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GROUP PASTOR TRAINING Vision #1 – Group Purpose Matthew 28:16-20 – WHY – What is the Purpose of our Church and our Group? Small groups are an essential component of ministry at Grace, functioning according to . . . focused PURPOSES: Grace small groups prepare people to follow Christ by accomplishing five biblical and practical purposes (G.R.A.C.E.). . . G__________ in Christ-like Character: Grace small groups study God’s Word in order to apply its truths to the issues of life confronting group members James 1:22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Colossians 1:28We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. 2 Timothy 3:16-17All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. R____________ out to others: Grace small groups reach out to new people in order to bring them into a vital relationship with Jesus Christ and into the life of His Church Luke 19:10For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." Matthew 28:18-20Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Acts 16:30-32He then brought them out and asked, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved-- you and 1

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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGVision #1 – Group Purpose

Matthew 28:16-20 – WHY – What is the Purpose of our Church and our Group?

Small groups are an essential component of ministry at Grace, functioning according to . . .

focused PURPOSES:

Grace small groups prepare people to follow Christ by accomplishing five biblical and practical purposes (G.R.A.C.E.). . .

G__________ in Christ-like Character: Grace small groups study God’s Word in order to apply its truths to the issues of life confronting group members

James 1:22—Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.Colossians 1:28—We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.2 Timothy 3:16-17—All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

R____________ out to others: Grace small groups reach out to new people in order to bring them into a vital relationship with Jesus Christ and into the life of His Church

Luke 19:10—For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." Matthew 28:18-20—Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Acts 16:30-32—He then brought them out and asked, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved-- you and your household." Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house. Acts 16:5—So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.


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A___________ God for His help: Members of Small groups pray as a group for one another, the church and the world, while encouraging the discipline of daily individual prayer.

Ephesians 6:18—And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.Acts 2:42, 46-47—They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, . . . and to prayer . . . They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God . . . .Matthew 9:37-38—Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

C____________ for one another: Grace small groups seek to foster intentional, caring and practical friendships

Romans 12:10—Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.Acts 2:44-47—All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day the continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising god and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.Philippians 2:3-4—Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

E_____________ for ministry: Grace small groups encourage members to identify and develop their unique spiritual gifting for ministry to the church and community

John 17:18—As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.Acts 1:8—But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.1 Corinthians 12:7—Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.1 Peter 4:10—Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.2 Timothy 2:2 – And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be able to teach others.


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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGMinistry Skill #1 – Relational Evangelism

Principle Jesus loves all people and has commissioned all of his followers as the ambassadors of his message of reconciliation with God.


Intentionally cultivate relationships with unchurched people within your network, plant seeds of faith in spiritual conversations and look for opportunities to reap a harvest through clear gospel witness and /or invitation to group or church

What is the vision of a Grace small group?To grow and develop ______________.

who will grow and develop ______________ in small groups,who will ______________ ______________ to incorporate new people each year,

who will join and multiply ______________ ______________. which will grow and develop a mature ______________,

which will ______________ additional ______________,which will permeate ______________, ______________ and the

______________ with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.To fulfill this vision, a group pastor must set the pace in ______________ outreach. The following seven steps will help you identify and effectively reach out to incorporate spiritually needy believers and unbelievers into your group. 1. ______________ all unchurched people in your sphere of influence with whom you have

regular contact (e.g., relatives, neighbors, friends, co-workers, people in clubs, sports teams, school organizations, professional groups, classmates, doctors, dentists, service personnel, etc.)

2. Develop an Operation Andrew list from the above group: up to seven whom you would most like to see place faith in Christ and/or be connected with His body. _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

3. Commit yourself to ______________ for your Operation Andrew list daily and encourage your group to pray for them as well.

4. Identify _______ people from your Operation Andrew list who seem to be most open to you socially and most open to developing a relationship with you.

5. Commit yourself to deepening your redemptive relationship with these 1 to 3 people weekly by giving each a ______________ ______________ and/or an ______________ ______________ (see back).

6. Ask your small group to begin praying for these 1 to 3 people and then seek to ______________ ______________ them with each other in social settings so they become comfortable with each other.

7. ______________ your unchurched network friends who are at the point of being open to “checking out Christians” to your small group meeting.


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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGPersonal Growth #1 (Homework) - Spiritual Disciplines

Principle Success in Christian growth and ministry comes through the grace God provides when we practice spiritual disciplines.

Objective 1. Identify the basic spiritual disciplines necessary for successful Christian life and ministry.

2. Incorporate one particular discipline into my experience.

Read Matthew 4:1-11. What spiritual disciplines (apparent or inferred) did Jesus practice that helped him be successful in this major testing time in his life?

Read the following passage carefully:

24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run,

but only one gets the prize?Run in such a way as to get the prize.

25 Everyone who competes in the gamesgoes into strict training.

They do it to get a crown that will not last;

but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

26 Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly;

I do not fight like a man beating the air.

27 No, I beat my bodyand make it my slaveso that after I have preached to others,

I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.1 Corinthians 9:24-27

What does Paul say a Christian must do to win in the Christian life?

Application:1. From your observations, which spiritual discipline(s) are you practicing well? How?

2. Which spiritual discipline do you need to develop most? What steps will you take to develop this discipline?

Action Steps:1. Begin to carry out the commitment you made above.

2. Memorize 1 Corinthians 9:27.


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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGVision #2 – The Heart of a Group Pastor

Review Session 1 – WHY – What is our purpose?

Matthew 22:34-40 – WHAT are we called to do?

Group Pastors… have a GODLY CHARACTER

(See Training Manual p. 22ff). In the list of characteristics in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-10, there are twenty specific “marks” of a spiritually mature leader. While not exhaustive, these character qualities should be evident in those involved in leading God’s people:

Above reproach Husband of one wife Temperate Prudent Respectable Hospitable Able to teach Not given to wine Not self-willed

Not quick-tempered Not pugnacious Uncontentious Gentle Free from the love

of money One who manages

his own house-hold well

A good reputation with those outside the church

Love what is good Just Devout Not a new convert

These lists focus on C__________ Q___________ rather than A____________.

God is much more interested in our character than our abilities. God is more than able to gift and empower those who are teachable, available and reliable servants to accomplish all that He desires us to do. But his sequence is always being before doing. The surprising Biblical reality is that God seems to prefer the less qualified person over the one most people would probably choose. (e.g. David; Paul.)

“But God said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’ ” (2 Cor. 12:9).


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Group Pastors . . . are MOTIVATED BY LOVEJesus, the Chief Shepherd, is not only our model for the character qualities God desires in His leaders, Jesus is also our model for the supreme motive that needs to undergird our desire to shepherd:

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9:35-36)

Group Pastors must have four basic commitments:

1. A Strong love for and commitment to Jesus Christ and His W____.A Group Pastor must be Christ-centered, manifesting the fruit of the Spirit in his or her life. He must have a desire to grow in his relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ, and discipline himself to spend time daily with Him in prayer and Bible study. (Philemon 24; 2 Timothy 4:10; see also 1 John 2:19).

2. A Strong love for and commitment to the C_________.A Group Pastor must take initiative. She must have a deep concern for and sensitivity to the members of her group. If a Group Pastor does not love and commit himself to her group, she will be unable to care for the flock entrusted to her care. “Feed my sheep,” the Good Shepherd told Peter. A true love and commitment to the group keeps a Group Pastor from turning the group into her own personal kingdom.

3. A Strong love for and commitment to the L________.A Group Pastor sets the pace with respect to concern for the lost. He or she must personally be concerned about those who still are outside of the love and mercy of the Lord, and model effective lifestyle evangelism. A Group Pastor must diligently equip the group for the work of evangelism, motivating the members to reach out where they live and work and play. Think about your F.R.A.Ns – friends, neighbors, associates and neighbors!

4. A Strong love for and commitment to the T________.A Group Pastor must be faithful to his task as a small group leader, as well as to the mission Jesus has given to his Church. He must be a faithful and dedicated member of Grace, who supports the church with his time, money and effort.


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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGMinistry Skill #2 – Creating An Atmosphere of Acceptance

Principle A Grace Group’s success depends on providing an atmosphere where genuine relationships are developed


Identify the four principles that lead to caring, relevant and accountable small groups.

What do people most desire and benefit from in a small group?

1. A sense of ________________ and ________________ where their ____________ are. 2. __________________ in spiritual growth. Addressing issues that will help deal with

their daily Christian life.

How can we provide an atmosphere to do this?


1. Keep the group small enough so that _____________________ can develop.

2. Link people in the group so specific ______________________ takes place.

3. Structure meetings that enhance mutual _________________ and spiritual development.

4. Keep the group from becoming stagnant through ________________ and ________________.


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Four Parts of a Grace Group Structure:

1. ________________ ___________________

People need to tell their ________ and hear others’ __________. They need to relate and hear the spiritual and life journeys of the other group members. A Group Pastor must provide opportunities for people to ________ and ______________ to what has happened and is happening in each other’s life.

During the initial formation of your group, you’ll want to spend most of the group time in this area.

When the group first forms or new people join the group, ask “ice breaker” type questions (see attached).

After the group has been together for awhile, you can usually ask this question (or a form of it) to facilitate sharing: What has been the most significant event or person in your life since the last time we met?

Do not allow anyone to embarrass anyone else inside or outside of the group. Communicate that the only _______ you can confess are _____ _____.

Practice listening to one another. “Conversation killers:”



Group “rules”:1.2.


2. _________________ __________________ _________________________A Small group is not a Bible study ________, though Bible discussion with an emphasis on application should be a consistent and regular part of the group’s time together. Leading an effective Bible discussion takes skill and preparation.

Focus the group on the _______ and discuss how its principles relate to their ________. This is best done by _______ _________ that draw out the meaning of the text and draw out answers from people as to what they will do with it.

When formulating an application question, keep these things in mind: Clarity: _______ should I _______ with the truth of the passage? Responsibility: What should _______ do with the truth of the passage? Purpose: What should I do __________________________________________?

Resist turning the time into a lecture yourself or allowing anyone else in the group to do so.

Try to personally involve everyone, but never embarrass or discourage a person.


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3. __________________ __________________Model and teach the members of your group to pray conversationally: Different people spontaneously offering one or two sentence prayers centering on a particular topic or need until someone introduces another topic or need. Conversational prayer should be a regularly scheduled part of your meeting and will often grow out of your sharing or Bible discussion time. If someone shares a particular difficulty or crisis, stop right then, put the person in the

_____ _______ in the middle of the group and spend time praying for him/her. You might want to have the group lay hands on him/her while praying. You might need to spend the whole evening praying for the person if the need is great enough.

CAUTION: If you have new people or seekers present in your meeting, be sure to communicate that praying is purely voluntary and that it is perfectly all right for them to just observe and listen.

4. _____________________ _______________________You should spend some time in each group meeting praying for outreach to people within the group’s network of relationships and spheres of influence.

You might want to have an ________ ________ at each group meeting and specifically pray that God would fill it by the next meeting with someone who is __________ ___________ __________ and who could be ministered to by your group.

Spend time __________________ how as a group you can reach out to unbelievers and other spiritually needy people.

CAUTION: If you have seekers attending the group, be sensitive to them at this time. Don’t make them feel self-conscious or give them the sense that you are _________ _______________!


Unstructured Time: Arrival & Refreshments 10 minutesStructured Time 90 minutesTIME ELEMENT FOCUS COMPONENTS15 min. Sharing Love Icebreakers and reconnecting30 min. Bible Discussion Learn Bible book or topical study with emphasis

on application30 min. Prayer Love Conversational intercessory prayer based

on earlier sharing and insights from Bible discussion

15 min. Outreach Do Strategy and prayer related to members’ relationships with spiritually needy people.

Unstructured Time: Informal interaction, one-on-one, refreshments 20 minutes


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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGPersonal Growth #2 (Homework) - Absorbing the Word

Principle We must use every possible means to saturate our thinking and lifestyle with God’s Word.

Objective Understand and incorporate six means of saturating my worldview and lifestyle with God’s truth

Success in the Christian life and ministry depends on knowing and believing who God is and who we are in Christ based on the objective truth found in God’s Word. What are other sources for answering these questions? What is only source that is 100% reliable?

Consider 2 Timothy 3:16-17:16 All Scripture is God-breathed

and is useful forteachingrebukingcorrecting

and training in righteousness,17 so that the man of God

may be thoroughly equippedfor every good work.

What is the origin of Scipture? What are the implications of this?God; therefore, it is 100% accurate, trustworthy, authoritativeWhat has God designed the Bible to do in your thinking/lifestyle? Teach (what is true?), rebuke (what is wrong?), correct (how to fix what is wrong), train in righteousness (how to keep from doing wrong) Why is this necessary? We are sinners, born with depraved minds and bombarded by lies and distortions in this world How does this impact the way we should approach Scripture? Ask of it “2Timothy 3:16-17 questions”: What do you want me to know? How do I fail to measure up? What can be done to fix this? How can I stay on Your path?

What final result does God intend for Scripture to have in our lives? Thoroughly equipped, mature, complete so that we can do the good works we were created to do

Look at the six means of saturating your thinking and lifestyle depicted on the hand below. Which one do you practice regularly? Which do you need to improve?

Action Step: Pick one of the six areas of absorbing God’s Word and work on doing it this week.


HEAR1Thess 5:27Josh 1:8

READCol 4:16Deut 17:18-19

STUDYPs 119:125Ezra 7:10

MEMORIZEPs 119:11, 13Matt 4:4, 7, 10

MEDITATEPs 1:2Josh 1:8

APPLY2 Tim 3:16-17James 1:22-25

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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGVision #3 – Gospel-Centered Transformation

Review Session 1 – WHY – What is our purpose? (“to make disciples of all nations”)Review Session 2 – WHAT are we called to do? (“Love God, love others.”)

Romans 8:1-11 – HOW can we accomplish this purpose and these goals?

Recognizing our own limitations will make us people of P___________ and help us become a prayerfully dependent church.

Then we must focus everything we do and teach on the G_____________. Our righteousness is a gift of grace that is received by faith “from beginning to end” (Rom. 1:16-17).

What does this passage in Romans 8:1-11 teach us about what God has done for believers through the gospel? What does it teach us about how we should live?

The key to real, lasting life transformation is applying the Gospel to the hearts of people by the power of the Holy Spirit. How are each of these elements presented in this passage in Romans 8?

The Gospel

The Heart

The Holy Spirit


“The battle is not to conquer sin. That’s impossible. The battle is to believe the gospel: that Jesus has conquered sin.”

Jonathan DodsonGospel-Centered Discipleship

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GROUP PASTOR TRAINING Ministry Skill #3 - Leading an Effective Group Discussion

Principle A planned Bible discussion enables personal growth as a result of sharing insights, applications, and challenges by Spirit-filled group members.

Objective Recognize and employ principles of effective leadership for Bible discussions.

Your goal in Bible study discussion should be helping your group members __ __ __ __ __ what they learn. This should be something that can be measured in the immediate future.

Leading an effective group discussion is a developed skill that takes time and effort. Here is a recommended approach for planning and conducting a Bible discussion:1. Choose a _____ ___ _______ (Bible book, topic, Christian book, etc.).2. _________ the passage or chapter thoroughly on your own.3. State in one sentence the main _________ or _________ from the passage or chapter.4. Based on this principle, state your discussion ____________ by completing this statement: By

the end of our discussion, each participant should be able to...[pick from one of the following areas]

Knowledge : Insight : Attitude : Skill :

What is the Goal?

5. Write out the questions you will ask and/or activities you will do to reach your discussion objective.

Your ____________ question to begin discussion should be a how or why question related to the main principle, and should be directed to the group as a whole rather than to a particular person.

Move from _____________ to _______________ to ______________ questions. Aim for _____________. Discussion involves personal ____________ as well as objective opinions about the

subject matter.

6. Write an outline for your discussion in time blocks. If you allow the discussion to wander aimlessly, it will soon become ____________. Keep the discussion centered on what the Scripture _______and how what it says can

be applied to what you _______. A good way to close each session is to _______________.


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7. Keep within your time frame. If you are talking as much as ______ the time during your group discussions, you’re

talking too much. Truth should be discovered and shared from _________.

8. Evaluate your discussion session after the meeting. Always show _____________. If you show that you recognize the worth of every person in the group, the others will

___________ _________ ___________ . Help each group member realize that it is his responsibility both to contribute to and

profit from the group discussion. Use the word _____ rather than _____. Emphasize to your group that the way of discipleship is __________.

Practical Exercise on Matt 7:24-27 State the principle: Develop an objective: Write out 3 discussion questions

Observation: what does it say? Interpretation: what does it mean? Application: what does it mean to me?


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GROUP PASTOR TRAINING Ministry Skills #4 - Ministering to Children and EGR’s

Principle Caring for and developing group members requires ministry to the whole family unit and the whole group


Discover practical ways of including whole families and helping every person stay connected and growing in Christ

How do children fit into a small group composed of adults?

Mark 10:13-16 teaches:

children are ___________________ to the Lord

children are ___________________ in the Kingdom

children are not to be ______________________ from ministry

Practical advantage:

Some suggestions that have worked in other groups:1. Older children/teenagers.

2. Split the meeting time.

3. Separate meeting in same house.

4. Baby sitting pool.

5. Each member’s responsibility.


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Have a special Family Time.

Act out a Bible story Afternoon at the beach Ice cream sundaesBirthday party for Jesus Board game night BowlingChristmas caroling Churn ice cream Cook-outCroquet Dads/kids Saturday

breakfastFamily skit or talent night

Go out to dinner Have a Passover meal Hay rideMake pizza Party “Nerf” softball, football,

basketballPicnic Pot luck dinner Progressive dinnerProject day--paint, build, garden

Mini-golf Question you’ve always wanted to ask someone

Video night Home movies, albums, slides

Pool party

Group trip Camp-out HikeTreasure hunt Convalescent/nursing

home visitVolleyball

Watermelon Water skiing Weekend retreat

What are some other ideas?


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Shepherding God’s flock means tending _________________ sheep in a manner that encourages them to _____________ to the fold.

Dealing effectively with EGR’s (Extra Grace Required) during the group meeting.

_____________ Mike dominates the discussion with his opinions, ideas, or objections.

_____________ Dan insists on debating theological points and positions.

_____________ Shiela sits on the edge of the circle and hardly ever volunteers to say anything or pray aloud.

_____________ Tony wanders frequently away from the text, focusing on fine points and related issues.

_____________ Carolyn is always going through a difficult time and wants to dump her latest problems and crises on the group.

_____________ Craig criticizes other people, groups, churches and viewpoints.

_____________ Greta is a believer who is growing in her Christian life and seeking to minister to others. Yet, like all growing Christians, she will have times of crisis and great need simply because of living life—loss of a loved one, diagnosis of an illness, loss of job, teen rebellion, etc.

Dealing with EGR’s outside the group meeting.


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A. FIRST FENCE: D___________ C________________

__ __ __ __

L____________ in order to understand the situation from all points of view.

Tell exactly how their action/attitude ___________ ____________ ____________.

Reveal how that action/attitude____________ ___________ _____________.

Spell out___________ ______________ of the sin for the person and the body of Christ.

Tell what ______________ ________________ you desire for them to take.

B. SECOND FENCE: G___________ P______________

C. THIRD FENCE: E_____________

D. FOURTH FENCE: C_____________

Remember: the goal of all these steps is the __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ of the wandering/sinning sheep. Never is it condemnation or removal.


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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGPersonal Growth #3 (Homework) - Living in the Holy Spirit

Principle We conquer sin by believing the gospel – that Jesus has conquered our sin – and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit


Identify one area in my life to resist sin and respond to the Holy Spirit.

______________ ____________________________ ___________1 Pet 5:8-9; Eph 2:2 2 Cor 3:18 Col 3:16a

______________ ________________1 John 2:15-17 Col 3:16b2 Cor 4:4 Heb 10:24

______________ ________________Rom 7:18 Rom 8:9-11Gal 5:16b-17a Gal 5:16

3. Why? 2. How?

___________________________ ___________________________Rom 1:21,28 Rom 12:2; Eph 4:22-24


___________________ ___________________Galatians 5:19-21 Galatians 5:22-23

Key steps to a fruitful life & ministry: 5 “R”s1. R___________________ the source for mental stimuli2. R___________________ Satanic/demonic impressions and fleshly impulses (2 Cor 10:3-5) 3. R_________________ the truth of the Gospel: Jesus HAS conquered your sin (Rom. 8:1-5)4. R___________________ on the Holy Spirit’s supernatural capability (Gal 5:24) 5. R___________________ to the Holy Spirit in obedience (Gal 5:25)

Action Step:1. Identify an area of your life to resist fleshly/demonic stimulus and implement a plan to

respond to the Holy Spirit this week.18

6. What?

Rom 6:11-131. Do ________________________2. Don’t ________________________3. Don’t ________________________4. Do ________________________

4. Ungodly Stimuli

1. God’s Purpose 5. Godly Stimuli

7. Who?

Phil 2:12-131. God works ________2. We work ________

8. ChoiceGalatians 5:16

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2. Memorize Romans 8:1-5. Study the “in Christ” passages and make a list in your journal of what is true of you because you are in Christ (Eph. 1:3-8; 2:1-10; Col. 3:1-4, etc.)


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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGVision #4 – Developing Servant Leaders

Review Session 1 – WHY – What is our purpose? Review Session 2 – WHAT are we called to do? Review Session 3 – HOW can we accomplish this?

2 Timothy 3:14-17 – WHERE are we taking people? What does maturity look like?

Group Pastors . . . serve as UNDER-SHEPHERDSA Group Pastor is a person who has accepted God’s call to lead and shepherd a voluntary and intentional small group of three to fifteen adults. A Group Pastor is commissioned by the elders to care for, oversee the needs of, and guide others toward spiritual growth and service.A Group Pastor is to “keep watch over [himself] and all the flock” (Acts 20:28). This is the same task given to the church pastoral staff and elders except that the Group Pastor’s scope is more focused and does not include total church oversight. The Group Pastor has been commissioned to take responsibility in particular areas of the church’s mission. Being responsible does not mean doing all the work. Responsibility means the Group Pastor has in mind the task, and motivates the members of his group to work toward accomplishing the task. The Group Pastor has five primary areas of responsibility:1. Develop a Group Pastor I____________.

In order to multiply disciple-makers (2 Tim. 2:2) the Group Pastor must make it a priority to identify, encourage and equip STARs (Servant-leaders who are Teachable, Available and Reliable), developing them as interns and eventually releasing them to lead their own group.

2. Nurture G___________ Christians.Group Pastors “feed” and “tend” the Lord’s “sheep.” This ministry of nurturing takes place in two contexts: in regularly scheduled group meetings and between these meetings.


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3. Tend W____________ Christians.Shepherding God’s flock means tending wandering sheep in a manner that encourages them to return to the fold. Tending these wandering sheep requires extra grace from God. As a Group Pastor, you will have to deal with EGR’s (Extra Grace Required) both inside and outside the regular small group meeting.

4. D______________ Administrative Tasks.Recruit a Host to handle the details of providing a positive environment for connection and growth.

5. Cultivate S_____________.A Group Pastor’s own enthusiasm and effort at reaching out to those outside of small groups will set the pace for the rest of the group. Since small groups are relationship dependent, building the group through existing relationships is a more natural way to grow than inviting strangers to the group.


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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGMinistry Skills #5 - Ministry Between Meetings

Principle Successful Group Pastors minister to people at their level of need between formal meetings.

Objective Develop a strategy for intentionally ministering to the members of your group between group meetings.

Your ministry as a Group Pastor is just as important, if not more so, ________ meetings as it is ________ meetings.

Along with your Intern, you should see that every one of the adults in your group is _________ and ___________ to between meetings.

1. During the meeting, insure everyone absent will be contacted before the next meeting by _________ ____ in the group.

2. Between meetings, for those who are doing well and growing, a simple _______ ______ should suffice.

3. If someone shared during the group time they are struggling or going through a difficult time, consider a _______ ________.

4. If someone is sick or in the hospital, ________ and __________ with them. DO DON’T


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5. If someone is sick, has a baby, loses a loved one, or experiences some other crisis, _________ the small group to minister to him or her.

1. Pray about and _______ _______ with potential Group Pastors/ Interns.

GROUP PASTOR TRAININGPersonal Growth #4 (Homework) - The Motive and Model of Prayer

Principle God delights in answering the prayers of his children, especially when they are concerned with his person, program and his family’s needs.


Begin a prayer journal that includes prayer requests according to Jesus’ model.

Do you ever feel that God is not listening to you when you pray? Why or why not?

MOTIVERead Luke 11:1, 5-10.

Who are the major players in this parable? Who do they represent?

Why do you think Jesus portrays God in the role of the inconvenienced friend?

Is Jesus saying we need to “pester” God in order to get prayers answered?

Read Luke 11:11-13.How does Jesus’ contrast of human fathers with our heavenly Father motivate you to


Why does Jesus mention the gift of the Holy Spirit in v. 13?

Summarize in your own words the major motivation principle for prayer from this passage of Scripture.

MODELWhat are some things that you or someone else has prayed that you feel God would not answer? Why?

Read Matthew 6:9-13.How many requests does this model prayer have? What are the specific topics or concerns of each of these requests?

What does this tell you about what Jesus wants us to be most concerned about in our prayers?

Based on this model, summarize elements that should be present in our prayers:

Action Steps1. Set aside some specific times to pray this week. Begin each time with this sentence:

“Lord, I am motivated to pray to you today because you...”


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2. Write specific prayer requests in line with Jesus’ model in Luke 11:2-4 in your prayer journal during your prayer times.


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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGVision #5 – Multiplication

Small groups are an essential component of ministry at Grace, functioning according to . . .

an inspiring VISION:Grace’s small group vision trusts God to work to accomplish his purposes to fill the world with his glory:

To continually grow and develop Group Pastors,who will grow and develop people in small groups,

who will reach out to incorporate new people each year,who will join and multiply new groups,

which will grow and develop a mature church,which will multiply new churches,

which will permeate Metro-Louisville, Kentuckiana, and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Grace’s vision and strategy for growth starts with identifying, training and commissioning S.T.A.R.s: Servant-leaders who are Teachable, Available and Reliable.

These Group Pastors shepherd God’s flock, providing guidance, teaching, and care while modeling personal growth in godliness.

Growing, maturing believers will thus be equipped to use their Spirit-given gifts to minister to the needs of others beyond their groups.

Inviting, sharing and loving others, group members will experience God’s blessing as He adds new believers to existing groups.

As groups grow qualitatively and quantitatively, members will see the necessity of birthing new groups, affording others the opportunity to experience the same spiritual growth.

As groups grow, Grace will grow in its responsiveness to God, in its concern for the lost, in its heart for the world, in its desire to leverage all of our resoureces and energies toward kingdom priorities.

As Grace grows, it will seek to penetrate new geographical, cultural, ethnic and generational areas through strategic partnerships and church planting initiatives.

Grace will then impact the community, country and world by sending from its body trained, equipped and resourced missionaries, who have come out of

and continue to be supported by their friends within small groups.


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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGMinistry Skills #6 - Building a Leadership Team

Principle Developing and sharing leadership is the most strategic aspect of growth for your group and the church as a whole.

Objective Identify and equip reliable, available and teachable servants who can encourage and equip others.

YOUR SPOUSEYour spouse is your most _________________ team member.All mixed gender groups are led by _________ and all single gender groups are led by a member of the same __________.Spouses must not only be ________________ but also actively _________________ in the group.YOUR INTERNThe most strategic goal a Group Pastor pursues is to:

___________ and _____________ Group Pastor Internswho will help him or her grow and develop _________ ______________

who will _________ __________ to _____________ new people each year and ________________ the group.

There is no more important _________________ a Group Pastor can be involved in than developing new _________________. The ministry of spiritual multiplication depends on leadership development (2 Timothy 2:2)!Group Pastors must consciously _________ and___________ at least one Intern at all times. This Intern will play a crucial role in ministering to 2 or 3 family units in the small group and help you plan and lead the group as a whole. Although Grace’s elders and pastoral staff can assist in training potential Group Pastors through the _____ ________ ________ ________ and ______ _________ ____________ _________, the best context for identification and training is within the group as you model, test, encourage, and evaluate potential Group Pastors through __ __ __.Steps to Identifying and Developing Interns1. ____________2. Look for a __ __ __ __.

Matthew 20:25-28 - _______________ Acts 18:24-26 - ________________ Luke 12:35-40 - ________________ 2Timothy 2:2 - ________________

3. __________ Enlist him/her in ministering to others in the group, planning and organizing. Show the ministry description. Ask him/her to pray, consider and respond.

4. __________ ________________ Continually share the vision of a small group. Mutually discuss the LORD issues in your lives (see ministry description). Discuss how to make the group more effective.

5. Encourage attendance at the next ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________.


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6. Communicate his/her role as Intern to the group.7. __________ _______ ____________ all or part of a group meeting.8. Invite to the monthly Group Pastor Community.9. When the group grows to 10-12 regular members, work with your intern to ___________ your


YOUR HOSTDelegating the responsibility for arranging the logistical elements of group meetings frees the Group Pastor to concentrate on _________________.Avoid hosting the GraceGroup meetings at _________ home or relying on your ___________ to function as the host.

Steps in identifying and training a host: 1. Pray.2. Evaluate those with good administrative, organizational, and _________________ skills.3. Ask.4. Discuss the ministry description.5. Review principles of hospitality.6. Communicate and coordinate.

Principles of hospitality1. Meet in a comfortable atmosphere

A _______, with adequate seating, is often best strive for an intimate, comfortable location free from ____________

Play soft music as people arrive, but turn it off before you begin. Situate children as far from your meeting room as possible.

2. Make appropriate physical arrangements ____ _________ is essential for communication and intimacy. sit on the same level sit in a circle tables are __________ arrange talkers/listeners

3. Maintain good ________________Lamplight is more ambient than overhead light, but experiment with lamp placement to fill in the shadows around one lamp with the cast from another.

4. Provide proper ventilation.


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A comfortable room with one person in it may be uncomfortable when 12 warm bodies are added. One expert suggests 67 degrees as an ideal room temperature for groups.

5. Guard against________________We can get so accustomed to the smells in our homes that we don’t notice them anymore: pet odors, last night’s dinner, heavy perfumes, even some room deodorants. Set up a fan to pull air out of your meeting room, providing good ventilation.

6. Keep refreshments ___________Straight-from-the-oven brownies, popcorn or a beautifully-arranged tray of fruit do more than encourage group interaction. They let people know you want them there and planned ahead.

7. Make the meeting place and time _____________. publish a schedule8. Assist in arrangements for child-care if needed


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DEFINITION: A small group member who is exploring God’s calling to lead and shepherd a small group by being mentored by a Group Pastor.


1. Meet regularly (at least monthly) with your Group Pastor to debrief on the 5 Rs:

o RELATE: How are you doing? How is your family? How is your walk with the Lord? How are you doing with rest and exercise (day off; date night, etc.)?

o REFLECT: What went well in ministry last month? What challenges have you faced?

o REFOCUS: What are your main goals for this month? What are you working on? How are you coming on your annual KRAs (Key Result Areas) and BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals)?

o RESOURCE: What could you use help with? What decisions are you trying to make? How can I help you? How can I pray for you?

o REVIEW: Overall, how was your last month?

(The 5Rs are based on a plan for Intentional Living that uses an annual 2-3 day prayer and planning retreat to define and refine Key Result Areas for life and ministry along with faith goals for each area. Then, each month during a 4-8 hour Personal Retreat Day, you align “the compass with the clock” by evaluating progress and prayerfully setting goals using the 5R Monthly Check-in Form. These disciplines are greatly enhanced by debriefing monthly with a trusted coach. Visit: to download both forms.)2. Discuss with your Group Pastor plans, strategies and prayer for making the

GraceGroup more effective.3. Lead various aspects of the GraceGroup meeting occasionally.4. Consistently contact family units assigned to you within the GraceGroup for prayer,

needs, etc.5. Attend the monthly Group Pastor Community with your Group Pastor.6. Attend a Group Pastor Vision Seminar and participate in a Group Pastor Training.


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Before the Grace Group meets...1. Schedule times, places and food responsibilities for each small group meeting and

communicate these things to the other members of the group.2. Either see that a child care provider is available or make sure one of the group members is

scheduled to take care of the children during the group meeting.3. Communicate scheduling and child care details to the Group Pastor.4. Organize and keep the group’s prayer chain, addresses, birthday/anniversary lists, etc. up to


At the Grace Group meeting...1. If not at your home, arrive early to the meeting place and help those who are hosting the

meeting in their home to set up the room, lay out food, drinks, etc.2. Arrange chairs in a circle and make sure there is one “Empty Chair.”3. Greet people as they arrive and set an atmosphere of love and acceptance for everyone--

regulars and guests.4. See that the children are situated with their “sitter” during the meeting time. (You should

not be with the children during the meeting, but if an emergency arises and you can take care of it, try to do so.)

5. Make sure extra Bibles and pencils/pens are available.

After the Grace Group meeting...1. Wait until after people leave and help clean up and rearrange furniture.2. Attend the next available Group Pastor Vision Seminar to capture the “vision” for

GraceGroups at Grace EFC.


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GROUP PASTOR TRAININGPersonal Growth #5 (Homework) - Living by Priorities

Principle A Group Pastor is most fulfilled and effective when his time and activities are controlled by God’s principles and purposes.

Objective Define one or two priorities in the five major areas of your life.

Where would you place yourself on the following scale: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Putting out fires Time controlled by priorities

Which quadrant do you tend to live in?Why do you think that is?

STEP ONE: Determine God’s PRIORITIES for you...Begin with the end in mind. Read Luke 19:10; Acts 6:1-4; Acts

20:24. What do these verses tell you that Jesus, the Twelve, and Paul had in common?

What are some of the obstacles that seem to get in the way to keep you from fulfilling priorities?

STEP TWO: Identify the unique ROLES God has given you to accomplish his priorities. Read Colossians 3:1-5, 12-13, 18-21, 22; 4:5.

What particular life roles do these verses say that Christians participate in?

Where is God in these?

STEP THREE: Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable and Compatible GOALS in each of your life roles to accomplish God’s priorities for you. What is the difference between a desire and a goal? Desire: something we may want very badly but over which we have no ultimate control:


Goal: something we can accomplish because we have direct control over it:


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Read Colossians 1:28-29. What were Paul’s desires? What was his goal?



STEP FOUR: SCHEDULE your GOALS within each role to accomplish God’s priorities for you.

Read Proverbs 24:30-34. What is the lesson of the sluggard’s field?

How does this apply to us in terms of living our personal priorities?

STEP FIVE: IMPLEMENT your schedule on a daily basis. Read Nehemiah 6:1-4. How did Nehemiah avoid becoming distracted from his goals?

Action Steps:Take some time this week to begin to implement the five steps:1. Write out a rough draft of your life mission statement. Think ahead. You are standing at the

judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor 5:10). What do you want Him to say about your life, accomplishments, relationships, character, and priorities?

2. Think through the unique roles you have (these are your KRAs – Key Result Areas). Identify four or five (no more than seven).

3. State one, two or three goals in each of your life roles you would like to accomplish in the next month, quarter and/or year.

4. Write out and put on a weekly schedule one or two things you could do this week to help you reach your goals in each of your life roles.

5. At the beginning of each day, review your weekly goals and implement “first things first” in your daily schedule.