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M I N I S T THE RELIGIOUS RELIGION- FAITH, BELIEF, & SUPERSTITION The Faith Booster - How Trust In the Crunch Boosts Faith Dramatically Increase Your Faith Judaism and its SPIRITUAL PEOPLE DON'T STEAL The Importance of Promoting Religious

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M I N I S T R Y unlimited



The Faith Booster - How Trust In the

Crunch Boosts Faith

Dramatically Increase Your Faith


The Importance of Promoting Religious Education

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p. 10


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Advocating Strict laws

Each nation should take the responsibility of enforcing strict laws for religious crimes. Hate crimes should be taken seriously, and rigorous punishment should be given.

Laws should be framed such as to prevent people from taking justice into their hands. It should also prevent violence as an answer for personal disputes.

Educating better

An individual’s attitude towards other religions is essential to fight intolerance. Often crimes against religions are committed due to ignorance and fear. Fear of the other religion and its people.

The fear develops at a very early age. Therefore it is important to create awareness about tolerance and human rights at a very early stage in life.

Spreading understanding through education does not end in school. It should be practiced everywhere so as to reach all age groups.

Increasing Individual Awareness

Intolerance in the society is a reflection of the collective feeling in the people. Stereotyping, racial jokes and personal insults are all examples of intolerance. This kind of racism occurs at a grass root level.

It is up to every individual to stop this kind of mistrust in society. This kind of insults can be prevented by proper exposure and creating awareness.

Solution is within

The problem of intolerance can be global, but the answer lies in the vicinity- within every individual. When a problem of racism arises, we should not wait for the government to act.

Each possesses unique power. This authority will guide to the solution. Hence, every individual is a part of the solution.

Religious tolerance can be defined as the capacity of a major religion to accommodate and respect the other minor religions. The extreme diversity of the world’s religions and cultures is a treasure trove of knowledge. It is humanity's big asset as well.

Religious tolerance:

binds the world together promotes harmony and peace Provides enrichment Motivates ethical reasoning

The world is naturally diverse. Only understanding towards each other can bring about the survival and advancement of different communities across the globe. Religious tolerance can be promoted by endorsing certain factors.

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DIFFERENT FACES OF RELIGIONReligions have done more harm than good to the

societies by large. As every religion believes in certain ideologies, it imposes different values depending on gender, and class or its followers. In every religion, females and poor have been deprived by a privileged class.

It is believed that religion equates us under the same set of ideology. There are some limitations for females, and on a poor class by the privileged section of society.

Religion Rules- Divide or Unite!

Prayers set particular code of conduct for their followers. This works in dividing the followers, rather than uniting them.

The caste system practiced by Hinduism divides people into different classes based on their occupation. It believes that some occupations are superior to others, and also decides which occupations be handled by which section of people. Similar practices are present in other religions in one form or the other.

Certain Restrictions on Females by Religions

Purdah system and maintaining a dress code. Not allowed to attain the same level of

education as of men. Restricted to enter temple during menstruation

period. Defining ability of women about the work they


Connection between Religion and Faith

The fact that religions give faith in your lives is undeniable. There are times when you do not have any ray of hope in life, religion comes into the picture and holds you at those crucial times.

This does not mean you should start following a religion blindly, though. The large part of followers in every religion are blind followers, who deny the problems within their religion. They, in turn, think their way of living life is the best way to live.

While this is wrong and immoral, it turns out to be dangerous too. Hence keeping a balance between faith and logic is critical.

Make This World a Better Place

No matter which religion we follow, it is important always to remember that we are human beings first.

Always strive to become a better person, be helpful to others in need. We can work on bring people closer and equal to each other.

Taking these excellent qualities from religion will certainly make this world a better place to live.

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HINDUISM AND ITS BELIEFSThe thought of a God above all men has given people the

need of pleasing that superior being through sacrifice, rituals, and good deeds. One such widespread religion is Hinduism.

Hinduism at a Glance

Hinduism is the main religion of maximum people from India and Nepal. There are almost 900 million Hindus all over the world.

Hinduism is considered by most to be the oldest living religion in the world. The elements of Hinduism can be traced to at least four thousand years back. It has no founder and is said to have been derived from Brahmanism.

The term Hindu comes from ‘Sindhu' which happened to a river of the northwest. The term Hindu was not used until the late 15th or 16th century when it was used by people to

Interesting Facts on Hinduism

The origin of Hinduism is said to have taken near the river Indus, around the Indus Valley.

Of the entire Indian population, around 80% consider themselves to be Hindus.

Diwali or the Festival of Lights is the most well-known Hindu festival. In addition to this, they have several other festivals as well.

One of the beliefs of Hinduism is that life is a cycle that’s consists of birth, death, and rebirth, that is decided by Karma.

Hindus believe in one Supreme God whose form is represented by the many deities that have emanated from him.

As per the Hindu belief of reincarnation, the soul passes through multiple lives. Each life depends on how the previous life

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The thought of a God above all men has given people the need of pleasing that superior being through sacrifice, rituals, and good deeds. One such widespread religion is Hinduism.

Hinduism at a Glance

Hinduism is the main religion of maximum people from India and Nepal. There are almost 900 million Hindus all over the world.

Hinduism is considered by most to be the oldest living religion in the world. The elements of Hinduism can be traced to at least four thousand years back. It has no founder and is said to have been derived from Brahmanism.

The term Hindu comes from ‘Sindhu' which happened to a river of the northwest. The term Hindu was not used until the late 15th or 16th century when it was used by people to

Interesting Facts on Hinduism

The origin of Hinduism is said to have taken near the river Indus, around the Indus Valley.

Of the entire Indian population, around 80% consider themselves to be Hindus.

Diwali or the Festival of Lights is the most well-known Hindu festival. In addition to this, they have several other festivals as well.

One of the beliefs of Hinduism is that life is a cycle that’s consists of birth, death, and rebirth, that is decided by Karma.

Hindus believe in one Supreme God whose form is represented by the many deities that have emanated from him.

As per the Hindu belief of reincarnation, the soul passes through multiple lives. Each life depends on how the previous life

Religion is quite wrongly understood and interpreted by a large section of the population in this world.

The Killings

This dates back to centuries ago. The infamous Holocaust was a genocide that saw the mass massacre of about 6 million Jews. The inhuman use of gas chambers and concentration camps adopted by the German Nazis has gone down in history as the worst ever technique.

What gives anyone the right to decide that a particular ethnic cleansing is required? Did Christianity instruct the Germans to eradicate the Jews?

What religion says that killing people translates to piousness? Does Islam propagate terrorism? But a particular group of people, a rather large one at that, believes so.

Recent terrorist suicide attacks are gripping the world in fear and disbelief. Innocent civilians being targeted at the most unexpected places is not something that religion teaches us.

France has been targeted relentlessly by ISIS and for what? A tolerant nation that has allowed people from different corners of the world to come and settle there, France has done nothing wrong.

In Nigeria, several hundred thousands of people have died in religious wars. Kidnapping and killing young girls by Boko Haram is criminal.

What people don't seem to understand is that religion is one's belief. It does not change the fact that each one is a human being and has a right to live. Killing in the name of religion is a major global problem that needs to be addressed at the earliest.

The Celebrations

India is a secular country with some festivals being celebrated with fervor. From Diwali, the festival of lights to Eid, the end of the month of Ramadan and Christmas, the list is endless. Each festival has its way of being celebrated. However, each festival is being celebrated in such a way that is not only inappropriate but also impacts the environment.

During Diwali, one needs to look up in the sky to see how polluted the air gets and you don’t need to do much to listen to the loud noise of crackers ricocheting off the walls. While this may be acceptable on certain levels, alcohol induced individuals gyrating in an obscene manner on the road during the Ganesh festival is not what religion tells us to do. Religion also doesn’t say that littering all over the city during festivals is the right thing to do. This has to stop.

People seem to do the most absurd things in the name of religion and have managed to get away with it. Religion should not be used as an excuse!




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SYSTEMSince the beginning of time, man has been inclined to religion in unimaginable ways. Whether you believe in religion or not, you can certainly see the power of religious beliefs in your everyday life. And one such dominant religion is Judaism.

Understanding Judaism

The beginning of Judaism can be date back to approximately four thousand years in the Middle East. A Hebrew man called, Abraham is considered to be the founder of the Jewish religion. He was the one to promote the ideas that constitute the Jewish faith.

In those years, people of the Middle East were used to worshipping a large number of Gods. The story goes that Abraham and his wife Sarah were old and childless. They were told by God that they would have children as plenty as the stars in the skies. And all of them would live a land they could call their own- The Promised Land. The descendants of Abraham are on known as Israelites, named after Israel- the grandson of Abraham.

It took many years for the Israelites to reach finally the Promised Land which they called Canaan. After much struggle, the Jews finally got to establish their Israelite Kingdom.

Today, the world comprises of nearly 14 million Jewish people, half of whom live in the United States, one-quarter in Israel, and another quarter in other parts of the world.

The Jewish Beliefs

The primary belief system of the Jews lies within the Torah, also known as The Ten Commandments.

The Torah is interpreted differently by different groups of Jewish people. The three main groups of Jewish people are:

Orthodox Jews believe that all the practices of the Torah have to be followed without question.

Conservative and Reform Jews believe that the practices need to be interpreted and followed as per modern life.

Reform Jews also believe that both men and women should sit together. Also, Hebrew and other local languages can be spoken at the services.

Orthodox Jews believe that all the practices of the Torah have to be followed

without question.

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The Importance of Promoting

There are numerous religions practiced in the world. The significance of teaching children about religion is a topic that attracts debate. Religious Education is important in children because it results in positive development.

Religious education exposes an individual to knowledge on the origin and histories of various religions. As a result, all the religions are seen as the same and none superior to the other.

When you learn about religion, rather than practicing faith, you:

Understand world history Learn about multiple cultures. Learn to respect other religions

Listed below are few reasons why religious education must be promoted across the world

Forms values

Religious education helps you in forming strong values and beliefs. These values form your behavior and are also reflected in your communication.

In the case of a moral dilemma, these values will help you make a right decision. The teachings will guide you until the end of your life.

Helps in psychological development

Learning about religion causes significant psychological development in young kids. When your kids believe in a superior power, they push themselves to excel.

It is also believed that those with sound knowledge of religion are less likely to be affected by depression. They do not succumb to any psychological disorder.

Teaches selflessness

When you gain knowledge about the religious traditions across the world, it teaches you selflessness. It prompts you to put others before yourself. Therefore, there is support in the community.

Religious education also encourages you to understand different traditions. You learn to appreciate different values, practices, and religious sentiments.

Guides you in the path of truth

Religious education helps you in understanding the existence of supreme power. Exposure to the basics of your belief will guide you towards the path of truth. The truth can be shared with your peers and in turn, encourage them.

Promotes peace and harmony

Knowledge of different religions can teach you tolerance. An increased level of understanding helps you to evaluate issues of truth and faith. This, in turn, leads to peace and harmony in the society.

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People across the world are divided among religions. Every religion has certain ideologies which form its culture.

The roots of religion are dated back very long. It must have originated through certain communities following similar approach toward life.

Religion Unites as Well as Divides UsReligion unites people, who in turn follow similar practices in life. Like-minded people are united by its virtue, and they are set to learn new things in their journey.

The way it unites people practicing similar things, it divides people too. It unintentionally creates distance between people who follow different ideologies.

It also sparks hatred among people of various sects in believing that the practices of their religion are better than others.

Connections with TerrorismTerrorism has increased in huge percentage in recent years. Killing people in the name of worship has been the primary reason behind most of the terrorist activities.

Major terrorist outfits in the world are related to religion. These religion outfits are based on certain ideology; they are responsible for a lot of lives in the name of worship.

Atheism- Key to Unlock the BrainPeople have been brainwashed in the name of faith since a long period. Even scholars of current age are part of such activities. Certain practices are carried out in religions to brainwash people to spread a particular ideology.

Atheism is a relatively new category. It means denying the presence of God. Atheists by large deny accepting the beliefs of religions too.

As an atheist, you back yourself by science and logic. As the education is getting better, and with globalization, people are coming closer to this concept. This, in turn, is decreasing popularity of religions, which is a good sign for the future.

Apply Good Things on Religion in Your LifeReligion in recent times has done more harm than good. It is the time you take good things out of religion and imply them in our lives.

You should try to get over the superstitious thoughts and become a better human being.

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We are so busy fighting for our sect that we often forget that all religions preach the same practices. We all want Peace, We all Want Harmony, We all have our faith.

We have got to understand that the differences don't exist in our worship, just our minds. We all have the same ideologies in different words. It's like an old wine in new bottles. Let us go through the various concepts of religion.


All religions have a certain faith to give a back-story to its preaching. There is always mention of a higher power or spirit that is holy and pure. There is something heavenly or divine that gives a God-like characteristic to the angelic soul.

Sacred History

Almost all religions have Narratives, Letters or Scriptures preserved at their holy places to make people understand the history of the Religion. Such writings are used to guide its followers if they are lost or are trying to find their purpose.

Practices and Rituals

There are different traditions and rituals that are held in the form of festivals, sermons or commemorations. Such ceremonies mark the piousness of the act and thus protect you from the evil. A few examples are - Baptism, the Naming Ceremony, Namkaran or Pidyon Haben.

Beliefs and Rules

Religions have certain Beliefs and Rules that are to be followed by the devotees. These ideas allow the disciples to follow a pattern that will help him/her connect with the deity.

Final Take-Away

There is only and only one religion; however there are different versions and varieties of it. The primary motive is to connect with God, But the Mythology, History, Rituals and Beliefs differ. These differences have now turned into something bigger because each and every cult is trying to compete with the other to be a better one. This religionism is soon turning into regionalism per se.

We must get over the boundaries of Religion because God has only one- Kindness!

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Let’s go over a few examples of religious beliefs and come to a consensus regarding the different types and sects. Religion has been broadly classified into different varieties by the various groups. One must go over them to understand and gauge the idea behind each one of them. It's a myth, a tale or a belief of power, but it is something that is truly there.

Let’s study these different types in brief.


Highly prevalent in Europe, America, Russia and Africa (East, South, and Central); it constitutes about 33% of the population in the whole wide world. It is the religion with a maximum number of devotees and followers. It can be mainly subdivided into three types:

Catholic Church Protestantism Eastern Orthodox Church


Constituting about 23% of the world population, it is the second-most followed religion. It is purely dominant in North America, Middle East, North Africa and Asia. It can be subdivided into:

Sunni Khawarij Shīʿah


The third largest religion in the world, Hinduism constitutes about 15% of the global population. Highly Dominant in Asia, with 85% Hindu's in India and the others in areas like Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, etc. There are multiple schools of thought in Hinduism with no governing body or prophets.


With about 7% of the world's population, Buddhism comes fourth on the list of most favored religions. Highly prevalent in China, Japan or Mongolia it has majorly three preferred schools of thought, namely:

Mahayana Theravada Vajrayana

The Catch

Every Religion has its set of beliefs, pros, and cons. One isn't superior to the other. They all have their importance in every believer's life. Every religion has its history and identity. They are all being preached since centuries now.

So let’s harbor our religion, and let's not turn the world into a battlefield.

Every Religion has its set of beliefs, pros, and cons.

One isn't superior to the other. They

all have their importance in

every believer's life.

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OF A A good place to start is always the beginning; having been born after India became Independent and in a Nuclear family, and that too a Services family, one had absolutely no idea about religion, much lesser about the fact that there existed different faiths!

It was in the late 1950s when my grandfather was posted at the Air Force Station at Ambala. Group Captain SA Hussain was the Station Commander, Wing Commander Ronnie Engineer, the Chief Operations Officer, Squadron Leader Barry White, the Squadron Commander of the other squadron and my grandfather Squadron Leader Hemant Chitnis, the Squadron Commander of a Hunter Squadron. Naturally, Zain Hussain, Trevor and Michael White, Surinder Singh and others were my father’s schoolmates, and they all played Cricket together. Never once was there any discussion about who was a Muslim, Parsi, Sikh, Christian or Hindu.

All of their fathers were pilots flying Hunters or Technical Officers maintaining the various aircrafts in the station.

So when did the great divide start?

Not even after the 1965 war against Pakistan, when all of them cheered Havildar Major Abdul Hamid for gallantly defending the country and being awarded the Param Vir Chakra posthumously and Lt Col Ardeshir Tarapore.

They were Indians and only Indians; no one talked about their religion! In 1971, Flying Officer Nirmaljit Singh Sekhon, Lance Naik Albert Ekka, 2nd Lt Ravi Kshetarpal and Major Hoshiar Singh were the Param Vir Chakra awardees.

This just shows us that while you are defending your Country, fighting for your Motherland is your only religion.

Fast forward to 2016, and there is not a single day when you read in the papers or watch on Prime time Television, about some communal riots, some debate on Religion and self-professed spiritual intellectuals discussing the atrocities being committed on ‘minorities’, the so-called ‘lower castes’, and ‘ethnic cleansing’.

My only question is, why are we not simply Indians, instead of segregating ourselves as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis; or further as Brahmins, Dalits, Shias, Sunnis, Jats, Yadavs etc.?

If 1.2 Million soldiers can live in harmony, why cant 1.2 Billion Indians do the same?

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SPIRITUALITY?Spirituality derives from the word "spirit" which also means the soul. So spirituality has to do with

the soul. The concept of soul is central to many religions and is supposed to represent the inner and the real self of a person. It is contrasted with the body which according to many religions, people wrongly consider as the real self.

The concept of spirituality itself is contrasted against materialism where materialism is excessive attachment to things external to the inner self i.e., to the external reality such as the body and other physical things. So we can consider spirituality as something that teaches us to think beyond the external reality and focus on elevating the inner self.

One concept of inner reality is that there is an entity called jivatma which is attached to a body. The jivatma is the veiled Atman or Brahman, the supreme God which is residing in every person. The veil is the ignorance due to not being able to understand the real self or reality. As long as the ignorance exists, an entity called mind is projected from it and that is what interacts with the external world and goes through the various experiences in a birth.

The experiences form the basis of the jivatma's evolution. The evolution represents how veiled the jivatma is. When we realize the timeless truths finally through innumerable births, the ignorance disappears and the veil is lifted. The mind becomes one with the soul which is now the pure consciousness or God and the person attains Moksha or liberation from the physical world.

Being spiritual does not mean one has to give up worldly activities. It only means the ability to exercise self control when required. So one can lead a normal worldly life and still be spiritual. Spirituality just as the word suggests is practised more in spirit than in the form or methods.

However, it is not an easy task to practise spirituality. In my view it is the most intellectually demanding task because it means making one's mind finer or of higher quality. But once a person is able to do that after sincere and continuous efforts, he is most likely to possess a very peaceful inner existence which would also reflect in the happiness in external interactions.

To sum up, spirituality deals with the theory and practices of how to remove one's ignorance of timeless truths, by evolving one's inner self, attaining peace and eventually becoming one with God.

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The Faith Booster - How Trust In the

BETWEEN a promise and its manifestation is a voyage, from land to land, where there is no land in sight for much longer than we wish. Such a voyage we call depression, singleness, barrenness, unemployment, loss, among so many others. Such a sojourn is a lonely, frustrating, infuriating time. Such a time on the open seas is tumultuous as it's perilous. It's a time when our trust in God is pushed and cajoled toward compromise, where complaint and bitterness and resentment resemble the spiritual compromise of giving up.

Moses was at the point of giving up when he has a conversation with God. The LORD reminds Moses in Numbers 11:23 (below) of an important fact:

The Lord answered Moses, "Is the Lord's arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you." (NIV)

God reminds Moses of an incredibly powerful truth: the LORD'S provision is not limited to our human conception of provision. When we think of the LORD'S creative provision - life, the universe, everything - we should never underestimate God's creative capacity in delivering us into the purposes He has promised us.

But we must believe what He has promised, and the only way to believe is to trust.


The faith booster is simply trust. And the greatest test of faith is when hope wanes and vanishes.

Nothing boosts faith more than trust. Trust ensures our faith remains viable.

The person who trusts and keeps on trusting is earning their redemption by their faith. The harder, more impossible the situation, the more trust is pressed into temptation to give up, the more important it is to trust.

Hope may wither, and confidence may fall, but through trust we emerge, and by faith we ascend.

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Taking something that belongs to another is not in the hearts or minds of the spiritual. They don't have the same needs for physical wealth that others appear to have. Inside they have power and knowledge that is beyond normal understanding. Because they are linked to God who is the Great Spirit of the Universe and in control of all things it provides in some amazing ways for its own. It protects and guides and there is no way it would put them in danger of the law.

As a spiritual person and one with recall of reincarnation and passage from life to life my experience proves that heaven and hell are myths. These are the pillars on which religions stand and without them the claims of their prophets and teachings are shown to be nothing more than a bluff (Jeremiah 23:9-11). So what purpose do they serve?

Religion began at the same time as the group called the children of Israel received the Spirit some 4,000 years ago, approximately. They were then tender plants in the garden of God (Isaiah 5:4,7) and thy needed to be strengthened and tested against the things that have come against them. They also required a direction in which they could develop.

Religion is a discipline and it taught them many things but the one of most interest involves the tests and trials it put them through. Over and again they were brought before the false gods and ordered to worship them. Over and again they refused and were tortured and killed (Isaiah 56:19, Job 5:19-22), often in horrendous fashion. Each time they were cast down they were rebuilt, just as the potter works the clay (Jeremiah 18:6).

With each death and rebirth they grew strong, just as plants are cloned from strong parents. They were fed the manure from the minds of those seeking power and control and their wisdom increased. So they need nothing but what God provides and they most certainly do not steal from others.

Each time they were cast down they were rebuilt, just as the

potter works the clay (Jeremiah 18:6).

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In the Western world we are accustomed to associate the ideas of sacerdotalism, hierarchy and dogma, mainly because they are united in the greatest religious organization familiar to us, the Roman Catholic Church. But the combination is not necessary. Hinduism is intensely sacerdotal but neither hierarchical nor dogmatic, Islam is dogmatic but neither sacerdotal nor hierarchical, Buddhism is dogmatic and also somewhat hierarchical, since it has to deal with bodies of men collected in monasteries where discipline is necessary, but except in its most corrupt forms it is not sacerdotal.

The absence of the hierarchical idea in Hinduism is striking. Not only is there no Pope, but there is hardly any office comparable with a Bishop. The relationships recognized in the priesthood are those springing from birth and the equally sacred ties uniting teacher and pupil. Hence there is little to remind us of the organization of Christian Churches. We have simply teachers expounding their sacred books to their scholars, with such combination of tradition and originality as their idiosyncrasies may suggest, somewhat after the theory of congregational churches. But that resemblance is almost destroyed by the fact that both teachers and pupils belong to clans, connected by descent and accepted by the people as a superior order of mankind. Even in the most modern sects the descendants of the founder often receive special reverence.

Though the Brahmins have no ecclesiastical discipline, they do not tolerate the interference of kings. Buddhist sovereigns have summoned councils, but not so Hindu monarchs. They have built temples, paid priests to perform sacrifices and often been jealous of them but for the last two thousand years they have not attempted to control them within their own sphere or to create a State Church.

And the Brahmans on their side have kept within their own province. It is true that they have succeeded in imposing-or in identifying themselves with-a most exacting code of social, legal and religious prescriptions, but they have rarely aimed at temporal power or attempted to be more than viziers. They have of course supported pious kings and received support-especially donations-from them, and they have enjoyed political influence as domestic chaplains to royal families, but they have not consented to any such relations between religion and the state.

Buddhist sovereigns

have summoned

councils, but not so Hindu monarchs. They have

built temples, paid priests to

perform sacrifices and

often been jealous of

them but for

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INCREASE YOUR FAITHFaith is a must have, because without it we can't please God (Hebrews 11:6). And since faith is of such

importance to a Christian, I wanted to share how you can increase your faith in Jesus.

First off I want to ask you a question. Between a random stranger and your parents, who would you trust more? I'm almost certain you will pick your parents. But why would you trust your parents more than you would a stranger? The answer is simply because you know your parents, but you don't know the stranger, so most likely you wouldn't trust them.

So now that we've established that you can't really trust someone you don't know, how can we trust Jesus if we don't know him? The key to increasing your faith in Jesus is by building a relationship with him. Think about you and your best friend. The trust that you guys have in each other now is significantly greater than when you first met. And that's because now you guys have a very strong relationship that had to be built up, and it's no different with Jesus. The more you spend quality time with him in his presence, and the more you realize that he's always with you through The Holy Spirit and began building a personal relationship with him, the more your faith will increase.

Now another key to increased faith in Jesus is experience. How do you know you can trust your best friend? Not because they said "you can trust me", but because they've shown you that you can trust them, actions mean so much more than words. Think about the first disciples. They started with little faith also, but with the combination of knowing Jesus personally and experiencing him proving that he was who he said he was over and over again, their faith in him grew.

So start thinking of the so called "bad" things that happen in your life as trust exercises. Let Jesus prove that he is who he says he is in your life. He wants to calm the raging storms in your life, he wants you to step out on the water with him, he wants you to just fall back and let him catch you, he wants to build your faith.

My Final key to increasing your faith in Jesus is so simple, yet so unknown, and or overlooked... because of how simple it is. One of the simplest things you can do to increase your faith in Jesus is ask him to increase your faith. In Mark chapter 9, there was a man who brought his possessed son to Jesus. The man told Jesus "if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us", and Jesus said "if you can?" all things are possible for one who believes" then the man instantly said "I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!"

This man felt like most of us feel today, he had faith, but he knew his faith level wasn't where it should be, and all he did was ask Jesus to increase his faith, and we can do the same. Simply ask and you will receive.

If you apply these powerful keys, your faith in Jesus will definitely increase.

Page 25:…  · Web viewWe Christians say the word Communion often, yet do we know the meaning of the word? I could guess
Page 26:…  · Web viewWe Christians say the word Communion often, yet do we know the meaning of the word? I could guess


Those who have turned away from religions and are reconnecting to their link to the Spirit of the Universe, the only God, wonder how and why they were allowed to exist. Following my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit it commissioned me to tear away the wall of blindness and bring in the harvest. That barrier to the truth is the power behind the systems that mislead and confuse the world.

Filled with knowledge by the Spirit it allowed insight into the origins of man's systems in sun-worship. As strange as it sounds the law, false gods, symbols, and language were constructed from it. Even stranger it still rules over the religions in the form of the gods they promote. Overseeing it all was God who has brought it about because of the plan to produce a group of spiritual people at the end of the day.

The latter were seeded with Spirit some 4,000 years ago and they have been allowed to grow in strength through the troubles and pain they suffered. They refused to fall 'in line' and take part in religious worship of idols and for that they were tortured, exiled, imprisoned, and murdered in horrendous fashion. That happened to them over and again until now they are ready for their inheritance.

With God conducting the things of the world the stumbling block grew in size and has captured all who are not spiritual in a trap (Isaiah 44:17-18). It came in the form of a man who was made more precious than gold (Isaiah 13:12) and it was done through the work of 666. This is the real power behind the religions of the world.

The aim was to test the one with the Spirit and to strengthen their link to God by their refusal to bend to man's ways. Now they are gathered and ready for their inheritance which is now pouring out over them (Ezekiel 39:29).

Page 27:…  · Web viewWe Christians say the word Communion often, yet do we know the meaning of the word? I could guess