quadstateinstructors.com€¦  · Web viewKeeping people engaged in safety issues and commitments...

Where Your Focus Goes….Energy Flows! The People Builder Steve Siemens,CSP We will begin with my conclusions to this presentation: 1. You have a thankless job people are thankful for. 2. Keeping people engaged in safety issues and commitments requires fresh ideas, creative methods, and employee involvement. 3. The minute a team stops thinking safety – it stops. 4. Safety is not a committee or a department – it is an attitude – a commitment – a habit – the way you do business. 5. Leading today in our work culture, and especially dealing with millennials, will require new strategies, methods, and communication. 6. Don’t ever apologize for the role you play on the team. What’s the biggest risk of losing our focus? Wasting our time Living a meaningless life Poor leadership Becoming complacent about safety 1 | Page

Transcript of quadstateinstructors.com€¦  · Web viewKeeping people engaged in safety issues and commitments...

Page 1: quadstateinstructors.com€¦  · Web viewKeeping people engaged in safety issues and commitments requires fresh ideas, creative methods, and employee involvement. 3. The minute

Where Your Focus Goes….Energy Flows!The People BuilderSteve Siemens,CSP

We will begin with my conclusions to this presentation:

1. You have a thankless job people are thankful for.

2. Keeping people engaged in safety issues and commitments requires fresh ideas, creative methods, and employee involvement.

3. The minute a team stops thinking safety – it stops.

4. Safety is not a committee or a department – it is an attitude – a commitment – a habit – the way you do business.

5. Leading today in our work culture, and especially dealing with millennials, will require new strategies, methods, and communication.

6. Don’t ever apologize for the role you play on the team.

What’s the biggest risk of losing our focus?

Wasting our time Living a meaningless life Poor leadership Becoming complacent about safety

The solution is to simplify. Get back to the basics of doing the important.

How to reclaim insane FOCUS:

1. Know what actually matters. Be honest with yourself about the actions that truly move the needle in your business and your life. If you’re stuck, just think of the tasks you fear the most–that give you anxiety just to think about. Those are likely the most important.

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2. Pick your top 2-3 core tasks each day. These are the things that must happen no matter what. If you get these done your day is a success. Stick to no more than three, or better yet one. They must move you closer to your big goals. Checking email does not count.

3. Do them first thing. The longer you wait, the more distractions will intrude. Nothing happens before these get done.

4. Do not connect to anything until your core tasks are done. Don’t convince yourself you need the internet or email to do your most important tasks. 95% of the time you don’t. Leave the internet off and phone on airplane mode until you crush through the important.

5. Kill multitasking. Stop thinking it’s more efficient. It’s not. No surfing during phone calls, reading during meals, chatting while writing. Do one thing at a time. Simple. Not only is multitasking terribly inefficient but it stresses you out and it’s rude to anyone around you.

6. Turn off email and notifications (and anything else that interrupts you). When you sit down to do something, nothing else gets attention. Just because someone decides to email, chat or call you, doesn’t mean it’s more important. Those things can wait. But if you know they are waiting there, you’ll be too tempted. Avoid temptation at all cost. We are too weak.

7. Don’t check email in the morning. I know every one of you have heard this one. So why doesn’t anyone actually do it? It will change your life. It feels terrible to know we’ve spent a couple hours refreshing and going in and out of email without really getting anything done. I assure you that if you check it, you won’t be able to help yourself, and you’ll stumble face first into the worm hole. So don’t even open it until you have a few hours of focused action under your belt (this is at least 11am for most).

8. Batch your emailing to two times a day MAX. Maybe 30 min before lunch and 30 min late afternoon. If you need an email for your core task, do not go to your inbox. Go straight to the search feature and find it. If you need to write an email as a core task (which should very rarely be the case), write it offline in a simple program like notepad. Save reactionary items for after you get the important done.

9. Try to get less done in a day–practice Slow Working. Don’t fill every moment of your calendar with tasks (this is a huge one I’m working on). You’ll be stressed and rushed the whole day. Slow down and move through your core tasks calmly. Then maybe you do a few more things with the remaining time but don’t cram them in. If you do, you’ll always feel behind.

10. Plan more time for each task. This is the easiest way to alleviate the schedule. And things always tend to take longer than we think. If your core task will take you 45 minutes, then block out 90. Actually schedule it on your calendar. If it only takes you 40 minutes then suddenly you have free time–how awesome (and rare) is that!

11. Take breaks and reward yourself. Most of us can only intensely focus on something for an hour at best. Take at least a few-minute break every 30 or 60 minutes to clear your head. Find a fun way to get you free and clear. Take a walk, meditate, breathe, get a snack or some water or listen to an inspiring song. You pick.

12. Schedule A Buffer. Now that we have come to grips with the fact that everything takes longer than expected, we also need to accept the fact that things always come up that we didn’t plan. They take time and sometimes they have to happen right away. Schedule buffer time for these. I literally block off an hour or two each day that simply says “buffer time” or “interruptions”.

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It almost always gets filled up with something urgent and unexpected and when it doesn’t, I have an hour of my life back–an amazing feeling. That’s when it’s time to get outside and have some fun (or do whatever you like to do with spare time–other than check email).

13. Give Yourself Strict and Short Deadlines. This is not contradictory to Schedule It. Yes, things take longer than expected, and they also will take up as much time as you have available. We call this Parkinson’s Law. The time required to complete a project is directly proportional to the time you have available. In other words, if you have time to waste, you will waste it. You have a day to study for an exam. It takes a day. You have two weeks to study. It takes two weeks. Give yourself enough time to complete a task but not a moment more. Set these limits up in advance.

14. Get a Good System to Keep Track of Your Life. Everyone does things differently and no system will be perfect for all of us. But there are some amazing tools out there for free or almost free to get you started. Whatever the cost, if it gets you organized and motivates you to get things done, it’s worth the investment. Here are some possibilities:

The Tony Robbins Time of Your Life Planning System, 7 Habits and 4-Hour Work Week in conjunction with iCal, Google Calendar, Things and Evernote, all can be synced to your Phone. Can’t forget a good clean work space of your own and maybe some physical file cabinets either. Once you get the right system in place, and it’s always changing, it’s empowering.

FOCUS ON…Service that goes…Exceptional customer service involves understanding the product or service being sold, going beyond customers' expectations, fulfilling explicit and implied promises to customers, showing respect and interacting with customers outside the parameters of business transactions.


1. Biblical principle: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

2. Always offer our _customers_ at least _one_ service they can’t receive anywhere else.

3. We need you, our customers, more than we need __ourselves__.3 | P a g e

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4. If we make a __mistake__, we’ll _correct__ it immediately.

5. Good enough for some is not good enough for us.

6. You are not just a customer or a client; you are our __friends__.

7. Our customers are never an ___interruption__.

8. We’ll give our customers __more__ than they ___expect__.

Know who is the boss. You are in business to service the needs of customers, and you can only do that if you know what it is your customers want. When you truly listen to your customers, they let you know what they want and how you can provide them good service. Never forget that the customer pays your salary and makes your job possible.  

9. Be a good listener

Take the time to identify customer needs by asking questions and concentrating on what the customer is really saying. Listen to their words, the tone of voice, body language, and most importantly, how they feel. Beware of making assumptions - thinking you intuitively know what the customer wants. Do you know what three things are most important to your customer? Effective listening and undivided attention are particularly important in your interaction.

10. Make customers feel important and appreciated

Treat them as individuals. Always use their name and find ways to compliment them, but be sincere. People value sincerity. It creates good feelings and trust. Think about ways to generate good feelings about doing business with you. Customers are very sensitive and know whether or not you really care about them. Thank them every time you get a chance.  

11. Understanding is crucial 

Help customers understand what you are doing and what needs to be done. 

12. Appreciate the power of "Yes"

Always look for ways to help your customers. When they have a request (as long as it is reasonable) tell them that you can do it. Figure out how afterward. Look for ways to make doing business with you easy. Always do what you say you are going to do.   

13. Know how to apologize

When something goes wrong, apologize. It's easy, and customers like it. The customer may not always be right, but the customer must always win. Deal with problems immediately and let customers know what you have done. Make it simple for customers to complain. Value their complaints. As much as we dislike it, it gives us an opportunity to improve. Even if customers are having a bad day, go out of your way to make them feel comfortable.  


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14. Get regular feedback

Encourage and welcome suggestions about how you could improve. There are several ways in which you can find out what customers think and feel about your services. 

Listen carefully to what they say.Check back regularly to see how things are going. Provide a method that invites constructive criticism, comments, and suggestions.    

Attitudes that glow…

“If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behavior. In other words, begin to act the part as well as you can of the person you would rather be; the person you most want to become. Gradually, the old, fearful person will fade away.” -Dr. William Glasser


__FAKE______it ‘til you make it = Act “as if”

“Fake joy is better than genuine depression.” – Florence Littauer

__FORSAKE__it ‘til you make it = Don’t let your feelings control you.

__BREAK_____it ‘til you make it = Change bad habits.

__STAKE_____it ‘til you make it = Claim ownership; victory!

__TAKE_______it ‘til you make it = Don’t quit; never stop; endure!

5 steps to ensure your team has the positive working environment they deserve:

Wake up Leaders!  Look in the mirror.  What are you contributing to your personal and professional life?  How do you protect those you are responsible for, as well as your overall company, to ensure they have the positive, working environment they deserve?

1. Begin with yourself!

There are very common questions to help evaluate the attitude you may be contributing. Are you generally a positive or negative person? Do you have a high or low energy level? How do others respond to you; relaxed or tense? Do you find yourself being judgmental of others or open and accepting of diversity and new ideas? Do you harbor anger rather than letting these feeling go? Do you feel mostly happy or sad and frustrated? Are you a nice person?

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Focus on improving these five skills:

1. __Relationship_______ skills –people won’t go along with you unless they can get along with you.

2. __Coaching__________ skills - bringing out the best in others is best for you.

3. __Communication_____ skills –the ability to connect with others brings a great return.

4. __Problem-solving____ skills –the world is “owned” by people who solve problems.

5. __Leadership________ skills –everything rises and falls on the leadership.

Five words to develop:

1. ___Attitude__________ - Without this, you will hurt yourself.

2. ___Relationships______ - Without this, others will hurt you.

3. ___Persistence________ - Without this, problems will defeat you.

4. ___Priorities__________ - Without this, the insignificant will hamper you.

5. ___Credibility_______ - Without this, no one will follow you.

2. Observe Energy

Awareness is a great advocate for improvement. As a leader, you should care about creating a positive environment. As an employee concerned with your current work environment, consider you are as responsible for creating a positive environment as your boss and your co-workers. Therefore, by simply taking time over the next week to observe others, you may create a new awareness of the type of energy that is most common in your department or company.

3. Dealing with negativity

Negative thinking blows everything out of perspective_____.

Murphy’s Law: Nothing is as easy as it looks; everything takes longer than you expect; and if anything can go wrong, it will, and at the worst

possible time.

Siemens’ Law: Nothing is as _hard_ as it looks; everything is __more__

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__rewarding___ than you expect; and if anything can go _right_, it will, and at the __best_ possible moment.

How a leader deals with attitudes can directly determine how well an employee performs. The majority of employees spend most of their waking day at work. Most employees want to feel good about their workplace. Identifying a negative person does not have to result in turnover. The reality is if you begin with yourself, many others will naturally follow your lead and contribute toward a positive environment. However, if you identify a negative employee who is not supporting the environment you are expecting to create, it is critical to deal with this behavior. If after giving the employee an opportunity to improve, they do not respond favorably, as a leader you cannot ignore this behavior. Allowing this employee to continue contributing negative energy will quickly infect the energy of other employees and yourself.

4. Setting Expectations

Evaluate your management style and look for ways to create a positive, supportive, and rewarding process. Reward the positive improvements and mentor the employees who are not exceeding expectations. Positive reinforcement can quickly shift energy and build momentum toward your desired results.

11 Rules for Bringing out the BEST in people:

1. Expect the best from people you lead.

2. Make a thorough study of the other person’s needs.

3. Establish high standards for excellence.

4. Create an environment where failure is not fatal.

5. If they are going anywhere near where you want to go, climb on other people’s bandwagons.

6. Employ models to encourage success.

7. Recognize and applaud achievement.

8. Employ a mixture of positive and negative reinforcement.

9. Place a premium on collaboration.

10. Build into the group an allowance for storms.

11. Take steps to keep your own motivation high.

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5. Energize your team

A typical workday can drain the energy out of your employees. Look for ways to create energy boosts throughout the day, in meetings, and throughout projects. This can be as simple as frequent short breaks, laughter, creating a very open environment where fresh ideas and creativity is rewarded.

The relationships you align in life reflect who you are.  You are defined by your relationships in your personal life and most certainly within your professional career.  If you find the majority of your employees are tired or your team is having difficulty with exceeding expectations and creating momentum, seriously consider evaluating the energy flowing within your company.  Do not wait for others to create the positive, rewarding, motivating environment that you have had the power to create all along.  A positive environment is a healthy environment.

Creative Workplace Safety Ideas That Energize

While safety in the workplace is no laughing matter, teaching your employees to be safe at work can be. If you make your safety training fun, interesting and engaging, your employees are more likely to remember what they have learned and put it into practice every day.

Have a Big Payoff

Everyone loves to win prizes and get things for free. Tying your safety training program to incentives and other prizes is a great way to get the entire workforce involved and focused. You don't have to spend a lot of money; be creative and think about what your workers would really like. Popular prizes might include:

Gift cards Candy or other small food gifts Coupons to leave work early on a Friday Coupons for an extra 30 minutes for lunch Lottery tickets The right to wear jeans or casual clothing one day Items with the company logo such as t-shirts or mugs Small electronics or housewares for a big incentive

Know Your Workplace

Safety training will be different in an office than in a warehouse or factory, but all employees will benefit from knowing how to stay safe. When you design a workplace training program, make sure it teaches both company policies as well as state and federal safety guidelines.

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Safety Scratch and Win

Reward your employees for keeping their workplace safe with custom scratch-off cards that also stress a safety message. Distribute the cards as a reward for a long accident-free streak or as an on-the-spot prize for observed safe behavior. They also make great hand-outs for employees who answer questions correctly during safety training programs.

The cards work like scratch-off lottery tickets but reveal safety tips or slogans; cards with matching slogans earn prizes.

Company-Wide Bingo

Get your entire workforce involved in being safe with Safety Bingo. Every employee gets a card filled with either traditional numbers or safety tips, pictures of equipment or other items relevant to the workplace. For every day the workplace is accident-free, announce another square and offer rewards for every "bingo." The game ends if there is an accident and employees start over with a new cards.

Knowledge Scavenger Hunts

If you want to reinforce previous safety training, create a scavenger hunt that tests workers' knowledge of the workplace, equipment and safety procedures. For example, challenge a team of office workers to walk through the correct steps for evacuating the building in case of a fire; at each station they collect a token and a full set of tokens in the correct order wins a prize.

Sing for Safety

Keep your employees awake and engaged during safety training by getting them involved in the learning process. Instead of giving a boring lecture, challenge your employees to create songs or raps about a particular safety procedure and then perform them for co-workers. Tap employees to judge the performances and award prizes for songs that accurately present necessary information, which gives every group a chance to win. Give additional bonus awards for creativity or talent.

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Safety Skits

In between your formal safety training programs, make employees the teachers while you test their safety knowledge. Give small groups of employees a video camera and a safety scenario and have them create and film a short movie that can be shown in the cafeteria, break room, or even sent via email to workers' computers. Pay the actors in prizes and give all employees the chance to work on a video over the course of several months. The video library can then be used for later training sessions.

Invest in Safety Training

Creating a fun and interesting safety training program may require more time, effort and money up front, but the pay-offs are great.

Compared to the costs of recovering from an accident - which can include physical injuries, OSHA fines, higher insurance rates and even damage to reputation - the price of some incentive prizes and games is minimal.

Facts that show…

There are many different ways to motivate your team to be safe. However, they all start with one person: you.

Every Worker Deserves to Make it Home Safe from Work – Every Day

If you are not motivated by safety, then your team won’t be either.

Safer businesses are more mature, more profitable, more enthusiastic, more ambitious, better trained, and better led than their rivals.

People - whether they be customers, employees, or investors - are the bedrock of all business. If they are not safe, or if they do not feel safe, then business does not happen.

Motivate your staff for safety and take your business to the next level.

Every worker plays a part.

Carelessness is the most common cause of workplace accidents

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Unsafe acts are often a factor in accidents. They result when people take attitudes like these toward safety:

Complacency . After performing a job many times without an accident, you may believe you’re experienced enough to skip safety procedures or steps. That’s exactly when an accident happens.

Being upset or angry. You can’t let emotions get in the way of doing your job correctly. Distraction can be dangerous.

Fatigue . Being tired can slow down your physical and mental reactions, causing your mind to wander.

Recklessness . Taking chances with tools, machinery, chemicals, or work procedures is foolish and dangerous.

Being afraid to ask questions. Training and work procedures cover a lot of ground—sometimes too much to remember. Always ask when you’re not sure what to do or how to do it. It shows you’re smart enough to know what you don’t know.

Expectations that flow…Safety is Maturity

Facebook’s working mantra was once “move fast and break things”. While this philosophy is great for product development, marketing, and sales, it is terrible philosophy for safety and sustainability. It’s also probably why Zuckerberg eventually changed Facebook’s working mantra to “move fast with stable infrastructure”.

Zuckerberg admitted that this new phrase “might not be as catchy” but it is a better mantra for a safe and sustainable business. A business which recognizes the importance of safety is a business that shows signs of maturity.

Safety is Profitable

Accidents at work caused by bad safety cost businesses in the US $170 billion per year, and nobody can put a figure on how much a fatality at work costs. Being safe does not guarantee that your company will turn a profit. However, being unsafe is a sure-fire way of losing your company money. In other words, good safety means consistency and predictable profits, while the consequences of bad safety are never predictable or desirable.

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Following Volkswagen’s decision to cut corners when it came to emissions safety, the company was found out and is now suffering. What is more, Volkswagen’s new chief has recently claimed that the €6.5 billion set aside to deal with this crisis won’t cover the costs of making their cars safe again.

No one knows how much Volkswagen’s safety hiccup will cost them. Yet what is certain is that Volkswagen’s safer competitors are making more money.

Safety is Leadership

You might be the best qualified safety instructor in your business and your safety insights might be logically correct in every way, but if you are dislikeable then nobody will listen. Leadership is key for the safety of others.

Much ink has been spilt over the difference between a leader and a manager. The idea is that, while managers tell people what to do, leaders show people what to do by being a golden example. However, the key thing to remember is that the titles themselves do not matter. What is important is the attitude.

If you are a manager, you need to show your staff leadership when it comes to safety. Rather than simply putting regulations in place and walking away, a leader makes sure that those regulations

are followed. Rather than acting as if they are beyond safety practices because of their privileged position, a leader takes

care in every action because they know that they are likely to be emulated. Rather than simply telling their employees to follow the rules, a leader explains the “why”.

Safety is Enthusiasm

At first glance, safety might seem like a subject utterly void of enthusiasm. Yet this is simply not the case. Like so many other great passions, safety is a subtle excitement embraced by the studious people who dedicate their lives to it. Safety experts are like the microbiologists of the business world. What they are focused on may seem small to others but, ultimately, it is the foundation for everything else. No business can expect to last or grow if any aspect of its product is unsafe. Inevitably, they will get caught out. Just as the smallest microbe can kill a giant elephant, so too can a safety hazard kill a business if it is not found and dealt with appropriately. Enthusiasm is pretty contagious. All it takes is a few charismatic people to explain the importance of a particular safety procedure for the seeds of enthusiasm to be planted inside people’s heads.

Safety is Training

Still, if everybody in your business - including yourself - is struggling to get enthusiastic about safety, then you could always look for outside help.

Training courses and outside motivational speakers are common in the world of sales. There are many people out there who can deliver passionate safety training and safety talks for businesses as well. You don’t need to wait until something goes wrong until you get a third party to help you with safety. Instead, you can aim for better, and motivate your staff to do better, by nipping any problems in the bud with safety training and a motivational safety speaker.

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Safety is Ambition

In many businesses, staff are motivated through sales targets. Good sales are rewarded and bad sales are not. However, not enough businesses reward their staff for meeting safety targets. In fact, the very idea of a “safety target” might even seem strange. But staff should be ambitious about reaching safety targets in the same way that they are about sales targets. After all, the safety industry is full of people who set themselves ambitious targets. Matt Grierson, the president of SEMA and a big player in the business of health and safety, said that “the safety job’s not done until the industry becomes a zero-accident place to work.”

This sort of safety ambition should be celebrated in the same way that sales ambition is in order to motivate your staff.

Team members that know…

Their common purpose and goal

A team is defined as a group of people working together toward a common goal. Without a goal, there is no team. Ideas for creating a common goal include:

Create and/or review a team's pledge. Discuss why the team exists. Allow each team member to express commitment. Create mottoes, symbols, awards, or posters that portray the team as one unit. Use the common purpose to prioritize team actions.

They can trust each other

Team members must trust each other if they are to work together successfully. Ideas for creating trust among team members include:

Be honest. Work to eliminate conflicts of interest. Avoid talking behind each other's backs. Trust teammates. You must trust them before they will trust you. Give team members the benefit of the doubt.

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Their roles are clarified

Knowing everyone's role and being familiar with the responsibility of those roles create efficiency and flexibility. Ideas for clarifying roles on the team include:

Review team members' roles frequently. Relate team member expectations to the team's overall purpose. Clarify responsibilities when action planning. Learn what others do on the team. Figure out ways to help each other.

They can communicate openly and effectively

Miscommunication can create hard feelings and undermine the success of the team. Ideas for improving communication include:

Err on the side of over-communicating. Seek to understand all angles. Take responsibility for being heard and understood. Work to clear up misunderstandings quickly and accurately. Reinforce and recognize team member efforts.

Diversity is appreciated

Team members come from all walks of life, with different backgrounds and perspectives. Ideas for taking advantage of team diversity include:

Remember that reasonable people can and do differ with each other. Try to learn as much as you can from others. Evaluate a new idea based on its merits. Avoid remarks that draw negative attention to a person's unique characteristics. Don't ignore the differences among team members.

There is team balance

Finally, team members need to recognize that they should measure and monitor the products and services the team provides as well as the team's internal group dynamics and relationships. (Sometimes team members get so involved in the process of becoming a team they forget the reason they were made a team in the first place, or vice versa.) Ideas for creating that balance include:

Regularly review and evaluate the effectiveness of team meetings. Hold team celebrations for achieving results. Praise individual effort. Design individual performance goals that emphasize both results and teamwork. Assign certain team members to monitor task needs and others to monitor relationship needs.

A positive attitude toward safety is a requirement

a. Take personal responsibility for your own safety and that of your co-workers.b. Pay attention to training.c. Follow every step in every job every time.d. Know and follow safety rules.

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e. Use required personal protective equipment.f. Give work your full attention.g. Keep an eye out for hazards. Always ask, “What could go wrong here?”h. Put your personal feelings and problems aside while you’re working.i. Urge your co-workers to follow safety procedures.j. Know what to do in an emergency.k. Ask questions about any procedure or precaution that’s not clear.l. Report any safety hazards you can’t fix.j. Save fooling around for your personal time.

YOU are in control1. YOU help create productive work environments

Properly managed safety programs show commitment to safety by the management in turn creating a great safety culture where everyone ‘wants’ to be safe.

2. YOU help reduce absenteeism because effective safety programs are introducedWorkers want to work in a safe environment; absenteeism drops when effective safety programs are introduced.

3. YOU help take the work premises to a higher standardWork premises are kept to higher standards for safety, cleanliness, and housekeeping.

4. YOU help create happier employeesA safe work environment produces happier employees; everyone wants to go home safe each day.

5. YOU help reduce employee insurance claims Worker Compensation insurance claims decrease, in turn lowering WCB Rates. This is a benefit to any company that has to pre-qualify to work; a lower rate gives you a better grade with your clients.

6. YOU help protect a company’s most valuable asset – its people

7. YOU help your company win and retain business customers

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8. YOUR leadership helps create an environment where safety improvements are considered, encouraged, and implemented

In turn, workers feel like they are part of the safety solution.

9. YOUR leadership enhances the brand value and goodwill for the companyThis enables a company to win and retain business customers. Clients want to work with companies that are safe (less downtime due to incidents).

10. YOU help reduce business costs and disruptionReducing business costs creates productive work environments.

Where Your Focus Goes….Energy Flows!

Service that goes the extra mile or miles

Attitudes that glow with positivism

Facts that show safety makes a difference

Expectations that flow with commitment

Team members that know safety counts

You are in control and empower others

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1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________


1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

4. ________________________

5. ________________________

Safety at the workplace is important, as it motivates employees to work even harder while saving the company millions. Below are some of the benefits of maintaining a safe working environment.

Prevents death and injuryThe death of a worker just because of poor safety conditions can lead to difficulties for the company because it will lose talent and skill. The family of the deceased will also go through a period of tremendous grief and much difficulty. Good working conditions save money since the company keeps its talented workers and does not have to worry about payment of insurance compensation in case of accidents.

Product qualityPeople working under safe conditions are likely to be more dedicated to their work, which means they will produce good quality products and services.

LoyaltyWorkers will remain loyal to the company knowing their safety is guaranteed.

Public relationsWhen the public knows that a company is keen on safety, it is likely to hold the particular company in high esteem. This will ensure the company remains profitable, as it will win a great number of customers.


SIEMENS PEOPLE BUILDERS – [email protected]

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