Web Opportunities in Web 2.0 March19 2007

By Evgeny Morozov Director of New Media, Transitions Online Berlin, March 19/2007


presentation by Evgeny Morozov on business opportunities in Web2.0 delivered in March 2007 at the European College of Liberal Arts in Berlin

Transcript of Web Opportunities in Web 2.0 March19 2007

  • 1. By Evgeny MorozovDirector of New Media, Transitions Online Berlin, March 19/2007


  • What is driving the revolution?
  • What is being revolutionized?
  • Opportunities in the media sector
  • Blogging: case-study
  • Seeking new business models
  • How it impacts other sectors

3. 4. Broadband Worldwide 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 2 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

  • Failure to do produce genuine citizen media
  • Need to cooperate with bloggers, not co-opt them (top blogs not coming from papers)
  • Need to find better business models; syndication opportunities (Global Voices/BlogBuster/Reuters)

39. 40. 41. http://www.newassignment.net 42.

  • Local citizen media projects ( www.pozirk.org )
  • Infrastructure projects ( www.minskby.com )
  • Network of Enlgish language blogs (blogs.tol.org)
  • Objective: seeking syndication deals with major companies

43. 44.

  • Government
  • Law
  • Classroom


  • Congresspedia
  • Other Sunlight projects
  • MapLight
  • CSPAN opening up its archives


  • Creative Commons
  • Peer-to-peer sharing
  • Digital Rights Management (DRM)


  • Impact of podcasts/videocasts
  • Integrating Web2.0 activities in the classroom
  • Changing role of the instructor
  • Role of environments like Second Life on learning
  • Embracing social networks like YouthNoise


  • We are in the middle of profound changes happening in most of the industries
  • Old businesses will need either to adapt or die out
  • Thanks to the Internet, opportunities now exist in almost every sector

49. disclaimer: I've done my best to attribute slides, graphs and screenshots used in this presentation. Nobody is perfect, and some of them may have slipped in unclaimed apologies to the original right holders. Let's hope that my frivolous use of your graphs or tables falls under fair use ;-)