· Web viewWell, the snow is gone (hopefully until late fall) and we have set...

Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness Volume 9 Issue 95, May, 2020 Articles and excerpts that will inform and inspire!

Transcript of · Web viewWell, the snow is gone (hopefully until late fall) and we have set...

Page 1: · Web viewWell, the snow is gone (hopefully until late fall) and we have set up our deck with furniture and such. Hopefully in the next day or two I will be

Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness

Volume 9 Issue 95, May, 2020

Articles and excerpts that will inform and inspire!

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A Letter from the Editor:

Well, the snow is gone (hopefully until late fall) and we have set up our deck with furniture and such. Hopefully in the next day or two I will be able to get the yard cleaned up a bit for summer and begin planning the flower beds. Who am I kidding? I was doing that in December!

I am hoping that during this time of isolation, this newsletter will provide you with some awesome reading material so that the boredom does not kick in too badly. There are some excellent articles and poems in this issue. I thank all of my contributors for their

dedication and support. Without you this would not be even a quarter as interesting!

If anyone you know might enjoy this, please do pass it on to them. The subscriptions are free, so if you have just received this from a friend and would like your own copy sent directly to you once a month, just email me at [email protected] and let me know. I will make that happen for you.

Enjoy the read!

Trent Deerhorn


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Deerhorn Shamanic Services Floating Drum Circle

The Floating Drum Circle will now be available!

What is a Floating Drum Circle? It is a Drum Circle that is able to move from one location to another.

How does this work? Invite a minimum of 10 friends over for a drum circle in the privacy of your own home. Trent brings the supplies for the Drum Circle and the Ceremony.

Ceremony? Yes. As you all know, Trent's Drum Circles are Ceremony/Ritual based, which makes them both spectacular and unique. These celebrations can be in accordance to the phase of the Moon, or the Season, or whatever you choose to celebrate.

Who is in charge? You are in charge of the space and the people you invite and the number of people you can comfortably accommodate. Trent is in charge of the circle once it begins.

What if I don't have 10 people? It is important to have the minimum of 10 in order to be financially feasible for Trent to lead the circle. Upon your request in advance of the registration date, Trent can share the date and time and contact number with his contacts who can then contact you to see if there is enough space.

Who pays? Each person pays their fee ($20) ahead of the date of the Drum Circle. If the fee is not paid 3 days in advance of the circle, the spot goes to the next person in line on the waiting list. The host/hostess collects all fees and pays Trent before the circle begins on the date set. Hosts/Hostesses get the Drum Circle free of charge.

Children in attendance must be strictly monitored by their parents. 

Any damaged supplies must be paid for or replaced by the one who damaged it (or parents if it is a child) by a similar article of equal or greater value.

What is the method of payment? Cash only. This makes it much easier for the host/hostess to collect.

To arrange for a Floating Drum Circle in your home, please contact Trent Deerhorn at [email protected] or at (306) 978-5300.

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Upcoming Events


SKY RIVER TEMPLEDue to the Covid-19 concerns all public gatherings have been put on hold until further notice, we will

resume our public gatherings once it is clearly safe to do so. The health and safety of our community is our priority at this time, a time when we must take care of ourselves and each other.

Updates about Sky River Temple can be found on our Facebook group on our new work in progress website be and stay safe

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During the COVID-19 Pandemic we will not be hosting any Public Outdoor events. Instead I will be trying to do online events on Facebook Live on May 3rd at 3 pm.

Spirituality is a very important thing in one's life so I will Publicly be sharing mine with the world.

This is a monthly celebration to give thanks to the Gods and the Goddesses, to get together once a month in Public Ritual. All we ask is that all that attend to so with an open heart and an open mind. As Pagans we do not discriminate against anyone so we ask the same of those who attend. These Events are free.. free for all who attend, free for all who are interested in a monthly open circle, free of all Prejudice. Blessed Be.

This month's Rite will be to celebrate you, to welcome all that is about to transpire. May is a Month of just being the true you, no longer hiding who we truly are and inviting our full potential to arise.

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Page 7: · Web viewWell, the snow is gone (hopefully until late fall) and we have set up our deck with furniture and such. Hopefully in the next day or two I will be

Improve Your English


Rock Talk by Ave Riddler

Botswana AgateFound mostly in shades of purplish grey with white circular shapes, this agate forms mostly in nodules.

Botswana agate is a good mineral to work with while studying things which are new and unexplored, in spirituality as well as in creative

efforts. Working with this mineral can help release emotional blockages or repressions that can be limiting your ability to be creative and explorative. This agate can also help one to find solutions, helping one to move beyond the problems and limitations one faces in their efforts. The energy of Botswana agate also encourages vigilance and conscious focus, bringing a new level of watchfulness in tasks that may require deliberation, and circumspection.

Botswana agate works mostly with the crown chakra, energizing the auric field, and helping messages filter through from spirit. A stone of universal love, this agate helps one to realize that the love found within the higher realms, is constant yet ever changing.

The balance of focus and love make this agate a good mineral to add conviction and strength to a ones character, enhancing their awareness to detail, while remaining sensitive to how their actions will affect the bigger picture.

Physically Botswana agate may be used as an aid in treatments of the nervous system. This mineral may help the body to purge toxins, and could be used to support treatments to counteract poisons. It may also help reduce feelings of stress or depression. Paraphrased from “LOVE IS IN THE EARTH – A Kaleidoscope Of Crystals by Melody”. With personal add- ins and details by myself (Ave)

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Life with Maizie

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Indian Hills Community Center, Colorado signs

In search of fresh vegetable puns.

Lettuce know.

I Serve the Worldby Noelle Chorney

This post has taken one year, a pandemic, an energy portal and Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, and a non-pandemic related illness to push past my hesitation to write it. Finally, the words are coming. If it feels incomplete, it's because the unfolding of understanding is continuing to happen.

In January 2019 I was in a mastermind with other energy- and woo-woo-aware business women, and during our opening retreat our coach gifted us a reading with Joy Kingsborough, an Archetypal Numerologist and author of Tarot-Numerology Archetypes. She offered to explain the meaning of our ruling number, and also drew two playing cards that represented our life's purpose and our ideal clients.

My number is 10, which fundamentally is about bringing innovation and change for a spiritual purpose. It includes a desire to be creative which can be applied in any form in the world: "You can create in more than one arena; you don't have to commit to one single thing, but you do need just one message in all arenas." That felt right to me.

Then we got to the card reading, which I was eager to hear about. What would mine be? Many of my other sisters in the program had received some lovely readings involving Aces, Kings and Queens, the pinnacle of service, it seemed to me. Mine?

The Joker.

Joy looked at me with something akin to pity and said, "This can be hard to receive. You serve the world." When I asked

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about my client contract, she looked even more sorry. "I'm sorry, I can't narrow it down. It's the world. You are simply here to serve the greater good.""This contract is often one of the most challenging, because clarity of purpose may feel elusive. This is because your purpose is not truly defined by one path. You are meant to be an observer of life and instigator of change. This can be manifested in any way that you choose and on any scale that you choose. However, your greatest fulfillment will come from impacting global change in service to humanity and the planet as a whole."

So how did that land for me? It felt entirely validating and affirming. I am definitely most comfortable bringing change, supporting evolution, and orienting to whatever is coming next. I serve Arianrhod, after all, the Goddess of the liminal. I'm always at the edges where the lines blur. And I am committed to raising the vibration in everything I do. Isn't that serving the greater good?

My sisters who have shared their visions with me offered grand images of how I am in the world: volcanoes spewing lava that creates new land; giant priestesses birthing light onto the land; a great winged woman flying to the northern regions and bringing change by her presence alone. Big visions. Big responsibility. Big shoes to fill, so to speak.

So mostly what I felt in the face of Joy's reading was relief. It fit with everything else I had been uncovering and remembering about my purpose. But that didn't mean I didn't have some big questions:

Who am I to Serve the World?

Even with connections to a giant lineage, I am still only human. How does a mere human take on a sacred assignment like this without being crushed beneath it?

I have witnessed the damage that grandiosity can do to a human who takes on too much power from those who want to place them on a pedestal or turn them into a guru. I have studied the phenomenon in an effort to avoid it. I know the risk of the ego wanting to interpret great responsibility in service as proof that I am important and powerful. I have felt that temptation and been burned by it, and have worked hard to tame my ego with practices of gratitude, surrender and humility.

Service at What Cost?

The practice of humility (and some painful lessons in humility when I forget myself), a focus on service, and surrender to the Divine Plan have served me a point. Because it turns out that my interests and desires do factor. My mentors keep asking me, what do you desire? And I had gotten to the point where I couldn't answer that question. How do you factor in desire to a commitment to surrender and service? It didn't really hit home until I had taken a few hard hits when I was called to service, that if it doesn't serve me, it doesn't serve the world.

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I'm in it for the long haul, and I come from ancestors that live a long time. I'm not even half way through my life, and I'm determined to serve to the end and not burn out in the process. Whatever I do, however I serve, must be sustainable. And yet, I have been drawn into some situations that do not feel sustainable in an effort to do what I think will serve the world.

To that end, I have done some deep ancestry work to ensure that I am serving in the right way and with a solid team at my back. I am blessed with a team of guides and ancestors in the unseen, and many brilliant mentors in the seen realms. I receive such love and encouragement to keep going, especially during great tests and adversity. They tell me:You are held with love in multiple dimensions and through time.

And:We sang you into existence on earth to hold our frequency there. You are infinite and therefore you can hold us in your form no matter our size. You walk among us in your true guise.

There is constant tension between understanding that this work needs to be healing to me as well as to the world, and that sometimes it does not require 'doing' at all. My shadow work is to integrate and heal my ancestral compulsion to gain value through doing and accomplishing things, even to the detriment of my life force and health. My recent illness during the energy portal was an undeniable reminder that putting myself first is a form sustainable service. And the message I received in that moment was "Surrender more."

What Does Serving the World Look Like?

At first I would ask myself, is THIS what serving the world looks like? Should I be doing more? Should I be on a different path than the one I am on? Arianrhod gave me the short answer, which is like a mantra and constant reminder: "Remember, Dear One, this is all one line of trajectory. Everything that has come before has prepared you for what comes next."

Since I have begun exploring my spiritual purpose more intensively, I have been called into more and more situations where I have been asked to clear properties and support healing of the land. How did that trajectory begin? By following impulses. First, I followed the impulse to attend a Feminine Leadership retreat. Then I received a message from one of the women there that I needed to get a drum, so I explored that possibility.

I followed the impulse to get a drum—a very large drum. The largest I could find. Then I received the information that it would travel with me. So I arranged to have a custom case made. As this was happening, when I didn't know what the drum was for, my family and I were invited to a Sun Dance ceremony. The purpose of a Sun Dance is to Renew the World. I said yes, not knowing what to expect, whether we would be welcome, or what being in service at a Sun Dance would look like. But I took my drum.

The experience was transformative, and my drum was not only blessed (and gently mocked for being covered in glitter and made of vinyl, not animal hides) but also received the great honour

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to be used in the women's full moon ceremony. I learned that my ancestry work and training with my shaman and with Shakti Rising had prepared me to be fully present and serve in many mundane and profound ways during the ceremony. We have attended for two years now and hope to attend again this summer.

This blessed drum was then called (by an internal/Divine voice that will not be ignored) to be played in and around my home, to honour the river under the full moon, to honour the land at my parents' property, and eventually to help conduct clearings of properties, not only of energy imbalances or complicated individual deaths, but also an historic battlefield. At the same time, I was hired as a consultant in my business to help an Indigenous Nation commemorate a traditional wintering site that was also the site of a massacre of their ancestors. The overlaps between my seen and unseen work continues to unfold and gain complexity.

Am I on the right path? Should I be doing this differently? My mind and ego try to tell me maybe I'm off base, and that I should be doing something else; my heart, belly and womb tell me, yes you are on the right path. This is the way. How could you doubt?

This process of serving the world seems to evolve slowly. I am beginning to understand that it does not require any kind of extended grind (as that is not sustainable), and that the ripples happen in multiple dimensions. I won't always know their impact, but I can trust that the work is happening. And that even as a writer-and-consultant-turned-priestess-guardian-of-the-threshold-turned-land-healer in a little Prairie city in Canada, I am serving the world.

Building the Web

I've sat on this post for over a year, knowing that I needed to declare that I serve the world (although to what purpose, I still don't know), and also being unsure of how to say it, or how it would be received.

I have been encouraged to share my wisdom, but I often feel as though I'm pushing people too far, or will make them uncomfortable with my commitments to magic, and at the same time, I criticize myself that I am somehow in resistance when I get encouraged to share my wisdom in ways or on timelines that don't feel alive or in service to me. I'm learning to trust the Divine voice and to practice discernment of the voices trying to keep me small AND the voices that push me back into over-doing.

What I do know is that the web of connections that I have been weaving and tending my whole life continues to grow wider and in unexpected ways. The network does spread across the world, and I check in with the various points on the web as the impulse arises. While I don't know the purpose of the network, I will understand more when the time is right. Until then, I will be here, tending the edges and following the impulse.

I know there must be more of us out there who also serve the world in their current earthly incarnation, and I wonder: how do you answer the questions I've struggled with? How do you

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tend the web? How can we support one another? How is your practice of trust and surrender? How is your heart these days? Are you ready for what is coming...or what is already here? I would love to hear from you.

If you are interested in following Noelle's blog, you can find her at

Attorney At LawThese are from a book called "Disorder in the Court" and are thingspeople actually said in court, word for word, taken down and publishedby court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while theexchanges were taking place.

ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?WITNESS: By death.ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?WITNESS: Take a guess.

Thought for the Day:

Be not the slave of your own past - plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience, that shall explain and overlook the old. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Social Isolation

By Ave Riddler

Half way through a movie with zombies and gore, There comes a knock on my door. So long has it been, Since I’ve heard such a din. Quick does my heart beat race, As confusion fills my face. Who would be here at this time Of Covid one nine. I flail from my blankets so snug, Open the door to find a loved one I can’t hug. The awkward words I say, As I struggle to find a way,When normally I would simply open the door, With offers of tea and so much more…Now that door is a barrier, As we all are warier. So happy to see That she came to see me. A walk while we chatter, About all kinds of matter… From across the street, Which is way more than six feet.The physical distance Matters not in this instance. For our smiles Could cross six miles.

They Walk Among Us

I walked into a Starbucks with abuy-one-get-one-free coupon for a Grande Latte.I handed it to the girl and she looked over ata little chalkboard that said 'buy one-get one free.'"They're already buy-one- get-one-free," she said,

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"so I guess they're both free."She handed me my free lattes, and I walked out the door.

SpellboundFrom the Brush Dance Calendar

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The following are paraprosdokians. A paraprosdokian

is a figure of speech in which the latter part of a

sentence is unexpected and sometimes even humorous:

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


The house is grey and shadowy.Outside the clouds are steely-deep and heavy,Their weight pulling them Close to the ground.The wind is quick and urgent.Rattling the windows,Looking for an access point,However small.Who knows how much Damage a wind may Wreak upon the gutsOf a house if it gets inside?

Stay insideWhere it’s safe.Make sure your abodeIs locked up tightlyAgainst all intruders,Physical or otherwise.

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Close your eyes, Stop up your earsWith cotton wool,And some for your nostrils.Don’t peek, lest you see something You can never un-see.

Rain pours down from The slashed open clouds,Drenching the parched Landscape.The wind hurries it along,Ensuring there is ‘wet equity’ Along the way.The wild, yellowed grassesNow pasted to the Earth,Refuse to move Under the terrible onslaughtOf the wind.

Wee BeingsLift their heads,Their mouths open To receive the life-saving watersFalling from the sky,Running the length of leaves,Dropping from their ends onto the ground.Pots, pans, Anything to collect the precious elixir,Are quickly set out under the leaden skies.Who knows when the next downpourWill occur?The Wee FolkMust consult their Seers and SagesBefore making a prediction.

Once the storm passes,The Wee Folk, Humans,The Standing People,All the rest of Creation, Rejoice at their bounty,Saving the life-giving watersFor their sprouting gardens.An emerald carpet of shoots,

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Brought on by the Spring rains,Lays upon Gaia,Where, yesterday, Brown mud used to be.Our Mother looks stunningIn her newly sprouted greenery.

What is there inside of youThat waited for this nourishingRain Before it could grow and flourish?

Go. Take a look. I’ll wait.

From 365 Zen daily readings by Jean Smith

Azendo is not a place for bliss and relaxation, but a furnace room for the combustion of our egoistic delusions. What tools do we need to use? Only one. We've all heard of it, yet we use it very seldom. It's called attention.

Charlotte Joko Beck, Everyday Zen

Reflections from the Shaman's Hut

Vampires Do Exist

By Trent Deerhorn

Not in the way that Hollywood depicts, of course...unless someone with a mental disorder decides that biting people and drinking their blood would be a fun thing to try out. No, I am talking about a different kind of vampire. This is the type that, when you walk into a room that they are in, make your blood run cold. You get weak just being in their

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presence. They are the type that will try to convince you that you owe them everything, and not matter how much you do for them, no matter how much you give them, be it the Sun, the Moon or the Stars, it is never enough. You feel completely drained of energy when they leave, or when you leave. The exhaustion from each exchange can sometimes last for days. And whenever you try to pull away they will guilt trip you about abandoning them because their needs are not being met. You have just encountered an Energy Vampire.

Energy Vampires are an ultimate form of narcissist. Everything is about them but nothing is ever their responsibility. And if you are to be so bold as to disagree with them on something, they will not just gaslight you, but they will actively try to turn everyone you know and everyone they know against you.

I saw this happen once, years ago. A lovely woman tried to leave her husband who is the leader of "gatherings," and he was so offended that she would not bend to his will that he turned her entire social circle against her. It was torture for her. And, as educated a woman as she was, she decided to go back to him just to make the seventh level of Hell stop. To this day she is with him, but certainly not happily and is always looking like she gave too much blood at the Red Cross. I do not expect anyone in that circumstance to be able to survive very long. She is but one example of the effects that an Energy Vampire can have.

Sometimes it is a marital partner, sometimes a sibling, sometimes a parent, and because it is so close to home at times it makes it extremely difficult to detach and get away from it. But you do have to and you have to be willing to sacrifice everything for your own survival and start your life anew, usually in a completely different community...sometimes in a completely different place on the planet. And you have to be willing to cut ties with everyone else who is unwilling or unable to see the Vampire for who they truly are. You may have to miss out on family and social gatherings. Do it anyway. Become completely resilient to the guilt trips and rumors that will spread around. Burn every single bridge that connects you with the Vampire. Your life depends upon it, and possibly the lives of your children as well.

There really is no such thing as a "second chance" when it comes to an Energy Vampire. Because as soon as you think there might be some hope, they will devour you. It is NEVER worth the investment. I know that it is difficult. Very few things in life that are worthwhile are actually easy to accomplish. There is no being fed with a silver spoon on this one. Throw the gasoline on the bridge and light the match and never look back. You will thank me for this once you have accomplished it. But that is just the beginning of the rest of your journey.

You will also need to get some professional counselling during and after this event in your life. You will need to learn new social skills and how to let people know in no uncertain terms that they can go piss up a rope. You will have to re-grow your spine, your intestinal fortitude, and in

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so doing you will have to let go of a plethora of social conditioning with which you were raised. This is very difficult work. But it is so worth it in order to free yourself from the evil clutches of the Energy Vampire. YOU are worth that investment.

For more articles from the Shaman's Hut, visit Trent's blog at

Encouragements for Personal Development:

Taken from Meditations with James Van Praagh

Some people are psychic vampires. They siphon off your energy, and you feel completely incapacitated. Many of these people vibrate at low-frequency levels. You can feel this low vibration, but you may not know what it is. Intuitively, you feel uncomfortable or anxious.

According to the Farmer’s Almanac 2020:

Get More Cukes

Do your cucumbers have lots of flowers but no fruit? Check the flowers:

Both male and female types must be blooming at the same time for pollination to occur; males often appear first. Female flowers have a small, cucumber-shape bump at the

base that will become the fruit. Shade your plants during high heat to help prevent pollen damage. pollinators are less active in rain or cold temperatures, and insecticides may reduce their numbers. If they are not nearby, try pollinating the flowers yourself: Dip a cotton swab into male pollen and transfer it to the center of the female flower.

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May 7th: Full Flower Moon

All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today and yesterday. -Traditional proverb

May 18th: Victoria Day (Canada)

Plant summersweet for a fragrant walkway shrub. It blooms in midsummer with a spicy, lemony scent.

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May 22nd: New Moon

I plant the seed,

You make it grow,

You send the rain,

I work the hoe.

-Author Unknown

Rabbits in the garden?

Discourage them by planting lavender around the perimeter.

Ask the Shaman: With Trent Deerhorn

Q: I am having a lot of difficulty lately in grounding. With the Covid-19 crisis, and with social isolation, I am having more difficulty filtering out mass fear. What can I do?

A: The act of grounding can actually be quite easy, when one discovers that there are many ways in which one can accomplish it. One is to allow yourself to sit quietly and simply breathe in and our

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through your nose. Nice slow breaths. This is called Earth breath because it helps one to ground well.

Another way to ground is to go for a long walk. St. Augustine said, "It is solved through walking." The reason that problems get solved through walking is that walking helps to ground us and get us centered.

Although we are not allowed to hug people that are not in our immediate household, we can actually hug trees. This connects us to nature but it also connects us to the grounded aspect of the tree people. When we hug a tree and "tune in" we can feel the life force flow up and down through the tree. This flow helps our own energy system to do the same, which it should. You could also spend some time nourishing house plants and gardens. Even holding a house plant in its pot while meditating can be grounding.

Also eating grounding foods is important. By that I mean red foods, such as red apples and red grapes, red cabbage, red meat now and then (unless, of course, you are Vegan). A high protein/low carb diet tends to ground us more.

Grounding crystals such as smokey quartz, obsidian, garnet, ruby, and hematite help to keep us to ground our energies simply by having them on our person.

Try some of these. You will find that a few of them work for you.

Tidbits and Tickles:

As we drove slowly through a scenic Texas park, my eight-year-old daughter spied a doe and her spotted twin fawns grazing under oaks just a few feet from the narrow pavement.

"Mom! Mom!" she cried, head swiveling as we passed, "Deer! Rewind!"

Forum:We want to hear from you! Your feedback is important to us. Email your comments to [email protected] and they will be published in the Forum Section!

Of the previous Issue:

Angela Wrote: Loved the information on Fire Agate.

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Bev Wrote: The poem The Wind was powerful. Loved it!

Alex Wrote: I am totally digging the Paraprosdokians.

Betty Wrote: I really resonated with Trent's perspective on the "purpose" of Covid-19.

Classified Ads

A clean home is a true blessing! Trent Deerhorn

Page 25: · Web viewWell, the snow is gone (hopefully until late fall) and we have set up our deck with furniture and such. Hopefully in the next day or two I will be

This professionally recorded 24 minute guided meditation, accompanied by guitar music tuned to the healing frequency of 432Hz, will lead you on a

journey to release anxiety.

Meditation by Vicki Lund Music by Ed SmithRecording studio: Soundlounge by tBoneArt work by Jasper Lund of Sleepyturtart

Available to purchase by download at for $9.95 + PST

Face Time with the SHAMAN!As part of my Shamanic Practice I have, for years, provided long distance healing work for people. This sometimes comes as an energy treatment and sometimes as a

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telephone counselling session. Well, now there is even another option available! We can now have sessions on Face Time and you can speak to me face to face! If you are interested in this option, simply email me at [email protected] or phone me at (306) 978.5300 to make arrangements. Blessed Be!

Flight Newsletter Advertising

All ads must be in by 6pm on the 20th of the month PRIOR to the issue that the ad is to be placed in. No exceptions. Send to [email protected].

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