hemplandprimary.co.uk€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 12. · Look at the word Mrs Caul shows you, ......

Home Learning Pack Week 2 Date: Tuesday 12 th January 2021 Pobble picture: Write a sentence or some words to describe what is happening in the picture. Does it look warm or cold? How does it make you feel? ______________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________ 1

Transcript of hemplandprimary.co.uk€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 12. · Look at the word Mrs Caul shows you, ......

Home Learning Pack Week 2 Date: Tuesday 12th January 2021

Pobble picture:

Write a sentence or some words to describe what is happening in the picture. Does it look warm or cold? How does it make you feel?









Go through the Phase 3 Flashcards video with Mrs Caul and Phase 5 flashcards with Miss Brough (see Monday’s upload to Tapestry for the videos).

What are these sounds? These are the sounds we will focus on today. Today we will be learning a new grapheme for the ‘oo’ sound- it can be made with just the letter ‘u’

oo ue ew u-e u

Practise writing the sounds below in cursive writing.



Can you read these words and add sound buttons? What do the words mean?

duty unicorn uniform unicycle utensils

To finish today’s phonics session, you are going to play another game with Mrs Caul (see Tapestry video)

Mrs Caul is going to show you a range of words, these will include all the alternative ‘oo’ graphemes (oo/ue/ew/u-e/u).

Look at the word Mrs Caul shows you, and then try to use your phonics to read it out loud. Once you have worked out what it says, you need to pause the video and then try and find the item in your house. Bring it back as fast as you can! Make sure that your grown up is happy for you to take it before doing so!

Just try your best and don’t forget to take a photo of all the items you have collected if you can.

Good luck! ☺


Listen to the story by Miss Burbidge again. See if you can mute and pause the video so you can read the book yourself this time. Remember to sound out unfamiliar words and blend them. Then answer the questions below. All the answers are in the text so you have to pick out the right information.

Extra space for writing answers if needs be:





LO: to sort 3D shapes based on their properties.

Let’s get warmed up with this CBBC SuperMovers counting song! https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-maths-counting-with-john-farnworth/zbct8xs

If you need a cool way to remember the 3D shapes, feel free to have a listen to the song “These are the 3D shapes that I know…” - a very snazzy (and catchy) tune to help us remember the names of 3D shapes!

Today we are going to be learning all about shapes’ properties. Watch this BBC Bitesize video to understand the language that we use when talking about the properties of shapes (faces, edges (sides) and vertices (corners).

Look at the 3D shapes that you collected from around the house yesterday. Can you tell your grown up- how many faces does each shape have? How many edges? How many vertices?

Make a chart to fill in the properties of your 3D shapes, either fill this one in, or create your very own!










square-based pyramid

Now, have a go at sorting your 3D shapes/household items into different groups. Use your chart to help if you want! You could have any groupings that you like:

· Shapes that have 6 faces

· Shapes that have 8 vertices

· Shapes that have no vertices

· Shapes that have 12 edges etc…

Please then take a photo of the groups that you have sorted your shapes/objects into. Well done! ☺


LO: to create a word bank of adjectives that describe Paddington Bear.

Watch this video clip of Paddington Bear.

Remind yourself- what is an adjective? Tell your grown up. It is a describing word- it tells us a bit more information about something.

Today we are going to think about adjectives that tell us what Paddington Bear is like; both what he looks like, and what his personality is like.

Chat with your grown up, and either you (or your grown up) can jot down as many adjectives as you can think of, you could talk about why you think a certain adjective could be good for him too. For example, “I think he’s polite because he says to Mr and Mrs Brown ‘Good Afternoon, how may I help you?’”

Adjectives to describe how he looksAdjectives to describe his personality

Maths Blast: (See Video for follow up on Tapestry with Miss Burbidge)


Watch today’s handwriting video on Tapestry- g

Practise writing the letter g below, make sure to start on the line! You can talk through the letters journey if it might help (refer to the Handwriting Rhymes sheet- on Tapestry)




Practise writing the words below using your neatest cursive handwriting:





PE- Yoga

LO: to make my body tall and stretched

Make sure you’re in comfy clothes that you can move easily in.

Today we are going to be doing some yoga to stretch and relax ourselves, yoga is also really good for strengthening our core muscles. Our sessions will be made up of 3 steps:

· Breathing/Stretching

· Yoga poses

· Relaxation

Children need to sit on the carpet/floor with their legs crossed. Model ensuring bottom is flat on the ground and there is an imaginary string pulling our head up high and backs straight.

Start off by joining in with this video for the first 3 mins 15 seconds which will introduce the breathing and stretching- https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=CBko9JPMtHs

We will now move onto Cosmic Yoga (follow this link start at 1min 42 secs until 31 mins 42 secs) to practise our yoga poses… This session lasts for up to 30 minutes depending on how long your child is engaging with it. There is also a bonus 20 minute ‘Super Yoga’ session at the end which again, your child can participate in if they wish!

To finish our yoga session, you may also choose to play the final 5 minutes of the fist video which does a slightly longer Relaxation session, focusing on breathing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=CBko9JPMtHs (from 14 mins 50 seconds)

We hope you feel sufficiently relaxed and stretched now!

Well done! ☺

Spelling Shed


Login to your spelling shed account, your unique username and password is in the front of your Reading Record book - if you have trouble accessing it, send us a message on Tapestry and we can send the login details to you.

Practise your spellings, good luck!

Well done for another great day children! Don’t forget to post any photos of the work you have done onto Tapestry so we can see! Thank you!