Soil Bio log y and Conservatio n of th e Biosphere ( ed . J. Szegi ) WEATHE R 1 N G AND CO LON 1 ZA TI ON OF L H1ESTON ES 1 N AN URBAN ENVI , , e, SAIZ-JIMENEZ Centre of Edaphology and Applied Bi olog y, Seville, Spain Weathering is the breakdown and alteration of material near the earth's surface to prooucts that are more in equilibrium with newly imposed physico-chemical conditions. May rocks were or i- ginally formed at high temperature, high pressure and in the absence of air and water, and a large part of weathering is a response to low temperatures, low pressures and the presence of air and water /Ollier 1975/. Weathering of the initial ma- terials precedes soil formation in hard rocks and accompanies it in soft rocks and soil materials. It is a continuous reac- tion during soil development, to the point where no more re- actants are available. The weathering of rocks and minerals is largely controlled by organisms, mainl y bacteria, fungi, algae, lichens, plants and soil fauna. It has been reported that a soil starts to form from the moment organisms colonize the bare surface of rocks. At the earliest stages of soil formation the destruction and alteration of primary minerals and the formation of secondary minerals occur /Parfenova and Yarilova 1975/. While the role of algae, mosses and lichens in soil formation mainly consists of creating reserves of organic matter, the function of micro- organisms is also important since they destroy the organic matter and participate in the synthesis of humus. In the pro- cesses of destruction of plant residues a predominant part is played by bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes. In this paper the weathering and colonization of the limestones from the belfry of the Giralda tower are reported. The stone monuments are ideal locations for studying these 757

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Soil Bio log y and Conservatio n of th e Biosphere ( ed . J . Szegi )



Centre of Edaphology and Applied Bi ology , Seville, Spain

Weathering is the breakdown and alteration of material near the

earth's surface to prooucts that are more in equilibrium with

newly imposed physico-chemical conditions. May rocks were ori ­

ginally formed at high temperature, high pressure and in the

absence of air and water, and a large part of weathering is a

response to low temperatures, low pressures and the presence o f

air and water /Ollier 1975/. Weathering of the initial ma­

terials precedes soil formation in hard rocks and accompanies

it in soft rocks and soil materials. It is a continuous reac­

tion during soil development, to the point where no more re­

actants are available.

The weathering of rocks and minerals is largely controlled

by organisms, mainly bacteria, fungi, algae, lichens, plants

and soil fauna. It has been reported that a soil starts to form

from the moment organisms colonize the bare surface of rocks.

At the earliest stages of soil formation the destruction and

alteration of primary minerals and the formation of secondary

minerals occur /Parfenova and Yarilova 1975/. While the role

of algae, mosses and lichens in soil formation mainly consists

of creating reserves of organic matter, the function of micro­

organisms is also important since they destroy the organic

matter and participate in the synthesis of humus. In the pro­

cesses of destruction of plant residues a predominant part is

played by bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes.

In this paper the weathering and colonization of the

limestones from the belfry of the Giralda tower are reported.

The stone monuments are ideal locations for studying these


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processes since, unlike the situation in the soil, the influ­

ence of single organisms on any one stone can easily be inves­



In the early phases of rock breakdown, physical weathering

through frost, crystal growth, insolation, ~oisture swelling or

abrasion causes a variety of changes such as cracking, expan­

sion or shrinkage, disintegration or erosiono Further, chemi­

cal weathering by solution, carbonation, hydration, oxidation

and reduction or hydrolysis can accomplish abiotic weathering.

Limestone is the only common rock in which the solution

plays a major parto In natural environments, carbon dioxide may

be an important facto.r in the process, however, in urban and

industrial areas the air pollutants of concern in the solution

of limestone are acidic oxides /carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide

and nitrogen oxides/ produced by the combustion of fuels.

The atmosphere of Seville is moderately polluted with a

mean annual sulphur dioxide level of about 90 ~g/m3( whereas

natural background sulphur dioxide levels are probably in the

range of 0.3 to 3 ~g/m3, therefore, atmospheric pollution adds

a new factor to weathering of stones in urban environments.

The most aggressive agent is sulphuric acid that results

from the dissolution and catalytic oxidation of sulphur dioxide

in atmospheric water that is in contact with the stone. Acidic

rain leaches out the calcareous matrix as well, causing it to

crumble away, generating channels and cracks. The water dis­

solves and brings with it salts in solution to the interior of

the stone. When a stone has imbibed water in which there are

appreciable amounts of crystallizable solids in the solution,

the drying-out of the stone results in the formation and growth

of crystals at the surface. This enriches the substrate and

creates favourable niches for biological colonization. In the limestone that was studied, the first colonizers

may be either algae or autotrophic bacteria. Ephemeral crusts

of algae develop rapidly on the surface during brief periods

of wetness. In sheltered sites, holes and crevices, water may


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be retained longer, favouring the growth over a long period of


Phosphorus and nitrogen are most frequently cited as the

main elements whose addition will stimulate increased growth of

algae in soil. Certain soil algae may be nitrophilous, but

factors such as pH and total salt content are likely to be

responsible for their pattern of distribution /Lund 1972/. In

our case, phosphorus, nitrogen and calcium are supplied by bird

droppings since the belfry is a pigeon perch site.

Algal species on sheltered limestone sites consist of long

olive-green to brown filarnents covering the substrate. These

were observed to be either free living /Fig. 1/ or in close

relation to moss plants. The free living algae expand over the

surface and forro a hard crust that is constituted by the algal

mucilage cementing sand particles and soot together at the

surface. This results in the substrate exhibiting a longer

retentiJn time for moisture during the dry periods. Diatoms

which are the most widespread of all algae and cornrnon from the

surface of soils and wet rocks were also found.

In the initial stages of colonization of bare rocks, algae

are the first humus forroers and their organic matter serves as

the primer for the development of other cOlonizers/Shtina 1968/.

The living matter that accumulates rapidly under favourable

conditions and the cells of algae that die become a nutrient

source for heterotrophic microorganisms. Many bacteria and

fungi presumably derive much of their carbon from organic sub­

stances of which algal products may forro an appreciable pro­

portion. Thus, the growth Jf algae is always accompanied by

intensified microbiological activity of the substrate. In fact,

in nature, algae always grow in association with otherorganisms,

since axenic cultures do not exist under natural conditions. In

the vicinity of algae, bacteria, fungi, mosses, ferns and

higher plants often occur, and compete for available nutrients

and thus indirectly may retard the growth of the algae presento

However, algae flourish particularly well under conditions in

which higher plants are sparse or absent.

It is noteworthy to find in limestone a close relationship

between algae and mosses. Filarnentous blue-green algae growing


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in association with mosses is a commonly observed phenomenon on

inhospitable lava sand and this association can explain the

very early colonization and rapid distribution of mos.s plants

on volcanic rocks /Henriksson and Rodgers 1978/.

Although no attempt has been made to study bacteria and

fungi living on limestone, evidence of their activities was

found. Figure 2 shows a hairy-spored streptomycete observed

during the examination of the limestone surfaces. On the basis

of the flexibility of the spore chains and the appearance of

the spores, the Streptomyces species belong to the subgroup A

of Dietz and Mathews /1972/ characterized by spores with large

numbers of long hairs, generally joined together to form

tightly coiled spiral chains. Representative cultures of the

subgroup are ~. glaucus and ~ pactum.

The presence of actinomycetes, which colonize new sub­

strates slower than bacteria and fungi and fo11ow them in micro­

bial succession would, in all probability, indicate a secondary

colonization. Actinomycetes often seem to need previous fungal

growth either to ameliorate the environment by a1tering its pH

or to provide a suitable substrate with its hyphae /Lacey


In certain sites, the surface of the stones was covered by

a velvety, pink layer of fungal structures. The morphological

study of conidia and mycelia revea1ed them to be Trichothecium

roseum /~ers./ Link ex S.F. Gray. This fungus has a world-wide

distribution, is usually a saprophyte on decaying vegetable

matter and has also been recorded on soil /Rifai and Cooke

1966/. Figure 3 shows a characteristic picture of T. roseum on


There are many other microorganisms living on limestone,

but these two examples i11ustrate the diversity of the micro­

bial flora. In this connection Webley et al. /1963/ reported

that with increasing weathering and colonization of rocks,

greater numbers of 'microorganisms are encountered, the highest

numbers being found in the "raw" soil in rock crevices.

Organic matter synthesized and transformed by microorgan­

isms tends to accumulate in crevices where dust and particulate

matter is deposited by the wind, thus forming a shallow or


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primitive "soil". These sites were colonized by the moss

Tortula muralis /L./ Hedw. It was found that a network of rhi­

zoids penetrate the limestone, probably through pores and

microfissures /Fig. 4/.

A diversity of material accumulates underneath the moss

forming a black layer varying from 1 to 10 mm. The layer con­

sists of stem and rhizoids between which decaying organic

matter, microorganisms, quartz grains of various sizes and

air-borne carbonaceous particles were found. Humic acids could

be extracted with a sodium pyrophosphate-sodium hydroxide

solution, demonstrating that humification of the organic matter


Mosses with their delicate and uncuticularized plant

bodies seem to have a great capacity for absorbing and ac­

cumulating polluting substances from the environment. It has

been reported by LeBlanc and Rao that the different

specles of lichens and bryophytes show a considerable variation

in their susceptibility to injury by air pollution, especially

sulphur dioxide. Characteristically, few species can thrive in

polluted areas, however, sorne manage to survive even under con­

ditions of relatively high levels of pollution. Such species

are toxitolerant and take advantage of the reduced competition.

T. muralis is considered to be toxitolerant and obviously would

be a pioneer colonizer of a variety of polluted habitats which

may be inhospitable to other species.

The shady environment of mosses is not sui table ·for

lichens, which tend to disintegrate under high humidity and low

light conditions. Lichens occur on exposed limestone surfaces,

where the supplies of water and nutrients are sporadic and,

consequently, they may have to withstand periods of desiccation

during the summer, when no water is available either as rain or

fog. The distribution of species is not very homogeneous, due

to environmental gradients which favour dispersion. Different

distribution of nutrients and minerals also plays an important

role in lichen colonization. Lichen establishment was encour­

aged by pigeon droppings, widely distributed all over the monu­

mento In this connection the lichens are considered as or­



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The most abundant lichen species was Lecania erysibe

/Arch./ Mudd, followed by Caloplaca decipiens /Arn./ Jatta,

Xanthoria parietina /L./ Betr., Lecanora albescens /Hoffm./

Floerke, Candelariella medians /Nyl./ A.L. Sm, Lecanora

dispersa /Pers./ Rohl., Phaeophyscia orbicularis /Neck./Poetsch,

Caloplaca flavovirescens /Wulf/ DT and Sarnth., Caloplaca dolo­

miticola /Hue/ Zahlbr. and Lecanora muralis /Scherb./ Rabenh.

The community is a Caloplacion decipientis Klem. near to Calo­

placetum murorum /DR./ Kaiser. The association occurs on a soft,

decayed calcareous substrate enriched by bird droppings, and

is very nitrophilous, photophilous, xerophilous and sulphur di­

oxide-air pol~ution tolerant /Sáiz-Jiménez 1981/.

Air pollution is the most important environmental factor

in determining whether lichens will survive or perish in urban

environments. Since lichens are slow-growing and long-living

organisms with a special ability to accumulate substances froro

their environment, they are susceptible to many pollutants pre­

sent in the atmosphere or brought down in t~e rain. However,

the high pH of limestones provides a buffering effect on the

toxicity of the urban environment /Seaward 1975/. Thus, be­

haviour of lichens in polluted areas is to sorne extent go­

verned by the nature of the substrate.

The lichens cause stone weathering mainly through changes

in volume during wet and dry periods and excretion of organic

acids. It has been observed that hyphae of Lecania erysibe are

involved in the disintegration and decomposition of stone,

either through contraction which creates a pulling strain dur­

ing dry periods or through dissolution by excreted lichen acids.

Figure 5 shows a section of the lichen, demonstrating that the

hyphae were attached directly to the limestone. Removal of the

lichen also detaches a thin film of about 1-2 mm of substrate.

The figure also displays a diatom frustule. Since diatomaceous

algae are common on the surface of wet rocks and little growth

occurs in the absence of light, the frustule found underneath

the lichen would represent a primary colonizer. Similarly, it

has been reported that the fine earth in moss mats, growing on

rocks, contain many siliceous skeletons of diatoms /Parfenova

and Yarilova 1975/.


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The classic concept of the role of lichens in plant suc­

cession states that the colonization of bare rock surfaces

begins with crustose species which are replaced by foliose spe­

cies and/or by mosses /Syers and Iskandar 1973/. However, there

is little evidence that they initiate a succession leading to

vascular plants, and many successions do not involve lichens to

any significant extent. In the limestone that was studied it

appears that the lichen cornmunity does not develop further and

it is the chomophytic cornmunity of mosses, exploiting crevices

and the wind-blown material and organic matter which accumula­

tes in them, the most important factors in a primitive "soil"

formation. These sites are then invaded by vascular plants,

such as Erodium malacoides /L./ L'Her., Hyoscyamus albus L.,

Misopates orontium /L./ Rafin. and Kickxia spuria /L./ Dumort.

Fig. l. Scanning electron micrograph of algal filaments cover­

ing the limestone and cementing sand particles and

soot. x 1000


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Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrograph of coiled spiral spore

chains from Streptomyces sp. on limestone. x 3000

Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrograph of Trichothecium roseum

conidiophores on limestone. x 700


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Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrograph of rhizoids from Tortu l a

muralis penetrating limestone. x 150

Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrograph of hyphae from Lecania

erysibe covered by slimy material and attached to

limestone. A diatom frustule is also presento x 4000


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In the urban environment of Seville, soft, porous lime­stones from the Giralda tower are weathered by abiotic and biotic agents, mainly atmospheric pollutants and lichens. The most aggressive agent is sulphuric acid that results from the dissolution and catalytic oxidation of sulphur dioxide in the atmospheric water that is contact with the stone. Rain leaches out the calcareous matrix, causing it to crumble away, generat­ing channels and cracks.

Colonization of weathered limestones is encouraged by bird droppings, which together with algae and microorganisms may provide an organic matter source. Organic matter tends to ac­cumulate in crevices where dust and airborne carbonaceous par­ticles are also deposited by the wind, thus forming a shallow or primitive "soil" colonized by the moss Tortula muralis.

Lichens occur on exposed limestone surfaces causing dis­integration and decomposition of stones. The most abundant species was Lecania erysibe, followed by Caloplaca decipiens, Xanthoria parietina, Lecanora albescens, Candelariella medians, Lecanora dispersa, Phaeophyscia orbicularis, Caloplaca flavo­virescens, Caloplaca dolomiticola and Lecanora muralis. The lichen cornmunity does not develop further and it is the chomo­phytic cornmunity of mosses which initiates a succession leading to vascular plants, such as Erodium malacoides, Hyoscyamus albus, Misopates orontium and Kickxia spuria.


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