Web Services Integration Conformance Test for Noah 4 · 5. Switch back to Noah System Noah System...

Copyright © 2012 HIMSA II K/S Version 1.1 Page 1 Web Services Integration Conformance Test for Noah 4

Transcript of Web Services Integration Conformance Test for Noah 4 · 5. Switch back to Noah System Noah System...

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Web Services Integration Conformance Test for Noah


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Revision History

Version Author Date Changed pages


1.0 CC 12/20/2011 Initial Version

1.1 CC SP 01/25/2012 All Feedback from HIMSA Certification Committee

1.2 SP 02/09/2012 13-15 Minor feedback provided by HIMSA development group

First public release

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1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the conformance test is to provide two main goals:

Provide a minimum, but yet effective, set of test steps that a WSI integrator can follow to help ensure that the integration that has been created can pass validation testing that mimics real end-user data.

Provide end-users, or potential end-users, of a system which uses WSI with details and proof that the prescribed certification procedure has been followed correctly.

The test has the following objectives:

Test the exporting of audiometric data to the back end system (BES).

Test the patient matching when the patient record comes from Noah.

Testing that the BES provides a back end system patient identification (BESPID).

Test the importing of patient demographic data and measurement data, if supported

1.2 Abbreviations

WSI – Web System Integration

BES – Back End System

BESPID – Back End System Patient ID.

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1.3 Scope

1.3.1 What will be tested

Below is a list of what will be tested in order for the WSI to conform to the Noah specifications:

Exporting of audiometric data to the BES(Mandatory) The WSI developers implementation of the Noah WSI Interface will be tested to ensure that the audiometric data is being read correctly by the BES.

Patient Matching (Mandatory) When a patient record comes from Noah to the BES, it is mandatory that the BES assign a BESPID and that this BESPID is sent to Noah System.

Adding Patient Records to Noah (Optional) The BES can push patient records it has created to Noah System.

Adding Data to Noah from the BES (Optional) The BES can push data to Noah System. This data can only be one of the predefined types.

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1.3.2 What will not be tested

Below is a list of the interfaces and components that are not tested during conformance testing:

Load or Stress testing of the BES will not be performed during this test.

1.3.3 Certification test procedures and other details

Unless otherwise noted all test steps in this test procedure document are conducted by the HIMSA member company, the developer of the system which is integrating with Noah.

Each applicable test step must be marked down with pass or fail. It is acceptable for the tester to additionally enter in custom notes.

Most test steps are conducted by the member company and documentation is reviewed by HIMSA. HIMSA reserves the right to audit test results should good reason become apparent.

Once all tests have passed successfully the tester should send a copy of this document, including all test results and signed report to HIMSA.

After HIMSA has received the submission from the member company HIMSA will review the results and other supporting documentation. If HIMSA deems the test to pass HIMSA will then list the system as certified on HIMSA's website.

o In addition to the listing on HIMSA's website a copy of this document and test report, including supported documentation, will be posted as an attachment to the certification on HIMSA's website. The results of the successful certification and test documentation will be available for the general public to review if they wish to.

Once certification has been granted it is generally valid for 1 year. Please see the following sections of the HIMSA Certification Policy Handbook for more details:

o 5.1 How Long is Certification Good For o 8.2 Frequency of business system and WSI certification tests

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2. WSI Test

2.1 Exporting Audiometric Data to the BES

No. Test subject Tested in


1. Exporting Audiometric data to the BES and ensuring that the BES properly uses the data as expected and reported to HIMSA

Test Sequence 1.8

2.2 Patient Matching

No. Test subject Tested in


1. 2 Patient matching when patient comes from Noah Test Sequence 1.12

2 The BES provides a BESPID Test sequence 1.8

2.3 Exporting Data to Noah

No. Test subject Tested in


1 Adding Patient data to Noah from the BES Test Sequence 2.1

2 Exporting Measurement data to Noah from the BES Test Sequence 3.2

3 HIMSA verification of audiometric data exported to Noah Test Sequence 3.2

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2.4 Test Sequence

Test Sequence 1:

Pre condition(s):

Noah 4.2 is installed with an empty database.

WSI is installed and configured

A BES is setup and running.

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Step Description Expected behavior Result



All Steps below are required for systems that support WSI


All Steps below are required for systems that support WSI


Make sure that the current version of this test has been obtained from himsa.com. The most current test must be used.

The most current test can be found at http://www.himsa.com/ForMembers/Certification/WebServiceIntegration/tabid/2381/language/en-US/Default.aspx

The newest version of the test is being used


1. Download the most current versions of all sample audiometric patient test records and reports.



2. Import the nhax file into Noah System

The patient records appear in the patient browser


3. Run a BES query, Request that all Audiograms in the database are transmitted to the BES

The test patient records are received correctly in the BES


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4. Open up all the test records in the BES and compare them to the audiogram in each corresponding word document. Example, open the Affinity record and compare it with what the audiogram in the BES against the Affinity XXX.doc which lists the data and shows a picture of how the Affinity software displays the data.

The Audiogram is correctly displayed (The data that your systems supports). Fill in the record name and if the record is displayed correctly. You must also take a screen shot of how each record is displayed in your system and submit these to HIMSA. The screen shot file name must be named similar to the test record (e.g. Affinity XXX.png)

1.) ACAM5 3148Affinity Suite 2.0.4 SP1 AUD, REM and HIT data (correct)

2.) Affinity 2.0.4 SP1 (correct)

3.) Aurical Plus AUD 4.0.1 (correct)

4.) Avant A2D 2.10 (correct)

5.) EXPRESSfit 6.4 (correct)

6.) Format 100 Test Audiogram (correct)

7.) GSISuite2.1 (correct)

8.) GSISuite2 (correct)

9.) Maico 2.03 (correct)

10.) Noah4AudiogramModule1.0.1InsertPhones (correct)

11.) Noah4AudiogramModule1.0.1Phones (correct)

12.) Oscilla 2.0 (correct)

13.) Otosuite3.20.11.02 (correct)

14.) Primus 1.1.2 (correct)

15.) Primus (correct)

16.) Symphony 1.3 (correct)

17.) Synergy 3.0.1 (correct)

18.) Synergy 4.0.8 (correct)

19.) Unity 4.8 (correct)



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5. Switch back to Noah System Noah System is the active window


6. Create a new patient record in Noah System named John Doe

A new patient record is created Pass

7. Create an audiogram with NoahAud3, save it and exit NoahAud3

A new audiogram action appears in the session list.


8. The Audiogram should be exported to the BES using a method that is most typically used and supported by the BES:

If the typical setup is to configure Noah to automatically export then wait for the audiogram to be automatically exported

If the typical setup is to configure Noah for manual export then use the necessary GUI in Noah to complete the manual export

If the preferred method is for the BES to query Noah then a query should be run.

The patient record and audiogram is exported to the BES. Before the next step the BES must assign the official BESPID back to Noah System


You must submit a short description of how your system deals with an event when a patient coming from Noah may already exist in your system. Please describe how your system deals with:

possible matches but further verification is needed

aA patient does not exist in your system -how is the new patient record in your system created.

When a Noah patient is imported into Ilpas Audiosoft system, before insert we check if exists another patient with the same BESPID. If exists we execute a data update with Noah informations else we insert the new patient.


9. Navigate back to Noah System Noah System is the active window


10. Create a second “New” audiogram for John Doe. Save it and exit out of NoahAud3

A second audiogram appears in the session list.


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11. The Audiogram should be exported to the BES using a method that is most typically used and supported by the BES:

If the typical setup is to configure Noah to automatically export then wait for the audiogram to be automatically exported

If the typical setup is to configure Noah for manual export then use the necessary GUI in Noah to complete the manual export

If the preferred method is for the BES to query Noah then a query should be run.

Data is transmitted to and received by BES


12. Check the John Doe record in the BES. Verify that there are two audiograms associated with this patient

If BES only shows one audiogram per Patient it is the latest Audiogram

The BES assigned a BESPID correctly and the new audiogram was exported from Noah System to the correct patient record in the BES.


13. Open the audiograms in the BES and compare them to the audiograms in Noah System.

The audiograms are the same. Pass

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Test Sequence 2:


All steps below are required for systems that will export patient records from the BES into Noah System.


All steps below are required for systems that will export patient records from the BES into Noah System.



1 Create a new patient record in the BES called Jane Doe.

The patient record must contain all demographic fields that are supported by the BES to be imported into Noah

The new Jane Doe patient record is created.

List all supported demographic fields below:


2 Export the Jane Doe Patient Record from the BES and import it into Noah System

The patient record is exported from the BES and imported into Noah System.


3 Open the Jane Doe patient record in Noah System and verify that all the demographic data from the patient record created in the BES is the same in Noah System as it is in the BES.

The patient record opens and the patient demographic is the same as in step 14


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4 When patients are imported into Noah from the BES Noah will compare the incoming patient to the existing patients in Noah. This is performed by comparing the patients first and last name first and then making further comparisons if needed.

With Noah 4.3 the following options will be aviable

BES’s have the ability to set two different configuration values in regards to this feature:

1) Always Manual Resolve – If this setting is used (set to true) then Noah will never compare any patients, the user will always be asked to use the patient resolution window to either merge with a possible match or add the incoming patient as new

2) Always Import 100 – If this setting is used (set to true) then Noah will automatically merge 2 patients together if both patients have the exact same demographic data fields

With Noah 4.3+ the below questions will be required to be answered

List if your system supports the use of the two settings

Always Manual Resolve (True or False)

Always Import 100 (True or False)

No Answer possible for Noah version 4.2

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Test Sequence 3:


All steps below are required for systems that will export audiometric data from the BES into Noah System.


All steps below are required for systems that will export audiometric data from the BES into Noah System.



1 Create a new patient record in the BES called Jim Doe

The new Jim Doe patient record is created.


2 Create an audiogram with data for all supported tests(AC, BC, MC, UC, etc.) in the BES for Jim Doe and save the audiogram.

Take a screen show of how the data is visualized in your system

A new audiogram action is created.

A screen shot has been taken


3 Export the Jim Doe Patient Record from the BES and import it into Noah System

The patient record is exported from the BES and imported into Noah System.


4 Open the Jim Doe patient record in Noah System

The patient record opens NOT SUPPORTED

5 Open the audiogram with NoahAud 3 and verify that it is the same in NoahAud3 as it is in the BES

The audiograms are the same.


6 Create a patient record in the BES following the directions in Appendix A. Export the patient into Noah. Export the patient out of Noah into a .nhax file. Submit the .nhax file to HIMSA with this test report.

A patient record created in the BES following the directions in Appendix A is created. This patient is export to Noah. Then exported out of Noah as a .nhax file and submitted to HIMSA. The screen shot of the data as seen in your system will also be submitted to HIMSA


Post condition(s):

Patient records for John Doe, Jane Doe and Jim Doe are created.

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Audiograms are created.

2.5 HIMSA Verification Testing

This testing will only be performed if the BES supports exporting of audiometric data into Noah System. Pre condition(s):

Noah 4.2 is installed with an empty database.

The .nhax file that was provided by the system supporting WSI is imported into Noah 4.2

Step Description Expected behavior Result


1. Select the patient record that was imported into Noah System 4 from the .nhax recorded provided by the system under test

The patient record opens NOT SUPPORTED

2. Open up all audiometric modules against the imported audiometric data.

Compare how the other audiometric modules display the data against the picture submitted by the module under test in Appendix A.

The audiometric data is displayed correctly

Record the module name and version tested:



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Post condition(s):


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Appendix A - Creating test data for integration testing

If the BES under test supports exporting data from the BES into Noah System you will need to create a patient record within your BES using the following naming convention. Last name: BES name and version First name: List of data types in client Example: NOAHaud 3.1 AUD, IMP Create and save any audiometric data that your BES supports. Please use values that can be found in real life. Take a screen shot of how the BES displays the audiometric data(graph, chart, etc.). This screen shot will be submitted to HIMSA. Please name the jpeg, png, or gif the name and version number of the BES. Next export the patient record from your BES to NOAH System. After the record has been imported into NOAH System, export the patient record out of Noah System as a nhax file. Save the .nhax file using a combination of the first and lastname +.nhax as specified above. Submit the .nhax file and the screen shot of the data as it was displayed in the BES to HIMSA with your conformance test report.

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2.6 Test Report


Select one of the 2 below choices [X ] Please officially certify this WSI system. This will mean that HIMSA will list the WSI system as certified.

[ ] Only test this WSI system and report the findings back. HIMSA will not publicly list the WSI system. I acknowledge that my company will not claim HIMSA certification even if the test passed without critical errors.

Manufacturer’s name: Ilpas Soluzioni Informatiche Date: 22 Aprile 2015

BES name: Audiosoft Version:

Version of NOAH System Used for testing

Noah 4.0 build 2280

Test Sequences:

Remarks Passes the test?

1 Did you attach all the pictures from test section 1 step number 4? YES[ [X] NO[ ] Did you submit a .nhax file if you support exporting of audiometric data into Noah? YES[ ] NO[ ]


2 [ ] The BES supports creating new patient records and exporting them into Noah System.



[ ] The BES supports the exporting of Audiometric data into Noah System.


The WSI system has successfully passed the above test sequences. The supporting log files and/or manual test worksheets have been included. Signature: _______MARCO ILARDI________________________________ Date: _____22 APRILE 2015__________ (It is acceptable to type in the name and date if the report is being sent electronically)