Wealthy affiliate review 2016

Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016 It is very, very likely that you came to my website after doing a search on google or through a social network (I bet yes ) searching for Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016 or Wealthy Affiliate Full review 2016, for surely you are wondering if this program is as good as they say and why everyone recommends it. Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam or not, because it seems too good to be true? Someone has a complaint about Wealthy Affiliate? Is True Wealthy affiliate will help you make money from home as an affiliate? This program will not be another waste of time as the others? Perhaps all these questions and you've done the above, or at least some of them? I must clarify that this is a long review in which hope to clarify all the doubts that I had 6 years ago when I heard of Wealthy Affiliate. But if you do not like to read much or think this review is very long you can go directly to my final verdict or you can clarify all your doubts once and for all. You can see a short version in this link. I promise I will leave no stone unturned and I’ll reveal every bit of detail until you get enough of me. The network is currently invaded by reviews of Wealthy Affiliate and is almost impossible to find something negative to this program. My Verdict: Legit & RECOMMENDED


Is Wealthy Affiliate a safe products to use? Read our complete review and figure it out

Transcript of Wealthy affiliate review 2016

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Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016It is very, very likely that you came to my website after doing a search on google or through a social network (I bet yes ) searching for  Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016 or Wealthy Affiliate Full review 2016, for surely you are wondering if this program is as good as they say and why everyone recommends it.

Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam or not, because it seems too good to be true?Someone has a complaint about Wealthy Affiliate?

Is True Wealthy affiliate will help you make money from home as an affiliate? This program will not be another waste of time as the others?

Perhaps all these questions and you've done the above, or at least some of them? I must clarify that this is a long review in which hope to clarify all the doubts that I had 6 years ago when I heard of Wealthy Affiliate.

But if you do not like to read much or think this review is very long you can go directly to my final verdict or you can clarify all your doubts once and for all. You can see a short version in this link.

I promise I will leave no stone unturned and I’ll reveal every bit of detail until you get enough of me.

The network is currently invaded by reviews of Wealthy Affiliate and is almost impossible to find something negative to this program.

My Verdict: Legit & RECOMMENDED

After 5 years as a member of Wealthy Affiliate I can tell this is my recommendation No. 1 to learn how to make money from home and learn how to sell any product online. My 10 years in the Affiliate market let me say that this will be your best decision. The good news is that is free to join even you're a newbie or an expert this program is for both public

Sign Up for FREE & Give It a Try

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Is Wealthy Affiliate Scam?!

You want to know what I found?On the Internet you'll find many programs that offer you overnight get rich without any effort, (something that many want to hear) what caught my attention on Wealthy Affiliate is:

Wealthy Affiliate do not promise to make you rich overnight No promises you make money next week without any effort and just making

some clicks (This is a great joke) Do not ask you for money to try the product, much less you ask for personal

information Do not sell Red Ferrari photo of a beautiful mansion or travel around the

world. Di not brag about all the money they are doing on the internet from home

and life that everyone wants to be doing absolutely nothing and the famous phrase "make money while you sleep"

Still want to keep listening to this oft-repeated story, well I recommend you go to another page, now if you really want to hear the truth..... I will continue ..

Wealthy Affiliate offers a free membership, no strings attached. Gives you two websites which you can start practicing your online business. Have a community of people like you, other higher level, to help from zero to

complete your objectives On the BBB website I just find 3 complaints (Solved) about Wealthy Affiliate

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It looks good to be true, right?

We will go on as it is a fairly long review I created the following table of contents if you want to go directly to to Which one suits you better, but you is recommendable to read the full review)

Table of contents for this review

1. Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016 A wise advice Making Money On The Internet Lady Luck How Wealthy Affiliate Works What’s Inside Wealthy Affiliate Wealthy Affiliate Community Try It For Free What Happens After finishing Free Lessons Becoming A Paying Member What Premium Has To Offer 2. Wealthy Affiliate Review (Practical Review) What Is Wealthy Affiliate? Who Owns And Founded Wealthy Affiliate? What Is Wealthy Affiliate For? Wealthy Affiliate Pros Wealthy Affiliate Cons Who Is Wealthy Affiliate For? Wealthy Affiliate Support Wealthy Affiliate Training & Tools Differences Between Starter And Premium Membership Accounts Wealthy Affiliate Training Cost 3. Conclusion & Verdict 4. Special BONUS

Wealthy Affiliate Full Review 2016

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A Wise Advice: Never expect good final, when the product is too good to be true (Be dubious)I am not of the people who believe a good story just because it sounds to be a great story, I always wonder why and even more so when it starts with: ”make fast money”, earn easy money from home or if it is some system pyramid where you have to look for more people and those seeking other and bla bla bla.

I hope you're like me and do not believe in fairy tales, just because, researches, you should doubt, because in 10 offers online 9 of them are scams, so you must be 100% sure before entering any kind program and give some credit to those which offer you join for free, but without asking credit card or anything.

BE SKEPTIC. Be skeptic on everything? Am I breathing? Am I human? Jajajaja

Falling over and over again

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I remember the first time someone told me they could make money from home, I listened, but did not pay almost no attention, just thought ok we are going to finish talking about Amway again.

That night, I thought about the few things I heard and it seemed logical. So the next day at I went to Mike’s house (I brought some beers to talk lol) and asked to see him PayPal account, him bank account and could see this guy was making money on the internet, that was the good, the bad thing was that Mike moved from my town one week later, leaving me with more questions than answers.

I decided to enter some pages of surveys that had given me and other pay per click, but never could get Mike's Dream (this is how he called my dream)

Although I have always been good to learn and develop new methods, this one was a little difficult to me, until one day by accident looking at a forum I saw someone talking about a program and decided to do a google search. (Maybe just like you today)

The Lucky SearchI decided to search online at www (Come on! You already know where I went) and I found something called Wealthy Affiliate, and I see it was free to join and did not ask me credit card, only my mail, I decided to join and see.

It was the first training when I realized that I was not looking in the wrong place, I was doing everything wrong from the beginning. It only takes the beginner training to realize I was going in the right direction to chase the Mike's Dream.

How Wealthy Affiliate Works?

Basically this is what are Wealthy Affiliate about and what you will learn to do

1. Choose something you’re interested or a Passion: Everyone has a hobby or topic that fascinates and motivates us; this will be your first task, think about what you are passionate about and choose it. Let's say you like to play tennis basketball (Air Jordan, for example) There are 2.8 billion people online and regardless of

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the topic you choose, you can be very successful online! You've chosen your passion!

2. Build a Website: You cannot imagine how easy it is to create a website in Wealthy Affiliate, in fact Carson has a video in which he creates a Website in just 30 seconds, something basic, but the first lessons you're ready to create your website.

3.Attract Visitors: Now you have your passion (niche) you have a website, now we need to bring people interested in my product to my page, no customers, and no sales. The more people visit your website, the more sales you will have. In this step you will learn how to rank in the top search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing)

4. Earn Revenue: OK, is time to make some money!! Ok ok already learned to choose our market, we have our website and have people visiting it, now is the time to make money with Market Affiliate, which is basically referring to a possible buyer to the website of a seller, example Amazon has 21,449 type of basketball shoes, and you can earn commissions for promoting any one of them. And this is just one example to understand what’s Wealthy Affiliate is about.

What I discovered within Wealthy Affiliate, it was enough to call Mike “My Student”

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When I entered finally saw things like Getting Started, Boot Camp, I saw people welcoming me, at that time I saw my picture because I thought I was being confused with someone, but no, there’s was talking to me and also I could ask any question that I have.

Ignoring everything else I focused on a part that said "Getting Stared" Here I found 5 training, most with videos, explaining how it worked that thing of “making money online.

I was getting so much basic information that should be copied on a paste of paper, then I discovered I could see the videos (Getting Started) over and over again jajajajaaj

Once I finish these 5 lessons I wanted to go for more, so I continued with "Affiliate boot camp" (other 10 lesions completely free) and for that time I already had two

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internet pages, one test and another running.

I was so focused on training and videos that I didn’t see two welcome messages, directly from the owners of Wealthy Affiliate (Carson and Kyle) again I went back to see my photo.

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Doubtful as ever, I decided to respond to their messages, and this was not an error, they were offering me their help and welcoming me.

Coming HomeWhen I was young I was quite a womanizer, (it was necessary to say this? ) but I never found what I wanted in one person, until one day came the indicated and I stop looking for. I felt I had come home I found exactly what I was looking for, I felt the same feeling with Wealthy Affiliate. I felt as if his method of training was done for me.

Wealthy Affiliate will guide you, step by step, you will have to do everyday tasks, check again repeats any lesson that you did not understand. This method is quite fun and easy but will challenge you because you'll want to go forward, in my case, every day I felt closer to get my Mike's Dream, this kept me motivated and besides seeing daily advancements.

Wealthy Affiliate Community (Or My social network to success)A community where secrets, tricks are not available and everybody wants to help you, must be without doubt one of the most important things you can have Wealthy Affiliate Everyone is super cool, nice and kind.

Once inside Wealthy Affiliate not hesitate to ask for help.

You must be curios, Try it NowIf I was you right now reading this review, I will go inside to see what’s is about because there’s so many good and free stuff. Take action and go to Wealthy Affiliate and see for yourself.

Did I say is FREE to join? O yeah, I did it, sorry jajajaja, all you need is a email address and a lot of desire to success.

Advice: start thinking from now, what your passion is, what motivates you and why you want to do this... (yeah yeah I read your mind money is important)

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As a free member (Starter) I wanted to use all the content, I thought “ is free but I don’t know for how long” (is and will be free, but I didn’t know ) I decided to spent more time to finish my boot camp. For that time I already had my website, the product I wanted to sell and the company which would pay me for selling this product. (In this case was Amazon).

Sunday afternoon, just out of curiosity I entered the product page that was working and to my surprise I found a sale, already had a commission and had not yet paid anything to Wealthy Affiliate by what I had learned.

I decided to take action and take advantage of a discount of 59% (US $ 19.00) for Premium user and continue my flight.

I took this decision for several aspects; first I did not see the famous: "Buy it now" "only 10 available" or "you'll never see this again" I felt I took this decision for myself without any pressure to do so.

It is mandatory or necessary to become premium?As I said before is not mandatory, you can stay as Free Member all the time you want, however in my case I wanted to keep learning, I felt every day more close to my Mike's Dream.

Although skeptical (as always) I thought for a moment, this information is not free on the Internet?

Free information: yes some of the information at Wealthy Affiliate you will find after an extensive search, you might find some techniques, but the 10 years of experience behind Wealthy Affiliate, the community, instant help, all you have when you become premium it worth it or you to keep looking on google for the search lucky to try maybe a theme. I decided to continue growing and I become Premium.

• What I was looking for in the end this kind of information was what I was looking for since Mike moved, then I found what I wanted, organized and guiding me step by step. Besides the worst that could happen it was just lose $ 19 dollars. Although I had won $40 with a commission already jajajaj

What Premium Wealthy Affiliate Had To Offer?If I was very happy with the content of which is free member, when I become premium I was going crazy (not literally of course) with exclusive trainings, more help, keyword searches, more hosting, more advanced training, I got everything I need to create a successful business online. It was my key to the knowledge.

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Ok I've been talking a lot for a while let’s no summarize all this.

What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) — www.wealthyaffiliate.com — Launched in 2005 I can say this is a university for those people who want to learn how to make money on the internet.

I can easily say: It is a community that helps you go from newbie to expert, to achieve success on the internet.

With more than 100,000 active members and a community to give you support and guide you from zero until you become an expert

Who are behind Wealthy Affiliate?I have to say that Kyle and Carson are the co-founders of Wealthy Affiliate, they are always active and they will welcome you to the program.

Before Wealthy Affiliate Kyle and Carson were two important bloggers in networks, creating Jaaxy and Articles Street.

Jaaxy is the most powerful keyword research tool on the internet right now and also was created by these two talented guys.

What Is Wealthy Affiliate All About?It is a complete course and training to teach you things how to create a website, how to choose your niche, how to get visitors free to your website, how to sell any product online, until you become an expert in the area of internet marketing, especially affiliate system.

Wealthy Affiliate has what any entrepreneur is looking for, whether you're a novice or an expert, you will find the help you need.

What I Like of Wealthy Affiliate? Open since 2005 this year of experience and knowledge are at your

disposal Is free to join

They will not ask for your personal data such as credit card This system can help newbie and expert

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No matter if you've never heard anything about how to make money online, the program will take you step by step, as if you were at college

If you already have your website and have some knowledge about how to sell online, you will also benefit to learn how to get free traffic and how to go on top of the google search and stay there.

It has an expert’s community to help and rookies like you to understand any questions you may have.

You don’t need to download any software to your computer; with your email address is ok.

No pressure to buy anything Learn at your own pace approach As a Free member you will get 2 website for free, either to practice or to

start selling Access to the expert of industry

What I don’t like of Wealthy Affiliate?I know, you thought I was not going to say anything bad about Wealthy Affiliate, but I must say that all product is not perfect and Wealthy Affiliate is not the exception.

The community is so large that it is difficult sometimes to follow a specific topic.

If you do not disable emails options of kind you want to receive, you can receive up to 3 emails a day from Wealthy Affiliate

For newcomers the amount of fresh information may seem too overwhelming (.For newbies the impression can be so great that so much good information overload you can reach if you do not organize).

Demand discipline from beginner as well as experienced member to follow the many courses, classrooms, live video trainings and live support forums 24×7. The best approach is NOT TO SKIP any of the well-structured courses and trainings by covering them lesson by lesson.

Who Is Wealthy Affiliate For?Wealthy Affiliate is designed for anyone who wants to learn the market on the Internet, either to get your main goals, focused primarily on affiliate market, no matter you are a newbie or an expert.

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To put it another way, a little summary we can say that Wealthy Affiliate University is for:

People who have failed or have been scammed trying to get make money from home.

Website owners who would like to have a stronger online presence to growing their business.

Interested in learning more about Internet Marketing Bloggers who want to make money with their blogs For those who have heard or you thought that you can make money online

and want to start learning Enthusiasts who want to have their own website, although for those who

may never have even heard about a domain. Stay-at-Home moms wanting to earn their own money People around the world.

In short: For anyone who wants to take advantage of the Internet, either to earn money, to learn or to improve if you already have a website.

What Kind Of Support Is Available At Wealthy Affiliate?WA has a great quality and incredibly fast support system including:

2 free websites for you to practice or to begin now to sell WordPress hosting support every hour, every day, every week, every month

every year, every.. What else? Jajaj let’s just say all the time You can speak directly with experts or if you want to go higher you can talk

to the founders of Wealthy Affiliate Carl and Carson An active community to answer all your questions, like Facebook, but

instead of wasting some time, learn something productive Videos and training that will guide you step by step Live chat to talk privately with any member of the expert community in the

area you need. And I'll be there when you come by if you want my personal help, or just

have any questions.

What is the first thing you see Wealthy Affiliate?Once you register, the first step will start with "Getting Started" a course divided into 5 parts that will teach you:

1. Online Entrepreneur Certification: This is a 10-lesson course that is part of the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification. It will walk you through the steps of creating a successful online business that generates revenue. This getting tarted course (level 1) is your first step to realizing your potential as an online business owner.

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1. Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website: Traffic, regardless of the nature of your online business is the root of all success. If you can learn how to effectively get traffic to your website, you can accomplish an extraordinary amount of success. This 10 lesson training is going to walk you through no cost traffic generation techniques that will allow you to capture highly relevant traffic in any niche. Online Entrepreneur Certification - Making Money!: You have a website, you have content, you know how to get traffic...now what? Time for THE MONEY. Once you understand how to get traffic and you start getting traffic, there are many ways in which you can earn revenue. In this course we are going to walk you through a number of ways you can earn money through your site.

2. Online Entrepreneur Certification - Mastering Social Engagement: This course is dedicated to all aspects of social. From social media, social marketing, and social networks. Ultimately any success within the social world is the result of social engagement.

3. The Business of Content - Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation : You have a sound foundation for creating a successful business online. As many of you are starting to understand, content can lead to a good deal of success and this course is going to elaborate on the content aspect of your business. 

You are going to extend your skills and knowledge in everything from the initial research process, the content layout/architecture/structuring, creating high engagement through your content, effective techniques for boosting conversions, and scaling your content through proper goal setting and outsourcing. 

The outcome of this training is going to be and understand of how to scale your business through content in the most effective and efficient way.

All this content totally free and explained in detail. This is the first thing you will learn at Wealthy Affiliates these will be your first steps and already can see how important and valuable of all this information that is only the tip of iceberg.

We have already learned to walk, sure many will want to swim or run to them:

Affiliate Bootcamp: o course divided in 10 lessons: This course is not just about 10 lesions will show to create successful highly campaign so you have income over and over again, this part is only for those who are engaged With them self, for those who have no excuses to learn or to make money on the internet, as a wise friend said: know does not hurt and it's free.

Differences between Starter And Premium Membership Accounts?

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How Much Does Cost me The Wealthy Affiliate?1. Starter Membership: This membership will cost $ 0.00 (uff a lot of money

lol).Premium Membership: This membership is not mandatory but is recommended if you finished your training and your first month will have an offer of a 59% discount and pay just $19, to become Premium Member, then you will pay monthly $ 47 but it is important to say that you can cancel your premium membership anytime and return to Starter membership.If you are going big and want to pay an annual membership that mathematically would be 47 X 12 = $ 564, but if you pay an annual membership only pay $ 359 saving you $ 209, which seems fair to me.

My Final Opinion And Final VerdictI've talked a lot right? Well we are finally in My Final Opinion, so if you get to this point you should know that you have what is required to get your success online, because as I was years ago you are also hunger for good information that will ultimately lead you to achieve your goals.

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall all information started to expand rapidly, the world has moved much since then, I am among those who believe that information, whatever, should be free and must be within the reach of all, this is why I did this review, so big, because I had appreciated this information a few years ago where I was practically lost regarding how to make money online.

I can say many things about Wealthy Affiliate as already seen, but do not get tired again, so don’t worry.

Wealthy Affiliate is not just a "Work From Home" program here I learned not only find information to make money, I learned to find my passion, what I like to do and make money with my passion, not only make money to pay bills if not to create my main source of income. (Warning! This took me time to study and dedication; do not quit your job hahahahaha).

In my more than 10 years of research I got failures, victories but I had never found a program so complete, so easy to understand, as Wealthy Affiliate course, and Free.

A course for those who know absolutely nothing, and those who already have some idea or you already have your website and want to get more traffic.

Even for those who have already succeeded it still is a good option, because of its community and being able to create connections, share experiences, learn new stuff and discover new opportunities.

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I do not know what your position (I have not yet learned to read the minds of others ) but either do not know anything about how to make money online I highly recommended everyone to join Wealthy Affiliate before starting or doing any work from home Businesses.. It builds the base to succeed in any kind of online work which you want to do or doing.

You find the information you are looking for? Morpheus If so Sign up here and try it. Free Complete, and then let me know what your experience was.

Special BonusIt is free and is a bonus, to remain free is an even bigger bonus, plus you'll have as Free Member two pages to practice and you can see again and again the videos of your first course (Getting Started)

But if like me you'll go for more you will have a 59% discount if you decide to become a premium member. I personally be there to welcome you and to advise how to achieve these and other free bonuses

Talk to meIf you have any question, if I failed to mention a topic you were looking TALK TO ME, I’ll be more than happy to help you.

For me it was a great pleasure to write this article, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it
