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Ensino Fundamental Nível II Comp. Curricular: Inglês – Grupo A Data: 3º Período Aluno(a): Professor: Turma: F-8 RECUPERAÇÃO – AULA 1 I) Reading Comprehension. Read the text about Alice Patterson-Smythe. Alice Patterson-Smythe was born just over 100 years ago in Edinburgh, Scotland. She now lives in Norfolk, England. She drove ambulances in the First World War, and worked as a school secretary until she retired at the age of 65. She has been a widow for 25 years and has 3 children, 6 grandchildren and 11 great- grandchildren. She smoked quite a lot when she was a young girl but she quit when she was 68 because she had a heart attack. Her nineties were the best years of her life because her millionaire grandson took her on his aeroplane to visit Tokyo, Los Angeles and Miami. She says: “I love life. I play golf once a week and do Latin dancing, and I eat lots of fruit and vegetables. We are a long-lived family – my mother was 95 when she died.” Answer Right (R) or Wrong (W). a) ( ) She worked in the First World War. b) ( ) When she stopped working she was a school secretary. c) ( ) She stopped smoking because of a heart attack. d) ( ) When she was in her nineties she traveled a lot. e) ( ) She loves studying Latin.

Transcript of…  · Web viewShe...

Page 1:…  · Web viewShe drove ambulances in the First World War, and worked as a school secretary until

Ensino Fundamental Nível II

Comp. Curricular: Inglês – Grupo A Data: 3º Período

Aluno(a): Nº

Professor: Turma: F-8

RECUPERAÇÃO – AULA 1I) Reading Comprehension. Read the text about Alice Patterson-Smythe.

Alice Patterson-Smythe was born just over 100 years ago in Edinburgh, Scotland. She now lives in Norfolk, England. She drove ambulances in the First World War, and worked as a school secretary until she retired at the age of 65. She has been a widow for 25 years and has 3 children, 6 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. She smoked quite a lot when she was a young girl but she quit when she was 68 because she had a heart attack. Her nineties were the best years of her life because her millionaire grandson took her on his aeroplane to visit Tokyo, Los Angeles and Miami. She says: “I love life. I play golf once a week and do Latin dancing, and I eat lots of fruit and vegetables. We are a long-lived family – my mother was 95 when she died.”

Answer Right (R) or Wrong (W).

a) ( ) She worked in the First World War.

b) ( ) When she stopped working she was a school secretary.

c) ( ) She stopped smoking because of a heart attack.

d) ( ) When she was in her nineties she traveled a lot.

e) ( ) She loves studying Latin.

II) Give complete answers to the questions according to the text above.

a) Alice was born in __________________________________________


b) She lives in ___________________________________________


Page 2:…  · Web viewShe drove ambulances in the First World War, and worked as a school secretary until

c) In the First World War she


d) She stopped smoking when __________________________________

e) She likes eating ___________________________________________


III) Reading Comprehension. Read the text about Polly Rosenbaum.

Polly Rosebaum is exactly 100 years old. She was born in the small town of Ollie, Iowa, but when she was five her family moved to Colorado. Polly’s father was a teacher and he wanted his three daughters to have a good education, so Polly went to the University of Colorado and studied politics. She left the university when she was 22 and worked as a teacher. In 1939 she began working as a secretary for William George Rosenbaum, a politician in Arizona. They soon married. Unfortunately, after ten happy years together, William suddenly died of a stroke. He was 59. They didn’t have any children. Polly decided to become a politician like her husband and she worked in government in Arizona until she retired 25 years ago. She says, “I like to keep busy. I love going for walks with my friends and I love cooking. I’ve always eaten well, lots of fruit.”.

Answer Right (R) or Wrong (W).

a) ( ) She went to Colorado when she was a child.

b) ( ) Polly had brothers and sisters.

c) ( ) She got married to William George Rosenbaum.

d) ( ) William died ten years after marrying Polly.

e) ( ) Polly decided to become a politician when her husband died.

IV) Give complete answers to the questions according to the text above.

a) Where was she born?



Page 3:…  · Web viewShe drove ambulances in the First World War, and worked as a school secretary until

b) Where does she live now?



c) What jobs has she had in her life?



d) Did she marry?



e) How did her husband die?



f) Did she have any children?



g) What does she like doing?



h) What food does she like?

