete English Bible translated from the original Biblical languages scriptures of Hebrew & Greek. By 1557 the first complete Bible was published for all people to read and it was known as the Geneva Bible. It was written by a group of Protestant scholars in exile from England who worked under the guidance of Miles Coverdale and John Knox. This was the first Bible to add numbered verses and chapters. For over 100 years this became the Bible of choice for Puritans, Pilgrims and Christians, until the release of the King James version was

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published in 1611. King James edited and removed some of the apocryphal Books, as they were not found in the Protestant translation. Other books were also removed as they were considered irrelevant, yet the Gospel of Thomas reveals to the reader Jesus and his 'secret teachings' about the Kingdom of God.

One example of the twisting of words that I personally remember is the following:When the Pharisees asked Jesus “When will the Kingdom of God arrive?” In The Gospel of Thomas the reply is "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty." In the KJV the quote changes. “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” He continued to speak to his disciples and said “The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it.  And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them. For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. One is indicating that the spirit of God dwells within us and as God’s children we have the potential of having such power, while the other is interpreted as the Son of man will appear in the heavens. For many years people argue and threaten other into joining their own belief system. Ego dictates most into saying “I have all the answers and belong to the right religion, one which you must follow. If not you will fry in Hell” Well, it would be nice to define what hell is and find the actual word in the bible. But Fist lets focus on the creation and formation of this planet.


Genesis chapter one and two

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God creating and heavens and the Earth could possibly be the same as The Big Bang creating it. This elucidation of the bible could indicate that God is not a physical being but energy that was created out of nothingness. God and energy could be one in the same. After all, God is described as Love, God is Light and God is Spirit. Pretty much God is energy that keeps every living thing alive and in numerous occasions Jesus states that God (energy) is inside the physical body.

According to the bible; God might have created everything except water and darkness, as it was present when God arrived. However, if God is the spirit that keeps plants, trees, animals, and every physical body alive, it can only be safe to assume that the physical existence was formed by Jehovah. There are two different accounts of Earth’s creation/formation:On the first chapter of Genesis the ONLY word used to describe the birth of something, is “create”. In the second chapter it changes to the verbs “form”, “made” or “plant”. In the first chapter of Genesis the ONLY word used to describe a master of origination is God, and NOT Lord God or Jehovah, as it changes in the second chapter. Events of creation vs formation changes from the first chapter to the second chapter of Genesis.God CREATED

Day 1: LightDay 2: Atmosphere / FirmamentDay 3: Dry ground & plantsDay 4: Sun, moon & starsDay 5: Birds & sea animalsDay 6: Land animals & humans

On the Sabbath day he rested. Then in Chapter 2 of Genesis; comes Lord God (Jehovah) changing the occurring of events in his formation:

If God and Lord God are one in the same. What happened to male and female God had created? In Chapter II it states that Lord God had no man to teal his garden, so he formed Adam out of the ground and blew the breath of life into his nostrils, therefore created a living soul, he proceeded to “plant” the garden, than the animals… he later told Adam to name the animals. As Adam was naming the animals, Jehovah saw that Adam was alone and decided he needed a mate, so he caused Adam into a deep sleep and took a his rib to form woman from this rib. So again, my questioned remained: What happened with the male and female that God created? Did they walk off? Did they get lost?

If Genesis 2 is a recount of Genesis 1 then what happened to the fish and sea creatures?---On the fifth day God created sea monsters and any creatures that swarm on the waters YET In Genesis 2 there is no mention of a fish, a sea, or an ocean. The ONLY body of water is the river that parted into 4 (Gen 2:10)If on the third day God said “let the land produce vegetation” (Gen 1:11) then why did Lord God plant a garden on the East of Eden (Gen 2:8) It seems that God says something and like magic …. Poof !! it is so. But Lord God needs to plant or form, and doesn’t even know when his commands were being disobeyed nor where man hid when they did…..Lord God (Jehovah) couldn’t do things that God could………..

God’s last creation was on the 6th day when he created BOTH male and female, and said “Be fruitful and multiply and enjoy every seed and plant for food”, NO conditions or restrictions were applied by God Creator. Lord God’s first formation was Adam which he formed from the ground (one man), and continued his formation by planting a garden to the East of Eden, he however did place restrictions against the consumption of the tree of knowledge and life. He continued to Plant the trees and vegetation for this garden, he proceeded to form animals from the ground. All wild animals and all the birds, yet NO sea creatures, and no mention no sea either, because only one river existed in the garden that Lord God planted.

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Genesis 1:28 God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Who was God talking to ? What if God created the spiritual realm and Lord God(s) materialized it into matter?What if God did create Earth yet male and female who lived on Earth turned corrupt and evil?

After Lord God formed Adam and planted the garden he told Adam NOT to eat from the tree before Eve was formed, which is why it wasn’t until Adam bit into the forbidden fruit that their eyes opened to know good from evil. The first selfish (evil) act committed was shame, as they knew they were naked and clothed themselves with leaves, second was blame, NOT assuming responsibility for their faults – Adam had a choice and chose to fall for Eve’s temptation and disobey the Lord. He also chose to blame Eve, instead of assuming responsibility for his wrongdoing. Eve blamed the serpent, Adam and Eve were booted out of Eden and the serpent ate dust.

If God is omnipresent, why didn’t he know that Adam and Eve hid because they were ashamed? He didn’t even know they had eaten the fruit, until Adam confessed to it.

The serpent tempted Eve but he did not lie, He told her that they would not die but that their eyes would be opened.Lord God validated this in Genesis 3:22 when he said “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. One of us? AGAIN—Who was he talking to?Could there be other Lord Gods?Was he speaking to Jehovah?

When Adam and Eve disobeyed and ate from the tree, Lord God drove them out and placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims. There Adam and Eve did the hooshy cooshy and conceived Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:14-17) When their children grew into adulthood, Cain out of envy killed Abel while working on the field, so Lord God drove Cain out of land to be a fugitive and a vagabond on Earth. Cain said to the LORD… ’Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me. ‘ ….. Cain dwelt in the Land of Nod.

WHAT other people? Adam and Eve were the first people formed, they conceived Abel and Cain later Seth (Gen 4:25) ……….. ON the garden of Eden, but OBVIOUSLY other people existed on Earth Other people were perceptibly referring to giants, which were considered sons of God, who mingled with Cain’s offspring as indicated in Gen. 6 “the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years. There were Giants (refereeing to the Nephilim) on Earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown…”As the reading continues, more questions come to mind, as it leads me to believe that Eden is not on Earth. Land of Nod might be, as apparently other people existed when Cain resided there. Other people such as giants.

Jehovah is the only God mentioned from Genesis Chapter 2 until Genesis Chapter 6: when it says that Lord God wanted to wipe out every living thing he had made, but Noah found grace on the Lord, because he walked with God and God saw the Earth was corrupt and full of violence so he said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. God and Lord God give Noah two request:

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In Genesis 6:19 God said to Noah to bring two of every living creature, fowls, cattle, creepy crawlies, But in Genesis 7:2 Lord God told Noah to take with him seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate. Noah took in two and two into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded.

A similar account occurred in the Vedic Satapatha Brahmana   , A man named Manu was Trusted by the Lords . Like Noah, Manu is described as a virtuous individual. When Manu, was washing up in a river, he comes across a very small fish which asks for safety. Manu being a kind man, keeps the fish in a pot filled with water, and after a few days, the fish grew enormously, where the pot NOT even a lake was big enough to keep this fish safe, so Manu took him to the ocean. Taking notice of Manu’s heart the fish revealed itself to be Vishnu (one of the Hindu Lords) and told him about the upcoming flood that marked the end of an era. Manu was tasked to build a boat, and to collect his family, two of all great sages, all grains, all animals, some holy scriptures (Vedas) to be protected from the great deluge. After all that was done, the world was submerged in water, and Matsya returned as a great fish to whose horns the boat was fastened by means of a rope, guiding the boat through peril to the top of a mountain until the flood receded……………

FACTUALLY SPEAKING Biblical stories that some might find to be myths such as God separating the bright light from the dimmer light, dividing the waters above from below, Lord God forming a garden, The great flood and perhaps God creating male and female/ the Giants that later corrupted themselves with greed. These and other biblical stories could be true by factual occurrences, as they are corroborated by Astrologers and Paleontologist. Scientist who study Earth’s existence have separated the Earth’s existence into eons, which are than divided into eras and further subdivided into different geological periods.

The first eon was Hadean Eon that existed roughly 4 Billion years ago. It began the formation of Earth's crust, when the moon and earth developed together with the solar system and were later separated by a large cloud of gas and dust that formed around the sun, known as an accretion disc. A few billion years later came the Proterozoic Eon which brought us Rodinia— Earths first landmass; a supercontinent full of bacteria, blue-green algae, fungi, some vegetation, the first oxygen-dependent animals and other microorganisms. Both lasted enough time to allow the Earth's crust to cool and allow rocks and continental plates to form — Accounting for God’s separation of water and lights and the creation of vegetation, followed by sea creatures ——This is verified by Scientist who claim that life on Earth began with the Proterozoic Eon, which introduced enough oxygen for life to flourish in the seas and allow the existence of a few sea creatures, retiles, and other invertebrate animals.

According to the Bible; after the creation of sea creatures, God created livestock and other wild animals, this too is substantiated by scientist and paleontologist that claim there wasn’t sufficient oxygen for bigger animals to survive, until the Phanerozoic Eon which began approximately a billion years ago. This eon is divided into 3 eras: Paleozoic era, which began the development of a better known supercontinent – Pangea, to set up the basis for new species of plants, trees, livestock, and most of the major groups of vertebrate animals, mammals, giant birds and other sea creatures. The Mesozoic era included the Triassic, Jurassic and the Cretaceous periods which brought us the largest land animals of all time; the Dinosaurs, other large marine and giant winged-reptiles, as well as other mammals continued to diversify. A mass-extinction ended the Mesozoic Era parting Pangea into 2 continents; Gondwana in the Southern Hemisphere and Laurasia in the Northern Hemisphere where bones of the woolly mammoth were found frozen to the ground. Some fish, amphibians, reptile-like ancestors such as Alligators, Crocodiles, birds and some Mammals that arrived during the Cenozoic era. Now, we have the development of life that included – The Earth’s crust, moon, sun, vegetation, rock formation, plants, Trees and a variety of Animals but no humans. This could potentially be because according to some paleontologist Humans evolved from Hominins during the beginning of the Pleistocene Period which is the earlier part of the present Cenozoic Era. Hominins are part of a group of primates which include include orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos Monkeys. It is believed and has been scientifically proven that these primates have 24 chromosomes; a thread-like structure located inside the nucleus the cells of every living organisms. Its made up of protein and a single molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid, otherwise known as DNA. Humans have 23 because Chromosomes 2 is a result of an end-to-end fusion of two ancestral chromosomes, it is the second largest human chromosome, measuring approximately 12,150,000 miles.After fragile fossils were restored and analyzed, Paleontologist documented that skulls have primitive apelike features with low brow ridges and canine teeth. Fossils include fragmentary arm and thigh bones, calculating that Hominins measured up to 7-9 feet in height. Some scientist conquer that

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Hominins had a condition known as Sequential hermaphrodites meaning they could change their gender at will, They are the earliest known species of humans found thus far, predating the Neanderthals who only measured 5’5”, and were a separate species from Hominins.

The Hominins could have potentially been the giants, the bible was talking about, the people that Cain was afraid of…….. After all according to Genesis 1:26 God did create man in their image, male and female. These could also justify Goliath measuring 9’ or 6 cubits according to 1 Samuel 17:4 and it could also justify why according to Genesis 25:24-25 Jacob’s brother Esau came out red, looking like a hairy garment; who turned out to be a good hunter, such as the Neanderthals are described. There is not much description of many other people in the bible but the first “human-like” species to walk the Earth were once as hairy as Esau and as tall as Goliath. It is also a great possibility that people became to evolutionize as the primates mated amongst themselves….just as the bible states: “…the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children…”

The most recent and current Era is the Cenozoic Era, which is divided into 3 periods: Pleistocene, Neogene, and the Quaternary Period. Towards the end of the Pleistocene Period Neanderthals became extinct probably caused by the ice age, as one of the many ice age occurred during this time period. There is much speculation as to whether the melting of the ice glaciers or the Earth’s magnetic field polarity reversals ended the Pleistocene Period, but Pleistocene Period ended in deluge, where other mammals became extinct………This could explain the great flood depicted in the bibles. Weather became tropical during the Neogene Period and continued though the Pleistocene Epoch of the current Quaternary Period.

ONENESSCould science point of view, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution compare to God’s creations along with Lord God’s formation?After all if God did create male and female (son of God), Lord God formed Adam and Eve (son of man) to live in a garden he planted, not counting on the serpent’s power to persuade them to eat the forbidden fruit, leading them to exile. Cain killing his brother led him to the land of Nod to mingle and obviously procreate with the sons of God –—

People; professionals or layman can only do as much as speculate. This short rendition merely sheds a different color of light in hopes of uniting Science and religion, atheist with believers, and uniting other religions who are under the misbelief that “my religion is better than yours”. Most importantly to end the threat that “if you don’t follow or are baptized into my belief system you will burn in hell”. Jesus came to give a new testament of our creator’s love, which is not about fear nor threats but about love and faith

Uniting people into peace and harmony is hopefully accomplished by comparing biblical accounts which come in accord with that of scientific ones, timeline might change as sources from various scientist, paleontologist or biblical scholars, have a different opinion that is dependent on their respective professors providing a University Degree.

This still leaves other questions pending: Was Jehovah and Jesus the same person?Was Jehovah God’s only begotten son?

The truth may never be known for certainty, as there is no proof that any if this is real. One thing is true; No one source knows all the answers, and as curiosity increases, so does the need to learn. Which is why this is only the opinion of the author due to that curiosity that led to years of dedicated research, in hopes of providing some clarity to those who doubt or don’t