· Web viewVocabulary: DEPARTMENT - Departamento. STORE - Tienda. DEPARTMENT STORE - Tienda...

ENGLISH PRACTICE II (Page 1) UNIT 1 Vocabulary: DEPARTMENT - Departamento STORE - Tienda DEPARTMENT STORE - Tienda departamental SALESCLERK – Vendedor(a) en un tienda LIVING - Vida, vivir PLANE - Avión TRAIN - Tren BADLY – Mal (acción) SELL (To) - Vender WHO - Quién WHOM - A quién LUNCH - Comida de ½ día SANDWICH - Emparedado FEEL (To) - Sentir, sentirse GOLF - Golf EIGHTY - Ochenta FIFTY - Cincuenta FORTY - Cuarenta NINETY - Noventa NUMBER - Número ONE HUNDRED - Cien SEVENTY - Setenta SIXTY - Sesenta THIRTY - Treinta ADDRESS - Dirección CENT - Centavo DOLLAR - Dólar DOZEN - Docena HOUR - Hora MEAN (To) - Significar MINUTE - Minuto ONLY - Solo QUARTER - Moneda de 25 cts. SECOND - Segundo GIRLFRIEND - Amiga, novia PHONE - Teléfono APARTMENT - Apartamento BOTH - Ambos ELEMENTARY - Elemental ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Escuela primaria JUNIOR - Hijo LITTLE - Pequeño PEN PAL - Persona con la que se tiene correspondencia YOURSELF - A ti mismo SHARP - Agudo, afilado SHIN - Espinilla (de la pierna) USUALLY - Generalmente NOON - Medio día, 12 A.M. MIDNIGHT - Media noche BEFORE - Antes BREAKFAST - Desayuno FACE – Cara, carátula GET UP (to) - Levantarse MAKE (To) - Hacer, fabricar WHEN - Cuándo, a qué hora WINTER - Invierno HALF - Mitad PAST - Pasado UNTIL - Hasta EXCEPT - Excepto LEAP YEAR - Año bisiesto MONTH - Mes REST (To) - Descansar LEAVE (To) - Salir, dejar, irse SERVICE STATION - Gasolinería AGAIN - Otra vez BEGIN (To) - Comenzar COLD - Frío, resfriado A LOT OF - Mucho, muchísimo EACH - Cada END (To) - Terminar Page 1

Transcript of   · Web viewVocabulary: DEPARTMENT - Departamento. STORE - Tienda. DEPARTMENT STORE - Tienda...

Page 1:   · Web viewVocabulary: DEPARTMENT - Departamento. STORE - Tienda. DEPARTMENT STORE - Tienda departamental. SALESCLERK – Vendedor(a) en un tienda. LIVING - Vida, vivir. PLANE


UNIT 1Vocabulary:DEPARTMENT - DepartamentoSTORE - TiendaDEPARTMENT STORE - Tienda departamentalSALESCLERK – Vendedor(a) en un tiendaLIVING - Vida, vivirPLANE - AviónTRAIN - TrenBADLY – Mal (acción)SELL (To) - VenderWHO - QuiénWHOM - A quiénLUNCH - Comida de ½ díaSANDWICH - EmparedadoFEEL (To) - Sentir, sentirseGOLF - GolfEIGHTY - OchentaFIFTY - CincuentaFORTY - CuarentaNINETY - NoventaNUMBER - NúmeroONE HUNDRED - CienSEVENTY - SetentaSIXTY - SesentaTHIRTY - TreintaADDRESS - DirecciónCENT - CentavoDOLLAR - DólarDOZEN - DocenaHOUR - HoraMEAN (To) - SignificarMINUTE - MinutoONLY - SoloQUARTER - Moneda de 25 cts.SECOND - SegundoGIRLFRIEND - Amiga, novia

PHONE - TeléfonoAPARTMENT - ApartamentoBOTH - AmbosELEMENTARY - ElementalELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Escuela primariaJUNIOR - HijoLITTLE - PequeñoPEN PAL - Persona con la que se tiene correspondenciaYOURSELF - A ti mismoSHARP - Agudo, afiladoSHIN - Espinilla (de la pierna)USUALLY - GeneralmenteNOON - Medio día, 12 A.M.MIDNIGHT - Media nocheBEFORE - AntesBREAKFAST - DesayunoFACE – Cara, carátulaGET UP (to) - LevantarseMAKE (To) - Hacer, fabricarWHEN - Cuándo, a qué horaWINTER - InviernoHALF - MitadPAST - PasadoUNTIL - HastaEXCEPT - ExceptoLEAP YEAR - Año bisiestoMONTH - MesREST (To) - DescansarLEAVE (To) - Salir, dejar, irseSERVICE STATION - Gasolinería

AGAIN - Otra vezBEGIN (To) - ComenzarCOLD - Frío, resfriadoA LOT OF - Mucho, muchísimoEACH - CadaEND (To) - TerminarFALL - Otoño, caídaFALL (To) - CaerHOT - CalienteICE-SKATING - Patinaje sobre hieloINCLUDE (to) - IncluirLEAF – Hoja (de árbol)LEAVES - Hojas (de árbol)MOST - La mayoríaOFTEN - A menudo, seguidoPICNIC - Día de campoPLACE - LugarPLANT - PlantaRAIN - LluviaSEASON - Estación (del año), temporadaSKIING - Practicar el deporte de esquíSNOW (To) - NevarSO - Así queSOME - Algún, alguno(a)(os)(as)SPRING - Primavera, resorte, manantialSTART (To) – Comenzar, arrancarSUMMER - VeranoSUNNY - SoleadoTREE - ArbolVACATION - VacacionesWARM - TibioWEATHER - ClimaWINDY - AirosoCHOCOLATE - Chocolate


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1) Las Palabras Interrogativas se colocan al principio en oraciones interrogativas; van seguidas del verbo auxiliar, el sujeto de la oración, el verbo principal de la misma y por último el complemento (si la oración requiere un complemento) Ejemplos:








WHERE do you live?

WHAT does Sally sell?

HOW do they sing in English?

WHO(m) do you work with?

Esta es la lista completa de las Palabras Interrogativas en inglés:

WHAT - Qué HOW - Cómo WHO - Quién

WHERE - Dónde WHEN – Cuándo, A qué hora

HOW MANY - Cuántos(as) WHY - Por qué

(at) WHAT TIME - A qué hora HOW MUCH - Cuánto(a)

HOW + un adjetivo o adverbio Significa QUE TAN + el significado del adjetivo o adverbio. Ejemplos:

HOW TALL - Qué tan alto

HOW SHORT - Qué tan bajo

HOW BEAUTIFUL - Qué tan bello(a)

HOW UGLY - Qué tan feo(a)

WHICH y WHAT significan QUÉ o CUÁL. El primero se utiliza cuando se va escoger de entre un número limitado o específico; El segundo, cuando el número de entre el cual se va escoger es ilimitado o no está especificado. Ejemplos:

WHAT do you want for your birthday?

WHICH of the three cakes do you want?

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WHOSE - De quién. Esta palabra interrogativa va seguida de la cosa,

persona o animal por la que se está preguntando. Ejemplo:

WHOSE book do you have on your desk?

(¿El libro de quién tienes en tu escritorio?)

WHO sustituyendo al sujeto vs WHO sustituyendo al complemento:

a) Cuando WHO sustituye al sujeto de la oración se coloca precisamente

en el lugar que ocupa el mismo, y por lo tanto este es el único caso en

que el orden de palabras presentado en el punto uno (1) no se aplica.


WHO plays the piano very well?

WHO lives in New York city?

WHO understands the situation very well?

b) Cuando WHO sustituye al complemento puede utilizarse como WHO o

WHOM. Esta última forma se considera característica de un buen

inglés y deberá preferirse en escritos formales. Como en este caso se

pregunta por el complemento de la oración seguiremos el orden

indicado en el punto uno (1). Ejemplos:








WHO(M) does Mary work with?(*)

WHO(M) do you know in Mexico city?

WHO(M) do the boys help every day?

( * ) Las preposiciones pueden preceder a la palabra interrogativa (como ocurre

en castellano) o colocarse al final de la oración.

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Nota.- Cuando WHO sustituye al sujeto de la oración no puede utilizarse WHOM en forma indistinta como en el caso en que sustituye al complemento.


STEVE: Hi, my name’s Steve James.SALLY: Hi, I’m Sally Lerner.STEVE: What do you do, Sally?SALLY: I’m a salesclerk.STEVE: Where do you work?SALLY: I work in a department storeSTEVE: How do you go to work?SALLY: I go by bus.STEVE: When do you eat lunch?SALLY: I eat lunch at twelve o’clock.STEVE: Whom do you eat lunch with?SALLY: I eat lunch with Nancy and Sue.

|Use WHERE, WHAT, HOW, WHEN or WHOM to ask questions. Choose the word carefully:

I live in Washington D.C . Where do you live?

1 Sally sells Japanese cars.

________ does Sally sell?

2 Those boys sing opera very well.

________ do those boys sing opera?

3 I work with Laura at the office.

________ do you work with, at the office?

4 We go home by bus every day.

________ do you go home every day?

5 He drives a big truck in Houston.

________ does he drive in Houston?

6 We live in an apartment on Main Street.

________ do you live?

7 I get up at six thirty.

________ do you get up?

8 The workers go home at six thirty.

________ do the workers go home?

9 The boy washes his face after breakfast.

________ does the boy wash his face?

Ask questions about the sentences.Example:She works in a department store.Where does she work?

1 We drink coffee or tea.

What _______________________

2 Sally likes sandwiches.

What _______________________

3 I eat breakfast with my family.

Who(m) _______________________

4 Michael drives slowly.

How _______________________

5 The president lives in the White House.

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Where _______________________

6 I sleep badly.

How _______________________

7 Walmart sells many things.

What _______________________

8 We eat dinner at 8 o’clock.

When _______________________

9 My brother goes to work at 8:30.

When _______________________

10 My sister washes the dishes after


When _______________________

STORIESReading practice 1:

DAVID CARPENTERMy name is David Carpenter. I’m

17 years old and I live with my family in an apartment in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is part of New York.

I’m in my last year of high school. I study math, history, chemistry and other subjects. I also study Spanish but my Spanish is not very good. I have one brother and two sisters. My brother goes to junior high school, and my sisters go to senior high school.

My parents both, work. My father sells cars and my mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital near here.

Reading practice 2:


There are four seasons in the USA: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Each season is three months.

Spring begins on March 21st. The weather is cold and windy in March; there are only some warm days in this season. There is a lot of rain in April and May; the plants and trees become green and there are flowers of many colors.

Summer starts on June 21st and is the beginning of the hot season. School ends and vacation begins for many students. Many people go to the beach.

Fall starts on September 22nd . School restarts in September. The weather is usually nice in September and October. The leaves change color and fall from the trees. The fall colors are yellow, red and brown.

Winter is very cold in most parts of the United States. It starts on December 21st . In many places it snows in winter and people go skiing and ice-skating.


1. ¿Qué vendes?

2. ¿Qué lee ella?

3. ¿Cómo va él a trabajar?

4. ¿Con quién comes?

5. ¿Dónde viven ellos?

6. ¿Cómo se sienten ustedes?

7. ¿Dónde compras tus libros?

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8. ¿A quién conoces en los Estados


9. ¿Dónde vives?

10. ¿Qué hace Nissan?

11. ¿Cuándo comes (la comida de ½ día)?

12. ¿Cuándo lava ella los trastos?

13. ¿Con quién trabajas?

14. ¿Cuándo se levanta ella?

15. ¿Qué beben ellos?

16. ¿Dónde ven ustedes televisión?

17. ¿Cuándo empieza el invierno?

18. ¿Cuándo va la gente a la playa?

19. ¿Cómo te sientes en primavera?

20. ¿Cuándo desayuna ella?

UNIT 2Vocabulary:

AFRAID - Temeroso(a)DENTIST - DentistaOF COURSE - Por su puestoTOOTHACHE - Dolor de muelasAPPOINTMENT - Cita (formal de negocios)BAD - Mal, maloCHECKUP - Reconocimiento médicoEXAMINATION - ExamenGLASSES - Anteojos, vidriosHEADACHE - Dolor de cabezaSTOMACHACHE - Dolor de estómagoTOMORROW - MañanaNEXT - SiguienteCARD - Tarjeta, carta (baraja)ABSENT MINDED - DistraídoABSENT - AusenteMIND - Mente

COOKIE – Galleta dulceLATE - Tarde, retardadoSTAY (To)– Permanecer, hospedarseSTAY LATE (To) - DesvelarseRAIN (To) - LloverALONE - Solo(a)FLY (To) - VolarALWAYS - SiempreCLEAR - Claro, despejadoCLOUDY - NubladoDIFFERENT - DiferenteEXCITED - EmocionadoMOUNTAIN - MontañaPERFECT - PerfectoPLAN (To) - PlanearSKI - EsquíSKI (To) - EsquiarSNOW - NieveTHINK (To) - PensarDEFINITELY - DefinitivamenteENOUGH - SuficienteFAN - Ventilador, fanáticoFANCY - Elegante

FLOOR - PisoREFRIGERATOR - RefrigeradorRUG - TapeteSOFA - SofáSTOVE - EstufaTRAVEL (To) - ViajarVAN - Camioneta cerrada, vanBUSINESS - NegocioCOMPANY - CompañíaMANAGER - GerenteARRIVE (To) - LlegarTEST - PruebaACCOUNTANT - ContadorDIRECTOR - DirectorMOTEL - MotelSOUVENIR - Recuerdo, regaloBOOT - BotaCLEAN (To) - LimpiarPLAY - Obra de teatro, jugadaVOLLEYBALL - VolibolSTEAK - BiftecAIRPORT - Aeropuerto

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CONCERT - ConciertoFILM - Película, rollo (cámara)LECTURE - ConferenciaBIRTHDAY - CumpleañosWIFE - EsposaACTIVITY - Actividad

ADVERTISING - PublicidadAGENCY - AgenciaBORED - Aburrido (estar)CHEMIST - QuímicoCLASSICAL - ClásicoENJOY (To) - DisfrutarHATE (To) - Odiar

JAZZ - Música sincopada (jazz)LOVE (To) - Encantar, amarNEVER - NuncaBACON - TocinoBOTTLE – Botella, garrafón


1) El Futuro Idiómatico requiere los siguientes elementos:

a) Un SUJETO + la forma del verbo TO BE que le corresponda

b) La palabra GOING (adverbio)

c) Un infinitivo (ya explicamos la función del infinitivo en el Libro )

d) Un complemento (si es necesario)

(a) (b) (c) (d) TRADUCCIONI'm GOING to study English Voy a estudiar inglés

You're GOING to read a book Tú vas a leer un libro

He's GOING to see Mary El va a ver a Mary

She's GOING to operate on you Ella te va a operar

It's GOING to work well (Ello) va a funcionar bien

We're GOING to play tennis Nosotros vamos a jugar tenis

You're GOING to close the door Ustedes van a cerrar la puerta

They're GOING to wash the windows Ellos van a lavar las ventanas

John is GOING to buy a car Juán va a comprar un auto

The girls are GOING to take a vacation Las chicas van a tomar


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2) Para formar el INTERROGATIVO, NEGATIVO e INTERROGATIVO NEGATIVO, aplicarás las regas aprendidas en el Libro I con relación a TO BE. Ejemplos:

Afirmativo You're going to play baseball.

Interrogativo Are you going to play baseball?

Negativo You aren't going to play baseball.

Interrogativo-Negativo Aren't you going to play baseball?

3) Cuando se utilizan palabras interrogativas en combinación con oraciones interrogativas en Futuro Idiomático, el orden a seguir es el establecido en página 2 (English-PracticeII). Ejemplos:





WHERE are you going to study?

HOW is she going to help you?

WHEN are they going to eat lunch?

WHY isn't Mary going to work today?

(AT) WHAT TIME are you going to eat lunch?

Conversation 1:PETER: I’m going to see the dentist today.NANCY: Do you have a toothache?PETER: No. I’m only going to have a checkup.NANCY: Are you going to see him this morning?PETER: No, I’m going to see him this afternoon.NANCY: Are you afraid?PETER: Of course not! I’m not afraid of the dentist.

Make sentences in Idiomatic Future Tense with the words given. Example:I --see --the dentist --today.I’m going to see the dentist today.

1 I---leave---work early today.


2 You---stop---at the service station today.


3 He--- see ---his lawyer tomorrow.


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4 She---watch T.V.--- tomorrow morning.


5 The car--- work--- very well all the time.


6 We ---dance ---at the party tomorrow



7 They--- buy ---the newspaper this



8 I--- have ---dinner in a restaurant today.


Change to Interrogative and Negative as in the example below:

I’m going to swim today.Am I going to swim today?I’m not going to swim today.

1 You’re going to practice the guitar.



2 He’s going to take the subway now.



3 She is going to make cookies this




4 We’re going to play golf with our




5 They are going to give us money.



6 Alice is going to go ice-skating at five.



7 You’re going to take a vacation in




8 My brother is going to come soon.



9 That man is going to buy a Ferrari.


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10 The weather is going to be good today.



Reading practice:WINTER SPORTS

Nancy and Peter Wolf like sports. In the summer they swim and in winter they ski. They usually ski in Colorado and Idaho in the United states. The snow is excellent there, and the weather is perfect. It is clear, cold and sunny.

This year, they are planning a different ski trip; next month, they are going to go to the Swiss alps. They are going to ski in Switzerland and France. “It’s going to be a perfect ski trip” they say.

Conversation 2:PAUL: Are you going to be here next week, Ben?BEN: No, I’m going to go to Atlanta on business.PAUL: When are you going to leave?BEN: On Monday.PAUL: Who are you going to see in Atlanta?BEN: Jane Simpson. She’s the manager of our company there.PAUL: Where are you going to stay?BEN: At the Hilton hotel downtown.

Ask questions about the sentences like in the example below:I’m going to leave on Monday.When are you going to leave?

1 The girls are going to arrive on Tuesday.

When _____________________________

2 Betty and John are going to have dinner




3 We are going to see Janet:

Who _____________________________

4 He’s going to leave for California


When _____________________________

5 The president is going to visit Texas next


When _____________________________

6 You’re going to see the manager.

Who _____________________________

7 The teacher is going to talk to Elizabeth.

Who _____________________________

8 We’re going to travel by bus.

How _____________________________

9 You’re going to teach me new words.

What _____________________________

10 They are going to live in Miami.

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11 Steve is going to study the lesson after


When _____________________________

12 We’re going to have eggs for breakfast.

What _____________________________

13 I’m going to live with my uncle.

Who _____________________________

14 The child is going to go to bed at 9:00.

When _____________________________

15 The manager is going to stay at a nice




Reading practice:THE MILLERS

Ben and Ruth Miller live in Chicago. Ruth is a chemist in a laboratory there, and Ben works in an advertising agency. Ben often takes business trips and Ruth stays in Chicago alone. Ruth is never bored because she’s always busy.

Next week, Ben is going to go to Atlanta on business. He’s going to leave on Monday and come home on Friday. Ruth is planning many activities for next week. She is going to do things that Ben doesn’t enjoy.

Ruth’s favorite sport is volleyball, but Ben doesn’t like it; so Ruth is going to

play volleyball on Monday. Ruth likes foreign films, but Ben likes only American films, so on Tuesday she’s going to see a French film with her sister.

On Wednesday, she is going to a lecture on modern painting at the museum. She loves modern art, but Ben hates it. On Thursday, Ruth is going to a concert. She enjoys classical music, but Ben only likes Jazz. On Friday, she’s going to meet Ben at the airport and then they are going to go to a Chinese restaurant. They like very different things, but they both, love Chinese food.


1. ¿Vas a dar una conferencia hoy?

2. ¿Te va a operar el doctor?

3. La tienda no va a cerrar a las 8:00.

4. Juan va a tomar vacaciones en


5. (Yo) no voy a llamar a Helen


6. ¿Vas a estar en la oficina esta


7. ¿Va Betty a visitarnos el año


8. ¿Van ustedes a esperar una hora?

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9. Vamos a tener un maravilloso fin

de semana en las montañas.

10. Voy a visitar San Francisco el año


11. ¿Cuándo vas a partir?

12. ¿A quién va a ver ella en Miami?

13. ¿Dónde te vas a hospedar?

14. ¿Cuándo van ustedes a jugar tenis?

15. ¿Cuándo va Sally a visitar a sus


16. ¿Qué vamos a beber?

17. ¿A qué hora vamos a llegar?

18. ¿Dónde vas a trabajar el año


19. ¿Qué va a hacer él esta noche?

20. ¿A qué hora vas a llegar mañana?

UNIT 3Vocabulary:

BORING - Aburrido (ser)CONVENTION - ConvenciónFANTASTIC - FantásticoMEETING - JuntaYESTERDAY - AyerDELICIOUS - DeliciosoAGO - HaceEARLY - TempranoTERRIBLE - TerribleTIRED - Cansado(a)EXPENSIVE - CaroSET - JuegoTELEVISION SET - TelevisorDISCUSSION - Plática

ROCK - Rock (música), rocaFUN - Diversión (divertido)LEADER - Guía, líderBAND LEADER - Director de un conjuntoEXHIBITION - ExhibiciónFASCINATING - FascinantePHOTOGRAPH - FotografíaPHOTOGRAPHY - Arte de la fotografíaSPEAKER - Interlocutor, el que hablaALMOST - Casi

CHOOSE (To) - EscogerHOPE (To) - Esperar (tener esperanza)HURRY - PrisaLIFE - VidaMONUMENT - MonumentoOCEAN - Mar, océanoRELAXED - Descansado, relajadoTOUR - ExcursiónAVENUE - AvenidaBALL - Pelota, balónCOVER (To) - CubrirRIBBON - ListónVELVET – Terciopelo

Tiempo Pasado del verbo TO BE.

Observe la siguiente comparación entre el Tiempo Presente y el Tiempo Pasado del verbo TO BE:

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PRESENTE PASADO TRADUCCIÓNI am I was Yo era o estaba, fui o estuve

You are You were Tú eras o estabas, fuiste o estuviste

He is He was El era o estaba, fue o estuvo

She is She was Ella era o estaba, fue o estuvo

It is It was Ello (cosa o animal) era o estaba, fue o estuvo

We are We were Nosotros eramos o estabamos, fuimos o estuvimos

You are You were Ustedes eran os estaban, fueron o estuvieron

They are They were Ellos(as) eran os estaban, fueron o estuvieron

En forma idéntica a lo que ocurre en el presente, para formar el INTERROGATIVO se invierte el verbo con respecto al sujeto y se agrega la palabra NOT para formar el negativo; el INTERROGATIVO-NEGATIVO es una combinación de ambos. Ejemplos:


Was I? I wasn't Wasn't I?

Were you? You weren't Weren't you?

Was he? He wasn't Wasn't he?

Was she? She wasn't Wasn't she?

Was it? It wasn't Wasn't it?

Were we? We weren't Weren't we?

Were you? You weren't Weren't you?

Were they? They weren't Weren't they?

Nota.- Was not forma la contracción WASN'T, y Were not forma la contracción WEREN'T.


BENJI: Hi, YummiYUMMI: Hi, Benji. How are you?BENJI: Fine. Where were you last week?YUMMI: I was at a convention.BENJI: Was the Convention here?

YUMMI: No, it wasn’t. It was in San Antonio.BENJI: How was it?YUMMI: It was boring but the city was nice.

Change the following sentences from Present to Past Tense using was or were.

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1 I am at a party tonight.


2 You are at the soccer stadium today.


3 He is on vacation this week.


4 The T.V. program is boring today.


5 They are sad this month.


6 We are at the convention today.


7 The news is interesting this month.


Change the following sentences to Interrogative and Negative as in the example:

I was there.I wasn’t there.Was I there?

1 The weather was good yesterday.



2 You were early for the meeting.



3 My sisters were in Junior High School

last year.



4 You were very unhappy last year.



5 You were very hungry yesterday.



Ask questions beginning with WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW, WHO about the sentences. Example:

The soccer game was last week.WHEN was the soccer game?

1 The weather was wonderful in Miami.



2 The new songs were great.

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3 The party was at Henry’s house




4 The exhibition was at Expo Guadalajara.



5 The new salesclerk was in the hospital.



6 The dinner was excellent.



Reading practice:


How are you doing? I hope you are well and enjoying your work.

I’m working very hard right now, and my life isn’t very exciting. I’m tired and bored. I think I need a vacation. This summer I need a very different vacation.

I usually travel and visit new places in the summer. Last August I was in

Europe. Europe was very beautiful, but my vacation wasn’t very nice.

I was on a tour of France, Spain, Switzerland and Italy. And I was on the train or on a bus almost every day, and I was always in a hurry. Also, I was alone, and the people on the tour weren’t very friendly. After my vacation I was very tired and unhappy.

This summer I’m going to travel only to one country, and I’m going to visit only one city. I’m going to go with a girlfriend.

We aren’t going to visit any monuments or museums. We’re going to choose a city on the ocean and we are going to go to the beach every day. We’re going to feel relaxed and happy.

What are you going to do for vacation this year? Please write soon.


1. ¿Dónde estuvo ella anoche?

2. ¿Cómo estuvo la junta ayer?

3. Estuvimos en el cine anoche.

4. El estuvo enfermo ayer en la


5. Ben estuvo en Atlanta el año


6. (Yo) estuve en la universidad el año


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7. ¿Estuvo Nancy en la playa ayer en

la tarde?

8. ¿Estaba caliente el café?

9. ¿Estaba bonito el clima ayer?

10. ¿Tenías hambre esta mañana?

UNIT 4Vocabulary:

DID - Pasado de DODISCUSS (to) -Platicar,comentarPROGRAM - ProgramaEDUCATION - Formación académica, educaciónWORLD - MundoALGEBRA - AlgebraGEOMETRY - GeometríaLEARN (To) - AprenderVIOLIN - ViolínVOCABULARY - VocabularioADD (To) - Sumar, añadirPRONOUNCE (To) - PronunciarDIALOGUE - DiálogoREPLY (To) - ResponderTRY (To) - Intentar, probarWORD - PalabraMAIL - CorreoREMEMBER (To) - RecordarTICKET - BoletoPOLITICS - PolíticaCAREFULLY - CuidadosamenteSTRIKE - Huelga, golpeEXPLAIN (To) - ExplicarINTERESTED - InteresadoTOGETHER - JuntosDESK - EscritorioELEPHANT - ElefanteGET (To) - Conseguir, obtener

NET - RedTENT - Tienda de campañaWENT - Pasado de GOAWFUL - TerribleFOOTBALL - Fútbol americanoGLAD - ContentoKID - Chamaco, niñoLOSE (To) - PerderLOST - Pasado de LOSEMUCH - Mucho(a)POINT - PuntoWIN (To) - Ganar (en apuesta o juego)ATE - Pasado de EATBOUGHT - Pasado de BUYDRANK - Pasado de DRINKHAD - Pasado de HAVELEFT - Pasado de LEAVEPOPCORN - Palomitas de maízSAW - Pasado de SEETOOK - Pasado de TAKEBEGAN - Pasado de BEGINWON - Pasado de WINGAVE - Pasado de GIVEGOT - Pasado de GETREAD - Pasado de READSANG - Pasado de SINGSLEPT - Pasado de SLEEPSPOKE - Pasado de SPEAKTOLD - Pasado de TELL

UNDERSTOOD - Pasado de UNDERSTANDWROTE - Pasado de WRITEOUT - Fuera, afueraICE CREAM - Helado, nieveCONE - ConoCAFETERIA - Restaurant de autoservicioCOPY - CopiaDOWNTOWN - Centro (de la ciudad)EVERYTHING - TodoPRETTY - BonitoPUT (To) - PonerROOMMATE - Compañero de cuartoDAD - PapáMOM - MamáCLOWN - PayasoDULL - Tonto, sosoFELL - Pasado de FALLJUDGE (To) - JuzgarJUDGE - JuezMONKEY - ChangoNUT - Nuez, tuercaTRUNK - Baúl, cajuela del autoZOO - ZoológicoACROBAT - AcróbataCAME - Pasado de COMECIRCUS - CircoEVENT - Evento, acontecimiento

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HORSE - CaballoLION - LeónRECENT - RecienteYEAH - Sí (informal)ANIMAL - AnimalFUNNY – Chistoso, raroCAGE - JaulaTAMER - DomadorRING - AnilloDESSERT - PostreFORK - TenedorSPOON - CucharaBAG - BolsaPITCHER - JarraKNEW - Pasado de KNOWBICYCLE - BicicletaRIDE (To) - Montar, viajarRODE - Pasado de RIDEAIR - AireBACK - Atrás, espalda, regresoGO BACK (to) - RegresarENTER (To) - Entrar

FALL ASLEEP (To) - Quedarse dormidoFELT - Pasado de FEELFOOL – Tonto, estúpidoFORGET (To) - OlvidarFORGOT - Pasado de FORGETGENIUS - GenioHEAR (To) - OirHEARD - Pasado de HEARLATER - Más tardeLIFT (to) - Alzar, levantarLIGHT – Ligero, luzMAYBE - Tal vezMOVE (To) - Moverse, cambiarse (de casa)NOISE - RuidoOUTSIDE - Exterior, afueraSOMEONE - AlguienSTAND UP (To) - Ponerse de pieSTOOD - Pasado de STAND

SUPPER - Cena, comida de las 10:00 P.M. en adelanteTHIEF - LadrónTHIEVES - LadronesTHOUGHT - Pasado de THINKTURN ON (To) - Encender, abrir una llaveUSUAL - UsualWAY - Camino, forma, maneraWORRIED - Preocupado(a)FALL DOWN (To) - Caer, caerseFIRST - PrimeroSTAND - Pedestal, puestoVASE - FloreroHELP - AyudaINVENT (To) - InventarSYSTEM - SistemaTHANK (To) - Dar las gracias

El tiempo pasado de todos los demás verbos (aparte de TO BE)

1) El Tiempo Pasado de los verbos regulares se forma agregando ED o simplemente D (si el verbo termina en "e") a la forma simple del verbo. Si termina en “y” precedida de una conso-

nante, esta se cambia por “I” y se agrega ED; si está precedida de vocal, NO!

open opened Study studiedlike liked play played

want wanted copy copied

2) Los verbos irregulares forman el pasado con cambios muy diferentes. Ver la página 28 de este modulo English Practice II.

3) Si un verbo regular termina en alguno de los siguientes SONIDOS (no letras):


la ED (o simplemente D) final que se agregó para formar el pasado, se

pronunciará como T (no como “d”). Ejemplos:

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stop Stopped (*) stapt (*) Si termina en un consonante precedida de una sola vocal, se dobla antes de agregar ED

ask asked asktlaugh laughed laftfinish finished finishtreach reached richt

fix fixed fixtpass passed past

4) Si el verbo termina en T o D la ED que se agrega para formar el pasado se pronunciará "ID". Ejemplos:



(2)Si preceden dos

vocales o una vocal y una consonante no

se doblawant wanted uantidneed Needed (2) nidid

5).- Si un verbo (regular) termina en cualquier otro SONIDO, la "D" final se pronunciará inmediatamente después del último sonido consonante. Ejemplos:



listen listened lisendobtain obtained obteindanswer answered anserd

6) Para formar el Interrogativo de una oración en Tiempo Pasado (el verbo TO BE se exceptua de todas estas reglas) se antepondrá DID a la oración y el verbo retornará a su forma original de presente. Ejemplos:

AFIRMATIVO INTERROGATIVOI studied the lesson. Did I study the lesson?

You replied quickly. Did you reply quickly?

He painted his car. Did he paint his car?

She sang* very well. Did she sing very well?

It worked during 2 hours. Did it work during 2 hours?

We drank* many sodas. Did we drink many sodas?

You bought* a house. Did you buy a house?

They went* home. Did they go home?

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( * ) Verbos Irregulares – Ver página 28 (English Practice II)

7) Para formar el Pasado Negativo se colocará DID NOT (o la contracción DIDN'T) entre el sujeto y el verbo de la oración. El verbo, como en el caso del Interrogativo, retorna a su forma de Presente. Ejemplos:

AFIRMATIVO NEGATIVOI studied the lesson. I didn't study the lesson.

You replied quickly. Your didn't reply quickly.

He painted his car. He didn't paint his car.

She sang* very well. She didn't sing very well.

It worked during 2 hours. It didn't work during 2 hours.

We drank* many sodas. We didn't drink many sodas.

You bought* a house. You didn't buy a house.

They went* home. They didn't go home.

8) RESPUESTAS CORTAS. En forma similar a lo que ocurre en otros tiempos verbales es posible dar Respuestas Cortas con DID y DIDN'T. Ejemplo:

Did you go to school? Yes, I did

No, I didn't

Did she understand? Yes, she did

No, she didn't

Conversation 1:

STANLEY: Did you watch television last night?KATE: Yes, I watched a program on Italy.STANLEY: Was it good?KATE: Yes, it was. They talked about Italian art.STANLEY: Did they discuss Michelangelo?KATE: No, they discussed Leonardo DaVinci.STANLEY: Didn’t you visit Italy last year?

KATE: Yes, I visited Rome and Florence.

Use the Past Tense of the verbs in parenthesis, either Regular or Irregular (*):

1 I (want) ____________ the information


2 We (paint) ____________ our house last


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3 Betty (add) ____________ 600 dollars to

this account.

4 She (reply) ____________ all the e-


5 The baby (cry) ____________ for 2


6 You (ask) ____________ many


7 I (speak*) ____________ English in the


8 The party (begin*) ____________ at 7


9 My team (lose*) ____________


10 I (understand*) ____________ your


11 We (leave*) ____________ the children

at school.

12 Mary (have*) ____________ six

appointments yesterday.

13 I (sleep*) ____________ 8 hours last


14 Kate (enjoy) ____________ the music

very much.

15 My friend (drink*) ____________ very

much at the party.

16 We (arrive) ____________ in Houston

last month.

Change the following sentences to Interrogative and Negative as in the example below:

She pronounced all the words very well.Did she pronounce all the words very well?She didn’t pronounce all the words very well.

1 You listened to the program during one






2 The senators discussed the new laws.



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3 Alex tried to read two books in one






4 The girls danced rock and roll during one






5 The government bought new machines.





6 The man won one million dollars in Las






7 The motor worked 20 hours in just one






8 The program ended at 11:30.



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9 We stayed at the Hilton hotel on the






10 They told me that you were sick.





Make questions out of these sentences as in the example:

Mr. Jones saw a good show in Las Vegas.WHAT did Mr. Jones see?

1 We went to the circus.

Where ___________________________

2 The show began at 12:30.

When ___________________________

3 The people spoke Italian at the


What ___________________________

4 Mary and I left the office very late.

When ___________________________

5 We took the bus downtown.

Where ___________________________

6 We stayed home all the weekend.

Where ___________________________

7 My friends ate seafood at the restaurant.

What ___________________________

8 I went to the movies with my parents.

With whom


9 You rode your bicycle all afternoon.

When ___________________________

10 You got up early last Sunday.

What time



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Susan Smith was at home on Friday evening. After dinner, she watched an interesting television program. The program was about the history of California. It was a long program. It started at nine o’clock and ended at ten thirty. Her father loves California, so Susan called her father on Saturday morning and explained the program to him. Mr. Smith was very interested in it.

The television station repeated the program on Sunday afternoon. Susan visited her father on Sunday, and they watched the program together. Mr. Smith liked it very much.


I enjoyed your letter, and I’m glad you are well. I’m fine, and school is going pretty well.

My roommate, Ramon and I had a great weekend. On Sunday we studied all day. On Saturday we got up early and had a big breakfast. Then we took the bus downtown and went to an art museum. The museum opened at nine o’clock and we stayed there all morning.

We saw some beautiful paintings. We had a guide, and he explained everything to us. I liked all the art, but Ramon didn’t like the modern art very much. I bought copies of two paintings. I’m going to put them on the wall of my bedroom.

At one o’clock, we were hungry so we had lunch in the museum cafeteria. After lunch, we took a walk in the park near the museum. We went home at five o’clock. We were very tired, but we had a good time, Next week, we are going to

visit the science museum. It is very interesting, too.

Write soon.Love, Michael

- - - -


Mr. Newton wasn’t a genius, and he wasn’t a fool; he was absent-minded. He always forgot things. One day he left work at the usual time, six o’clock. He felt very cold outside, and he didn’t understand why…

Then he remembered: he didn’t have his coat; it was in the office. He went back to the office and got his coat. On the way home, he went to the club. He usually played cards with his friends there on Tuesday. That day he didn’t see his friends. They weren’t there. Then he remembered: It wasn’t Tuesday; it was Wednesday!

Mr. Newton arrived home at seven o’clock, and his family wasn’t home. He waited. He was worried about them. He didn’t eat. He wasn’t hungry, then he remembered: The children play tennis on Wednesday, and their mother takes them to the park. Today wasn’t Tuesday, it was Wednesday. Mr. Newton wasn’t worried then.

Mr. Newton ate some bread, soup, meat, and potatoes, and he drank some milk. After supper he turned on the TV and fell asleep in a chair. Later, Mr. Newton heard some people enter the house. They didn’t make much noise. Mr. Newton thought that they were thieves. He was very afraid and he didn’t move. He took a chair in his hands, he stood up slowly, he lifted the chair in the air; and in

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that moment someone turned on the lights: it was his family!


1. ¿Vieron ustedes televisión anoche?

2. Kate visitó Italia en septiembre.

3. Los alumnos pronunciaron todas las

palabras bien.

4. El partido comenzó a la 1:00.

5. ¿Bailaron ellas el sábado pasado?

6. ¿Discutieron ustedes la política

mexicana en clase?

7. ¿Limpió Janet la casa ayer?

8. ¿Escuchaste las noticias ayer en la


9. ¿Hablaron ellos acerca de la huelga

de correos?

10. ¿Practicó ella el piano tres horas?

11. Nuestro equipo perdió.

12. El partido comenzó tarde.

13. Dick se comió tres emparedados.

14. Llegué a casa tarde.

15. Dormimos mal anoche.

16. No vi a Jane en la fiesta.

17. Janet no fue a San Francisco.

18. El no llamó a su amigo por


19. ¿Te levantaste a las 6:30 ayer? -- SÍ

(respuesta corta)

20. ¿Leyó ella el periódico el domingo?

--- No (respuesta corta)

21. ¿Qué hizo Fred el fin de semana?

22. ¿Cuándo vino el circo?

23. ¿Qué comió Mariana en el circo?

24. ¿Qué hicieron Ben y Ruth el


25. ¿Qué comiste de postre?

26. ¿A quién vio ella en la tienda?

27. ¿Dónde vio Kate a los payasos?

28. ¿Cómo comieron ustedes el pastel?

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29. ¿Con quién fuiste al circo?

30. ¿Qué hizo el domador de leones en

la pista? UNIT 5Vocabulary:

BY THE WAY - A propósitoRETURN (To) - Regresar, retornarUNEXPECTEDLY - InesperadamenteAUNT - TíaBOAT - Barco, lanchaFISH (To) - PescarFISHERMAN - PescadorMALL - Centro comercialPOLICE - PolicíaRAN - Pasado de RUNSTAMP - EstampillaWAR - GuerraPHOTOGRAPHER - FotógrafoRAINSTORM - TormentaWINDOW - VentanaGRANDMOTHER - AbuelaHELP (To) - AyudarPRESENT - Regalo, presenteMAGAZINE - RevistaPIZZA - PizaDINNING ROOM - comedorOTHER - OtroPREPARE (To) - PrepararDROVE - Pasado de DRIVEBACTERIA - BacteriasDIE (To) - MorirDISCOVERY - DescubrimientoDISEASE - EnfermedadGROW (To) - Crecer

KILL (To) - MatarMADE - Past of MAKEMILLION - MillónMOLD - Moho, moldeNAME - NombreNOTICE (To) - Observar, notarPATIENT - PacientePENICILLIN - PenicilinaSAME - MismoSOMETHING - AlgoTREAT (To) - TratarETHER - EterACCIDENT - AcidenteCAREFUL - CuidadosoHAPPEN (To) - Ocurrir, pasarHURT (To) - Herir, lastimarKNEE - RodillaRUN (To) - CorrerTOO - Demasiado, tambiénHEAD - CabezaKEY - Llave, tecla, claveTAKE IT EASY (To) - Tomar las cosas con calmaOFFICER - Oficial, funcionarioPOLICE OFFICER - Oficial de policíaSIGN - LetreroSTAND (To) - Estar de pieSTREET - CalleAMBULANCE - AmbulanciaHIT (To) - GolpearSTOP (To) - Parar, detenerARREST (To) - Arrestar

CASE - Caso, estucheFINE - Multa, magníficoOPERATE (To) - OperarPAY (To) - PagarATTENTION - AtenciónATTRACT (To) - AtraerCOURT - TribunalCOURTHOUSE - Juzgado, Palacio de JusticiaALL RIGHT - BiénMISS (To) - Perderse (un acontecimiento)THROUGH - A través deALREADY - YaANOTHER - OtroBECAUSE - PorqueBIRD - PájaroCASSETTE - Cinta de audioCELEBRATE (To) - CelebrarCELEBRATION - CelebraciónCORN - MaízDECORATE (To) - DecorarDECORATION - DecoraciónDESCRIPTION - DescripciónELECTRIC - EléctricoFINALLY - FinalmenteFOURTH - CuartoGROUP - GrupoHARVEST - CosechaHOLIDAY - Día de fiestaHOWEVER - Sin embargoLAND - Tierra

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NATIVE - Originario del lugarOLDER - Más viejoPOUND - LibraREGION - RegiónROAD - Camino, carreteraSETTLE (To) - Establecer(se)

SETTLEMENT - AsentamientoTOY - JugueteTURKEY - Pavo, TurquíaUNDER - Debajo deWEIGH (To) - PesarWILD - Salvaje, silvestre

ASTRONOMY - AstronomíaSAT - Pasado de SITSINK (To) - Hundir(se)SOLD - Pasado de SELLTHOUSAND – MilBOSS - Jefe


1) El Tiempo Pasado Progresivo en inglés (igual que en español) indica que una

acción se estaba ejecutando en algún tiempo en el pasado.

2) Los elementos que forman el Pasado Progresivo son los siguientes:

a) Sujeto + Forma del Verbo TO BE que le corresponda

b) Un Verbo en GERUNDIO (terminación ING)

c) Un Complemento (si es necesario)


I was waiting for you. (Yo) te estaba.esperando.

You were buying shoes. Tú estabas comprando zapatos.

He was looking for Mary. El estaba buscando a María.

She was reading a book. Ella estaba leyendo un libro.

It was working well. (Ello) estaba funcionando bien.

We were selling candy. Nosotros estabamos vendiendo dulces.

You were taking lessons. Ustedes estaban tomando lecciones.

They were helping the boys. Ellos estaban ayudando a los muchachos.

3) Para formar el Interrogativo y Negativo invertiremos el verbo con respecto al sujeto en el primer caso, y se agregará NOT a was o were (o se formarán las contracciones wasn't y weren't, en el segundo. Ejemplos:

Afirmativo He was looking for Mary.

Interrogativo Was he looking for Mary?

Negativo He wasn't looking for Mary.

Interrogativo-Negativo Wasn't he looking for Mary?

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Afirmativo They were reading the paper.

Interrogativo Were they reading the paper?

Negativo They weren't reading the paper

Interrogativo-Negativo Weren't they reading the paper?


Las Contestaciones Cortas se forman (como hemos estudiado en casos anteriores) utilizando el pronombre que corresponde al sujeto de la respuesta seguido de la forma del verbo TO BE (en pasado) que corresponda. Ejemplos:

Were you studying last night? Yes, I was.No, I wasn't

Was Betty living in Chicago? Yes, she was.No, she wasn't.









What was he studying last night?

Where were they living in 1975?

How was John coming?

En la Unidad Uno mencionamos que WHO pude sustituir tanto al sujeto como al complemento de la oración. En este caso el orden de las palabras es idéntico al castellano. Lo mismo puede ocurrir con otras palabras interrogativas especialmente la palabra WHAT. Observe los siguientes ejemplos en que las palabras interrogativas sustituyen al sujeto de la oración:

What happens in this country?

Who lives in the United States?

How many people like fish?

Which motor works day and night?


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SALLY: I ran into Michael at the airport on Friday night.STEVE: Was he meeting someone?SALLY: No, he was leaving on a trip.STEVE: Really? Where was he going?SALLY: I think he was flying to Miami for the weekend.STEVE: By the way, what were you doing at the airport?SALLY: I was meeting my parents, they were returning from Cancun.

Make sentences in Past Progressive Tense with the words in parenthesis as in the example below:

(Bob and Fred/talk)Bob and Fred were talking.

1 (Laura/read a book about John Kennedy)



2 (Susan/take pictures at the beach)



3 (Sally/drive her new Mercedes)



4 (The man/wash windows)



5 (The mechanic/fix my car)



6 (I/wait for the bus at 6 o’clock)



7 (The girls/shop for new clothes)



Change to Interrogative and negative as in the example:You were listening to the news on the radio.Were you listening to the news on the radio?You weren’t listening to the news on the radio.

1 We were drinking tea at the restaurant.

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2 The tourists were looking at the






3 They were visiting Anna at the hospital.





4 The children were having breakfast at 7.





5 My aunt was buying a present for her






Make a question beginning with WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHO, HOW, WHY, AT WHAT TIME, etc. as in the example below:

Betty was waiting at the restaurant.WHO was waiting at the restaurant?

1 Howard was standing at the door.

WHERE ________________________

2 The cook was preparing fish.

WHAT ________________________

3 You were talking to your parents.

WHO ________________________

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4 Fred was studying with his girlfriend.

WITH WHO _____________________

5 We were watching TV in the bedroom.

WHERE ________________________

5 The plane was arriving at 9:30.



6 She was singing very well.

HOW ________________________

Reading practice 1:

THE DISCOVERY OF PENICILLINIn 1928 Dr. Alexander Fleming, a

British doctor and scientist, was studying bacteria in London. He was working in his office. He was looking at the bacteria in some bottles. By accident he noticed something very strange: a mold was growing in the bottles and the bacteria were dying.

One of Dr. Fleming’s patients was a little girl. She had the same bacteria in her body, and she was very sick. He thought about the mold and the bacteria in the bottles in his office. Was the mold killing the bacteria?

Dr. Fleming prepared some medicine with the mold and gave it to the little girl. It made her well. He named the new medicine penicillin. Doctors now use penicillin to treat many different diseases. Dr. Fleming’s discovery is helping millions of people in the world.

Conversation 2:

BOSS: You’re late for work today.PAUL: Yes, I know. I’m sorry. I had a little accident.BOSS: Really? What happened to you?PAUL: I fell down and hurt my knee.BOSS: That’s too bad. How did it happen?PAUL: I think I was running too fast.BOSS: Running? Why?PAUL: I was late for workBOSS: Don’t give me excuses! Be on time the next time.

Substitute the subject with WHO or WHAT. Remember that the question is literal (as in Spanish) see the example below:

She fell down in the street.WHO fell down in the street?

1 The student got sick last week.

WHO ___________________________

2 A person hurt his leg yesterday.

WHO ___________________________

3 A car was coming down the street.

WHAT ___________________________

4 A poster attracted our attention.

WHAT ___________________________

5 The refrigerator was working very well.

WHAT ___________________________

6 A police car was going very fast.

WHAT ___________________________

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7 I was looking at the red light.

WHO ___________________________

8 We missed you at the party.

WHO ___________________________

9 The woman went through a red light.

WHO ___________________________

10 The doctor operated on me.

WHO ___________________________

Reading practice 2:


Thank you for your letter. I enjoyed your descriptions of different holidays in Japan. I was very interested in the Japanese Thanksgiving celebration. In the United States we have a Thanksgiving holiday, too. We celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. On that day people give thanks for the good things that happen to them during the year.

The first Thanksgiving celebration was in 1621. In 1620 a group of English people called “Pilgrims”, traveled to North America. Their boat landed in a region now called New England, so they settled there. The Pilgrims named their new settlement Plymouth. They were the first Europeans to make their home in that region. Before then only native Americans, called “Indians” by the Europeans, lived there.

The year 1620 was difficult for the people of Plymouth. Almost half of the

Pilgrims died. The next year the Indians taught them to plant corn. The corn grew well and there was a good harvest. The Pilgrims celebrated for three days with large dinners. The Indians came to the celebration and brought wild turkeys, large birds native to North America.

On Thanksgiving Day, Americans usually cook a large dinner for their families and friends. They eat many different things, but they almost always cook a turkey. The bird often weighs 20 pounds – almost ten kilograms!

I’m going to send you a photograph of our Thanksgiving dinner in my next letter. I hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend, Elizabeth


1. ¿Qué estabas haciendo aquí ayer?

2. Mi primo estaba consiguiendo una

licencia para manejar.

3. Silvia estaba montando su bicicleta.

4. Ellos no estaban esperando a Sara.

5. Susana no estaba desayunando.

(Ella) estaba cenando.

6. ¿Ibas (estabas yendo) a casa a las

6:00 ayer?

Page 31

Page 32:   · Web viewVocabulary: DEPARTMENT - Departamento. STORE - Tienda. DEPARTMENT STORE - Tienda departamental. SALESCLERK – Vendedor(a) en un tienda. LIVING - Vida, vivir. PLANE


7. ¿Con quién estaba (usted)


8. ¿Qué estaba preparando el


9. ¿Dónde estaba Howard sentado?

10. ¿Quién estaba trabajando anoche?

11. ¿Qué pasa en esta ciudad?

12. ¿Qué está pasando en México?

13. ¿Qué pasó en la junta ayer?

14. ¿Qué va a pasar este fin de semana?

15. ¿Qué estaba pasando en la oficina

esta mañana?

16. ¿Quién come mucha carne?

17. ¿Qué viene en el correo?

18. ¿Quién pone el árbol de Navidad en

tu casa?

19. ¿Qué funciona muy bien?

20. ¿Quién nada en la piscina?


BECOME – became

BEGIN – began

BRING - brought

BUY – bought

CHOOSE- chose

COME – came

DO – did

DRINK – drank

DRIVE – drove

EAT – ate

FALL – fell

FEEL – felt

FIND - found

FORGET – forgot

FLY - flew

GET – got

GIVE – gave

GO – went

GROW – grew

HAVE – had

HEAR – heard

HURT - hurt

KNOW – knew

LEAVE – left

LOSE – lost

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Page 33:   · Web viewVocabulary: DEPARTMENT - Departamento. STORE - Tienda. DEPARTMENT STORE - Tienda departamental. SALESCLERK – Vendedor(a) en un tienda. LIVING - Vida, vivir. PLANE


MAKE – made

READ – read

RIDE – rode

RUN – ran

SAY - said

SEE – saw

SELL – sold

SING – sang

SIT – sat

SLEEP – slept

SPEAK – spoke

STAND – stood

SWIM – swam

TAKE – took

TEACH – taught

TELL – told

THINK – thought

UNDERSTAND – understood

WIN – won

WRITE – wrote

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