Web 2.0 in Education



Presentation at Dawson College (Montreal). Promoted by the Office of Instructional Development (OID) November 26th, 2008

Transcript of Web 2.0 in Education

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Web 2.0 in Education

Rafael ScapinCoordinator of Educational Technology

Office of Instructional DevelopmentDawson College

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• Web 2.0: Definition

• Blogs, wikis, podcasting, RSS, tagging, folksonomies, mashups, social networks, video sharing sites

• Putting all together!

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Web 1.0

Some typical features of Web 1.0

• Read-only Web • Search for information and read it • Static pages instead of dynamic user-

generated content• User is passive (one-way flow of


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Web 1.0 Dawson College website: 1997









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Web 2.0

• The concept of "Web 2.0" was created by Tim O'Reilly in 2004.

• Web 2.0: emphasis on online collaboration and sharing among users

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Web 1.0 -> Web 2.0 changes

Web 1.0 (1993 – 2003) Web 2.0 (2003 - ?)

DoubleClick Google AdSense

Ofoto Flickr

Britannica Online Wikipedia

Personal Websites Blogging

Directories (taxonomy) Tagging ("folksonomy")

Stickiness Syndication

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Web 2.0 Characteristics

• Users are encouraged to create and manage information

• Applications used entirely through a Web browser

• Social-networking aspects

• A rich, interactive, user-friendly interface

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Web 2.0 Characteristics

• Access to info (generated by institutions or by other users)

• Add new content (knowledge, opinions, experiences)

• Share your things (photos, videos, writings, musics, etc)

• Control the info (delete, promote, correct or complete)

• Summing up (vote the best places to travel, the more interesting news, etc)

• Put your things online (tasks, meetings, list of books, gift lists, etc)

User is the Protagonist

Web as an Information Source (v. 1.0)

Web as a Participation Platform (v. 2.0)

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Web 2.0 Characteristics

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Web 2.0: Blogs

Web + log = Blog• Blogs are websites where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order

• You write everything you want (without specialized knowldege)

• You are connected with other people (blogosphere)

• Primary textual, but no restrictions (photo, video, audio, etc).

Video: Blogs in Plain English

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Web 2.0: Wikis

• Wiki is a Hawaiian word for "fast”

• Wiki is a backronym for "What I Know Is“. A backronym is a phrase that is constructed "after the fact" from a previously existing word or abbreviation

• A wiki is a page or collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content

• Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites

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Web 2.0: Wikis

• The most famous Wiki is Wikipedia website.

Video: Wikis in Plain English

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Web 2.0: Podcasts

iPod + Broadcast = Podcast

• A “podcast” is a neologism to describe a very simple concept: an audio or video file available on the Internet for you to listen to and/or watch.

• You can either listen to a podcast on your computer or transfer it to your portable audio/video device.

• The CAST means the file is sent out to you over the Internet .

• Through internet you can subscribe to, manage, and listen to or watch your favorite podcasts.

Video: Podcasting in Plain English

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Web 2.0: RSS Technology

• RSS is used to publish frequently updated works – such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video – in a standardized format.

• You don’t run after the news but news reaches you according to your preferences!

RSS = Really Simple Syndication

Video: RSS in Plain English

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Web 2.0: Tagging

• A tag is a keyword assigned to a piece of information (such as an Internet bookmark, digital image, or computer file).

• This kind of data helps describe an item and allows it to be found again by browsing or searching.

• Users classify information on Web 2.0!

• Directories (taxonomy) Tagging ("folksonomy")

• Taxonomy = Science of Classification

• Folksonomy = Social Management of Information

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Web 2.0: Tagging

• Example: DELICIOUS.com

• A social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks.

Video: Social Bookmarking in Plain English

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Web 2.0: Mashup

• A mashup is a web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool

• Example: use of cartographic data from Google Maps to locate all Starbucks in a certain region.

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Web 2.0: Social Networks

• Social Networks are social structures made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of links, such as values, visions, ideas, financial exchange, friendship, etc.

• Example: Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin

Video: Social Networks in Plain English

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Web 2.0: Photo/Video Sharing

• A photo/video sharing service allows individuals to upload photos and video clips to an Internet website.

• The photo/video host will then store files on its server, and show the individual different types of code to allow others to view your files.

• Using Web 2.0 features, one can be part of communities of users (inside a certain category for example), interact with other users, etc.

• Examples: Flickr (photos) | Youtube (videos)

Video: Online Photo Sharing in Plain English

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Web 2.0 in Education

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Web 2.0 in Education

Study by Victoria Clarke & Francesca Rivett-Carnac

(Geronimo Communications – UK)

• Web 2.0 helps to encourage student engagement and increase participation – particularly among quieter pupils, who can use it to work collaboratively online, without the anxiety of having to raise questions in front of peers in class – or by enabling expression through less traditional media such as video.

• Teachers have reported that the use of social networking technology can encourage online discussion amongst students outside school. 

Benefits of the Web 2.0 in the Classroom

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Web 2.0 in Education

• Web 2.0 can be available anytime, anywhere, which encourages some individuals to extend their learning through further investigation into topics that interest them.

• Pupils feel a sense of ownership and engagement when they publish their work online and this can encourage attention to detail and an overall improved quality of work.

• Some teachers reported using publication of work to encourage peer assessment.

Benefits of the Web 2.0 in the Classroom

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