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DOCUMENT A Transcript from Christopher Columbus’ journal entry reporting his first voyage to encounter Native Americans in the “New World” Saturday, October 13, 1492 At daybreak great multitudes of men came to the shore, all young and of fine shapes, and very handsome…They came to the ships in small canoes made of single trunk of a tree wrought in a wonderful manner considering the country… They came loaded with balls of cotton, parrots, javelins, and other things…These they exchanged for whatever we chose to give the,. I was very attentive to them, and strove to learn if they had any gold. Seeing some of them with little bits of metal hanging at their noses. I gathered from them by signs that by going southward…there would be found a king who possessed great cups full of gold, and in large quantities. I tried to get them to go there but found they were unacquainted with the route… according to what I could learn from them, there was land at the S. and N.W. as well as at the S.W…The natives are very docile and desirous to possess anything they saw with us. But not having anything to give in return, they take what they can get and presently swim away. Still they give away all they have got for whatever may be given to them…I saw one give sixteen skeins of cotton thread…for three Portuguese [cents]…This traffic I forbade…The gold which they wear in their noses, is found here, but not to lose time, I am determines to see if I can find the island of Japan. DOCUMENT B As a witness of the atrocities of the Spanish conquistadors against the Taino Indians, Chief Hatuey rounded up his people and fled to another island. He was finally captured and sentenced to burn at the stake for having organized an uprising against the Spanish. A Spanish monk who was present on the day of the execution attempted to convert him to Christianity. The friar explained to the chief about conversion, baptism,

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Transcript from Christopher Columbus’ journal entry reporting his first voyage to encounter Native Americans in the “New World”

Saturday, October 13, 1492

At daybreak great multitudes of men came to the shore, all young and of fine shapes, and very handsome…They came to the ships in small canoes made of single trunk of a tree wrought in a wonderful manner considering the country…They came loaded with balls of cotton, parrots, javelins, and other things…These they exchanged for whatever we chose to give the,. I was very attentive to them, and strove to learn if they had any gold. Seeing some of them with little bits of metal hanging at their noses.

I gathered from them by signs that by going southward…there would be found a king who possessed great cups full of gold, and in large quantities. I tried to get them to go there but found they were unacquainted with the route…according to what I could learn from them, there was land at the S. and N.W. as well as at the S.W…The natives are very docile and desirous to possess anything they saw with us. But not having anything to give in return, they take what they can get and presently swim away. Still they give away all they have got for whatever may be given to them…I saw one give sixteen skeins of cotton thread…for three Portuguese [cents]…This traffic I forbade…The gold which they wear in their noses, is found here, but not to lose time, I am determines to see if I can find the island of Japan.


As a witness of the atrocities of the Spanish conquistadors against the Taino Indians, Chief Hatuey rounded up his people and fled to another island. He was finally captured and sentenced to burn at the stake for having organized an uprising against the Spanish. A Spanish monk who was present on the day of the execution attempted to convert him to Christianity. The friar explained to the chief about conversion, baptism, and the Catholic concept of heaven and hell. He offered to baptize Chief Hatuey. The chief requested some time to think about the offer. After a few moments he gave his legendary response:

Hatuey: “After being baptized, where does one go after death?”

Monk: “To Heaven.”

Hatuey: “And where to the Spanish go after death?

Monk: “If they are baptized, they will also go to heaven like all Christians.”

Hatuey: “If the Spaniards go to heaven, then I certainly do not want to go there. Do not baptize me; I would prefer to go to hell!”

Source: The Oral History of Chief Hatuey



Many experts now believe that the New World was home to 40 million to 50 million people before Columbus arrived and that most of them died within decades. In Mexico alone, the native population fell from roughly 30 million in 1519 to 3 million in 1568. There was similar devastation throughout the Caribbean islands, Central America and Peru. The eminent Yale historian David Brion Davis says this was “the greatest genocide in the history of man.” Yet it’s increasingly clear that most of the carnage had nothing to do with European barbarism. The worst of the suffering was caused not by swords or guns but by germs.

By the time Columbus set sail, the people of the Old World held the distinction of being thoroughly diseased. By domesticating pigs, horses, sheep and cattle, they had infected themselves with a wide array of germs. And through centuries of war, exploration, and city-building, they had kept those [germs] in constant circulation. Virtually any European who crosses the Atlantic during the 16th century had battled such illness as smallpox and measles during childhood and emerged fully immune.

Source: Geoffrey Cowley in the Great Disease Migration


In 1630, the first wave of Puritans met up with survivors from an abandoned colony and renamed the little settlement Salem. Governor John Winthrop encouraged them to work hard and continually remind themselves and each other of God's commands so that He would bless them. In a famous speech, Governor Winthrop said 'He shall make us a praise and glory that men shall say of succeeding plantations, 'may the Lord make it like that of New England.' For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us.'

This meant that hard work was a religious duty, and the way you lived your daily life proved whether or not you were saved. This so-called 'Puritan work ethic' meant that few of the original colonists had servants or slaves. In order to focus on pure, Christian living, they tried to eliminate worldly distractions, such as entertainment, decorations or holidays. For example, they made it illegal to celebrate Christmas because the Christian Bible does not mention that holiday.

There's often a misunderstanding that the Puritans came to America to promote religious freedom. That isn't really true. But to say they were intolerant isn't really fair, either. Suppose you and your friends ran more than 3,000 miles away to live exactly the way you wanted to; would you put up with anyone who tried to move in and then change the way you were doing things?

Roger Williams was one of these unlucky Puritans. He didn't agree with the practice of legally punishing citizens for breaking religious rules, and as a preacher, he taught that the land of New England rightfully belonged to the Natives, not the King or colony. In 1635, Roger Williams was convicted of teaching diverse, new and dangerous opinions. He was ordered to leave Massachusetts before the spring. But since Williams wouldn't keep his opinions to himself throughout the winter, the leaders of Salem decided to arrest him immediately and send him to England, where he was also likely to face imprisonment because of the Civil War.


[We are travelling from Great Britain to New England in North America to build a city so]…we might have the more occasion to manifest the work of his Spirit: first upon the wicked in moderating and restraining them: soe that the riche and mighty should not eat up the poor nor the poor and despised rise up against and shake off their yoke.… For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world.

Source: John Winthrop, A Modell of Christian Charity


September 8, 1565

…I found a place that I had seen before, on the Feast Day of St. Augustine…Here I disembarked two hundred soldiers. And on the seventh [of September], three small vessels arrived with another three hundred, plus the husbands with their wives and children. I also put ashore the greater part of the artillery and munitions that I brought, and the eighth [of September], being the Feast of Our Lady, having landed another one hundred people that I had put ashore…and I went ashore and claimed possession in the name of Your Majesty, and I was sworn into office by the captains and officials, as governor, captain general and adalantado of this land and coast.

There were many Indians present, including the principal men among them. They showed us friendship, and it seemed to us that they were enemies of the French, and they told us…we could reach the river where the French were…I am resolved to fortify my position as best as I can, until reinforcements come…I will use all my skill, with Our Lord’s help, to gain the island of the place, and plant cannons above their forces…

With the first two hundred soldiers I sent two commanders…so that they could build a trench work around the best-suited spot; which place they fortified and gathered together the people who were ashore, to defend against enemies if they should come upon us. And they did this so well, that when I came ashore on the Feast Day of Our Lady, to take possession of the land in Your Majesty’s name, it seemed like they had done a month’s work. It could not have been done better, even if they had used shovels…and other implements of iron (although we had no such tools because the ship carrying them had not arrived).

Source: Pedro Menendez, A Letter to the King of Spain, 1565




Thursday the xxith of May, Captain Newport, having fitted our shallup with provision and all neccessary belonging to a discovery) tooke 5 gentlemen, 4 Maryners, and 14 Sal[ours], with whome he proceded with a perfect resolutyon not to returne, but either to find ye head of this Ryver, the Laake mentyoned by others heretofore, the Sea againe, the Mountaynes Apalatsi, or some issue.

Satterday we passed a few short reaches; and went ashore. Heer…we found here a Wiroans (for so they call their kynges) who satt vpon a matt of Reedes, with his people about him: He casued one to be layd for Captain Newport, gave vs a Deare roasted; which accor ding to their Custome they seethed againe: His people gaue Vs mullberyes, sodd wheate and beanes, and he caused his weomen to make Cakes for Vs. He gaue our Captaine his Crowne which was of Deares hayre dyed redl. Certifying him of our intentyon vp the Ryver, he was willing to send guydes with vs.

Source: Journal from Jamestown, 1607

Name: __________________________________ Date: _9 / 8 /2015_

Block: ______ Character Trait: Getting & Giving Feedback

Primary Source Analysis—Early European Exploration—Homework

Directions: Analyze the following two sources by decoding key information and relating each source to the overall question.



Thursday the xxith of May, Captain Newport, having fitted our shallup with provision and all neccessary belonging to a discovery) tooke 5 gentlemen, 4 Maryners, and 14 Sal[ours], with whome he proceded with a perfect resolutyon not to returne, but either to find ye head of this Ryver, the Laake mentyoned by others heretofore, the Sea againe, the Mountaynes Apalatsi, or some issue.

Satterday we passed a few short reaches; and went ashore. Heer…we found here a Wiroans (for so they call their kynges) who satt vpon a matt of Reedes, with his people about him: He casued one to be layd for Captain Newport, gave vs a Deare roasted; which accor ding to their Custome they seethed againe: His people gaue Vs mullberyes, sodd wheate and beanes, and he caused his weomen to make Cakes for Vs. He gaue our Captaine his Crowne which was of Deares hayre dyed redl. Certifying him of our intentyon vp the Ryver, he was willing to send guydes with vs.

SOURCE I : ___________________________________

What type of source is this?



What is the time period of this document?


What is the main point of this document?





How does this document relate to the bigger picture?





SOURCE J : ___________________________________

What type of source is this?



What is the time period of this document?


What is the main point of this document?





How does this document relate to the bigger picture?





Mr. Lawson (904) 203-9108 [email protected]

Name: __________________________________ Date: 9 / 8 /2015 .

Block: ______ Character Trait: Getting & Giving Feedback

SOURCE A : ___________________________________

What type of source is this?



What is the time period of this document?


What is the main point of this document?




How does this document relate to the bigger picture?




SOURCE B : ___________________________________

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What is the time period of this document?


What is the main point of this document?




How does this document relate to the bigger picture?




SOURCE C : ___________________________________

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What is the time period of this document?


What is the main point of this document?




How does this document relate to the bigger picture?




SOURCE D : ___________________________________

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What is the time period of this document?


What is the main point of this document?




How does this document relate to the bigger picture?




SOURCE E : ___________________________________

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What is the time period of this document?


What is the main point of this document?





How does this document relate to the bigger picture?




SOURCE F : ___________________________________

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What is the time period of this document?


What is the main point of this document?





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SOURCE G : ___________________________________

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What is the time period of this document?


What is the main point of this document?





How does this document relate to the bigger picture?





SOURCE H : ___________________________________

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What is the time period of this document?


What is the main point of this document?





How does this document relate to the bigger picture?



