· Web view1. Actuality: At the beginning of the XX century accelerated development of...

MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF UKRAINE UKRAINIAN MEDICAL STOMATOLOGICAL ACADEMY “Approved” of meeting in department of philosophy and social science Protocol №__1 _ “__28 __” _____08 ____ 2019. Acting head of the chair ________ V. Dubinina METHODICAL RECOMMENDATION for independent work of students during preparation to practical classes Educational discipline History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture Module № 1 Topic Ukraine in XX – XXI centuries Study level 1 Faculty Foreign students training (Medicine, Dentistry)

Transcript of   · Web view1. Actuality: At the beginning of the XX century accelerated development of...

Page 1:   · Web view1. Actuality: At the beginning of the XX century accelerated development of capitalism, although it hindered many remnants of feudalism which remained unresolved after


“Approved”of meeting in departmentof philosophy and social scienceProtocol №__1 _ “__28__” _____08____ 2019.

Acting head of the chair ________ V. Dubinina

METHODICAL RECOMMENDATIONfor independent work of students

during preparation to practical classes

Educational discipline History of Ukraine and Ukrainian cultureModule № 1

Topic Ukraine in XX – XXI centuries

Study level 1Faculty Foreign students training (Medicine, Dentistry)

Poltava – 2019

Page 2:   · Web view1. Actuality: At the beginning of the XX century accelerated development of capitalism, although it hindered many remnants of feudalism which remained unresolved after

1. Actuality: At the beginning of the XX century accelerated development of capitalism, although it hindered many remnants of feudalism which remained unresolved after the reforms 60 -70 th of the XIX century. The main problems were large landed estates, rural community, which felt the burden of farmers and class privileges. It was difficult question to the political system - the Russian Empire finally outlived its usefulness.6 January 1919 Provisional Workers ‘and Peasants’ Government of Ukraine arrived to Kharkov. Ukraine was proclaimed the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (UkrSSR). The government was fully dependent of Council of People’s Commissars of Russia. January 26, it announced a union UkrSSR with the Russian SFSR on the basis of a socialist federation.

2. Specific objectives:Learn the formation of the USSRAnalyze the policy of “military communism”; Ukraine during the Second World War(1939-1945)Determine February Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd and the rise of the national liberation movement in Ukraine; New Economic Policy (NEP); Dissident and human rights movement in Ukraine.To be able to explore activities of the Central Council (Rada); reasons for the content and consequences Ukrainianization; "Rebuilding." The development of a multiparty system.Creative approach to interpreting Brest peace and occupation of Ukraine by Germany. Activity of Hetman P. Skoropadsky; Ukraine in the period of independence: political, social and economic development.Interpret activity of Directory; formation of Stalinist totalitarian regime. “Shooted revival”; Foreign policy of Ukraine.Explain role Ukraine in World War I; the development of Ukrainian culture in the period of independence.Explain culture of Ukraine at th beginning of XX century.

3. Basic knowledge, skills, abilities, skills necessary for studying the subject (interdisciplinary integration)Name of previous disciplines The received skills

1.World History Know chronological framework, facts and definitions. To be able to analyze, explore, make logical conclusions

2. Culturology Definition, features of cultural development and function of culture of the period. To analyze the features of the development of the culture of the period.

3. Politology To be able to determine the type of political regime and peculiarities of formation of the power. To characterize features of formation of the government.

4. Tasks for independent work during preparation for lessons and classes.4.1. The list of key terms that students must learn at the preparation to the class:

Term Definition Directory the temporary revolutionary body established in

November 14, 1918 at the session of the Ukrainian National Union to remove from power of hetman P.Skoropadsky

Entente imperialist bloc of Britain, France and Tsarist Russia (triple agreement), formed in 1904 – 1907 as opposed to so-called Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) in the struggle for the redistribution of the world. During the First World War the Allies opposed by Germany and its allies. After the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia Entente together with a number of other capitalist countries organized intervention against the Soviet Union in order to suppress Soviet power. After the failed intervention Entente collapsed.

General Secretariat the government of the Central Council, established in June 15, 1917 and headed by V.Vynnychenko.

Quadruple Union (Alliance) a military-political bloc of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey which was opposed to the Entente in the First World War 1914-1918. After the collapse in May 1915 of the Triple Alliance as a result of the conclusion of contracts by governments of Germany and Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria until autumn 1915 created a new military-political union – Quadruple Alliance


Page 3:   · Web view1. Actuality: At the beginning of the XX century accelerated development of capitalism, although it hindered many remnants of feudalism which remained unresolved after

Collectivization socialist reorganization of agriculture by fusing minor individual peasants’ estates into greater collective farms

Industrialization the process of considerable mechanical production establishment in all branches of country’s economy.

“Military communism” the policy of the Soviet authority that was conducted in 1918-1920 and involved the severe centralization of political and economic life of the country. The policy of “war communism” was declared in Ukraine in April 1919 and began with food requisition application, i.e. the compulsory methods of state grain procurement.

NEP (new economic policy) the policy offered by the Soviet authority in March 1921 that had cancelled a policy of “war communism”, had replaces food requisition with food tax and also restored commodity-money relations, trade.

Totalitarianism a way of society’s organizations that is characterized by the all-round and comprehensive authority control over a society, obligatory ideology

Ukrainization the policy of Soviet Union (USSR) state-party bodies in 20-30-th of XX century, directed on more organic introduction of Soviet-communistic ideology in Ukraine using the national staff and in the form accessible to local population.

Blitzkrieg the adventurous theory of waging aggressive war, meant at capitulation of the opponent in the shortest terms owing to sudden assault on it and a fast advance deep into the country.

Chauvinism aggressive form of nationalism, propagation of national exclusiveness, the opposition of interests of one nation to the interests of the other, propensity to kindling national animosity and hatred.

National policy the scientifically proved system of the actions directed on the realization of national interests, resolving disagreements in the sphere of ethno-national relations.

Nationalism ideology and policy that declares a nation as one of the highest values.

OUN (Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists) illegal political organization that was set up in 1929 on the territory of Western Ukraine and struggled for gaining independence and exit from under Poland authority.

Censorship the control by official secular or spiritual authority over the contents and distribution of a printed matter, the creations of scenic, graphic and motion picture arts, etc. not to allow or limit the distribution of ideas, information which is considered undesirable or harmful by this authority.

De-Stalinization measures with the purpose to expose and to liquidate the consequences of Stalin personality cult.

Dissidents dissident people who oppose the existing state (political) order of a certain country, confront an official ideology and policy.

"Vistula action" a complex of measures of the Polish communist government supported by the USSR and Czechoslovakia on compulsory deportation of the Ukrainian population from the ethnic grounds - Lemky area, Kholm area, Pidliashia which became a part of Poland under Potsdam agreement. It was carried out from April, 1947 up to the end 1948.

4.2. Theoretical questions for the class:1. The February Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd and the rise of the national liberation movement in Ukraine. Activities of the Central Council (Rada)


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2. Brest peace and occupation of Ukraine by Germany. Hetman P. Skoropadsky. 3. Directory4. The development of Ukrainian culture in the beginning of XX century5. The policy of “military communism”. New Economic Policy. Formation of the USSR6. Reasons for the content and consequences Ukrainianization.7. Creating a new economic mechanism, industrialization. The introduction of the collective farm system. Dekulakization.8. The formation of Stalinist totalitarian regime. “Shooted revival”9. Development of Ukrainian culture in 20-30th of XX century10. Ukraine during the Second World War(1939-1945): the causes, nature and periods of World War II.11. The post-war reconstruction. The hunger of 1946-1947. The contradictory nature of democratic processes 50-70's of twentieth century. Dissident and human rights movement in Ukraine.12. "Rebuilding." The development of a multiparty system.13. Ukraine in the period of independence: political, social and economic development.14. Foreign policy of Ukraine.15. The development of Ukrainian culture in the period of independence. (Architecture, art, music, education, literature, theater and cinema).

Content of topics:

1. The February Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd and the rise of the national liberation movement in Ukraine. Activities of the Central Council (Rada)

In the early twentieth century Ukraine didn’t have its own state, and was divided between the Russian and Austro -Hungarian empires. The revolutionary events of 1917 prompted the wider Ukrainian community to participate in national and political movement.February 27 1917 in Russia won Revolution. On this day, in Petrograd were established two new real authorities: the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. On the night of March 3, Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne and handed over power to the Provisional Government, which declared political freedom and early elections to the Constituent Assembly - it had to decide the fate of Russia, take it constitution. The victory of the February Revolution and the collapse of autocracy in the Russian Empire resulted in a change of government and governance in Ukraine, Ukraine had the possibility to self-determination and the revival of its statehood.On the fall of the monarchy and the establishment of the Provisional Government in Kiev was officially announced on March 1, 1917 Governors have been eliminated. The highest official person in the province became Commissioner of the Provisional Government, which usually appointed the head of the provincial Zemstvo. Locally began to create public committees that included members of urban doom, businessmen and intellectuals. In Kiev emerged a council of the combined organizations city. There were zemstvo congresses which elected provincial administrative committees. Simultaneously created Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies that came to the leadership of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, intensified social and political life. Appeared new Ukrainian party: Society of Ukrainian progressives (SUP) was reorganized in the Union of Ukrainian Federalist - autonomists, the Social Democrat, the Social Revolutionaries, Ukrainian peasant associations.Revived "Enlightenment;" deployed cooperative organizations. Were based Military Council, the Central Committee of the Ukrainian cooperative. Appeared Ukrainian newspapers, resumed publishing of the "New Council". In the political arena came already known and young public figures, prominent among which was M.Hrushevsky, V.Vynnychenko, S.Petliura, S.Yefremov and others.On the agenda was a question of the need for creation single Centre for Ukrainian movement. Initiated by the Society of Ukrainian progressives March 4, 1917 the Ukrainian party and civil society organizations were formed Ukrainian Central Council (Rada). Leading position in Central Rada took SUP, USDRP; its chairman was elected Hrushevsky.Its aim Central Rada declared state of self-determination of the Ukrainian nation. Already in the first days of its existence, the Central Rada appealed to the Ukrainian people calling to unite their forces in the fight.6-8 April 1917 in Kiev worked Ukrainian National Congress which gave the Central Rada the authority to represent the people of Ukraine, turning it into Ukrainian parliament. Congress defined the composition and structure of the Central Council (Rada) (Great Council and the Small Council). Central Council elected in stock: M.Hrushevsky was head, V.Vynnychenko and Sergey Yefremov - deputy head and members of different parties.June 23, 1917 Central Rada adopted the First Universal, which proclaimed the autonomy of Ukraine within Russia.June 25, 1917 created the General Secretary of the Central Rada - the executive body headed by V.Vynnychenko, the government included: S.Petliura (Secretary of Military Affairs), B.Martos (Secretary of Land Affairs), V.Sadovsky (Secretary of Justice) and others. Second Universal of the Central Council (Rada) of 16 July 1917 was a declaration of mutual recognition between the Central Council and the Provisional Government, which became the General Secretary of the boundary organ of authority. But the Provisional Government not fully recognized the results of negotiations. Autumn 1917 again


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complicated relationship between the Central Council and the Russian government. After the October uprising in Petrograd (October 25 1917) and the coming to power of the Bolshevik government, the leadership of the Central Council reacted negatively to it.October 25-26 (November 7-8),1917 in Petrograd Bolsheviks made a coup, seized power and formed a new government - the Council of People's Commissars headed by Lenin. The Bolshevik revolution sharply changed the situation in Russia and Ukraine. Central Council condemned the coup, did not recognize the Bolsheviks and took a hostile stance against it.Third Universal of the Central Rada November7 (20), 1917 proclaimed the formation of the Ukrainian People's Republic (UPR) which included: Kyiv, Chernihiv, Poltava, Kherson regions, Volyn, Podolia, Katerinoslavshchina and Tavria without Crimea. UPR was a part of Russian republic as autonomy. Besides, proclaimed democratic principles: freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, strikes, security of person, the abolition of private ownership of land, which became the property of the people and provided without compensation. Establish an 8- hour workday, minorities received national autonomy, abolished death penalty.The only ruler of Ukraine became the Central Council and its General Secretariat, which appointed administration, conducted reforms.The Communists, led by Lenin (the Bolsheviks), which came to power in Russia declared war on the UPR. War between Bolshevik and UPR continued during December 1917 - January 1918.Under conditions offensive the Bolsheviks and negotiation delegation UPR in Brest with the German- Austrian unit; 9 (22) January 1918 Central Council adopted the Fourth Universal, that proclaimed the autonomy and independence of Ukraine. President of UPR elected Hrushevsky (head of Central Rada). January 30, 1918 instead Vynnychenko Council of Ministers headed by Vladimir Golubovych. Later in Zhitomir Minor Council passed a series of laws, in particular, the monetary system, the national emblem, about citizenship, the new administrative division of Ukraine on "earth."Central Council began an active diplomatic activity to preserve the independence of Ukraine. January 27 (February 9), 1918 in Brest between Central Council and the German -Austrian bloc signed a peace: 1) Ukraine refused from the fight with the German- Austrian bloc in the First World War;2) Germany and Austria- Hungary promised to help the Central Council to regain control over the whole territory of the UPR3) Central Council agreed to enter the German and Austrian troops in the Ukraine,4) Ukraine undertook to supply to Allies a lot of bread, meat, eggs, etc. products and raw materials.During February- April 1918 German- Austrian troops (450 thousand) occupied the all Ukraine. March 7, 1918 in Kyiv returned to the Central Rada. Hope Central Council for assistance from Germany and Austria-Hungary and their non-interference in the internal affairs of the UPR were naive. In Ukraine has been established brutal occupation regime. They were introduced military field courts, which has tried and executions of civilians. All this aroused dissatisfaction with the actions of the Central Council and the loss of authority among the population. In opposition to the Central Rada were businessmen, landlords and rich peasants. Demanding the abolition of the law of the land and restore private property in April 29, 1918 in Kiev, a congress of the Union of landowners, who proclaimed Pavlo Skoropadsky as hetman all over the country. On the same day occupation authorities disbanded the Central Council and recognized the authority of the hetman. In Ukraine there was a coup.

2. Brest peace and occupation of Ukraine by Germany. Hetman P. SkoropadskyIn the complex environment of aggression from Russia, Central Council was forced to begin negotiations with the Quadruple Union (Alliance) of a peace agreement that has been concluded by the Soviet. As a result of agreements with Russia, Germany and Austro -Hungary abolished the Eastern Front and moved its troops to the west which gained success. The war was lasted for another year.January 27 1918 by representatives of the Quadruple Union (Alliance) and UPR signed a peace treaty. It testified the end of the war. The border was kept in pre-war borders. Sides refused to mutual claims and reimbursement damages, agreed to exchange prisoners of war, pledged to restore economic relations.February 8, German troops entered to the territory of Ukraine; few days later their support of the Austro-Hungarian army. The total number of invaders was 450 thousand people. February 29, after 19 days of occupation by the Bolsheviks, Kyiv was liberated. The next day Ukrainian government returned to Kyiv. To the end of April 1918 territory of Ukraine was liberated from Soviet aggressors.April 23 signed economic agreement between the UPR, Germany and Austria- Hungary. UPR obliged to supply to the Central Powers 60 million poods of grain, 400 million eggs, a significant amount of meat, sugar, potatoes, raw materials. Instead, Ukraine was supposed supply of agricultural equipment, machinery and so on.April 29 1918, when German troops dispersed the Central Council, was All-Ukrainian Congress of farmers, which declared Hetman of Ukraine Pavlo Petrovich Skoropadsky. According to the law "On temporary polity of Ukraine”: legislative, executive and judicial power is concentrated in the hands of the hetman, approved a new blue and yellow state flag.The main foreign policy priority of the new government was to fight for the recognition of Ukrainian State by other countries. At the time of Hetman Skoropadsky Ukraine as a state recognized 30 countries, 10 of them have diplomatic representation in Kiev. Ukraine has representatives in 23 countries.In domestic policy primarily was agrarian question, under which large estates were always distributed among the peasants. It was established work of the Ministry of Finance, balanced state budget, strengthened national currency


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which ensured by natural resources and sugar. Railway, postal and telegraph communications began to work, prohibited strikes established 12- hours day. Significant progress has been made in the field of cultural and educational policy. It was Ukrainization. Established a 150 Ukrainian schools and gymnasiums, opening two universities, established Ukrainian Academy of Sciences led by V. Vernadsky, the National Library, Ukrainian Historical Museum, National Gallery of Art and others.But total dependence Hetman from Germany and Austria-Hungary, the defeat of the Quadruple Union (Alliance) and the deterioration of the social situation of the majority of Ukrainian population resulted to the collapse of hetman power.

3. DirectoryNovember 11, 1918 ended First World War with the defeat of the Quadruple Union (Alliance). Ukraine left War before it end that’s why it no claim for the payment of reparations from Germany for recovery Ukrainian economy. November 13 1918 at a secret meeting of the Ukrainian leadership of political parties, united in the National Union, established a new government body - Directory headed by V.Vynnychenko. Commander of troops was S.Petliura. The core of troops was Regiment Ukrainian Sich Riflemen led by Y. Konovalets .December 14, 1918 the government of the Directory took leading positions of power in Ukraine. Directory resumed laws UPR.Ukrainian People’s Republic was restored in a complex international environment. With the collapse of the Quadruple Union (Alliance) strengthened the position of the Entente which sought to restore a single indivisible Russia and bet on General Denikin. In December 1918 started the intervention of British and French troops in the south of Ukraine. On the northern and north-eastern borders were Soviet troops. Under the pretext of helping the workers and peasants of Ukraine who rebelled against the Hetman, they began the attack on Kharkiv and Kyiv, continuing it after the collapse Hetmanate, hiding the puppet Provisional Workers 'and Peasants' Government. January 16 1919 Directory declared a war to Soviet Russia, which started aggression against Ukraine. From the West intensified attack the Polish troops.Under pressure from Soviet troops Directory was forced to leave Kyiv. Under the influence of Bolshevik propaganda aimed at the elimination of private ownership of land and its egalitarian division, in Ukraine spread anti-Soviet sentiment which swept the UPR army too. Directory tried to start negotiations in Moscow with Sovnarkom and with the French command in Odessa. Under the pressure of the last were held movements in government, from which the figures dropped socialist orientation V.Vynnychenko went abroad and then the Directory led S.Petliura.In 1919 Ukraine engulfed the entire chaos. In the modern history of Europe, no country experienced such an all-embracing anarchy, such a bitter public fight, the final collapse of the government, which was at that time in Ukraine. Six different armies operating in its territory: Ukrainian (Directory), Bolshevik, White Army (Denikin, Wrangel), Entente, Polish and anarchist (N. Makhno, M. Grigoriev et al.). Less than a year Kyiv five times passed from hand to hand.1919 was extremely difficult for Ukraine. In the winter 1919 on the greater part of Ukraine was established Soviet power.The policy of the Bolsheviks caused widespread discontent of the population of Ukraine, turned wide peasant resistance movement, growing dissatisfaction and in same the Red Army, which supported the Bolsheviks. Meanwhile, White army of Denikin began attack to Ukraine; UPR army intensified its action and captured Kyiv August 30, 1919 Soviet power in Ukraine fell again. But then the Directory was forced to capitulate before the White army and withdraw from Kyiv its troops. In autumn 1919 the majority of Ukrainian territory was ruled by General Denikin. Anti- popular policy of white regime caused massive resistance of the population. In the rear of the White Guard troops grew rebel movement; especially were active groups led by anarchist Nestor Makhno.Red Army overcame the resistance troops of Directory and defeated Denikin army. Soviet power in Ukraine was renewed for the third time and finally.Thus, the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921 failed. In eastern Ukraine was planted totalitarian communist Bolshevik authority. The Western lands were occupied Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia. For many years Ukraine was again divided between many countries.An important reason for the defeat of the revolution was poor national and political consciousness of the masses, the social base of the revolution was too narrow and leaders of Ukrainian elite had no experience of state work.

Historical significance of Ukrainian national-democratic revolution 1917-19211. During the revolution Ukrainian people has established its own state and some years supported its existence.2. Heroic struggle of Ukrainian people in 1917-1921 become an example and gave valuable experience to the forthcoming generations of Ukrainians. Without this struggle declarations of the state independence in 1991 would have been impossible.

4. The development of Ukrainian culture in the beginning of XX centuryIn the early twentieth century culture of Ukraine has developed in two directions:1) The preservation of national cultural traditions (Populist theory);2) Focus on Western European process in the field of artistic culture ("Europeanization", "cosmopolitanism" and «modernism").Traditional trends in the field of literature - romanticism and neo-realism combined with the development of futurism, symbolism. Thus, the experts distinguish the "new school" of Ukrainian prose (M.Kotsiubynsky, V.Stefanyk and Olga Kobylianska). This trend in Ukrainian literature as Futurism primarily associated with


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M.Semenko, who was one of its major theorists, the founder of the first literary association of Futurists (Kyiv, 1913).At the beginning of the XX century in Ukrainian literature prominent place occupied by the writers whose work during the Soviet authorities concealed or distorted. Among them V.Vynnychenko that was activist of Central Council; prose writer and playwright whose works are characterized by diverse problems (rural and urban life, images of different social groups). B.Letant - poet, novelist, publisher of works of Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko, Kotsiubynsky in translation into the Polish and German.Beginning of XX century was characterized by progress in the field of music. New national style combines the dynamics of folk expression and the best traditions of classical music. In this direction, developed creativity of M. Leontovich, K.Stetsenko, Ya.Stepoviy who in innovative understood the artistic heritage of Lysenko.In Ukraine in the field of painting and graphics actively worked such masters as O. Murashko, Nowakowsky, Ivan Trush, P.Kovzhun, M.Sosenko, M. Boychuk. Most of them have European education and were influenced by contemporary art trends. International recognition has reached the Ukrainian sculptor O.Arhypenko - the creator of a new direction in art.At this time, significant advances are characteristic for the development of national theater. In 1904 Lysenko started in Kyiv School of Music and Drama, from 1907 the same functioned Ukrainian permanent theater led by M. Sadowsky, in 1915 Ivan Maryanenko founded Association of Ukrainian actors. Theatres put plays of Lesya Ukrainian, O.Oles and V.Vynnychenko, turned to of works of the European avant-garde writers. In 1916 Kurbas became the organizer of "Youth Theater" in Kiev, where a high artistic level solved the problem updating of Ukrainian stage art. National Theatre of the pre-revolutionary period has brought such outstanding actors as M. Sadowsky, P. Saksagansky, Mary Zankovetska et al.Appears Ukrainian cinema. The first Ukrainian films were newsreels filmed in Kharkiv. The first Ukrainian producer and operator D.Sahnenko was the creator of such films as "Natalka Poltavka", "Zaporozhian Sich", "Bohdan Khmelnitsky" with the participation of prominent Ukrainian actors - M. Sadowsky, Zankovetska, L. Linnytska.In Ukraine continued progress of science. In the conditions of the rise of the national liberation movement intensified historians, ethnographers, linguists. D.Yavornitsky writes history of Zaporozhian Sich; the history of Cossacks period – Krypyakevych; a number of outstanding works of Oriental Studies - A. Krymsky.Scientific Society of Taras Shevchenko headed M.Hrushevsky, issued from 1892 to 1917 more than 100 volumes of "Notes of the scientific companionship ", 35 volumes of "Ethnographic compilation», 15 volumes of "Materials of Ukrainian Ethnology," 15 volumes were produced by historical and philosophical section.Beginning of the twentieth century its time of development of aviation. In 1909 arises Kyiv Aeronautics Association, where worked a prominent Ukrainian aircraft, from Kiev Igor Sikorsky, one of the pioneers of aviation, the founder of the heavy air, the author of one of the world's first helicopter project, built in 1910 in Kiev. A prominent Ukrainian scientist and inventor Yu.Kondratyuk in 1919 wrote the work "The conquest of interplanetary space" (published in 1929), which influenced the further development of astronautics including Yu.Kondratyuk calculations have been used by American scientists for training of flight spaceship «Apollo» to the moon.The development of medicine and medical science, advances in microbiology, general pathology, infectious diseases, hygiene, ophthalmology associated with the work of Mechnikov and his students - H.Minh, V.Vysokovych, D.Zabolotny, M.Hamaliya, V. Subbotin, L.Hirshman, S.Ihumnov.Until 1917 in Ukraine there were no state educational institution where teaching was used Ukrainian language. At the beginning of the First World War intensified offensive on Ukrainians: the prohibition language mass arrests and exile intellectuals. In March 1917 in Kiev opened two Ukrainian gymnasiums. According active participation of the General Secretariat of Education of the Central Rada carried out the transfer of schools on the Ukrainian language teaching, in different regions of Ukraine was established more than 80 Ukrainian schools. Began its operations Ukrainian Pedagogical Academy, History and Philology Faculty in Poltava, opened Ukrainian university in Kamenetz-Podolsk.In the period of hetman Skoropadsky established Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, headed by prominent Ukrainian scientist V. Vernadsky, in the autumn of 1918 was operated Ukrainian State Academy of Arts. Great success in the first years after the revolution reached the Ukrainian press and printing. Only in 1917 began to operate 78 publishing houses, they are organized and in private, cooperative bodies in the "Enlightenment". In 1917 was released the names of 747 Ukrainian books, in 1918 - 1984.

5. The policy of “military communism”January 6, 1919 Provisional Workers ‘and Peasants’ Government of Ukraine arrived to Kharkov. Ukraine was proclaimed the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (UkrSSR). The government was fully dependent of Council of People’s Commissars of Russia. January 26, it announced a union UkrSSR with the Russian SFSR on the basis of a socialist federation.The formation of UkrSSR. March 10, 1919 at the III All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets adopted the Constitution of USSR. It adopted the highest authorities of the state and declared that:- UkrSSR is sovereign republic within e Russian SFSR;- A form of government – the Soviet Republic in the form of the dictatorship of the working class;- UkrSSR ready in case of victory of the world socialist revolution ( Bolsheviks were convinced that it will be in the near future) to join the Unified International Socialist Soviet Republic.


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Immediately introduced all e changes that were carried out in Russia, in particular es implemented e policy of «esigne communism» was set RSFSR control over economy of Ukraine:- on USSR extended e Russian monetary system;- USSR did not have its budget;- Were combined railway, postal and telegraph communications and more.As in Soviet Russia policy of the Ukrainian Soviet government in this period acquired the name of “military communism.” “Military communism” was a system of emergency measures of economic management pursued by the Bolsheviks in 1918-1921. (In 1919 the policy of “Military communism” was introduced in Ukraine).The aim of the policy of «military communism» were: building communism by violent means, e mobilization of resources e combat e enemies of Soviet power, preparation for e world socialist revolution.The policy of «military communism» contained: yourselves of the economy, the termination of commodity- money relations, the introduction of the food surplus (the forced removal of food from the peasants), general labor service, the introduction of militarization of society, the abolition of charges, fares the public transport, etc.Nationalization of industry. The state tried to take control levers of priority branches in its hands. It was established state monopoly of trade in essential goods – sugar, tea, salt, coal, metals and others. In 1920 was nationalized almost all enterprises of Ukraine.Labor relations. The Bolsheviks entered the labor conscription and labor mobilization. They equalized workers to soldiers in the army to get people to work. It was introduced militarization of labor. In 1920 was established the Ukrainian Labour Army.Trade and Finance. In the “military communism “ trade was banned, performed direct exchange of products, abolished fees for fuel, shelter, transportation, etc., the authorities tried to abolish money, introduced rationing the distribution of goods and products.The policy of «military communism» in the village. In implementing the policy of «military communism» prohibited lease, hired labor , attempts the introduce a form of collective farms (communes).Food dictatorship. Bolshevik regime introduced food dictatorship. Market trade in these products banned and regarded was speculative. This policy received a «food surplus». It was practically confiscation of goods from the villagers. To remove food created special «food groups». In 1920 «food surplus» was extended e vegetables, meat, milk and so al.Create committees of poor. To strengthen its regime in the country Bolsheviks created the poorest of poor peasants committees. They must to report to government employees and members of “food groups” who from the peasants have stocks of grain and where they are concealed. The military forces of the Soviet Ukraine were included in the Red Army. In Ukraine, the Russian force was extended decrees.Implementation of the policy of «military communism” led the economic devastation of administrative management and mass popular discontent. In 1920-1921 this policy was undergone a complete collapse.

New Economic PolicyTransition to the New Economic Policy (NEP) was under a painful pressure tax in kind of circumstances in life. Most often associated with the beginning of the NEP uprising of sailors and workers of Kronstadt in February 28 1921, held under the slogan liquidation food surplus and one-man dictatorship of the Bolshevik councils. But the biggest reason for the transition to the new economic policy was a famine in 1921-1923 years.Famine of 1921-1923. Great drought and crop failure in 1921 covered the major grain centers – Volga, North Caucasus and South Ukraine. Famine covered some 30 million of them, in Ukraine – to 7 million people. In Zaporozhian province, for example, 100 % of the population starving, in Odessa – 90%. Hundreds of thousands of peasants died of starvation and epidemics.Back in February 1921 for rural food layout was replaced by a tax on food the harvest in 1921 and was determined to 117 million poods of grains instead of before the planned food surplus 160 million pounds. After realization food tax farmers were getting right to freely dispose of their production surpluses farms. It was allowed free trade in agricultural products and products of small industries, lease of land and the use of hired labor in the villages. In the hands of the state were focused primarily large enterprises. In small factories allowed private economy and attracting of foreign capital.It was legalized private trade, restored entrepreneurial activity. In 1922-1924 was introduced monetary reform. In the spring of 1921 was created trusts – production associations’ predominantly homogeneous enterprises, which working on the principles of economic calculation (self-sufficiency, profitability of production and judicial independence).The largest in Ukraine began trusts “Don Coal”, “Coal Chem,” “Southern Steel”, “Sugar trust”.

Formation of the USSR30 December 1922. In Moscow was All-Union Congress of Soviets, which adopted the Declaration on the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the union contract. The structure newly formed state included four republics: Russia SFRR, Transcaucasian Federation, Ukrainian SSR, and Byelorussian SSR. The final legalization of the Soviet Union took place at the Second Congress of Soviets of the USSR in January 1924 At the Second Congress of Soviets was adopted by the First Federal Constitution which consisted of two parts: the Declaration and Treaty establishing the USSR. IX Ukrainian Congress of Soviets (May 1925) approved a new text of Constitution Ukrainian SSR, which establishes the legislative entry republic of the USSR.


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6. Reasons for the content and consequences Ukrainianization.In April 1923 XII Congress of the Bolshevik Party proclaimed a policy of “indigenization”, which included the involvement of indigenous nationalities in the party apparatus and state organs, the use of national languages in the party, household, education, media and publishing field. Ukrainian version of this policy went into history as Ukrainianization.Number Ukrainian within the state apparatus does not exceed 35%.In order to secure a favorable attitude of the local population, it was necessary to provide the party and the statist structures Ukrainian SSR more national character.Results of the Ukrainianization in 20’s of XX century were really good. Number of employees among the Ukrainian public administration from 1923 to 1927 increased from 35 to 54%. Ukrainian language became the primary means of communication, the language of official office work and education. In 1929, in the Ukrainian SSR there were 80 % of schools, over 60% technical and 30% of institutions with teaching into Ukrainian language. It was expansion network of Ukrainian press and publishers: more than half of books, newspapers and magazines began to publish into Ukrainian.An important direction of cultural development at this time was the elimination of illiteracy of the population. In 1923 in Ukraine was established society “Down with Illiteracy”. As a result of active educational campaign in 1927 in the country have learned to read and write 2 million people. In the end of 20 th of XX century number of illiterates decreased from 76 to 43% of the adult population.Intensively developed network of educational institutions. In 1925 in the UkrSSR were about 18 thousand schools, 145 colleges and 35 institutes.

7. Creating a new economic mechanism, industrialization.Late 20th – early 30 th of XX century characterized by a sharp turn in the economic sphere, the creation of an economic mechanism that rejected any market, stimulating and methods employed centralized management.December 5, 1929 the Central Committee of the Bolshevik party adopted a resolution “On the reorganization of industrial management”.The aim was to build heavy industrialization of the USSR. At the same time the results of the development of heavy industry were significant. There was a move to create five-year plans of economic development. Special economic development was during the First Five-Year Plan (1928-1933 years), when the Ukrainian SSR received over 20% of the total investment. To new built belonged steel plants “Zaporozhe steel”, “ Kryvorizh steel”, “Azov steel”, “Dnieper HES”, “Dnepr aluminum bud” and Kharkov tractor plant. Significant achievements have been obtained in the development of electricity. Large power plants were built in the major industrial centers. In 1932 was earned the most powerful in Europe Dnieper hydroelectric station.Industrialization caused the radical changes in the structure of the economy: in the 30’s years of XX century. The positive achievements of industrialization:1. Ukraine from the agrarian country turned into industrially-agrarian one.2. Ukraine in heavy industry left behind a number of the developed West-European countries. In machines’ productions Ukraine taken second place in Europe (after England) and second place in pig-iron production (after Germany)3. During three pre-war five-year periods there appeared hundreds of big and medium plants, factories, mines and power station in Ukraine.Negative socioeconomic and political consequences of industrialization:1. The realization of industrialization at the account of agriculture led to strengthening of pressure upon peasants: the food tax increased, any free trade was forbidden.2. The forced industrialization caused the transition to the violent collectivization which should have resulted in the country’s provision with cheap food stuff and with cheap raw materials in the industries.3. The advancing development of heavy industry caused strengthening of disproportions between industry and agriculture, between heavy and light industry.4. Transition from NEP to the command-administrative economy. Monopolism of the state property, non-competitive conditions and unavailability of interested motives led to slowing down of economic growth rates.5. The beginning of mass reprisals was connected with industrialization. Whenever plans failed catastrophically or any breakdown occurred “the enemies of people” were accused of.

The introduction of the collective farm system. DekulakizationThe impetus for forcing collectivization was the grain procurement crisis in winter 1927-1928 which was associated with the reluctance of peasants to sell agricultural products to the state of low purchase prices. Acute shortage of bread felt the cities, army, sharply reduced grains exports, which gave a significant portion of foreign exchange earnings.Under the threat were recently approved economic plans for the first five years.The reasons of collectivization:1. According to Bolshevik doctrine, the road to socialism has been connected with the transition of peasantry to collective production.


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2. The Government was inclined to supply the population of the country with cheap food stuffs and raw material, to receive monies for industrialization.3. The desire to liquidate the small-scale homestead economy which (to the Bolshevik opinion) was a source of capitalism in the country.

It starts forcible imposition of collective, which included all the socialization of livestock, poultry, and took land near houses. This policy met with fierce resistance among the peasants. A wave of peasant protest against collectivization was spontaneous, unorganized character and was eliminated punitive, repressive means.Rich peasants who did not want to join the collective declared kulaks. Above them were carried out punitive measures, entitled “dekulakization” and their resettlement in the Far East and Siberia. The first wave of dekulakization lasted in Ukraine in the second half of January and early March 1930. It has covered 309 districts where there were 2.5 million farms.In autumn 1930, when the new campaign of collectivization again on the agenda the question “liquidation of the kulaks as a class” that special decision deported en masse to the northern regions.In 1932 Ukraine failed to perform plan grain procurement as it was unrealistic. In order to ensure implementation of the plan against the collective and individual farms began to be taken extreme measures: carried a total confiscation of food products; areas where not implemented a plan to pass on the besieged position – delivery of any food forbidden to them.Taking no notice of the significant reduction of the farm-production level, the plans of production delivery to the state have increased. In 1932 Ukraine failed to fulfill the plan of grain delivery, as it was unreal. In order to provide for the plan fulfillment the most extreme measures have been taken against collective farms and individual peasant farms: the total food stocks confiscation was carried out.On August, 7, 1932 the Central Executive Committee of the USSR People’s Commissars approved the decree “On safeguarding of property of government enterprises, collective farms and cooperative societies and on strengthening the public (socialist) property”, the theft of the collective-farm property was punished by execution and under “mitigating circumstances” the imprisonment for the term of not less than 10 years.

The cruelty with which was performed grain storage in 1932, was the direct cause unprecedented in the history of Ukraine famine of 1932-1933 Direct victims of famine in Ukraine amounted to 3.5 – 5 million. It was artificially created famine that did not depend on climatic factors, as opposed to famine 1921-1923. In the 2006 decision of the Supreme Council of Ukraine famine of 1932-1933 declared Holodomor (the decision recognized the legitimacy more than 23 countries).The consequences of collectivization:1. Agriculture grew into collective-farm economy. At the end of 1932 in Ukraine 70 % of peasant farms were consolidated into collective farms. At the end of 1937 there were 96% of such farms.2. The command economy was established in the country and collective farms were completing submissive to the government.3. The general forced collectivization led to long-term disorganization and degradation of agrarian sector.4. Kulaks were liquidated as class not only economically but physically too.5. Famine of 1932-1933 became the terrible consequence of the collectivization.

8. The formation of Stalinist totalitarian regime. “Shooted revival”.The totalitarian regime was based on the whole system of monopolies: Bolsheviks’ monopolies for the political authority, ideology and economy management. Bolsheviks eliminated all other political parties from a political arena: activity of left socialists-revolutionists, communists-fighters, Ukrainian communists and other parties which offered the alternative paths of development.Since December, 1922 the higher representative body of Ukraine, the Congress of Radas become the representative of one-party (Bolshevik’s). The monopoly of communist ideology strengthened in the society; only Marxism possessed the monopoly for truth. Censorship played a significant role in propagating of the official ideology owing to which Bolsheviks controlled all means of the spiritual life: press, radio, education, culture. The state machinery established the exclusive control over the economic sphere that became the grounds of the totalitarian regimeThus, in the country the Bolshevik party dictatorship was established, its bodies have accepted all governmental functions. Stalin (head of Soviet Union) was on the top of the authoritative party-state system. In the Soviet Union was his personality cult.The party and state apparatuses were formed on the principles of personal devotion and the preparedness to execute any order from the top.The integral part of the authoritative totalitarian system was the repressive apparatus which should have kept the public processes in Ukraine under rigid control, destroying any opposition to the Stalin’s regime, any signs of dissent. Mass repressions were the protective reaction of the totalitarian regime because wide opposition was available and this regime could not provide for its survival.The repressive bodies kept searching for “enemies of people”, “counterrevolutionaries”, “enemies of socialism” and the scale of violence kept increasing. The repressions were fulfilled by anticonstitutional extrajudicial “groups of three” consisting with firs secretary of the Regional Party Committee, the head of the regional Department of


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Internal Affairs and the public prosecutor of the territory. The verdicts were brought in without witnesses, without legal defense and even without a defendant. The repressions reached the greatest scale in the second half of ‘30s acquiring the character of mass terror. Within 1937-1941 (“a five-year period of the great terror”) more than 5 million people were exiled in the concentration camps.The directions of mass repressions in Ukraine:1. The repressions against peasantry (dispossession of kulaks, artificial famine 1932-1933).2. The struggle against “the underground nationalistic organizations”. The first one was the falsify case against “the Union of Ukraine liberation” of 1930 which led to imprisonment of 45 personalities, well-known Ukrainian scientists, writers, political figures that were founders of Ukrainian People’s Republic.3. The repressions against members of the Communist Party who were accused in “the Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism” and “enemy activity”, in the absence of attentiveness.4. The struggle with “nationalistic elements” in Academy of science of Ukraine: a lot of scientists were the subject to repressions; whole scientific institutes were eliminated.5. The struggle against religion and church. Thousands of churches were destroyed and closed; began the persecution of priests and believers. In 1930 Ukrainian autocephalous Orthodox Church was forcibly banned.6. The persecution of the Ukrainian writers and art workers. Tens thousands of the national culture personalities became victims of repressions. Only in 1934 28 writers were executed by shooting, among them M. Zerov, G. Kosynka, K Bureviy, etc. During 1934-1938 more than a half of members and candidates members of the Union of writers of Ukraine were arrested. Theatre “Berezil” was disbanded and its head playwright Les Kurbas died in a concentration camp. The cultural process was under the control of the party-governmental officials. If 20 th of XX century become the period of “a national revival” in the history of Ukraine then 30 th called by the researchers as “Shooted revival”.7. Purging of the military staff. The repressions against officers caused the acute shortage of command personnel in the army. Before the war only 7 % of all commanders had higher military education.The consequences of repressions:1. The total terror covered all categories of the population, millions of Ukrainians were physically destroyed and Ukrainian nation suffered from the huge demographic losses;2. The decline of the Ukrainian national culture, of the Ukrainian nation mental potential;3. The deformation of moral relations (imposing of fear, the promotion of denunciations, social vulnerability of the population, formation of the totalitarian consciousness);4. Strengthening of the Ukraine’s economic and political dependence from the center;5. Absolute political power of Stalin firmly established thanks to repressions.

9. Development of Ukrainian culture in 20-30th of XX centuryThe 1920’s yearsAfter the creation of the Soviet Union, the cultural development of Ukraine in the 20 th of XX century was experiencing a real cultural splash. This fact is recognized not only fans but also critics of the Soviet regime. The fact that the revolution set in motion a variety of social forces, gave a sense of freedom, create a new, unexplored. In the conditions of the NEP (new economic policy), the internal struggle allowed elements of democracy. For the first time in many years the Ukrainian culture has received government support. The negative attitude to the Soviet regime, its policies led to significant emigration of writers and artists (V.Vynnychenko, S.Cherkasenko, T.Shapoval, D.Dontsov, M. Sadowski and O.Oles). In its turn the old intelligentsia, including art, did not suit the new government nor quantitatively nor in their outlook. It was tasked of education, training of the worker-peasant intellectuals. Culture became part of the policy of the ruling party.Policy of "Ukrainianization"Conducting of the Ukrainianization took into account two aspects:1) Ukrainization;2) Create the necessary conditions for the full cultural and spiritual development of national minorities.Ukrainianization gave positive results. If in 1928 the share of Ukrainian language newspapers was 56% of total print runs, in 1930 - 89%. Already in 1924-1925 was allocated 13 national areas, including German, Bulgarian, Polish and Jewish. One of the centers of Ukrainianization became the People's Commissariat of Education, which were headed by Gregory Grynko, Alexander Shumsky and Mykola Skrypnyk.Education. Significant advances have been made in the elimination of illiteracy. Active in voluntary partnership "Down with Illiteracy!" To the beginning of 1930 in Ukraine was about 30 thousand point’s elimination of illiteracy with contingent of 1.6 million students. At once after the war, made a vigorous measures to overcome homelessness. Widely popularity was experiences and ideas of the teacher A.Makarenko.In 1923-1924 increased state appropriations for education, which contributed to the expansion of the school network. Then, in Ukraine there were almost 16 thousand primary and seven-year schools, which studied more than 1.5 million pupils. There were organized three-year general educational school rural youth. In these schools, general education program in the volume 5-7 classes combined with theoretical and practical study of agriculture. In 1934, for the whole Soviet Union was established several types of schools: primary (grades 1-4), seven-year (grades 1-7) and secondary (ten-year). It was introduced mandatory primary education.In Ukraine developed secondary special education (professional and technical schools). If in 1927, specialized secondary schools were 158, which studied more than 31,000 peoples; in 1940 there were 590 with the number of students almost 400 thousand. The universities were reorganized into Institute of Public Education with medical,


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technical, physical, agronomic, educational profile. Most of the students were children of workers and peasants. Major centers of education have traditionally been Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, where in 1933 restored universities. In 1938 in Ukraine were nearly 130 universities numbers of students 124,000. Among the new universities was the Donetsk Industrial Institute.Science. In the development of Ukrainian science actively took part prominent scientist with the world name V. Vernadsky, a microbiologist and epidemiologist D.Zabolotny, mathematician M.Krylov, economist M.Tugan-Baranovsky, hygienist and epidemiologist O.Korchak-Chepurkivsky, literary scholar Yefremov, O.Bohomolets who worked in the field of experimental pathology; Paton, who proposed a fundamentally new methods of welding.Among the humanities departments of the Academy of Sciences has identified a particular activity of history section, work which led M.Hrushevsky, who in 1924 returned from exile. He reorganized the section, created a scientific research department of the history of Ukraine, headed the Archaeological Commission; edited the magazine "Ukraine", "scientific compilations" of historical section.Medical science. In 1921 the Academy of Sciences was organized by the Department of National Health and Social Medicine with preventative medicine cabinet. In 1929 was founded the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, 1930 in Kiev began working major research center for the Study of Pathological Physiology. Very popular, well-deserved worldwide reputation enjoyed therapeutic School by Nicholas Strazhesko (cardiology, rheumatic fever, sepsis, clinical hematology), by F.Yanovsky (tuberculosis, kidney disease), Ophthalmological school by V.Filatov.Literature. Stepped up its activity Ukrainian Futurism, which activists have created organizations of Futurists. Futurists aggressively attacked the supporters of traditional forms of literature and the arts, promoted urbanization and culture experiments, Europeanization and modernization of the content and form of Ukrainian art. Among futurists were relatively many former Symbolists (O.Slisarenko, V.Yaroshenko and M.Tereschenko).Even during the revolution led by M.Zerov there was a group of poets and literary critics who are focused on creating high-harmonic art based on the development of the classic examples of world literature (M.Rilsky, P.Filipovych, M.Dray-Hmara). Later opponents of this group called them "Neoclassicists." Emerged a number of literary associations. This is especially the peasant union writers “Plow” (A.Holovko, O.Kopilenko, P.Panch and P.Usenko).Member of the Union of Proletarian Writers "Hart", including V.Sosyura, I.Kulik, M.Hvilovy, P.Tichina, Yu.Smolich, emphasized their support for the Communist Party. Leaders of "Hart" thought that their organization must combine figures of music, theater and art. "Hart" broke up in 1925, when he died, his chief organizer V.Blakitny.Sharp criticism in the official press, literary criticism was subjected FAPLITE (Free Academy of Proletarian Literature, 1925-28 years), which was established at the initiative M.Hvilovy that was against primitivism of literary creativity and culture in general, insisted on a European orientation. Theatrical art. The real creative laboratory became theater of Les Kurbas "Berezil." Mackets theater association "Berezil" received a gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris Theater in 1925. Here were first put plays a prominent playwright M.Kulish "People Malachi," "Mina Mazaylo."World fame came to one of the founders of Ukrainian cinematography Dovzhenko along with the films "Zvenigora", "Arsenal", "Earth". The style created by Dovzhenko, initiated the movement, which is defined as the "Ukrainian poetic cinema."Sculpture. In the development of sculpture major emphasis was on its propagandist, ideological possibilities. Almost in every town were put Lenin monuments. The competition to design a monument to Taras Shevchenko was attended by sculptors from different regions of the USSR. Winner was M.Manizer whose monument installed in 1935 in Kharkov; he is the author of Shevchenko monument in Kiev and Kanev.Music. It was created Republican Capella led by O.Koshytsya, Capella "Thought", which did much for propaganda Ukrainian music. Started activities Music and Theatre Institute in Kiev, the first opera troupe appeared in Kiev and Kharkiv. After the tragic death of M. Leontovich been established in Kyiv Music partnership named Nikolas Leontovich, which rallied such famous musicians as Boris Liatoshinsky, Gnat Khotkevych and Gregory Veriovka.In this period took place the process of enrichment Ukrainian music genre: creativity of L.Revutsky, V.Kosenko, B.Liatoshinsky and O.Chyshka. High level reached Ukrainian performers. Among the performers were well known singers M.Litvinenko-Volgemut, I.Patorziynsky, O.Petrusenko, Z.Haiday, B.Hmirya.Architecture. The main quality of the architecture of this period - a favor, strength, beauty (functional, constructive, aesthetic). In Ukrainian architecture left noticeable trace such areas as rationalism - a desire to find a rational principle in imaginative aspect of architecture as much as possible the achievements of modern science and technology, constructivism - an attempt to create a living space with the new technology, it’s appropriate logical constructions and aesthetic qualities such materials as metal, wood, glass. An example of rationalism is the main post office building in Kharkiv, located on Independence Square and complex office buildings ("Gosprom"), which experts attribute to both rationalism and constructivism, as these trends are fairly close. Ukrainian Baroque been mostly supplanted, although some buildings in this style is still under construction (Agricultural Academy in Kiev). Ukrainian culture in the period of StalinismIn Stalin period culture, as well as all aspects of life, has been put under strict ideological and administrative control. Policy of Ukrainianization was stopped. In the early 30 th of XX century, to facilitate control of the development of culture were created Unions of Writers, composers, artists, and architects. It was the end of stylistic, artistic quest set censorship, interrupted contacts with the leaders of the culture of other countries, including Ukrainian immigrants.


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In 1932, the term "socialist realism" was proclaimed the only correct method of literature and art. Worship mythical achievements, falsification of history were ideologically organic qualities of literature. It was stopped the avant-garde searches and experiments; dictated by the rule of historical and revolutionary and production issues. In painting genres such as still life, landscape, portrait, pushed into the background because they do not like carried a class load. The architecture style became a leading neo-classicism which was supposed to reflect the stability of the regime, the inflexibility of government. The most famous building, built in neoclassical style, is the building of the Supreme Soviet (Verkhovna Rada) in Kyiv.Repression against artists. To suppress free thought, cause fear, strengthen humility, Stalin's regime deployed mass repression. In modern publicist, scientific literature was came the image of “Shooted revival” ("Executed Renaissance"). In 1930 was organized trial of the Union liberation of Ukraine, which allegedly was created for separating Ukraine from the USSR. The main charges were lifted against the vice-president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences S.Yefremov. Before the trial there were 45 people, including academics, professors, teachers, clergy and students. Harsh sentences were handed down; when in fact no underground organization existed. Further arrests among the scientists and artists and rough handlings conducted without public process. Closed section of History of the Academy of Sciences and M. Hrushevsky was arrested. In 1938-1954 were arrested nearly 238 Ukrainian writers, though many of them were supporters of Soviet power, fought for it, as writers after the revolution. According to historians of literature, of which 17 were shot dead, 8 committed suicides, 16 were missing, 7 died in prison. Closed Theater "Berezil", arrested and was shot world famous producer Les Kurbas. The scale of repression said the following fact: from 85 scientists and linguists repressed 62.Persecution was subjected church. At the turn of the 20-30th of XX century leaders were arrested and banned Ukrainian Autocephalous Church. The same fate befell after World War II Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Western Ukraine. Results in 1917-1939 were destroyed by 8000 church buildings - more than half of all churches.But continued to increase urban population, the state continued development of education, health, create new research institutions, without which it was impossible to implement industrialization, strengthening the defense with increasing external threat.

10. Ukraine during the Second World War(1939-1945): the causes, nature and periods of World War II.

Causes, character and periods of World War II.World War II lasted from September 1st 1939 to September 2nd 1945 (6 years). 61 countries involved in this war. The main reason – dissatisfaction by fascist bloc countries with the terms of the Versailles- Washington system of division of the world after World War I and the desire for a new division of the world, the struggle for new colonies.

In modern historical literature allocate five periods of World War II:First period – the beginning from the attack of Nazi Germany on Poland to aggression against the Soviet Union (September 1, 1939 – June 22, 1941)Second period – the expansion of Nazi aggression to the Soviet counterattack (22 June 1941 – November 1942 (Stalingrad Battle).Third period – a radical change in the course of the Second World War (from November 1942 to December 1943)Fourth period – the defeat of fascism in Europe; the liberation of Ukraine (from the offensive at Leningrad and the opening of a second front in Europe to the surrender of Germany (January 1944 – 9 May 1945)Fifth period – the defeat of militarist Japan (from May 9 1945 to September 2 1945)Given the imperial plans of the Nazis, the government of the Soviet Union took the initiative to create a unit for making military doctrine and guarantees inviolability of borders. Unfortunately, the formation of this unit was not resolved. The talks with the governments of Britain and France were unsuccessful.August 23 1939 was signed “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” between Germany and the Soviet Union. It was the non-aggression pact for 10 years. To this pact was added secret protocol on the division of spheres of influence sides in Europe. The secret protocol, the existence of which the Soviet leadership denied for half a century, made it possible to Stalin increase the territory of the USSR almost to the borders of the Russian Empire in 1913. Germany gave agreed to join to the Soviet Union Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Western Volyn and Eastern Galicia. In turn, Germany had a freedom of actions in Europe and secured a supply of Soviet military – strategic materials and food.

The beginning of World War II. Joining Western Ukrainian lands to the Soviet Union: its positive and negative effects.

Soviet-German pact unleashed hands of Hitler. September 1 1939 Nazi troops invaded Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany which was related contractual obligations with Poland. It was the beginning of the Second World War.According to the pact and the secret protocol the Soviet troops September 17, 1939 crossed the Polish border and entered to Western Ukraine and Western Belarus. Eastern Galicia and Volyn were occupied by the Red Army without resistance with side of Poland for 12 days.September 28, 1939 Germany and the Soviet Union were fastening by the Treaty of Friendship and borders. The contract specified the sphere of influence of these states and the dividing line between Germany and the Soviet Union on the territory of Poland. In the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union passed Lithuania, Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, in the sphere of influence of Germany – Lemkivschina and Kholmshchyna.


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In June 1940 the Red Army occupied Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia. Western Ukrainian lands and lands near river Danube were included to the Ukrainian SSR according to the agreements on spheres of influence.It was process of “Sovietization” of these areas. Transformations were contradictory.Positive effects:- Expropriation of Polish landowner’s estates with the promise of redistribution of land among the peasants;- Ukrainization of public education, measures to eradicate illiteracy;- Introduction of free of charge health care;- Creating a system of social security.Negative effects:- Soviets brought brutal repressive regime. There were defeated political parties and public organizations, subject to arrest almost all the upper strata of the population (the clergy, landowners, managers of cooperatives, employees of the old state apparatus). The number of repressed for 1939-1940 years was 10 % of the population of Western Ukraine;- Began the forced collectivization of the peasants, the nationalization of industry and banks;- «Sovietization» Western territories were accompanied by the consolidation of a totalitarian regime;- All church institutions, scientific institutions and organizations were a subject to liquidation and their property must be confiscated.Combining almost all Ukrainian lands in the USSR was of great historical significance: the first time during several centuries Ukrainian people were in one state. However, the price which pays the population of Western Ukraine for this association was too high. Negative experience of communication with Soviet authorities convinced Western Ukrainian people in that their future – not in the integration of the Soviet Union, but in creation of an independent Ukrainian state. The population of the Ukrainian SSR in 1940 after the join of Western Ukraine increased by 8.1 million people reached 41 million people and area – 560 thousand square kilometers.In preparation for war, the Soviet government tightened control over labor activity of population. In June 1940, adopted a decree “On the transition to the 8-hour day, seven –day work week and banning to absence of workers and employees of enterprises and institutions. “In early April 1940 introduced the militarization of youth of the country through a network of special schools.As a result of Stalin’s purges 20% of Red Army officers were killed. The first affected was high command. New commanders were poorly trained, inert and incompetent.

Ukraine in the plans of Nazi Germany.June 22, 1941 in the morning without a declaration of war German troops invaded the territory of the USSR. Army invasion, there were 5.5 million soldiers and officers were armed with the latest technology: 4.3 thousand tanks, 4.9 thousand aircraft, 47.2 thousand guns and heavy mortars and others. Germany’s allies were Italy, Hungary, Romania, Finland, Slovakia – also provided a significant number of troops and equipment to help the aggressor. Plan “Barbarossa” predicted “blitzkrieg” – “lightning war” which was to result in the destruction of the Red Army for two – two and a half months and the outcome of the Wehrmacht at the operational line “Arkhangelsk – Astrakhan” before the winter of 1941. According to the plan German army was advancing in three main areas – to Leningrad, Moscow and Kyiv.

“New Order”The plan “Ost” the Germans were going to evict millions of people from Ukraine and populated this territory by German colonists. Part of the Ukrainian lands was to be transmited to allies.In July 1942 all territory of Ukraine was occupied by the Germans and then as the paramount object of German colonial expansion was set to “new order.” The invaders introduced the brutal exploitation and genocide. Ukrainian territory was divided into four parts: the western lands were incorporated into the Polish General Governorate, southwestern lands called “Transnistria” – passed union Romania. Donbas, Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv regions isolated in a “War zone” under the control of the military command; and the rest of the created reyhs – commissariat “Ukraine” from the capital city in Rivne. It led a bloody executioner Erich Koch. With the purpose of robbing Ukraine created various corporations, headquarters of coal Industry in the East, metallurgical Union “East”. In the first months of the occupation thousands echelons with loot good went to Germany. According to the “theory of racial exclusiveness German Nation” Ukrainian people were a subject of mass destruction. The invaders resorted to a shameful practice for the civilized world – the export of slaves from Ukraine.To hard labor to Germany during the years of occupation only from Ukraine exported nearly 2 million 300 thousand boys and girls (Ostarbaiters). The real genocide carried against Jewish people. Ukraine was covered with concentration camps, prisons and ghetto. Occupation policies of Nazis led to the mass extermination of Jews and prisoners of war. In Ukraine were murdered about a million Jews and nearly 1.3 million Soviet prisoners.

Resistance movement during World War II.In Ukraine, as in other occupied European countries, there was a massive underground and partisan movement, which became an important factor in the victory over Nazism. At the beginning of the war in an atmosphere of chaos and confusion there were partisans acted spontaneously, but in the autumn 1941 party organs gave to this movement purposefulness and organization. By the end of 1941 on occupied territory was left 110 underground party and Komsomol committees and centers, and about 3500 partisan detachments and groups. To guide the partisan movement May 30, 1942 in Moscow was established Headquarters of the partisan movement, and June 20


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of that year Ukrainian headquarters. Centralized management helped coordinate the actions of groups, improved interaction with the regular army and providing the partisan of arms, drugs and everything they need. Large scale partisan movement was in 1943 when the number reached 58.5 thousand fighters and began to form partisan connections. The largest of them was headed by S. Covpak, A. Fedorov, A. Saburov, M. Popudrenko, Vershyhora P., J. Melnik, M. Naumov.Forms of partisan fighting were:- Debacle enemy headquarters;- Sabotage on enemy communications, destruction of communication lines, roads, bridges;- Sabotage on railways (“rail war”, 1943);- Raids in the rear of enemy (Carpathian raid led by S. Covpak).OUN – UIAUkrainian resistance movement was not homogeneous with the beginning. Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) which was established back in 1929, in search of allies to fight for the Independent State failed to cooperate with Germany – a potential enemy of Poland and the USSR. In 1940 the OUN split into two fractions – one led by Andriy Melnyk (OUN – M), and the second – Stepan Bandera (OUN –B) – both oriented on Germany. Before the attack on the Soviet Union in the German army was established Ukrainian armed organization “Legion of Ukrainian Nationalists,” which consisted of two divisions – “Roland” and “Nachtigall” numbering about 600 soldiers and commanders. OUN-B hoped that these troops will form the basis of future armed forces of the independent Ukraine. Together with the German army they entered to Lviv where the May 30 1941 announced the creation of the Ukrainian state. The Prime Minister was elected Jaroslav Stetsko. But these actions were not consistent with the German leadership. Nazi political leadership considered this move as arrogance and using force stopped activity of nationalists.The Gestapo arrested Bandera and his followers and Ukrainian nationalists declared enemies of the Reich. It was killed 40 leading members of the OUN and its activities were prohibited. Therefore OUN began an armed struggle against the German fascist regime and very soon became a powerful force of Resistance in Western and Right-Bank Ukraine with full support of the local population.In autumn 1942 the OUN organized several partisan groups that have been combined into Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UIA) led by a talented commander Roman Shuhevich. Number of UIA in the early 1944 reached 40 thousand soldiers. The political goal of UIA was a struggle for the independence of Ukraine from German occupation and the Soviet Union.Fighting on two fronts deprived of strength UIA and led to the tragedy of fratricidal war between the Ukrainian people.

Liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders.The massive release of Ukrainian lands began in the Battle of Kursk (July 5 – August 23 1943). In particular, Poltava was released in September 23, 1943. At the end of January 1944 the troops of the 1st and 2nd Ukrainian Fronts moved far to the west and surrounded by 10 German divisions at the Korsun –Shevchenko. In February – March 1944 surrounded by fascist groups have been eliminated.In April and May 1944 the invaders suffered a fatal blow on the south: April 10 the enemy threw from Odessa, and May 9 – from Sevastopol. In autumn 1944 ended liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders. October 14 all Soviet Ukraine was cleared of invaders and October 28 was completely liberated from the invaders and Transcarpathia. All ethnic Ukrainian territory for the first time came under the Soviet regime. (October 28, 1944 – the day of liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders. 8 May 1945 – Germany capitulated, May 9, 1945 – ended the Great Patriotic War, which lasted from 06/21/1941 to 05/09/1945. September 2 1945 Japan surrendered, which was an ally of Germany, indicating the end of the Second World War).

Loss of Ukraine in the warDeparting from Ukraine the Nazis as the Bolsheviks in 1941-1942 used the tactics of “scorched earth” (destruction and burning of industrial plants, farms to ensure that it’s did not get to the enemy), the loss of which were awful. It was destroyed more than 700 cities and towns, destroyed 28 thousand villages, making the 10 million people without shelter, killed 7 million civilians and prisoners of war, representing 16.7 % relative to the total population of Ukraine. The entire or partial destruction of more than 16 thousand industrial economy of Ukraine rejected two decades ago: losses reached 40% of the national wealth and the total damage to the national economy amounted to 1.2 trillion rubles. Thus the Ukrainian peoples the second time in ten years hard affected by brutal excesses of totalitarian regimes.Conclusions:1. In the Second World War Germany and its allies dismembered and colonized Ukraine.2. During June 1941 – October 1944 Ukraine was the arena of the armed struggle against invaders. The heroic fighting was taking placed in the rear of the enemy.3. The part of Ukrainians headed by the OUN – UIA wished to take advantage of the war to revive the independence of Ukraine.4. Not only Nazi’s but Stalin totalitarian regimes too were the enemies of the independent Ukrainian state that become the reason of uncompromising struggle between Soviet and OUN – UIA resistance movements.5. Ukrainian people made big contribution into the victory over Germany and its allies.


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The implications of the occupation. Start reconstruction of the economyBecause of the war the population of Ukraine decreased by 10.5 million people. In the years 1945-1947 about 800 thousand Poles went to Poland and 500 thousand Ukrainian – with borderlands of Poland – to Donbas and Crimea. After the war, almost 200 thousand Ukrainian people remained in the west. There was a massive relocation of Russians people in Ukraine and in western lands where before they were not there.The primary post-war objective was the reconstruction. Kyiv was destroyed on 85 %, Kharkiv – on 70 %, large destroyed were Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kremenchug, Poltava. It destroyed 16 thousand industrial enterprises, 28 thousand collective farms, 870 state farms. In Germany exported over 12 million tons of agricultural products, many cars and tractors. To derive the republic from this catastrophic situation for the fourth five-year plan (1946-1950) to Ukraine was allocated 20.7% of union investment. Among the major facilities rebuilt – Zaporоzhya hydroelectric station, the plant “Zaporozhstill”, Darnitsa Silk Plant in Kiev, Kharkov Tractor Plant.

11. Rebuilding the economy after World War IIAfter the end of World War II to the contract between the USSR and Czechoslovakia on June 29, 1945 Transcarpathian Ukraine was reunited with Ukraine within the limits of the Soviet Union.During 1944-1946 was conducted exchange of population: from Ukraine to Poland moved nearly 1 million people, mostly Poles, from Poland to Ukraine - 520 thousand Ukrainian people.In April and May 1947 the Polish government made Operation “Vistula" - the forcible eviction Ukrainian people (140 thousand) from Ukrainian ethnic lands that were within Poland after World War II, at that attempted to assimilate Ukrainian people.For the settlement of international relations between the countries after the Second World War (1945) established the United Nations (UN). It should be noted that among the founding of the UN was and Ukraine.Rebuilding the economy. The war led to the unprecedented destruction of the economy of Ukraine. After the war, its industrial production potential was 48% compared to 1940.Features of rebuilding industry: an issue of reconstruction was investment. USA refused to grant credits to the Soviet Union, which did not become a member of the Marshall Plan. The main source of investment was internal resources. Rebuilding the economy began with heavy industry. In Ukraine a few years, have been restored mines of Donbass, Dniproges and large thermal power stations, metallurgical plants. In 1948, engineering plants worked more than before the war.The development of heavy industry occurred at the expense of light industry, agriculture, science and culture, which was funded by a residual. Thus, investment in light industry accounted for 12-15% of all industrial investment. Intensified disproportion in industrial development in favor of branches of the military-industrial complex. Companies working on old technologies were extremely high energy and material of goods.The result: in 1950, heavy industry surpassed, and light industry - barely reached the prewar level. Features of rebuilding agriculture. Reconstruction was carried out in extremely difficult conditions. Decreased crop area, lacked the manpower and horses. It was hard situation of the peasants (tiny wages, high taxes on agricultural products, farmers do not have passports, etc.). The situation is complicated by drought and famine in 1946 in the winter of 1946-1947from which 800 thousand people in Ukraine died. Investment in agriculture were insufficient they were no more than 7% of total appropriations

Democratic processes in Ukraine, their contradictory character. "The Thaw"After Stalin's death March 5, 1953 began a new era in Soviet history. In June 1953 leadership of the Communist Party and the government passed into the hands of the former First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine Nikita Khrushchev. This odious figure is still conflicting opinions and assessment of the character and activity of Nikita Khrushchev, who led the Soviet Union and the socialist camp during eleven years.Period of stay Khrushchev in power called "Thaw" (1953-1964), who became universally political science term and means some departure from the strict and brutal Stalinist system and its reform efforts towards modernization and liberalization.February 19 1954 Supreme Soviet to mark 300th anniversary of Pereyaslav Council (according to which was the accession Ukraine to Russia) decided to include the Crimean Peninsula in the Ukrainian SSR. One characteristic of the "Thaw" was de-Stalinization of the society. In February 1956 at a closed session of the XX Congress of the CPSU (Communist Party of Soviet Union) Khrushchev made a report of Stalin's personality cult and the elimination of its consequences that made blast impression on the world. The figure of the "leader of all nations" is now portrayed, if not criminal, that responsible for the crimes of the regime and man doubtful and unworthy. After Congress began significant changes in social life: some government decentralization, liberalization of censorship, weakening senseless comprehensive secrecy, isolation and Russification. Began a massive rehabilitation of the repressed: in 1954-1956 the Soviet Union was rehabilitated almost 8000 people. Every year intensified criticism of Stalinist crimes, disappeared fear and creative collapse.However, this process was uncertain and inconsistent, even paradoxical: rehabilitated the executioner of the Ukrainian people, the creator of the famine of 1932-33 Postyshev. Moreover, the rehabilitation of victims of Stalin's repression was parallel with the new political repression. For example, in Ukraine during 1954-1959 for "anti-Soviet activities" were repressed 3.5 thousand people. This meant that the foundations of the totalitarian regime remained inviolable, and it just started redecorating.


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Also were introduced reforms in political sphere assisted to certain liberalization and democratization of sociopolitical life. Firstly, people received an opportunity to state their ideas more freely. Secondly, the role of the Radas increased both in the center and in provinces, but the dominance of party bodies over the state bodies was preserved. Thirdly, reforms in political sphere were the unfinished and inconsistent.

Start of liberalization, experiments in economics.In Ukraine the liberalization began of the movement for the revival of the Ukrainian language, and very soon had obtained positive results because the potential savings in earlier times, the experience Ukrainianization achieved effect. The publication of fundamental scientific works: "Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia", "The history of Ukrainian literature", "Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language" from 1957. began publication "Ukrainian Historical Journal", began publication of the" History of the towns and villages of Ukraine ", which had none of the republic of the USSR.Especially outstanding phenomenon was the sudden appearance of talented writers, critics, poets such as Basil Simonenko, Lina Kostenko, Eugene Sverstyuk, Ivan Dzyuba, Ivan Drach, Vasyl Stus, Nicholas Vingranovsky Dmitry Pavlichko and Mykola Rudenko. In their creativity Ukrainian culture received a strong impulse to self-realization in modern conditions, to seek new forms and styles of artistic and aesthetic knowledge of the world, their rebelliousness enjoyed broad support young intellectuals, but caused concern and anger the communist power, which soon led to the first wave of repression.

Experiments in economicsThe developed program of socio-economic reforms Khrushchev and his entourage had, and all of his experiments were improvised, which often is bordered on adventurism.Some measures of Khrushchev have been caused by the need and were right, such as the decentralization of economic management, introduced in 1957, and of limited economic autonomy to the regions. Also, the elimination of the Stalinist machine-tractor stations (MTS) and the transfer of technique collective farms, collective farmers raising wages, reducing the working day and week, mass housing building for urban housing problems in cities, education reform in 1958, large allocations to science. Some of his experiments were necessary, but were carried out unsystematic or altogether absurd, for example, raising the virgin land, leading to ecological catastrophe after plowing almost 16 million hectares of virgin lands of Kazakhstan and Siberia.Also unexpected transition to a "campaign of corn," which included it sowings on 28 million hectares across the Soviet Union, was real disaster from folly because caused the food crisis in the country. This led to massive purchases of grain abroad, monetary reform in 1961, sharp rise in prices, and finally strikes and workers' uprising. The most tragic events in Novocherkassk were 1-2 June 1962.The pension reform in 1956 has increased an average pension for senior citizens more than twice, for the handicapped - by 1.5 times. The collective farmers started to receive pensions;Public health services, education have been better budgeted, the tuition fee in the senior classes of the secondary school, in secondary special and higher educational institutions were cancelled.Capital investments into housing construction have been increased which enabled unprecedented rise of civil construction works.The duration of working day has been cut to 7 hours and to 6 hours for those working in coal and mining industry.At the beginning of 60th of XX century the situation in the USSR was sharply aggravated: the currency reform of 1961 has negatively affected peoples standard of living led to prices increase, the drought of 1963 has caused food crisis, the population was driven to the verge of famine. Since then the Soviet Union has started to purchase grain abroad, bread rationing has been introduced.Khrushchev's reforms had many positive sides, but owing to their incompleteness and inconsistency no cardinal changes have occurred in the economy and other spheres of public life. The majority of historians are of the opinion, that the transformations of N. Khrushchev's period have not affected fundamentals of the system existing during Stalin's rule.

Emergence of dissident movement.National and cultural activities of the younger generation, the so-called "men of the sixties" inspired by the life was a new phenomenon which is called the dissident movement. The word "dissenter" means "dissentient" and understood as "protesting people," disagrees with the dominant religion, ideology, advocating for their rights to freely choose their faith. Therefore synonymous with "dissenter" is "human rights defender" is a person who fights for social, religious and national rights. The most well-known and respected Russian human rights defenders were Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Andrey Sakharov.The dissident movement of the late 50th - early 60th of XX century was amorphous and unorganized. In Ukraine, there were not more than a thousand active dissidents. Young intellectuals eagerly listened to the words of Ivan Dziuba, John Svitlychny, Valentyna Moroz, Vyacheslav Chornovil, Michael Osadchy, John Gel, Vasyl Stus. Generally Ukrainian dissidents were reformists, not revolutionaries and urged not to the armed struggle but to intellectual one.The first manifestations of the dissident movement back to the late 50 th of XX century, when in Western Ukraine there have been a few small secret groups. Among the most famous that established in 1958 in Lviv, led by Levko Lukyanenko was "Ukrainian Union of Workers and Peasants." Group had a program of Ukrainian national


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movement in order to "become absolutely completely independent state with well-developed socialist political system" and "conquest of democratic rights." In 1960, members of the group Lukyanenko, I.Kandiba and others were arrested and were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment.Another form of protest were workers strikes and riots that took place in 1963 in Kriviy Rig, later – strikes of Odessa port workers, metallurgists and machine builders of Dnipropetrovsk, Dniprodzerzhinsk and Kyiv. Religious dissent was manifested in the form of appeals, applications, petitions and protests against violations of freedom of conscience and religious practice. Despite the ban in 1946, the Greek Catholic Church, it has not ceased to act illegally and even had its own hierarchy. Becomes more practive their activities Protestant denominations and sects. In 1963, the first secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party became Shelest, who even tried to ban the Ukrainian language and economic interests of Ukraine.

NeostalinizmSince October 1964, the Soviet Union was headed by a limited and cautious party functionary - Leonid Brezhnev (1964-1982), who was one of the leaders of the coup in 1964 for removal from power Khrushchev. He did not believe in modernization and considered autocratic system of government only possible for the Soviet Union, and advantages of socialism to capitalism - the undoubted and unconditionally. The chief ideologist of the party M. Suslov outlined the general line of development that political analysts have identified as orthodox and became disruptive and destructive for the USSR and its characteristic features: conservatism, authoritarianism, enhancing the leadership role of the party, militarization and aggression. To implement these ideas needed effective economy, a modern army, therefore the new government tried to boost productivity labor of society is not familiar Stalinist methods of fear and coercion but increasing material interest of workers.Chairman of the Soviet government Alexei Kosygin developed a program of economic reforms and tried to implement its in 1965-1967, but it has led to the underground "black" economy, which forced the leadership back in the late 60th of XX century until tested planning system. This period is called "stagnation". Reactionary trends in socio-economic sphere and the social and cultural life were materialized and preserved. Degradation unique one-party state system very soon crystallized into unprecedented in the history of gerontocracy, where only a very old age, party bosses reached the pinnacle of power and rule over the "socialist camp" to death. At this time, again gained force political police - the KGB, which had huge financial possibilities and staffing (official and secret). Began mass repression, political farce processes were political prisoners and specialized psychiatric hospitals. In 1972-1973 in Ukraine arrested more than 100 dissidents, many of whom ended up in camps for political prisoners in Mordovia. In parallel, opened a furious ideological campaign against "Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism"; headed by Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ukrainian Communist Party reactionary V. Malanchuk.To accelerate scientific and technical progress, to intensify the development of the USSR national economy the economic reform was started in 1965.The agricultural reform provided for the following:1) Procurement prices for agricultural production had to be increased;2) Firm planned assignments of agricultural products purchasing. 50 % bonus of the procurement price was established for surplus production;3) The national income had to be re-distributed in advantages of agriculture;4) The measures enhancing development of rural social sphere.Nevertheless, no important changes in the agrarian policy occurred. The state had to purchase bread abroad to provide the population with foodstuffs. The situation was aggravated by uneconomic use of the grounds, allotment of the most fertile soils for industrial construction purposes, thoughtless programs of use of chemicals, amelioration and construction of the artificial water reservoirs. Industrial reform provided for the following:1) Transition from administrative to economic methods of management;2) Delegating self-financing to enterprises;3) The assessment of the enterprises activity stemming from the sold commodities and not from the overall production;4) The establishment of the material stimulation funds at the enterprises, etc.But, on the other hand, the centralized economy management has been revitalized: instead of republican Radas of People's Economy, established by Khrushchev, the management system through republican and union ministries has been restored, 95 % of the Ukrainian enterprises again reported to Moscow.The reasons of failure of economic reform in the middle of 60th of XX century:- The reform did not affect fundamentals of the command system, it had incomplete character, it did not change structural, investment policy;- The party-state machinery could not, and did not wish to refuse usual methods of economy management.The economy kept on developing extensively, the permanent lagging behind the developed countries of the West was taking shape in scientific, technical and technological processes. The command system could not be completely entered in the conditions offered by scientific and technological revolutions which became one of the key reasons of the economic development recession. Labor productivity in industry was two times lower than in the USA, in agriculture - 5 times lower!


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Mismanagement and irresponsibility kept increasing; corruption, organized crime and "shadow" economy were developing more and more.Thus, in 70-80th of XX century the USSR national economy entered the continuous crisis.In Ukraine a colonial type of economy structure revealed itself more vividly as it was characterized by dominant character of fuel and raw material branches of industry. Less than 30 % of the Ukrainian industry facilities produced goods for the consumer market (whereas in the developed countries this index reached 50-60 % and more).The economic potential of Ukraine was being increased without taking into account its ecological factors. Eight atomic power stations have been and were being built in the territory of our state.During 60-80th of XX century one could notice certain increase of people's well-being, rise of salaries and wages. Nevertheless, this well-being was quite relative: as to its standard of living at the beginning of' 80 th of XX century Ukraine was among the countries which took 50th-60th place in the world. There was an acute deficiency of industrial goods and foodstuff; the queues became a shameful sign of the people's life. In addition, this relative well-being of people in 60th -70th was ensured at the account of national natural resources sale: oil, gas, coal, timber.In 1977 was adopted the last the Constitution of the USSR and in 1978 - the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR which declared democratization of the political system, expansion of the rights and liberties of the Soviet citizens, equality of all nations but they had little to do with a real life. This constitution was the basis for the establishment of the constitution of independent Ukraine that adopted in 1996.

The onset of the reactionIn May 1972, it was removed the head of the Ukrainian Communist Party - Shelest. New Communist Party leader was Vladimir Shcherbytsky. His tenure as leader of the Ukrainian Communist Party was a record in duration - from 1972 to 1989. This is explained conformism of Shcherbytsky careful execution of all instructions of Moscow groveling in front of the Kremlin leaders.It is therefore characteristic feature the social life of 70-80th of XX century was the total Russification. The assimilation of Ukrainians actively conducted through linguistic and cultural proximity Ukrainian people to Russians and Ukrainian people played the role of a counterweight that was used against non-Slavic peoples. If the Russian language was the only means of communication between the various nationalities of the USSR, as well as the language of science and international relations, the Ukrainian language retreating into the background. The most interesting and important publications in Ukraine came in Russian language, while Ukrainian editions became provincial, and because of this unpopular and unprofitable. In response to falling circulation are closed: from 1969 to 1980, the share of Ukrainian publications in Ukraine has decreased from 46% to 19%. More Ukrainian considered Russian their native language. Russian people generally exhibit a marked tendency to go out of their republic, and especially for their beloved land has been the Ukraine: there is a good climate, beautiful and neat woman, great food, a relatively high level of socio-economic and cultural development, familiar language and its own church. In 1959 in Ukraine lived 7 million Russians, and in 1970 - already 10 million, representing approximately 20% of the population.

Strengthening dissident and human rights movement in the 70 - 80 yearsThe deepening of the general crisis of the totalitarian system entailed strengthening the human rights movement in its various forms. Activation of dissent manifested in the spread of self-sacrifice and courage fighters of the freedom. The intervention of the USSR and its satellites in Czechoslovakia in 1968 was the impetus of a new wave of protests and international detente accelerated structuring of the dissident movement. In Ukraine the national revival stimulated human rights activists are inextricably linking the struggle for freedom with the idea of independence.A valuable source of information and the organization of the dissident movement was publication magazine "Ukrainian Herald". In the conditions the radicalization of positions of human rights defenders acutely felt the need for an organization to unite all democratic anti-colonial forces.In 1975 the Soviet Union signed the Helsinki agreement and pledged to respect civil rights. Using this, the dissidents began to create community groups to promote the implementation of the Helsinki agreement. First Helsinki Committee was established in Moscow in May 1976 and in November of that year in Kiev was the Ukrainian Helsinki Group (UHG), was headed by writer Mykola Rudenko. Group consisted of 37 participants, including dissidents, nationalists and religious activists: P. Grigorenko, V. Stus, L. Lukyanenko, A. Berdnik, V. Chornovil, O.Tyhiy, S. Karavansky, J. Shuhevich, O. Mieszko. It was a legal organization and operates it within the current legislation and international agreements.Communist authorities applied to UHG harsh repression. By 1980, three-quarters of its members were arrested and received long terms of imprisonment. The rest were sent, some emigrated, and in 1980 set up an overseas office in New York.

12. Ukraine in the period of “Rebuilding”At the beginning of 1985 became leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, who at the Plenum (April 1985) declared a policy of "perestroika" (rebuilding). "Perestroika"(rebuilding) included: updating all spheres of life Soviet society, its broad democratization, profound changes in the economy, a radical restructuring of the organizational


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structures, forms and methods of management activities, conducting a new national policy. This fully applies to Ukraine.In the republic leading industries are coal, mining, metallurgical, heavy machinery and electrical engineering. In the Ukrainian SSR, there were to 50% enterprises of military-industrial complex. In particular, the Ukrainian SSR, which accounted for 3% of the territory of the USSR, was mined about half of the Union production of iron, 40% - of steel, rolled products, a third of coal, 60% - iron ore, 20% - gross harvest of grain, 50% - sugar and oil. In coal mining, ferrous metallurgy and machine building was occupied 2/3 of all employees in industrial production.Ukraine has been built and worked a large number of nuclear units (40% of the All-Union number). Some nuclear power plants (Chernobyl, Khmelnitsky and South Ukrainian) did not work for Ukraine's needs and produce electricity for socialist European countries that were part of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Deformation of the economy has led not only to the emergence of a trade deficit, but the aggravation of environmental, demographic and social problems.In the republic was typical fast obsolescence of fixed assets. In Ukraine, the share of older plants was higher than in the USSR as a whole. This led to chronic lag in economic development. In the mid 80's Ukraine in terms of growth of total industrial products and gross agricultural firmly occupies 13th place in the USSR.Much more complicated ecological situation; it quickly was approaching to catastrophic. It was due to slants in the allocation of productive forces. In the 70 years technogenic load on nature, more and more, and in 6-7 times higher than the all-Union level. Each year, industrial objects into the atmosphere and water basin thrown out more than 10 million tons of harmful substances. In the late 80's in Ukraine was the only Soviet republic, where the death rate exceeded the birth rate. Crash on Chernobyl nuclear power plant in April 26, 1986 deepened the environmental situation. The environmental situation in the republic complicated the irrational expansion cultivated areas in agriculture. Degree plowed over Ukraine reached 57%, including 73% of the steppe zone.Despite the "perestroika", in Ukraine in 1989 stopped the growth of national income, began the process of deregulation of the economy and the consumer market, deepening mismanagement. All this led to an uncontrolled rise in prices, a deepening of providing the population with food, essential commodities. Crisis phenomena in economy, its general condition negatively reflected on solving social issues.Not only preserved, but also begins to deepened backlog from Western countries in the level of per capita consumption. Increasing the sharpness of the housing problem.Began the process reducing the level and quality of care. But the main thing was that economic reform of the first years of perestroika did not produce tangible results.Transfer of enterprises in the self-financing in terms of departmental diktat was a devastating event for it. It pushed enterprises to charge higher prices for their products, while ignoring the interests of the consumer, was sharp imbalance consumer market, inflation, rising prices. Perestroika has not solved this important problem for any country.Proclaimed leadership of the CPSU Central Committee plenum (January 1987) measures for reforming of the political system, recognizing the need dosage pluralism and publicity helped shape in Ukraine democratic forces, the emergence of associations, movements and political parties. Proclaimed publicity, which became gradually grow in freedom of speech, made the ruling riding cancel censorship.In terms of deepening democracy begins the process of establishing a multiparty system in Ukraine. Again intensify its activities Ukrainian Helsinki Union (UHU). With the active assistance of UHU in March 1989 in Lviv was the first political demonstration. In 1989 there is a party “People's Movement of Ukraine” (Rukh), and several other parties.However, the central event in the social life of the Republic in this period were conduct of elections National Deputies to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, regional, city, district and village councils, which took place in March 1990.May 15, 1990 for the first time in the history of Ukraine Verkhovna Rada of the Republic joined the parliamentary mode (session lasted now 60 days).July 16, 1990 adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine. The Declaration consists of a preamble and ten chapters: I. Self-determination of the Ukrainian nation. II. People Power. III. State power. IV. Citizenship of the Ukrainian SSR. V. Territorial supremacy. VI. Economic independence. VII. Environmental safety. VIII. Cultural development. IX. External and internal security. X. International Relations.Despite the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty, Ukraine continued to remain in the USSR, although from this time begins to operate more independently and safely. During the a short time (from June 1990 to June 1991) Verkhovna Rada adopted 40 laws and 68 resolutions on various aspects of economic policy. Among of them: the law on economic independence of Ukraine (August 1990) and the decree "On the draft concept and the program of transition Ukrainian SSR to a market economy "(November 1990). July 5, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law "On the establishment of the post of President of the Ukrainian SSR and according with the modification and additions to the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Ukrainian SSR." August 24, 1991 extraordinary session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine considered extremely important for the future of the Ukrainian people adopted the Act of Independence of Ukraine. At the same time was adopted Resolution of Supreme Soviet Ukrainian SSR about making December 1, 1991 holding a national referendum to confirm the Act of Independence of Ukraine.


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Along with referendum took place election The President of Ukraine. On this post December 1, 1991, was elected Leonid Kravchuk (former chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR).

13. Ukraine in the period of independence. Formation of a new independent state.Based on the legal traditions of democratic government, the young Ukraine in the development of the state focused on the principle division of powers, which included the formation of its three branches - legislative, executive and judicial.The only legislative body of Ukraine was Verkhovna Rada. From the early days of independence Verkhovna Rada deployed an active legislative work. For August 24, 1991 the Parliament adopted a resolution "On military forces in Ukraine", in which all the troops stationed on Ukrainian territory, subordinate to Parliament.October 8, 1991 adopted the Law "On Citizenship". It gave the right to become a citizen of Ukraine to anyone who at the time of adoption of the law resided on its territory.In January and February 1992 were approved other attributes of statehood: the anthem "Ukraine is not dead ...", blue and yellow national flag and small arms - trident.During its practical activity Verkhovna Rada Ukraine of the Twelfth convocation adopted nearly 400 laws and more than 1100 different resolutions and decisions of social life and the state.According to the existing at the time Constitution President of Ukraine was the head of state is the highest official and the head of the executive power. The executive power in Ukraine was represented by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, who headed the Prime Minister.The process of state-building in Ukraine foresaw the creation and development of their armed forces. The first step in this direction was the creation of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and approved in October 1991 Concept defense and development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is based on the principle of reasonable sufficiency of the structure, size and armament. The concept of calling the aspirations of Ukraine to become a neutral, denuclearized, non-aligned country and ensure that these problems by creating their own armed forces. The total strength of the army was determined within 400-420 thousand people. For December 6 adopted the Law on the Armed Forces of Ukraine.An important element of nation-building was the creation of vertical of locally executive power. By the proposal The President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk March 5, 1992 the Supreme Council of the Republic approved the Law "On representatives The President of Ukraine." According to it in the regions, districts and municipalities - Kyiv and Sevastopol - based on the executive committees of regional councils formed a new government - local administration. It led by representatives of the President, which he appointed himself. It strengthened the executive power, allowing the center to control the active processes in the region.The system of courts of Ukraine consisted of courts general jurisdiction, headed by the Supreme Court of Ukraine and arbitration courts. The first regarded civil, administrative, criminal cases, second - commercial disputes entities. A new element of the judicial system was the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, founded in 1992. To its competence include resolving issues about conformity to the constitution of laws and regulations, international agreements, interpretation of the Constitution norms.In the early 90th of XX century it was adopted a number of laws that initiated the formation of law enforcement authorities - prosecutors, police, security services, notary, legal profession, the Customs Service, Tax Service and others.In 1994 took place Presidential election on which won Leonid Kuchma. In the next presidential election in 1999 he also won.It was working on the Constitution. In order to study and synthesis of alternative projects June 19, 1995 was created working group of the Constitutional Commission. The result of its work was the preparation of an agreed draft Constitution of Ukraine. June 28, 1996, the Verkhovna Rada (Supreme Soviet) of Ukraine adopted the Constitution of Ukraine - the Basic Law of the State.According to the Constitution Ukraine is a unitary state. The only source of power in Ukraine is the people. This demonstrates the democratic character of the state, where people can freely express their attitude to power in elections and referendums. Verkhovna Rada is sole body of legislative power in Ukraine.It is, besides lawmaking, has considerable authority in public construction and appointments to key positions in the state. President of Ukraine according to the Constitution is the head of state and acting on its behalf. He is elected by direct popular vote a term of five years. Chief executive body is the Cabinet of Ministers, which is headed by the Prime Minister of Ukraine. The Cabinet of Ministers according to new Constitution has far more functions and power than before. They are connected with the formation and expenditures of the state budget, ensuring equal conditions for all forms of ownership. Government carries out management objects of state property, provides defense, security and public order in the country. The executive power in the regions, districts carry out regional administrations. Legal proceedings in Ukraine carried by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine; and courts of general and sectoral jurisdiction. Important functions entrusted to the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. Constitution enshrines territorial structure of Ukraine and defined the principles of local self-government.In early 2001, in connection with the disappearance of the journalist Georgiy Gongadze and the so-called cassette scandal political situation in Ukraine deteriorated again. In early March 2001 in the country swept wave speeches of


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the opposition within the action "Ukraine without Kuchma". Political confrontation has again become the epicenter of public life, overshadowing address the many pressing economic and social problems.The Orange Revolution Presidential elections in Ukraine in 2004 became a turning point in the history of the state. Government candidate was Prime Minister of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. Opposition forces grouped around Viktor Yushchenko former Prime Minister in 2000-2001.Voting of the second round was with significant irregularities and falsifications. Released by the Central Electoral Commission of the results of the victory of Viktor Yanukovych strikingly different from the exit poll data which testified the victory of Yushchenko. Outraged of this situation, voters responded to the call to defend the opposition candidate of their choice and in the evening on November 21 gathered for a rally in the central square of Kyiv - Independence Square. On the next day mass meeting turned into a mass peaceful protest, which lasted until December 8, 2004 and was called "Orange Revolution."In its decision of 3 December 2004 the Supreme Court of Ukraine declared invalid the second round of presidential elections and appointed the second round on December 26, 2004.The next presidential election took place January 17, 2010, the first round of the presidential elections in Ukraine, in which a winner was not found. February 7 was conducted a second round, which won with a margin of three percent over then Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko gained victory opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych.March 11 was formed new government headed by Mykola Azarov.April 21 Yanukovych signed an agreement with Russian President Medvedev to extend the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in Sevastopol until 2042.November 16, 2010 began the protest against Tax Code in many cities held mass rallies and protests, on Independence Square in Kiev created tent camp. On main square there were about 20,000 protesters.

The economic life of Ukraine.Before the new state was a question of solving a number of economic issues:1. it was necessary to reform the economy based on market principles, carry out privatization, to form a mixed economy, to ensure equal conditions for all of its ownership - state, private, collective.2. should deploy the restructuring of industry in Ukraine. And first of all - overcoming its one-sided focus on heavy industry, elimination of costly character of production through the introduction resource saving, new technology, achievements of scientific and technological revolution, a comprehensive reorientation of the economy on satisfaction of social needs.3. need to create an effective market-based system of economic cooperation as in Ukraine as with countries of near and far abroad.But economic reforms have led to inflation, wage arrears for several months. In difficult situation was a system of food industry, where dominated old technology. All this resulted in huge losses of agricultural products. Development of an independent state included the creation of their own financial and monetary system. The leading role the National Bank of Ukraine to improve the current financial system was formed almost 230 banks, numbering over 18 thousand branches.In September 1996. introduced into circulation a new currency - the hryvnia. The introduction of the hryvnia stability contributed monetary system of the state. Created the prerequisites out of the crisis. In August and October 1996, inflation amounted to 1.5-2%. For the first time in a long time, the population incurred money to savings banks. The volume of deposits during this period increased by more than 15%.

14. The foreign policy of Ukraine.Declaration of Independence brought Ukraine into the international arena. The main directions of the foreign policy of Ukraine were:1. Signing December 8, 1991 agreement establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) stated fact the collapse of the Soviet Union and the transition of foreign policy issues the exclusive jurisdiction of the former Soviet republics.2. Participation of Ukraine in the activities of international organizations 1992. - Ukraine became a member of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 1995 - Member of the Council of Europe. 2000 - Ukraine - non-permanent members of UN Security Council, 2004 - Agreement on the Common Economic Space (CES).3. Nuclear disarmament: 1994 - Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 1996 - nuclear warheads taken out from the territory of Ukraine.4. Establishing relations with the CIS 1997 - Grand agreement between Russia and Ukraine. In 2000 Ukraine established diplomatic relations with 153 countries.5. Cooperation with the European Union (EU) to achieve full membership. But November 21, 2013, a few days before the summit in Vilnius, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to suspend the process of preparation to the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. This led to mass protests in Ukraine.


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15. The development of Ukrainian culture in the period of independence. (Architecture, art, music, education, literature, theater and cinema).

Religious Life. With the proclamation of the independence of Ukraine was split into the Orthodox Church. Formed three Orthodox denominations: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.The restored activity of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, in addition there are the Roman Catholic Church, 32 lines of Protestant (Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.), community of Jews, Islam, Hare Krishnas, Buddhists. Religious communities returned building nationalized in the past. Restored masterpiece of Ukrainian temple architecture - St. Michael's Cathedral and the Assumption Cathedral of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.After the start of the policy of Perestroika (Rebuilding), glasnost and democratization in Ukraine there is a broad national-democratic growth. From the middle 80's in terms of the rise of national consciousness, formation of democracy many Ukrainian writers were actively involved in social and political life.In 1989 was founded by the Society of Ukrainian Taras Shevchenko, whose goal was the establishment of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of public life. There is a real newspaper and magazine boom. The people re-opens his story, pass extensive discussions about Hetman Ivan Mazepa, the activities of the Central Council of the Soviet-German treaty of 1939, first published material on the hunger of 1932-1933. Prints earlier banned books, films out in theaters. There are established first contacts with the Diaspora. Creative intellectuals took an active part in the establishment of the People's Movement of Ukraine.After Ukraine became independent in 1991, began a new phase the development of Ukrainian society. The main feature of the modern period can be considered its transitional character. In society has developed new social and cultural situation of other socio-economic conditions, forms of ownership, the nature of human relations, social structure and values.One of the most important of cultural development is the question of the national language. Status Ukrainian language as the state cemented The Constitution of Ukraine. With the adoption of new legislation started the transition into the Ukrainian language state authorities, media, institutions of culture and education. Financial problems hinder the increase circulation of Ukrainian books, trade literature mainly brought in from Russia. Decreasing the circulation of books. If in 1991 in Ukraine this index was 3.6, in the late 90's it was 0.99. The population mostly deprived of the opportunity reading periodicals (now in Ukraine only about 8% of households subscribe newspapers or magazines). In 1999, more than 60% of secondary schools teaching carried out into Ukrainian language except for a few areas. In secondary education has disappeared monotony. Emerging of author school. Particular progress has been new types of secondary schools with early profilization - gymnasiums, lyceums. There is program for the gifted children. In 2000 was made an effort to move to 12-year secondary school (but stayed 11-year school). Public schools in the early period of independence were subjected financial difficulties, teachers regularly paid salary. Almost disappeared system of professional training, kindergartens was mass closed.Reforming of higher education. In order to increase its level introduced a system of accreditation. Major educational establishments receive national status. For example, the National University of Kyiv named after Taras Shevchenko National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy". Besides the state, appears a large number of commercial higer schools. As a result the number of different kinds of institutions, academies, universities increased almost doubled. Starting with 2005 the high school student learning begins is not held by the traditional Soviet system was a transition to credit-module system.For years of independence increased cultural contacts with different countries. This is due to the work of various international funds, the possibility of visits and joint projects. There were published works of writers who worked in exile, were translated literature leading international historiansScience. Ukraine takes part in major international programs such as space programs "Sea Launch", "Globalstar". And in the space program "Spectrum", "Mars-96", "shuttle-97", "ocean", "Nature". For the first time started working a national Ukrainian station in Antarctica.At the same time the scientific potential of seriously reflected economic problems. State financing of science has decreased fourfold. In Ukraine widely imported electronic equipment, its own development and production are not improving. Deteriorating conditions of life and work was the main reason that in 1992-1996 went abroad thousands of researchers. Appeared division in the elite culture and mass. Ukraine was faced with the phenomenon of Americanization of culture, that especially felt in the cinema (the production of their own films significantly reduced), popular music and literature.For many people, visiting theaters, museums, libraries, especially any trip was unavailable. Due to the significant decline in living standards, deterioration of health care, rising costs of medications, complications of ecological conditions, an increase in morbidity, mortality and decline in fertility.Fundamentally changed the relationship between the state and the church. The Constitution of Ukraine guarantees the citizens freedom of conscience and religion, while maintaining separation of church and state and school from church. These provisions of the law that declared have become real. In Ukraine, as of January 1, 2000, there were about 22 thousand religious organizations that are included in the 80 confessions and directions.


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Materials for self-control:A. Questions for self-control:

1. Elucidate the contents of the “Ukrainian question” in the policy of the western states before the Second World War.2. Determine the place of Molotov-Ribbentrop pact among the reasons of the Second World War.3. Characterize “New Order” in Ukraine.4. How did the liberation of Ukraine take place?5. Define the contribution of Ukrainian people into the victory over fascism.6. What were geopolitical consequences of the Second World War?7. How do you understand the term “De-Stalinization”?8. What testifies to change of priorities in economy in the period of "Thaw"?9. What do you know about Khrushchev’s social reforms?10. How was the strengthening of Stalin’s dictatorship in Ukraine in postwar period?11. What do you know about political situation in Western Ukraine in postwar period?

B. Tests control:The policy of “Military communism” in Ukraine was in:a) 1918 – 1922 b) 1920 – 1924 c) 1921 – 1922 d) 1919 – 1921

UkrSSR was established in:a) 1919 b) 1922 c) 1924 d) 1925

USSR was established in:a) 1919 b) 1922 c) 1924 d) 1925

What policy was introduced in 1921?a) “Military communism” b) New Economic Policy (NEP);c) Industrialization, d) collectivization.

Constitution of USSR was adopted:a) 1919 b) 1922 c) 1924 d) 1925

Policy of Ukrainization was declared:a) 1921 b) 1925 c) 1930 d) 1923

The policy of industrialization declared:a) 1921 b) 1925 c) 1930 d) 1932

The policy of “Military communism” in Ukraine lasted:a) 1918 – 1922 b) 1920 – 1924 c) 1921 – 1922 d) 1919 – 1921

In what spheres of life NEP provided for pluralism:a) policy b) economy c) culture d) ideology?

When was the legal registration of the Soviet Union finally finished?:a) 1920 b) 1922 c) 1930 d) 1924

Workers dissatisfied with Bolsheviks’ dictatorship put forward the slogan during strikes:a) “All authority to Radas!” b) “Radas without Bolsheviks!” c) “Autonomy to Ukraine!”

The Bolsheviks’ course towards Ukrainization provided for:a) expansion of sphere of the Ukrainian language use in work of Soviet-party apparatuses, increased of the amount of school with training in the native language and development of national Ukrainian culture;b) liquidation of Soviet authority and restoration of the Ukrainian state, introduction of Ukrainian language into the work of state machinery, national and cultural revival;


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c) training of Bolsheviks’ staff from the representatives of native nationality, introduction of native Ukrainian language for the population into the work of party, economic and Soviet apparatuses, increased of the network of schools with training in native Ukrainian language and development of Ukrainian culture.

The consolidation of Soviet authority in Ukraine has been caused by:a) support of the majority of the population;b) inability of the Ukrainian governments to win support of the population;c) Military advantages of Red Army;d) Absence of interest of the Entente countries in Ukraine;e) your option.

The First World War began ina) 1912 b) 1914. C) 1918

Stolypin’s agrarian reform in Ukraine began in:a) 1906 p. b) 1911. c) 1913 d) 1907 When started a revolution of 1905-1907? a) June 14, 1906 b) 9 (22) January 1905 c) January 9, 1906 d) August 3, 1907

The First World War took place between: a) England and Russia b) Quaternary Union and e Entente c) Germany and Austria-Hungary d) Ukraine and France

When was formed Ukrainian Central Council (Rada)?a) March 4, 1917; b) April 10, 1917; c) November 7, 1917; d) May 14, 1917

When was coup by Hetman Skoropadsky?a) April 29, 1918; b) December 14, 1918; c) 5 July 1918; d) September 14, 1918

Ukrainian Central Rada was headed by:a) V.Vynnychenko; b) S.Petliura; c) M.Hrushevsky; d) S.Yefremov.

Government of Directory headed by:a) Hrushevsky; b) Simon Petliura; c) S.Yefremov

When formed the Ukrainian Central Council (Rada)?:a) March 2, 1917 b) 4 March 1917 c) 17 March 1917 d) June 10, 1917

The main objective of the national democratic revolution in Ukraine in 1917 was:a) address the issue of self-determination of the state of Ukraine;b) the solution of the agrarian question;c) the end of the First World War;d) solving tasks listed in paragraphs a), b ) , c).

February revolution in Russia took place in:A) 2 March 1917. B) February 27, 1917 c) 4 March 1917 d) February 25, 1918 Who was head of the Central Counci?:a) S.Petlura b) V.Vynnychenko; c) M.Hrushevsky d) P. Skoropadsky

Position Central Council regarding the events of October 1917 in Petrograd and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks in Russia:a) fully supported the armed revolution in Petrograd, which in terms of counter-revolutionary Ukrainian overthrew the Provisional Government;b) strongly condemned the actions of the Bolsheviks, seeing them as a threat to its influence in Ukraine;c) initially took a sympathetic attitude towards the Bolshevik government, but eventually changed it to negative, concluding that the Bolsheviks did not meet with anyone to share their power;d) was initially hostile to the Bolshevik seizure of power , but realizing that they contribute to an embodiment of the autonomy of Ukraine, changed their attitude to their benevolent

General Secretariat headed by:


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a) M.Hrushevsky b) Alexander Kerensky c) V. Vynnychenko

Set during the reign of Hetman Skoropadsky was in:a) March 1917 – January 1918 b) January 1918 – April 1918; c) April 1918 – November 1918

According to the Third Universal Ukraine proclaimed:a) the independent People’s Republic:b) autonomous state unit of the Russian republic;c) an autonomous public entity within the Russian Bolshevik republic;d) an autonomous unit within the state renewed federation that emerged from the wreckage of the Russian Empire.

The program of socio –economic transformation was proclaimed in:a) First Universal b) Third Universal c) Fourth Universal

The first period of the Second World War lasted:a) 1939 – 1945 b) 1939 – 1943 с) 1941 – 1943 d) 1939 – 1941

Headquarters of the partisan movement created in:a) 1939 b) 1941 c) 1942 d) 1944

Liberation from Nazi occupation of Poltava took place in:a) September 1943 b) October 1944c) May 1944 d) May 1945

Day of liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders:a) September 23, 1943 b) May 9, 1944c) October 28, 1944 d) October 28, 1945

World War II continued:a) 1939 – 1945 b) 1941 – 1945c) 1943 – 1945 d) 1945 – 1946

Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union started:a) September 1, 1939 b) June 22, 1940; c) September 1, 1941 d) June 22, 1941

World War II began the attack:a) France to Germany b) Germany on the Soviet Unionc) Soviet Union to Finland d) Germany to Poland.

World War II continued:a) September 1939 – September 1945 b) September 1939 – May 1945c) June 1941 – May 1945 d) June 1941 – September 1945

“Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” August 23, 1939 signed between:a) Germany and the Soviet Union b) Germany and Poland;c) USSR and Ukraine d) Soviet Union and Britain

World War II began in:a) 1933 b) 1939 c) 1941 d) 1938

“Molotov – Ribbentrop Pact” was signed in:a) June 23 1939 b) August 23, 1939; c) August 28, 1939 d) July 25, 1939


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Germany’s attack to Poland, which marked the beginning of World War II in:a) September 2, 1938 b) September 1, 1941; c) September 2, 1939 d) September 1, 1939

Nazi Germany surrendered:a) May 9, 1945 b) May 8, 1945 c) September 2, 1945 d) September 1, 1945

Day of liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders:a) September 23 b) May 9 c) October 28

Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UIA) was created OUN-B in:a) January 1940 b) October 1942 c) December 1942 d) March 1944

What period of history called "Thaw"?: a) 1953-1956 b) 1953-1961 c) 1953-1964 d) 1959-1964

Ukrainian Helsinki Group was established in: a) 1939 b) 1963 c) 1976 d) 1989

"Ukrainian Union of Workers and Peasants" established by Levko Lukyanenko in: a) 1949 b) 1953 c) 1958 d) 1985

Leonid Brezhnev headed the Soviet Union: a) 1950 - 1965 b) 1953-1964 c) 1954 - 1968 d) 1964 1982

De-Stalinization continued: a) 1950 - 1965 b) 1953-1964 c) 1954 - 1968

Ukrainian Helsinki Group (UHG) was headed by: a) M. Rudenko b) L. Lukyanenko c) P. Grigorenko d) V.Chornovil

Operation “Vistula" was in: a) April - May 1945 b) April - May 1946; c) April - May 1947 d) April - May 1948

The policy of "de-Stalinization" was conducted in the period of: a) L.Brezhnyev b) N. Khrushchev c) V.Scherbytsky d) Mikhail Gorbachev

Period of N. Khrushchev called: a) "Thaw" b) alteration c) "Cold war" d) "shadow economy."

Crimean Peninsula was transferred from the RRSFR to Ukraine in: a) 1954 b) 1945 c) 1961 d) 1953

Adoption Act of the independence of Ukraine was in:a) 28 June 1996 b) August 24, 1991 c) July 16, 1990

In the presidential election of 1994 was elected President of Ukraine:a) L.Kravchuk b) L. Kuchma ; c) V.Yushchenko d) V. Yanukovych


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Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine was proclaimed in:a) July 16, 1990 b) August 24, 1991 c) October 28, 1989 d) June 28, 1991

Third President of Ukraine:a) B. Yanukovych b) B. Yushchenko c) Kravchuk d) Leonid Kuchma.

All-Union referendum on the future of the Soviet Union took place in:a) July 16, 1990 b) November 24, 1991 c) December 1, 1991 d) June 28, 1996

Constitution of the independent Ukraine was adopted in:a) December 1, 1990 b) June 28 , 1996 c) August 24, 1991 d) June 28, 2004

Agreement Establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) signed in:a) December 1991 b) January 1990 c) February 1996 d) December 1994

Mass political organization "People's Movement of Ukraine" appeared in:a) 1989 b) 1991 c) 1999 d) 2001

Fourth President of Ukraine:a) V. Yanukovych b) V. Yushchenko c) L.Kravchuk d) L. Kuchma.

December 7 - 8 1991 the leaders of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, said: USSR ceases to exist. On the creation of which the structure was then decided:a) The multi-party system b) the post-Soviet Unionc) the autonomy of Ukraine as a part of Soviet Union d) Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Literature:1. History of Ukraine: Nat. textbook / V.A. Kachkan, V.M. Levandovsky, O.V. Velichko et al. / Ed. V.A. Kachkan. - K.: VSV "Medicine", 2014. - 360 p.2. History of Ukrainian Culture: Nat. textbook / V.A. Kachkan, O.V. Velichko, N.M. Bozhko et al. / Ed. V.A. Kachkan. - K.: VSV "Medicine", 2014. - 368 p.3. Cordon M.V. History of Ukrainian Culture: A Textbook. –Lviv: “Magnolia 2006”, 2011. – 336 p.4. Sheiko V.M., Bilotserkovsky R.Ya. History of Ukrainian Culture: Textbook. –5th edition, - K.: Knowledge, 2013.– 271p.5. Sheiko V.M., Bogutsky Y.P., E.V. Germanova de Dias Cultural Studies: Educ. Handbook. - K.: Knowledge, 2012. - 494 p.6. Sheiko V.M., Tyshevskaya L.G. History of Ukrainian Culture: Educ. manual / Scientific Editing V.M. Sheiko. – K.: Condor, 2011.– 264 p.7. Boyko A.D. History of Ukraine. - K., 2002. 8. Borisenko V.I. The course of Ukrainian history. - K., 1996. 9. Kormich L.I., Bagatskaya V. History of Ukraine from ancient times to the twenty-first century. - K., 2001. 10. Semenenko V.I. History of Ukraine. - Kharkov, 2000.