We asked a range of different people


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Page 1: We asked a range of different people

Questionnaire answers

We asked a range of different people (15 people) 15 questions on streaming music online. Question 1

What age are you? From this question we’re researching into how old the person answering the questions actually are and understanding a range of different answers for different ages. This question is a personal question but an easy to answer one, which eases the audiences into the other

questions. Our audiences were mainly aged at 17 years old, which clearly shows the dominating age of this questionnaire. Question 2

How do you access music? From the pie chart we’re shown that over half of the people we asked, pirate music. 5 out of the 15 people we asked use streaming services to access their music, which doesn’t completely suggest that pirating music is dominating the world we live in. Furthermore, the streaming services have been

advertised as beneficial for younger people/ students with certain deals and offers, this could be the reasoning behind this as it can be cheaper for them to access music then buying CD’s or downloading every sing they like.

Chart Title

age 17 age 18 age 20 age 21+

Chart Title

buy CD'S Streaming servises

Buy Music Digitally Pirating sites

Page 2: We asked a range of different people

Questionnaire answers

Question 3 How Many CD’s have you bought in the past year?

This question clearly shows that CD’s are dying out and only a small amount of people is actually buying CD’s. Only 2 people said they buy between 5-9 CD’sin the past year and they were over 21 years old. This shows that the younger generation are less likely to porches a CD and teenagers don’t buy CD’s at all.

Question 4 How many pieces of music have you bought digitally in the past year?

The numbers are considerably higher for how many pieces of music people digitally buy online compared to CD’s. However more than half the people we asked (8) bought no more than 5 digital copies last year. This implies that people are more likely to digitally download or stream music

instead of getting a physical copy. This could be due to many factors such as it being cheaper, easier to access and or convenient.

Question 5 Do you prefer to stream music or listen to it on CD’s? From the people we asked, 13 of them actually prefer to stream their music to

listening to it on a cd. This clearly shows that more and more people are opting to stream their music online and the cd is slowly getting taken over by music

Chart Title

0 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 or more

Chart Title

0 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 or more

Stream music

Listen to it on a


Page 3: We asked a range of different people

Questionnaire answers

being digitally available. Furthermore the 2 people that said they prefer listening to Cds to streaming, where over the age of 21, which highly suggests that they older generations prefers a physical copy of their music.

Question 6 How often do you listen to music?

The most dominating responses where most of the day and sometimes in the day, this clearly shows that music is an everyday must to a good majority of people. 7 people said they listen to music sometimes in the day, this clearly indicates that students specifically are constantly listening to music on

the go. Furthermore students are going to need an easy way of accessing their music on the go, which highlights how most of them will use streaming websites to do so.

Question 7 Do you often buy music (physically/ digitally) or do you use partially free sources like sound cloud or YouTube to listen to music?

This shows that people are still buying music but over half of the people we asked stream music by free means such as Youtube etc. This helps towards the vox pop questions for the documentary purely due to the results found in this questionnaire.

Question 8 & 9 Do you use 3rd party sites that pirate music to access some music? From this question, it shows that the majority of people use 3rd party sites to pirate their music. When asked about why they did, the most common response was it being too expensive to buy music off Itunes for example.

Most of the day

Sometimes in the


Every other day

Sometimes in the



Buy Music

Free Sources

Page 4: We asked a range of different people

Questionnaire answers

Another comment was that people didn’t want to buy an album if they’re unsure on what it sounds like so they stream the music on 3rd party sites to test before they buy.

Question 10

What is your favourite music streaming sites? - (This question people answered more then one)

The two most dominating answers where YouTube and Spofity, which people stream their music on. Furthermore this helps towards the vox pop interviews and narrows down the most popular streaming sites people listen to music on.

Question 11 “It would be good thing if CD’s were abolished” Overall people said either strongly disagree or disagree, which shows that people still like the CD’s being around.

Question 12 “Streaming is a good thing for artists…” Mixed opinion on what people think about streaming music being good for the artists.



Sound Cloud





Strongly Disagree


Not Sure


Strongly Agree

Page 5: We asked a range of different people

Questionnaire answers

Overall people where either not sure or Disagreeing with the statement, which indicates that streaming music isn’t such a good thing in the response we got back.

Question 13 “Streaming is a much more convenient way of listening to music…” With everybody we asked, people said they strongly agree or agree with this statement, this shows that people don’t think streaming music is such a bad thing for the consumer but they do for the artist/ artists.

Question 14 List 3 advantages of streaming Overall people mainly said that streaming music is good purely due to how easy it is to do so. This accounts for spotify and youtube being the main sources of streaming platforms. Furthermore quite commonly people where also saying that streaming music is cheap, which is a huge influence into people choosing to stream their music online, instead of physically owning it. Finally, storage was also another main comment to why people stream music. Following on from that streaming music doesn’t take up any space and only downloading music would take up memory on people’s computers etc.

Question 15 List 3 disadvantages of streaming From the people we asked, not many disadvantages where written down but a few common comments where that it is more to pay for when you can listen to it for free online through other streaming or pirating sites.