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Public Relations Recommendation Report Amy Cook University of Florida 30 April 2018

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Page 1: wanderlustandabrush.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewMany people view the public relations industry as untrustworthy. It is often associated with story-spinning and the covering

Public Relations Recommendation Report

Amy Cook

University of Florida

30 April 2018

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Recommendation Report

Table of Contents

Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3






Implementation Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

Evaluation Plan………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………7



Table of FiguresFigure 1: Social Media……………………………………………………………………….……………………….………………5

Figure 2: Brainstorming Visual……………………………………………………………………………………………………5

Figure 3: Educational Advertising………………………………………………………………………………………………6

Figure 4: Management Table…………………………………..…………………………………………………………………7


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Recommendation Report

Executive SummaryThere is a problem of perceived lack of transparency in the public relations field. I will explain this problem as well as a practical means of solving the problem. The methods for discovering this problem are discussed along with the results of those methods. An implementation plan for increasing transparency across the field is included. A way to evaluate the success of that plan is also detailed. This recommendation report, if followed correctly, may advance positive perceptions of the public relations industry.

IntroductionMany people view the public relations industry as untrustworthy. It is often associated with story-spinning and the covering up of mistakes. This is a major problem in the field, and the professionals of it must work to increase transparency to solve it. The industry’s history along with its power to change public opinion are major reasons for this problem. Another reason is the lack of understanding of the roles of those in this field. Public relations is a positive force for the public, and would be more so with furthered public approval. I will advise the field to make several changed in its priorities so that it might overcome this problem.

MethodsTo gain an understanding of the current state of the public relations field, I did extensive research on it. The majority of the research was secondary research as means of gathering highly accurate insight. I also did primary research by creating a survey that provided some information on the current associations of the industry. There are weaknesses of the survey because it was conducted without any random sampling or bias-countering methods on college students. Despite the limitations, the survey reinforced many of the findings of the secondary research on opinions of the field of public relations.

ResultsThe results from the research and information-gathering efforts pointed to several consensuses on the public relations field. There were positive views as well as negative views that must be worked to improve. Some of the positive perceptions include the success of public relations at communicating, creating content, and generating earned media (Henning, 2017). They are also commended for problem-solving skills and being personable (Harder, 2014). The negative views of the industry have the potential to overshadow the positive views. Many feel that public relations has a public relations problem (Webb, 2013). Deceitfulness and the furthering of political agendas was the start of the industry. This is no longer in the true practice today, but people tend to fall back on past errors. A Gallup poll measuring opinions on the most ethical industries shows the public relations field in a low space (Newton, 2011). This may be due to a lack of understanding of the profession. A Council of PR Firms poll showed that only 28% of respondents felt that they had a good understanding of the occupation (James, 2002). This was highlighted in the primary research along with other aspects of the secondary research. In the


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Recommendation Report

survey, 38.4% of respondents felt they did not understand the field. Respondents to the survey also felt that there is a lack of honesty across the field and that it can be improved.

ConclusionsFrom the primary and secondary research, various conclusions regarding the perceptions of the public relations industry can be made. There are positive views on the field, such as for its creative abilities and communication skills. It has also grown in regards to public trust from its initial start as a deceptive field. While it has changed for the public good, it is still not seen in a completely trustworthy way. Many see the field as full of story-spinning and covering up. This is due to several reasons, one of them being a lack of full transparency. This is from a lack of communication and education with the public. There must be changed made to better the perceptions of the industry.

RecommendationsOne goal the industry must focus on in order to increase transparency is two-way communication. This is the direct dialogue with consumers will increase trust across consumers and benefit the organization. Another recommendation is that the field should focus on creatively engaging consumers. Hosting events, contests, or simply reaching out to the public more will cause them to feel informed and connected to the industry. There is also a need for further educating the public on the role of public relations. A major reason why people view the industry as untrustworthy is that they are uninformed of the roles of public relations professionals. A final step in this recommendation plan is that public relations should work to have a seat at the management table. This is a change that is starting to take place in the corporate world, but there must be a complete switch to having it be an expectation that those who understand public relations have direct involvement with decisions that affect the public. These recommendations may take further time and effort on top of all the responsibilities professionals already have. The efforts will be worth it as these recommendations have the potential to truly advance the field. These plans are also geared towards creativity and communication, which are two strengths of the field.

Implementation PlanThe public relations industry must take steps to resolve this problem, or it will not be able to operate at its full potential for success. Two-way communication, the dialogue between an organization and its publics, is the first step to solving the transparency issues in the field. This should be centered on gaining the opinion of the consumer and using it for the bettering of the organization. This makes the public feel valued and heard, which increases trust. The public feels as though they have a voice and a window to see into the organization. The industry must make this a priority, and it can be done through several methods. One is to engage with the public on social media. Asking consumers questions in the copy of posts is a great way to increase engagement and receive insight. Replying to consumer posts related to the company or industry is another great way to develop two-way communication. As public relations


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Recommendation Report

professionals, it is important to prioritize developing the social media of whatever company we represent.

Figure 1

Increasing transparency can be done in many ways, and that leaves room for creativity. Thoughtfully and creatively engaging the public is a wonderful next step to building their trust in the field. Having a brainstorming session with the public relations practitioners of the company is a great way to accomplish this. Gather everyone together and create a list of ideas that will encourage the public to become involved with the company. One idea may be to host a public outreach event involving give-away items. This could be filmed and posted online or even used in a commercial for people to watch.

Figure 2

Another step the industry can take in developing transparency is educating the public on what it does. As the survey points out, the public does not have a great understanding of what


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Recommendation Report

professionals in this field do. It seems as though public relations professionals have been so concerned with the images of other companies and industry’s that they have forgotten about their own industry image. Educating the public on its roles will allow for a better informed and more trusting public. This education can be done through advertisements related to the roles of public relations professionals. Commercials that give a brief description of roles can be broadcasted on behalf of public relations firms and corporations. Billboards that present information on the industry can be created. Once people understand the positive missions and motivations of the field, that are to keep the public safe and informed, they will be less likely to fall into the current negative stigmas.

Figure 3

The final means of implementing this solution is through fighting for a seat for public relations professionals at the management table. Having a person who specializes in understanding consumer responses involved with management decisions increases the ability for those responses to be positive for the company and industry as a whole. To do this, public relations professionals must convey the importance of it to the company they work for or represent. Public relations firms can make it a requirement for a client that a public relations practitioner sits at their management table. If this does not change, distrust of the field will continue as public relations mistakes are often made because the public relations professionals were not informed of an executive or management decision quickly enough.

Figure 4


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Recommendation Report

Evaluation PlanIn order to ensure that the implementation plan is effective, an evaluation plan is necessary. To evaluate the extent to which the transparency and public trust of the public relations industry has increased, teams must meet regularly about it. Before and after each step has occurred, those involved with their organization’s public relations must meet. This will cause for further investment in using the strategies to full potential and leave room for creative ideas additional ideas. About two months after the steps have been taken, there must be an evaluation based on the views of those on the outside. A short survey should be taken to form a consensus of the perspectives of those in the organization. Their insight on the advancement caused by the implementation plan will be a valuable means of evaluation. Within the next few weeks, the public opinion must be measured. A form of polling should be implemented to gain insight into the perceptions of the public.


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Recommendation Report

ReferencesEliminating Public Relations Stereotypes - Starting with Ourselves. (n.d.). Retrieved April 05,

2018, from http://progressions.prssa.org/index.php/2014/11/10/eliminating-public-relations-stereotypes-starting-with-ourselves/

Fullerton, J. A., & McKinnon, L. M. (2015). U.S. Public Relations Students’ Perceptions of PR: What College Students Think About PR Education and the PR Profession. Retrieved April 05, 2018, from http://apps.prsa.org/Intelligence/PRJournal/past-editions/Vol9/No2/

Gallup, Inc. (2011, August 29). Americans Rate Computer Industry Best, Federal Gov't Worst. Retrieved April 05, 2018, from http://news.gallup.com/poll/149216/Americans-Rate-Computer-Industry-Best-Federal-Gov-Worst.aspx?version=print

Henning, Jeffrey. “The Strengths and Weaknesses of U.S. PR Firms.” Institute for Public Relations, 16 Feb. 2018, instituteforpr.org/strengths-weaknesses-u-s-pr-firms/.

Preach what we practice: Will PR ever shed its image of flacks and spin doctors? (field of public relations - how it is perceived by public and portrayed by press). (n.d.). Retrieved April 05, 2018, from https://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-83518246.html

Webb, B. (2013, July 27). Viewpoint: Does public relations have a PR problem? Retrieved April 05, 2018, from http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-23462287


Charles Stone. (2017, March 27). Five Neuroscience Techniques that Improve Brainstorming. Retrieved from http://charlesstone.com/five-neuroscience-techniques-that-improve-brainstorming/

Creating Your Seat at the Table for Chronic Disease Management. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.kshomecare.org/event-1897973

Public Relations: Crowdfunding & Beyond. (2017, February 23). Retrieved from http://www.crowdfundbuzz.com/public-relations-crowdfunding-beyond/

T., & B. (2018, February 06). How to Use Social Media Wisely. Retrieved from https://www.backstage.com/advice-for-actors/backstage-experts/how-to-use-social-media-wisely/


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Recommendation Report

AppendixOption A Survey

I understand the role of a public relations practitioner.Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree

The public relations industry isGoodSort of goodNeutralSort of badBad

What are some strengths of the public relations field?

What are some weaknesses of the public relations field?

What, if anything, should the public relations industry do to improve?