· Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will...

Eight Hi, my name is Marcus Welcome to Servant King Unraveled. Now I will begin to unravel specifics. This program is called, “To be or not to be”. Which is really a silly thought, because you can never be anything other than what you really are. Probably the most deceptive question you have ever been asked is, “What do you want to be when you grow up” The only logical answer would be , bigger. So, maybe I should call this program: To take a part or not to take a part ? That would be a better question. Why? Because you can never be part of anything other than what you are a part of. You can take a part and hold or have a part of something, but not be part of it. All this has to do with one word, Constitution. What is your Constitution. ******************** I told you that the Confusion of Mind and the Confusion of Voice or Words program is more important than the specifics of the swindle. Because they are the means used to achieve the Swindle. Now, being aware of this tool of deception, I will use the same tool to unravel your confusion.

Transcript of   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will...

Page 1:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.


Hi, my name is Marcus

Welcome to Servant King Unraveled.

Now I will begin to unravel specifics.

This program is called, “To be or not to be”.

Which is really a silly thought, because you can never be anything other than what you really are.

Probably the most deceptive question you have ever been asked is, “What do you want to be when you grow up” The only logical answer would be , bigger.

So, maybe I should call this program:

To take a part or not to take a part ? That would be a better question.

Why? Because you can never be part of anything other than what you are a part of.

You can take a part and hold or have a part of something, but not be part of it.

All this has to do with one word, Constitution. What is your Constitution.


I told you that the Confusion of Mind and the Confusion of Voice or Words program is more important than the specifics of the swindle. Because they are the means used to achieve the Swindle.

Now, being aware of this tool of deception, I will use the same tool to unravel your confusion.

Rather than use different words to confuse and deceive you into seeing the wrong thing, I will be using one set of words so that you will see the right thing.

Here is an example. If I say God, Master, King. You will see three different things.

God, you will see God. The man with the white hair and beard in the sky.

If I say Master, you will see a guy who is boss over someone else.

If I say King, you see a guy wearing a Crown who is a Monarch of a country.

But if I say, we will only use the word Father, you will think of the head of a family.

Page 2:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

And if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family.

So, we will be using these words. Or at least relate everything to these words.

Family, Father, Son, Property, Identity.


I said I would begin the unraveling with the word “THE”. the most important word in the law and unravel until we come to the solution !

I figured out things through words. I actually discovered things through words. And of course the words of God are the most important, without them there is nothing to discover. There would be nothing. Everything was created by the Word of God.

And the written word revealed to us is a means to communicate to us.

Noah Webster 1st dictionary, was the first attempt to define all English words. What did he use. The Scripture. Because all words are of God. At least their true meaning not their dark meaning.

He says no man can claim to be educated without knowing the scripture.

My discoveries came from looking at the words of God and the words of man. I looked at how both systems work. The law and our legal system. I looked at both the good and the evil. What is right and what is wrong.

One day I see this word.

THE'ARCHY, noun [Greek, God, and, rule.] Government by God; more commonly called theocracy.

Probably the most used word there is. It may be the most overlooked word also.

The – definite article.

The, in greek is Θεός , which is theos which is God.

So, THE is God.

The rules of English grammar require that in most cases a noun, or more generally a noun phrase, must be "completed" with a determiner to clarify what the referent of the noun phrase is. The most common determiners are the articles the and a(n), which specify the presence or absence of definiteness of the noun. Other possible determiners include words like this, my, each and many.

Page 3:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

The articles in English are the definite article the and the indefinite articles a and an (and sometimes some). Use of the definite article implies that the speaker assumes the listener knows the identity of the noun's referent (because it is obvious, because it is common knowledge, or because it was mentioned in the same sentence or an earlier sentence). Use of an indefinite article implies that the speaker assumes the listener does not have to know the identity of the referent.

So, if God is THE, the definte noun, then a or an are all from THE. Here is a sheep, one of THE sheep.

So, I thought about this.

Without THE, there is nothing. THE makes it definite.

If nothing existed, there would be no “THE” anything.

Everything comes from something. Everything has a cause.

So, THE is definite. All of the creation is the present of “THE”.

And THE is the cause of all the other The’s or a’s. Things that exist.

So, the apple, the land, the man. Is really God’s apple, God’s land, God’s man.

Use of the definite article implies that the speaker assumes the listener knows the identity of the noun's referent (because it is obvious, because it is common knowledge, or because it was mentioned in the same sentence or an earlier sentence) An earlier sentence would be, In the beginning God created the(God’s) heaven and the(God’s) earth. After that statement, everything is just THE whatever there is.

God simply says, the land will enjoy her Sabbaths. Not this, my, each or many land. Just the Land.

THE is the determiner of how everything will be.

Determine: To end and fix; to settle ultimately. To fix on; to settle or establish. To end; to limit; to bound; to confine. Fix conclusively or authoritatively.


You see, before the beginning God had no identity. An identity is sameness of being. God is God and there is no other. He says I am God alone. We will learn in the next program that Identity, “is the relation that a thing bears just to it’self”. Hence, I am that I am. No identity. I have no sameness. Well not before creation.

There is only THE, the definite.

So, God made his identity “ his relation” known through his works and his words. And his identity is revealed to us through his works and his words. They represent God. They represent the definiteness of God.

This word THE is pretty important, without this definiteness, THE anything would be nothing.

Page 4:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

THE-OL'OGY, noun , Greek; God, and, discourse.]

Divinity; the science of God and divine things; or the science which teaches the existence, character and attributes of God, his laws and government, the doctrines we are to believe, and the duties we are to practice. Theology consists of two branches, natural and revealed. Natural theology is the knowledge we have of God from his works, by the light of nature and reason. Revealed theology is that which is to be learned only from revelation. The written Word of God.

THE-ISM, noun [from Greek, God.] The belief or acknowledgment of the existence of God, as opposed to atheism. Theism differs from deism, for although deism implies a belief in the existence of a God, yet it signifies in modern usage a denial of revelation, which theism does not. (In other words, the Word of God is not the word of God. )

THE-IST, noun One who believes in the existence of God.

THE-OC'RACY, noun Greek, God, and, power; to hold.] Government of a state by the immediate direction of God; (same as Canada or the USA) or the state thus governed. Of this species the Israelites furnish an illustrious example. The theocracy lasted till the time of Saul.

THE-OCRAT'IC, or THE-OCRAT'ICAL, adjective Pertaining to a theocracy; administered by the immediate direction of God; as the theocratical state of the Israelites. The government of the Israelites was theocratic.

Democratic: Pertaining to a democracy; administered by the immediate direction of the people. (As ONE, the ONE being Sovereign God) which makes it a Theocacry. The public is a Theocracy.

The Common Good is a Theocracy.

I will be your God and you will be my people. No we will be our own God as ONE. THE ONE. Theocracy.

So, we are back to the Will of God or the Will of the People.

See how simple life is? When you stop to look at it.


So, all things are THE whatever it may be. Or things can be “AS” THE. You can be as Gods.

Be as is an oxymoron. You cannot be and also be as.

“AS” Means: like; similar. "Ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil."

As is or like that? The second commandment of God forbids, “like that”. Anything like that is unconstitutional.


Page 5:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

Let us see if we can get a feel for these words, Constitution, Law. Being, Exist. If you can grasp the essence of what these words are, you will be able to see things more clearly.

Constitution: The state of being; that form of being or peculiar structure and connection of parts which makes or characterizes a system or body. The state of being; that form of being. Like the constitution of water. H2O. The constituents of the constitution. (do we have the ability to determine our state of being?)

Script: (Does the clay say to the potter why hast thou made me this way?)

Or we say, he is healthy with a good constitution.

Constitute: To set; to fix; ; to establish. To form or compose; to give formal existence to; to make a thing or being what it is. (Do we have this ability, to make a thing what it is?)

So, hey what it is? We look at its constitution. What is it’s being or state of being. It’s make up. Essentially what it is.

LAW: That which is laid down, or established. A law is that which is laid, set or fixed, like statute, constitution.

I heard a scientist say, every time we test this we get the same result, approaching a law. So, by testing or experiment you can discover a law. Repeatedly getting the same results makes it a law. Just the way it is. Can’t change a law. Real law can never change. Like a real constitution.

State: State is fixedness or standing. Condition; the circumstances of a being or thing at any given time.

So a state can change. A form can also change. A will can also change. But any changes would be unconstitutional and transgress the law. If there is a constitution and law.

Anytime the state, form or will changes there is a transgression of the law. Because the law cannot change. It is set, fixed, established. All these changes would require a change in constitution, a change of the law, and a change of being, a change of what exists.

Being: Existing in a certain state. A particular state or condition. If the state changes, so does the being.

Exist: means to be out of. Everything that exists comes out of something. Something that comes out of nothing is nothing.

The primary sense is to set, fix or be fixed, whence the sense of permanence, continuance.

To be; to have an essence or real being; applicable to matter or body, and to spiritual substances. Meaning life.

Page 6:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

Webster says, A supreme being and first cause of all other beings must have existed from eternity, for no being can have created himself. (pure logic and reason)

You need to keep working these concepts over and over in your mind until you can grasp them. See them and feel them. When you do, you will start to see things that exist, and you will no longer see things that do not exist.

Right now you will argue till your blue in your face that something exists that does not exist. Because you can only see it in your mind.


Here now is a very misunderstood word.

Author: What does the word author mean.

Author: The primary sense is one who brings or causes to come forth.

One who produces, creates, or brings into being; as, God is the author of the Universe. God is the author of our being.

The beginner, former, or first mover of anything; hence, the efficient cause of a thing.

We never think of words or an author creating something. They are just words.

But words can create promises.


I will be your God and you will be my people. The God and The people.

Now I will take you through THE real constitution and what a counterfeit constitution is. Some counterfeit beings who all have the likeness of the real constitution. Being that do not exist.

And see if we can figure out our” State of Being” our “State of Existence”.


We will start at the beginning.

Before the beginning there was a being. A being who has no beginning and who has no end. Eternal being. THE supreme being. THE. That was before the beginning. And we call that being God.

Page 7:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. (Firmament: An expanse a region) See God is constituting right now, forming things.

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

And the evening and the morning were the third day.

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: (he is setting up the calendar)

And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Page 8:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.(so where do you think the first heaven is, birds fly in it.)

And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Page 9:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

And this is the creation and constitution, the true state of being of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.


Now go outside and have a look. Is this constitution real? Is this your state of being.

Don’t worry if you believe in the God part. We are only looking at the facts, evidence and proof.

Now pinch yourself and see if you are a constituent of this constitution. Are you a man or woman? A human, a living human? Are you part of this constitution, a part of it.

Now you are not a party to making of this constitution, just a part of it.

You are not the creator, the constitutor, the former or the author.

You are just part of the creation, the constitution, and formed by the Word of God.

Can you be a partaker of this constitution? A partaker is one who takes a part, he is not the part. He holds or bears a part. No. Impossible.

So, you are not a partaker of the real constitution, you are a part of it, you have no choice.

You can’t choose to be who or what you are. That would be a delusional thought.

Now remember you can get rid of God if you want. Not a problem. He is only the cause. We are looking at the effects. We want and need the facts , evidence and proof.


When you see the part you are holding and bear from the constitution you made. you will have to laugh. It is really funny. You will see some of it in this program and the rest in the next program.


Now, if you are real, and were created as the image of God, just an image, can you imagine how real God is.

An image represents a thing. If you are here, God must be here, he must exist. You represent God, but only as his image.


So that is how things ought to be in order to be constitutionally lawful. As set, fixed and established.

The constitution, the law, your state of being.


Page 10:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

Now, everything is programmed in his constitution except for man.

The earth revolves, gravity keeps things from flying off into space, Swallows will build their mud nests, the water tides will rise and fall, all beyond our control.

But we are different. We are special, only we have the likeness of God. I am sure you can see the resemblance.

So, what are we going to do as part of this constitution?

This is what man looks like in the real constitution.

Now we are going to use the word Family instead of constitution. Why? Because we are a constituent, a part of God’s family. A member of his family. We are all children of God. His constitution.

We have God, Heaven and earth, his Kingdom.

We have man, they multiply and fill the earth.

So out of One we now have many.

We have grandparents and great grandparents, and children and grandchildren. Just look at your family reunions.

Everyone is related to God. One big family. The family of God.

Now, God is the King our Father, so we are all of royal descent.

We are all of one blood line, we are all related to God.

As new members come into being, the old ones at the top return to God.

Like a pyramid scheme. God runs a pyramid scheme. I thought that was illegal.

Page 11:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

Now, have a good look at this. Is this reality or not. Yes. Fact, evidence and proof.

Again if you want to get rid of God, okay, but this part, the effect we live and are, is reality. It is true, natural and real.

And if there is a God creator, we have a one world order under God.


On the left we have reality.

Now if there is no creator God, what do we have.

Well we still have the facts, evidence and proof. The effect. We just get rid of or cannot accept the cause. Which is God.

So, now we have a problem. What do we do?

Don’t know what is right or wrong. No law, no rules, just chaos.

So, what does the absence of God create? Just chaos. Anything can and will happen now.

“There but for the grace of God go we.”

This is the tactic being used for today’s world view (our existence)which is evolution. Different tactics, same results.

Same result as the inquisition or the crusades. Same result as keeping the Word of God from man.

Before the beginning there was no supreme being. No God. There was nothing.

Page 12:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

Then at the beginning there was something, THE something…..but source and cause unknown.

Something just appeared and it evolved and we just happened to be. At some point our mind evolved where we said, hey, let us become civilized.

This is racketeering. Creating the problem and providing solution. But there was no problem before you rejected God. (we had laws and a world order, all the pain and suffering in the world is created by rejecting God)

By rejecting God everyone is a law unto themselves, the biggest and strongest will survive only. We are all equal.

So, we have to make some kind of deal amongst ourselves. What did man come up with. We need protection from each other. We need rules.


On the left we have law and order. Out of One we are many.

Man decided they need a God. Instead of out of one we are many. We will out of many be one.

So, here is what the world looks like today.

Instead of one billion families, nations, houses of God. We have 192 families.

192 families, nations, sovereigns, fathers etc.

Exodus 11: And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name,(A nation a country, a family name) lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

Page 13:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

So let us form a country. Let us make a constitution. Let us create our state of being.

Now read your country’s constitution. What is it. It creates a God. A Father. A government. A new state of being.

Isaiah 33:22 For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king. God is our Government.

King, judge and lawgiver. The executive branch, judicial branch, and legislative branch. The God of your country is your country, the people as ONE.

You do not obey God’s law, you obey American law, Canadian law, Egyptian law, German law.

Each of 192 is a Family and is Sovereign. A God.

So, in real life we have God making us. Out of one we are many. We can see that plainly. And this is reality.

If we have no lawgiver, no God, we have to make a God, a lawgiver, we have to make a God. So, out of many we are one. In other words we give birth to it. We make a God to rule over us.

Instead of us being made in the likeness of God. We have God being made in our likeness.

Now, who is higher, a God or a God maker? We create the constitution, therefore we are God.

Next problem. We are higher than God. No problem, we agree to give to God everything. Our life, our property, our fortunes, our honour etc. All power given to the God we make. And I mean all power.

Page 14:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

So, we do an invert.

The God we make is above us now and we are it’s subjects. Our made up God is our Father and we are the sons. Ever heard of someone making their own Father? This is nuts.

And where does the power come from. The grass roots. The people. The power is handed up instead of coming down. Just upside down. Everything is just backwards.


Lets have a closer look at the two Constitutions, your State of being.

First one is God’s Constitution or God’s Family

here, God is the author. He creates his constitution.

The Word of God.

He owns his creation.

He is King, Judge and lawgiver.

You have heaven and earth.

Birds and bees the flowers and the trees.

Sun, moon, stars.

You have mankind.

Everything there is.

This is all reality and is natural and true.

Page 15:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

You are part of this family.

You are living and you are real.


Here is a man made constitution. A NEW FAMILY.

here, Man is the author. Man creates his constitution. Now how stupid is that?

The Word of Man.

Man owns his creation.

Man is King, Judge and lawgiver.

What is missing? A God.

So, Out of many we are ONE. And that ONE will be our God. E pluribus unum. On all American money.

How are we going to become one. I mean it is not possible.

Maybe we can all hold hands and be joined as one. Yeah, but if we let go, we are no more one. Okay, lets pile on top of each other in one pile as one. No, that would squish the bottom ones to death.

Oh, I know, let us all have the same name, we can all be as one in name. Good idea. Like a club. Yeah, it will be a country club. Like a family with the same last name.

We will be Canadians or Americans, in name. But we are members in name only, not in fact. Let me repeat that. We are members of the same family in name only, not in fact.

We will author, bring into being, by the word of man and create a constitution. Except our words do not constitute anything. Nothing comes into being by our words.

In fact, your new state of being comes from something you just made. How can I be made from something I just made. See how insane this that.

Now think about this. Look at reality first so we do not lose our grip on reality.

Now look at “Out of many we are one”. Then your new state of being is one of the many out of the one that was made by the many. Are we insane. You are descended from something you made. Have you completely lost your grip on all reality. You cannot make your maker.

You can’t make your own father. You see, everything is backwards, upside down, goes back in time to create what you came from.

Page 16:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

You see, we refuse to believe that God made us, but we have the ability to make God. We are higher and more powerful than even God. We do what God cannot even do.


It is all just an illusion. It is more than a miracle, it is magic. The black arts. It is done with images. And we will learn exactly how this is done in the next program.

Explain what is on diagram.


We have the ability to write a constitution, not make a constitution.

The US supreme court calls it a living document. Yeah, a living graven image.

No, we give it life, it is not living.

Our constitution is just a plan on paper. And the beings of this constitution are just fictional beings. They do not exist.

They only exist on paper, documents, on forms completed by you to give you formal existence.

In form, not in substance.

We act as the constituents of this constitution, which is nothing.

Now, mans constitution didn’t create any land, or water, or birds or bees or even man.

No problem, we just claim God’s Constitution. Claim a territory and defend it like an animal.

So, what did we create that we can rule over and govern. Nothing. We rule over nothing.

It is all just in your imagination, your head. You can only lawfully rule over what you made.

So, we rule over our fictional characters by assuming their identity. We personify it. We give our body and life to it and appear as it.


So what is in a man-made constitution…….Nothing. Nobody and nothing.

Everything there is , is in God,s constitution. Everything.

SCRIPT: In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. And without the word, nothing is made that is made.

Page 17:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

A man made constitution is just a paper God. A paper fiction.

The only evidence of the constitution you have been living is on paper. Your imagination is not evidence.

Mans constitution is just a plan on paper, a scheme to seize God’s constitution and make it their own.

There is not even a man in this one. It is all fiction, we have to assume the role of each fictional character in our man made constitution. Assume the office of the president, assume the role of judge.

We have to take a part, a role, a character and play the part. Think for it, speak for it, act for it, appear as it.

Nothing is ever what it appears to be. Thou are not what thou seemst.

Then people would say, God is just imaginary, has no state of being. Go outside and have a good look at what represents God. Then have a look in the mirror at what represents you. Just an image.

And that’s why I told you in the Confusion of Words or Voice program, that there are laws that govern images that you are not aware of.


Law: that which is laid down set established, who constituted the Law? God did. The Constitution. And this is what it is. We and everything there is, is present because of God’s will.

We are part of the Law. Part of the constitution. We are part of God’s works. Part of the creation. Part of the land, and part of the Word of God, because all things were made by the word of God.

The real constitution is the essence of our being. And when we were formed of the dust of the earth, the Word of God was made flesh, and God breathed life into it and made it the Living Word of God. A soul.


What do we do? We re-constitute the law, the land, the constitution with a new form on paper. A new state of being. A new existence, In our likeness.

But it is just an image. Just a likeness of.

We have to live it, give life to it and body. We personify it.

You have to chose to be it. You have to say I am American. An identity, a relationship.

You are part of this constitution in name only, not in fact. You do not own America or Canada, Canada owns you, but in name only, not in fact.

We create a constitution in our images, but our images are just images.

Page 18:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

Canada was given birth by the people as one. Canada is the image of the people.

The illusion we live and are a party to, is so normal we cannot see it. It has been going on from the beginning. But we are not part of it, only a part taker of it. We have to take a part of it. And you can’t fully see this unless you know the real law, real constitution and your real being.

And only by learning the scripture, can you see that it all transgresses the law, that which was laid down and established during the real creation.

SCRIPT: God says, I change not. I am the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. God has the same state of being. ( And so do you, it is just in your imagination.) That is why all these things are fictions of law, fictions of the real constitution.

The law, the constitution, your state of being cannot change either. It remains the same, immutable.

We too have the same state of being, same law, and constitution. Re-constituting everything with a new identity is just in your head and is stealing. It has to do with the word relations. And we will learn how we do that in the next program.



You can tear up your constitution tomorrow and nothing vanishes except what is in your head. Your evil imagination. Everything is still here. Get rid of everything you think is American or Canadian and tomorrow all those things are still here.

Get rid of your person, your national identity and you are still here.

Your whole man made constitution is all just an illusion.

Get rid of the real constitution and there is nothing.

The Canadian constitution came into being in your head through a conspiracy as ONE in 1867. The American in 1776. Before that there were no Canadian trees, they are God’s trees. No Canadian man, just God’s man. No American man, just God’s man. Created in his likeness. His image.

The first time man used their evil imaginations, God destroyed all life from the earth except for those that found favour with God. Those that were JUST. Noah was a just man in his generations.

Right after the flood man started doing it again.

Page 19:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

SCRIPT: And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. (they are making their own constitution) And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. (God knows you cannot change your state of being)

Does all this sound familiar with what we do.

Your written constitution is not a living constitution, we have to live this constitution to give it life. We have to assume, take the place of, represent it. We have to personify it. This is all Witchcraft and necromancy. Giving life to the dead.

A man written constitution is nothing. Just magic words, and people act on it. Think for it, speak for it and act for it. And of course appear as or for it. They personify it. Give body to it.

We are to use our body and our life to do the will of God. We are to personify God. Be Godlike.

We are all God like by default, unless we do not keep the commandments.

Instead we use our body and our life to do our own will through a state of being that is dead. A fiction.

Us as Gods, as lawgivers is a fiction of law. We are just a man.

Remember, fictions were invented so we do not have to pretend, but command.

We appear as Canadians, appear in person. It is not your identity, it is an identity we carry with us. We bear it. We appear as it.

Everything is a mockery and imitation of God and his constitution.

We steal everything , and through unlawful conversion, we take jurisdiction over his constitution.

SCRIPT: Will a man rob God?......even you whole nation.

We re-constitute it, everything is re-presented as ours. We form anew. We re-make everything in our likeness. A new identity.

We are no longer, God’s Man. We are Canada’s man. Canada becomes our maker, but only by the form, which we will learn in the next program is a graven image.

We belong to Canada or the USA. But only because of a change in relationship we bear unto our self, which changes your identity.(Next program again)

((Act 17: 24-28 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;))

Page 20:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:

For in him we live, and move, and have our being;


For In Canada we live and move and have our being. A lie, and complete counterfeit of reality.


New constitution - New world.

Let me give you a different visualization on this. One you can probably relate to.

Your new state of being, your constitution.

We create a stage.

Shakespeare said, “To this great stage of fools.” It is amazing how Shakespeare keeps coming up in my study of the word of God. Shakespeare understood the illusion we live. He was somehow involved in the translation of scripture. He paraphrases the principles of the Word of God throughout his plays.

Stage: Place of action or performance. Look at the statutes of your legislation, all based on Acts and duties to perform.

Page 21:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

STA'GE-PLAYER, noun An actor on the stage; one whose occupation is to represent characters on the stage. (important note here. The character cannot represent you. Your Birth Certificate cannot represent you, it is just a piece of paper)

Remember Webster says, a person is primarily a Mask used by an actor on stage.

We have the stage, the place where you perform. Canada, America, Germany, Spain etc.

The actors, that would be you. We need a Script. Or Scripture. The scripture is divided into Acts.

And we perform by and through the form of the character, as men but appear in person.(Your national identity)

In other words, we appear as the character. A Canadian son. We want to be part of this, so we become a partaker. We take a part. We assume it’s place, it’s being, pretend we are, give it life, voice, act for it, think for it, and sing for it when we sing the anthem. A hymn to your God. Your country. How we act has already been determined by the God of how and what to perform. Called Canadian Law. The will of the people. Our man made written script. We play a role. It is the role that has rights and duties.

Remember a man can have more than one role, more than one person in law.

Now the word of man is made flesh. The script, the characters are made flesh. We personify the character, the son of Canada, or the son of America. Means give body to it.

Now everyone thinks it is real.

Each actor has a different role to play, depending on their character

Would you like or desire to be part of this. To take a part. To be a partaker?

You have to request it to be part of it.

You perform, you get credit. Perform wrong, you lose credit.

Who created all this?

Who wrote the Script?

Who authored this?

Who owns all this?

Who’s imagination is this?

Whose words created all this?

Who is billed to perform for the various Acts. Called a Billing to Appear.

Page 22:   · Web viewAnd if I say only Family instead of country, nation, society, corporation, you will see a group of people all related as a family. So, we will be using these words.

And who assumed the roles of the characters of the Word of Man so that the Word was made flesh and given life?

We are living the life of a dead being. Our real identity is who you are, and your man-made artificial identity is carried in our pocket.

All these things that we think are so real are just fictions of law. Look at the real constitution again, anything that transgresses it, or goes beyond the boundaries and limits of how it has been constituted is unconstitutional, unlawful, and sin.

It is all just Witchcraft.

It is backwards, upside down, not real , not natural and not true.


It should be clear by now that the only false God there can be is you. There is only us people here.

Not only do we become God, we also of necessity have to make a God. We have to make our Maker, or there will be chaos. It is the making of a God that is the idolatry part. In fact, idolatry is the second turn of 3 turns in the swindle.

The next program takes us to the second commandment of God. It is the key to the worldwide deception that has eluded even the most ardent students of scripture.

It is key to understanding how you break the law and also to finding the solution.

Till then……………….my name is Marcus.