We ask for your cooperation regarding to prevent … National Audit Committee have created a...

Argentine Uruguay Ecuador El Salbador Guyana Guatemala Costa Rica Colombia Surinam Chile Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Brazil Vebezuela Belize Peru Bolivia Honduras Mexico Guyana Francaise The Falk Island(英領) What is Chagas disease? It is a disease caused by trypanosomes transmitted by bloodsucking bugs,epidemic in Central and South America including Mexico. We have 200,000~300,000 people from Central and South America in Japan, and it is pointed out that some if them are infected by Chagas disease recently. Japanese National Audit Committee have created a guideline for prevention measures of Chagas disease transmitted by blood transfusion. 詳しくはこちら 日本赤十字社 検索 ブラジル ブラジル コロンビア コロンビア エクアドル エクアドル ベネズエラ ベネズエラ スリナム スリナム ガイアナ ガイアナ フランス領ギアナ フランス領ギアナ アルゼンチン ウルグアイ チリ アルゼンチン ボリビア ボリビア ペルー ペルー パラグアイ パラグアイ ウルグアイ チリ メキシコ メキシコ フォークランド諸 (英領) フォークランド諸島(英領) ニカラグア ニカラグア ベリーズ ベリーズ ホンジュラス ホンジュラス コスタリカ コスタリカ グアテマラ グアテマラ エルサルバドル エルサルバドル パナマ パナマ A Person who falls under either1~3 of the above, and on the top of that, less than 6 month have passed since you last left from the area of contries in below. 1. Born or raised in Centeral or South America 2. Your mother or your maternal grandmather was born or raised in Centeral or South Ameica 3. Not applicable for condition #1 but stayed in Central or South America 4 or more weeks in total. The donated blood are carried out the antibody for Chagas disease examinations(T.cruz). The donated blood which are safty comformed by the examinations are used as a material of blood products or plasma pharmaceutical preparation . Please tell the staff if you are applicable for any conditions the following1-3 . To prevent the infection the Chagas disease via blood transfusion, please refrain from donating your blood if any of the following conditions applied to you. Contries subject for this guideline We ask for your cooperation regarding to prevent the infection the Chagas disease

Transcript of We ask for your cooperation regarding to prevent … National Audit Committee have created a...




・El Salbador



・Costa Rica














・Guyana Francaise

・The Falk Island(英領)

※What is Chagas disease?It is a disease caused by trypanosomes transmitted by bloodsucking bugs,epidemic in Central and South America including Mexico.We have 200,000~300,000 people from Central and South America in Japan, and it is pointed out that some if them are infected by Chagas disease recently.Japanese National Audit Committee have created a guideline for prevention measures of Chagas disease transmitted by blood transfusion.

詳しくはこちら 日本赤十字社 検索























A Person who falls under either1~3 of the above, and on the top

of that, less than 6 month have passed since you last left from

the area of contries in below.

1. Born or raised in Centeral or South America

2. Your mother or your maternal grandmather was born or raised in Centeral or South Ameica

3. Not applicable for condition #1 but stayed in Centralor South America 4 or more weeks in total.

The donated blood are carried out the antibody for Chagas disease examinations(T.cruz).The donated blood which are safty comformed by the examinations are used as a material of blood products or plasma pharmaceutical preparation .

Please tell the staff if you are applicable for any conditions the following1-3 .

To prevent the infection the Chagas disease via blood transfusion,please refrain from donating your blood if any of the following conditions applied to you.

Contries subject for this guideline

We ask for your cooperation regarding to prevent the infection the Chagas disease