We Know Where You Live

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Transcript of We Know Where You Live

  • 8/10/2019 We Know Where You Live


    We know where you live

    I put on my seatbelt and leaned back against the uncomfortable chair. The airplane was

    full of people and the air had already become hard to breath. This was going to be a long

    trip... I reached into my inner jacket pocket and pull out my tape recorder and said:

    I should have taken my private plane instead...

    I put it back and took out my home made earplugs instead. No screaming baby would be

    able to disrupt my sleep cycle. I had to be able to think clearly when I would enter the

    White House to hand over the closed beta-version of the new GTA-game to the president

    of America. I reached down to the armored suitcase that I had under my feet and opened

    it discretely. I had to make sure that the game was still there one last time before the

    airplane would start. And to my relief, it was. I put It down again and looked at my

    wristwatch. 9.31. The plane was scheduled to take off 9.30. I thought to myself that this

    was very unprofessional. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep...

    Suddenly I heard a scream and a loud bang! I opened my eyes and saw a thirty year old

    man lie on the floor, along with his cup of coffee. I quickly took up my IPhone and took a


    This is going up on Facebook! Hahaha!! I put down my IPhone again, quickly before

    anyone of authority would see it.

    The man on the floor was aware what I had done, and he looked up at me with a

    murderous look on his face and said with a creepy voice:

    You are laughing now, but...

    Before the man had finished the sentence, a loud female voice came through the


    The plane will take off in 5 seconds. Please fasten your seatbelts, and buy some


    The now very stressed and desperate man got up on his feet and limped quickly to his

    seat. He didnt manage to fasten his seatbelt in time! The airplane was already moving

    and the speed increased dramatically every second, and the pilots just kept going. The

    man screamed as the plane got airborne. He was apparently very afraid of flying. And at

    last, after a few minutes of fumbling with the belt, he managed to get it on.

    The funny thing was that everyone on the plane had pretended that nothing was

    happening the whole time.

    I noticed that many of the passengers were trying to fall asleep. I thought that that was a

    great idea, so I decided to join them...

    I woke up several hours later by the annoying voice from the speakers. It said that we

    were about to land. I decided to keep my eyes closed until we actually had landed.

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    Welcome to the United States of America!The voice again...

    I opened my eyes slowly to prepare me for the blinding light from the sun that was

    coming in through the windows. When my eyes had adjusted to the brightness Iunseated my seatbelt, took up the armored suitcase and navigated my way out past all

    the slow moving people and continued out on the air-stairs.

    I gazed out at the enormous airport with fear in my eyes as I cautiously followed the

    crowd into the gigantic and hollow terminal with mistrust. Where should I go now? How

    should I find my cab? Where were the bathrooms? I took up my iPhone and looked at the

    built-in GPS. Apparently I was at the LaGuardia Airport in New York.

    Good to know I said to myself, as I continued strolling through the walkway.

    Suddenly something caught my eye, and I bent down and picked up a piece of paper that

    was lying on the slippery marble-floor. It said:

    Hello!If you are reading this, your personal, exciting and informative travel-report can be

    published in the next issue of our magazine Youth Travel

    Visit our website for more information: www.youth-travel-magazine.webs.com

    If you have any concerns, you can submit your question at our forum.

    I thought it sounded interesting to get a story published in a magazine for teens, so I

    folded the paper and put it down into my right trouser-pocket for later inspection.

    When I looked up again I almost bumped into an old man carrying a present. He got

    stunned and lost his balance. He screamed as he lost his grip on his present...

    I flinched when I heard the shattering sound of the present colliding with the floor.

    Oh, Im sorry! Did I hurt you?

    The old man stared up at me from the floor as he teared the present open and showed

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    me what was inside. me the broken glass splinters

    Do you see this! He screamed with a threatening voice. Answer me!

    I carefully looked into the jungle of glass splinters inside the package and stuttered:

    Y, yyes..

    You have destroyed an an antique vase from the nineteenth century! Do you know how

    much this will cost me!? This was going to be a present to my wife for our sixtieth

    anniversary! He paused for a few seconds and rose up, waved away the dust from his

    jacket and pointed his index finger at my forehead. What do you have to say in your

    defense son?

    Eeeh... I..

    Do you have any money on you!?

    Ehmn... A little, maybe...

    H h.. How much?

    I got nervous. It seemed like he was trying to beg for my money. I was NOT going to let

    him take my hard earned cash to buy a stupid present for his wife! I was in U.S.A for a

    reason, and I would not let my meeting with the president to be compromised because of

    an annoying old man! I struck him in the chest with the armored suitcase to distract him

    and started to run as fast as I could towards the exit.

    He shouted GIVE IT TO ME!! and started to chase me. The old man was faster then I

    had thought. He was almost beginning to catch up on me and there were still about sixty

    meters left to the exit. Suddenly a window of opportunity appeared. There was a crowded

    area to my right where everyone was buying tickets. I this was going to be my only

    chance to hide. I pretended that I was jogging and changed direction and started to head

    towards the crowd. The old man was still coming closer and closer. How could he be so

    fast!? I punched my way through the people, and when I had past the first wall of ticketbuyers I quickly changed direction and sprinted towards the toilets before he could see

    me. I was in serious need of going to the bathroom. I opened the door to the Mens

    Room and closed and locked it as fast as I could when I got inside. It was to my surprise

    a very clean and nice bathroom. Nothing like the filthy ones in Skavsta Airport in

    Stockholm, Sweden. I hid in there for about 20 minutes until I was positive that the crazy

    old man had left. I opened the door carefully and looked out. I got shocked! There was a

    long line of waiting people right outside the bathroom. Everyone stared at me with anger

    and one of them yelled:

    What is wrong with you!? Show some respect dude! We have waited here for you to get

    out for almost TWENTY minutes! Get out of here before anything unpleasant happens!

    I just stared blankly at them and walked away slowly without saying a word.

    I headed towards the exit again, and repeated to myself No more trouble! No more

    trouble! Act nice!.

    I didnt want to get caught up in more setbacks. I was already behind schedule. Strangely

    enough I managed to get out of the terminal without hurting anyone.

    I looked at my GPS. It was about 250 miles to the White House... I had to get ahold of a

    cab, and FAST!


    I turned around. A smiling Hispanic man dressed in white walked up to me and said:

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    I couldnt help but noticing that you are in need of a cab. My name is Eduardo

    Hernandes. I can take you wherever you want. My car is right over there. He pointed to

    the full parking lot just around the corner.

    I got a little suspicious, but i had no choice. I had to get going. He led me to his car. It

    was a white Pegaso Z-102 with a red-painted roof.

    Eehh... How much will this cost?

    Just get in, and well talk about the price later

    I opened the right front door and sat down at the passenger seat. Eduardo got in soon

    after. He started the car and lowered the volume on the radio that was pounding out

    some Spanish music that I never heard of.

    Where do you wanna go eh?

    I would like to visit the White House.

    What white house are you talking about? Do you mean Red Roof?

    You know the president, Barack Obama...?

    Aaah, you mean THEWhite House!

    Can you drive me there?

    Sure... he took up his mobile phone But that will take a while. That white house is 249

    miles away... When are you needing to be there?

    At 11.30 P.M. tomorrow. I got hired by the U.S Government to give the president a

    special gift.

    Oh. How exciting!What gift? Am I allowed to know that?

    No, sorry. But that is highly classified information - at least for now.

    I understand...

    Enough about me. Do you think that you can get me there in time?

    Yes. It will not be a problem, and I know a place wherewe can stay during the night.Ok, but how much will this cost me?

    What about 666 dollars?

    Is that a joke, or what!? Doesnt that seems a little expensive to you?

    Alright you got me. But you cant blame a man for trying, eh?

    I will pay you 145 dollars at the most. No more! Am I clear!?

    Thats a deal! Lets begin!

    The man behind the steering wheel put the pedal to the metal and drove as a maniacal

    thug, screaming to the Spanish Heavy Metal music that came out of his radio all the way

    as we went through many different roads and highways, until we came to the small town

    called Lawrence Township in New Jersey.

    It was dark now, and I could tell that Eduardo was exhausted. He had acted wild and

    strange the whole trip, and I hadnt dared to say something about it either. He had driven

    over the speed limit the whole way here and I had been afraid that if I disturbed him in

    his head-banging, he might would lose control over the car. He lowered the volume,

    looked at me and said with a almost inaudible voice Here it is.. The Red Roof that I was

    talking about....

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    He parked the car, took a bag from the backseat and got out of the car.

    Get out you too he said. We dont have all the time in the world!

    I leaved the suitcase containing the Presidents game in the car and got out. I looked atEduardo as he staggered towards the entrance. When both of us had entered the hotel a

    middle aged woman stepped forward and greeted us welcome.

    Welcome to the Red Roof Inn! What are you fine men doing here this day?

    We would like to stay here over the night, is that ok?

    Well, of course! Just let me see here... Hmm.. It seems like there are three rooms

    available in this building. Number 14, 18 and... eh, lets see here... Ah, and room number

    5 also.

    I took room number 18 and Hernandez chose number 14.

    Take these keys and go upstairs. Youll find your rooms easy, but if there are any

    problems just ask me. Ill be in that room over there. She pointed at a room at the rightwhere it stood EMPLOYEES on. Ill probably be sleeping, but ring this bell here, and Ill

    wake up. Sleep well, and dont forget to get down here tomorrow morning for breakfast.

    We paid the lady and walked up the stairs and got into our rooms.

    The first thing I did when got into my room was to lay down on the luxurious bed. I took

    up my tape recorder and said This is going pretty well. I had a few setbacks in the

    beginning, but it worked out at the end. Now I am going to enjoy a good night sleep. I

    put down the tape recorder into my jacket again started checking out the room...

    AAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!! I screamed the loudest I could. There was a masked man looking

    at me from outside the window! I got terrified and jumped out of my bed and ran out of

    the room.

    I ran to Eduardos room and banged at the door.



    He opened the door and said:

    Ww.. w. Whath..?



    What are you saying!?Let me have a look! He started to take on his jacket.



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    Eduardo waited a little while, then he said:

    I hear you loud and clear. If what you are saying is true, we have to inform the

    employees, and the rest of the visitors!




    No buts! Lets just get ooooOOUUUTT! You want your money, right!?Okay... Ill do what you say. But first I have to make something clear. Eduardo reached

    into his jacket... He stared expressionlessly at me... Thisis a gun.

    We ran down the stairs and out of the building.Hurry Eduardo!

    Im coming! He ran towards the car with his gun in his right hand, pointing it at the Red


    Im not seeing anyone. Come here now! We must leave!

    I stood next to the car when it began. Eduardo trowed himself behind a tree and watched

    at the house with his gun ready. He turned around and looked at me and signaled that I

    should hide behind the car. I did as he wanted, and after a couple of seconds of silence I


    What is it!? Did you see something?

    He didnt answer; he just kept staring at the Red Roof Inn.

    I crawled the three meters to him and asked him again:

    What are you doing!?

    Theres a little old man standing by my window.He is standing on a ladder and looking

    in at the window to room 14! That is the room I was in! Do you see him? He is right there

    to the right.

    No, its too dark.

    Close your eyes for a few seconds, and then youll see better.

    I did what he said, and it worked. I saw someone standing on a latter at the right side of

    the hotel.

    I see him now. What makes you believe that he is an old man?

    Wait! Look at the left!

    Someone came out of the shadows from the left side of the Red Roof Inn and ran all the

    way to the right side where the man on the latter was.

    Hernandez took up his gun again and aimed at the men that was now talking to each


    What are you doing!!!?

    Watch and see. he said with a calm voice.

    Are you out of your mind!!? You are not going to shoot them, are you?

    Do you have a better idea!? How do you mean that we should get my car out of here

    undamaged? These two people are unpredictable. he adjusted the aim a little more.

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    Do not shoot them!

    He didnt seem to hear me.

    What are they doing here? I have been here many times, but this has never happened

    before. Is this because of you? Does this have something to do with you and your special

    present to the President?

    It seemed like the younger man was now telling the older man to come down from the


    Eduardo suddenly said Im shooting him now!, but before he managed to pull the trigger

    I shouted Nooo!! and punched the gun out of his hand. And the trigger accidentally got

    pressed down and a shot fired. The two men heard the bang, and the old man got

    startled and fell down the ladder. The younger one ran away into the forest.

    Im sorry, but I couldnt let you shoot at them! Letsget out of here. NOW!

    Eduardo lied on the ground with wide open eyes - looking up at the sky, and said

    something in Spanish. He was in chock! I took the gun from the ground and his car key

    from his jacket and unlocked the car. I then opened the door to the back seat and

    dragged him to the car. I lifted him up and laid him on the backseat. He was now

    unconscious. I closed the door and ran around the car and opened the door to the driver

    seat. I started the car and drove away as fast as I could.

    When I was far enough away from the scene of the crime I took up my iPhone and

    started the GPS. I use it to calculate the route I should drive to come to the White House.

    Four hours later I arrived at Pennsylvania Ave NW - the road next to the White House.

    I parked my car, took the armored suitcase and ran through the garden and yelled at

    the agents that stood there and protected the White House from intruders.

    There is a man in that white and red car over there, and he is unconscious. Go and help

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    The agents I looked at me suspiciously.

    Here is my card if youre questioning my authority. I reached into my right inner jacket-

    pocket and took out the card where it said that I had a meeting with Barrack Obama.

    One of the agents walked to me and checked my card.

    It says here that you should meet the President at 11.30 P.M. That is in about 20 hours.

    What are you doing here now?

    I ran into some trouble on the way, one of which is the unconscious man in the care. I

    just want to get this over with and head back to Sweden again... Now please do as I say.

    Help the man in the car and contact the President and say that I am here now.

    The agents got together and whispered something to each other before two of them ran

    to the car, and the others tried to get a hold of Obama. I watched what the two agents did

    to Eduardo as I waited for any news from the other agents about my meeting. The

    agents carried him into another car, and drove away fast. I got a little worried, but that

    changed pretty fast when I saw the door of the White House open and Barrack Obama

    coming out in a bathrobe.

    Hello! he yelled. I have been told that you have something for me. Is that correct?

    Hello Mr President! Yes, that is correct.

    He walked closer to me and took the armored suitcase in his hand.

    You will receive your payment on your PayPal-account within the next day.

    I thanked him and said goodbye. He walked to the open door and disappeared inside the

    White House when an agent helped him to close the door.

    I felt good to have completed the task I was there for. Now I just had to get home, but

    first I had to get some sleep. I hurried to the Pegaso Z-102, opened the door and got in.

    My iPhone was telling me that the nearest hotel was just about 20 meters away! Icouldnt believe it! And it was called Hay Adams Hotel. I got out of the car and ran over

    the street to the hotel.

    I jumped over the bushes that were in my way, and said Good evening! to the doorman.

    I immediately realized how stupid that must had sounded. It was about 05.00 A.M.

    I quickly walked past him to avoid any more eye contact. When I got inside the

    magnificent hotel I got overwhelmed by its beauty, and I thought to myself that I could

    stay there forever.

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    When I had payed the receptionist and got to my room I fell asleep in an instant.

    Everything was perfect... now .but that was about to change.

    I woke up! There was a very loud noise right outside my room! I looked out the window

    and saw a helicopter with a great sign on it where it said S.W.A.T hovering right next to

    my window. There was multiple armed men on it. I got scared and rolled down from the

    bed to hide.

    An angry voice came from the chopper and yelled through a megaphone:

    Dont do anything stupid! We know you are there! Throw away the gun and surrender!

    I thought to myself Oh no! The gun! Someone must have seen it and alarmed the

    police!. I had totally forgotten about the gun in my jacket. I knew that I couldnt flee or

    talk my way out of this so I rose up slowly with my hands over my head. I noticed that

    several laser sight-dots found their way onto my body. I stood as still as I could. After a

    while the door got smashed open and a S.W.A.T-team stormed in and arrested me.

    After I had rid their helicopter with an blindfold on, to an undisclosed location, they led

    me to a dark interrogation-room with only a table and one chair inside. They handcuffed

    my both hands to the chair and started questioning me. They said that an anonymous

    Hispanic man that recently had got out of the hospital had reported that I had threatened

    him with a gun and stolen his car the day before.

    He is lying! I know who he is. His name is Eduardo Hernandez and I think that he isangry at me because I didnt let him kill two men yesterday. This is what happened: .. .

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    . . .. . . . I told them everything that had happened since Eduardo approached me at

    the airport and offered me a ride.

    When I had finished, one of the officers stepped forward and bent down over the table

    and stared at me. Then he shouted with a strange dialect:

    Did you actually think that we would buy that story!? I have interrogated criminals like

    you for the last 35 years, and I have never heard a worser story than the one you just

    spitted at my face! You are going in for a long time my friend. he started laughing and

    added Come on boys, lets not waste our time on this liar. They started to head out of

    the room.

    Wait! I shouted You dont trust me, huh? Open the right inner-pocket on my jacket and

    take out the card that is contained in there.

    The angry officer turned around and said with a sarcastic voice, and hang on a little extra

    to ever word:

    Well of course! How could i forget that. Lets see what you have in there He over-smiled

    at me as he opened the pocket and took out the card.

    Do you see it? Can you please read out what is on there to your colleagues?

    The officer looked at his companions with fear in his eyes. He showed them the card

    briefly before he get a nervous breakdown and started to shake. He stuttered:

    I beg my pardon, and am TERRIBLE sorry for what you had to go through today! He

    laid the card on the table and unlocked my handcuffs. I will find that Eduardo Hernandez

    and arrest him for attempted murder.

    Ok, that sounds good. I forgive you.. I was silent for a little while and thought about

    what I should do to come home again... Can you drive me to the airport?

    Thanks for the ride! I got out of the police car and waved at the now very kind sheriff.

    No problem! If you ever need a favor, just call me. Ill be there a.s.a.p.!Sure!

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    I looked at the big red digital time indicator hanging down from the ceiling through the

    glass doors to the terminal. It said 07:24 P.M. My plane was scheduled to take off 07:30

    P.M.! I quickly opened the door and ran all the way through the terminal and out on the

    airport. I saw the plane standing there with the air-stairs still lowered. I covered my eyes

    from the blinding sun with my right arm as I continued to run. And luckily I got to the

    airplane in time. I hurried up the stairs and said hello to a flight attendant that stood there

    and greeted everybody that entered the plane. I tried to avoid eye-contact with all the

    curious people I walked past as I searched for an unoccupied chair on the almost packed

    plane. Eventually I found one, in the far back. But it was very uncomfortable. Even more

    so than the one I sat on the last time. There was no chance that I could fall asleep on

    that! I took up my headphones and plugged them in to my Iphone and put on some rap-

    music instead.

    Several hours later the plane arrived to Sweden. I called a co-worker and asked if he

    could drive me home. He came after about 15 minutes and drove me to my house.

    It felt good to be home again after all the stressful thing that happened in the U.S. I stood

    back on my street and looked at my house with relief. It was still there. I would soon be

    able to sleep undisturbed.

    I walked to my letter-box and checked if I had received any mail.

    There was only a piece of paper in it. I took it up and read it. We know where you live

    Afterwords by Adam:

    As you can tell, my trip got pretty complicated and hectic at times, and I would like to give

    you some advice on how you can avoid your trips to get like this one.

    1. Dont destroy others presents. Keep an eye at your surrounding at all times.

    2. Dont laugh at people who have fallen and hurt themselves. And do NOT by all means

    point a camera at them.

    3. Travel along with a friend or someone you know. You are much more vulnerable when

    you are alone (or accompanied by a stranger you know nothing about).

    And if you teenagers are wondering how I could remember and write down my whole trip

    in a such high detailed manner, I have one word for you, hypnosis.
