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Lady Parts Presents: A conversation with Nicole da Silva Transcript by @haylz_scho L: Hello everybody and welcome to a very special edition of lady parts, I'm Liron Cohen M: And I'm Mimi Torchin L: This is 11 o'clock at night right now, and we are waiting for someone very special to Skype us right now. M: Yes, she is going to Skype us all the way from Australia. So you might of guessed that it's somebody from Wentworth, it's someone very important and very exciting.. Yes it's Nicole da Silva.. *Excited waving* L: Wait.. Pause so you can scream... M: Yes, so Nicole da Silva who plays Francesca "Franky" Doyle, former prisoner at Wentworth which is now a free woman, formal top dog, she is part of a very popular couple "Fridget".. L: You said it! M: Eh, I hate squish names as you know. Franky and bridget, and we're going to fit in as much scoop as we can in 15 or 20 minutes. L: Some of you may also know that Nicole is a true champion for woman, she is leading both in leadership and by example.. And we are hoping to talk to her a little bit about that, since that's what Lady Parts is all about. So without 1

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Lady Parts Presents: A conversation with Nicole da SilvaTranscript by @haylz_scho

L: Hello everybody and welcome to a very special edition of lady parts, I'm Liron CohenM: And I'm Mimi TorchinL: This is 11 o'clock at night right now, and we are waiting for someone very special to Skype us right now.M: Yes, she is going to Skype us all the way from Australia. So you might of guessed that it's somebody from Wentworth, it's someone very important and very exciting.. Yes it's Nicole da Silva..*Excited waving*L: Wait.. Pause so you can scream...M: Yes, so Nicole da Silva who plays Francesca "Franky" Doyle, former prisoner at Wentworth which is now a free woman, formal top dog, she is part of a very popular couple "Fridget"..L: You said it!M: Eh, I hate squish names as you know. Franky and bridget, and we're going to fit in as much scoop as we can in 15 or 20 minutes.L: Some of you may also know that Nicole is a true champion for woman, she is leading both in leadership and by example.. And we are hoping to talk to her a little bit about that, since that's what Lady Parts is all about. So without further ado, lets..M: Have a conversation with..L: Nicole da Silva L: HiN: Well hello..M: Aw I love a girl who's on timeN: This is so funny, because I've seen some of your videos obviously. And now I feel like I am entering.. Your world..L: The world of lady parts...M: Well we're sitting on the opposite side, because we don't have enough light on the side we normally do this from..


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N: AhhM: So we're sitting on a different sofa this time.L: It's Lady Parts the night version... The night edition..N: What time is it there?M: It's 11.15.. 11.20.. At night..N: Ohh right, so past your bed time?L & M: Ohh no..M: I'm a night owlN: Haha no, you're like 'we're party animals, we're going to be up till 3am!'M: Yes, we are night owls. We are so thrilled that you did this, we love you, we love your work...L: Our fans are going to self combust.N: Wahoo. And I love you ladies, and your work! Thank you so much for your support and what you do for the show, and all the supplementary stuff that you give the audience, it's really great.M: Well we're loving it, and we love the show. It's just a magnificent piece of art, it really is. It's fabulous television. It's what we do.. It's what we love! And the fans are so engaged, so it's been really really fun for us.N: That's awesome.M: And we love it. We love this kind of circle that it has created.N: Yea, it really has.L: So we know that you don't have a lot of time..M: I mean, I would prefer to just sit and chat..N: .. I know, we could of sat and had a cup of tea..L: Yea, well next time you're in New York City...N: Yes, definitely! I love New YorkL: I know you're more of a LA girls, or so it seems..?N: Well, I mean I have been living there for a little while but I did spend 3 months over the summer living in New York a couple of years ago, and it was truly one of the best times of my life. It's such a fabulous city, it's so great!M: Yes, there's no place like it and I've been there for about 45 years.. Right out of college..


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N: I know, and I mean it's such a cliché but it's just got it's own energy there..M: It's not a cliché.. It's just what it is!N: It really is, and I love how you can go out at anytime of night and there's always people around, or there's something happening..M: Yes, something happening. I remember going to LA once, and I don't know I was in the hotel or something around 10.30 and wanted to go out and get something to eat.. There was no one on the streets, it's turning into a company town..N: Yea, Sydney is turning into that as well. You go and see some theatre or something, and by the time you come out it's 10pm and there's no where to eat because everything is closed - well the kitchens are closed, so you have no where to go and eat!L: It's crazy..M: Come to New York!N: Yes!L: Well you know actually we have a question about that, so I'll just throw it in here. Any Broadway aspirations? N: Oh gosh, I think every actor has Broadway aspirations don't they? Do you have any offers for me?L: Well.. We know a casting director..M: We know a few people or two..N: Yea, I mean, I came from the theatre because that was my training initially. And I always thought that I would end up in theatre and not on film, as naturally I always had a loud voice and big hand gestures; as that's the family I came from. And I was like a duck to water with theatre, and it took me a little while to understand camera.. So always, I think Broadway is always you know... At the back of your mind, somewhere as an actor.L: Do you sing?N: Well.. No... No... But if you put me in a wig and glasses then, if I'm in character then I can hold a tune. It's like something psychologically when it's just me, I feel the fear and it's not as easy..M: Well, I think people could work around that..N: Great.. Great


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L: And if you did do a Broadway show, would you prefer to originate something or do you have a dream role that you've always wanted to do?N: Ah well, I'm a big fan of collaboration and creation, and I love that process - so to create something would be amazing, it really thrills me creatively. On the other hand, I'm a real sucker from Oscar Wilde and Noel Coward and those kind of 'turn of the century', English comedies. So something like that, which is so far from Franky.. You're both probably going 'Yeaaa....'.M&L: No...M: I was just thinking 'that is what I can see you doing'..L: That's what acting is about..M: I can see you as a light spirit or something like that..N: Yea, I love all that heightened comedy, and I like how reserved they are but..M: They're naughty..N: Yes, they're naughty.. I love a bit of naughtiness..M: Oh no, I can tell!L: Right, speaking of Franky since you bought it up cause you know..M: We weren't going to talk about Franky at all..L: First of all, I don't know if any of you envisioned the enormous the international success that Wentworth is..*Nicole shakes her head*L: So how has it effected your life.. Personally, professionally..?N: Ah, I think it's been one of those initiations by fire you know. Shooting a drama in Australia you never ever expect that it's going to resonate globally, let alone in your own country. You don't know what's going to hit, and what's not.. So we kind of, went into Wentworth a bit blind really, going 'well let's try something new'.. We're remaking the new Prisoner, I knew I had a great character in Franky, there was something about those audition scenes that just leapt off the page for me. So that excited me, and I was excited about, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be sitting across from two gorgeous woman in New York, talking about Franky and Wentworth. That 'never' occurred to me, so yea.. It's pretty


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phenomenon.M: And the fanaticism, the excitement over it... What does that feel like?N: It feels really great, it's beautiful and it feels like a real position of privilege to have something that has created those ripples. And in so many respects, for people personally I think Franky and the stories within Wentworth have effected them, but also socially.. It's bought up a lot of things socially around LGBT rights, and social concepts - like marriage equality in Australia and I'm hoping else where too that has been really very phenomenon to witness.L: That's fabulous..N: And humbling, and truly humbling to go, I get to sit here in my own country and create stories and it's effecting change, which is you know, the dream!M: And what more could you ask for really..?N: Exactly!M: You're doing something you love, and you're doing something entertaining but also having a social importance, a social impact on your own country and people's lives personally.. It's really Great.N: Yea, it's great. *plane flies over* Can you hear that plane?L: Yea, why is it that all studies seem to be part of a flight pattern?N: It's not conducive to filming, I'll tell you that much. Oh gosh, I lost my train of thought?M: We were talking about how fantastic it is, but I think we realised what it means to you, and of course what it means to the fans.N: And I have to be honest, sometimes the calibre of letter or contact I can get can sometimes be really confronting and overwhelming. I mean people share a lot of things with me that they have been through in their lives, because of what Franky has been through, but the only thing I take away from that is how much that character in that show has truly been able to effect people and change people. And I think it's so important to see people see themselves reflected back in what we watch, and what we engage with, and it's awesome!M: And there's really not that much, there's not that much for you know gay woman..


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L: I've got an email from people who watch Talking Teal, who are in the 'middle of eastern Europe, and they're closeted' and how fabulous it is that there is a forum to talk about this show, and that there are people out there that understand me.N: Yes!L: And it is wonderful, because you originated Franky because she only had like what, 2 episodes on the original Prisoner. Right, she was a very small part.N: Yea she only had a few. I wouldn't say I originated her, because I know how many chiefs go into making this happen, you know, and obviously the original Franky and the original Prisoner have so much to do with that. And I think she was, only in .. More than two, but she certainly didn't span the whole show.L: Yea, she was killed off pretty quickly, they killed the lesbian..M: yea, but they got smart this time, they knew that they had a good thing.. Do you all, I'm just curious because I know different sets work in different ways, do you all have any input into things? Has there been anything that you've particularly wanted to do that you talked to the writers about, or something that they did that you wanted to do something different?N: Yea, I mean for the most part Wentworth is largely collaborated, so I won't take all the credit. Our writers and producers are really great as you know, driving this epic plot forward - There's so much action and intrigue, you know really it's its own beast but there are little things that we do weave in as characters.. And I mean, I certainly have gone into the writers room on numerous occasions and offered up things, and I really like that process. I like the process of going and being like 'HEY, what do you think of this idea' of throwing spaghetti at walls and see where it lands.M: Is there anything that you might have had a hand in that you can share?N: On a really small level, I think it was on season 1 or 2 when Liz starts to drink again? There wasn't much Franky/Liz interaction, and I went into the writers.. I think it was season 2, because by then Franky was top dog. And I went into the writers and said - Franky is pretty street


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smart, and she knows alcoholism.. She knows it from her mum, and Liz is one of her family in there. I think Franky would have had an opinion or at least an observation about what Liz was going through, and their paths never crossed. And so we put in this tiny little moment, that Celia and I still talk about as one of those small moments that mean everything. Where someone comes to get Franky and she's leaving the cell, and Liz is out there and she's drunk. And Franky just goes up to her on her way out, and it's only one line and she say's to her 'what are you doing, get your shit together Liz'. And Celia reaction was so brilliant, because it was like Ah, I'm being caught out by someone who really see's me..M: Yes, and she's such a beautiful actress..N: Celia is beautiful, like everything she does is so, she's so open. Stuff like that, weaving those little character moments in I think are very important. And then in season 3, that big redemption arch that happened for Franky, that was something I had pitched to the writers earlier. I really wanted to see that stuff with Meg come to light, and I wanted to see the shift in Franky of someone who has come through the system and who has redeemed themselves, and who has truly shifted and changed.M: Yea, it was beautiful, it was honest and I think it was honest. I think that people rooted for it, people rooted for Franaky because you see her working at it so hard...L: Her evolution through out the show, was just so beautiful to watchM: The change of the Franky you meet at the beginning, compared to the Franky that we know now is almost like two different characters.. I mean, she still has her sense of humour..L: Yea, she became this ray of light, and I mean the reactions after episode 9 when she comes and visits Bea, people just didn't know what to do with themselves. Well first of all, they all missed you like crazy.M: Oh my god, we hear that every week - where's Franky, where's Franky? Where's Fridget? Where's Franky?N: Yea, it's nice to be loved. But yea, I just saw Celia and Danielle, and we just watched an episode of the latest season, and even watching


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Bea's journey.. Seeing Bea change so much from who she was when she first entered that prison.. And I think that's why this show is such a gift as an actor, because you're really sitting in someone's skin for years, and then sort of weaving their evolution because we as people are constantly changing and shifting. It's pretty cool!M: I come from the soap opera world, and that's the epitome of that, people play a character for 30 years.. My god you know, you go through their whole life with them. And you see, I didn't think there would be any better fans than soap fans, but now I see Wentworth fans.. And when you see people go through these things, and you see the arch's of their lives going through all these life changes.. You become a part of their family.N: Absolutely.L: Speaking of.. We were wondering if you knew of Franky's back story or do you have to make one up for her?N: No, Franky's backstory was very clear from day one, that was part of the audition. One of the auditions scenes was where I confront my Dad when he comes to visit her in the prison, so that was one of the scenes that I needed to know the backstory of with the abusive mum and him having left, and then Franky having been in foster homes. That was always laid out.M: So the mother was the abusive one, she was the alcoholic?N: Yup.L: But was the sister a surprise?N: Yea the sister was a surprise.M: We hope there will be some more scenes with her, don't worry we won't ask you to reveal anything. But I loved her reaction to her, it was quite beautiful.N: It was so fun working with her too, she's was quite young.. I think she was like.. I can't remember specifically how old, but she just didn't want to be there that little girl. So had better things to do, she really did. So I had to play all sorts of games with her liking drawing love hearts on my hand, so that she would hold my hand, it was really great. It was cool.M: Aw, that's creative.


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N: Yea, it really was. I love working with kids, because they're so present so you always have to be on your toes.L: They're so present, even when they don't wanna be there..N: YeaM: Well they're in the moment, there's no pretence about them, they're in the moment.N: Yea, not at all..M: Yea, you just have to work around it.L: So we hear it every week - where is Fridget, where is Fridget, we haven't seen them together since episode 2. And sometimes they'll say, but she talked about her so we know they're still together or something like that. So in you mind, or from what you know.. What have they been up to?N: Well I think.. I don't know what I am allowed to talk about and what I am not allowed to talk about. Because I know what has gone to air over here, but then technically nothing has been to air over there.. But in my mind they're a solid couple, and they're a solid relationship. You know what I mean, Franky getting out has had to recalibrate who she is, and where she sits in the world. So her taking a breather was about her needing.. She's a tough chick, and she needed prove to herself that she can do it herself..M: Yea, and Bridget understood thatL: And then there's the whole parole situations of not wanting to you know..M: Yea, you have to live on your own and all that.N: Yea, exactly..M: Alright, well as long as we know everything's good..L: Yea, that everything's solid.M: I think the fans will be very happy, I think the fans will feel that will be significant until the next moment between you all. They're mad. They are mad for the two of you. They are mad for you just by yourself, but you know what it's like when there's a couple, they become over the moon. Now I want to take a little trajectory about this champion you and woman of Australia.N: Yea?


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M: What exactly is that, how did you get it, what do you do with it?N: Yea, so basically my being a champion for the National Committee UN Women of Australia, it's essentially like being an ambassador but without that title, it's the same thing. So my role is to educate people, and make causes known. So that's what I do. The way it came about, I was starting Wentworth and I knew there was something else that I wanted to put out there.. There was something else that I wanted to contribute to the world around me. And I knew for the most part that that lay within gender equality and matters of empowering women, that was important to me and has been from day one. I'm talking about when I was back in school, when I was a little kid. So I got on the internet, and looked for organisations in Australia that did just that, and there was pretty much nothing.L: Oh wow..N: .. Except for UN women. Which is pretty eye opening within itself. So I contacted them and said, look I think I can offer you something. As someone that is on television there is a generation of people that I can speak to that maybe you guys don't have an 'in' with, and I was mostly talking about the younger people of Australia and I wanted to open up the conversation up to boys.. And men. I wanted the conversation to be a full functioning conversation amongst all members of society, because I think women have been talking about this for so long, and been active about this for so long but I thought it was truly time for men to enter the conversation. And for us to look at how gender equality effects boys as well and how it effects their behaviour. So I pitched that to them and then they came out with the Champion role, and it's still very early days, and we're still feeling out how that's going to work and progress. But it's something that I'm looking forward to focussing on, and it's very important to me and where I am at in the world.M: It's really an honour. And I wanted to ask you, I saw on the internet that Screen Australia has this Gender Matters initiative, and they're giving 3 million dollars to 54 different projects. And I thought that was fantastic, and how wonderful it was going to be, and then I read the comments after it on twitter. And oh my god Nicole, they were so


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misogynistic.. They were so negative..L: They were offensive!M: They were offensive, and it was like 'Oh I don't want to see a film, a great film directed by a man..' said no one ever. I mean, that was even a mild one. Now I know Australia is a very.. The men are very mucho..L: Well at least that's the image they show..M: They wrestle crocodiles..L: No stereotypes..M: But, is there a string of misogyny that has to be battled?N: In Australia specifically?M: Well, I know there is in the world, god knows..N: Sure, um look, I don't like to broad stroke blanket a whole country with that, I think that's a can of worms that I don't think is very helpful.. But I think there are attitudes out there that I think we need to address and bring them into the conversation. And we need to look at them to be honest, I think for a long time, generally for a long time, girls and women have been asked to identify with male role models and male hero's, and I think that's very much the status quo. And I think it's about time that young boys look up to Ray in Star Wars or the new Ghost Buster's characters and go 'Hey, I wanna do that!' and until we get to the point where we're not seeing gender, and we're actually seeing the true person who holds the qualities and values we look up to and want to aspire to, I think that's when we will make progress. And are we at that stage right here in Australia now? No.M: And the world isn't..N: But are we making steps towards that? Absolutely, definitely and I am ok with some of that negativity to come through, because that's how you get it out.M: ExactlyN: So let's get it out, and then we can move forward and you know, we'll have some equal footing in the world, and I look forward to that.L: Well you are on a show that is female centric, it's all about the women. And we know that you have quite a few women now behind the cameras as well. We had the great honour of talking to Jet Wilkinson who was fantastic..


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N: Ohh awesome!M: What a cool chick.N: She's the bestM: And what a great director.L: Yes, and she's directing every show that we watch in America right nowN: Oh my gosh, she's like the best thing over there right now, it's the best.L: And Cathy Chambers, who's the DP on WentworthN: YupM: There's very few DP's, it's so great. The way that Wentworth is shot is so brilliant.N: Yea, I think 50% of our show is the visual language of the show, it's beautiful to watch. And I think that it's actually the visual language of the show is why it has helped it resonate globally.M: Yes..N: Because it looks like, you know America shows that have a bazillion dollar budgetsL: Exactly, it's way way up thereM: It's almost like a film, though that's not even a compliment anymore. Television is the medium to be in right now.N: Oh yes, it's absolutely the golden age of television right now. Like I think we're truly in that, cause like we're telling these gorgeous long formed stories, with character developments and it's epic story telling, it's rad!M: It really is, and it's gotten so much respect which means it's now getting so much talent. The talent that television is attracting is front and above/below the line is sensational.N; Yea it isL: And how do you feel about Wentworth representing women? What would you like women to take, from say Franky to empower themselves? I we know mostly that Wentworth is a prison show, it is women that have committed crimes but they are also powerful, and vulnerable and they're families.N: I think that's exactly it, you have completely nailed it. It is a show


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that has gone 'Hey women are complex'.M: Boy, are they ever..N: And as simple as that is. Humans are complex, that's not to say that males are or aren't, but it's actually going 'we can get rid of the wife, girl friend, female trove' we can get rid of those and we can actually start to look at females as complex, real human beings and I think that that is a great thing to come out of it.M: Oh absolutely. I wanted to ask you because you mentioned the idols that girls are taught to have male idols, who are some of your idols in the world in large and also in the acting business.N: At the moment, or as a kid?L: WheneverM: At any particular time in your life..N: You know it's been really sad to me of late, is all passing of these iconic musicians and artists.M: It is, and at my age and I'm going to be 70 this year, I have lost so many of these people that I have known..N: Can I please have some of your genes, almost 70?! Oh my gosh.L: Haha, you just need a wife that's half your age..M: There's the secret.. Get yourself a young mateN: I will doM: You're young already, so you don't need to worryN: But it is, it does feel like the end of an era with all these amazing artists leaving us. David Bowie has always been someone that I have truly appreciated, and as daggy as it is my favourite movie as a kid labyrinth, to his music throughout time.. And just his approached as a human being and as an artist he always had this gorgeous flow and fluidity to him that I've always admired. I was kind of shattered that Prince left us..M: Yes, another one, such great talentN: Yea, and then of course there are great actors that I look up to. I tend to look up to people who are out there creating their own projects and who are engaged creatively with what they do. For me, I think that's the most thrilling.L: Do you have a dream director that you would want to work with?


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N: Ohhh, I have too many that I would like to work with! Ah gosh, Jabber Patel if you are watching this.. I am availableM: He would love you..L: If he was watching this then we are goood.M: He might love you already for all we know.L: Yea, we know that a lot of famous people.. Don't we know that Rosie O'Donnell is a huge Wentworth fan for example?N: Yea, that was the biggest thrill. I was in LA at the time, and I was walking into a Yoga class and my friend sent me this little video of Rosie on the View, touting Wentworth.L: Yea she said she wants to be on the show.M: The woman has taste I'll tell you..N: Yes, she does, I will 100% agree with you there.L: You never know, Helen Mirren might be watching, it's on in the UK right now..M: You could go work with Cate Blanchett anytime..N: Oh yea, I'll just give her a buzz..M: She's doing a TV show in Australia..L: Yea she's doing Stateless.N: Oh..L: Yea, she's doing her own TV show right now, she's going to star in it of course..N: Oh that's awesome, I had no idea, thank you.M: I love her loyalty to Australia, her theatre company and that she woks in some Australian films.. And here she is doing a TV show in Australia.N: Yea, it's very awesome. And what her and Andrew did for STC was pretty phenomenalL: They're also brining over to Broadway in the fall is.. I think it's AustralianM: We've already got our tickets..N: Oh for which one?L: It's called the Present.N: Oh, I've heard some amazing things about that but I didn't get to see it.


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L: I hear good things, I hope. It's only the two of them for what, 3 hours.. It's going to be long..M: But epic..L: And we're going to be staring at Cate Blanchett so we can't really complain.N: Not is all bad in the world.L: So what are you working on now, what are you up to?N: So I'm doing a show over here for the 9 Network, called Doctor Doctor.M: And what is it?N: It is a show about a high flying Sydney heart surgeon who gets banished essentially to his home town, country home town.. And is confronted by his family and his past..M&L: Are you his past?N: I am definitely his past. I am like his past and his present, I am his ex girl friend who is now married to his brother.M: Oh, I love it - Conflict, conflict conflict.L: Way to get revenge on your ex, to marry his brotherN: Exactly, but it's actually been really wonderful because it's such a different show to Wentworth and it's the first time I've really been given a big chance to play in comedy, and to be playing in that light hearted world. And it's sooo nice, It's really wonderful.M: And congratulationsN: Thank youM: And when does it premier?N: They haven't given us a date, so we're still shooting for another couple of weeks but we're looking at airing sometime in 2017.M: Fantastic. What's your character's name?N: CharlieM: Charlie?L: Franky.. Charlie..M: You have all these boy's names.. You know there's something about those names that impart strength and mischievous.N: Great..M: You have that naturally twinkle in your eye, so I can see that..


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N: Yea I think I'm attracting it somewhere across the lineL: Now I don't know if you'll be able to tell us, but we have to ask you otherwise people are going to get upset..N: Of course..L: Are you coming back to season 5?N: Have they confirmed season 5?M: They haven't officially confirmed it, but several actors have started to say 'We'll start to shoot... Opps'.. Not to us, we haven't perpetrated it but they have at fan events but it's pretty much out there that there will be a season 5. So I know if you don't want to do it because it's not..N: Yea I think I would be doing a double whammy if I a) confirm or denied season 5 and b) confirm if I'm back..L: Ok, can I ask you they asked you to return to season 5 will you say yet?N: Oh of course I love the show, I love Franky.. Absolutely.L: Good, there you goM: Let's ask, I know you don't have much time, the minute you have to go just say I have to be out of here, cause we have like 30 questions..L: The minute we found out it was going to be 15 minutes we shortened it..M: It hasn't been 15 minutes, it's been a nice long time.N: We could do that thing, like on those impromptu shows where is like 5 minute questions and you just go bang, bang, bang.M: We want to know who your favourite character on Wentworth is, besides from Franky obviously?N: I love, I mean I love them all.. But I love Vera.M&L: Vera! Vinegar Tits.N: I love her..L: But which one do you love best? Vera from the first couple of seasons, the governor Vera?M: Or the whole thing?N: I kind of like the whole thing, because she's kind of got this thing.. Kate does this great job of like capturing that kind of quirk that she's got. And you see her really striving to be this powerful governor, or


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powerful officer even. But she's so not, so I love watching that play out.L: She's beautifulM: She's vulnerableL: She's a beautiful actressN: Oh gosh my battery may run out..M: Ohh right, well I think we're almost done..L: Well quickly ask your last question..M: So this is just a 'what if'. So next project you have three things to choose from: A Broadway show that you are the lead in, a film.. A blockbuster film that you are the star and the lead in, or a new TV show that is primetime, based on your character.N: Oh gosh, I'm an actor and I want my cake and I want to eat it too.M: Haha so you'll figure out time wise right?N: Yea yea, we'll make that work, we'll make that work.L: I like that, a girl that knows that she can have it all.M: And I think you can.N: They would all be a dream. I mean the blockbuster is really exciting to me because i would love to do some big action, kind of epic, sci-fi, post apocalyptic thing would be amazing. My own TV show, you know driving a story and telling that over a season or more would be amazing. And I told you I'm a theatre nerd, so Broadway would be good.L: Did I see something on IMDB that you have an upcoming project coming up called The Tangle which is a sci-fi film?N: Yea, it's a little American indie sci-fi that I shot last year, so look out for it.L: Oh we will..M: I'm a big sci-fi geek, I always have been.. Ever since I was a little girl my parents used to take me to the drive-in when I was 4 to see sci-fi movies.N: It's such a good genre, particularly for women and I didn't realise it. Because for women, there are so many strong female characters in sci-fi for women, it's awesome.L: So are you fighting aliens or ..?


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N: Umm.... No... I am not fighting aliens. You will have to watch it, but she was called Francesca too that character.M&L: Francesca too?M: Did they film the Descent in Australia? The Descent is one of my favourite scary movies.. All women.N: I'm not sure.. Oh, I don't know.M: Oh you should watch it.N: Ah I'll have to put it on my to watch listM: It is the scariest movie I have ever seen, all woman. They go into this unexplored cave, you will freak out.N: Good! Sounds good!M: This has been glorious!L: Thank you so much, and thank you for giving us your time. And I mean for being such an out spoken political activist for all the right causes. I have been watching your tweets, and you're always out there saying what needs to be said, and I know it's not always easy for someone who's in the limelight too, to express opinions. So thank you for that.N: Yea, I think if you've got the platform then use it for good.M: Exactly, and that's what you do. And you're wonderful and this was just a delight. Thank you so muchL: Thank you so so muchN: Thank you guys!M: We'll do it again sometime..N: Over tea, in New York!L: When you're in New York, look us up.N: See you guys, thank youM: ByeL: Thank you