bpayearfive.files.wordpress.com · Web view2020/05/24  · Back in Term 3, we learnt about Roman...

Home Learning Year 5 Learning for Wednesday 6 th May 2020 If you have any questions about the learning you can contact a member of the Year 5 team via email – [email protected] and a response will be provided. Don’t forget to regularly check the Begbrook YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoGplyounpR4wb2vtNN3K6A? view_as=subscriber . Like and subscribe! Our Year 5 blog can be found by clicking this link: https://wordpress.com/posts/bpayearfive.wordpress.com Hello Year 5! This is Wednesday’s home learning. Discuss with your caregivers how best to organise your daily schedule so you can complete the work. We hope you are all able to do the work the best you can. Miss Harris, Miss Ridgers and Mr Sutton Task 1 This task should be completed in the lined exercise book Today’s warm up to get us ready to write! Can you write the alphabet in reverse order? Write each letter neatly in your books using the correct size and formation. It should begin like this... Z y x w Task 2 This task should be completed in the lined exercise book. This task should take around 20 minutes Can you remember any of the Roman inventions? (One was underfloor heating) Write down any you remember before watching this clip https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zxy3cdm (Also- look at the last pages of this document to see other examples of Roman inventions which you may want to include in your diamond 9.) The Romans invented underfloor heating, concrete and the calendar that our modern calendar is based on. Concrete played an important part in Roman building: helping them construct structures like aqueducts that included arches. If you are able to, research more about Roman inventions. Pick one of these inventions and draw it. Label (annotate) your drawing.

Transcript of bpayearfive.files.wordpress.com · Web view2020/05/24  · Back in Term 3, we learnt about Roman...

Home Learning

Year 5

Learning for Wednesday 6th May 2020

If you have any questions about the learning you can contact a member of the Year 5 team via email – [email protected] and a response will be provided. Don’t forget to regularly check the Begbrook YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoGplyounpR4wb2vtNN3K6A?view_as=subscriber.  Like and subscribe!

Our Year 5 blog can be found by clicking this link: https://wordpress.com/posts/bpayearfive.wordpress.com

Hello Year 5!

This is Wednesday’s home learning.

Discuss with your caregivers how best to organise your daily schedule so you can complete the work.

We hope you are all able to do the work the best you can.

Miss Harris, Miss Ridgers and Mr Sutton

Task 1

This task should be completed in the lined exercise book

Today’s warm up to get us ready to write!

Can you write the alphabet in reverse order?

Write each letter neatly in your books using the correct size and formation.

It should begin like this... Z y x w

Task 2

This task should be completed in the lined exercise book.

This task should take around 20 minutes

Can you remember any of the Roman inventions? (One was underfloor heating) Write down any you remember before watching this clip https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zxy3cdm

(Also- look at the last pages of this document to see other examples of Roman inventions which you may want to include in your diamond 9.)

The Romans invented underfloor heating, concrete and the calendar that our modern calendar is based on. Concrete played an important part in Roman building: helping them construct structures like aqueducts that included arches. If you are able to, research more about Roman inventions.

Pick one of these inventions and draw it. Label (annotate) your drawing.

Task 3

This task should be completed in the plain exercise book.

The task should take around 30 minutes.

Back in Term 3, we learnt about Roman inventions and ranked their importance using the diamond 9 method, with the most important inventions at the top down to the least important at the bottom.

Task - Rank nine of the ingenious things the Romans brought to Britain based on their impact on life in Britain. Do we still use any of them today? Remember: there is no right or wrong answer as this is your opinion but be ready to explain your choices tomorrow.

Task 4 - Maths

This task should be completed in the plain exercise book.

The task should take around 30 minutes.

Warm up: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10

Click choose then either level 4 or level 5 then click on fractions then decimal equivalents.

Choose which activity you feel is the right challenge for you then how long you want to answer the questions. They will ask questions such as this:

Write down your answer on a piece of paper.

Match the decimal with the equivalent percentage and fraction.

Write the equivalent fraction to these decimal and percentages.

Answers with email and on wordpress.

Book task

Read chapter 15 of our class book- log on to youtube to read along with a teacher if you wish.

Daily Physical Challenge

Go for a walk with your family if you can, do a just dance clip on youtube, PE with Joe or play in the garden whilst doing something active!

Gem challenge

Use your talking topaz power to tell someone at home your reasons for ranking the Roman inventions in the history task.

‘I think that ________ was the most important invention because _________.’

‘I think that _________ was the least important invention because _________.’

‘I think that _______ was a more important invention than ______ because____.’

Educational apps and websites that are suitable for year 5 pupils


Duolingo- learn a new language!

Quick Maths

Pixl apps- timetables, vocabulary, maths, Geog, Hist

National Geographic

Websites suitable for Year 5 pupils:


BBC bitesize primary

Top marks.com

Primary homework help

How Stuff works

As this is not a holiday time a daily routine might look like this…

Before 9am

Eat breakfast and get dressed

9:00 – 10:00

Go for a morning walk, scoot or cycle or play outside

10:00 – 11:00

Learning time – complete a task or tasks of your choice (the order doesn’t matter unless specified)

11:00 – 12:00

Creative time – lego, drawing, crafting, playing/listening to music, cooking etc…

12:00 – 12:30


12:30 – 1:00

Chores – keeping the home clean and tidy

1:00 – 2:00

Quiet time – Reading, nap, quiet free choice activity

2:00 – 2:30

Daily Physical challenge

2:30 – 4:00

Learning time – complete a task or tasks of your choice (the order doesn’t matter unless specified)

4:00 – 5:00

Go for an afternoon walk, scoot, cycle or play outside

5:00 – 6:00


6:00 – 8:00

Bath time/shower time and free TV time and bedtime for younger children


Bedtime with reading time before lights out


Bedtime with reading time before lights for children who followed the routine without a fuss!

Some Roman inventions- think about the effect these had on our lives today before ranking them in order of most important to least.

Can you imagine a world without roads?

What if money wasn’t invented?

What has the impact been on society?

What would modern life be like without it?

Think of all the buildings that are made from concrete. Your house perhaps?

Nowadays we have leisure centres and swimming pools

Would you miss a radiator in your home during the winter?

What would we do without one of these in our homes?