· Web view9. Define the word . bias-leaning toward or against a certain person, group, or idea....

1. geography - __the Earth and everything in it____________________ 2. 5 themes of geography: ____place___, ____region____________________ __human-environment interactions (examples)___, ___________________________, 3. Give an example of a natural resource. __water, gold, _________ 4. tributary - _a small stream or river that runs into a larger river___________________ 5. Give an example of a thematic map. ____political, regions, ______________________ 6. Compare climate and weather. climate is weather over a long period of time while weather is the weather for the immediate day or week. _ 7. Contrast altitude and elevation. _ altitude- distance above the surface of the earth. (airplane) elevation -- height above sea level (mountain) 8. Define the word authentic . Real, something that is real; not false, genuine Why do we need authentic sources? Used for historical research 9. Define the word bias - leaning toward or against a certain person, group, or idea Map 1-Physical Regions of the U.S.

Transcript of   · Web view9. Define the word . bias-leaning toward or against a certain person, group, or idea....

Page 1:   · Web view9. Define the word . bias-leaning toward or against a certain person, group, or idea. 12. Color the map of the Native Americans using the map on page 44. MAKE SURE YOU

1. geography - __the Earth and everything in it____________________

2. 5 themes of geography: ____place___, ____region______________________human-environment interactions (examples)___, ___________________________,

3. Give an example of a natural resource. __water, gold, _________

4. tributary - _a small stream or river that runs into a larger river___________________

5. Give an example of a thematic map. ____political, regions, ______________________

6. Compare climate and weather. climate is weather over a long period of time while weather is the weather for the immediate day or week. _

7. Contrast altitude and elevation. _ altitude- distance above the surface of the earth. (airplane) elevation-- height above sea level (mountain)

8. Define the word authentic. Real, something that is real; not false, genuine Why do we need authentic sources? Used for historical research

9. Define the word bias- leaning toward or against a certain person, group, or idea

Map 4-Native American Cultures

Map 1-Physical Regions of the U.S.

Page 2:   · Web view9. Define the word . bias-leaning toward or against a certain person, group, or idea. 12. Color the map of the Native Americans using the map on page 44. MAKE SURE YOU

12. Color the map of the Native Americans using the map on page 44. MAKE SURE YOU MAKE A KEY.

Page 3:   · Web view9. Define the word . bias-leaning toward or against a certain person, group, or idea. 12. Color the map of the Native Americans using the map on page 44. MAKE SURE YOU

Label the map with the following countries. Portugal/ England/ Spain/ France/ Netherlands/ Italy. **MAKE A KEY

13. Middle Ages - _500-1500 A.D. feudalism was government- Black Death, Dark Ages

14. Crusades - _Pope Urban II called for war against the Muslims in the Holy Land: effects- learned new ideas and goods.____________________

15. Renaissance – Enlightenment-1350-1600- modern age/ Italy/ changes in religion, art, science learning—NEW IDEAS

16. Explain the significance of Prince Henry of Portugal? _Encouraged exploration and helped develop the caravel in the early 1400’s

17. Justify how the voyages of Christopher Columbus differed from earlier voyages to the . _. He established trade routes between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. He marked lasting contacts by colonizing._____________________

18. Columbian Exchange - _Exchange of goods and ideas between Europeans and the Americas (Disease was the deadly exchange for the Natives.)

Map 5-European Explorations (countries)

Page 4:   · Web view9. Define the word . bias-leaning toward or against a certain person, group, or idea. 12. Color the map of the Native Americans using the map on page 44. MAKE SURE YOU


20. Western European nations sent explorers in search of a northwest passage to find _a land route to the Pacific Ocean

21. Both the French and the Dutch brought many customs from Europe to America, but a bitter rivalry developed between the two nations. What did they fight about?_____________fur trade ________________________________________

22. Which group of people benefited the least from the Age of Exploration? _______natives____________________ 23. Support reasons why the Spanish conquistadors were able to defeat the Aztec empire.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

24. Why is the United States a multicultural society? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

25. How did European exploration and settlement of the Americas affect Native Americans? (page 86) (paragraph)_________________________________________________________

Ferdinand Magellan 1519 19. Circumnavigate - circumnavigate- circle/sail completely around the world

Page 5:   · Web view9. Define the word . bias-leaning toward or against a certain person, group, or idea. 12. Color the map of the Native Americans using the map on page 44. MAKE SURE YOU

Objective: The story of our nation begins with geography. Lesson 2 of American History revisits North American geography and discovery. Students will exhibit mapping of American landforms and European exploration of the new world through the creation of a mapping course of study.

Chapter 1: Geography, History, and the Social Sciences___Map 1: Physical Regions (page 12)___Map 2: Climate Regions (page 16)

Chapter 2: Before the First Global Age ___Map 3: Empires of Central and South America (teacher map or internet) Mayas, Aztecs and Incas___Map 4: Native American Cultures (page 44)

Chapter 3: The New World___Map 5: European Explorations (page 619)

Portugal Spain France England Netherlands Italy

___Map 6: Exploration of the Portuguese (59 and 67)

___Map 7: Exploration of the Spanish (pages 67 and 76)

___Map 8: Exploration of the English and Dutch (page 67 and 82)

___Map 9: Exploration of the French (page 82 and 108)

___Map 10: New Spain, New France, and New England (page 77 and teacher map or internet)