Web Design: Information You Can Use


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Web Design: Information You Can Use

The thought of designing a website can be quite frightening. Whether you are a novice or a

pro, the task of creating a new website can be overwhelming. When figuring out your design,

there are many things you much decide on. In addition, the knowledge that you require is

always changing. If you wish to design a vibrant and successful website, make use of the

information that has been provided to you here.

Make sure the color combinations that you use on your site don't hinder their ability to be

read. Your text should remain the main focus of attention and should be easy to read. Dark

text colors on light backgrounds are usually easier to read compared to the other way

around. Let your friends see your color scheme to get their input.

Make sure that you prune content that is no longer relevant. If your website is advertising a

festival that occurred three months ago, your readers will just leave. Viewers want to know

that they are getting up-to-date information, and lack of attention in removing old products will

not install this faith. Put removing outdated content on your to-do list, to do every 2-4 weeks.

Have the data that users enter into fields preserved so that it can be transferred over to other

portions of the site where the same information has to be filled out. For instance, if a visitor

registers for your newsletter and they are going to use the same information to make a

purchase, be sure the data they've already entered is kept, so they do not have to re-enter

the same information. Doing this will make everything much easier for the people that visit

your page, and they will definitely appreciate the time saved.

Use JavaScript only when necessary to avoid losing some potential viewers. It has several

useful benefits, but can also be problematic. Every web browsers is different and they are

constantly updating. Some people accessing your website are going to do so with a browser

that is not fully updated and compatible with your JavaScript. Also, some visitors will not have

JavaScript enabled. This means that a portion of your visitors won't be able to use your


Use Photoshop to create professional looking graphics for use on your website. By using this

type of program, a novice designer will be able to make high quality looking websites at a fast

pace. Not having this software can lead to a design which looks amateurish and


It is a good idea to have an "About Us" page on your site. A lot of websites contain ugly,

uninformative, generic "About Us" pages. Crank it up a bit! Let people see a bit of your

personal history. Try including items like, how you entered web design, who inspires you, and

what your wishes for your business are.

Monitor your site periodically for broken links. You should do this before uploading something

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to your server. If links are broken, visitors will assume that the info they are seeking is not

available, and they will leave your site. In order to prevent this from occurring, proactively test

thoroughly for full functionality.

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