We are the illuminati


Transcript of We are the illuminati

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The illuminati are 100% completely fighting against capitalist elite


Know your enemy and please understand the difference. (The capital elite fear us and so try to hijack our symbols).

We have a clear and strong philosophy based on the beauty of

music and mathematics, the universal language of nature.

While we understand socialism is an extremely difficult political system to implement, massive reform and revolution has to


Without change the world will surely implode: economic disparity, religious conflict, fear, confusion and pain is all that currently


We are not suggesting our model for change is perfect but we promise it will be a far more just and rational system of


We propose a system of meritocracy, a system that can be continually improved based on the voice of the people.

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We have absolutely no desire or concern for acquiring material wealth or power. Our ideology is centered upon science,

compassion and knowledge.

Why let tiny minority of controllers tell us what to do. I assure you there is nothing ‘free’ about the free world.

It is clichéd as anything but all of us together can rid this 1% of

money hungry oppressors into oblivion.!

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The$basis$of$the$philosophical$work$of$the$Illuminati$is$in$developing$a$high$awareness$and$a$link$with$the$Divine$Element$of$The$Architect. $ $In$this$work$the$student$is$taught$constructive$idea,$thought$and$action,$which$can$be$guided$or$directed$by$the$student, $

which$is$based$on$the$blueprint$of$the$Universe. $!!!!

Tenets!of!Belief: !!

The!following!nine!tenets!il lustrate!the!basic!requirements!for!the!student!to!adhere!to!in!order!to!have!a!common!bond!and!open!


1. !!

Belief!in!a!Supreme!Deity, !which!holds!the!Reality!Construct!of!'your'!personal!spirituality!and!reflects!your!Gnosis. !

!This!allows!the!student!to!draw!on!a!personal!and!recognizable!GodFspark,!which!is!individual!to!them,!and!reflects!their!Will . !

!This!is!important, ! in!that!with!this!approach!we!are!able!to!cover!aspects!of!all !religions!and!philosophies!and!have!something!to!

offer!all !peoples. !!

2. !

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The!Architect!is!a!compilation!of!all !the!forces!in!the!Universe!and!is!neither!good!nor!evil , !but!absolute. !

!!!!!3. !

!We!believe!in!forgiveness!of!our!fellow!man!and!will !not!bear!

grudges, !defamation!of!character, !slander, !or!hurt!of!any!kind!to!any!fellow!human.!

!But, ! in!those!instances!where!a!human!has!been!wrongfully!

attacked,!(i .e. !slandered,!defamed,!etc. !by!people!who!wish!to!step!on!others!etc.)!we!will !search!out!and!seek!the!truth!and!provide!a!gentle!lesson!for!the!attackers!to!experience!so!they!can!realize!the!

errors!of!their!ways. !!!

4. !!


individual!experiences. !!

We!do!not!believe!that!Balance!lies!within!the!sexes, !as!this!creates!ideas!of!supremacy,!and!has!been!said, !we!believe!that!the!Balance!

lies!within!each!and!every!human!being,!not!outside!of!us. !!

5. !!

We!believe!that!there!exists!a!conflict!between!Good!and!Evil !forces!which!is!responsible!for!man's!downfall , !or!his!

enlightenment, !and!we!fight!for!all !good!regardless!of!person,!religion,!race!or!creed.!

!6. !

!We!believe!in!righting!all !wrongs!perpetrated!against!any!innocent!victim,!by!attackers!who!are!motivated!by!ego,! lust!for!power!or!the!

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propagation!of!False!Spirituality. !!And!fight!all !who!would!hurt!others!in!order!to!strengthen!their!False!Spirituality!at!the!expense!of!tearing!down!another's!True!

Spiritual!pursuits. !!

7. !!


his!own!Gnosis!so!long!as!it !does!not!hurt!another!or!the!development!of!mankind's!spiritual!awakening.!

!!8. !

!We!cast!NO!stones!at!others!before!examining!our!own!faults. !

!9. !

!!We!accept!all !peoples!for!membership!regardless!of!age, !sex, !race, !

Religion!or!philosophy.!!NOTE:! !The!exception!to!the!rule!here!is!that!if !a!person!worships!a!

proven!evil !deity, !belongs!to!a!political!party!which!rejects!freedom,!or!lives!by!a!selfish!philosophy,!is!a!racist!or!supremist. !


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ONE day the world will recognize that occult spiritual forces (if used for the purpose of love and compassion) may greatly assist any knowledge-seeking individual in mainstream science and mathematical understanding. The core secret or mystery of any occult organization at the highest possible level is centered on the notion of higher consciousness driven by the attainment of ancient mathematical, astrological and philosophical wisdom.

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Honest and committed truth seekers are provided with %100 definitive answers as to the meaning of existence. All of modern and ancient world history is more clearly understood and the powerful force of music is explained in detail.

I believe the world is currently experiencing a level of change and awakening that only Ancient societies have previously experienced. This global perspective shift will facilitate a much deeper spiritual understanding among all cultures and revolutionize the current economic and religious climate.

There are many ways in which this mass conscious enlightenment has been designed, programmed and implemented to ensure humanity will eventually unite as ONE. One of the most powerful and significant ways to achieve this goal is for scientific and mathematical communities to illuminate overwhelming pieces of evidence confirming a universal creator and the existence of higher spiritual planes and dimensions.

Quantum physics and other advanced theoretical thought schools are now at this point. (Stephen Hawking is essentially paralyzed but can still have children and save the world - nothing random about that).

To be able to understand and appreciate ancient occult wisdom and progress to the highest of levels, initiates are forced to experience a spectrum of emotion and discomfort to ensure their moral and ethical behavior is incorruptible. Lessons in the understanding of mathematics (universal law of nature) and Music are the key to unlocking the blueprints of a designer committed in the pursuit of beauty and an appreciation of ONE ness.

The golden ratio is clearly represented in all natural, scientific and creative fields. The magic and beauty of Phi is that it may be more clearly understood when symbolizing lateral growth, change and development. In 2015 an astrological lunar event is occurring that should help create a better understanding of time measurement and the magnetic effect of the sun, moon, planets and stars.

The term 'GREAT YEAR' has a variety of related meanings. It is defined by NASA as ‘the period of one complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic at approx. 25 800 years. It is also known as a platonic year, named after occult and spiritual master

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This cycle is precisely 25 920 years.

The light in solar day covers 25 920 million km’s. The revolution of the earth the sun, and it covers 25 920 00 km per day. The diameter of the sun 864 000/ 33.33R = 25 920. The 1080 mile radius of the moon x 24 (hours per day) is equal to 25 920.

It should be understood that there are in fact only 360 days x 24 hours x 60min x 60secs in a true year.

The DNA of the universe can be better understood if measurements of time were kept as a perfect circle. All occult and ancient wisdom was built on the geometry of numbers and shapes but in particular the circle e.g. Stonehenge UK. . A circle represents a revolution of 360 degrees, 12 months of the year or the 12 hours of a day on an analogy wristwatch, it also represents the actual days in a year (360).

Universal planetary and star movements can also measured using a circle and the full equinox cycle of 25 920 years. 25 920 years in cycle / 360 days per year = 72 (Research symbolic meaning of 72).

When the PHI ratio is applied to the 360-degree circle and 25920 equinox cycle a number of patterns and images begin to surface:


360 / 1 = 360

360 / 1 = 360

360/ 2 = 180

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360 / 3 = 120

360 / 5 = 72

360 / 8 = 45


25920 / 360 = 72

25920 / 360 = 72

25920 / 180 = 144

25920 / 120 = 216

25920/ 72 = 360

25920 / 45 = 576

When displayed using color and geometry the patterns a far more powerful. An understanding of occult numbers zymology is also helpful.

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!But!I!admire!them!for!trying,!because!they!are!our!best!hope!of!making!a!great!step!toward!the!next!big!unified!theory.!Steven!Weinberg,!2003!!Interviewer:! Can!we! understand! how! these! extra! dimensions!have!curled!themselves!up!into!such!a!small!size?!!We!can!try!to!understand!it!and!we!can!see!that!by!making!some!simple!assumptions!about!how!the!extra!dimensions!would!curl!up,!we!can!get!plausible!and!interesting!rough!models!of!particle!physics.!!!I!don't!think!we!can!expect!to!understand!definitively!how!the!extra!dimensions!curl!themselves!up!without!understanding!a!little!better!what!string!theory!is!really!all!about,!We!are!handicapped!by!having!an!extremely!primitive!and!crude!view!of!what!the!subject!really!is.!!Einstein!developed!general!relativity!at!a!time!when!the!basic!ideas!in!geometry!that!he!needed!had!already!been!developed!in!the!nineteenth!century.!!!It's!been!said!that!string!theory!is!part!of!the!physics!of!the!twentyRfirst!century!that!fell!by!chance!into!the!twentieth!century.!That's!a!remark!that!was!made!by!a!leading!physicist!about!fifteen!years!ago.!What!he!meant!was!that!humans!on!planet!earth!never!had!the!conceptual!framework!that!would!lead!them!to!invent!string!theory!on!purpose.!!!String!theory!was!invented!essentially!by!accident!in!a!long!sequence!of!events,!starting!with!the!Venetian!model!that!was!formulated!in!1968.!No!one!invented!it!on!purpose;!it!was!invented!in!a!lucky!accident.!!By!rights,!twentieth!century!physicists!shouldn't!have!had!

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R Positive!numbers!R Negative!numbers.!R Real!numbers.!R Imaginary!numbers.!R All!numbers!are!equally!balanced!and!none!privileged!over!some!of!the!others.!!


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!!!!Dynamics:!!Dynamics!is!the!name!give!to!the!rules!of!motion.!It’s!something!that!you!would!think!would!be!one!of!the!first!things!to!be!figured!out,!but!wasn’t!fully!locked!down!until!fairly!recently.!!!1. A!particle!will!remain!at!rest!or!continue!with!its!motion,!unless!acted!upon!by!an!external!force.!!

!2. The! force!on!an!object! is!equal! to! its!mass!multiplied!by!its!acceleration.!

!3. Every!action!has!an!equal!and!opposite!reaction.!!!!Thermodynamics:!

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S= Change in entropy Q= Energy or level of heat T= A constant temperature. Some!Definitions:!Can!you!see!where!they!went!wrong?!!Science!is!a!systematic!enterprise!that!builds!and!organizes!knowledge!in!the!form!of!testable!explanations!and!predictions!about!the!universe.!!An!older!and!closely!related!meaning,!"science"!also!refers!to!this!body!of!knowledge!itself,!of!the!type!that!can!be!rationally!explained!and!reliably!applied.!!!

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!It’s!time!to!recognize!that!true!reality!is!intelligible,!not!sensible;!noumenal,!not!phenomenal;!unobservable,!not!observable;!metaphysical,!not!physical;!hidden,!not!manifest;!rationalist,!not!empiricist;!necessary,!not!contingent.!!!Physics!is!literally!incapable!of!detecting!true!reality!since!true!reality!is!an!eternal,!indestructible,!dimensionless!mathematical!Singularity,!outside!space!and!time.!!!The!Singularity!is!a!precisely!defined!Fourier!frequency!domain.!There’s!nothing!“woo!woo”!about!it.!It's!pure!math.!!!Physicists!suffer!from!a!disorder!of!the!mind!that!causes!them!to!believe!that!sensible,!temporal!objects!have!more!reality!than!eternal,!immutable!Platonic!mathematical!objects,!and!to!place!more!trust!in!their!senses!than!in!their!reason,!more!trust!in!the!scientific!method!of!“evidence”!than!the!mathematical!method!of!eternal!proof.!!!Never!forget!that!sensory!objects!are!just!ideas!in!the!mind.!According!to!quantum!physics,!objects!are!just!the!observable!entities!produced!by!the!collapse!of!unreal!wave!functions,!and!don’t!formally!exist!when!they!are!not!being!observed.!!!Niels!Bohr,!in!response!to!Einstein,!literally!denied!that!the!moon!existed!when!it!wasn’t!being!observed.!!!The!subject!that!comes!after!physics!is!metaphysics,!and!the!true!language!of!metaphysics!is!ontological!mathematics.!Physics!is!the!phenomenal!expression!of!noumenal!mathematics.!!!Mathematics!has!one!final!wonder!to!confer!on!us.!!!It!provides!a!complete!definition!of!the!human!soul,!which!is,!like!the!universe!in!itself,!just!an!immaterial,!dimensionless!mathematical!singularity!defined!by!the!God!Equation.!!!As!above!so!below.!The!soul!is!the!microcosm!and!the!universe!the!macrocosm. Can you see the pattern below?

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Pythagoras: 500bc approx. Pythagoras was an Ionian Greek philosopher, mathematician, and founder of the religious movement called Pythagoreanism. What did he help explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? Pythagoras theorem: a ² + b ² = c ² What was his philosophy? Plato: 500bc approx. Plato was a philosopher, as well as mathematician, in Classical Greece. He is considered an essential figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition. What did he help explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? Recurrent themes, Metaphysics, Theory of Forms, Epistemology, The state, Unwritten Doctrines. What was he’s philosophy? Platonic love is a type of love that is chaste and non-sexual. The term is named after Plato, who was the first to describe this kind of love. Euclid: 500bc Approx. Euclid was a Greek mathematician, often referred to as the "Father of Geometry". His Elements is one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics, serving as the main textbook for teaching mathematics (especially geometry) from the time of its publication until the late 19th or early 20th century.

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What did he help explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? Geometry, axioms, perspective, conic sections, spherical geometry, number theory and rigor, number theory, perfect numbers, infitude of prime numbers, fundamental theorem of arithmetic, data, catropics, spherical astronomy, optics, conic sections, mechanics, quadratic surfaces. Galileo: 1564 - 1642 Galileo Galilei, often known mononymously as Galileo, was an Italian physicist, mathematician, engineer, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the scientific revolution during the Renaissance. What did he help explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? Kinematics, strength of materials, telescopic confirmation of the phases of Venus, four largest satellites of Jupiter, military compass, inverse proportion of the square root, Galileo’s compass. What was his philosophy? ‘Philosophy [i.e. physics] is written in this grand book — I mean the universe — which stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometrical figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these, one is wandering around in a dark labyrinth.’ Leibniz: 1646 – 1747 Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz was a German polymath and philosopher. He occupies a prominent place in the history of mathematics and the history of philosophy. Most scholars believe Leibniz developed calculus independently of Isaac Newton, and Leibniz's notation has been widely used ever since it was published. What did he help to explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable?

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Calculus, monads, Leibniz formula for π, harmonic triangle, integral rule, principal of scientific reasoning, notation of differentiation, proof of formats, little theorem, kinetic energy, law of continuity, transcendental law of homogeneity. What was his philosophy? "God assuredly always chooses the best." ‘There must be a sufficient reason for anything to exist, for any event to occur, for any truth to obtain.’ "The appropriate nature of each substance brings it about that what happens to one corresponds to what happens to all the others, without, however, their acting upon one another directly.’ ‘Leibniz believed that the best of all possible worlds would actualize every genuine possibility, and argued in Théodicée that this best of all possible worlds will contain all possibilities, with our finite experience of eternity giving no reason to dispute nature's perfection.’ The only way to rectify our reasoning is to make them as tangible as those of the Mathematicians, so that we can find our error at a glance, and when there are disputes among persons, we can simply say: Let us calculate [calculemus], without further ado, to see who is right. Newton: 1642 – 1726 Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who are widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematical ("Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"), first published in 1687, laid -the foundations for classical mechanics. What did he help to explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? Calculus, binomial theorem, cubic plane curves, finite differences, coordinate geometry, harmonic series, power series, prisms, refraction of light, dispersion, Newtonian telescope, law of gravitation, classical mechanics, gravity, motion of the moon. What was his philosophy?

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‘I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.’ There is another, more mysterious side to Newton that is imperfectly known, a realm of activity that spanned some thirty years of his life, although he kept it largely hidden from his contemporaries and colleagues. We refer to Newton's involvement in the discipline of alchemy, or as it was often called in seventeenth-century England, "chymistry." Newton wrote and transcribed about a million words on the subject of alchemy. It was Newton's conception of the Universe based upon Natural and rationally understandable laws that became one of the seeds for Enlightenment. Einstein: 1879 - 1955 Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. Einstein's work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science. He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics. Einstein is best known in popular culture for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation"). What did he help to explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? General theory of relativity, photoelectric effect, classical mechanics, electromagnetic fields, gravitational forces. What was his philosophy? Einstein's political view was in favor of socialism and critical of capitalism, which he detailed in his essays such as "Why Socialism?". Einstein offered and was called on to give judgments and opinions on matters often unrelated to theoretical physics or mathematics. He called himself an agnostic, while disassociating himself from the label atheist. He said he believed in the "pantheistic" God of Baruch Spinoza, but not in a personal god, a belief he criticized. Einstein once wrote: I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but expressed it clearly. Hawking:

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1942 – Stephen William Hawking is an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge.

His scientific works include a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity, and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. Hawking was the first to set forth a cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He is a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. What was his philosophy? Watch the ‘Theory of everything’ motion picture very closely. ! 1.!Great!Unanswered!Questions!of!Physics !Resolution!of!these!profound!questions!could!unlock!the!secrets!of!existence!and!deliver!a!new!age!of!science!within!several!decades.!!2.!Here's!a!tale!of!modern!physics:!!!Two!scientists!work!at!the!same!university!in!different!fields.!One!studies!huge!objects!far!from!Earth.!The!other!is!fascinated!by!the!tiny!stuff!right!in!front!of!him.!!!To!satisfy!their!curiosities,!one!builds!the!world's!most!powerful!telescope,!and!the!other!builds!the!world's!best!microscope.!!!As!they!focus!their!instruments!on!ever!more!distant!and!ever!more!minuscule!objects,!they!begin!to!observe!structures!and!behavior’s!never!before!seen—or!imagined.!!!They!are!excited!but!frustrated!because!their!observations!don't!fit!existing!theories.!!!

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But!nobody!has!woven!together!the!tiny!world!of!quantum!mechanics!and!the!big!world!we!see!when!we!look!through!a!telescope.!!!As!these!come!together,!physicists!realize!they!are!getting!very!close!to!a!single!"theory!of!everything"!that!accounts!for!the!fundamental!workings!of!nature,!the!longRsought!unified!field!theory.!!!!A!Music!Lovers!Perspective!!Before!we!begin!to!examine!or!attempt!to!address!the!most!important!unanswered!mysteries!in!physics,!it!is!extremely!important!to!understand!that!somewhere!along!the!line,!the!methodology!and!the!resources!used!to!build!scientific!knowledge!changed!dramatically.!!!!!!“Wisdom!is!sold!in!the!desolate!market!where!none!come!to!buy.”!–!William!Blake!!!“Logic&will&get&you&from&A&to&B.&Imagination&will&take&you&everywhere”"Einstein"“When&dealing&with&people,&remember&you&are&not&dealing&with&creatures&of&logic,&but&creatures&of&emotion”"Dale"Carnegie""Logic:&The&art&of&thinking&and&reasoning&in&strict&accordance&with&the&limitations&and&incapacities&of&human&understanding."Ambrose"Bierce""The"human"brain"works"as"a"binary"computer"and"can"only"analyze"the"exact"information"based"on"zeros"and"ones."Edward"de"Bono" !

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1. Alexandre Grothendieck 2. Pierre de Fermat 3. Évariste Galois 4. John von Neumann 5. Niels Abel

1. Emma Noether 2. Pythagoras of Samos 3. Leonardo `Fibonacci' 4. William R. Hamilton 5. Aryabhata


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determined?!How!can!the!real!emerge!from!unreality?!What’s!the!rational!cause!of!this!miracle,!this!magic?!!Physics!actually!abandons!cause!and!effect!at!this!level!and!refers!to!randomness,!probability,!indeterminacy!and!statistics.!Determinism!is!completely!rejected.!!Physical!mathematics!is!dynamic!while!abstract!mathematics!is!static.!Physical!mathematics!is!constrained!by!physical!constant!while!abstract!mathematics!is!not.!!Ontological!mathematics!is!the!dialectical!synthesis!of!physical!mathematics!and!abstract!mathematics:!!1. Thesis:!Physical!mathematics:!Dynamic,!always!observable!and!


2. AntiRthesis:!Abstract!mathematics:!Static,!can!be!wholly!unobservable!and!is!unrestrained!by!ontological!constants.!

3. Synthesis:!Ontological!mathematics:!Dynamic,!both!observable!and!unobservable,!constrained!by!ontological!constants.!


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!One!is!the!cosmic!microwave!background!radiation,!the!afterglow!of!the!Big!Bang.!For!several!decades!now,!that!weak!radiation!measured!the!same!wherever!astronomers!looked!at!the!edges!of!the!universe.!!!Astronomers!believed!such!uniformity!meant!that!the!Big!Bang!commenced!with!an!inflation!of!spaceRtime!that!unfolded!faster!than!the!speed!of!light.!!!More!recent!careful!observation,!however,!shows!that!the!cosmic!background!radiation!is!not!perfectly!uniform.!!!There!are!minuscule!variations!from!one!small!patch!of!space!to!another!that!are!randomly!distributed.!!!Could!random!quantum!fluctuations!in!the!density!of!the!early!universe!have!left!this!fingerprint?!!!Very!possibly,!says!Michael!Turner,!chairman!of!the!astrophysics!department!at!the!University!of!Chicago!and!chairman!of!the!committee!that!came!up!with!these!11!questions.!!!Turner!and!many!other!cosmologists!now!believe!the!lumps!of!the!universe—vast!stretches!of!void!punctuated!by!galaxies!and!galactic!clusters—are!probably!vastly!magnified!versions!of!quantum!fluctuations!of!the!original,!subatomicRsize!universe.!!!And!that!is!just!the!sort!of!marriage!of!the!infinite!and!the!infinitesimal!that!has!particle!physicists!cozying!up!to!astronomers!these!days,!and!why!all!of!these!mysteries!might!soon!be!explained!by!one!idea.!!!A!Music!lover’s!potential!solution?!!Existence is simply an infinitely complex singularity; an immaterial, dimensionless nothing composed of countless individual nothings (Monads). If the universe is rational, it must be made of eternal reason (ontological mathematics). If the universe isn’t rational, who cares what anybody says about it because one irrational opinion is as good as another.

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The method for discovering and building scientific knowledge has become irrational and it is only interested in understanding observable and physical aspects of our collective existence. We can call any abstraction (or concept) a ‘form’ and its (perceptual or intuitive) concretes the ‘content.’ Formalization, then, is just a way to freely study the logical properties of propositional forms, without regard to their content. A ‘form’ is simply a shorthand expression for any number of particular propositions or contents. The mathematical monad, the fundamental unit on ontological mathematics, is a logical container for a complete and consistent set of analytical sinusoids, which constitute the fundamental component of mind. Sinusoids are individual thoughts. They are simple, ‘atomic’ thoughts that can be combined into a complex ‘molecule’. When an individual thought in manifested through ones on thought, this activity takes place within the private world through an individual monad. The monad is the agent that does the thinking, via its constituent sinusoids. When collective thoughts are thought, this actively takes place in the public domain, all monads united together (the monad collective). Collective thoughts are what we know as ‘matter’. Matter, therefore is a sinusoidal mental monad that exists collectively rather than individually. Monads and their constituent sinusoids are all that exist. There isn’t anything else. The mathematical monad is the fundamental unit of ontological mathematics.

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Monads are the containers (form) for sinusoids (contests), but sinusoids are also the containers (forms) for thoughts (contents). Every individual sinusoid has an individual basis thought. These individual thoughts are like the letter of the alphabet. The mathematical monad is the fundamental unit of ontological mathematics. Is a logical container for a complete and consistent set of analytic sinusoids, which constitute the fundamental components of the mind? Sinusoids are individual thoughts. They are simple, ‘atomic” thoughts that can be combined into complex ‘molecular” structures. However, when they are combined, then, just as letters can be combined into words. Words into sentences and sentences into books expressing myriad ideas, basic thought can be combined into all possible complex thoughts. Letters (atoms) and works (molecules) can be combined into sentences, paragraphs, chapters and books (contents, objects). Letters and words are forms (together with spelling, syntax and grammar i.e. the proper, valid relations between them and ways of ordering them and combining them). Letters (atoms) and words (molecules) can be combined into sentences, paragraphs, chapter and books (content, object). Letters and words are forms (together with spelling and grammar i.e. the proper, valid relations between them and ways of ordering them and combining them). In chemistry, the periodic table of elements provides (atoms) from which all molecules are generated. We might think that molecules as the contingent content as necessary atoms ‘molecules’ themselves can then be combined to form, for example, human bodies. DNA is a molecule from that gives to bodies (content).

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For Aristotle, the world consisted partly of form and matter, which combined to produce substance. At the bottom of Aristotle’s great chain at being was formless matter (chaos), and at the top matter less form (GOD). When form is applied to matter, it gives it shape, order, organization and even purpose to life. For Aristotle, each level at his great chain of being acted as the matter per the level above and for the before level below. Chaotic matter had nothing below it and God had nothing above him. God was pure mind (pure reason). All the substances below him constituted his body = the cosmos. In illuminism ‘GOD’ is replaced with monads, which are eternal mathematical entities that enshrine the laws of ontological mathematics. Reflect upon the principle of sufficient reason and thus constitute reason itself; reason as it’s manifested onto logically. The wider the form, the broader the range or possible behavior, and, the fewer rules there are for it. The widest form at all is the single cosmic formula known as the GOD equation (the generalized Euler formula) in its supreme form, the form that defines all other forms and all of their contents. The God equation defines sinusoids, monads and all their relations. It defines Fourier mathematics, quantum mechanics, holography and is the true (not relative) basis of Einstein’s theories. When Einstein’s theories are properly expressed, in a manner consistent with quantum mechanics, his bizarre and impossible principal of relativity (which contradicts the reality principal by allowing something to be considered both stationary and in motion at the same time, depending on subject perspectives) vanishes.

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We live in an absolute, defined, mathematical universe, not one that is relativistic and undefined. “A ‘form’ is simple a shorthand expression for any number of particular propositions or ‘contents’. What we say about the form applies to all the contents” Avi sion Every applicant for a job is asked to fill in a form. Each applicant fills in the form uniquely, i.e. the form is identical in all cases, while the content differs in all cases. There is one to many relationships between form and content. If we regard the periodic table of elements as the set of basis forms for the material works then we can combine these forms in a myriad of different ways to produce all of the different molecules and compounds of the world. The ultimate form is the generalized Euler formula = God Equation Each monad fill in this form uniquely, via what it does with it set of basis sinusoids (thoughts). In logic, a syllogism is a formal deductive argument consisting of a major and minor premise and conclusion. This is a logical form into which all manner of contents can be inserted. If the contents are valid, the conclusion will be logically valid. To say, using the classical syllogism, that all men are mortal (major premise), Socrates is a mortal (minor premise); there fore Socrates is a mortal (conclusion). This seems unarguable, until we introduce the concept of the immortal soul. It is critical to grasp that perfect form does not automatically lead to perfect content. All sinusoidal forms are perfect. Ultimate form I.E. the God equation is parmidean, platonic, eternal, immutable and perfect. Content i.e. everything dynamically generated by the GOD equation, is, on the other hand, Heraclitean. It is pure change and becoming, mutable and imperfect, dialectical and teleological.

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The GOD equation is the platonic form of thought. As soon as a cosmic age begins, (when perfect and divine symmetry is broken), all monads become pure potential (empty content) and are in need of being perfectly actualized. (Enlightenment). This is the point where the metaphorical quest for truth began. This is where the Hegelian dialectic kicks in. It drives imperfection (potential) to perfection (actualization). Viewed in other terms, it converts fallible content into perfect, infallible form (matter less form/4th dimension). The end of a cosmic cycle/age occurs when form and content become perfectly mathematically and cosmically aligned. A cosmic age relies on pure mathematical wave frequencies. A perpetual system of energy. The universe was created based on mathematical design. Music is the mathematical representation of the soul. The method/process of experiencing or being chosen for this incredible impart knowledge will be revealed at a later date. If you imagined the perfect from for delivering content, what could it be? When considered ontologically: Form and delivery are perfect and never change: What is it? ‘Faith no more’ Analytical mathematical sinusoids, organized into complete and consistent units (monads), constitute the perfect form and perfect delivery mechanisms for content (information). However, it must be remembered that although Form is perfect, content is not. Content is dialectical. It is improving all the time and becomes perfect only at the Omega point, where form and content become perfectly aligned. To make science consistent, it must be predicted on from rather than content.

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It must switch from empiricism to rationalism, from science (physics) to mathematics (metaphysics). Physics, with its scientific method, then becomes the phenomenal application of metaphysics, with its mathematical method. As Leibniz advocated, “we must start with metaphysics and work our way to physics, start with the phenomena and then understand the phenomena that result from them.” “We must not do what science does and start with physics and deny the existence of metaphysics, to start with phenomena and deny that they are representations of mathematical noumea.” !!Question!7.!!How!Did!We!Get!Here?!!Current!View!!Astronomers!cannot!see!all!the!way!back!in!time!to!the!origin!of!the!universe,!but!by!drawing!on!lots!of!clues!and!theory,!they!can!imagine!how!everything!began.!!!Their!model!starts!with!the!entire!universe!as!a!very!hot!dot,!much!smaller!than!the!diameter!of!an!atom.!!!The!dot!began!to!expand!faster!than!the!speed!of!light,!an!expansion!called!the!Big!Bang.!!!Cosmologists!are!still!arguing!about!the!exact!mechanism!that!may!have!set!this!event!in!motion.!!!From!there!on!out,!however,!they!are!in!remarkable!agreement!about!what!happened.!As!the!baby!universe!expanded,!it!cooled!the!various!forms!of!matter!and!antimatter!it!contained,!such!as!quarks!and!leptons,!along!with!their!antimatter!twins,!antiquarks!and!antileptons.!!!These!particles!promptly!smashed!into!and!annihilated!one!another,!leaving!behind!a!small!residue!of!matter!and!a!lot!of!energy.!!!

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Voici!le!commencement!d'une!histoire!The beginning of a story!


And I find myself believing and wanting!!

Je!mets!ma!bouche!avec!toi!I put my mouth with you!


I put down my black silk!!

Un!peu!de!rouge!à!mes!lèvres!A bit of red on my lips!


Mascara on my eyes!!

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Mon!cœur!bat!My heart beat!


My heart beat!!

Je!touche!la!sueur!des!autres!I touch the sweat of others


I see you kissing another, another, another!!

Je!rigole!á!souhaits!I laugh wishes


And I head to the bar !

Une!vodka!une!téquila!A vodka a tequila


And here, and here !

L'histoire!qui!finit!The happy ending!


Oh well!!


The music she smiled at me and I close my eyes!


The hostess bar, no it's lovin balance!!

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The music ... the music!!


Electronics, Electronics, Electronic!


At the sound of the rhythm!!


The waves are platonic!!


The voices are atomic!!!!


Music, music, music arrhythmic!

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Gnosticism: an esoteric system of mystical religious and philosophical doctrines, stressing knowledge as essential to salvation, viewing matter as evil, and variously combining ideas derived from mythology, ancient Greek philosophy, ancient religions, and, eventually, Christianity. In short, it is a system of “salvation by knowledge” rather than salvation through Jesus Christ.

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!!“The United Nations is the chosen instrument of God; to be a chosen instrument means to be a divine messenger carrying the banner of God’s inner vision and outer manifestation. One day the world will ... treasure and cherish the soul of the United Nations as its very own with enormous pride, for this soul is all-loving, all-nourishing, and all-fulfilling!

INTRODUCTION!!!We human beings tend to forget how far we've come as a species in a relatively short period of time.

In the 1870's, we had the first house that was lighted with electricity. Cars just started to become available 100 years ago. Charles Lindbergh made the first transatlantic flight in 1927. Televisions didn't become widely available until after WWII. In other words, the advances humankind has made in a relatively short period of time -- thanks to men like Edison, Bell, Tesla, Einstein, Franklin, Salk, and the Wright Brothers -- have been nothing short of extraordinary.

Perhaps just as extraordinary is how we tend to simply adapt to these incredible changes, not realizing how completely our world has been altered in a short amount of time. With that in mind, it seems worth looking back at some of the amazing scientific advances we've made in the last few decades.

7) Cell phones: Phones have been around since the late 1800s, but cell phones only started to become widely available in the seventies. Today, by some estimates, more than 90% of Americans and more than 4.6 billion people worldwide have mobile phones. Anything that useful, that spreads that fast, has to be considered one of the greatest inventions of all time. Of course, it has also made it possible for jerks to talk on the phone in the movie theater, but every leap forward has a price.

6) The Artificial Heart: There is nothing that piques the interest of a human being quite as much as living a longer life. Implanting a person with an artificial heart in 1982 was an extraordinary step towards increasing the human lifespan, even if the initial patient lived for only 112 days. One day, more advanced versions of artificial organs will likely allow us to live much

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longer, more productive lives. When we get there, we'll owe a lot to Robert Jarvik's artificial heart. It also opens up the possibility that we might be able, for the first time, to provide union bosses across the country with an organ that they’ve been missing all their lives.

5) The Personal Computer: Today, we take for granted that we have one machine that allows us to access the Internet, do word processing, use a calculator, watch TV, and play games. But, the personal computer only became widely available to consumers in 1974. Things really took off when Microsoft Windows became available in 1985 and it's good that it did; without the prevalence of personal computers, the Internet wouldn't have had nearly as big an impact. We’d also have been denied all those smug Apple commercials, which would be a terrible tragedy for people who absolutely love condescension. 4) The First Communications Satellite: In 1962, the first satellite capable of sending and receiving data was sent into orbit. Today, we use satellites for GPS, TV, radio, weather tracking, military surveillance, space exploration and global communications among other things. It also gives paranoid men one more thing to spend their time worrying about instead of plotting to get revenge on the neighbors down the street for “hiring the people who follow me around all the time.”

3) The Moon Landing: The first man landed on the moon in 1969, a feat that was so fantastic that there are still conspiracy theorists who insist it couldn't be possible. Putting a man on the moon is perhaps man's most inspiring accomplishment; it opened the door to future space travel and led to a number of spin-off inventions including flame resistant textiles used by firefighters, invisible braces, improved satellite dishes, and better medical imaging. Sadly, the moon didn’t turn out to be made of cheese, which did prevent the Democrats from engaging in the world’s most expensive welfare cheese giveaway.

2) The Internet/World Wide Web: The ARPANET (The first Internet) was invented in 1969 and the public only had access to the World Wide Web starting in 1993. Today, less than 20 years later, the web has revolutionized the dissemination of news, has created a new multi-trillion dollar economic phenomenon, has played a role in revolutions, and has interconnected much of the globe. It has also made it possible for spammers all over the planet to reach out and touch someone, but no invention is perfect.

1) The Microchip: The forerunner to the microchip was invented back in 1959, but it didn't really start to take off until the 1980s. Since then, incredible advances in microchips have made it possible for them to be cheaply and efficiently used for calculators, personal computers, pet identification, automatic teller machines, satellites, pacemakers, cell phones, and microwave ovens among many, many other products. As the century goes on, expect microchips to end up in just about anything and everything -- including you, if you live long enough. !!!

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THE!MOST!INFLUENTIAL!PEOPLE!OF!THE!20TH!CENTURY!!Albert Einstein: The most influential scientist of the decade, Einstein is known as the Father of Modern Physics. He received a Nobel Prize for his contribution to the field of Theoretical Physics in the year 1921. Mahatma Gandhi: Indians call him the Father of the Nation as he is one of the world's greatest leaders, and the father-figure of Indian Independence Movement. Known for his beliefs like total nonviolence and civil disobedience, it was because of him that India got independence in 1947. Franklin D. Roosevelt: Whether or not he was a 'good' president, he made a special place in the list of presidents of USA who were democratic and most revolutionary. This is because he won wars on two fronts, and helped America get out of the economic depression by the progressive norms and policies. He also created a Social Security system that helped senior citizens, thus, prodding the Golden Age of novelty and production in America. Winston Churchill: He was a successful leader, Prime Minister, writer who won a Nobel Prize in literature, and a sound statesmen. He was elected halfway through the Second World War, and was the biggest strength for Britishers and Allies all around the world. Adolf Hitler: Adolf Hitler was the most debated personality of the century and a great German leader. He started the biggest war the world saw, and changed the entire borders by leading Germany throughout World War II. However, he committed suicide on April 30th, 1945. Often criticized for being one of the most evil people in world history, he also instigated the Holocaust. The Wright Brothers: The Wright Brothers were responsible for one of the most significant inventions of the 20th century: the airplane. From a mere bicycle repair shop to experiments and research in the field of airplane development, their mania for airplanes led to the creation of the first heavier-than-air airplane. Mao Tse-tung: By bringing China under unified standards, Mao Tse-tung is considered as one of the most important personalities to have lived in the 20th century, and a legend of a leader in the Chinese Communist Party. He effectively led both the Chinese revolution and the Communist Party. Henry Ford: He was neither a leader, nor a politician. However, he invented a car that transformed the face of the automobile world. In 1999, from a survey conducted among Americans, Henry Ford

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made his place among the Gallup's List of Widely Admired People of the 20th Century. He was also the innovator of welfare capitalism. John Fitzgerald Kennedy: Another president of USA, John F. Kennedy was a phenomenal and liberal leader of the 20th century. He was often criticized for dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis, and was killed in dubious situations which are still far-fetched. Nelson Mandela: A former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela has received more than 100 awards and honors. However, the most notable achievement of Mandela was the Nobel Peace Prize he received in 1993.

We have meditations at the United Nations a couple of times a week. The meditation leader is Sri Chinmoy, and this is what he said about this situation:”.[4]

!!!EVIDENCE!IN!POLITICS!!!EVIDENCE!IN!SCIENCE!!EVIDENCE!IN!RELIGION!!!EVIDENCE!IN!WESTERN!POPULAR!CULTURE!!1/8! JOHN!FARNAM!–!THE!VOICE!!We!have!the!chance!to!turn!the!pages!over.!!We!can!write!what!we!want!to!write.!!We!gotta!make!ends!meet,!before!we!get!much!older.!!We’re!all!someone’s!daughter.!!We’re!all!someone’s!son.!!


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!This!time,!we!know!we!can!all!stand!together,!with!the!power!to!be!powerful,!BELIEVING!we!can!make!it!better.’!!1/5! 2PAC/!DR!DRE!–!CALIFORNIA!LOVE!!






‘Now!let!me!welcome!everybody!to!the!wild!wild!west.!A!state!that’s!untouchable!like!Elliot!Ness.!The!track!hits!your!eardrum!like!a!slug!to!your!chest,!pack!a!vest!for!your!Jimmy!in!the!city!of!sex.’!!‘We!in!that!sunshine!state!where!that!bomb!ass!hemp!BE,!the!state!where!ya!never!find!a!dance!floor!empty.’!!‘And!pimps!be!on!a!mission!for!them!greens.!Lean,!mean,!money!making!machines!servin!fiends.!I’ve!been!in!the!game!for!10!years!making!rap!tunes,!Ever!since!honeys!was!wearing!Sassoon.’!!‘Now!it’s!95!and!they!clock!me!and!watch!mme,!Diamonds!shinning!like!a!wild!liberace.’!It’s!all!good!from!Diego!to!the!Bay,!Your!city!is!tha!bomb!if!your!city!makin!pay.’!!‘Throw!up!a!finger!if!ya!feel!the!same!way,!Dre!putting!it!down!for!!! CALIFORN!–!1!a!A!!‘Out!on!bail,!fresh!outta!jail,!California!Dreamin.!Soon!as!I!step!on!the!scene!I’m!hearin!hoochies!screaming.!Feindin!for!money!and!alcohol,!The!life!of!a!west!side!player!where!cowards!die!and!it’s!all!BALL.’!!‘Only!in!Cali!where!we!riot!not!rally!to!live!and!die!in!LA!we!wearin!chucks!not!ballies!(that’s!right).!Dressed!in!Locs!and!Khaki!suits!and!ride!is!what!we!do.!Flossin!but!have!caution!we!collide!with!other!crews.’!!‘Famous!cause!we’re!programed.!‘!!‘Worldwide,!let!em!recognise!from!long!beach!to!Rosecrans.!Bumpin!and!grindin!like!a!slow!jam.!!‘It’s!westside!so!you!know!the!row!won’t!bow!down!to!no!man.’!

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!Say!what!you!say!but!give!me!that!bomb!beat!from!DRE,!let!me!serenade!the!streets!of!LA.!From!Oakland!to!sacktown,!The!Bay!area!and!BACK!DOWN.!!‘Cali!is!where!they!put!they!mack!down.’!!GIVE!ME!LOVE!!2/8! MADONNA!–!LIKE!A!PRAYER!!‘Life!is!a!mystery,!everyone!must!stand!alone.!I!hear!you!call!my!name!and!it!feels!like!home………!!‘I!hear!your!voice.!It’s!like!an!angel!sighing,!I!have!no!choice!I!hear!your!voice,!feels!like!flying.!I!close!my!eyes,!oh!god!I!think!I’m!falling!out!of!the!sky,!I!close!my!eyes.’!!! HEAVEN!HELP!ME!!!2/5! 2PAC!–!HOLLA!IF!YA!HEAR!ME!!‘Here!we!go,!turn!it!up,!lets!start.!From!block!to!block!we!snatchin!hearts!and!jackin!marks.!And!the!punk!police!cant!fade!me,!and!maybe,!we!can!have!peace!someday!G.’!!‘But!right!now!I!got!my!mind!set!up,!lookin!down!the!barrel!of!my!nine,!get!up.!Cause!it’s!time!to!make!the!payback!fat,!to!my!brothers!on!the!block!better!stay!strapped,!black.’!!!‘And!accept!no!substitutes,!I!bring!truth!to!the!youth,!tear!the!roof!of!the!whole!school.!Oh!no!I!wont!turn!the!other!cheek,!in!case!they!cant!see!us!while!we!burn!the!other!week.’!!‘Now!we!gotta!hit!em!in!a!smash,!blast.!How!long!will!it!last!til!the!po!getting!mo!cash.!Until!then!raise!up,!tell!my!young!black!males,!blaze!up.!‘!!‘Life’s!a!mess,!don’t!stress,!test.!I’m!givin!but!be!thankful!that!you’re!living!blessed.!Much!love!to!my!brothers!in!the!pen.!See!ya!when!I!free!ya,!not!when!they!shove!me!in.’!!‘Once!again!it’s!an!all!out!scrap.!Keep!your!hands!on!your!gat!and!now!you!boys!watch!your!back.!Cause!in!the!allys!out!in!Cali!I’m!a!tell!ya.!Mess!with!the!vest!and!the!best!couldn’t!help!ya.!!SCREAM!IF!YOU!FEEL!ME,!SEE!IT!CLEARLY?! YOU’RE!TOO!NEAR!ME!HOLLA!IF!YA!HEAR!ME!!

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‘Pump!your!fists!like!this,!HOLLA!IF!YA!HEAR!ME,!Pump!Pump!if!you’re!pissed.!To!the!sellouts!livin!it!up,!one!way!or!another!you’ll!be!given!it!up.!I!guess!cause!I’m!black!born,!I’m!supposed!to!sing!songs,!and!get!capped!on.’!!‘But!it’s!time!for!a!new!plan,!BAM!.!I’ll!be!singing!like!a!one!man!clan.!Here!we!go,!turn!it!up,!don’t!stop.!To!my!homies!on!the!block!getting!dropped!by!cops.!I’m!still!around!for!ya,!keeping!my!sound!underground!for!ya.’!!‘And!I’ma!throw!a!change!up.!Quale,!like!you!never!brought!my!name!up.!Now!my!homies!in!the!backstreets,!the!blackstreets,!they!fell!me!when!they!rollin!they!rollin!in!they!fat!jeeps.’!!‘This!ain’t!just!a!rap!song,!a!black!song,!tellin!all!my!brothers,!get!they!strap!on.!And!look!for!me!in!a!struggle,!hustlin!till!other!brothers!bubble’a!!‘Will!I!quit,!will!I!quit.!They!claim!that!I’m!violent,!but!still!I!keep!representin,!never!good!up!on!a!good!thing.!Wouldn’t!stop!it!if!we!could!it’s!a!hood!thing.’!!‘And!know!I’m!like!a!major!threat,!cause!I!remind!you!of!the!things!you!were!made!to!forget.!Bring!the!noise!to!all!my!boize,!know!the!real!from!the!bustas!and!te!decoys.’!!‘And!if!ya!hustle!like!a!real!G,!pump!ya!fists!if!ya!feel!me,!holla!if!ya!hear!me.’!!‘Learn!to!survive!in!the!nine!tree,!I!make!rhym!pay,!others!make!crime!pay,!whatever!it!takes!to!live!and!stand,!cause!noabody!else!will!give!a!damn.’!!‘So!we!live!like!caged!beasts,!waitin!for!the!day!to!let!the!rage!free.!Still!me,!till!they!kill!me.!I!love!it!when!they!fear!me.!Holla!if!ya!hear!me.’!!!3/8! LIMAHL!–!NEVER!ENDING!STORY!!‘Turn!around,!look!at!what!you!see.!In!her!face!the!mirror!of!your!dreams.!Make!believe!I’m!everywhere.!Given!in!the!lines,!written!on!the!pages!is!the!answer!to!a!never!ending!story.”!!!‘Reach!the!stars,!fly!a!fantasy.!Dream!a!dream!and!what!you!see!will!be.’!!‘Rhymes!that!keep!their!secrets,!will!unfold!behind!the!clouds.!And!there!upon!the!rainbow,!Is!the!answer!to!a!never!ending!story.’!!‘Show!no!fear,!for!she!may!fade!away.!In!your!hands,!the!birth!of!a!new!day.’!!!!!!!

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4/8! TOOL!–!LATERALUS!!!????!(1)!! Black!(2)!! Then!white!(3)!! Are!all!I!(5)!! See!in!my!infancy.!RED!(8)!! And!Yellow!then!came!to!be,!reaching!out!(5)!! To!me.!Lets!me!See!(3)! As!below,!so!! ?????????!(13)! Above!and!beyond!I!imagine.!Drawn!beyond!the!lines!of!reason.!PUSH!(8)! The!envelope.!Watch!it!bend.!Over!thinking,!Over!(5)! Analyzing!seperates!the!body!from!(3)! The!mind!withering!!!3/5!! 2PAC!a!CHANGES!!“I!got!love!for!my!brother,!but!we!can!never!go!nowhere!unless!we!share!in!each!other.!We!gotta!start!making!changes.!Learn!to!see!me!as!a!brother!‘stead!of!2!distance!changes.!And!that’s!how!its!supposed!to!be.!How!can!the!devil!take!a!brother!if!he’s!close!to!me?!I’d!love!to!go!back!to!when!we!played!as!kids!but!things!changed!and!that’s!the!way!it!is.”!!“I!see!no!changes.!All!I!see!is!racist!faces.!Misplaced!hate!makes!disgrace!to!races!we!under.!I!wonder!what!it!takes!to!make!this!ONE!better!place…..lets!erase!the!wasted.!Take!the!evil!out!the!people,!they’ll!be!acting!right.!It!takes!skill!to!be!real,!time!to!heal!each!other.!!“We!got!to!make!a!change…!Its!time!for!us!a!people!to!start!makin!some!changes.!Lets!change!the!way!we!eat,!lets!change!the!way!we!live!and!lets!change!the!way!we!live!and!lets!change!the!way!we!treat!each!other.!You!see!the!old!way!wasn’t!working!and!so!its!on!us!to!do!what!we!gotta!do!to!survive.’!!5/8! U2!a!DISCOTHEQUE!!‘You!can!reach!but!you!can’t!grab!it.!You!can!hold!it,!control!it,!you!can’t!bag!it.!You!can!push,!but!you!can’t!direct!it.!Circulate,!regulate,!oh!no!you!cannot!connect!it.’!!‘You!know!you’re!chewing!bubblegum,!you!know!what!that!is!but!you!still!want!some.!You!just!cant!get!enough!of!that!lovey!dovie!stuff.’!!‘You!get!confused,!but!you!know!it.!Yeah!you!hurt!for!it,!work!for!it,!you!don’t!always!show!it.’!!

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‘Looking!for!the!one,!but!you!know!you’re!somewhere!else!instead.!You!want!to!be!the!song,!the!song!that!you!hear!in!your!head.!LOVE’!!‘It’s!not!a!trick..!you!can’t!learn!it.!It’s!the!way!you!don’t!pay!that’s!okay!‘cause!you!can’t!earn!it.’!!‘But!you!take!what!you!can!get,!cause!it’s!all!that!you!can!find.!Oh!you!know!there’s!something!more!but!tonight,!tonight,!tonight.’!!‘Take!these!hands,!they’re!good!for!nothing.!You!know!they!have!never!worked!a!day.!Take!these!boots,!they’re!going!nowhere.!You!know!these!boots,!they!don’t!wont!to!stray.!You’ve!got!my!head!filled!up!with!songs.!You!got!my!shoelaces!undone.!Take!my!shirt,!go!take!it!off!me.!You!can!tear!it!up!if!you!can!tie!me!down.’!!‘Take!the!colours!of!my!imagination,!take!the!scent!hanging!in!the!air.!Take!this!tangle!of!a!conversation!and!turn!it!into!your!own!prayer.!With!my!fingers!as!you!want!them,!with!my!nails!in!your!side,!with!my!teeth!at!your!back!and!my!tongue!to!tell!you!the!sweetest!lies.’!!‘Love’s!a!bully,!pushing,!shoving,!in!the!belly!of!a!woman.!Heavy!rhythm!taking!over!to!stick!together.!Man!and!a!women!stick!together.’!!‘It!looks!like!the!sun!but!it!feels!like!the!rain.!And!there’s!heat!in!the!sun,!to!see!us!through!the!rain.’!!4/5! NAUGHTY!BY!NATURE!–!HIP!HOP!HOORAY!!You!drew!a!picture!of!my!morning!but!you!couldn’t!make!my!day!hey!I’m!rockin!and!your!yawning!but!you!never!look!my!way!hey!I’m!lickin!down!you!darlin!in!every!single!way!hey!your!funny!flow!is!foreign!and!a!green!cards!on!the!way!this!ain’t!got!shit!to!do!with!shampoo!but!watch!your!head!and!shoulders!brother!older!bold!enough!to!fold!ya!yo!I!told!ya!a!raid!afraid!of!what!I!made!plus!played!a!funky!fit!so!save!your!flips!plus!tricks!for!that!music!plus!the!monkey!bit!triggas!from!the!grilltown!illtown!some!ask!how!it!feels!now!how!the!deal!is!that!we’re!real!so!we’re!still!around!don’t!lamp!wit!a!freestyle!phantom!ain’t!trying!to!be!handsome!shrinkin!what!you!thinkin!cause!im!vampin!you!heard!a!lot!about!a!brother!gaining!mo!ground!being!low!down!I!do!the!showdown!wit!any!little!ho!round!no!!I!wanna!know!who!you’re!believing!through!you’re!funny!reasons!even!when!I’m!sleeping!you!think!I’m!cheating!you!said!I!know!you’re!Mr.!O.P.P!man!Yo!PP!man!won’t!only!see!!me!man!you!should’ve!known!that!when!hit!the!stack!I!was!wit!it!a!bit!and!step!not!to!consider!the!rep!heck!!I!did!your!partner!cause!she’s!hot!as!a!baker!not!cause!I!hate!cha!you!put!you!heart!in!a!part!of!a!part!that!spreads!apart!even!though!I!forgave!you!when!you!had!a!spark!you!try!to!act!like!something!really!big!is!missin!even!though!my!names!graffiti!written!on!your!kitten!I!love!black!women!and!disrecpect!aint!the!way!lets!start!a!family!today!hip!hop!hooray!ho!hey!heres!a!thunder!sound!from!the!wonders!found!from!the!underground!town!down!the!hill!feel!how!illtown!drown!smiles!to!

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frowns!snatchin!crowns!from!clowns!beat!downs!are!found!don’t!know!me!don’t!come!around!!SMOOTH!IT!OUT!NOW.!!!!6/8! EMINEM!–!DRUG!BALLAD!!5/5! DR.!DRE!–!THE!NEXT!EPISODE!!7/8! LED!ZEPELLIN!–!STAIRWAY!TO!HEAVEN!!!8/8! BLISS!N!ESO!(FEAT!NAS)!–!I!AM!SOMEBODY!!


















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1. Nirvana!–!Smells!like!teen!spirit!!‘!I’m!worse!at!what!I!do!best.!And!for!this!gift!I!feel!blessed.!Our!little!group!has!always!been!and!always!will!until!the!end…….And!I!forget!just!why!I!taste.!Oh!yeah,!I!guess!it!makes!me!smile.!I!found!it!hard,!it’s!hard!to!find.!Oh!well,!whatever,!never!mind’!!!

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2. Hunters!and!collectors!–!Throw!your!arms!around!me!!



3. Pearl!jam!–!Alive!!



4. Jeff!Buckley!–!Last!goodbye!!


!5. Radiohead!–!Creep!



6. Led!Zeppellin!–!Stairway!to!Heaven!!





7. Metallica!–!one!!



8. Queen!–!Bohemian!Rhapsody!!

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9. Metallica!–!Enter!Sandman!!





10. Pearl!Jam!–!Black!!



Grammy!Award!winners!–!Best!song!!2014! Lorde!–!Royals!!‘I’ve!never!seen!a!diamond!in!the!flesh.!I!cut!my!teeth!on!wedding!rings!in!the!movies.!And!I’m!not!proud!of!my!address.!In!a!torn!up!town,!no!post!code!envy.’!!‘My!friends!and!I!–!We!cracked!the!code.!We!count!our!dollars!on!the!way!to!the!party.!And!everybody!who!knows!us!knows!that!we’re!fine!with!this.!We!didn’t!come!for!money.’!!2013! We!are!young!–!Fun!!‘Give!me!a!second,!I!need!to!get!my!story!straight.!My!friends!are!in!the!bathroom!getting!higher!than!the!empire!state.!‘!!‘Tonight!We!are!young.!So!lets!set!the!world!on!fire.!We!can!burn!brighter!than!the!sun.’!!2012! Rollin!the!deep!–!Adele!!‘There’s!a!fire!starting!in!my!heart!reaching!fever!pitch,!its!bringing!me!out!the!dark.!Finally!I!can!see!you!crystal!clear.’!!‘Baby,!I!have!no!story!to!be!told!but!I’ve!heard!one!on!you.!And!I’m!going!to!make!your!head!burn.!Think!of!me!in!your!depths!of!despair.!Make!a!home!down!there!as!mine!sure!wont!be!shared.’!

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!2011! Need!you!now!–!Lady!Antebellum!!‘Picture!perfect!memories!scattered!all!around!the!floor.!Reaching!for!the!phone!cause!I!cant!fight!it!anymore.!And!I!wonder!if!I!ever!cross!your!mind?!For!me!it!happens!all!the!time.’!!2010! Single!Ladies!–!Beyonce!!‘Don’t!treat!me!to!these!things!of!the!world,!Im!not!that!kind!of!girl.!Your!love!is!what!I!prefer.!What!I!deserve!is!a!man!that!makes!me!then!takes!me!and!delivers!me!to!a!destiny,!to!infinity!and!beyond.’!!2009! Viva!la!Vida!–!Coldplay!!‘I!hear!Jerusalem!bells!are!ringing,!Roman!cavalry!choirs!are!singing.!Be!my!mirror,!my!sword!and!shield,!My!missionaries!in!a!foreign!field.’!!‘It!was!the!wicked!and!wild!wind!blew!down!the!doors!to!let!me!in.!Shattered!windows!and!the!sound!of!drums,!people!could!not!believe!what!id!become.’!!‘Revolutionaries!wait!for!my!head!on!a!silver!plate.!Just!a!puppet!on!a!lonely!string,!oh!who!would!ever!want!to!be!king.’!!2008! Rehab!–!Amy!Winehouse!!‘They!tried!to!make!me!go!to!rehab!but!I!said!no,!no,!no.!Yes!I’ve!been!black!but!when!ill!come!back!you’ll!know,!know,!know.’!!2007!Not!ready!to!make!nice!–!Dixie!Chicks!!‘Forgive,!sounds!good.!Forget,!I’m!not!sure!I!could.!They!say!time!heals!everything!but!im!still!waiting.’!!‘I’m!through!with!doubt,!theres!nothing!left!for!me!to!figure!out.!I’ve!paid!a!price!and!Ill!keep!paying.’!!2006!Sometimes!you!cant!make!it!on!your!own!–!U2!!‘Tough,!you!think!you’ve!got!the!stuff.!You’re!telling!me!and!anyone!you’re!hard!enough.’!!‘Listen!to!me!now.!I!need!to!let!you!know.!You!don’t!have!to!go!it!alone.’!!‘I!know!that!we!don’t!talk!I’m!sick!of!it!all.!Can!–!you!–!hear!–!me!–!when!–!I!–!sing,!You’re!the!reason!I!sing.!You’re!the!reason!the!opera!is!in!me.’!!2005!Daughters!–!John!Mayer!!

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‘I!know!a!girl,!she!puts!the!colour!inside!of!my!world.!But!she’s!just!like!a!maze!where!all!of!the!walls!continually!change.’!!‘On!behalf!of!every!man!looking!out!for!every!girl.!You!are!the!god!and!the!weight!of!her!world.’!!2004! Dance!with!my!father!–!Luther!Vandross!!‘I!know!I’m!praying!for!much!too!much!but!could!you!send!back!the!only!man!she!loved.!I!know!you!don’t!do!it!usually!but!dear!lord!she’s!dying.!To!dance!with!my!father!again.!Every!night!I!fall!asleep!and!this!is!all!I!ever!dream.’!!‘Never!dreamed!that!he!would!be!gone!from!me.!If!I!could!steal!one!final!glance,!one!final!step,!one!final!dance!with!him.’!!2003! Don’t!know!why!–!Norah!Jones!!‘When!I!saw!the!break!of!day!I!wished!that!I!could!fly!away.!Instead!of!kneeling!in!the!sand!catching!teardrops!in!my!hand.’!!‘Out!across!the!endless!sea,!I!would!die!in!ecstacy.!But!ill!be!a!bag!of!bones,!driving!down!the!road!alone.’!!2002! Fallin!–!Alicia!Keys!!‘Oh,!Oh!I!never!felt!this!way.!How!do!you!give!me!so!much!please!but!cause!me!so!much!pain.!Just!when!I!think!I’ve!taken!more!than!would!a!fool.!I!start!fallin!back!in!love!with!you.’!!‘Im!fallin,!in!and!out!of!love!with!you.!I!never!loved!someone!the!way!that!I!love!you.!!2001! Beautiful!day!–!U2!!‘The!heart!is!a!bloom!shoots!up!through!the!stony!ground.!Theres!no!room!no!space!to!rent!in!this!town.’!!‘You!thought!you’d!found!a!friend!to!take!you!out!of!this!place.!Someone!you!could!lend!a!hand!in!return!for!grace.’!!‘Youre!on!the!road!but!you’ve!got!no!destination.!Youre!in!the!mud,!in!the!maze!of!her!imagination.’!!2000! Smooth!–!Santana!!‘Man,!it’s!a!hot!one.!Like!seven!inchs!from!the!midday!sun.!Well,!I!hear!you!whisper!and!the!words!melt!everyone,!but!you!stay!so!cool.’!!

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‘And!if!you!said!‘This!life!aint!good!enough’!I!would!give!you!my!word!to!lift!you!up.!I!could!change!to!better!suit!your!mood.’!!‘Well,!Ill!tell!you!one!thing.!It!would!be!a!crying!shame!in!every!breath!and!every!word.!I!hear!your!name!calling!me!out.’!!1999! My!heart!will!go!on!–!Celine!Dion!!‘Everynight!in!my!dreams!I!see!you!I!feel!you.!That!is!how!I!know!you!go!on.’!!‘Near,!far,!Wherever!you!are.!I!believe!that!the!heart!does!go!on.!Once!more!you!open!the!door!and!youre!here!in!my!heart.!And!my!heart!will!go!on.’!!‘Youre!here,!theres!nothing!I!fear,!and!I!know!that!my!heart!will!go!on.!And!I!know!that!my!heart!will!go!on.!We’ll!stay!forever!this!way.!You!are!safe!in!my!heart!and!my!heart!will!go!on!and!on.’!!1998!! Sunny!came!home!–!Shown!Calvin!!‘She!says!“days!go!by,!im!hypnotized.!I’m!walking!on!a!wire.!I!close!my!eyes!and!fly!out!of!my!mind!into!the!fire.’!!‘Oh,!light!the!sky!and!hold!on!tight!the!world!is!burning!down.!She’s!out!there!on!her!own!and!she’s!all!right.!Sunny!came!home.’!!1997! Change!the!world!–!Eric!Clapton!!‘If!I!could!reach!the!stars,!pull!one!down!for!you,!shine!it!on!my!heart!so!you!could!see!the!truth.’!!‘And!I!can!change!the!world,!I!will!be!the!sunlight!in!your!universe.!You!think!my!love!was!really!something!good,!Baby!if!I!could!change!the!world.’!!1996! Kiss!from!a!rose!–!Seal!!‘There!used!to!be!a!graying!tower!alone!in!the!sea,!you!became!the!light!on!the!dark!side!of!me.’!!‘But!did!you!know,!that!when!it!snows,!My!eyes!become!large!and!the!light!that!you!shine!can!be!seen.’!!‘Now!that!your!rose!is!in!bloom,!a!light!hits!the!gloom!on!the!gray.’!!1995! Streets!of!Philadelphia!–!Bruce!springsteen!!‘I!walked!the!avenue,!‘til!my!legs!felt!like!stone,!I!heard!the!voices!of!friends,!vanished!and!gone,!At!night!I!could!hear!the!blood!in!my!veins.!It!was!just!as!black!and!whispering!as!the!rain,!On!the!streets!of!Philadelphia.’!!

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‘Ain’t!no!angel!gonna!greet!me.!It’s!just!you!and!I!my!friend.!And!my!clothes!don’t!fit!me!no!more,!a!thousand!miles!just!to!slip!this!skin.’!!1994! A!whole!new!world!–!Aladdin!!‘I!can!open!your!eyes,!Take!you!wonder!by!wonder.!Over,!sideways!and!under!on!a!magic!carpet!ride.’!!‘A!whole!new!world,!A!new!fantastic!point!of!view.!No!one!to!tell!us!no!or!where!to!go!or!say!we’re!only!dreaming.’!!1993! Tears!in!Heaven!–!Eric!Clapton!!‘Would!you!know!my!name!if!I!saw!you!heaven?!Would!it!be!the!same!if!I!saw!you!in!heaven.’!!‘Beyond!the!door,!There’s!peace!I’m!sure.!And!I!know!there’ll!be!no!more,!tears!in!hevean.’!!‘I!must!be!strong,!And!carry!on,!Cause!I!know!I!don’t!belong!here!in!hevean.’!!!1992! Unforgettable!–!Nat!King!Cole!!‘Unforgettable,!that’s!what!you!are.!Unforgettable!Tho!near!or!far.’!!‘That’s!why,!darling,!its!incredible.!That!someone!so!unforgettable!thinks!that!I’am!unforgettable!too.’!!1991! From!a!distance!–!Bette!Midler!!‘From!a!distance,!there!is!harmony,!and!it!echoes!through!the!land.!It’s!the!voice!of!hope,!it’s!the!voice!of!peace,!it’s!the!voice!of!every!man.’!!‘From!a!distance!we!are!instrunments!marching!in!a!common!band.!Playing!songs!of!hope,!playing!songs!of!peace.!They’re!the!songs!of!every!man.!God!is!watching!us,!God!is!watching!us,!God!is!watching!us!from!a!distance.!!1990! Wind!beneath!my!wings!–!Bette!Midler!!‘So!I!was!the!one!with!all!the!glory,!while!you!were!the!one!with!all!the!strength.!A!beautiful!face!without!a!name!for!so!long.!A!beautiful!smile!to!hide!the!pain.’!!‘It!might!of!appeared!to!go!unnoticed,!but!I’ve!got!it!all!here!in!my!heart.!I!want!you!to!know,!I!know!the!truth,!of!course!I!know!it.!I!would!be!nothing!without!you.’!!1989! Don’t!worry!be!happy!–!Bobby!Mcfinn!!

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‘!Here’s!a!little!song!I!wrote,!you!might!want!to!sing!it!note!for!note.!Don’t!worry,!Be!happy.!In!every!life!we!have!some!trouble.!When!you!worry,!you!make!it!double.!Don’t!worry,!Be!happy.’!!1988! Somewhere!out!there!–!James!Ingram!!‘Somewhere!out!there,!some!ones!saying!a!prayer.!That!we’ll!find!one!another,!In!that!big!somewhere!out!there.’!!‘Somewhere!out!there!if!love!can!see!us!through,!then!we’ll!be!together.!Somewhere!out!there.!Out!where!dreams!come!true.’!!1987! That’s!what!friends!are!for!–!Dianne!warrick!!1986! We!are!the!world!–!Michael!Jackson!!‘There!a!certain!times!when!we!heed!a!certain!call.!When!the!world!must!come!together!as!one.!There!are!people!dying!and!its!time!to!lend!a!hand!to!life.!The!greatest!gift!of!all.’!!‘We!cant!go!on!pretending!day!by!day.!That!someone,!will!soon!make!a!change.!We!are!all!a!part!of!gods!great!big!family.!And!the!truth,!you!know,!Love!is!all!you!need.’!!1985! What’s!love!got!to!do!with!it!–!Tina!Turner!!‘You!must!understand!that!the!touch!of!your!hand!makes!my!pulse!react.!That!it’s!only!the!thrill!of!boy!meets!girl.!Opposites!attract.’!!‘Oh!whats!love!got!to!do!with!it,!got!to!do!with!it.!What’s!love!but!a!second!hand!emotion.!What’s!love!got!to!do!with!it,!got!to!do!with!it.!Who!needs!a!heart!when!a!heart!can!be!broken.’!!1984! Sting!–!Every!breath!you!take!!‘Every!move!you!make,!every!vow!you!break,!every!smile!you!fake,!every!claim!you!stake.!I’ll!be!watching!you.’!!‘Since!you’ve!gone!I’ve!been!lost!without!a!trace.!I!dream!at!night!I!can!only!see!your!face.!I!look!around!and!it’s!you!I!can’t!replace.!I!feel!so!cold!and!I!long!for!your!embrace.!I!keep!crying!baby,!baby!please.’!!!EVIDENCE!IN!NATURE!!!The Great Pyramid of Giza, the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still standing.!!

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paying!for!the!great!success!we!had!in!that!wonderful!time!then.!I!think!cosmology!now,!for!example,!is!much!more!exciting!than!particle!physics.!!!The!string!theorists!are!trying!to!push!ahead!without!much!support!from!relevant!experiments,!because!there!aren't!any!relevant!experiments!that!can!be!done!at!the!kind!of!scales!that!the!string!theorists!are!interested!in.!!They're!trying!to!take!the!next!big!step!by!pure!mathematical!reasoning,!and!it's!extraordinarily!difficult.!I!hope!they!succeed.!I!think!they're!doing!the!right!thing!in!pursuing!this,!because!right!now!string!theory!offers!the!only!hope!of!a!really!unified!view!of!nature.!!!They!have!to!pursue!it,!but!the!progress!is!glacially!slow.!I'd!rather!study!continental!drift!in!real!time!than!is!a!string!theorist!today.!!!But!I!admire!them!for!trying,!because!they!are!our!best!hope!of!making!a!great!step!toward!the!next!big!unified!theory.!Steven!Weinberg,!2003!!Interviewer:! Can!we! understand! how! these! extra! dimensions!have!curled!themselves!up!into!such!a!small!size?!!We!can!try!to!understand!it!and!we!can!see!that!by!making!some!simple!assumptions!about!how!the!extra!dimensions!would!curl!up,!we!can!get!plausible!and!interesting!rough!models!of!particle!physics.!!!I!don't!think!we!can!expect!to!understand!definitively!how!the!extra!dimensions!curl!themselves!up!without!understanding!a!little!better!what!string!theory!is!really!all!about,!We!are!handicapped!by!having!an!extremely!primitive!and!crude!view!of!what!the!subject!really!is.!!

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R Positive!numbers!R Negative!numbers.!R Real!numbers.!R Imaginary!numbers.!R All!numbers!are!equally!balanced!and!none!privileged!over!some!of!the!others.!!



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!Dynamics:!!Dynamics!is!the!name!give!to!the!rules!of!motion.!It’s!something!that!you!would!think!would!be!one!of!the!first!things!to!be!figured!out,!but!wasn’t!fully!locked!down!until!fairly!recently.!!!1. A!particle!will!remain!at!rest!or!continue!with!its!motion,!unless!acted!upon!by!an!external!force.!!

!2. The! force!on!an!object! is!equal! to! its!mass!multiplied!by!its!acceleration.!

!3. Every!action!has!an!equal!and!opposite!reaction.!!!!Thermodynamics:! Zeroth!law!of!thermodynamics!–!If!two!thermodynamic!systems!are!each!in!thermal!equilibrium!with!a!third,!then!they!are!in!thermal!equilibrium!with!each!other.!!First!law!of!thermodynamics!–!Energy!can!neither!be!created!nor!destroyed.!It!can!only!change!forms.!In!any!process,!the!total!energy!of!the!universe!remains!the!same.!For!a!thermodynamic!cycle!the!net!heat!supplied!to!the!system!equals!the!network!done!by!the!system.!!Second!law!of!thermodynamics!–!The!entropy!of!an!isolated!system!not!in!equilibrium!will!tend!to!increase!over!time,!approaching!a!maximum!value!at!equilibrium.!!Third!law!of!thermodynamics!–!As!temperature!approaches!absolute!zero;!the!entropy!of!a!system!approaches!a!constant!minimum.!!Entropy!is!a!very!important!thing!in!the!realm!of!thermodynamics.!It’s!the!core!idea!behind!the!second!and!third!laws!and!shows!up!all!over!the!place.!Essentially!entropy!is!the!measure!of!disorder!and!

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S= Change in entropy Q= Energy or level of heat T= A constant temperature. Some!Definitions:!Can!you!see!where!they!went!wrong?!!Science!is!a!systematic!enterprise!that!builds!and!organizes!knowledge!in!the!form!of!testable!explanations!and!predictions!about!the!universe.!!An!older!and!closely!related!meaning,!"science"!also!refers!to!this!body!of!knowledge!itself,!of!the!type!that!can!be!rationally!explained!and!reliably!applied.!!!Ever!since!classical!antiquity,!science!as!a!type!of!knowledge!has!been!closely!linked!to!philosophy.!!!In!the!West!during!the!early!modern!period!the!words!"science"!and!"philosophy!of!nature"!were!sometimes!used!interchangeably,!and!until!the!19th!century!natural!philosophy!(which!is!today!called!"natural!science")!was!considered!a!branch!of!philosophy.!!In!modern!usage!however,!"science"!most!often!refers!to!a!way!of!pursuing!knowledge,!not!only!the!knowledge!itself.!!!It!is!also!often!restricted!to!those!branches!of!study!that!seek!to!explain!the!phenomena!of!the!material!universe.!!!In!the!17th!and!18th!centuries!scientists!increasingly!sought!to!formulate!knowledge!in!terms!of!laws!of!nature.!!!Over!the!course!of!the!19th!century,!the!word!"science"!became!increasingly!associated!with!the!scientific!method!itself,!as!a!

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Never!forget!that!sensory!objects!are!just!ideas!in!the!mind.!According!to!quantum!physics,!objects!are!just!the!observable!entities!produced!by!the!collapse!of!unreal!wave!functions,!and!don’t!formally!exist!when!they!are!not!being!observed.!!!Niels!Bohr,!in!response!to!Einstein,!literally!denied!that!the!moon!existed!when!it!wasn’t!being!observed.!!!The!subject!that!comes!after!physics!is!metaphysics,!and!the!true!language!of!metaphysics!is!ontological!mathematics.!Physics!is!the!phenomenal!expression!of!noumenal!mathematics.!!!Mathematics!has!one!final!wonder!to!confer!on!us.!!!It!provides!a!complete!definition!of!the!human!soul,!which!is,!like!the!universe!in!itself,!just!an!immaterial,!dimensionless!mathematical!singularity!defined!by!the!God!Equation.!!!As!above!so!below.!The!soul!is!the!microcosm!and!the!universe!the!macrocosm. Can you see the pattern below? Pythagoras: 500bc approx. Pythagoras was an Ionian Greek philosopher, mathematician, and founder of the religious movement called Pythagoreanism. What did he help explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? Pythagoras theorem: a ² + b ² = c ² What was his philosophy? Plato: 500bc approx.

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Plato was a philosopher, as well as mathematician, in Classical Greece. He is considered an essential figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition. What did he help explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? Recurrent themes, Metaphysics, Theory of Forms, Epistemology, The state, Unwritten Doctrines. What was he’s philosophy? Platonic love is a type of love that is chaste and non-sexual. The term is named after Plato, who was the first to describe this kind of love. Euclid: 500bc Approx. Euclid was a Greek mathematician, often referred to as the "Father of Geometry". His Elements is one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics, serving as the main textbook for teaching mathematics (especially geometry) from the time of its publication until the late 19th or early 20th century. What did he help explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? Geometry, axioms, perspective, conic sections, spherical geometry, number theory and rigor, number theory, perfect numbers, infitude of prime numbers, fundamental theorem of arithmetic, data, catropics, spherical astronomy, optics, conic sections, mechanics, quadratic surfaces. Galileo: 1564 - 1642 Galileo Galilei, often known mononymously as Galileo, was an Italian physicist, mathematician, engineer, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the scientific revolution during the Renaissance. What did he help explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? Kinematics, strength of materials, telescopic confirmation of the phases of Venus, four largest satellites of Jupiter, military compass, inverse proportion

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of the square root, Galileo’s compass. What was his philosophy? ‘Philosophy [i.e. physics] is written in this grand book — I mean the universe — which stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometrical figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these, one is wandering around in a dark labyrinth.’ Leibniz: 1646 – 1747 Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz was a German polymath and philosopher. He occupies a prominent place in the history of mathematics and the history of philosophy. Most scholars believe Leibniz developed calculus independently of Isaac Newton, and Leibniz's notation has been widely used ever since it was published. What did he help to explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? Calculus, monads, Leibniz formula for π, harmonic triangle, integral rule, principal of scientific reasoning, notation of differentiation, proof of formats, little theorem, kinetic energy, law of continuity, transcendental law of homogeneity. What was his philosophy? "God assuredly always chooses the best." ‘There must be a sufficient reason for anything to exist, for any event to occur, for any truth to obtain.’ "The appropriate nature of each substance brings it about that what happens to one corresponds to what happens to all the others, without, however, their acting upon one another directly.’ ‘Leibniz believed that the best of all possible worlds would actualize every genuine possibility, and argued in Théodicée that this best of all possible worlds will contain all possibilities, with our finite experience of eternity giving no reason to dispute nature's perfection.’ The only way to rectify our reasoning is to make them as tangible as those of

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the Mathematicians, so that we can find our error at a glance, and when there are disputes among persons, we can simply say: Let us calculate [calculemus], without further ado, to see who is right. Newton: 1642 – 1726 Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who are widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematical ("Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"), first published in 1687, laid -the foundations for classical mechanics. What did he help to explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? Calculus, binomial theorem, cubic plane curves, finite differences, coordinate geometry, harmonic series, power series, prisms, refraction of light, dispersion, Newtonian telescope, law of gravitation, classical mechanics, gravity, motion of the moon. What was his philosophy? ‘I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.’ There is another, more mysterious side to Newton that is imperfectly known, a realm of activity that spanned some thirty years of his life, although he kept it largely hidden from his contemporaries and colleagues. We refer to Newton's involvement in the discipline of alchemy, or as it was often called in seventeenth-century England, "chymistry." Newton wrote and transcribed about a million words on the subject of alchemy. It was Newton's conception of the Universe based upon Natural and rationally understandable laws that became one of the seeds for Enlightenment. Einstein: 1879 - 1955 Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. Einstein's work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science. He developed the

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general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics. Einstein is best known in popular culture for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation"). What did he help to explain to humanity that is now realized, immutable and un-arguable? General theory of relativity, photoelectric effect, classical mechanics, electromagnetic fields, gravitational forces. What was his philosophy? Einstein's political view was in favor of socialism and critical of capitalism, which he detailed in his essays such as "Why Socialism?". Einstein offered and was called on to give judgments and opinions on matters often unrelated to theoretical physics or mathematics. He called himself an agnostic, while disassociating himself from the label atheist. He said he believed in the "pantheistic" God of Baruch Spinoza, but not in a personal god, a belief he criticized. Einstein once wrote: I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but expressed it clearly. Hawking: 1942 – Stephen William Hawking is an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge.

His scientific works include a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity, and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. Hawking was the first to set forth a cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He is a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. What was his philosophy? Watch the ‘Theory of everything’ motion picture very closely. !

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1.!Great!Unanswered!Questions!of!Physics !Resolution!of!these!profound!questions!could!unlock!the!secrets!of!existence!and!deliver!a!new!age!of!science!within!several!decades.!!2.!Here's!a!tale!of!modern!physics:!!!Two!scientists!work!at!the!same!university!in!different!fields.!One!studies!huge!objects!far!from!Earth.!The!other!is!fascinated!by!the!tiny!stuff!right!in!front!of!him.!!!To!satisfy!their!curiosities,!one!builds!the!world's!most!powerful!telescope,!and!the!other!builds!the!world's!best!microscope.!!!As!they!focus!their!instruments!on!ever!more!distant!and!ever!more!minuscule!objects,!they!begin!to!observe!structures!and!behavior’s!never!before!seen—or!imagined.!!!They!are!excited!but!frustrated!because!their!observations!don't!fit!existing!theories.!!!One!day!they!leave!their!instruments!for!a!caffeine!break!and!happen!to!meet!in!the!faculty!lounge,!where!they!begin!to!commiserate!about!what!to!make!of!their!observations.!!!Suddenly!it!becomes!clear!to!both!of!them!that!although!they!seem!to!be!looking!at!opposite!ends!of!the!universe,!they!are!seeing!the!same!phenomena.!!!Like!blind!men!groping!a!beast,!one!scientist!has!grasped!its!thrashing!tail!and!the!other!its!chomping!snout.!!!Comparing!notes,!they!realize!it's!the!same!alligator.!!!This!is!precisely!the!situation!particle!physicist!and!astronomers!find!themselves!in!today.!!!Physicists,!using!linear!and!circular!particle!accelerators!as!their!highRresolution!"microscopes,"!study!pieces!of!atoms!so!small!they!can't!be!seen.!!!

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William!Blake!!!“Logic&will&get&you&from&A&to&B.&Imagination&will&take&you&everywhere”"Einstein"“When&dealing&with&people,&remember&you&are&not&dealing&with&creatures&of&logic,&but&creatures&of&emotion”"Dale"Carnegie""Logic:&The&art&of&thinking&and&reasoning&in&strict&accordance&with&the&limitations&and&incapacities&of&human&understanding."Ambrose"Bierce""The"human"brain"works"as"a"binary"computer"and"can"only"analyze"the"exact"information"based"on"zeros"and"ones."Edward"de"Bono" !

1. Alexandre Grothendieck 2. Pierre de Fermat 3. Évariste Galois 4. John von Neumann 5. Niels Abel

1. Emma Noether 2. Pythagoras of Samos 3. Leonardo `Fibonacci' 4. William R. Hamilton 5. Aryabhata


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Any!mathematics!that!deals!with!the!immaterial!and!nonRsensory!is!regarded!as!unreal.!!For!physicists,!physics!is!the!mathematics!of!reality!while!mathematics!itself!is!solely!about!hypothetical!things,!many!of!which!cannot!be!realized!because!they!are!not!compatible!with!reality.!!The!quantum!mechanical!wave!function!is!said!to!be!unreal!because!it!involves!imaginary!numbers!and!various!operations!have!to!be!applied!to!make!it!real.!!So,!the!wave!function!per!se!is!an!abstract!mathematical!entity!and!the!probabilistic!wave!function!derived!from!it!is!treated!as!physical.!!However,!here!we!have!a!serious!philosophical!problem!akin!to!mindRmatter!Cartesian!dualism.!!How!can!unreal,!abstract!mathematics!be!the!underpinning!for!real,!concrete!physical!mathematics,!and!is!a!probability!cloud!real!anyway?!How!is!reality!determined?!How!can!the!real!emerge!from!unreality?!What’s!the!rational!cause!of!this!miracle,!this!magic?!!Physics!actually!abandons!cause!and!effect!at!this!level!and!refers!to!randomness,!probability,!indeterminacy!and!statistics.!Determinism!is!completely!rejected.!!Physical!mathematics!is!dynamic!while!abstract!mathematics!is!static.!Physical!mathematics!is!constrained!by!physical!constant!while!abstract!mathematics!is!not.!!Ontological!mathematics!is!the!dialectical!synthesis!of!physical!mathematics!and!abstract!mathematics:!!1. Thesis:!Physical!mathematics:!Dynamic,!always!observable!and!


2. AntiRthesis:!Abstract!mathematics:!Static,!can!be!wholly!unobservable!and!is!unrestrained!by!ontological!constants.!

3. Synthesis:!Ontological!mathematics:!Dynamic,!both!observable!and!unobservable,!constrained!by!ontological!constants.!


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these!days,!and!why!all!of!these!mysteries!might!soon!be!explained!by!one!idea.!!!A!Music!lover’s!potential!solution?!!Existence is simply an infinitely complex singularity; an immaterial, dimensionless nothing composed of countless individual nothings (Monads). If the universe is rational, it must be made of eternal reason (ontological mathematics). If the universe isn’t rational, who cares what anybody says about it because one irrational opinion is as good as another. The method for discovering and building scientific knowledge has become irrational and it is only interested in understanding observable and physical aspects of our collective existence. We can call any abstraction (or concept) a ‘form’ and its (perceptual or intuitive) concretes the ‘content.’ Formalization, then, is just a way to freely study the logical properties of propositional forms, without regard to their content. A ‘form’ is simply a shorthand expression for any number of particular propositions or contents. The mathematical monad, the fundamental unit on ontological mathematics, is a logical container for a complete and consistent set of analytical sinusoids, which constitute the fundamental component of mind. Sinusoids are individual thoughts. They are simple, ‘atomic’ thoughts that can be combined into a complex ‘molecule’. When an individual thought in manifested through ones on thought, this activity takes place within the private world through an individual monad. The monad is the agent that does the thinking, via its constituent sinusoids.

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When collective thoughts are thought, this actively takes place in the public domain, all monads united together (the monad collective). Collective thoughts are what we know as ‘matter’. Matter, therefore is a sinusoidal mental monad that exists collectively rather than individually. Monads and their constituent sinusoids are all that exist. There isn’t anything else. The mathematical monad is the fundamental unit of ontological mathematics. Monads are the containers (form) for sinusoids (contests), but sinusoids are also the containers (forms) for thoughts (contents). Every individual sinusoid has an individual basis thought. These individual thoughts are like the letter of the alphabet. The mathematical monad is the fundamental unit of ontological mathematics. Is a logical container for a complete and consistent set of analytic sinusoids, which constitute the fundamental components of the mind? Sinusoids are individual thoughts. They are simple, ‘atomic” thoughts that can be combined into complex ‘molecular” structures. However, when they are combined, then, just as letters can be combined into words. Words into sentences and sentences into books expressing myriad ideas, basic thought can be combined into all possible complex thoughts. Letters (atoms) and works (molecules) can be combined into sentences, paragraphs, chapters and books (contents, objects). Letters and words are forms (together with spelling, syntax and grammar i.e. the proper, valid relations between them and ways of ordering them and combining them).

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Letters (atoms) and words (molecules) can be combined into sentences, paragraphs, chapter and books (content, object). Letters and words are forms (together with spelling and grammar i.e. the proper, valid relations between them and ways of ordering them and combining them). In chemistry, the periodic table of elements provides (atoms) from which all molecules are generated. We might think that molecules as the contingent content as necessary atoms ‘molecules’ themselves can then be combined to form, for example, human bodies. DNA is a molecule from that gives to bodies (content). For Aristotle, the world consisted partly of form and matter, which combined to produce substance. At the bottom of Aristotle’s great chain at being was formless matter (chaos), and at the top matter less form (GOD). When form is applied to matter, it gives it shape, order, organization and even purpose to life. For Aristotle, each level at his great chain of being acted as the matter per the level above and for the before level below. Chaotic matter had nothing below it and God had nothing above him. God was pure mind (pure reason). All the substances below him constituted his body = the cosmos. In illuminism ‘GOD’ is replaced with monads, which are eternal mathematical entities that enshrine the laws of ontological mathematics. Reflect upon the principle of sufficient reason and thus constitute reason itself; reason as it’s manifested onto logically. The wider the form, the broader the range or possible behavior, and, the fewer rules there are for it.

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The widest form at all is the single cosmic formula known as the GOD equation (the generalized Euler formula) in its supreme form, the form that defines all other forms and all of their contents. The God equation defines sinusoids, monads and all their relations. It defines Fourier mathematics, quantum mechanics, holography and is the true (not relative) basis of Einstein’s theories. When Einstein’s theories are properly expressed, in a manner consistent with quantum mechanics, his bizarre and impossible principal of relativity (which contradicts the reality principal by allowing something to be considered both stationary and in motion at the same time, depending on subject perspectives) vanishes. We live in an absolute, defined, mathematical universe, not one that is relativistic and undefined. “A ‘form’ is simple a shorthand expression for any number of particular propositions or ‘contents’. What we say about the form applies to all the contents” Avi sion Every applicant for a job is asked to fill in a form. Each applicant fills in the form uniquely, i.e. the form is identical in all cases, while the content differs in all cases. There is one to many relationships between form and content. If we regard the periodic table of elements as the set of basis forms for the material works then we can combine these forms in a myriad of different ways to produce all of the different molecules and compounds of the world. The ultimate form is the generalized Euler formula = God Equation Each monad fill in this form uniquely, via what it does with it set of basis sinusoids (thoughts). In logic, a syllogism is a formal deductive argument consisting of a major and minor premise and conclusion. This is a logical form into which all manner of contents can be inserted. If the contents are valid, the conclusion will be logically valid.

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To say, using the classical syllogism, that all men are mortal (major premise), Socrates is a mortal (minor premise); there fore Socrates is a mortal (conclusion). This seems unarguable, until we introduce the concept of the immortal soul. It is critical to grasp that perfect form does not automatically lead to perfect content. All sinusoidal forms are perfect. Ultimate form I.E. the God equation is parmidean, platonic, eternal, immutable and perfect. Content i.e. everything dynamically generated by the GOD equation, is, on the other hand, Heraclitean. It is pure change and becoming, mutable and imperfect, dialectical and teleological. The GOD equation is the platonic form of thought. As soon as a cosmic age begins, (when perfect and divine symmetry is broken), all monads become pure potential (empty content) and are in need of being perfectly actualized. (Enlightenment). This is the point where the metaphorical quest for truth began. This is where the Hegelian dialectic kicks in. It drives imperfection (potential) to perfection (actualization). Viewed in other terms, it converts fallible content into perfect, infallible form (matter less form/4th dimension). The end of a cosmic cycle/age occurs when form and content become perfectly mathematically and cosmically aligned. A cosmic age relies on pure mathematical wave frequencies. A perpetual system of energy. The universe was created based on mathematical design. Music is the mathematical representation of the soul. The method/process of experiencing or being chosen for this incredible impart knowledge will be revealed at a later date. If you imagined the perfect from for delivering content, what could it be?

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When considered ontologically: Form and delivery are perfect and never change: What is it? ‘Faith no more’ Analytical mathematical sinusoids, organized into complete and consistent units (monads), constitute the perfect form and perfect delivery mechanisms for content (information). However, it must be remembered that although Form is perfect, content is not. Content is dialectical. It is improving all the time and becomes perfect only at the Omega point, where form and content become perfectly aligned. To make science consistent, it must be predicted on from rather than content. It must switch from empiricism to rationalism, from science (physics) to mathematics (metaphysics). Physics, with its scientific method, then becomes the phenomenal application of metaphysics, with its mathematical method. As Leibniz advocated, “we must start with metaphysics and work our way to physics, start with the phenomena and then understand the phenomena that result from them.” “We must not do what science does and start with physics and deny the existence of metaphysics, to start with phenomena and deny that they are representations of mathematical noumea.” !!Question!7.!!How!Did!We!Get!Here?!!Current!View!!Astronomers!cannot!see!all!the!way!back!in!time!to!the!origin!of!the!universe,!but!by!drawing!on!lots!of!clues!and!theory,!they!can!imagine!how!everything!began.!!!Their!model!starts!with!the!entire!universe!as!a!very!hot!dot,!much!smaller!than!the!diameter!of!an!atom.!!!The!dot!began!to!expand!faster!than!the!speed!of!light,!an!expansion!called!the!Big!Bang.!!

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