· Web viewEconomyIn the economy there are 5 country’s that have grown really much in the last...

Sustainable Future Northgo college 17 febuary Geschiede nis Gandhi was a Indian politicus his birthday is 2 october, he died in 26 november 1949. there came a groundlaw in india, the old states were given up and there were build new ,States along linguistic and ethnic lines., in 1947 india India project 2 mavo kreeg de opdracht om een krant te maken over de toekomst van india. Dus iedereen kon op een blad invullen wat die gene wilde worden, zoals woordvoerder,vormgev er,maneger,redacteur ,’’vice’’ maneger. Decos Decos is known for making software. Decos stands for (D) those who DREAM of a better World. (E) Decos EMPOWERS dreamers. (C) we can be creative enough to Create. (O) OPEN ways with each other. (S) to SHARE means. Decos never tries to use paper and therefore they also have little waste.They try to do everything digitally. They are therefore required if they want to buy a new car that an electric car. they dont make robots but they do Kastenstelsel (ak) Kastenstelsel: er zijn 4 verschillende lagen van het kastenstelsel 1. Brahmanen: priestelijke en geleerde klasse 2. Kshatriya: de strijders en heersers 3. Vaishya: de landbouwers en handelaars 4. Shudra: de burgers en arbeiders Als je op welke rank dan ook staat kan je niet een hogere en ook niet een lagere rank worden. in 1950 werd het kastenstelsel afgeschaft. Het systeem ontstond nadat de indo-ariers naar noord-india gemigreerd waren. Een krottenwijk is een arme wijk met heel veel houten hutjes. Je zou denken dat india een arm land is maar in india zie je ook als je in een krottenwijk staat dat er 2 straten verder allemaal villa’s staan dus niet alle mensen zijn arm in india er zijn ook heel veel rijke mensen. Bloggen I am Mohamed Badrani and I'm going to tell my experience about the India project this week, and I'm going to give a small interview to my team I think it's great because you get to know people from a different continent and things are going to learn about their country and culture and a little how they live there. $o,5 0

Transcript of  · Web viewEconomyIn the economy there are 5 country’s that have grown really much in the last...

Page 1:  · Web viewEconomyIn the economy there are 5 country’s that have grown really much in the last couple of years, called the BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South-Africa.


Sustainable Future futerfutureNorthgo college 17 febuary 2025 $1,95

GeschiedenisGandhi was a Indian politicus his birthday is 2 october, he died in 26 november 1949. there came a groundlaw in india, the old states were given up and there were build new ,States along linguistic and ethnic lines., in 1947 india became independent, the most popular sport in india is cricket, it looks a bit like baseball., india is a country with a low percentage of inkom., with more than an billion people they have a very populated country.

India project2 mavo kreeg de opdracht om een krant te maken over de toekomst van india. Dus iedereen kon op een blad invullen wat die gene wilde worden, zoals woordvoerder,vormgever,maneger,redacteur,’’vice’’ maneger. De maneger werden de volgende les gekozen , en die moesten de teams samenstellen. Zoals 2 vormgevers 1 ‘‘vice’’ manager etc.

DecosDecos is known for making software. Decos stands for (D) those who DREAM of a better World. (E) Decos EMPOWERS dreamers. (C) we can be creative enough to Create. (O) OPEN ways with each other. (S) to SHARE means.

Decos never tries to use paper and therefore they also have little waste.They try to do everything digitally. They are therefore required if they want to buy a new car that an electric car. they dont make robots but they do however software for robots.Noordwijk is the Head Office of Decos.In India and the West Indies, there is also a branch of Decos.They use an app for your car so you can see your driving habits. they also have no gas connection, they only have electricity

Kastenstelsel (ak)Kastenstelsel: er zijn 4 verschillende lagen van het kastenstelsel

1. Brahmanen: priestelijke en geleerde klasse

2. Kshatriya: de strijders en heersers

3. Vaishya: de landbouwers en handelaars

4. Shudra: de burgers en arbeiders

Als je op welke rank dan ook staat kan je niet een hogere

en ook niet een lagere rank worden.

in 1950 werd het kastenstelsel afgeschaft. Het systeem ontstond nadat de indo-ariers naar noord-india gemigreerd waren.

Een krottenwijk is een arme wijk met heel veel houten hutjes. Je zou denken dat india een arm land is maar in india zie je ook als je in een krottenwijk staat dat er 2 straten verder allemaal villa’s staan dus niet alle mensen zijn arm in india er zijn ook heel veel rijke mensen.

India heeft heel veel inwoners. Dus als jij op het drukste gebied in india een winkel wilt hebben is dat heel belangrijk voor je. Dan verdien je super veel geld.

Alle eigenaars van een winkel in een druk gebied in india zijn bijna allemaal rijk omdat de mensen in dat drukken gebied al die

BloggenI am Mohamed Badrani and I'm going to tell my experience about the India project this week, and I'm going to give a small interview to my team I think it's great because you get to know people from a different continent and things are going to learn about their country and culture and a little how they live there. It is also good that everyone has a job has gotten now they also have a responsibility. You also get the responsibility of the workshop you received. It's also nice that you've been to decos. Lorenzo: as managerial I witnessed many people that you have to put to work and if they do not cooperate you should talk it out as a team and you should not be as angry. Finn: It was difficult at the beginning but then we went more and more work as a team. Kjeld: chiller than the normal grill is nice because you are working with more people. Sophie: I like it


Groepsfoto: team 1 northgo college

Page 2:  · Web viewEconomyIn the economy there are 5 country’s that have grown really much in the last couple of years, called the BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South-Africa.

çi manager s fj n t hac pl h u

ColofonThe translators were Mohamed and Lorenzo because, they translated all the Dutch text into English. The illustrator was Finn. He added all the images and made up. The type of paper we have used were A4 pages. The font we've used is only the Calibri font size is different. The printer is Mrs Harens. The year of the Edition is in 2017. The place where the publication was: Northgo College.

India cultureThe culture in India has a lot of differences compared to the culture that we have in the Netherlands, for example: The traditional clothes they wear on their weddings. the clothes they wear in India are very colourful and happy with bright colours, on the weddings in India it is very common to dance. They also play sports in India and the mainly played sport is cricket, they are very good at it and been world champions multiple times. The other sports they like to play there are: tennis , badminton and table tennis. The population in India is very high compared to the Netherlands, in the Netherlands there live about 17 million people, but in India there live 1.3 billion people! So it’s very populated there, that explains why the traffic there is so messy. They are very religious in India but the religion that the people believe in the most is Hinduism, 79.8% of the people in India believe in Hinduism. The food in India is very spicy and the use a lot of spices in there food.

BiologyMany people have a great impact on our globe, the footprint of the average human is 1.8 hectares. Your footprint consists of 6 parts: fisheries, agriculture, stockbreeding, energy, forest and building area the netherlands en belgium are using to much energy. n Netherlands is the average footprint not 1.8 hectares but 4.1 hectares.If everyone on Earth lived as if we then there would be not enough space only the size of the houses would be 1 whole earth filling,if you want to take a warm shower or take a bath you would need a extra earth becouse otherwise there wont be enough naturel gas, if everywone has a well-stocked refrigerator would then you would need 2 earths if you would want to eat as much meat as Americans then you would need 3 earth if anyone would have a phone like an Iphone then we need 4 earth website for all metals that you would need, also, do you have a Earth need to everything we use.

MusicOde genaratie : mohamed rafi

Nieuwe generatie: kumar sanu

Verschillen: de oude generatie is best saai en de nieuwe generatie is wat leuker om naar te luisteren. De oude generatie word weinig gezongen en meer instrumentaal en in de nieuwe generatie word er meer gezongen.

Overeenkomsten: ze gebruiken dezelfde instrumenten, ze spreken de zelfde taal , het gaat bijna altijd over liefde,

Ik vind het niet mooi omdat er van alles tegelijk word gespeeld en ik er niks van versta. En ik vind de stem van de zangers ook niet mooi. het komt misschien ook omdat ik het land niet ken en de taal ook niet.oude generatie word weinig gezongen en meer instrumentaal en in de nieuwe generatie word er meer gezongen.

Overeenkomsten: ze gebruiken dezelfde instrumenten, ze spreken de zelfde taal , het gaat bijna altijd over liefde,

Ik vind het niet mooi omdat er van alles tegelijk word gespeeld en ik er niks van versta. En ik vind de stem van de zangers ook niet mooi. het komt misschien ook omdat ik het land niet ken en de taal ook niet.

EconomyIn the economy there are 5 country’s that have grown really much in the last couple of years, called the BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South-Africa. India is the fastest growing country of them all growing 7.5% per year.

There are four sectors in witch you can work, the four are: the primary sector, the secondary sector, the tertiary sector and the quaternary sector.

Primary sector: fishing, farming and market gardening.

Secondary sector: industry and fabrics.

Tertiary sector: selling services.

Quaternary sector: governement.

Page 3:  · Web viewEconomyIn the economy there are 5 country’s that have grown really much in the last couple of years, called the BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South-Africa.

r x dec os qu tod xi ani yd uhf qt aoez r rcu l t uur ba ega ndhi pl wmWoorden puzzul. De woorden staan verticaal , horizontaal , en schuin, van boven naar onder en van boven naar onder.

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