· Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have...

All Saints Kingston Sunday 21st June 2020 (streamed service from the Church) Please see the notices at the end A Hymn is played Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us o'er the world's tempestuous sea; guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us, for we have no help but thee; yet possessing every blessing, if our God our Father be. Saviour, breathe forgiveness o'er us: all our weakness thou dost know; thou didst tread this earth before us, thou didst feel its keenest woe; lone and dreary, faint and weary, through the desert thou didst go. Spirit of our God, descending, fill our hearts with heavenly joy, love with every passion blending, pleasure that can never cloy: thus provided, pardoned, guided, nothing can our peace destroy. In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Transcript of   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have...

Page 1:   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For

All Saints KingstonSunday 21st June 2020 (streamed service from the Church)

Please see the notices at the end

A Hymn is played

Lead us, heavenly Father, lead uso'er the world's tempestuous sea;guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us,for we have no help but thee;yet possessing every blessing,if our God our Father be.

Saviour, breathe forgiveness o'er us:all our weakness thou dost know;thou didst tread this earth before us,thou didst feel its keenest woe;lone and dreary, faint and weary,through the desert thou didst go.

Spirit of our God, descending,fill our hearts with heavenly joy,love with every passion blending,pleasure that can never cloy:thus provided, pardoned, guided,nothing can our peace destroy.

In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.Amen. The Lord be with you. and also with you. Almighty God,to whom all hearts are open,all desires known,and from whom no secrets are hidden:

Page 2:   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For

cleanse the thoughts of our heartsby the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,that we may perfectly love you,and worthily magnify your holy name;through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The minister invites everyone to recall their shortcomings. After a few moments we say together the prayer of confession.

Most merciful God,Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,we confess that we have sinnedin thought, word and deed.We have not loved you with our whole heart.We have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.In your mercyforgive what we have been,help us to amend what we are,and direct what we shall be;that we may do justly,love mercy,and walk humbly with you, our God.Amen.

Almighty God, who forgives all who truly repent, have mercy upon you, pardon and de-liver you from all your sins, confirm and strengthen you in all goodness, and keep you in life eternal; through Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen. Lord have mercy.

The GloriaGlory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only begotten Son Jesu Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy; thou only art the Lord; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen

The Collect

Page 3:   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For

Lord, you have taught us that all our doings without love are nothing worth: send your Holy Spirit and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love, the true bond of peace and of all virtues, without which who-ever lives is counted dead before you. Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s sake, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

The Old Testament reading O Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For whenever I speak, I must cry out, I must shout, ‘Violence and destruction!’ For the word of the Lord has become for me a reproach and deri-sion all day long. If I say, ‘I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name’, then within me there is something like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot. For I hear many whispering: ‘Terror is all around! Denounce him! Let us denounce him!’ All my close friends are watching for me to stumble. ‘Perhaps he can be enticed, and we can prevail against him, and take our revenge on him.’ But the Lord is with me like a dread warrior; therefore my persecutors will stumble, and they will not prevail. They will be greatly shamed, for they will not succeed. Their eternal dishonour will never be forgotten. O Lord of hosts, you test the righteous, you see the heart and the mind; let me see your retribution upon them, for to you I have committed my cause. Sing to the Lord; praise the Lord! For he has delivered the life of the needy from the hands of evildoers. Jeremiah 20:7-13

A responsorial psalm

R. Lord, in your great love, answer me.It is for you that I suffer taunts,     that shame has covered my face.To my own kin I have become an outcast,     a stranger to the children of my mother.Zeal for your house consumes me,     and taunts against you fall on me.But I pray to you, O LORD,     for a time of your favor.

Page 4:   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For

In your great mercy, answer me, O God,     with your salvation that never fails.LORD, answer, for your mercy is kind;     in your great compassion, turn toward me.The poor when they see it will be glad,     and God-seeking hearts will revive;for the LORD listens to the needy,     and does not spurn his own in their chains.Let the heavens and the earth give him praise,     the seas and everything that moves in them.

The Gospel is announced

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to MatthewAll Glory to you, O Lord.

‘A disciple is not above the teacher, nor a slave above the master; it is enough for the disciple to be like the teacher, and the slave like the master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household! ‘So have no fear of them; for nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops. Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground unperceived by your Fa-ther. And even the hairs of your head are all counted. So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows. ‘Everyone therefore who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in heaven; but who-ever denies me before others, I also will deny before my Father in heaven. ‘Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daugh-ter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up the cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. Matthew 10:24-39

Page 5:   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For

At the end of the reading:This is the Gospel of the Lord.All Praise to you, O Christ.

Sermon by the Revd Jonathan Wilkes

The Anthem - Ave Verum (Elgar)

Ave, verum corpus natumex Maria Virgine:vere passum, immolatumin cruce pro homine:cuius latus perforatumvero fluxit sanguine: esto nobis praegustatum,mortis in examine.O clemens, O pie, O dulcis Jesu, Fili Mariae.

Hail the true body, bornof the Virgin Mary:You who truly suffered and were sacrificedon the cross for the sake of man.From whose pierced flankflowed water and blood:Be a foretaste for usin the trial of death.O sweet, O merciful, O Jesus, Son of Mary.


During the prayers this response may be used:

Lord, in your mercyhear our prayer

and at the end:

Merciful Father,

Page 6:   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For

accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

The Peace:The peace of the Lord be always with you.And also with youLet us offer one another a sign of peace.

Holy CommunionYours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the splendour, and the majesty; for everything in heaven and on earth is yours.All things come from you, and of your own do we give you.The Lord is here.His Spirit is with us.Lift up your hearts.We lift them to the Lord.Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.It is right to give thanks and praise.

The priest says the first part of the eucharistic prayer and then we say:

Holy, holy, holy,Lord God of hosts.Heaven and earth are full of your glory.Glory be to you, O Lord most high!Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord.Hosanna in the highest!

Accept our praises, heavenly Father, through your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ, and as we follow his example and obey his command, grant that by the power of your Holy Spirit these gifts of bread and wine may be to us his body and his blood; who, in the same night that he was betrayed, took bread and gave you thanks; he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take, eat; this is my body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me.

In the same way, after supper he took the cup and gave you thanks; he gave it to them, saying: Drink this, all of you; this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.

Page 7:   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For

Therefore, heavenly Father, we remember his offering of himself made once for all upon the cross; we proclaim his mighty resurrection and glorious ascension; we look for the coming of your kingdom, and with this bread and this cup we make the memorial of Christ your Son our Lord.

Great is the mystery of faith:Christ has died:Christ is risen:Christ will come again.

Accept through him, our great high priest, this our sacrifice of thanks and praise, and as we eat and drink these holy gifts in the presence of your divine majesty, renew us by your Spirit, inspire us with your love and unite us in the body of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Through him, and with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, with all who stand before you in earth and heaven, we worship you, Father almighty, in songs of everlasting praise:

All Blessing and honour and glory and powerbe yours for ever and ever.


Sit or kneel for The Lord’s PrayerOur Father, who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name,thy kingdom come,thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our trespassesas we forgive those who trespass against us.And lead us not into temptationbut deliver us from evil.For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

The priest breaks the consecrated bread with the words:We break this bread to share in the body of Christ.Though we are many, we are one body,because we all share in one bread.

Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world

Page 8:   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For

Have mercy on usLamb of God who takes away the sin of the worldHave mercy on usLamb of God who takes away the sin of the worldGrant us peace

Draw near with faith. Receive the body of our Lord Jesus Christ which he gave for you, and his blood which he shed for you. Eat and drink in remembrance that he died for you, and feed on him in your hearts by faith with thanksgiving.

We say together the prayer of Spiritual Reception:Come Lord Jesus, dwell in me and send your Holy Spirit that I may be filled with your presence. As the hem of your garment, touched in faith, healed the woman in the gospel, so may I be healed. Although I cannot receive you in the sacrament I can, through this offering of my prayer, receive you in my heart; grant this for Christ’s sake. Amen.

The priest prays the post communion prayer: Loving Father, we thank you for feeding us at the supper of your Son: sustain us with your Spirit, that we may serve you here on earth until our joy is complete in heaven, and we share in the eternal banquet with Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Then we say together:Father of all,we give you thanks and praise,that when we were still far offyou met us in your Son and brought us home.Dying and living, he declared your love,gave us grace, and opened the gate of glory.May we who share Christ’s body live his risen life;we who drink his cup bring life to others;we whom the Spirit lights give light to the world.Keep us firm in the hope you have set before us,so we and all your children shall be free,

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and the whole earth live to praise your name;through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Blessing after which the minister says: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.In the name of Christ. Amen

A hymn is played

Alleluia! Sing to Jesus;His the sceptre, his the throne;Alleluia! his the triumph,His the victory alone!Hark! The songs of peaceful ZionThunder like a mighty flood:"Jesus out of every nationHas redeemed us by his blood."

Alleluia! Not as orphansAre we left in sorrow now;Alleluia! he is near us;Faith believes nor questions how.Though the cloud from sight received him,When the forty days were o'er,Shall our hearts forget his promise:"I am with you evermore."

Alleluia! Bread of angels,Here on earth our food, our stay;Alleluia! here the sinfulFlee to you from day to day.Intercessor, friend of sinners,Earth's redeemer, hear our pleaWhere the songs of all the sinlessWeep across the crystal sea.

Alleluia! King eternal,Lord omnipotent we own;

Page 10:   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For

Alleluia! born of Mary,Earth your footstool, heaven your throne.As within the veil you entered,Robed in flesh, our great high priest;Here on earth both priest and victimIn the Eucharistic feast.

NoticesWindrush Day Monday 22nd JuneThe Bishops, Archdeacon and Dean of the Diocese are asking us to observe a minutes silence tomorrow morning at 11am. The Bishop of Southwark writes: “Let us make Windrush Day 2020 a day when we as a Diocese pledge to change structures of inequality in the Church as we seek to implement our vi-sion of increasing the diversity of lay and ordained leaders in our parishes and institutions. You might find it helpful to use the prayer written by the Dean for Black Lives Matter at the end of the two minutes’ silence:

God of all,who loves each of us for who we are, to whom each life matters,who counts the hairs on our head who knows when a sparrow falls; teach us to love as you loveto respect, to honour, to careand to protecteach of our sisters and brothers, that your embracing,including kingdommay come nowand your love be known. Amen

Re-opening for Private PrayerIs planned at All Saints on Monday the 29th June. If you are able to help us staff the building please contact Jonathan on [email protected] or 07986 629657.

Coffee after Church is back!!

Page 11:   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For

If you’d like to meet up with others for a post service cup of coffee 10 minutes after the end of the service email Anne Packer on: [email protected] and she’ll send you a ZOOM invitation. There’ll be a second group this week so plenty of room!!

Christian Aid Fund-raisingOur JustGiving page is at www.justgiving.com/fundraising/kingston-caw2020. Please let Ian ([email protected]) or Keith ([email protected]) know if you’d like to join in the Zoom-based CA Quiz this Friday 26 June at 7:15pm for 7.30pm. There are still a few spaces left. A minimum donation to Christian Aid of £3 per player is requested. To get all the details, email now!

Page 12:   · Web viewO Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed. I have become a laughing-stock all day long; everyone mocks me. For

A new DONATE function on our websiteWe have the facility now to give directly to All Saints via our website. Just visit the Home page and press the DONATE button which will also allow you to Gift Aid you donation. For those not giving directly by standing order and would like to start, or anyone wishing to make a direct donation in place of the collection plate, our bank details are:Account Name: All Saints Church FundSort Code: 40-26-12Account Number: 80100447and if you’d like us to claim gift aid on these regular donations please let  Alas-tair Deller, our Treasurer, know at [email protected].

Midweek Holy Communion - Wednesday at 12 noonContinue on our Youtube channel.

Food and help for those in needWimbledon football club are collecting food from supermarkets to make up boxes of supplies for those in need, as well as offering help collecting prescriptions etc. If you know of anyone who might be in need of this they can be contacted on: Phone: 020 3301 4511 (9am-6pm) or email [email protected] or Twitter @Donslocalaction or Instagram: @donslocalactiongroup

Come for coffee!!Let’s not let a bit of social distancing get in the way of a good coffee morning so we’re having at least one a week virtually on Zoom (video conferencing). If you have a computer with a camera attached or integrated (or a Kindle Fire) then it should be possible. Email [email protected] if you’d like to be part of it.