WEAKEN THE THEnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71c53dzx16/data/0009.pdf · Doggies Jeweled Collar Must Match x...

i 0 + Ks 4 If fl I r i t t t- y t t- t f tI t ifNr t ti t r f- tV j a- I y U r Ih I i K i 11 h I i 1f 3 > 1 q Y- T it I I rf- I t I + i 1t J JI 4 L ifr + T I > = I = tIN THE SOCIAL WHIRL A Sit on the Floor Function the Last Cry COSTUMES OF THE TEA HOUR Doggies Jeweled Collar Must Match x Madams GownThe Fashionable Figure of the MomentMiniature Conservatory on Wheels My Dear Elsn Of all the fool func ¬ dons that have come my way the sit on tho floor ten Is tho latest and the most absurd I know that you will ngreo with mo perfectly In this opinion and I am also confident that you never heard of n 5 oclock served In an American home with the Japanese flop stunt as nn accompani ¬ ment Nobody else over did either until last week I when Mrs Van S suddenly conceived tho Idea of enter ¬ taining a few of her friends In this unconventional nUll wholly uncom fortablo fashion As I am one of the elect or select It was my privilege to sample this latest addition to the al ¬ ready crowded list of freak feeds Our hostess excused tho enforced at ¬ titude of her guests upon the plea of the comfort and restfulness of the po ¬ sition Its so soothing to tho mind 1 to sit on tho floor my dear she cooed One seems to cast off the caret and worries of life nnd to be a child again ready to listen to fairy j stories Horrid creature I Soothing Indeed to sit doubled up like a Jack knife In a sheath skirt measuring less than two yards around the bottom I COWS WORN BY AJOUR RUSSELL IN Tan 8THONOEK SEX and to feel the seams of your gown and your temper giving way with every movement And a beautiful and composing sight It was to ob ¬ serve our hostess clad in Grecian drapery built for the occasion sink gracefully a la Isadora Duncan upon her cushion while you felt and prob- ably looked like a mechanical toy just run down- I tell you there was murder In the hearts of the feminine guests on this memorable day and hour Were there any men there Certainly my dear Our amiable hostess corralled a few specimens to see the fall of the dl fectolre costume but we all managed to present a smiling tlcklcdtodeath time ofyourlife appearance The only real fun I extracted from this orlg ¬ inal affair as tho yellow journals dubbed It was when Tom Suydam looked over at me with a wicked gleam In his eye and In an Insinuating manner suggested to Mrs Van S that it would be no end of good port for all of us to tell about the most uncomfortable experience of our lives Iwas obliged to leave the happy band of squatters before my powers as a raconteur were tested otherwise I might have begun my sto ¬ ry with once upon a time there was a woman who delighted In making peo ¬ pIe ridiculous for her own amusement but Ill spare you the rest of the narrative Never again though a tea a la Japonnalse for mo The physical effect Is not unlike the aftermath of a too strenuous Turkish bathosteo pathic treatment and a first horseback ride combined Still If you want to be the talk of your town for a mo ¬ ment of space try a sit on the floor tea as a social rouser Of course my coral broadcloth was a mass of wrinkles when I escaped from that function and you remember what a love of a thing It Is and how Mme X ° vas almost crazy because she had to walt so long to have tho braid and chiffon dyed to match tho cloth This matching fad of the season Is perfectly maddening and there are occasions when ono wishes she had been born a savage so she could riot in a wild medley of colors The dressmakers dyorsthis evidently not had a tip as to the far cored nuances of tho winter Consc quently after exhausting trips through tho shops one Is obliged to resort to tho chemical process or bo de mode To return to our mutton the Van S certainly does feed her animals all right and the cakes she handed with the cup that cheersbrownies I think she called them were great a concoc ¬ tion of chocolate batter mixed plenti fully with chopped walnuts Do yopknQwdear whenever 1 Lave enough money left from my al ¬ lowance Im going to establish nu found I reckon thats the word I want a chair of common sense at one of tho womens colleges Why this generosity this altruistic send ¬ ment Ill tell you Yesterday after ¬ noon to get tho taste of that freak tea out of my mouth I dropped in nt Sherrys to regale myself with a sq of the real thing served In a civilize- style tl When one feels in a hyper- critical ¬ triune of mind there Is noth ¬ ing that satisfies this mental appetite more than a peep nt the society men ¬ agerie as seen at this smart estab lishment Its as interesting as a cir ¬ cus performance to go early and se ¬ lect n table where nil the arrivals may be well viewed And It was a sight fit to make tho angels weep to see the women come In the other afternoon with their short wnistcd dresses skirts that pulled around fllppity flop with every movement their skinny severely tight sleeves big waists and all the amusing pro ¬ portions of their headgear Such an exhibition is calculated to Inspire nay properly balanced person with philan ¬ thropic tendencies and to make him want to do something right away quick as a Gorman friend of mine says to propnsrntc the doctrine of com mon sense And Im going to present Eleanor K with a free scholarship for not content with making herself look like a victim of the white plague by rom ¬ pressing her chest and contracting her shoulders to thin point of emaciation she also mndo that darling little black Pomeranian of hers an object of pity by adorning him with a collar of vio ¬ let leather studded with amethysts The dog was tucked under her arm and if it had not been for this collar he might have been mistaken for her black I lynx rug muff It Is of course Important that you should know that these canln ornaments are about two Inches In width and the atones cu P In cabochon style are nt least hat that In diameter To be smart dog ¬ gies collar must match madams gown As it is tho correct thing now to drop tho coat at any late afternoon affair and show the princess gown with thin yoke and sleeves I had 11 splendid opportunity to study the newest creations And mighty pretty were many of the costumes worn by stunning girls under their long fur coats An attractive frock affected by a chic young matron had Its long cringing skirt of the finest wistaria colored chiffon broadcloth while the entire bodice as clinging as the skirt was of velvet snatching the cloth and braided In self colored soutache The guhnpe was of net In the color of the velvet but only the collar and rf space of an inch or two below the base of the throat were transparent the rest of the not being laid over gold lace When this stunning creature left the room I saw that n long redingote of cloth belonged with this costume Dont have a white guimpe put In your new princess frock for all the smart creations I saw nt Sherrys had the new effect In self colored net with- er often n design in soutache ap- plied under It or oriental galloon over ¬ laid In sonic cunning fashion The white gulmpe Is far and away more becoming but you know It a thing 1 out of style how much does becoming ness count Not an earthly thing my dear Are you dead tired of this babble Youre too polite to say so but Just let me describe a gown of Annie Rus sells and Ill let you off This chcrm Ing actress is wearing It In her new play The Stronger Sex and all feminine New York Is raving over it and copy after copy Is being made for the smartest women the Identical trimming nnd coloring being chosen in most Instances Its a baccarc gown of gold meteor crape The skirt has an overdrapery embroidered In Egyptian design of gold down the front The back of this drapery is open twothirds of the way down and the slit bordered by a band of em ¬ broidery Below the slit It Is shirred up the center the effect being Ilk that of a huge birds nest The chemisette and undersleeves are of old Spanish lace the neck cut low V shaped and bordered with black velvet About the throat is a high stock of black tulle with a very wide frill at the top and bottom The ef ¬ feet of the gown Is distractingly lovely Just as I was leaving Sherrys Eliza ¬ beth II swooped down upon me and Insisted upon taking me home In her limousine The car Is too luxurious for anything nnd has the latest fit ¬ tlnga vase for flowers held by bract ets of gold plate that match the other metal fittings The vase is held at a height between the front seats that will not permit of the catastrophe of having your hat scraped or your eve Ing coiffure disarranged Tho occu ¬ pants of the back seat have full view of whatever flower the owner selects for the vase Elizabeth had an enor ¬ mous bunch of czar violets In her vase Tho effect 15 that of a miniature conservatory on wheels And to carry out the picture wraps are not worn merely ti stunning set of furs over the equally stunning frock In extreme weather I should think that a little red nose would be tho Inevitable result of very few clothes Ever most sir cerely yours MABEL New York Nw Wedding Sweetmeat Brides and brides elect ought to take i a special Interest In the newest fash ¬ ionable condiment for It Is orange blpssoin preserve It Is n Moroccan delicacy and is a staple at marriage feasts in parts of Europe Asia and Africa As made In Morocco it Is an exceptionally delicious sweetmeat while f fe appropriateneea as part of n THROAT TROUBLES WEAKEN THE SYSTEM A serloustilln ss is often brought on by n neglected sore throat All throat troubles invariably weaken tlthe system and should not be allpwed to go unchecked A gargle made with twelve drops of Sloans Liniment in half n glass of water will break up n sore throat- S onns Liniment is an excellent remedy for tonsilitis croup asthma and bronchitis Applied freely to the out ¬ side of the throat and Behest it draws out the inflammation reduces the swclling and relieves any soreness Twelve drops of this Liniment in half a glass of water makes a splendid antisep ¬ tic gargleMr W Price of Fredonia Kans writes We have used Sloans Liniment in the family for abouta year and find it an excellent relief for colds and hay feverjattacks Two drops of Liniment in a teaspoonful of water will stop coughing and sneezing in stantly Mr L T Hurst of Coatesville Inc R R 1 wrltesI find your Liniment the best remedy I have ever tried for sore throat either for horse or man I once cured n case of sore throat on my self the second day and almost the first night which had continued for over three weeks under constant treatment of three physicians I was traveling and I waS getting worse It L BETTER WINTER ROADS The Best Time to Do Good Work With the Drag theP ± pulls the faithful road drag Into thin barnyard where it remains through the entire winter unused Now 1 lie Move If farmers will closely observe conditions they will see that winter road dragging will give us much bet ¬ ter ronds at time time they are usually the worst says M A Coverdell in Farm and Fireside The surface of the ground thaws many tines during the winter season and when It begins to freeze again along some time In the afternoon or evening I thr little bumps of dirt nut the H kl lire neither too sloppy tier too hard but Just brittle enough t smooth down nicely filling up the rate and low places This Is the one and only I time during the day that you can do good work with the drag so 1 keep 1 your eye on the thawing nnd freezing process nnd govern your road drag- ging accordingly With n little fore- sight and an hours Judicious dragging now mind then tjieres no reason why we cannot have better roads in win- ter ¬ One Needs the Other The name split log drag Itself Im- plies ¬ cheapness but cheapness doesnt mean nn inferior article Any ono can have one lord good roads and closes together Six Million Dollar Highway Governor Stuart of Pennsylvania will recommend that the legislature which convenes soon appropriate SO OOOOOQ for the construction of a state highway from Philadelphia to Pitts burg Secure A Free Scholarship Now All persons who contemplate entering the Western Kentucky State Normal School on D free scholarship should see their County Superintendent and make application at once provided they have not already done so Appointments may be made at any time The Mid Winter Term opens January 20th and that would be a most excellent time to enter Catalog furnished upon applica ¬ tion Write H H Cherry President State Normal School Bowling Green Ky Put In More Word Now Peters said the teacher what is It makes the water of the sell so 1 saltySalt said Peters ClNextt said tho teacher What Is It makes tbe water of the sea eo saltyThe salty quality of the sea water answered Next Is due to the ad mixture of a sufficient quantity of chloride of sodium to Impart to the aqueous fluid with which it common gles a saline flavor which Is readily recognized by the organs of taste l Right Next said the teacher Go up one President Helps Orphans Hundreds of orphans have been helped by the President of The Indus ¬ trial and Orphans Home at Macon Ga who writes We have used Electric Bitters in this Institution for nine years It has proved a most excellent medicine for Stomach Liver and Kidney troubles We regard it as one of the best family medicines on earth It invigorates the vital organs purifies the blood aids di ¬ gestion creates appetite To strengthen and build up thin pale weak children or rundown people I it has no equal Best for female complaints Only sOc at Severs Drug Co For health and happiness DeWitts Little Early Risers small gentle easy pleasant little liver pills the best made Sold by nil druggists EDUCATIONAL COLUMN i Edited By County bupt Joel II Pile llardiiuburf Ky Dave Walls began Monday each ing the remaining two and one half months of the Hazel Dell school Miss Lois Baker resigned a few days before Christmas 000 The graduation examination will be- held January 29 and 30 Supt Crabbe rules that it can be held in but one place If all who expect to take it will inform me as to the most convenient place I shall hold it so as to accomo date the greatest number It is now thought it will be held in Hnrdinsburg as its central position renders it accessi ¬ ble to all points of the county 000- J R Burton of Mystic has been elected trustee in the place of B H Beauchamp who resigned in subdivis ¬ tort 0 of the Third Educational Division 000 Schools are closing almost over day and reports are being received showing the result of the terns work While the attendance has been better than usual this fall there is much yet to be done in arousing parents to a realiza- tion ¬ of the solemn duty they owe to their children Watch for the table of statistics which is being prepared 000 Cliff Howard at the close of his school at Fisher brought to the Superin tends office a report showing the num ¬ ber of days each pupil attended in each month The idea is a good one and will be helpful to the next teacher in going after the ones who need to at ¬ tend more regularly Think of attend ¬ ing but three days of a term ooe Every teacher is requested to send to me the names of all pupils who attend- ed ¬ every day of the term also to give names of those who have not been ab ¬ sent for two or more terms stating the length of time his perfect attendance holds 000 At the recent MidWinter meeting of the Kentucky Press Association Col E Polk Jojinson perhaps the oldest member of the Association declared o- ft paper read by a Breckenridge county young woman that it was the bOlt he had ever heard in the history of the Association and all Kentucky is proud of this Breckenridge girl who loves her work and does it well In this same meeting Harry Sommors of Elizabeth town in an address on Nowspapers and Education said Kentucky has more illiterate children between the ages of ten and fourteen years than Indiana Iowa Ohio Wisconsin Massachusetts and Pensylvania a condition that is a disgrace to the state The newspapers have begun to agitate the perfecting of our schools and the reaching of the masses whose indifference make this condition possible The press of our county will take a leading part in this Educational Revolution and with the aid of the determined the yoke of ignorance can be thrown off In 76 the people struggled for political freedom Now the contention is for intellectual enlightment and a preparation for the greatest enjoyment of the blessings bequeathed by these forefathers By our acts we can prove our worthiness of such sires and guarantee a perpetuation of the institutions weve inherited To the work and lets hasten the day when Breckenridge can have not only one Clbest in newspaper world but many of great excellence in all lines of work performed within our borders A great many people have kidney anl bladder trouble mainly due to neglect of the occasional pains in the back slight rheumatic pains urinary dis ¬ orders etc Delay in such cases is dangerous Take DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills They are for weak back backache rheumatic pains and all kidney and bladder trouble Sooth- ing ¬ and antiseptic and act promptly Dont fail to get DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills Accept no substitute Regular size SOc Sold by all druggists The Magnet Yes she advertised for a husband tad got 8700 replies Gracious She must have adver ¬ Used herself as very beautiful No she lldut She Just said she had 700 In the bank Kansas City Independent There is no substitute for thorough- going ¬ ardent and sincere earnestness Dickens Scientific Spanking consists in punishment only when a child is actually bail Some mothers think that all crying is badness its not When your baby cries look for pins or or some external cause if you cant find them give the baby Whites Cream Ver ¬ mifuge as the chances are it is suffering from worms which koep it hungry and cross all the time Pleasant to take sure in its action Price 23 cents Sold by AR Fisher r4Tl LJ I lV THE F RMERESOFBANK Of llardiiisbur Ky to Secretary of State at the close of business Dec 31 1908 Resources u LiabilitiesL- oans and Discounts 8911015 Capital Stock 1500000 Stocks and Bonds 520000 Surplus 475000 I Cash and due from Bks 1 1138183 Undivided Profits 612 Banking House and Lot 150000 Deposits 8886 145 Furniture and Fixtures 87500 Overdrafts 52059 10861757 Total 10861757 The above statement is correct J Respectfully 1 John D Shaw cashier L 4 q F L LV < < < < < fiif fi it MR FARMER Make your home as modern for your 1i 8 family as a city residence You can do this by installing a m telephone and connecting with the Cumberland Telephone x Telegraph Company Special terms for farmers For further information call the manager of the fif f a Hi r93rarmham j9r h3r lrir rr r rh 3r3 A Straight Tip Customer Quick share please Bar ¬ ber Close air Customer See here what business I la U of yours whether Im close or not Ill tell you one thing young tnllcI I dout tip If thats wbnt you want to Know Puck Mutton Birds During six weeks every autumn tbeI 100 Inhabitants of the Australian Fur nenux Islands make enough money to support t themselves iti Idleness the rest of the year They do this by catching the very fat young mutton birds which are hatched there In such mum hers that the flocks when they acl grate extend for miles They furnlsb food and ol which Is used for ullrlI eating purposes and also as a substi- tute for cod liver oi- lMakinSure Country Cousin Are you sure I am In the right train Town Relative who lilts had about enough of Itl Well I have asked seventeen porters and thirtytwo passengers and they all say Yes so I think youd better risk ItLondon Telegraph If thou contlnucst to take delight In Idle argumentation thou raaycst be qualified to combat with the sophists but never know how to love with men a or If in Jf are ¬ in of us at If of us at us lot us to as in to or at us is of of or to D Two room on Avenue I Well located far I 5 per Cl 7cn 155 acres on and I I 4 r halls of Sinking road 2 miles from und f a good big barn 80 acres In oak and I The oak Is tie I never been can bo by water or rail 1 land both and hill for and fruit Plenty water year c ono third mail balance In easy Cl 362 acres on and j > r of road 3 miles from two three big hOI and shop all 130 nero und pasture 22 acres in oak oak and sugar tree all size of the year Ouu third cash and easy terms on balance Cinn7 acres 1H miles from Molt Ollbo o hind In fonciug one dwol llus house 3 rooms 1 goal 1 barn 30x48 feet spring two This Is tobacco and corn land SO acres In white oak sugar tree an balllnco Plenty of road to miles and road to llol 1M farm Is not worn out I Stls Rood land farm for u man with a MEMBERS Of The Childrens Department Of The Breckenridge News OelzeKntherlne CurrieGrnce HenryBabbage RowlIdLouise EMiller Bowlds Agneta Clifton Virginia Harris Marion D Sea ton Martha Jessie Lee and and BF Marie and Ruby Keenan Annie Let Stella Ball Sherman Ball S Bruner Edna Murphy Ellwitt Frank Percie Frank Opel Frank Ameil Frank Frank Earl White house Beavin Denard lieaviu SnyderLucy McGovern Adams Hattie Hendrick Dowell Edith Dowell Mary Walls Asia HnmbletODEIihue Dowell James E Marie Bruce Black SocratesReal Estate Department Do you want to buy farm you do you may find what you need this department interest- ed tho following proprieties onco for owners name and address these places suit write what you want and you wanOt and man who very property yon looking recommend the following properties being productive and fair price Do Want Sell your farm business oil want for your property send price description onco and let show you how wo bring buyer and together This department conducted solely for the purpose enabling and sellers business proprieties quick sales Jno Babbage cottage Murray Items llardlnsburg yOU Sample Improvements dwohlllJ beech timber timber good Hooch worked Timber hauled either Limestone bottom Suitable tobacco good round payments 950 Hurdlnsburg Halls Sinking Sample Improvements onostory dwellings house blacksmith necessary under cultivation timber whlto black beech good Plenty good water round good situated CpOUU Joins good shape good good cistern neverfalling ponds good wheat timber beech cleared good Good StophenaportsK stood miles This smallamity Justthc Theresa Rowland Forrest Dryden Mattingly Fort Pauline Hawkins Reed Ray Ashley Helena Mattingly Gladys Ellen Wentherholt Franklin Burden Mary Bates Bandy Robert Garland Lena Sudie Mattingly Valena Beulnh Ethel Minnola Allen Agnes Raymond Sipes Cooper Warficld BlackShafer Russell Dowell Witt Gladys Louella businees Just you any write none you once telling where introduce you the has the are for- Te You you cash anti seller buyers farms make month timber Terms barnes outhouses Pierce 800 1f acres C miles from Clovorport onOloverport provements dwelling burn 28x36 feet and other out buildings I 12 acres In orchard acresfu balance In state of good cultivation Two Ooodlimestone wheat Well located for market One third cash balance on easy terms FOR SALE A farm containing 250 acres and under fence A nice cottage cf live 15 rooms two cisterns a walled cellar with a store room over It two gout Ntock barns peachtrees all kinds of small fruits ln uMUCfaa nlct PSdelredbalance proves of black locust bufllclcnUT tC wire tho whole farm In It Hos lieu rOI 1Clong F OIL SALE A splendid stand surrounded and physician In u good town by Rood prosperous farmers This Is just dbu8lneae An old established physlCtaan warns to retire Is lima reason for selling hat further partic- ulars address JNO D BAUUAGB 9loyer port KY tlo w 1ft II G U f ffn t 3 1 0 f J n JJ i ft c < I i U 011 I L 1 i > 4 a 1 r to- i 1 a i a

Transcript of WEAKEN THE THEnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71c53dzx16/data/0009.pdf · Doggies Jeweled Collar Must Match x...

Page 1: WEAKEN THE THEnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71c53dzx16/data/0009.pdf · Doggies Jeweled Collar Must Match x Madams GownThe Fashionable Figure of the MomentMiniature Conservatory on Wheels My

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A Sit on the Floor Functionthe Last Cry


Doggies Jeweled Collar Must Matchx

Madams GownThe FashionableFigure of the MomentMiniatureConservatory on Wheels

My Dear Elsn Of all the fool func ¬

dons that have come my way thesit on tho floor ten Is tho latest and

the most absurd I know that youwill ngreo with mo perfectly In thisopinion and I am also confident thatyou never heard of n 5 oclockserved In an American home with theJapanese flop stunt as nn accompani ¬

ment Nobody else over did eitheruntil last weekI when Mrs Van Ssuddenly conceived tho Idea of enter ¬

taining a few of her friends In thisunconventional nUll wholly uncomfortablo fashion As I am one of theelect or select It was my privilege tosample this latest addition to the al ¬

ready crowded list of freak feedsOur hostess excused tho enforced at ¬

titude of her guests upon the plea ofthe comfort and restfulness of the po ¬

sition Its so soothing to tho mind1 to sit on tho floor my dear she

cooed One seems to cast off thecaret and worries of life nnd to be achild again ready to listen to fairy j

stories Horrid creature I SoothingIndeed to sit doubled up like a Jackknife In a sheath skirt measuring lessthan two yards around the bottom



and to feel the seams of your gownand your temper giving way withevery movement And a beautifuland composing sight It was to ob¬

serve our hostess clad in Greciandrapery built for the occasion sinkgracefully a la Isadora Duncan uponher cushion while you felt and prob-ably looked like a mechanical toy justrun down-

I tell you there was murder In thehearts of the feminine guests on thismemorable day and hour Were thereany men there Certainly my dearOur amiable hostess corralled a fewspecimens to see the fall of the dlfectolre costume but we all managedto present a smiling tlcklcdtodeathtime ofyourlife appearance The onlyreal fun I extracted from this orlg ¬

inal affair as tho yellow journalsdubbed It was when Tom Suydamlooked over at me with a wickedgleam In his eye and In an Insinuatingmanner suggested to Mrs Van Sthat it would be no end of goodport for all of us to tell about the

most uncomfortable experience ofour lives Iwas obliged to leavethe happy band of squatters beforemy powers as a raconteur were testedotherwise I might have begun my sto ¬

ry with once upon a time there was awoman who delighted In making peo ¬

pIe ridiculous for her own amusementbut Ill spare you the rest of the

narrative Never again though a teaa la Japonnalse for mo The physicaleffect Is not unlike the aftermath of atoo strenuous Turkish bathosteopathic treatment and a first horsebackride combined Still If you want tobe the talk of your town for a mo ¬

ment of space try a sit on the floor teaas a social rouser

Of course my coral broadcloth was amass of wrinkles when I escaped fromthat function and you remember whata love of a thing It Is and how Mme X°vas almost crazy because she had towalt so long to have tho braid andchiffon dyed to match tho cloth Thismatching fad of the season Is perfectlymaddening and there are occasionswhen ono wishes she had been born asavage so she could riot in a wildmedley of colors The dressmakersdyorsthisevidently not had a tip as to the farcored nuances of tho winter Conscquently after exhausting trips throughtho shops one Is obliged to resort totho chemical process or bo de modeTo return to our mutton the Van Scertainly does feed her animals allright and the cakes she handed withthe cup that cheersbrownies I thinkshe called them were great a concoc ¬

tion of chocolate batter mixed plentifully with chopped walnuts

Do yopknQwdear whenever 1

Lave enough money left from my al ¬

lowance Im going to establish nufound I reckon thats the word Iwant a chair of common sense atone of tho womens colleges Whythis generosity this altruistic send ¬

ment Ill tell you Yesterday after ¬

noon to get tho taste of that freaktea out of my mouth I dropped in ntSherrys to regale myself with a sqof the real thing served In a civilize-style


When one feels in a hyper-critical


triune of mind there Is noth ¬

ing that satisfies this mental appetitemore than a peep nt the society men ¬

agerie as seen at this smart establishment Its as interesting as a cir ¬

cus performance to go early and se ¬

lect n table where nil the arrivalsmay be well viewed And It was asight fit to make tho angels weep tosee the women come In the otherafternoon with their short wnistcddresses skirts that pulled aroundfllppity flop with every movementtheir skinny severely tight sleevesbig waists and all the amusing pro ¬

portions of their headgear Such anexhibition is calculated to Inspire nayproperly balanced person with philan ¬

thropic tendencies and to make himwant to do something right awayquick as a Gorman friend of minesays to propnsrntc the doctrine of common sense

And Im going to present EleanorK with a free scholarship for notcontent with making herself look likea victim of the white plague by rom ¬

pressing her chest and contracting hershoulders to thin point of emaciationshe also mndo that darling little blackPomeranian of hers an object of pityby adorning him with a collar of vio ¬

let leather studded with amethystsThe dog was tucked under her armand if it had not been for this collarhe might have been mistaken for herblack Ilynx rug muff It Is of courseImportant that you should know thatthese canln ornaments are about twoInches In width and the atones cu

PIn cabochon style are nt least hatthat In diameter To be smart dog ¬

gies collar must match madams gownAs it is tho correct thing now to

drop tho coat at any late afternoonaffair and show the princess gownwith thin yoke and sleeves I had 11

splendid opportunity to study thenewest creations And mighty prettywere many of the costumes worn bystunning girls under their long furcoats An attractive frock affectedby a chic young matron had Its longcringing skirt of the finest wistariacolored chiffon broadcloth while theentire bodice as clinging as the skirtwas of velvet snatching the cloth andbraided In self colored soutache Theguhnpe was of net In the color of thevelvet but only the collar and rf spaceof an inch or two below the base ofthe throat were transparent the restof the not being laid over gold laceWhen this stunning creature left theroom I saw that n long redingote ofcloth belonged with this costumeDont have a white guimpe put Inyour new princess frock for all thesmart creations I saw nt Sherrys hadthe new effect In self colored net with-

er often n design in soutache ap-

plied under It or oriental galloon over ¬

laid In sonic cunning fashion Thewhite gulmpe Is far and away morebecoming but you know It a thing 1

out of style how much does becomingness count Not an earthly thing mydear

Are you dead tired of this babbleYoure too polite to say so but Justlet me describe a gown of Annie Russells and Ill let you off This chcrmIng actress is wearing It In her newplay The Stronger Sex and allfeminine New York Is raving over itand copy after copy Is being made forthe smartest women the Identicaltrimming nnd coloring being chosenin most Instances Its a baccarcgown of gold meteor crape The skirthas an overdrapery embroidered InEgyptian design of gold down thefront The back of this drapery isopen twothirds of the way down andthe slit bordered by a band of em ¬

broidery Below the slit It Is shirredup the center the effect being Ilkthat of a huge birds nest Thechemisette and undersleeves are ofold Spanish lace the neck cut lowV shaped and bordered with blackvelvet About the throat is a highstock of black tulle with a very widefrill at the top and bottom The ef ¬

feet of the gown Is distractinglylovely

Just as I was leaving Sherrys Eliza ¬

beth II swooped down upon me andInsisted upon taking me home In herlimousine The car Is too luxuriousfor anything nnd has the latest fit ¬

tlnga vase for flowers held by bractets of gold plate that match the othermetal fittings The vase is held at aheight between the front seats thatwill not permit of the catastrophe ofhaving your hat scraped or your eveIng coiffure disarranged Tho occu ¬

pants of the back seat have full viewof whatever flower the owner selectsfor the vase Elizabeth had an enor ¬

mous bunch of czar violets In hervase Tho effect 15 that of a miniatureconservatory on wheels And to carryout the picture wraps are not wornmerely ti stunning set of furs over theequally stunning frock In extremeweather I should think that a littlered nose would be tho Inevitable resultof very few clothes Ever most sircerely yours MABEL

New York

Nw Wedding SweetmeatBrides and brides elect ought to take i

a special Interest In the newest fash ¬

ionable condiment for It Is orangeblpssoin preserve It Is n Moroccandelicacy and is a staple at marriagefeasts in parts of Europe Asia andAfrica As made In Morocco it Isan exceptionally delicious sweetmeatwhile ffe appropriateneea as part of n



A serloustilln ss is often brought onby n neglected sore throat

All throat troubles invariably weaken

tlthe system and should not be allpwed togo unchecked

A gargle made with twelve drops ofSloans Liniment in half n glass of waterwill break up n sore throat-

S onns Liniment is an excellentremedy for tonsilitis croup asthma andbronchitis Applied freely to the out ¬

side of the throat and Behest it drawsout the inflammation reduces theswclling and relieves any sorenessTwelve drops of this Liniment in half aglass of water makes a splendid antisep ¬

ticgargleMrW Price of Fredonia

Kans writes We have used SloansLiniment in the family for abouta yearand find it an excellent relief for coldsand hay feverjattacks Two drops ofLiniment in a teaspoonful of waterwill stop coughing and sneezing instantly

Mr L T Hurst of Coatesville IncR R 1 wrltesI find your Linimentthe best remedy I have ever tried forsore throat either for horse or man Ionce cured n case of sore throat on myself the second day and almost the firstnight which had continued for overthree weeks under constant treatmentof three physicians I was travelingand I waS getting worse It L


The Best Time to Do Good WorkWith the DragtheP±

pulls the faithful road drag Into thinbarnyard where it remains throughthe entire winter unused Now 1 lieMove If farmers will closely observeconditions they will see that winterroad dragging will give us much bet ¬

ter ronds at time time they are usuallythe worst says M A Coverdell inFarm and Fireside

The surface of the ground thawsmany tines during the winter seasonand when It begins to freeze againalong some time In the afternoon orevening Ithr little bumps of dirt nutthe Hkl lire neither too sloppy tiertoo hard but Just brittle enough t

smooth down nicely filling up the rateand low places This Is the one andonlyI time during the day that you cando good work with the drag so 1keep1your eye on the thawing nnd freezingprocess nnd govern your road drag-ging accordingly With n little fore-sight and an hours Judicious draggingnow mind then tjieres no reason whywe cannot have better roads in win-ter


One Needs the OtherThe name split log drag Itself Im-


cheapness but cheapness doesntmean nn inferior article Any onocan have one lord good roads andclosestogether

Six Million Dollar HighwayGovernor Stuart of Pennsylvania

will recommend that the legislaturewhich convenes soon appropriate SOOOOOOQ for the construction of a statehighway from Philadelphia to Pittsburg

Secure A Free Scholarship Now

All persons who contemplate enteringthe Western Kentucky State NormalSchool on D free scholarship should seetheir County Superintendent and makeapplication at once provided they havenot already done so Appointmentsmay be made at any time The MidWinter Term opens January 20th andthat would be a most excellent time toenter Catalog furnished upon applica ¬

tion Write H H Cherry PresidentState Normal School Bowling GreenKy

Put In More WordNow Peters said the teacher

what is It makes the water of the sellso 1

saltySaltsaid Peters

ClNextt said tho teacher What IsIt makes tbe water of the sea eo

saltyThesalty quality of the sea water

answered Next Is due to the admixture of a sufficient quantity ofchloride of sodium to Impart to theaqueous fluid with which it commongles a saline flavor which Is readilyrecognized by the organs of taste l

Right Next said the teacher Goup one

President HelpsOrphansHundreds of orphans have been

helped by the President of The Indus ¬

trial and Orphans Home at Macon Gawho writes We have used ElectricBitters in this Institution for nine yearsIt has proved a most excellent medicinefor Stomach Liver and Kidney troublesWe regard it as one of the best familymedicines on earth It invigorates thevital organs purifies the blood aids di ¬

gestion creates appetite To strengthenand build up thin pale weak childrenor rundown people Iit has no equalBest for female complaints Only sOcat Severs Drug Co

For health and happiness DeWittsLittle Early Risers small gentle easypleasant little liver pills the best madeSold by nil druggists


Edited By County bupt Joel II Pile

llardiiuburf Ky

Dave Walls began Monday eaching the remaining two and one halfmonths of the Hazel Dell school MissLois Baker resigned a few days beforeChristmas

000The graduation examination will be-

held January 29 and 30 Supt Crabberules that it can be held in but oneplace If all who expect to take it willinform me as to the most convenientplace I shall hold it so as to accomodate the greatest number It is nowthought it will be held in Hnrdinsburgas its central position renders it accessi ¬

ble to all points of the county

000-J R Burton of Mystic has been

elected trustee in the place of B HBeauchamp who resigned in subdivis ¬

tort 0 of the Third Educational Division

000Schools are closing almost over day

and reports are being received showingthe result of the terns work Whilethe attendance has been better thanusual this fall there is much yet to bedone in arousing parents to a realiza-tion


of the solemn duty they owe totheir children Watch for the table ofstatistics which is being prepared

000Cliff Howard at the close of his school

at Fisher brought to the Superintends office a report showing the num ¬

ber of days each pupil attended in eachmonth The idea is a good one andwill be helpful to the next teacher ingoing after the ones who need to at ¬

tend more regularly Think of attend ¬

ing but three days of a term

ooeEvery teacher is requested to send to

me the names of all pupils who attend-ed


every day of the term also to givenames of those who have not been ab ¬

sent for two or more terms stating thelength of time his perfect attendanceholds

000At the recent MidWinter meeting of

the Kentucky Press Association ColE Polk Jojinson perhaps the oldestmember of the Association declared o-

ft paper read by a Breckenridge countyyoung woman that it was the bOlt hehad ever heard in the history of theAssociation and all Kentucky is proudof this Breckenridge girl who loves herwork and does it well In this samemeeting Harry Sommors of Elizabethtown in an address on Nowspapers andEducation said Kentucky has moreilliterate children between the ages often and fourteen years than IndianaIowa Ohio Wisconsin Massachusettsand Pensylvania a condition that is adisgrace to the state The newspapershave begun to agitate the perfecting ofour schools and the reaching of themasses whose indifference make thiscondition possible The press of ourcounty will take a leading part in thisEducational Revolution and with theaid of the determined the yoke ofignorance can be thrown off In 76 thepeople struggled for political freedomNow the contention is for intellectualenlightment and a preparation for thegreatest enjoyment of the blessingsbequeathed by these forefathers Byour acts we can prove our worthiness ofsuch sires and guarantee a perpetuationof the institutions weve inherited Tothe work and lets hasten the day whenBreckenridge can have not only oneClbest in newspaper world but manyof great excellence in all lines of workperformed within our borders

A great many people have kidney anlbladder trouble mainly due to neglectof the occasional pains in the backslight rheumatic pains urinary dis¬

orders etc Delay in such cases isdangerous Take DeWitts Kidney andBladder Pills They are for weakback backache rheumatic pains andall kidney and bladder trouble Sooth-ing


and antiseptic and act promptlyDont fail to get DeWitts Kidney andBladder Pills Accept no substituteRegular size SOc Sold by all druggists

The MagnetYes she advertised for a husband

tad got 8700 repliesGracious She must have adver¬

Used herself as very beautifulNo she lldut She Just said she

had 700 In the bank Kansas CityIndependent

There is no substitute for thorough-going


ardent and sincere earnestnessDickens

Scientific Spankingconsists in punishment only when achild is actually bail Some mothersthink that all crying is badness its notWhen your baby cries look for pins oror some external cause if you cant find

them give the baby Whites Cream Ver¬

mifuge as the chances are it is sufferingfrom worms which koep it hungry andcross all the time Pleasant to takesure in its action Price 23 cents Sold

by AR Fisher

r4Tl LJ I lV


Of llardiiisbur Ky to Secretary of State at theclose of business Dec 31 1908

Resources u LiabilitiesL-oans and Discounts 8911015 Capital Stock 1500000

Stocks and Bonds 520000 Surplus 475000

I Cash and due from Bks 11138183 Undivided Profits 612Banking House and Lot 150000 Deposits 8886 145

Furniture and Fixtures 87500

Overdrafts 52059

10861757 Total 10861757

The above statement is correct

J Respectfully

1 John D Shaw cashierL 4 q F L LV

< < < < <fiiffi

itMR FARMER Make your home as modern for your 1i

8 family as a city residence You can do this by installing am telephone and connecting with the Cumberland Telephonex Telegraph Company Special terms for farmers

For further information call the manager of thefiffa Hi

r93rarmham j9r h3r lrir rr r rh 3r3

A Straight TipCustomer Quick share please Bar¬

ber Close air Customer See herewhat business Ila U of yours whetherIm close or not Ill tell you one thingyoung tnllcII dout tip If thats wbntyou want to Know Puck

Mutton BirdsDuring six weeks every autumn tbeI

100 Inhabitants of the Australian Furnenux Islands make enough money tosupport tthemselves iti Idleness the restof the year They do this by catchingthe very fat young mutton birdswhich are hatched there In such mumhers that the flocks when they aclgrate extend for miles They furnlsbfood and ol which Is used for ullrlIeating purposes and also as a substi-tute for cod liver oi-

lMakinSureCountry Cousin Are you sure I am

In the right train Town Relativewho lilts had about enough of Itl

Well I have asked seventeen portersand thirtytwo passengers and theyall say Yes so I think youd betterrisk ItLondon Telegraph

If thou contlnucst to take delight InIdle argumentation thou raaycst bequalified to combat with the sophistsbut never know how to love with men

a or Ifin Jf are ¬

in of us atIf of us at

us lotus to


to orat

usis of

of or to


Two room on Avenue I

Well located far I5 per

Cl 7cn 155 acres on and II

4 r halls of Sinking road 2 milesfrom und fa good big barn 80 acres In oak and I

The oak Is tie I

never been can boby water or rail 1

land both and hill forand fruit Plenty water year c

ono third mail balance Ineasy

Cl 362 acres on andj > r of road 3 milesfrom two

three big hOI andshop all

130 nero und pasture 22acres in oak oakand sugar tree all size of

the year Ouu third cash andeasy terms on balance

Cinn7 acres 1H miles fromMolt Ollbo o hind

In fonciug one dwolllus house 3 rooms 1 goal 1 barn30x48 feet spring twoThis Is tobacco and corn land SOacres In white oak sugar tree an

balllnco Plenty ofroad to miles and

road to llol 1M farm Is not wornout I Stls Rood landfarm for u man with a


Of The Childrens DepartmentOf The Breckenridge News

OelzeKntherlneCurrieGrnceHenryBabbageRowlIdLouiseEMillerBowlds Agneta Clifton

Virginia Harris Marion D Seaton Martha

Jessie Lee andand BF

Marie and Ruby Keenan Annie LetStella Ball Sherman

Ball S Bruner EdnaMurphy Ellwitt Frank Percie FrankOpel Frank Ameil Frank

Frank Earl Whitehouse Beavin Denard lieaviu

SnyderLucy McGovernAdams Hattie Hendrick DowellEdith Dowell Mary Walls

AsiaHnmbletODEIihue Dowell

James EMarie Bruce Black


Estate DepartmentDo you want to buy farm you do you

may find what you need this department interest-ed tho following proprieties onco for ownersname and address these places suit write

what you want and you wanOt andman who very property yon

lookingrecommend the following properties being productive

and fair priceDo Want Sell your farm business oil

want for your property send price description oncoand let show you how wo bring buyer and together

This department conducted solely for the purpose enablingand sellers business proprieties quick sales

Jno Babbagecottage Murray


llardlnsburgyOUSample Improvements dwohlllJ

beechtimber timber goodHooch worked Timberhauled either Limestone

bottom Suitabletobacco goodround


950 HurdlnsburgHalls Sinking

Sample Improvements onostorydwellings houseblacksmith necessary

under cultivationtimber whlto black beech

good Plenty goodwater roundgood

situatedCpOUU Joinsgood shape good good

cisternneverfalling ponds

good wheattimber

beech cleared goodGood StophenaportsK stood

miles Thissmallamity Justthc

Theresa Rowland Forrest Dryden


Pauline Hawkins ReedRay Ashley Helena Mattingly GladysEllen WentherholtFranklin Burden Mary Bates

Bandy RobertGarland Lena

SudieMattingly Valena

BeulnhEthel Minnola


Raymond Sipes Cooper WarficldBlackShafer

Russell Dowell Witt GladysLouella

busineesJust you

any writenone you once

telling whereintroduce you the has the

are for-Te

You youcash anti


buyers farms make






800 1f acres C miles from ClovorportonOloverportprovements dwelling burn 28x36 feetand other out buildings I12 acres In orchardacresfubalance In state of good cultivation Two

Ooodlimestonewheat Well located for market One thirdcash balance on easy terms

FOR SALE A farm containing 250 acres andunder fence A nice cottage cf live

15 rooms two cisterns a walled cellar witha store room over It two gout Ntock barnspeachtreesall kinds of small fruits ln uMUCfaa nlct

PSdelredbalanceproves of black locust bufllclcnUT tCwire tho whole farm In It Hos lieu rOI1ClongFOIL SALE A splendid stand surroundedand physician In u good townby Rood prosperous farmers This Is justdbu8lneaeAn old established physlCtaan warns to retireIs lima reason for selling hat further partic-ulars address JNO D BAUUAGB 9loyerport KY

tlo w

1ft II G U f ffn t 3 1 0 fJn JJ i ft c < I i U 011













