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1 Humanities 251 Exam Prep Fall 2013 Part I: provide the missing information. One (1) point each, one minute each. 1. Peloponnesian War: 2. The historical battle of Troy: 3. Homer’s Illiad written to form: 4. thought water the essential ingredient of universe: 5. thought fire the essential ingredient: 6. That heated slime the essential ingredient: 7. Artaphernes: 8. Organized Attica in demes, thirds, and tribes: 9. Athens embraces full citizenship and fights for it: 10. Classical period dates: 11. Hellenistic period dates: 12. Three archaic period characteristics: 13. Cleisthenes 14. Leonidas: 15. Socrates dies and why: 16. Solon gives Athens a Democratic Constitution: 17. Lycurgus gives Sparta a Militarist Constitution: 18. Greek Goddess of Virginity, the Hunt, and the Moon: 19. Greek Goddess of grains and fields: 20. Greek God of War: 21. With whom were the Melians allied? 22. Which group in the Melian dialogue believed that hope was a luxury only the powerful could afford? 23. Who was Menelaus? 24. Battle of Marathon fought?

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Humanities 251 Exam Prep Fall 2013

Part I: provide the missing information. One (1) point each, one minute each.

1. Peloponnesian War:

2. The historical battle of Troy:

3. Homer’s Illiad written to form:

4. thought water the essential ingredient of universe:

5. thought fire the essential ingredient:

6. That heated slime the essential ingredient:

7. Artaphernes:

8. Organized Attica in demes, thirds, and tribes:

9. Athens embraces full citizenship and fights for it:

10. Classical period dates:

11. Hellenistic period dates:

12. Three archaic period characteristics:

13. Cleisthenes

14. Leonidas:

15. Socrates dies and why:

16. Solon gives Athens a Democratic Constitution:

17. Lycurgus gives Sparta a Militarist Constitution:

18. Greek Goddess of Virginity, the Hunt, and the Moon:

19. Greek Goddess of grains and fields:

20. Greek God of War:

21. With whom were the Melians allied?

22. Which group in the Melian dialogue believed that hope was a luxury only the powerful could


23. Who was Menelaus?

24. Battle of Marathon fought?

25. In the Illiad, Hector’s son was afraid of what object:

Dates and Themes Part II: The Romans

26. Mythic Founding Date of Rome:27. Fall of Western Rome

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28. Fall of Eastern Rome (Constantinople)29. Promulgation of the 12 Tables30. Punic Wars: 264-20131. Destruction of Carthage, Africa and Greece become Roman Provinces: 146 BCE32. First Triumvirate: 60 BCE: Pompey, Caesar, Crassus33. Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul: 58-49 BCE34. Battle of Pharsalus: Caesar defeats Pompey the Great in Greece, meets Cleopatra.35. Caesar Sole Dictator of Rome: 46-44 BCE (assassinated March 15th-the Ides of March)36. Second Triumvirate: 43 BCE Antony, Lepidus, Octavian37. Battle of Actium, won by Octavian against Antony and Cleopatra38. Octavian Augustus Caesar rules, the Pax Romana: 27 BCE-14 CE39. Rome adopts Christianity40. Propertius Elegies: (50-15 BCE, Elegies 29 BCE)41. Tacitus Germania: Germania published 98 BCE42. Suppression of Paganism, Christianity made state Religion: 392 CE43. Vandals, Goths, Visigoths, Germanic Hordes invade 409-455 CE44. Last Legionaire leaves the British isles 410 CE45. Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor and its significance46. Rome adopted Christianity this date and two reasons why47. Western Rome falls this date48. Name of Medea’s husband49. Attila the Hun sweeps into Northern Europe and its effect50. Clovis, King of the Franks, baptized51. Ceasar defeats Pompey at the Battle of Pharsalus52. Octavian Augustus Caesar’s reign, referred to as the Pax Romana53. Two contributions to the West made by Roman culture54. Caesar defeats the Gauls55. Name of Caesar’s German opponent in Gaul56. Battle of Actium.57. Eastern Rome falls this date, and to whom?58. Caesar killed in the forum59. Century in which Christianity and the West awoke60. Gregory the Great sends Christian missionaries into Western Europe from Rome this century61. What is a comitatus? How does it work?62. What is mead?63. Hellenistic period64. Thought heated slime the primary substance65. Parable of the Sparrow66. 800 CE, Christmas Day67. Three adversaries of Beowulf68. Sister Wife of Head of the Gods in Roman and Greek69. Intellectual Goddess, Roman and Greek

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70. Goddess of Love, Roman and Greek71. Head of the Gods, Roman and Greek72. German weakness, according to Tacitus73. Achilles and the Tortoise74. Xenophanes’ rhetorical question75. Wiglaf76. Why the Dragon awakened in Beowulf77. Unferth78. Breca79. Heorot80. Illiad written:81. Twelve tables the rule of law.82. Punic Wars.83. Hubris84. Catharsis85. Hamartia86. Characteristics of archaic Greek statuary.87. Grendel the spawn of whom?88. contrapposto.89. King of the Geats.90. King of the Danes.91. Beowulf’s Lord or King.92. Year 1000 importance93. 490 BCE Darius and Persia defeated at Marathon. Democracy saved. 94. 480. Xerxes leads second invasion; Thermopylae, sack of Athens, but complete loss in Naval

Battle of Salamis. War ends 479 BCE. Plataea 95. 431---404 BCE. Peloponnesian War ends with fall of Athens.96. 146 BCE. Romans sack Corinth, Greece becomes Roman province.97. Helot98. Hoplites99. Latifundia100. Mythical founding date of Rome

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Part II. Geography of the Ancient world: Identify places or bodies of water by name.

1 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

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1. 5

2. 6


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Image Identification: Identify Period, dates for Period, and three distinct traits that confirm your


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Part IV Essay Questions

1. The Illiad, Medea, Caesar’s Gallic Wars, and Tacitus’ Germania tell the story of men at war, or of cultures dominated by warring men. But there are also several women in the books. Based on those whom we have met, what are the varied roles of women within the community of these ancient Greeks, Romans, and Germans? How did those roles change over time and space, and how do they differ from one another, and from the roles of women in contemporary American society? What do you make of what has remained the same, and of what has so changed? What are your predictions for the future role of women in American society, given its Greco-Roman-Germanic past?

2. The Germanic peoples lived by a strict set of laws or cultural codes. In the literature, we see the heroes judged in relation to what has come to be referred to as the Heroic Code for behavior. Identify at least three aspects of this Heroic Code as you find evidence for them in Gallic Wars, Germania, and Beowulf. Further, compare and contrast these character traits to generic traits for both the Roman understanding of the heroic code, and our own understanding of Heroic behavior for men and women today, living in the 21st century, in Minot, as you see them. Speculate about the significance of what has changed, and what has remained the same. What is more, as a culture that is always in the process of rewriting codes, where are we headed in our future understanding of the heroic code? Be thoughtful, specific, and organized in your response.